food stuck in gums (1)

Gum disease can be one of the first signs of heart disease or diabetes, and it can even be the cause of your bad breath. Flossing helps prevent cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss as well as helping with food stuck in gums. One common symptom of gum disease is food stuck in your gums, which can cause some serious pain as you try to dig it out. Luckily, there are safe and effective ways to remove stuck food from your gums without causing any more damage than necessary. Here’s how to get that food out!


5 Simple Steps to Remove Food From Teeth

If you find yourself with food stuck in your teeth, there are a few steps you can take that will help you quickly remove it. First, always try your best to avoid food particles getting caught between your teeth; if they do get stuck, however, there are some things you can do. 1: Squeeze (gently) on a cloth or towel with warm water for about five seconds. Doing so will loosen particles and make them easier to remove. Â #2: Floss by moving the floss up and down through your teeth gently in an S shape – be sure not to snap or yank on any loose food as doing so could cause it to break into even smaller pieces that are difficult if not impossible to remove.



Step 1. Rinse with Water

Before you do anything else, be sure to wash your hands and take a quick rinse with water. This will help loosen up whatever food particles are stuck in your teeth. If you don’t have time for a full brushing session, rinsing with water may be all that’s necessary. Use Toothpaste: Brush some toothpaste over your toothbrush (or finger brush if you don’t have one on hand) and add it to your mouth. It helps remove any bits of food that are stuck between your teeth and acts as an abrasive against stubborn bits of food or hardened foods, like cheese that might be wedged between your teeth.


Step 2. Ice Cubes

Put two or three ice cubes in your mouth and let them sit there for a few minutes. As they melt, it will help dislodge food particles. The cold temperatures can also soothe any inflamed gum abscess home treatment
 that might be uncomfortable. Repeat if necessary. If you can’t find ice on short notice, use whatever is available: frozen vegetables (like peas) make great makeshift ice packs. Water left over from boiling vegetables works as well. You’ll even find reports of dentists recommending wet sponges or bread because their soft textures can help gentle coax stuck food out of your teeth—though I’d avoid anything hard, like metal utensils. Those could further damage sensitive gum tissue and accidentally chisel out pieces of tooth enamel.


Step 3. Try a Soft Toothbrush

If you have food stuck in your gums and it won’t dislodge with a toothpick, try a soft-bristled toothbrush. Press it lightly against your gums, and pull your mouth away with gentle pressure. The friction between brush and gum should help move stuck food particles toward your teeth for easy removal. Step 4. Try an OraTip or Dental Floss: If the above two tips fail, visit your dentist; they may have some other tricks up their sleeve that are right for you. Some gum abscess home remedy disease sufferers have reported success with special instruments designed to remove food from under their gums.


Step 4. Floss or Picks

The simple answer is either floss or use picks. Both can work in getting food out of your teeth and both have their pros and cons. Make sure you know how to floss properly so that you can clean between each tooth for maximum effectiveness.


Step 5. See a Dentist If Needed

If you can’t remove a piece of food by gently flossing and brushing your teeth, then it may be time to see a dentist. If it’s been more than three days since you were able to brush your teeth, or if your tooth starts feeling tender or painful, then call your dentist immediately. Usually, food will begin to decay after three days—and decay is a good indicator that you need immediate dental attention. Be sure that you tell them about how long you’ve had food stuck in your gums so they can help ensure that you don’t need an emergency root canal procedure. But if those aren't an option, then try to schedule an appointment for as soon as possible!

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