Post-Op Instructions for Fixed-Hybrid Denture Placement

After your implants are placed, it is important to follow these care instructions to allow proper healing in preparation for the next phase of treatment for your fixed-hybrid, or screw-retained denture.

If your doctor feels that the implants are stable enough to handle the force of biting, temporary abutments are secured into the implants and your temporary dentures will be secured to the abutments.

Immediately after your implant procedure, it’s important to listen and adhere to your doctor’s recovery instructions for the type of anesthetic used.

For the first 24 to 48 hours, avoid excessive chewing, spitting, rinsing and physical activity. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like ibuprofen, or a prescribed medication to help with any discomfort.

Be sure to drink lots of water, but don’t use a straw for at least 48 hours after the procedure, as suction could cause bleeding to occur.

Also, don’t smoke for at least a week, as this can also cause bleeding and hinder healing.

Swelling and bruising around the mouth, cheeks, eyes, and side of the face is common and may peak two or three days after the procedure.

Ice packs can be used to help with swelling and after 24 hours you can gently rinse with warm salt water three times per day to reduce pain and swelling.

Propping up your head with pillows when lying down will aid both swelling and bleeding.

For the next ten days, you should eat soft foods that require minimal chewing and drink plenty of cool fluids.

Your doctor will monitor the healing process over the next few months, at which time you can begin the next phase of treatment for your screw-retained denture.

If your bite feels uneven, or if you experience persistent pain or bleeding outside of the norm after your implant procedure, it is important to contact your doctor’s office for assistance.

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