tmj treatment (3)

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJD) can cause discomfort, pain, and disruptions to daily life. Understanding how to manage TMJD symptoms empowers individuals to alleviate discomfort and improve their quality of life. Here are eight effective strategies for managing temporomandibular joint disorders:

1. Professional Consultation:

Begin with a consultation with a dentist in Okotoks. A thorough examination and assessment of your symptoms will help determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

2. Orthodontic Treatment:

For some individuals, orthodontic interventions, such as braces or clear aligners, can correct misalignments contributing to TMJD. Correcting the bite and alignment may alleviate pressure on the temporomandibular joint.

3. Physical Therapy Exercises:

Engaging in targeted exercises can strengthen jaw muscles and improve joint function. Physical therapists specializing in TMJD can guide individuals through exercises that promote flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

4. Lifestyle Modifications:

Adjusting daily habits can significantly impact TMJD symptoms. Avoid excessive gum chewing, nail-biting, and clenching of the jaw. Additionally, practicing stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga can minimize tension in the jaw.

5. Heat and Cold Therapy:

Applying heat or cold packs to the affected jaw area can help alleviate pain and inflammation associated with TMJD. Alternating between heat and cold treatments can provide relief and improve overall joint function.

6. Medication Management:

Non-prescription pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can offer temporary relief from TMJD-related pain. In some cases, healthcare professionals may prescribe muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory medications for more severe symptoms.

7. Dietary Adjustments:

Soft diet modifications, including avoiding hard or chewy foods, can reduce strain on the jaw joint. Opting for easy-to-chew options and cutting food into smaller pieces can minimize stress on the temporomandibular joint during meals.

8. Customized Splints or Mouthguards:

Dentists may recommend splints or mouthguards to help reposition the jaw and prevent teeth grinding or clenching, which are common contributors to TMJD. Customized oral appliances provide support and promote proper jaw alignment.

Empowering TMJD Management at Cornerstone Dental Wellness

While TMJD can be challenging, incorporating these strategies into daily life can significantly improve symptoms and enhance overall well-being. Remember, it's essential to consult with a dentist near you to determine the most suitable combination of strategies for your specific case. With the right approach, individuals can effectively manage TMJD and experience relief from pain and discomfort.

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If you have been experiencing prolonged headaches, jaw pain, or toothaches, it might be a good idea to get yourself checked for TMJ pain. TMJ, or temporomandibular joints, are the connections between the skull and the lower jaw, held together by muscles and ligaments. Arthritis, injuries, or dislocation can cause TMJ disorders and manifest as TMJ pain, ringing in the ears, and neck pain.

8 Tips to Relieve TMJ Pain Relief

TMJ pain can be quite inconvenient. Surgery is the last resort for severe TMJ pain, and minor symptoms can be easily treated at home or by seeing a dentist.

Wondering how to relieve TMJ pain without surgery? Here are a few tips:

1. Improve your posture

Improper posture is one of the most common causes of TMJ pain. Using a chair with back support while working for long hours can go a long way in alleviating TMJ pain. It is also helpful to take frequent breaks from sitting or standing for prolonged periods.

Some other ways to improve your posture include:

  • Sit upright while driving or during other activities
  • Avoid cramped-up spaces
  • Use a pillow to support your back

Raising your chest bone by pulling back your shoulders and lightly squeezing your shoulder blades can also help alleviate TMJ pain. Try to rest your jaws and reduce wide jaw movements, including yawning, chewing, and shouting.

2. Reduce stress

Stress is another causative factor for TMJ pain, so try your best to minimize it. Meditation is an excellent way of relieving stress while aligning your mind and body for healthier living. Yoga can help loosen your muscles and provide TMJ pain relief.

3. Sleep

As one of the vital aspects of healthy living, getting quality sleep can help you with TMJ pain. Sleeping on your back and using comfortable pillows to support your neck can help minimize the pain. If you prefer sleeping on your side, avoid placing your hand on your jaw.

4. Be mindful of bad habits

Certain habits can cause or worsen TMJ pain. These include:

  • Chewing your lips and cheeks
  • Clenching or grinding teeth
  • Nail-biting
  • Clenching your jaw muscles for long
  • Pushing your tongue against your teeth
  • Resting your jaw on your hands for prolonged periods

5. Use hot and cold compress

Cold compresses can reduce swelling and pain, while heat is beneficial for improving blood circulation in the affected area, thus relaxing muscle stiffness.

6. Jaw exercise

Exercising your jaw can be an effective way of TMJ pain relief. Jaw exercises improve blood circulation in the affected area and increase the mobility of your joints, thereby reducing stiffness.

7. Avoid certain foods

Certain types of food can put unnecessary strain on your jaw muscles, causing TMJ pain to increase. Avoid food that can cause your jaws to overwork, like opening your mouth forcefully or moving it in an extreme way. Avoid the following if you suffer from TMJ pain:

  • Crunchy or hard foods
  • Chewing gum or food items that might require more chewing
  • Taking larger bites of food

8. Visit your dentist

Though mild TMJ pain can be dealt with at home with the tips mentioned above, severe or chronic TMJ disorders require professional intervention. At Smile Arizona Dentistry, we offer non-surgical and non-invasive TMJ treatment using state-of-the-art modern technology to relieve your pain.

TMJ disorder and the resulting pain can disrupt your daily activities. If TMJ pain is causing you distress, contact us today to book an appointment. We are your local dentist in arizona also serving Mesa, Tempe, and Phoenix for more than two decades. Call us at (480) 994-5225 today!

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TMJ treatment Astoria

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ) is a common condition affecting a wide variety of people. TMJ is characterized by severe headaches, jaw pain of varying degrees, grinding teeth, and an intermittent ringing in the ears. The vast majority of TMJ sufferers are unaware that the root cause of these problems is something that a dentist can effectively treat. The symptoms of TMJ are debilitating and can greatly interfere with everyday life. The comfort and general well being of the patient are at the heart of the dental practice, so pain relief is the first consideration of the dentist. Our dental team are able to test, diagnose, and devise an immediate plan to treat the underlying causes of the TMJ disorder.

 About Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
TMJ, or the temporomandibular joint, is the joint that connects the mandible, or lower jaw, to the skull. It is located in front of the ears on both sides of the head and enables the jaw to open and close, allowing us to eat and speak.

There are various TMJ disorders. But in many cases, it is not known what causes them. It is believed that trauma to the joint or to the jaw, structural jaw issues present at birth, habitual clenching or grinding of the teeth, arthritis and erosion of the joint, poor sleep, prolonged stress, using orthodontic braces, a poor posture can play a role.

What Causes Jaw Pain?
Several different things can cause TMJ as it can be due to the muscles controlling jaw movement becoming painful, or because of injury to the jaw joint. Excessively stimulating the jaw joint can cause jaw pain, and sometimes the disc that helps to cushion jaw movements becomes displaced or damaged. This disc can also become affected by arthritis.

Your jaw joint or the muscles controlling your jaws can be damaged because of several factors, the most common of which is teeth grinding and clenching, a problem called bruxism. It’s a mainly nocturnal habit where people will clench or grind their teeth during sleep, irritating and inflaming the jaw joint and facial muscles and causing a great deal of damage to teeth, jaws, and gums.

It’s an issue that can be brought on by stress and anxiety. Any form of trauma to the jaw joint, for example, an unexpected blow to the face while playing sports can also damage these joints.

What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?
Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the severity of your TMJ. Most commonly, it causes pain in the head or neck area, and jaw pain can limit jaw movement. The muscles that operate your jaw joints can feel stiff, or the jaw could become locked in place. When you do open and close your mouth, you may notice your jaw joints make a clicking or popping sound. It’s also possible for the jaw to shift position slightly, changing the way your teeth bite or occlude together.

How Is TMJ Diagnosed?
There is no definitive test for TMJ, but dentists at our state-of-the-art clinic can gently examine your jaws and your teeth and can soon tell if you have signs of this disorder. For example, if you have bruxism, it will almost certainly have caused some damage to your teeth.Your TMJ specialist can also gently feel your jaw joints to see if they are swollen or tender.

Imaging tests that can help diagnose TMJ include digital dental x-rays of your jaw, and a cone beam CT scan provides detailed 3-D images of your jaws, making it easier to see any potential damage. An MRI of your jaw can help identify any structural problems with the jaws.

How Is TMJ Treated?
When treating TMJ, your Astoria dentist may recommend a combination of home remedies combined with professional dental care. One straightforward way to treat TMJ caused by bruxism is with a special bite guard or night splint. It’s a dental appliance designed to fit over your teeth, preventing your upper and lower teeth from biting together during sleep. It is a custom-made device that is comfortable to use, although it can take a few days to become accustomed to wearing it. A night splint helps reduce jaw tension and can help break the habit of teeth grinding and clenching.

Botox injections are also quite useful in helping to reduce muscle tension in the jaw joints, making it easier to relax your jaw during the day and sleep. Otherwise, your dentist may prescribe muscle relaxing medications or medications to help reduce swelling in the jaw joints.

If your bruxism is stress-related, you could benefit from behavioral therapy to help reduce stress levels. Problems caused by a poor bite or occlusion may require other forms of dental treatment to realign your teeth and improve your bite. Surgery is rarely needed for TMJ, but sometimes in severe cases, it’s necessary to replace the joint or to clean out the area around the jaw joint.

Precision Dental NYC
21-34 30th Ave,
Queens, NY 11102
(718) 274-2749
Web Address

Queens, NY Office:

Our location on the map: Astoria

Nearby Locations:
Astoria | Ditmars Steinway | Astoria Heights | Jackson Heights | Woodside | Sunnyside Gardens | Dutch Kills
11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106 | 11372 | 11377

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tuesday: 9AM-7PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9AM-7PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9AM-4PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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