dental implants (37)

Due to the high expense of implant dentistry, you may select the lowest choice. Cheap implants, on the other hand, deliver what they promise. Choosing the most respected dentist can have ramifications if you use inferior implant materials. More expensive implants are generally worth the investment in the long term because they are more robust and built to last.

The Risks of Cheap Implant Dentistry

Being able to finance tooth replacement is crucial, but not at the expense of quality services. Some dentists may promote inexpensive implant dentistry. However, "affordable" can be code for low-quality work.

Having your implant placed by a low-cost implant dentist may raise the risk of hyperplasia, adjacent tooth harm, and implant failure. Having your implant placed by a low-cost dentist may raise the risk of hyperplasia, adjacent tooth harm, and implant failure. Worse, you may find yourself paying more for lower-quality services.

Dental Implant Failure

For implant dentistry to work, the implant root must fuse, or osseointegrate, with the jawbone. Some circumstances outside a dentist's control, like smoking or poor dental health, can increase the likelihood of failure.

However, the dentist's ability also plays a role. If you receive low-quality implant dental treatments, you may end up paying more if the implant does not osseointegrate properly.

Tooth Injury

Going to a dentist who is not proficient in implant placement can cause harm to the adjacent teeth. These injuries can arise when the implant is incorrectly placed, or the root is excessively big.

If your dentist does not do a thorough evaluation before placing the implant, it is possible that the neighboring teeth will be damaged. To avoid these consequences, choose a dentist with implant experience who will carefully examine your dental history.

Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia

Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, often known as fibrous dysplasia, is an oral bone disorder. It can result in discomfort, blisters, discoloration, and even bone abnormalities in the affected areas.

Implants that do not fit properly can cause this issue. The only method to alleviate discomfort is through surgery, which increases the cost of having implants. Working with a qualified dentist is one approach to avoid this possible outcome.

Hidden Fees

Last but not least, some "affordable" dental facilities may not actually be that cheap. The prices they quote may not include services such as X-rays. Alternatively, the dentist may merely quote you the cost of placing the implant.

In the latter instance, you may end up paying extra to have the abutment and crown installed. Avoid these potential hazards by selecting a reliable, transparent dental care provider in the first place.

Why High-Quality Implant Materials Matter

Choosing an experienced and reputed implant dentist is only the first step. Once in the chair, you should understand which implant root and crown materials to select.

The correct materials can reduce the risk of failure, lower overall costs, and provide the most natural-looking and feeling smile.

Reduced risk of osseointegration failure

As previously stated, osseointegration is the dentistry term for when an implant root integrates with the jawbone. Proper osseointegration is essential for a more durable, long-lasting tooth replacement and, eventually, a reduced cost.

Biocompatible implant root materials, like zirconia and titanium, provide the best osseointegration results. These materials are more expensive, but the potential dangers of using a less biocompatible material outweigh the cost. If your implant does not mesh with your jawbone, you will need to have a new root put. In many circumstances, that extra placement is not free, increasing the overall cost of your tooth replacement.

Reduced costs throughout time

One of the primary reasons individuals choose cheap implant materials is to save money. But did you know high-quality implants and crowns can cost less in the long run?

The reason for this is that more expensive implant materials are extremely durable. With good maintenance, your implant(s) will last longer, allowing you to spread the cost over time.

A more natural smile

High-quality dental implant materials provide a more natural appearance and feel. Pay great attention to the crown material you select. Porcelain is the ideal choice for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, porcelain's appearance is the most similar to that of actual teeth. This material can be modified to match the precise color of the surrounding teeth. Furthermore, it reflects light like actual tooth enamel.

A second reason to choose porcelain for your crown is its durability. If you take excellent care of your replacement tooth, it should endure for at least 15 years, if not longer.

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Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a permanent and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. If you're considering complete dental implants, understanding the process and preparing yourself adequately is crucial. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential aspects, from benefits to what to expect.

1. Understanding the Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide an array of benefits that go beyond restoring a beautiful smile:

  • Permanent Solution: Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants are a permanent and long-lasting solution.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Implants look and feel like natural teeth, contributing to an aesthetically pleasing smile.
  • Improved Speech: With a secure fit, implants prevent slippage, helping maintain clear and natural speech.
  • Comfort and Convenience: Implants eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience associated with removable dentures.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure.
  • Enhanced Oral Health: Adjacent teeth remain untouched, promoting overall oral health.

2. Why Consider Complete Dental Implants

Understanding the reasons behind choosing dental implants is essential:

  • Comprehensive Tooth Replacement: Dental implants offer a holistic replacement for both the root and crown, mimicking natural teeth.
  • Increased Confidence: Implants provide a secure and confident bite, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile without concerns.
  • Long-Term Investment: While the initial investment may be higher, the longevity of dental implants makes them a cost-effective solution over time.
  • Avoiding Further Complications: Left untreated, missing teeth can lead to oral health issues. Dental implants near you prevent potential complications and maintain oral well-being.

3. What You Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Before embarking on the dental implant journey, consider these key aspects:

  • Healthy Gums: Adequate gum health is essential for successful implant placement. Treat any existing gum issues before proceeding.
  • Bone Density: Sufficient jawbone density is necessary to support the implant. In cases of bone loss, bone grafting may be recommended.
  • Overall Health: Communicate any underlying health conditions or medications with your dental professional to ensure a safe and effective procedure.
  • Commitment to Aftercare: Successful implant integration requires proper aftercare, including regular dental checkups and meticulous oral hygiene.

4. Dental Implants and Your Overall Health

Beyond their impact on your smile, dental implants contribute to overall health:

  • Nutritional Benefits: With a secure bite, you can enjoy a diverse and nutritious diet, positively influencing your overall well-being.
  • Speech Improvement: Secure implants enhance clear and confident speech, positively impacting communication and social interactions.
  • Boosted Confidence: A restored smile often results in increased self-esteem and confidence, influencing mental and emotional health.

5. Tips to Prepare Yourself for the Dental Implant Procedure

Preparing for dental implants involves mental, physical, and logistical aspects:

  • Educate Yourself: Understand the implant process, from the initial consultation to post-procedural care. Knowledge minimizes anxiety and fosters confidence.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Establish a robust oral hygiene routine before the procedure to create a healthy environment for implant placement.
  • Adopt a Nutritious Diet: A balanced diet supports overall health and aids in post-surgery recovery.
  • Arrange Transportation: Plan for transportation to and from the dental clinic on the day of the procedure, ensuring a stress-free experience.
  • Communicate Any Concerns: Open communication with your dental professional is vital. Discuss any fears, questions, or expectations you may have.

6. The Day of the Procedure

On the day of the dental implant procedure:

  • Arrive Early: Ensure you arrive at the dental clinic on time, allowing for a relaxed and unhurried experience.
  • Follow Pre-Surgery Guidelines: Adhere to any pre-surgery guidelines provided by your dental professional, such as fasting or medication instructions.
  • Bring a Support Person: Having someone accompany you provides emotional support and assistance, especially if you're undergoing sedation.

7. Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

After the implant procedure, focus on:

  • Following Aftercare Instructions: Adhere to post-surgery instructions provided by your dental professional to facilitate optimal healing.
  • Maintaining Oral Hygiene: Practice meticulous oral hygiene to prevent infection and ensure the longevity of the implants.
  • Attending Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments allow your dental professional to monitor progress and address any concerns promptly.


Complete dental implants offer a transformative solution for those seeking a permanent and natural-looking tooth replacement. By understanding the benefits, motivations, and preparations involved, you can approach the process with confidence and achieve a restored, functional, and radiant smile. If you're considering dental implants, consult with your dentist in Yaletown to explore the personalized options available to you.

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Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. As with any medical procedure, there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with dental implants. Let's explore these aspects to help you make an informed decision about this popular tooth replacement option.

Benefits of Dental Implants

1. Enhanced Aesthetics:

One of the primary benefits of dental implants is their natural appearance. Implants closely mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, seamlessly blending with the rest of your smile.

2. Improved Speech:

Unlike traditional dentures, which may slip and cause slurred speech, dental implants are securely anchored to the jawbone. This stability enhances speech and communication.

3. Comfort and Stability:

Dental implants provide a level of comfort and stability that is unparalleled. Because they integrate with the jawbone, implants become a permanent part of your oral structure, eliminating discomfort associated with removable dentures.

4. Durability and Longevity:

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Their durable materials and secure integration make them a long-term solution for individuals seeking a reliable tooth replacement option.

5. Preservation of Jawbone:

Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that typically occurs when a tooth is missing. This preservation of the jawbone structure contributes to better oral health.

6. Easier Maintenance:

Dental implants are cared for just like natural teeth, simplifying oral hygiene routines. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are sufficient to maintain the health of the implant.

Drawbacks of Dental Implants

1. Cost:

One of the main drawbacks of dental implants is their initial cost. Implant procedures can be more expensive than alternative tooth replacement options. However, considering their longevity, many individuals view them as a wise investment.

2. Surgical Procedure:

The placement of dental implants involves a surgical procedure, which may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may have health conditions that pose risks, while others may be averse to surgical interventions.

3. Healing Time:

The integration of the implant with the jawbone requires a healing period, usually a few months. During this time, patients may need to follow dietary restrictions and avoid certain activities to support successful osseointegration.

4. Potential Complications:

While rare, complications such as infection, nerve damage, or implant failure can occur. Choosing an experienced and qualified dental professional significantly reduces the risk of complications.

5. Not Suitable for Everyone:

Some individuals may not be suitable candidates for dental implants due to inadequate bone density or specific health conditions. In such cases, alternative tooth replacement options may be recommended.

6. Initial Discomfort:

Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling immediately after the implant surgery. However, this is typically manageable with prescribed medications and improves as the healing process progresses.

Making an Informed Choice with Okotoks Dentist

Dental implants near you offer numerous advantages in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and oral health. However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks and consider individual factors such as budget, health status, and personal preferences.

Consulting with a qualified dentist in Okotoks is crucial to determining whether dental implants are the right choice for your specific situation. Their expertise will guide you through the decision-making process, ensuring that you make an informed choice based on your unique needs and circumstances.

In the end, the benefits of dental implants often outweigh the drawbacks for individuals seeking a long-term, natural-looking solution for missing teeth.

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Chandigarh, a city famous for its present-day structure and cultural vibrancy, is likewise a hub for transformative orthodontic treatments. Braces, the cornerstone of orthodontics, have taken the middle stage in Chandigarh's dental panorama, offering a pathway to enhanced smiles.

Braces have transcended their functional reason and become an art form, sculpting assured smiles and boosting shallowness. Chandigarh's orthodontists, geared up with information and innovation, cater to individuals seeking a straighter smile and advanced oral health.

The adventure towards a picture-perfect smile commences with an orthodontic consultation. During this preliminary meeting, the orthodontist evaluates the man or woman's dental fitness, takes impressions, and discusses the variety of braces alternatives available in Chandigarh.

Among the choices, traditional metallic braces stay a steadfast choice, well-liked for their effectiveness and sturdiness. These braces use metallic brackets and wires to manually enamel into alignment, making sure a reliable and time-examined approach to orthodontic remedy.

Ceramic braces, a more inconspicuous alternative, additionally grace the orthodontic panorama of Chandigarh. These braces mix seamlessly with herbal teeth, presenting a discreet method to gain a beautiful smile transformation.

In recent times, Chandigarh has embraced the revolutionary Invisalign era. This innovative technique employs clear, detachable aligners to softly shift teeth into location. Invisalign aligners are sincerely invisible and provide the flexibility to undergo remedy without the visual presence of conventional braces.

The duration of treatment varies based totally on a man's or woman's needs, however ordinary appointments with the orthodontist make sure regular progress. Adjustments and modifications to the braces facilitate the sluggish transformation of smiles.

The effect of a revitalized smile goes past aesthetics, influencing universal well-being. Chandigarh's orthodontic professionals apprehend the importance of instilling self-belief and delight via transformed smiles.

In conclusion, Chandigarh stands as a town of possibilities, imparting an array of braces selections for people seeking dental perfection. Whether one chooses the reliability of metal braces, the subtlety of ceramic, or the innovation of Invisalign, the adventure closer to a radiant smile is an interesting one. Embracing braces in Chandigarh is an investment now not only in oral fitness but also in self-guarantee, aligning fantastically with the city's progressive and transformative spirit.

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All On Four Dental Implants: Pros and Cons

A missing tooth can affect your appearance and self-confidence. Also, it can cause a variety of problems ranging from sagging lips to crooked bites. Traditional options like dental bridges or implants do not necessarily work effectively for everyone. And all-on-4 dental implants can become another potential solution for improving your smile.

You may lose your teeth for multiple reasons, like aging, gum disease, weak teeth, nutrition, or sickness. But before you choose the type of treatment, you should find out a little bit more about all-on-four dental implants.

What are ‘all on four’ dental implants?
Dentures are not suitable for every mouth. Some patients choose a more durable, long-term solution to replace missing teeth. All-on-four dentures are held in place by a mix of implants and prostheses.

Dentists can replace an entire arch using this procedure. They will drill four holes in the jawbone for implants secure. Then the porcelain crowns are placed on the implants to simulate natural teeth. Each implanted post can support multiple prosthetic teeth. This gives you a complete set of teeth without the need for dentures.

Benefits of ‘all on 4’ dental implants
Realistic look and feel. ‘All on 4’ dental implants will look and feel like your natural teeth. You may need some time to adjust, but soon enough you will forget that you have implants. Over time you will notice in all your new photos your happy and bright smiling face.

Eat and drink with pleasure just like before the tooth loss. You had to avoid hard and crunchy foods since they may shatter a cap, or feared eating in public without anyone noticing that your teeth are different from theirs. With ‘all on four dental implants’, you won’t have to worry about any of that again.

Short timing. The implant and cap procedure can be performed quickly. You won't have to wait months or years to replace one tooth at a time. With all-on-four implants, you can have all of your teeth replaced at once after the implant sites have healed.

Less invasive than some other methods. For example, when one tooth is put adjacent to another, bone grafting may be required. This can be extremely painful and demands an extended recovery time. And ‘all on four’ implants are less painful. 

No rubbing. Dentures might seem stable, but even with the strongest glue, there is some movement. This friction generates rubbing, which can cause oral pain and make eating and speaking difficult.

The downside of ‘all on-four implants
No individual teeth. The teeth cannot be unique, no matter how real your ‘all on 4’ implementation feels. Each implant is accompanied by a number of porcelain caps. This can be a strange sensation for some people, especially during flossing.

Tenderness and discomfort. An implant process, unlike dentures, includes drilling into the gums and jawbone. During the healing process, you may feel persistent pain and discomfort. Tenderness goes away, but in the first few days after surgery, it can be too painful to speak or chew.

Learning to speak. Though there is a learning period with all-on-four implants, they eventually will feel like your natural teeth. At first, you may find it challenging to speak after the surgery, but it'll become easier with practice.

Potential rejection. Not every implant is compatible with the gums and bone. So, implant rejection is possible, however, is extremely rare.

Even with the few potential cons associated with all-on-4 dental implant surgery, the benefits are plentiful. If you’re not sure it’s a good fit for you, speak to your dentist or orthodontist.

Despite potential disadvantages, the benefits of all-on-four dental implants exceed the risks. Problems may exist, but the confidence and satisfaction that a properly functioning set of teeth will bring you are worth it.

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Dental implant treatment has revolutionized the field of dentistry over the past two decades for both patients and implant dentists. The technology has been a game-changer for people who have lost teeth, whether it be a single tooth, multiple teeth, or a denture anchor. As dental implant technology has evolved, new dental advancements and techniques have matured, such as the All-on-4 dental implants procedure.

This procedure allows for the placement of four dental implants and the restoration to be placed on the same day, giving patients new teeth the same day as the placement of the dental implants. For this reason, All-on-4 dental implants are also called “new teeth in a day.” This is a major benefit for people who have lost multiple teeth, have poor-fitting dentures, or have experienced trauma or progressive tooth loss due to tooth decay or periodontal disease.

The All-on-4 Dental Implants procedure has opened the door for patients who were not previously considered good candidates for traditional dental implants due to inadequate bone density or volume. The procedure uses four dental implants per arch (upper or lower, or both) with the back dental implants placed on an angle to maximize the use of the existing natural bone structure. Unique dental implants were developed that could support the immediate placement of replacement teeth, making it an attractive option for those with loose dentures or those in need of full upper and lower restorations.

Traditionally, the approach to restoring an entire arch of teeth (upper or lower) involved dental bone grafts, six or more dental implants, and as much as 12-18 months of dental treatment, during which the patient would wear a temporary denture while the dental bone grafts and dental implant healing integrated into the bone. All-on-4 dental implants eliminate the need for bone grafts and multiple dental implant procedures. Patients receive just four dental implants and a full set of new upper or lower replacement teeth in just a few dental visits, which can save time, money, and discomfort.

The All-on-4 Dental Implants procedure provides permanent teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They do not require removal, adhesives, or additional maintenance beyond brushing and cleaning like natural teeth. The procedure prevents resorption of bone and restores facial features, allowing you to taste and enjoy your favorite foods properly.

The All-on-4 Dental Implants procedure typically consists of the following visits:

  • Initial Consultation(s): These visits gather important medical history, needed X-rays, dental impressions, photos, and a CAT Scan. The dentist reviews all the information with the patient and develops the proper course of treatment for all dental issues.
  • All-On-4 Dental Implants Placement Visit: During this visit, the patient undergoes the actual procedure for placement of the special 4 dental implants. Following the placement of the dental implants, the dentist installs the temporary denture, allowing the patient to leave the office with a beautiful set of fixed, functional teeth the same day as the implant placement.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: The patient returns for periodic dental examinations over the next several days, weeks, and months to ensure proper fit and comfort. After six months, the patient returns for a final set of dentures, giving the tissues in the mouth time to heal properly and allowing the implants to integrate into the bone properly.

Most issues arise from inadequate care and treatment before the procedure. The All-on-4 implant procedure can be very complex, and it is crucial that the restorative dentist is involved from planning to final installation. Failure to follow the steps can result in All-on-4 dental implants problems, such as device failure, tissue damage, and unnecessary financial expense for the patient.


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Dental Implants For A New Smile

For almost 60 years, dental implants have transformed dentistry and the lives of patients. Before their development, options for replacing missing teeth were limited and had multiple drawbacks. Dental implants offer patients the opportunity to restore a natural-looking and comfortable smile, whether they need to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or their entire set of teeth.

So, what are dental implants? They are an artificial tooth root made of titanium that a periodontist or oral surgeon places into the patient's jaw to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth. Dental implants can replace a single tooth, support multiple teeth as a bridge, or support a denture, making it more comfortable and secure.

Dental implants are an ideal option for patients who are generally in good oral health but have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, injury, fracture, or decay. They are more tooth-saving than traditional crowns and bridges because they don't require cutting down healthy teeth or relying on adjacent teeth for support.

Having sufficient bone and good overall health provides the best prognosis for ideal osseointegration, which is the way bone fills in around the implant for strength. Dental implants are intimately connected with the underlying bone and gum tissues in the mouth, so proper fit, good occlusion, and excellent oral hygiene are necessary for long-term success.

Periodontal disease, diabetes, bleeding problems, and smoking can cause difficulty in placement, healing, and longevity of the dental implants. Patients should be upfront with Marielaina Perrone DDS regarding health issues so that the proper steps can be taken to give them the highest chance of success.

There are several reasons to consider dental implants, including cosmetics, stability, maintaining dental health, worry-free living, longevity, and cost. Dental implant restorations are matched to the patient's existing teeth, and they can be used to replace individual teeth or support a removable denture. Dental implants help to maintain bone levels of the jaws and offer stability and worry-free living, with a success rate of over 98% and should, with proper care, last a lifetime.

While dental implants may initially seem expensive, they are only slightly more expensive than a cemented bridge, which generally lasts 10-20 years if diligent oral hygiene is maintained. In contrast, dental implants will not decay and typically can last a lifetime with proper care. They are less expensive in the long run and do not further damage surrounding teeth.

In conclusion, dental implants should always be considered when a missing tooth or teeth are involved. Patients who are informed and educated will make the best choice for their dental care, and dental implants may be the perfect way to give them back what they have lost.


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Dental Implants To Combat Aging

Missing teeth in your smile can make people feel less confident, but did you know that it can also age you prematurely? Our teeth play an important role in maintaining facial structure. When we lose teeth our face loses support, making you appear older than your actual age.

The skin on our face is aged by the sun, pollutants, and stress. If you lose a tooth, you may see wrinkles develop within months of tooth loss. Dental implants can help reverse this aging orocess caused by missing teeth.

Dental implants replace missing teeth and look and function just like your natural teeth. They are made of a titanium post and a porcelain crown. 

Common signs of Aging include:

Loose Skin, Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Patients with missing teeth may develop sagging or drooping facial skin near where the tooth is missing. With tooth loss the bones of the jaws will deteriorate since they are not being stimulated.

These changes will not happen overnight. However, tooth loss can age you as the skin around your jaw and chin sags and cheeks become sunken. Skin sagging will be noticeable within the first year of losing a tooth.


Changing To A Soft Food Diet

Missing one or more teeth means that your jaw must work extra hard to break down food. The extra wear tear on your jaw can create issues like TMJ Disorder. For this reason, many patiemts with missing teeth choose a soft food diet. 

Maintaining proper nutrition is also essential for a Youthful appearance. Adopting a soft food diet usually results in nutritional deficiencies.

Excess Wear of Remaining Teeth

Our teeth experience excess wear and stress daily, from crunchy foods to hot coffee.

Stains, chips, and cracks will add to an older-looking smile and a prematurely aged appearance. 

If you are missing teeth, you will also be at increased risk for periodontal disease. If not addressed quickly, you may lose more teeth making you look even older.

Dental implants are the ideal option for improving the overall appearance of a smile married by missing teeth. The final dental crowns are stain-resistant and shade-matched to the color of your natural teeth to blend seamleassly. 

Can Dental Implants Reverse Aging?

Dental implants make you look younger by giving support to the skin around the cheeks and jaws. The implant post is surgically placed in the jawbone. Once the implant has fused to your jaw, a natural-looking crown is added. This integration process allows the implant to stimulate the bone like natural teeth do, halting bone loss and restoring facial structure. Sunken skin and fine lines or wrinkles around the mouth will be reduced by placement of dental implants.

Many patiemts who are missing teeth experience sunken cheeks. This is when your jawbone shrinks, and your face looks shorter. Implants will halt this loss in it's tracks.

Other teeth replacement options like dentures do not offer the same support and are less stable.

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth.

Dental Implants Las Vegas

Marielaina Perrone DDS can give you the smile.of your dreams to turn back the clock



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Best Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Your smile can give you an opportunity to make a great 1st impression. People who are not confident in their smile will not give a great 1st impression. There are many reasons why you might not be happy with your smile. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry can fix many of those flaws.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is built on a foundation of good oral health and diligent dental hygiene routines. Cosmetic dentistry is typically considered elective bit not always. Cosmetic dentistry specifically addresses problems with the aesthetics of your teeth. In the process these procedures will also increase the health and function of your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry might address issues with the color, spacing, or alignment of your teeth. It can fill in gaps or hide the appearance of chips. The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to restore and enhance your smile to meet your desires.

Cosmetic dental costs will vary depending on the procedure. Because they are elective, your insurance may not cover any part of the cost.

What is the Best Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Smile?

The best cosmetic dentistry procedure for your smile will be the most attractive, most conservative option that can meet your desires.

Below are the most common options offered by Las Vegas Dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS.

Porcelain Veneers

During this procedure, your dentist will fabricate wafer thin shells of porcelain to place over the front of existing teeth. The veneer will be permanently bonded to your tooth. This procedure is strictly cosmetic and intended to cover up discoloration, chips, or other minor esthetic flaws. 

Laser Gum Contouring

Laser gum contouring can improve the appearance of your gum line. This will make your smile look more symmetrical.

This painless procedure only requires the removal of a small amount of gum tissue to achieve an enhanced smile. 

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening allows you to brighten your smile and reverse the effects of aging, smoking, and dietary choices.

There are a few options when it comes to whitening. You can whiten teeth in-office, at home. Consult with your dentist to determine which option is ideal for your smile.

Dental Implants

Implants completely replace missing, diseased, or damaged teeth to restore your smile.

Your dentist will place a new titanium root which will fise to your jawbone like a natural tooth. Then a natural-looking crown will be placed to replace the tooth that is missing. Implants are permanent and natural-looking and can help preserve your jaw as you age. 

Porcelain Crowns

While veneers can fix superficial or minor issues with your smile, crowns cover the entire tooth. If your entire tooth has suffered decay or damage, a porcelain crown can cover the entire tooth to preserve the function and esthetics of your smile. 

Dental Bonding

If you only have one or two problem teeth and desire a quick, attractive fix, dental Bonding can be an ideal solution. It is inexpensive and non-permanent, allowing you to address a cosmetic concern quickly and easily. 

Bonding can quickly and easily cover discoloration, chips, gaps, or eroded enamel. The dentist can apply bonding in a single office visit, with no pain whatsoever. It will allow you to preserve your existing tooth structure and still achieve a beautiful smile!

Cosmetic Dentistry Henderson NV

If your smile is not perfect, that does not mean it can ot be changed! These cosmetic dental procedures can solve common esthetic problems. 

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Restore And Enhance Your Smile

The practice of restoring broken, damaged, and decayed teeth allows people worldwide to maintain healthy smiles.

A decayed, broken down smile will also have a negative impact on personal self confidence.

Marielaina Perrone DDS has multiple ways to repair, restore, and enhance any smile. Below you will learn about 3 of them that can transform any smile from ordinary to extraordinary.

Porcelain Veneers

Sometimes referred to as a Hollywood smile or even instant orthodontics. Porcelain veneers can make minor alignment corrections but can also give you an entirely new perfect smile.

Dental Veneers Procedure

An impression of your smile is first made that helps Dr. Perrone create customized porcelain veneers to your exact specifications.

The final veneers are chemically bonded to your teeth giving you a smile that you have always dreamed of.


Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Natural esthetic results
  • Versatile and easily adapted to patients needs and desires
  • Can last up to 10-15 years with proper care
  • Durable and stain-resistant

Who is A Candidate?

First and foremost, a patient must be free of tooth decay and periodontal disease. A good foundational is necessary for a long term cosmetic result. A patient whose teeth are discolored, misshapen, slightly misaligned, and/or have gaps are perfect candidates.

Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a much more common phenomenon than we would like. Luckily, dental implants can restore your smile in a way that brings esthetics, function, and comfort.

Dental Implants Procedure

There are three general steps to placing and restoring a dental implant:

Step 1: The Dental implant is placed directly into the jawbone. In about 6 months time it fuses into the jawbone to serve as the new tooth’s root.

Step 2: An abutment and dental crown are custom fabricated for the new tooth.

Step 3: The dental crown and abutment are fixed to the implant to restore and enhance your smile.

Dental Implants Benefits

  • Replaces damaged or broken teeth
  • Improves functionality 
  • Improves overall smile esthetics
  • With proper care should last a lifetime

Dental Implant Candidates

Dental implants are an ideal treatment for patients who are missing teeth due to trauma or have damaged teeth that need to replacement.


Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a dental restorative procedure that targets the surface of the teeth to create a bright, beautiful smile.

Dental bonding is a quick process with minimal downtime. It is very appealing for those who do not want to invest financially or time in their smile.

How Dental Bonding Is Done

Dr. Perrone carefully chooses a color shade that will match with your natural smile.

The dental resin is applied, sculpted, molded, and hardened with a special dental light.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

  • Quick, cheaper procedure
  • Provides immediate, visible improvement
  • Lasts up to 10 years with proper care
  • Customized for each patient

Dental Bonding Candidates

For patients who are simply looking for cosmetic improvement or whose teeth are only slightly damaged, dental bonding is a better alternative than more invasive methods like dental implants.

Are You Looking For The Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist?

Dr.  Marielaina Perrone DDS is a highly educated and experienced cosmetic dentist specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Her attention to detail and continued training are second to none.

In her Las Vegas practice, Dr. Perrone is a well-known and trusted general and cosmetic dentist practicing cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years. She frequently performs her advanced art of cosmetic dental procedures on patients that have been with her from the start.

Every patient is valued equally, as well as the professional standard of care Dr. Perrone and her cosmetic dentistry team provide is waiting for you at the Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentists Office. Contact us for a consultation or browse our website for those critical before and after photos, patient testimonials, and more about the possibilities that await your own stunning, dream smile.

Each smile design is highly personalized, taking into account facial shape, bone structure, oral health, and patient desires. The initial consultation will help us achieve natural results for your new smile. Then, we discuss the cost of a smile makeover before the cosmetic process is to begin.

We ensure that all your concerns and questions are answered in a comfortable, relaxed environment and help you further educate yourself about your dental health.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all!

Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile. Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.


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How Long Do Dental Implants Last

Dental implants are a long-term, durable, and cosmetic solution to the loss of a single tooth or multiple teeth. 

Since dental implants are integrated to the bone in your mouth they will not slip and slide like traditional denture options. 

With proper dental hygiene maintenance, dental implants will last for decades of use.

In modern cosmetic dentistry, dental implants have become a staple procedure. Patients and dentists love the ability to replace natural teeth so safely and effectively. 

It is estimated that over three million people already have dental implants. With another 50,000 added per year. That is quite the popular option!

Below are tips to make dental implants last a lifetime!


How to Care for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent addition to your smile. This also means they need to be cared for just like your natural teeth.

It is recommended that you brush and floss regularly to keep plaque and bacteria build up at bay. Brushing your implants with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste at least twice a day helps reduces the likelihood of dental infection. A dental infection can lead to implant loss and other health concerns.

Flossing Tips

Be sure to carefully clean around your implant by flossing underneath the implant crown. While the dental implant itself cannot get tooth decay, a periodontal infection can develop in the gum tissues and bone surrounding the dental implant. It is also recommended to use an ADA approved mouthrinse to control bacteria levels.

Developing a good oral hygiene regimen at home will help keep your implants clean and ensure their longevity. 

Maintain regular dental visits to keep your dental implant healthy as well as the rest of your smile.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate of over 98%, and most patients are amazed at how natural and strong they feel as part of their smile.

Nobody ever wants to consider losing a tooth, but at least there are options that are both functional and esthetic. 

Interested in Dental Implants Henderson NV?

If you have missing teeth and would like to learn more about dental implants, contact cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS.


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Dental Implants For A Healthy Smile

Dental implants have become the go-to treatment to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a complete smile. Restoration of your smile will improve self confidence and overall health. 

There are 3 requirements that a patient must have before undergoing dental implant surgery and they include:

A dental implant is made up of 3 separate elements:

  1. The implant body is made of titanium. Titanium is lightweight, durable, and strong. It can accommodate one tooth or several. The implant body becomes the base for your artificial crown.
  2. The abutment: This is a connector that anchors your tooth to the post and is installed after the post has fused to your jawbone.
  3. The crown: This is the visible part of the dental implant. This is the final step in the implant process.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are permanently placed in the bone. They are modeled after your natural teeth, so they will look, feel, and function just like them

Dental implants enable clear, articulate speech and allow you to eat all of your favorite foods.


Dental Implants Mimic Natural Teeth?

Your new teeth will have the same size, shape, and color of your natural teeth, so no one will will ever know you have undergone any treatment. They will give you peace of mind to enjoy your favorite foods and speak without fear of slipping or falling out.

What Happens When I Have Implant Surgery?

Typical steps include:

  • Extracting the damaged teeth and performing any other necessary dental procedures.
  • Preparing of the implant site for your surgical procedure.
  • If a bone graft is needed, it can be completed at this time.
  • Installing the body of the dental implant in the bone.
  • Allow time for healing and growth/fusion with bone.
  • Installing the custom dental abutment and making impressions of your teeth and gums.
  • Placement of your final dental crowns.

The time needed for your implant process will depends on each individual and the number of implants placed.

Will a Bone Graft be needed?

Every patient is different. At your evaluation, the possible need for a bone graft will be discussed.

What Are My Post-Surgery Instructions?

Many patients experience some minor bleeding, bruising, swelling, and discomfort after placement of dental implants. This is all quite normal. Your symptoms should subside in a few days. Pain medication can be taken as needed.

Dental Implants Henderson NV

If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact implant dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.

2022 - Cosmetic Dentist Henderson NV

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A "perfect" smile does not exist. A perfect smile is different to each and every one of us. Las Vegas cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS has restored and enhanced thousands of smiles over the course of her career. She has elped them to achieve a healthy smile that is functional as well as eshtetic. She uses a variety of different cosmetic dentistry procedures, materials, and tal techniques to help whiten, and straighten smiles to an individual's goals..

Cosmetic Dentistry For Your Ideal Smile

Determining the procedure or procedures which are right for you depends on your dental health and your individual desires. Prior to any cosmetic dentistry, your dental health must be in good shape. This means a smile free of tooth decay and gum disease. Dr Perrone will work with you to ensure your smile is in optimal health before enhancing your smile.

Once your dental health is in good shape, you may discuss one of the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Teeth whitening: This is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure worldwide to brighten your smile. Dr. Perrone uses a professional strength whitening gel which can brighten your teeth by 10 or more shades in a single visit.
  • Porcelain veneers: Porcelain veneers are ideal for patients with chips, cracks, gaps between teeth, slight misalignments, and sever discoloration. Teeth whitening alone would not be suitable for this smile.
  • Invisalign: While porcelain veneers can correct small misalignments, some smile require more correction. Invisalign is a great way to bring your smile into alignment in a cosmetic and convenient way.
  • Dental implants: Implants are ideal for the replacement of a single or multiple teeth. 

Cosmetic treatments can be completely individualized to fit your smile goals. Dr Perrone wants the smile you always dreamed of to be a reality.


Cosmetic Dentistry Cost

Dental insurance typically does not cover cosmetic procedures. While they may be an obstacle, Dr Perrone offers dental financing through CareCredit as well as payment plans to make treatment work for your budget.


Schedule Your No Cost Cosmetic Consultation Today

Cosmetic Dentistry Las Vegas NV

Marielaina Perrone DDS believes everyone deserves to have a healthy, beautiful, and functional smile.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all! Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile.

Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost cosmetic dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in Las Vegas NV.

We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.


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Tips To Care For Dental Implants

Dental implants have proven they can last a lifetime with proper dental hygiene maintenance. Below are a few tips to keep your dental implants and entire smile healthy:

Brush twice a day

While dental implants do not get tooth decay, they can accumulate food particles, bacteria, and plaque which can lead to a dental infection around the dental implant. This infection can lead to bone loss and possible loss of your new implant..   

Floss once a day

Flossing is not a fun activity for most but it gives a great benefit to a long lasting smile. Cleaning in between and around your teeth and implants will keep harmful bacteria at bay.

Avoid abrasive products

Choose a soft bristled toothbrush along with an ADA approved toothpaste for best results.

Watch What You Chew

Dental implants restore your chewing ability to enjoy your favorite foods. However, that does you should crunching down on ice, candy, or pencils (avoid with natural teeth too!).

Quit smoking

Smokers have a higher risk of dental implant failure. Dr Perrone will recommend quitting smoking prior to dental implant placement for greatest chance of success.

Treat Your Teeth Grinding Or Clenching

Excessive teeth grinding or clenching can place undue stress on your natural teeth and  implants. Talk to cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS about fabricating a custom dental nightguard. 

Maintain regular dental visits

Implants require professional cleanings and routine dental examinations to ensure thier health. 

Keep in mind that many of these tips apply to single implants.

Get Personalized Recommendations Today

Marielaina Perrone DSS is an experienced and skilled implant dentist in Henderson NV offering high quality dental care to her patients.

Schedule your complimentary dental implants consultation at 702-458-2929. 

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Marielaina Perrone DDS believes dental implants are the ideal tooth replacement for your smile. However, are they right for your smile? If you have lost a single tooth or multiple teeth, below are a few things you should know about the dental implant procedure.

Dental implants act as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth.

Dental implant restorations are anchored by a post (the actual implant) placed in the bone and act like your natural tooth root. The dental implant is intimately connected via a process called osseointegration. This process keeps the bones stimulated and prevents them from resorbing over time. This bone maintenance will give you a more youthful appearance than if it was to resorb away.

The placement procedure and restoration have multiple steps.

Dental implants are placed during a surgical procedure performed by a qualified and experienced implant dentist. Osseointegration with the bone takes about 4-6 months to complete, creating a solid base for the eventual replacement tooth. Once fusion is complete, a dental crown will be placed on top of the dental implant to restore and enhance your smile.

Dental Implants are considered a permanent solution to tooth loss.

Dental implants are designed with proper maintenance to be permanent. A properly designed, placed, and cared for implant can last a lifetime. Because they stand alone (unlike a dental bridge), they do not cause stress to the adjacent teeth.

They are low maintenance.

Dental implants can be brushed and flossed just like natural teeth and cannot develop tooth decay. However, they can develop an infection in the bone and periodontal disease without proper care. Care should include at-home dental hygiene maintenance as well as regular visits to the dentist.

Dental Implants are highly customized for each patient.

Treatment is highly customized to the unique needs of each patient. Factors include how many teeth need replacement, where they are located in the mouth and the number and type of implants utilized. 

Contact Dr. Perrone Today For A No Cost Consultation

If you are interested in discussing your tooth replacement needs with a trusted implant dentist Dr. Perrone invites you to schedule a consultation at her Las Vegas, NV dentistry office. 


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Cosmetic dentistry is a professional method of oral care that focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dental procedures are generally optional rather than necessary but some treatments also provide restorative benefits. Learn more about the most common methods of cosmetic dentist in Dubai and how they work.

  1. Inlays and Onlays

This cosmetic dentistry procedure is also known as indirect fillings, which are performed by a dental laboratory. They are used when a tooth insufficient tooth structure to support a filling. If the dental cusps are not damaged, the inlay is placed directly on the tooth surface. However, if the cusp or a larger part of the tooth is damaged, your dentist may use an inlay to cover the entire surface of the tooth.

Inlays and onlays were once made of gold, but are usually made in a dental laboratory from a porcelain or ceramic composite and bonded to the teeth with adhesive dental cement. They provide support to strengthen teeth, restore their shape and prevent further cavities or tooth decay.

  1. Composite Bonding

Composite bonding refers to the repair of decayed, damaged, or discolored teeth with a material that resembles the color of tooth enamel. Your dentist will drill the cavity, then apply the composite to the surface of the tooth, then "sculpt" it into the correct shape before curing it with high-intensity light. This procedure, also known as "bonding," effectively covers tooth damage and creates the appearance of a healthy tooth in its place. Bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures available for patients suffering from cavities, chipped or cracked teeth, and worn edges.

  1. Dental veneers

Dental veneers are usually made of medical-grade ceramic and are custom-made coverings that are placed over your natural teeth. They look exceptionally realistic and can solve many aesthetic problems, from crooked teeth to cracked or damaged enamel and visible gaps between two teeth. The dentist bonds the veneer to the front of each tooth using a dental adhesive.

  1. Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is widely used in cosmetic dentistry. It can be done in your dentist's office, often in a single visit. The dental hygienist first removes plaque, tartar, and other debris from the surface of each tooth, restoring its natural appearance. The teeth can then be whitened with a whitening agent to achieve a shade even lighter than the original color.

Over the years, teeth become stained and worn from food, drink, medication, and personal habits such as smoking. Whitening covers the teeth and this procedure can be done in the dentist's office or at home. Also, patients can use toothpaste to achieve the same effect in one to two weeks. This product whitens teeth by more than three shades in two weeks and achieves maximum results in four weeks.

  1. Implants

Dental Implants are used as a substitute for damaged teeth. The dentist inserts a small titanium screw into the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth, which serves as a support for a crown. These implants are difficult to distinguish from surrounding natural teeth. Once the bone and supporting tissue fuse with the implant, they are permanently fixed in place. Patients should practice careful oral hygiene to remove plaque and food particles from the area during the implantation period and after the implantation procedure is complete.

When considering cosmetic dentistry procedures, it's important to find a cosmetic dentist who specifically offers the option you're interested in. He will give you more advice on which procedures are best for you.

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5 Important Questions About Dental Implants

Despite advancements in dental medicine, millions of people in the United States lose their teeth because of periodontal disease or tooth decay. For many years, dentures and bridges were the only options for replacing missing teeth. But now you have a better option to replace a missing tooth - dental implants. 

Dental implant surgery may be a great alternative to bridgework or ill-fitting dentures. They're also an option if your dentist can't produce bridgework or denture due to a lack of natural dental roots. 

If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, you probably have a lot of questions. Below are  5 important questions about dental implants that you might be interested in. 

1. What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is not a tooth itself. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A single crown, fixed bridge, partial denture, or full mouth dental implants can all be attached to a tiny titanium post that is placed into the jawbone. Following the implant's integration with your bone, an abutment and prosthetic tooth are attached to the implant. 

An "implant tooth" is made up of three parts: 

  • the dental implant
  • the abutment
  • the prosthetic tooth

2. How is the dental implant procedure performed?

Dental implants can be placed in different ways, the only difference is the timing. The two-stage implantation is the most common. In the beginning, the doctor installs an implant, followed by a ceramic crown after 3-4 months. This method is the best for patients with a weakened immune system, symptoms of osteoporosis in the jaw bone, or chronic inflammatory conditions.

With one-stage implantation, you may have a stunning smile right away. The main disadvantage is that you will have to live with a temporary crown until the implant and bone tissue bond, which takes 4-6 months.

3. What are dental implant contraindications?

Just like any surgery, a dental implant procedure has several contraindications. Bleeding disorders, cancer, immune system disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes, sexually transmitted illnesses, and osteoporosis are all included.

Before the treatment, you must clean your teeth and gums, quit smoking and drinking alcohol for two weeks, and refrain from taking aspirin and other blood-thinning medications for a week. Due to the risky effects of anesthetic on the fetus, it is best to wait until the baby is born if a woman is pregnant.

4. How painful is getting a dental implant?

While painful sensations from a dental implant procedure differ from person to person, most patients say that getting their dental implant was far less painful than they suspected. The dentist will provide anesthesia to you during the surgery, so you should only have little discomfort.

Because doctors use gentle techniques and operate in a clean setting,  there'll be little chance of infection. You should have minimal discomfort if you follow the dentist's post-operative instructions and take the antibiotics given. Pain medications will almost certainly be prescribed by your dentist, but many people don't use them.

5. What does the recovery process look like?

To speed up the healing process, it's crucial to reduce the stress on the implant during the first three days. About 3 hours after the procedure, you can eat everything except for hot and cold meals, hot coffee, and black tea. Warm mashed soups, soft cottage cheese, yogurts, herbal teas, and water are preferable. Alcohol consumption is restricted during the whole healing period since it might be fatal when combined with antibiotics.

After 3-5 days, when the irritation and swelling have subsided, you can use a soft toothbrush. Until then, simply rinse your mouth with saline solution. It's also worth skipping physical activity and going to hot baths, saunas, and pools for the first month following implantation. 

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After your implants are placed, it is important to follow these care instructions to allow proper healing in preparation for the next phase of treatment for your fixed-hybrid, or screw-retained denture.

If your doctor feels that the implants are stable enough to handle the force of biting, temporary abutments are secured into the implants and your temporary dentures will be secured to the abutments.

Immediately after your implant procedure, it’s important to listen and adhere to your doctor’s recovery instructions for the type of anesthetic used.

For the first 24 to 48 hours, avoid excessive chewing, spitting, rinsing and physical activity. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like ibuprofen, or a prescribed medication to help with any discomfort.

Be sure to drink lots of water, but don’t use a straw for at least 48 hours after the procedure, as suction could cause bleeding to occur.

Also, don’t smoke for at least a week, as this can also cause bleeding and hinder healing.

Swelling and bruising around the mouth, cheeks, eyes, and side of the face is common and may peak two or three days after the procedure.

Ice packs can be used to help with swelling and after 24 hours you can gently rinse with warm salt water three times per day to reduce pain and swelling.

Propping up your head with pillows when lying down will aid both swelling and bleeding.

For the next ten days, you should eat soft foods that require minimal chewing and drink plenty of cool fluids.

Your doctor will monitor the healing process over the next few months, at which time you can begin the next phase of treatment for your screw-retained denture.

If your bite feels uneven, or if you experience persistent pain or bleeding outside of the norm after your implant procedure, it is important to contact your doctor’s office for assistance.

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If you’re considering dental implants for replacing one or more of your missing teeth, you most likely have some questions. Are they suitable treatment for you? Are dental implants costly? Are you a proper candidate? Will they provide a natural appearance? 

To help you gain more knowledge and answer these questions, there are the eight most amazing advantages of dental implants listed below. 

1. Dental implants look like real teeth
When a dental crown is attached to your dental implant, the result is perfectly natural. Because the dental crown is flush with your gums, not a single person will be able to tell which teeth are natural and which are artificial.

2. Dental implants function like real teeth
One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is that they function and feel just like real teeth, offering strength and durability unmatched by alternative restorations. Your artificial tooth is stable because the dental implant is securely anchored into your jawbone, much like the roots of your real teeth.

3. Dental implants can prevent jawbone deterioration
One of the adverse consequences of losing a tooth is that the underlying jawbone will eventually begin to deteriorate. That’s because there’s no longer a root to promote bone ossification and strengthening. A dental implant encourages new bone development in your jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. This will help in the prevention of future jawbone deterioration.

4. Dental implants preserve your face
Jawbone deterioration can give the lower part of your face a sunken, aged appearance, which can ultimately affect the shape of your entire face. Dental implants can help retain the structure of your face by keeping your jawbone robust.

5. Dental implants are cost-effective
When you compare the lifetime costs of dental implants to the costs of other restorations that may need to be regularly adjusted or replaced, you'll notice that they're surprisingly affordable. Your dentist will assists you in preventing future problems once your mouth is orally fit and your implants have been safely implanted.

6. Dental implants have no food restrictions
One of the most common complaints about tooth loss or dentures is that people have to change their diets because their bite is weak or because their dentures don't stay in place well enough to allow the consumption of foods like apples or steak. Luckily, you can eat and drink normally once your dental implants have stabilized.

7. Dental implants are easy to maintain
Dental implants are simple to care for because they require the same daily brushing and flossing as your real teeth. Also, they need routine dental checkups and hygienist sessions. Many individuals believe that because their implants aren’t manufactured from biological materials, they don’t require cleaning. However, this is not the case. Dental implants, just like real teeth, can attract plaque and tartar, gum disease, and infections if not properly cared for.

8. Dental implants offer predictable outcomes
A dental implant's success is determined by its placement in your mouth and the amount of the jawbone that supports it. Smoking, for instance, can have an impact on whether an implant works properly or fails. In general, dental implants have a success rate of 98%. This means that they provide expected results and are appropriate for different people. 

The bottom line
If you think that dental implants are the right solution for your problem, consider visiting an experienced dental specialist to determine if you’re truly a suitable candidate. Remember that tooth loss is a dangerous problem that can result in facial changes, decreased quality of life, and even complete tooth loss if left untreated. 

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Do not disturb the wound. Avoid rinsing, spitting, or touching the wound on the day of surgery. There will be a metal healing abutment protruding through the gingival (gum) tissue.


Some bleeding or redness in the saliva is normal for 24 hours. Excessive bleeding (your mouth fills rapidly with blood) can be controlled by biting on a gauze pad placed directly on the bleeding wound for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues profusely, please call for further instructions.


Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery. To minimize swelling apply an ice bag, plastic bag, or towel filled with ice on the cheek in the area of surgery. Apply the ice continuously, as much as possible, for the first 36 hours.


Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid hot liquids or food. Soft food and liquids should be eaten on the day of surgery. Return to a normal diet as soon as possible unless otherwise directed.


You should begin taking pain medication as soon as you feel the local anesthetic wearing off. For moderate pain, 1 to 2 tablets of Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol may be taken every 3 to 4 hours. Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) may be taken instead of Tylenol. Ibuprofen bought over the counter comes in 200 mg tablets: 2-3 tablets may be taken four times daily, not to exceed 3200 mg daily for an adult. Consult our practice for individuals under 18. Do not take the two medications at the same time.

For severe pain, the prescribed medication should be taken as directed. Do not take any of the above medication if you are allergic to them or have been instructed by your doctor not to take it. Do not drive an automobile or work around machinery. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Pain or discomfort following surgery should subside more and more every day. If pain persists, it may require attention and you should call the office.

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