dental clinic (14)

Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being. Yet, many people experience common dental problems that can cause discomfort and affect their quality of life. Here, we explore ten frequent dental issues and provide simple solutions to address them.

1. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, or cavities, is caused by plaque buildup on the teeth. The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode tooth enamel. To prevent tooth decay, brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly.

2. Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, starts as gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen gums that may bleed. Left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, leading to tooth loss. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential to prevent and manage gum disease.

3. Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can occur when the enamel wears down or gums recede, exposing the underlying dentin. Using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and avoiding extremely hot or cold foods can help alleviate discomfort.

4. Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, often results from poor oral hygiene, gum disease, or other dental issues. Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can help, along with staying hydrated and avoiding foods that cause bad breath.

5. Tooth Erosion

Tooth erosion is the loss of tooth structure due to acid attacks from foods and drinks. Reducing the intake of acidic foods and beverages, using a straw, and rinsing your mouth with water after consuming acidic substances can help prevent erosion.

6. Toothaches and Dental Emergencies

Toothaches can result from various dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, and tooth fractures. If you experience persistent tooth pain, it's crucial to see a dentist in York, like those at Caledonia Crosstown Dental, for proper diagnosis and treatment.

7. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, and throat. Regular dental check-ups can help detect oral cancer early. Avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption can reduce your risk.

8. Mouth Sores

Mouth sores, such as canker sores and cold sores, can be painful and annoying. Over-the-counter treatments and maintaining good oral hygiene can help manage these sores. If they persist, consult your dentist.

9. Tooth Grinding

Tooth grinding, or bruxism, can cause tooth damage, jaw pain, and headaches. Wearing a mouthguard at night can protect your teeth and reduce the impact of grinding.

10. Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when the salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Drinking plenty of water, chewing sugar-free gum, and using over-the-counter saliva substitutes can help keep your mouth moist.

Regular visits to a dental clinic like Caledonia Crosstown Dental can help you manage and prevent these common dental problems. Their team of experienced professionals can provide personalized care to ensure your oral health remains in top condition. Don't wait for a dental issue to worsen; take proactive steps to maintain your smile and overall health.

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In recent years, laser dentistry has emerged as a revolutionary approach to dental care, offering patients a range of benefits including enhanced precision, reduced discomfort, and faster recovery times. By harnessing the power of advanced laser technology, dentists can perform a wide array of dental procedures with greater accuracy and efficiency, ultimately providing patients with a more comfortable and anxiety-free experience.

Understanding the Advantages of Laser Dentistry

Precision and Accuracy

One of the primary advantages of laser dentistry is its unparalleled precision and accuracy. Unlike traditional dental instruments, lasers can target specific areas of the mouth with incredible precision, allowing dentists to remove diseased tissue, reshape gums, and perform other delicate procedures with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. This precision not only ensures better treatment outcomes but also reduces the risk of complications and promotes faster healing.

Minimized Discomfort and Pain

Another significant benefit of laser dentistry is its ability to minimize discomfort and pain during dental procedures. Lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light, which can effectively numb the treatment area and minimize pain sensation. As a result, patients undergoing laser dental treatments often experience less pain and discomfort both during and after the procedure, making it an ideal option for individuals with dental anxiety or sensitivity.

Reduced Need for Anesthesia

Because laser dentistry is inherently less invasive than traditional dental techniques, it often requires less anesthesia or sedation. This is particularly advantageous for patients who are sensitive to anesthesia or prefer to avoid its use altogether. By minimizing the need for anesthesia, laser dentistry near you can streamline the treatment process, reduce recovery times, and allow patients to resume their normal activities more quickly.

Common Applications of Laser Dentistry

Gum Disease Treatment

Laser dentistry has revolutionized the treatment of gum disease, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional gum surgery. With lasers, dentists can precisely remove diseased gum tissue, eliminate bacteria, and promote gum tissue regeneration without the need for incisions or sutures. This results in faster healing times, reduced post-operative discomfort, and better overall treatment outcomes for patients with gum disease.

Dental Fillings and Cavities

Laser technology can also be used to remove decayed tooth structure and prepare teeth for fillings. Lasers are highly effective at targeting and removing decayed tissue while preserving healthy tooth structure, resulting in more conservative and aesthetically pleasing restorations. Additionally, lasers can help sterilize the treatment area, reducing the risk of bacterial contamination and improving the longevity of dental fillings.

Teeth Whitening

In addition to therapeutic applications, lasers are also used in cosmetic dentistry for teeth whitening procedures. Laser teeth whitening involves the use of a specialized dental laser to activate a bleaching agent applied to the teeth, resulting in a brighter and more radiant smile. Laser teeth whitening is a quick and effective way to achieve dramatic results with minimal sensitivity and discomfort.

In conclusion, laser dentistry offers a wealth of benefits for patients seeking comfortable, precise, and minimally invasive dental care. From treating gum disease and cavities to enhancing the appearance of the smile through teeth whitening, lasers have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing patients with anxiety-free care and superior treatment outcomes. If you're looking for a dental experience that prioritizes your comfort and convenience, consider scheduling an appointment with a laser dentist in Okotoks to experience the benefits firsthand.


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Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. As with any medical procedure, there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with dental implants. Let's explore these aspects to help you make an informed decision about this popular tooth replacement option.

Benefits of Dental Implants

1. Enhanced Aesthetics:

One of the primary benefits of dental implants is their natural appearance. Implants closely mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, seamlessly blending with the rest of your smile.

2. Improved Speech:

Unlike traditional dentures, which may slip and cause slurred speech, dental implants are securely anchored to the jawbone. This stability enhances speech and communication.

3. Comfort and Stability:

Dental implants provide a level of comfort and stability that is unparalleled. Because they integrate with the jawbone, implants become a permanent part of your oral structure, eliminating discomfort associated with removable dentures.

4. Durability and Longevity:

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Their durable materials and secure integration make them a long-term solution for individuals seeking a reliable tooth replacement option.

5. Preservation of Jawbone:

Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that typically occurs when a tooth is missing. This preservation of the jawbone structure contributes to better oral health.

6. Easier Maintenance:

Dental implants are cared for just like natural teeth, simplifying oral hygiene routines. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are sufficient to maintain the health of the implant.

Drawbacks of Dental Implants

1. Cost:

One of the main drawbacks of dental implants is their initial cost. Implant procedures can be more expensive than alternative tooth replacement options. However, considering their longevity, many individuals view them as a wise investment.

2. Surgical Procedure:

The placement of dental implants involves a surgical procedure, which may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may have health conditions that pose risks, while others may be averse to surgical interventions.

3. Healing Time:

The integration of the implant with the jawbone requires a healing period, usually a few months. During this time, patients may need to follow dietary restrictions and avoid certain activities to support successful osseointegration.

4. Potential Complications:

While rare, complications such as infection, nerve damage, or implant failure can occur. Choosing an experienced and qualified dental professional significantly reduces the risk of complications.

5. Not Suitable for Everyone:

Some individuals may not be suitable candidates for dental implants due to inadequate bone density or specific health conditions. In such cases, alternative tooth replacement options may be recommended.

6. Initial Discomfort:

Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling immediately after the implant surgery. However, this is typically manageable with prescribed medications and improves as the healing process progresses.

Making an Informed Choice with Okotoks Dentist

Dental implants near you offer numerous advantages in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and oral health. However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks and consider individual factors such as budget, health status, and personal preferences.

Consulting with a qualified dentist in Okotoks is crucial to determining whether dental implants are the right choice for your specific situation. Their expertise will guide you through the decision-making process, ensuring that you make an informed choice based on your unique needs and circumstances.

In the end, the benefits of dental implants often outweigh the drawbacks for individuals seeking a long-term, natural-looking solution for missing teeth.

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Oral Surgery During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Pregnancy is a time of heightened concern for a woman's health and well-being, often prompting questions about what medical treatments and procedures are safe during this crucial period. Oral health is no exception; dental issues may sometimes require oral surgery. But can pregnant women get oral surgery without risking their health or their baby's health? In this blog, we'll explore the considerations and safety measures associated with oral surgery during pregnancy, highlighting the importance of dental treatment in Ladner and a dentist's role in providing guidance for expectant mothers.

Oral Health During Pregnancy

Oral health is an integral component of overall health and becomes even more critical during pregnancy. Pregnant women are susceptible to specific dental issues, such as gum inflammation (gingivitis) and pregnancy-related gingival enlargement. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also affect the gums, increasing sensitivity and a higher risk of gum disease. If left untreated, these conditions can escalate and affect both the mother's and baby's health.

Common Oral Surgery Procedures During Pregnancy

Certain dental issues may necessitate oral surgery, which can be performed during pregnancy. Some common oral surgery procedures include:

  1. Tooth Extraction: When a tooth is severely decayed, infected, or causing significant pain, extraction may be the best solution to prevent further complications.
  2. Abscess Drainage: If an abscess (a painful, pus-filled infection) forms in the mouth, it needs to be drained to alleviate pain and prevent the spread of infection.
  3. Gum Surgery: In some cases, gum surgery may be required to treat advanced gum disease or address pregnancy-related gum issues.

Considerations for Oral Surgery During Pregnancy

When contemplating oral surgery during pregnancy, several factors come into play:

  1. Timing: Whenever possible, non-urgent oral surgery is typically postponed until after the first trimester, which is considered the most critical period of fetal development. However, if a dental issue requires immediate attention, it may be addressed during any stage of pregnancy.
  2. Anesthesia: The choice of anesthesia is crucial during oral surgery for pregnant women. Local anesthesia is generally considered safe and is the preferred option. Conscious sedation and general anesthesia are used cautiously, and the potential risks and benefits are carefully assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Radiation Exposure: Dental X-rays are sometimes necessary for diagnosis and treatment planning. The exposure to radiation from dental X-rays is minimal, and using lead aprons and thyroid collars helps shield the fetus from radiation.
  4. Medications: The dentist will consider the safety of any medications prescribed during or after oral surgery. Certain antibiotics and pain medications are considered safe during pregnancy, while others may need to be avoided or used cautiously.
  5. Positioning: During oral surgery, the positioning of the expectant mother is crucial to ensure her comfort and safety. Special chairs or pillows may be used to help maintain a comfortable and safe position.
  6. Hydration and Monitoring: Adequate hydration and monitoring of the mother's vital signs are essential during oral surgery to ensure her well-being and that of her baby.

Consultation with a Dentist

If you are pregnant and require oral surgery or have dental concerns, it's essential to consult a dentist in Ladner who is experienced in treating pregnant patients. The dentist will thoroughly assess your oral health, discuss your pregnancy stage, and consider any pre-existing medical conditions. You can develop a treatment plan with your dentist that addresses your dental needs while minimizing any potential risks to you and your baby. Additionally, your dentist can guide you on maintaining good oral hygiene during pregnancy to prevent dental issues and ensure a healthy mouth for you and your child.


Oral surgery during pregnancy is a consideration when necessary for addressing dental issues that may impact the health and well-being of the expectant mother and her baby. While precautions are taken to ensure safety, consulting with a qualified dentist in Ladner to evaluate the need for oral surgery, discuss the potential risks and benefits, and receive appropriate care throughout your pregnancy is essential. Prioritizing your oral health during pregnancy is important in ensuring a healthy start for you and your baby.

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What Foods Should You Avoid With Braces?

With the advancement in technology and materials become sturdier than ever, braces have become a great way to improve teeth positioning. However, even this time, it is still important to take care of your braces so they are not damaged. Something that is going to be with you for the next at least 18 months needs to be taken care of properly.

One of the major concerns that people with braces face is food restrictions. With different kinds of braces, there is a different level of structural complications involved. While a certain type of dental braces come with delicate metal wire, others come with rubber bands and ceramic brackets. As a precaution, a number of food items are either too hard on the braces or are too sticky and can cause a problem. These can damage the braces in many ways by either cracking, scratching, or displacing them. 

So what food must be avoided in order to keep your braces safe and working in a fine condition? In simple words, you must avoid hard and sticky food for the sake of your braces. Also, sugary and acidic food/beverages must also be avoided while you have braces on. This is because sugar and saliva mix together to form plaque which is one of the primary reasons for tooth decay. While plaque can be tackled with brushing, but it becomes a little difficult to do with brushing. That is why it is safe to avoid them. 

What Food To Avoid With Braces?

Here is a list of food items that a person with braces must avoid:

  • Popcorn
  • Any kind of nuts
  • Ice
  • Chewing Gum
  • Candies, sticky, chewy, or hard
  • Pizza, especially the crust
  • Hard food rolls like Bagels etc.
  • Any crunchy fruits or vegetables
  • Cookies and hard biscuits
  • Baked items
  • Chips, fritters, or crisps

Apart from these restrictions that are going to stay with you for the rest of the duration that you have braces, there are certain food restrictions that you will follow right after you get braces. What may seem like safe food items can actually cause sensitivity and pressure on the mouth when you have just got braces. Here is a list of what food items to avoid when you have just got braces put on, or tightened.

  • Ice cream
  • Bread or thick food rolls
  • Thick meat
  • Spices and spicy food
  • Food that contains citrus

What can a Person with Braces eat?

With such restrictions, you must be asking what can a person eat with braces. Well, the basic guideline is to only consume that is easy to chew. Doing this will not only be easy on your braces, but will also get rid of any sensitivity issues that may occur. Here is what to eat while you have your braces on.

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yoghurt
  • Soups
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Grains
  • Seafood
  • Soft fruits
  • Soft Cheese
  • Soft, boiled, or cooked vegetables
  • Soft and moist desserts
  • Pasta

Braces are not just a treatment, but also a responsibility in itself. As much as they take care of you, they need care too. However, if you have transparent braces like Invisalign that can come off, you may need to be extra careful of what you eat to avoid damage directly to your teeth. Make sure you brush your teeth before putting them back on after a meal. If you were wondering what to avoid with braces, hope this piece helped you.

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Where can you find affordable dentures in Houston? Dental implants including dentures are a preferred method to restore several lost teeth at once after an accident or decay has taken them.

At NABA Dental, we have the expertise to install custom fitted, affordable dentures for you so you can have your smile back. Our dentures are designed to provide you with a normal appearance of a full set of teeth as well as restoring your bite to normal.

Dentures or Dental Bridges?

Both dentures and dental bridges are designed to replace lost teeth. However, dentures can be more cost effective, especially when you need to replace several teeth at once, including all of them if need be.

Dental bridges use a crown on two adjacent teeth to suspend a pontic, or false tooth, within a gap. Several bridges would be necessary to replace numerous lost teeth, and they may not be able to accommodate several lost teeth in a row. Do you have missing teeth that leave you feeling uncomfortable? Replace one or more consecutive missing teeth with fixed bridges in Houston, TX.

On the other hand, partial dentures use a metal framework that relies on leverage against the gums and roof of your mouth to suspend several pontics. It is more cost effective to have several dental implants mounted on a single framework than one for each gap.

Partial or Complete Dentures

Partial dentures are designed to replace two or more teeth in your mouth that have been lost. They restore appearance and biting capability, allowing you to eat, drink, and speak naturally once again.

If all of the teeth are gone from your mouth, whether lost on their own or removed by a dentist, a complete set of dentures replaces all of them. Complete dentures are often designed to look like a removable set of teeth and gums that fit over your actual gums.

With partial dentures, a metal framework suspends pontics throughout your mouth, on either the lower or upper array, and can include both if needed.

The framework uses leverage to maintain the position of the pontics, but the dentures can easily be removed for cleaning or repairs.


Denture Teeth

The teeth in dentures are primarily made from acrylic resin, which keeps costs down to make them affordable while still making them look natural and remain functional.

Denture teeth are also made from porcelain, which is more durable than the resin, making them ideal for replacing necessary chewing teeth. The main downside, however, is that porcelain teeth have a tendency to wear down and damage nearby real teeth.

In complete sets of dentures, however, all porcelain teeth are frequently used, both for their durability and appearance.

Recent advances in dentistry have made acrylic resins more durable, thanks to hybrid composites. Typical resins, like those used in dental bonding, can wear out quickly, but these hybrid composite resins are more durable and last longer. Replace those missing teeth and help bring back that smile with Dentures. Visit Naba Dental Center for affordable dentures in the Houston, TX area.

Resin dentures are still less durable than porcelain dentures, and should be replaced every five to eight years. The reduced cost of acrylic resin makes them an affordable option for dentures in Houston, however.

Denture Framework

Denture frameworks can be made from a few different materials, but most notably rigid acrylic resin or chrome cobalt metal. These can be used for both partial and complete dentures.


After an impression mold is taken of your gums, the mold is sent to our laboratory where a dental technician can fabricate the necessary framework that will fit your mouth exactly.

Poorly fitting dentures and other implants can lead to gum disease and other bothersome conditions, so we take exceptional care to ensure they are the perfect fit for you.

Acrylic resin plates can be color matched to your gums, giving a natural appearance, but metal frameworks are sturdier and more durable. It is completely up to you which method you wish to use, as both can be affordable denture options. Naba Dental excellence for the whole family. Learn more about the services available from the best dentists in Houston.

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Houston Pediatric Dentist in Tanglewood

When is the last time that your child saw a Houston pediatric dentist? Houston Pediatric Dentistry seeks to prevent illnesses and diseases related to the teeth and gums in children by exercising a proactive conservative approach. Conservative Dentistry focuses on preventative techniques such as preemptive cleanings, regular check-ups, and dental sealants. All three of these methods help children have healthy teeth and gums well into their adult life.


Houston Pediatric Dentist in Tanglewood

Finding a Houston pediatric dentist in the Tanglewood area is easier than you would think. Naba Dental is centrally located in the 77057 zip code of Houston. This Houston dentist takes a conservative approach to preventing oral hygiene diseases in children. Bringing your child to the dentist every 6 months as recommended by the ADA decreases the chances of developing issues like cavities and gum disease.


By having a central location in the Memorial / Galleria area of Houston, it is very easy to bring your child to the dentist. Naba Dental is also located not far from the local school, making dental visits more convenient. What’s more, Naba also treats adults, and you can schedule visits for yourself and your child on the same day. This makes it easier and much more convenient to manage your time when going to the dentist.


What is Conservative Dentistry?

Conservative Dentistry is the method of preventing oral diseases from occurring. The primary methods used in conservative dentistry include regular check-ups, cleanings, x-rays, and addressing potential concerns early. By visiting your Houston dentist every 6 months, they have the opportunity to check progress on teeth. Because of this, they can see patterns and trends indicating a potential problem.


When your dentist discovers a potential problem, they will take steps to correct it early on. Some of these steps may simply be a deep cleaning, while others may include the use of dental sealants, and in some cases, the need for braces may be necessary. Braces help developing teeth emerge and aligned properly within the mouth. Dental sealants smooth out the surfaces of teeth preventing the build-up of hard to reach plaque. Deep cleanings remove plaque from around the gum line that could have resulted in gum disease.


One of the best traits of conservative dentistry is that it is generally not invasive. The need for sedation dentistry is lower, and patient rarely experiences discomfort. Even still, the Houston dentist may use sedation dentistry in cases where the child is anxious about visiting the dentist. Sedation dentistry can work in tandem with conservative dentistry to provide the best experience possible for any patient young or old.


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Mini dental implants are a slightly different type of implant, as the actual implant is narrower and uses a screw instead of a post. Originally introduced during the 1980s, the FDA accepted mini dental implants as a suitable long-term implant solution in 1999.

The diameter of mini dental implants can range from as little as 1.8 mm, up to 2.9 mm. The implant screws range from 10 mm to 18 mm in length, and the length of the screw determines the strength of the implant rather than its diameter.

At our dental implant practice in Brooklyn use mini dental implants in specific situations and where traditional-sized dental implants aren’t suitable. Typically, they are used to replace small lower incisors or other teeth where there isn’t room for a traditional larger width implant. Mini dental implants are exceptionally useful for securing loose dentures and especially when a person has significant jawbone deterioration and who is unsuitable or who do not wish to have bone graft surgery to build up their jawbone.

Why Choose Mini Dental Implants?
Mini dental implants are ideal for anyone missing a lower front tooth or another tooth where the space is too narrow to fit a conventional dental implant without negatively affecting the adjacent teeth and avoiding essential structures like nerves and blood vessels. If your mini dental implant is being used to restore a small front tooth, you will be provided with a temporary tooth and eventually an implant crown once the front tooth implant has fully healed

Because mini dental implants are smaller than standard implants, the price is more competitive, and they can be a cost-effective solution for anyone wishing to retain their dentures more firmly.

The surgical procedure to place mini implants is less invasive because the implants are inserted directly through the gums, avoiding the need to make an incision in the gum for each dental implant. Dr. Umanoff, Brooklyn dental implants dentist is using this less invasive treatment to appeal to anyone who is slightly nervous about having dental implants or who would be less suitable for conventional implant surgery.

Who Is Suitable for Mini Dental Implants?
Mini dental implants could help people currently struggling with loose and uncomfortable dentures, and implant treatment isn’t affected by age or gender once the jaws have finished growing and developing. Everyone considering implant treatment at LuxDen Dental Center will need an in-depth consultation with the best implant dentist in Brooklyn Dr. Leonard Umanoff to discuss their dental health and general health, and their aims for implant treatment.

We must make sure mini dental implants are the most suitable treatment for you and will provide the outcome you desire.

Dr. Umanoff can talk to you about the treatment more fully and can answer any questions you may have. You will need diagnostic tests before we can provide an accurate estimate as to may dental implant costs, but we can give you a rough guide during this meeting. If you decide you wish to proceed, the next stage is to have diagnostic tests.

LuxDen Dental Center
2579 East 17th Street #11,
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 489-2966
Web Address

Our location on the map Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Sheepshead Bay | Homecrest | Gravesend | Brighton Beach | Manhattan Beach
11235 | 11229 | 11223 | 11235

Working Hours:
Monday: 10AM - 8PM
Tuesday: 10AM - 8PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10AM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM - 3PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10AM - 3PM

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Dental Bridges in Brooklyn, New York

Dental bridges are used to fill a gap caused by missing teeth. A dental bridge is made up of two or more crowns placed on each side of the gap, with false teeth in between the anchor teeth. Dental bridges can be supported with dental implants or with natural teeth in the mouth.

Our expert dental team at center for dental bridges in Brooklyn, NY can closely examine your teeth and gums to determine if you are a viable candidate for dental bridges.

What Is a Dental Bridge?
A bridge is a fixed device that can only be removed by a dentist. It consists of two crowns fitted over abutment teeth, the teeth, usually on either side of the gap, and these crowns are attached to the replacement or false teeth. Each replacement tooth is called a pontic, shaped like a natural tooth, resting directly on the gum underneath.

Types of Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are used to restore the function of teeth, enhance a smile, fix a bite, prevent other teeth from moving (where there are missing teeth in between crowns), and/or to maintain the shape of one’s face, to name a few reasons.

A traditional bridge is the most common type and is made of porcelain that is fused to ceramic or even metal. A resin-bonded bridge uses wings on each side of the bridge that are bonded to the existing teeth directly.

How Much Does a Dental Bridge Cost?
The costs can vary tremendously depending on the number of teeth that must be replaced and the type of bridge and materials used to fabricate it. The most expensive type of bridge is all-ceramic, but it is extremely strong, and if you have good dental insurance, it may cover most or all of the costs. If you have dental implants, you might find some of the costs are also covered by dental insurance, so it’s worth checking with your insurer before you see an implant dentist. Even if the costs aren’t covered by insurance, dental implant treatment can be an excellent way to go. Success rates are very high, typically 95% or more, and treatment is long-lasting, so it’s well worth the extra effort and initial expense required.

LuxDen Dental Center
2579 East 17th Street #11,
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 489-2966
Web Address

Our location on the map Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Sheepshead Bay | Homecrest | Gravesend | Brighton Beach | Manhattan Beach
11235 | 11229 | 11223 | 11235

Working Hours:
Monday: 10AM - 8PM
Tuesday: 10AM - 8PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10AM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM - 3PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10AM - 3PM

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Brooklyn Periodontist

There’s no reason to suffer from the often devastating consequences of untreated periodontal disease. Our Brooklyn periodontal specialist is trained to not only help you prevent gum disease but to also treat it in its earliest stages. Periodontal disease can be treated successfully when you visit your family dental specialists in Brooklyn, NY Alex and Igor Khabensky DDS.

Your periodontist — a dentist specializing in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of gum disease and high-quality periodontal services. Oral inflammation is another area that a periodontist treats, as well as pulling teeth and preparing your bones and gums for surgical procedures.

A periodontist trained in cosmetic dentistry keeps up with the latest dental technologies, such as laser gum treatment, a cutting-edge procedure that allows your general dentist to remove infected gum tissue painlessly. Plus, you’ll appreciate a periodontist who also received extensive training in implants.

Gum Disease Basics

Periodontal disease refers to bacterial infections in the supporting tissues around your teeth. While the most common form of disease occurs in your gums, it also can be present in:

- Your jaw bone

- The tissue covering your teeth roots

- Periodontal ligaments

The earliest stage of periodontal disease is called gingivitis. It refers only to a mild condition when bacteria inflame your gums. Periodontists treat more advanced conditions that affect the tissues and structures supporting your teeth. While symptoms range from bleeding gums to tooth sensitivity and loose teeth, bacterial infections can cause problems with your overall health, with conditions such as:

- Heart disease

- Diabetes

- Premature birth deliveries

- Arteriosclerosis

- Stroke

- Respiratory conditions, even pneumonia

Causes of Periodontal Disease

The build-up of plaque is the main symptom of the bacteria causing gum disease. It’s a sticky substance that your body fights by releasing antibodies that lead to inflammation and damage to your gums. The continual fight between your immune system and plaque is what requires the need for a periodontist to rid your mouth of the damage before it progresses and causes even more harm.

Most of the plaque is removed by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every day. Professional cleaning is necessary every six months to remove the plaque that you can’t get rid of yourself and to clean those places that your brush and flossing can’t reach effectively. Bacteria continue to multiply when not removed properly. Over time, it calcifies the plaque to form tartar, which is even tougher to remove.

Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn
2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401,
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 339-8852
Web Address

Our location on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton
11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

Working Hours:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Pediatric dentistry covers oral care for children. From routine cleanings to family education and pediatric urgent care in Brooklyn- we have you covered. Your kids’ dentist handles any dental emergency and every oral health procedure. The best doctor for your children has experience with special needs children and children’s dental emergencies.

Family Cosmetic & Implants Dentistry of Brooklyn has a friendly staff and an experienced team of doctors. Our office is comfortable, calm, and clean. We ensure you and your kids will enjoy the experience. Make an appointment today to see the difference and get the best treatment.

Pediatric dentistry is a specialized form of general dentistry. Not only does a pediatric dentist in Brooklyn have to know how to relate to children of all ages, he has to understand the complexities of a mouth that’s still developing. At Family Cosmetic & Implants Dentistry of Brooklyn, you’ll find the best pediatric dentist in NYC: a caring professional who provides the best care for your children’s oral health.

Pediatric dentistry of Brooklyn involves all types of dental problems, from filling ordinary cavities to being there to treat emergency sports injuries. Your toddler dentist in Brooklyn is adept at handling scared kids, boisterous babies, and children with special needs. Our center for pediatric dentistry doctors are certified special needs, pediatric dental specialists, for kids of all ages.

A Compassionate Toddler Dentist in Brooklyn
Your pediatric specialist in Brooklyn will tell you to bring your children in for their very first dental checkup when their first teeth erupt. He can make the experience fun for your children while showing them the right way to brush. Education, for you and for your children, is one of the goals of pediatric dentistry. Forming good habits while kids are young translates into healthier teeth and gums when they’re older.

The best dentist for kids checks their oral health during these early visits, including:

- The health of their gums

- The orientation of emerging teeth

- Problems with crowding or gaps between teeth

- Teething or bite issues

Not being afraid of the doctor encourages your children to come back for future cleanings and treatment. It’s one more reason to pick a dentist and stick with him. This way your children get to know and trust your family dentist.

Services for Children
The best children’s dentist delivers pain-free solutions for most dental problems.

The services available at dentist at Family Cosmetic & Implants Dentistry of Brooklyn include:

- Teeth cleaning as part of a regular bi-annual exam

- Fluoride treatments

- Periodontal disease treatment

- White fillings for repairing a hole in a tooth

- Root canals for damaged permanent teeth

- Dental Sealants to keep their teeth safe

- White crowns to repair broken teeth

- Teeth straightening, a common orthodontic procedure

- Clear braces to make adjustments without a mouthful of metal

- Invisalign retainers, an invisible way to straight teeth

- Teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedures

- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) treatment

From babies who put everything in their mouths to teens who suffer sports injuries, your kids need the best pediatric dentist to keep their mouths healthy and their smiles bright. Pediatric dentistry for teens may also involve protecting permanent teeth. When you start with a good pediatric dentist in Brooklyn who’s also a family tooth practitioner, you can continue seeing him for your whole life.

Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn
2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401,
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 339-8852
Web Address

Our location on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton
11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

Working Hours:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Root Canal Therapy in Brooklyn

Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is one of the most popular means of saving your natural teeth when they become infected. Root canal retreatment may be needed after many years, but overall the root canal cost is worth the investment. Root canal pain is minimal, compared to the pain of not having the procedure. Your Dr. Igor Khabensky, DDS, provides you with all the information you need about everything from root canal costs to root canal recovery and pain after a root canal.

 What is a Root Canal?
You may need root canal treatment if a nerve in one of your teeth becomes infected. A tooth extraction will be needed if you leave your root canal untreated. A dental bridge or a dental implant will be needed to replace the missing tooth.

Basically, this therapy involves removing the nerves and pulp from inside a diseased tooth so the infection doesn’t spread throughout your body. At the same time, your family dentists Alex and Igor Khabensky, DDS of dentistry center in Brooklyn, can eliminate root canal pain. The chamber in your tooth that holds the nerves and blood supply is called the root canal. You don’t need the nerve to maintain a healthy tooth; the nerve is there to warn you of problems like infection.

Root Canal Pain Causes and Symptoms

A tooth infection leads to throbbing pain. The root canal pain also may be associated with:

  • Inflammation in your head, neck or face
  • Loss of bone around the tooth’s root
  • Problems with proper drainage that allows the infection to run into your gums or on your skin

Root canal retreatment may be needed for a number of different reasons such as:

  • Extensive tooth decay
  • Hole in the tooth that lost a filling
  • Previous decay that affects the surrounding teeth
  • Trauma that leads to a broken tooth
  • Nerve pain that doesn’t respond to any other treatments

Root Canal Retreatment and Treatment Process
If caught early enough, infections almost always respond successfully to endodontic treatment. Your general dentist follows a similar procedure for root canal therapy and root canal retreatment:
- X-rays allow your dentist to determine the extent of tooth damage caused by the infection and see how much of the surrounding tissue and bone are affected.
- Local anesthesia eliminates root canal pain and helps speed up your root canal recovery.
- Your dentist places a rubber sheet around the tooth to keep it dry and saliva-free.
- Next, your family dentist drills a hole into the tooth that’s deep enough to reach the chamber holding the pulp.
- He removes the infected bacteria, nerve tissue, pulp, and any other debris that got down into the tooth root. The entire cavity is scraped clean before it’s filled and sealed.
- A sealant and disinfectant are inserted in the hole to protect it from getting more debris inside it and to save the bone from further damage.
- You may need to have an antibiotic inserted if the infection is bad enough. You may have to return for a second visit to have the tooth sealed if it needs time to heal first.
- Once the root is sealed, the hole that is made to reach the pulp is filled in.
- To protect the natural tooth from breaking after it’s undergone the trauma of the endodontic therapy process, your dentist usually recommends placing a crown over the remaining tooth.

Pain after root canal treatment usually is managed with over-the-counter pain relievers; ask your dentist for suggestions. After spending an hour or more in the chair with your mouth open, you likely will feel some discomfort. You may feel some sensitivity for about 24 hours. Any severe pain after a root canal should be reported immediately to your root canal specialist.

Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn
2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401,
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 339-8852
Web Address

Our location on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton
11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

Working Hours:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.


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Crown Lengthening in Astoria, Queens

Do you feel your teeth are a little shorter than you’d like, or your smile appears “gummy”? Our dental provider can give you a wider, more symmetrical smile through a crown lengthening procedure. The dentist removes excess gum or bone tissue during this treatment, reveals more of your natural tooth, and creates a more even gum line.

You may also need crown lengthening if you require a restorative dental procedure, such as fixing a broken tooth or getting a porcelain crown. If you have any questions about crown lengthening or if you’d like Dr. Bokser to review your options, contact our dental center today to schedule an appointment.

What is a Crown Lengthening Procedure?
Crown lengthening in Astoria is typically performed to improve the health of the gum tissue or prepare your mouth for certain restorative procedures – for example, if not enough of the tooth sticks out above the gum line to support a filling or crown. You may also consider crown lengthening if your smile can be described as “gummy,” where the teeth are covered with excess gum tissue.

Crown lengthening is a common surgical procedure performed by Dr. Bokser, who will extend the height or size of the portion of the tooth that is visible above the gum line. The doctor will typically use local anesthesia and then gradually reshape or remove the excess gum and bone tissue to expose the natural tooth.

Once Dr. Bokser feels enough tooth has been exposed, the doctor will wash the area with sterile saltwater and apply stitches to the gums. The entire procedure can usually be completed in less than one hour.

What Are the Benefits of Crown Lengthening?
Most patients see Dr. Bokser perform crown lengthening for the following reasons:

- Oral Health: Crown lengthening is performed to prepare for a restorative dental procedure. For example, if you have a broken tooth below the gum line or require a filling or crown, you will need more of the tooth to be exposed for successful treatment. Crown lengthening also has the benefit of reducing the risk of tooth decay because more of the tooth is exposed for brushing and flossing.

- Cosmetic: Crown lengthening can be desired for cosmetic reasons alone. If you don’t like your smile because you feel too much of your gums show, you can select Dr. Bokser to perform the procedure to give you a wider, more symmetrical smile by exposing more of your teeth and creating a more even gum line.

Precision Dental NYC
21-34 30th Ave,
Queens, NY 11102
(718) 274-2749
Web Address

Queens, NY Office:

Our location on the map: Astoria

Nearby Locations:
Astoria | Ditmars Steinway | Astoria Heights | Jackson Heights | Woodside | Sunnyside Gardens | Dutch Kills
11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106 | 11372 | 11377

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tuesday: 9AM-7PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9AM-7PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9AM-4PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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How Laser Dentistry Work and Their Advantage

In the science of dental field, there are various types of the disease occur like cavities, tooth erosion, tooth decay, bad breath, gum disease, oral cancer, tooth sensitivity, and toothaches. So for the different problems then treatments also different. There are various treatment procedures like braces, dentures, root canals, veneers, gum surgery, teeth whitening, bridges and implants, crowns and caps, sealants, extractions, filling and repairs or examination of Oral cancer. The cost of these treatments also varies with different diseases.

There are one of the best techniques used in dental science is a laser technique. According to the laser, technique exerts to the desired clinical effect on a target tissue of the patient. This process called absorption. The function of the laser process by producing waves of photons as per the specific wavelength of the laser. The dental lasers may be divided into basic three categories. Which named are as soft tissue laser, hard tissue laser, and non-surgical laser device. In dentistry the uses of laser for the treatment of hard tissue, soft tissue surgery, bone surgery, treatment of root canal, periodontics and many other problems. As per the list of treatment of laser in India, there are many best dental clinics in India to provide the best laser treatment.

  • In the treatment of hard tissue through laser technique the removal of cavities. The surface of hard tissue etching and rough. And laser is also used in the treatment of hard tissue excavation of pits, enameloplasty, and fissures for placement of sealants.

  • Laser technique used in the born surgery for the shaving, contouring, cutting, and resection of oral osseous of tissues. And also for the recontouring of osseous and osteoplasty, for ostectomy and for the purpose of lengthening of the osseous crown. And the advantage in bone surgery all the process can be completed without laying any suturing, flap and damage to the bone.

  • During the treatment of soft tissue by using laser technology for the exposure of unerupted teeth, frenectomy, flap preparation hemostasis, gingival troughing for crown impressions, gingivoplasty, vestibuloplasty, gongivectomy. Even also treatment of canker sores, aphthous and herpetic ulcers of the oral leukoplakia or mucosa.

  • Advantages in soft tissue treatment by laser capability to treat soft tissue with no bleeding, small edema, and post-operative results are positive.

  • During the root canal treatment with the preparation of including enlargement. And also for pulpotomy or apicoectomy which is defined as the amputation to the end of the root.

  • In the periodontology treatment soft tissue by laser curettage to the post-extraction on the tooth sockets and area of the periapical during the surgery of apical. And inflamed soft tissue in the pocket periodontal format which is known as a sulcular debridement.

  • The laser technique also used in the teeth bleaching, composite curing of laser, in the optical impression or in the diagnostic for detection of calculus and detection.

  • Even the laser technology used in dental science for the controlling of occurring in any infection. There is a list of some points of infection: -

  • Awareness of the possibility of contamination during treatment of all laser hardware like sensor protector sheaths, the cover of a syringe or any transparent equipment.

  • Disposable tips are used in the operation must be disposed of in the containers with the cleaved fiber pieces.

  • Any debris which is used during the treatment should be disposed to effective sterilization.

  • And the specific laser equipment or any reusable fibers or tips should be sterilized with heat as well as their handpieces and not wiped at the high-level disinfectant.

When the laser techniques use therefore there are some disadvantages also happens like: -

Due to using of technique the particles of lasers are harmful to skin and other tissue which or not target like oral tissue.

The temperature is used above 37ºC is to destroy the cellular enzymes and destruction of proteins

If anyone wants to take the treatment of laser technique. He will be visited a clove dental hospital. This hospital provides the best services for any dental problems. The cost of any treatment is very reasonable and done by experienced dentists. It has various branches of this hospital Delhi/NCR, Gujrat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, and Karnataka.

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