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Maintaining dental hygiene is not just about having a bright smile; it's also crucial for overall health and well-being. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 benefits of good dental hygiene and why it's essential to prioritize oral health.

Prevents Tooth Decay and Cavities:

Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups help remove plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay and cavities, keeping your teeth strong and healthy.

Reduces Risk of Gum Disease:

Good oral hygiene prevents the buildup of plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of gum disease. Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to gum recession, tooth loss, and even systemic health issues.

Freshens Breath:

Brushing and flossing remove food particles and bacteria that cause bad breath, keeping your breath fresh and your mouth feeling clean.

Prevents Tooth Loss:

Maintaining good dental hygiene practices can prevent gum disease and tooth decay, ultimately reducing the risk of tooth loss and the need for costly dental treatments like dental implants or dentures.

Boosts Overall Health:

Oral health is linked to overall health, with studies suggesting that poor dental hygiene may contribute to various systemic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. By taking care of your teeth and gums, you can help protect your overall health.

Enhances Self-Confidence:

A healthy, beautiful smile can boost self-confidence and self-esteem, leading to improved social interactions and professional success. When you feel good about your smile, you're more likely to smile more often and radiate confidence.

Saves Money on Dental Care:

Preventive dental care, such as regular cleanings and check-ups, is generally less expensive than treating dental problems that arise due to poor oral hygiene. Investing in preventive care can save money on costly dental treatments in the long run.

Improves Digestion:

Chewing is the first step in the digestion process, and maintaining healthy teeth and gums allows you to chew food properly, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Supports Overall Well-Being:

Good oral hygiene contributes to overall well-being by promoting better nutrition, reducing the risk of infection, and supporting mental and emotional health.

Sets a Positive Example for Others:

By practicing good dental hygiene habits, you set a positive example for your family, friends, and community, encouraging them to prioritize their oral health as well.


Maintaining dental hygiene is essential for preserving oral health, preventing dental problems, and supporting overall well-being. By brushing and flossing daily, visiting your dentist regularly, and adopting other healthy habits, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of good dental hygiene and smile confidently for years to come.

About Marielaina Perrone, DDS

Dr. Marielaina Perrone is a highly experienced dentist dedicated to providing quality dental care to her patients in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV. She has over two decades ofmarielaina-perrone-dds-dentist-henderson-nv-150x150.jpg 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" alt="marielaina perrone dds las vegas nv" width="150" height="150" data-uw-rm-alt-original="marielaina perrone dds las vegas nv" data-uw-rm-alt="ALT" /> expertise and is committed to personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and preferences. Dr. Perrone’s compassionate approach creates a comfortable atmosphere for her patients, promoting oral health and overall well-being.

Dr. Perrone stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry and believes in continuing education to deliver the best possible care. Beyond her practice, she volunteers her time and expertise to charitable organizations in her community.

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If your teeth have lost their natural whiteness or if you desire a brighter smile, there are several effective methods available for teeth whitening. Navigating the vast dental whitening market can be daunting, so here are a variety of options to assist you in selecting the most suitable solution for your needs and budget.

DIY Toothpaste

For DIY enthusiasts, creating your own toothpaste using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be a highly effective and cost-efficient approach. Simply combine one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts baking soda to create an economical toothpaste that costs under three dollars! Alternatively, if you prefer a ready-to-use option, explore the supermarket aisle for toothpaste products that contain these ingredients. The key here is to maintain regular and frequent brushing using a soft toothbrush. To elevate your brushing routine, consider investing in an electric toothbrush. These not only remove plaque and stimulate gums more effectively but also come with timers to ensure you brush for a sufficient duration.

Whitening MouthRinses

To establish a comprehensive teeth whitening routine, begin by pre-rinsing, followed by flossing, brushing, and finally, using mouthwash. The active ingredients in mouthwash help to loosen buildup and food particles, enhancing the effectiveness of brushing and flossing. Using mouthwash after brushing reaches any missed gaps and enables the fluoride to penetrate the enamel. Opt for a hydrogen peroxide-based mouthwash, using it at least twice a day for a duration of three months, as it can yield significant teeth whitening results. However, be cautious of using dark-colored mouthwashes, as the color can potentially stain your teeth once the alcohol evaporates. Most manufacturers recommend a daily usage cycle of approximately twelve weeks to achieve the desired outcomes.

Over The Counter Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are thin strips that are usually coated with a peroxide-based gel designed to remove stains. Results can typically be observed within a few days of use, and more significant outcomes can be seen after approximately four months of regular application. Whitening gels, on the other hand, can be directly applied to the tooth surface using an application brush. The specific instructions for application may vary depending on the strength of the peroxide in the product.

While whitening mouthwashes can be beneficial, some dental experts believe they may not be as effective as other over-the-counter options. This is because the mouthwash is in direct contact with the teeth for a short duration of only about sixty seconds, whereas other products have longer contact with the enamel. For instance, tooth whitening strips often require an application time of 30 minutes or more, which is 60 times longer than a typical mouth rinse.

Due to the shorter application time, mouth rinses may have a less pronounced effect compared to competing options. It may be more effective to use a tooth whitening mouth rinse in combination with one or more of the other solutions, rather than using the mouth rinse alone. This combined approach could yield better results than relying solely on the mouth rinse product.

Tray Based Teeth Whitening Systems

If you're seeking an alternative for teeth whitening, the tray-based whitening system is worth considering. These systems can be obtained either from a dentist or purchased over-the-counter. Typically, they involve a mouth guard-shaped tray and a peroxide enamel gel solution for whitening. Some higher-end brands even utilize ultraviolet light to expedite the process. The tray is typically worn for a designated period, ranging from a few hours per day to overnight. The specific instructions may recommend daily use of the tray for a period of four weeks or longer, depending on the level of discoloration and the desired degree of whitening.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional in-office whitening treatments are widely available at dental offices, offering the potential for quick and highly effective results compared to other teeth whitening products mentioned11117140657?profile=RESIZE_710x in this article. However, it's important to note that these treatments can be more costly. While professional dental office whitening solutions are known for their improved effectiveness, achieving the desired results may still require multiple treatments. This should be taken into consideration when contemplating this option.

Typically, dental office treatments involve the direct application of a whitening product onto the teeth. Heat, light, or laser treatment may also be utilized in conjunction with the whitening solution. Results can often be noticeable after a single half-hour to one-hour treatment, although more significant improvements may require repeated appointments. The main advantage of choosing a professional office treatment is the ability to witness noticeable results after just one session. Therefore, if you're seeking fast results, despite the higher cost, this is often the most favorable approach to pursue.


Enhancing your satisfaction with your smile can lead to increased commitment and dedication to their care and upkeep. Whether you opt for toothpaste, gels, strips, rinses, or professional dental office treatments, achieving whiter teeth can significantly boost your self-confidence and positively impact your perception of your overall appearance and oral well-being.

Schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation appointment with Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to start your journey towards a dream smile in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV. Our team is eager to assist you with your oral health and smile makeover needs.

Author Bio

Dr. Marielaina Perrone is a highly respected and experienced dentist in Henderson, Nevada, with over two decades of expertise in providing quality dental care to her patients. She graduated from Stony Brook University School Of Dental Medicine and has completed advanced training in cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, and orthodontics.

Dr. Perrone is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry and continuing education to provide the best possible care for her patients.

Dr. Perrone takes a patient-centered approach and believes in personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and preferences. Her gentle and compassionate demeanor creates a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for patients during their dental appointments.

Aside from dentistry, Dr. Perrone enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and cooking. She also volunteers her time and expertise to various charitable organizations in her community.



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To maintain youthful-looking skin, daily cleansing, and moisturizing are not always enough. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles. Even with a consistent skincare routine, volume loss, and creases can make us look older than we feel.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS offers several minimally invasive procedures to combat these signs of aging. Botox injections can enhance the effects of your regular beauty regimen, and Dr. Perrone can create a custom plan using Botox injections to prevent premature aging and keep your skin smooth, plump, and free of creases.

Proactive Skin Care for Aging Skin

As we age, the signs of aging become more prominent, particularly around the eyes and brow area. Crow's feet, the fine lines around the eyes, and deep-set wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows can make you look tired and older than you are. These signs can also affect your self-confidence and how you perceive yourself.

To stay proactive about your skin's health, it is important to start anti-aging treatments as early as your 30s. This is because collagen production slows down, and skin loses its youthful glow over time. Anti-aging treatments such as Botox injections can help prevent premature signs of aging, keeping your skin plump, smooth, and crease-free. With a custom plan developed by a cosmetic dentist such as Marielaina Perrone DDS, you can maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin for years to come.


How Botox injections delay the signs of aging

Botox injections offer an effective solution for delaying the signs of aging. Botox is a purified bacterium that paralyzes the muscles responsible for wrinkles, such as frown lines and crow's feet. By blocking the nerve signals that cause muscle contractions, Botox helps to relax the muscles, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Botox injections can even reduce the appearance of deep-set wrinkles and creases. The effects of Botox typically last several months, making it an excellent option for maintaining a fresh, vibrant appearance.

Dr. Marielaina Perrone DDS creates customized treatment plans that target specific areas of concern. Her expert technique ensures that treatments are safe, comfortable, and natural-looking.

The Importance of Combining Botox Injections with a Regular Beauty Routine

Maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin requires more than just regular Botox injections. To maximize the benefits of Botox treatment, it is important to incorporate a daily beauty routine that protects and nourishes your skin.

Here are some tips that you can include in your daily routine to enhance the effects of Botox and keep your skin healthy:

Eating a healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help to nourish your skin from the inside out.

Staying physically active: Exercise improves blood flow and helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting healthy skin.

Removing makeup before going to bed: Sleeping with makeup can clog pores and lead to breakouts, so it is important to remove all makeup before going to bed.

Using a gentle facial cleanser daily: Regular cleansing can help to remove dirt and impurities that can accumulate on your skin throughout the day, leaving it looking fresh and rejuvenated.

Sun protection: UV rays from the sun can cause premature aging and damage to your skin. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher can help to protect your skin from sun damage.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can enhance the results of your Botox treatment and keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS today to learn more about how Botox treatments can help you achieve your skin rejuvenation goals.

Author Bio


Dr. Marielaina Perrone is a highly respected and experienced dentist in Henderson, Nevada, with over two decades of expertise in providing quality dental care to her patients. She graduated from Stony Brook University School Of Dental Medicine and has completed advanced training in cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, and orthodontics.11063172692?profile=RESIZE_710x

Dr. Perrone is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry and continuing education to provide the best possible care for her patients.

Dr. Perrone takes a patient-centered approach and believes in personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and preferences. Her gentle and compassionate demeanor creates a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for patients during their dental appointments.

Aside from dentistry, Dr. Perrone enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and cooking. She also volunteers her time and expertise to various charitable organizations in her community.


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Botulinum toxin (BoNT-A), commonly known as BOTOX, has been used for cosmetic purposes in medical offices for years. However, it has several medical applications beyond its aesthetic use. Approximately 16% of dentists in North America use BoNT-A for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. The mechanism of BOTOX involves inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, which depolarizes the motor end plate of the muscle, causing muscle contraction. By reducing the intensity of the contraction or eliminating it, BOTOX acts as a temporary muscle paralytic.

BOTOX is a valuable tool in dentistry and can help relieve symptoms of facial pain disorders and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). In TMD, muscular trigger points radiate outward through the nerve bundles, and injecting BOTOX into these points can help relieve the muscle contraction intensity for a short period. BOTOX can also help manage teeth clenching (bruxism) by reducing the power of the muscle contractions that cause facial pain and limiting the damage caused by teeth clenching to oral tissues.

BOTOX can also be helpful in orthodontics, particularly for patients whose teeth relapse after orthodontic therapy. This relapse may be due to an overactive mentalis muscle, which causes spasms and contractions. BOTOX can prevent limited relapse following orthodontic treatment by reducing these spasms and contractions. BOTOX can also treat migraines and other headaches by preventing pain signals from reaching the nerve bundles in the head and neck.

BOTOX injections in the parotid and submaxillary glands can control excess saliva production. BOTOX can also restore facial symmetry by rebalancing the facial muscles and enhancing the eyebrow lift or depression of the brow. Finally, BOTOX can help reduce a gummy smile by reducing the amount of gum visible when smiling.


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Porcelain Veneers For A Beautiful Smile

Porcelain veneers can be used to correct the following issues:

  • Misaligned and irregularly shaped teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Chipped or cracked tooth enamel
  • Tooth stains

Porcelain veneers are often referred to as  “instant orthodontics.” It should be remembered that veneers cannot correct malocclusion, nor can they improve the appearance of extreme misalignments. For those patients, traditional orthodontics will be the better option.


Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

Benefits Of Porcelain veneers include:

  • Versatile. Because they are placed over the front of teeth, they can be used to correct several esthetic concerns at once.
  • Dental Veneers are Custom Fabricated. The porcelain veneers are custom made for each individual patient, where we can be sure they are sized, shaped, and shaded for a perfect smile fit.
  • Dental Veneers are Durable. With proper dental hygiene care, porcelain veneers can last for ten years or more. Stain-resistant and incredibly strong dental restoration.

Dr. Marielaina Perrone DDS takes extra care so that the veneers placed restore and enhance your smile for a lifetime of smiles.

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Top Benefits Of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures available to transform a smile. Below are a few benefits of dental veneers:

Dental Veneers Look Very Natural

Dental veneers are wafer thin porcelain shells that are bonded to your teeth. They are custom designed to replicate the smile of your dreams. People will compliment you on your white, healthy smile.

Dental Veneers Is A Conservative Approach 

Dental veneers is a less invasive procedure than other cosmetic procedures. These wafer thin shells are applied to the front of your teeth and only a small part of the enamel layer will be removed.

Veneers Can Enhance Your Smile

Another benefit of dental veneers is that they can quickly improve your smile by covering any smile imperfections such as cracks or discolored teeth.

Porcelain Veneers Are Compatible With Oral Tissues

Dental veneers are tolerated by the oral tissues and you will not develop allergic reactions.

Dental Veneers Are Extremely Durable

As a general rule, dental veneers will between 10 and 20 years with proper care. This is because porcelain veneers are extremely durable and they require the same maintenance as the rest of your smile. Regular brushing and flossing is recommended, but besides that, you do not have any special care instructions to worry about.

Regain confidence in your smile with the help of Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS!

Our goal is to help our patients give them their best smile yet. Dr. Perrone and her cosmetic dental team are proud to offer comprehensive dental care, including routine dental cleanings as well as the cosmetic and restorative procedures mentioned above.

If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your state of the art smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.




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Choosing The Best Cosmetic Dentist

If you are unhappy with your smile due to flaws or poor dental work. You might begin to seek the best cosmetic dentist in Las Vegas for your smile. 

But how can you be sure you are being treated the most skilled cosmetic dentist possible? Is there a way to make sure you receive the best cosmetic treatment to restore and enhance your smile?

Many patients rely on referrals from friends or family members, but dental care is a very personalized choice. Some patients present easier challenges than others. Not all dentists provide the same quality work as patients become more challenging.

Las Vegas Cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS recommends the following tips to find the right dentist for your smile:

Extensive Training on Multiple Cosmetic Dentistry Techniques

The best cosmetic dentists in Las Vegas should be able to provide a wide range of services with a high level of skill and artistry. A dentist with extensive experience and training will be able to offer a wide range of procedures and be proficient at all of them.

How can you gauge a dentist’s level of experience and skill? Start by using an internet search "best cosmetic dentist near me" is a great place to start. Then go thru each website and see what jumps out at you.

Look at Cosmetic Smile Gallery On Website

Just about every dentist will be able to produce some beautiful looking before and after photos. Ask about treatments that may have failed and find out why it happened. A top.cosmetoc dentist will provide cosmetic treatments that look wonderful and provide long-lasting results.


Interview New Dentist

Your cosmetic consultation is a time in which the dentist should listen to your needs and desires for your new smile. 

The goals of the initial consultation should include:

-The dentist listening to you explain your esthetic goals for treatment

-Discussion of multiple treatment options, including financial costs.

You should never feel that you are being talked into something you do not want. Keep an open mind and you will know the right dentist when you meet them.

If you are in the Las Vegas area, schedule a free cosmetic consultation with Marielaina Perrone DDS.

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What Is The Cost Of Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure that has grown in popularity over the years. Veneers helps to improve the appearance of your smile. They are wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells that are chemically bonded to the front surface of teeth in order to improve their aesthetics. The most common type of dental veneers are made of porcelain and are highly durable and stain resistant.

If this type of cosmetic procedure is of interest to you, an important consideration is the cost. 

Dental veneers are an ideal esthetic option for patients with severe discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, gapped teeth, and/or smaller teeth.

What Is the Average Financial Cost of Dental Veneers?

The dental veneer procedure is highly customized so prices will range from patient to patient. The national average cost per tooth somewhere between $1,000 and $2,500. Veneers last on average between 5 to 20 years, depending on the type and care you give them. The cost represents very good value versus time.

What Factors Determine the Cost of Dental Veneers?

One of the first factors to consider is the number of dental veneers you will need or desire. Some patients may only require 1 veneer, for example, in the case of a chipped or broken tooth. Other patients, may be looking to create an even and symmetrical smile and may choose 6 to 8 veneers.

The front six or eight teeth on the upper teeth are the most popular option for dental veneers.

Porcelain is the #1 choice when it comes to veneers. Compared to composite resin, porcelain veneers are more durable, stain-resistant, longer-lasting, and are considered a more permanent solution. 

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers:

  • Less invasive compared to other types of veneers
  • Durable 
  • Resistant to chips, breakages, and fractures
  • Compatible with oral tissues
  • Stain-resistant
  • Long-lasting 

Most patients will also combine porcelain veneers with other esthetic treatment like teeth whitening and Botox. Those procedures will involve additional costs.

Are Dental Veneers A Good Investment?

While dental veneers do carry a higher cost than some other cosmetic dentistry procedures, they are considered an investment in your self. Dental veneers are a simple procedure and you can greatly improve the appearance of your smile quickly.

A whiter, brighter smile has a major impact on people’s self-esteem and confidence. This smile can have a positive effect on their work and social lives. 

In fact, studies have shown that people with a great smile are perceived as being more successful in their careers and more intelligent.

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS?

Dr. Marielaina Perrone and her staff are dedicated to providing the highest level of care to patients possible.

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Smooth Threads Vs Botox

PDO Smooth Threads

Smooth threads are a minimally invasive anti-aging treatment. Instead of using scalpels to remove excess skin, cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS is able to use specialized threads and place them in strategic areas to revitalize your facial features.

By opting for a smooth hread treatment you can achieve skin rejuvenation that reduces wrinkles and jowls and tightens skin.

PDO Smooth Thread benefits include:

  • Subtle, natural esthetic results 
  • Increased in natural collagen production
  • Diminished wrinkles and improved skin laxity
  • Quick procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes
  • Long-lasting results

As we get older, the production of collagen declines, but the threads ‘’trick’’ your body into increased collagen production, improving your skin’s smoothness and elasticity. 

Botox Cosmetic

Botox injections block the chemical signals from nerves that tell your facial muscles to move. 

As you age and your production of collagen drops, every facial expression you make increases your chances of developing fine lines and wrinkles. 

Botox is only effective against wrinkles caused by facial movements such as forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, and wrinkles in the mouth area. 

Benefits of Botox include:

  • Fast and easy recovery
  • Custom dosage plan
  • Long-lasting results 

You can also combine dermal fillers and Botox to fix skin laxity issues.

Schedule a consultation to find out what matches your cosmetic goals 

Marielaina Perrone DDS has extensive experience and knowledge when it comes to anti-aging treatments. Choose wisely when it comes to these treatments. The ultimate goal is to make you look younger as naturally as possible.

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Botox For TMJ And Bruxism

Many people have never considered Botox can be used for therapeutic purposes. But the reality is Botox can help with TMJ issues and teeth clenching (Bruxism). Botox works by inhibiting the movement of muscles. This means it can also inhibit muscle movement that affects TMJ and bruxism. Marielaina Perrone DDS has extensive training and experience in using Botox injections both for esthetic and functional treatment.

Botox for bruxism

Teeth grinding (bruxism) can cause jaw pain, headaches, and damaged teeth. Teeth grinding can occur during sleep or when awake, especially when you are under stress. Studies have shown Botox injections in the facial muscles that control chewing can fix your issue. As a result of the Botox action, you will see relief from teeth grinding and clenching.

Dr. Perrone uses the proper dosage and location of injections to make the treatment as natural as possible. 

Botox for TMJ disorders

TMJ disorders can be quite painful. They can be due to the previously mentioned bruxism or due to trauma. Botox can help the muscles of the TMJ relax, giving patients relief quickly and easily. Botox injections can help relieve the pain and other symptoms when you suffer from headaches and jaw tension, even if you have not responded to other, more traditional treatments.

A simple, nonsurgical, outpatient procedure

Botox injections for TMJ or bruxism can take about 30 minutes, and Dr. Perrone can include this Botox treatment in your routine dental appointments. Dr. Perrone injects Botox into your forehead, temples, and jaw muscles to relieve jaw pain and headaches.

She will determine the number of injections needed and in what areas for maximum results. Botox injections use a very fine needle and are minimally invasive and easily tolerated. Topical anesthesia will be offered as well if needed. Dr. Perrone injects the Botox into each treatment area.

You may feel relief over the first day or two following Botox treatment. However, it will often take a few days to feel a significant difference. Following your dental appointment, you can return to your daily activities.

Botox Cosmetic Las Vegas NV

Botox has been proven to be safe and effective for cosmetic as well as medical conditions. Ask Marielaina Perrone DDS if Botox Cosmetic is right for you! Dr. Perrone also offers Juvederm dermal fillers as an adjunct to Botox cosmetic injections.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost cosmetic consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover. We cannot wait to help you with your oral health and your smile makeover to create your dream smile in Henderson, Summerlin, and Las Vegas, NV.

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Modern cosmetic dentistry techniques and materials makes it easier than ever to achieve your perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry procedures tend to have a focus on improving the quality and appearance of your smile. This does not mean great cosmetic results won't also equal great functional results. The goal of dental care is to meld function and esthetics into one to achieve your idea of a perfect smile.

Cosmetic dentistry has increased in popularity worldwide year after year. Treatments like teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are now mainstream.

Below we will talk about some of the cosmetic dentistry benefits.

Improved Dental Materials

Cosmetic dentistry materials and techniques continue to evolve. Modern dental materials like porcelain, titanium, and dental resin are highly durable but also offer excellent esthetic properties.

Esthetic Orthodontics

Invisalign clear aligners are a great cosmetic alternative to traditional braces. Since the aligners are clear and they can be removed for eating/dental hygiene they are the "clear" choice for young and older adults. 

Social Media-Worthy Smile

The modern world of social media moves fast with trends changing all the time. One thing that doesn't change is people want to look and feel their best. In the age of selfies, this is even more important.

Cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS can whiten your teeth, change their shape and appearance, and even use Botox injections, which results in a very attractive, social media-ready smile. Studies show that cosmetic dentistry can help to boost your self-confidence and improve your mental health.

Leave A Great Impression

People with beautiful smiles and self confidence leave a positive impression on everyone they meet. This includes social and business situations. A beautiful smile not only makes you look and feel good and healthy, it can actually open prospects and get you the things you desire in life.


Are You Looking For The Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist?

Dr.  Marielaina Perrone DDS is a highly educated and experienced cosmetic dentist specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Her attention to detail and continued training are second to none.

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Dental Health For A Bright Smile

Having a healthy mouth is very important. It benefits your physical and mental health, as well as your smile. Fortunately, it is quite easy to maintain a healthy mouth. All you need to do is to stick to healthy dental hygiene.

Dental care extends beyond our smile. It needs to extend to your gums as well. Gum disease is a serious, progressive, and common dental health issue. Because gum disease tends to be pain-free in the beginning, most people are not even aware they have it. 

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease (also called periodontal disease), is a progressive dental disease caused by plaque and bacteria. The disease of left untreated will destroy your teeth and gums and damage the bones of the jaws.

In its earliest stages (gingivitis), gum disease will present as swollen and reddish gums along with bleeding upon brushing and flossing. Gingivitis is reversible with proper care, the next stage is not. As the disease progresses further, it leads to increased destruction and is called periodontitis..

Periodontitis leads to gum tissue recession, bone loss, and eventually tooth loss.

Gum Disease Prevention Tips

Maintain  A Good Oral Hygiene Regimen

Brush at least two times a day. Try to get in the habit, when possible, to brush after every meal. It is important to brush your tongue as well because it can harbor harmful bacteria. You should choose a soft-bristled brush to gently brush the oral tissues. You should also floss at least once per day to reach areas your toothbrush alone cannot reach.

Use Fluoride

Use a fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth. Fluoride is the most significant toothpaste ingredient. Fluoride helps strengthen the tooth's enamel.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is extremely harmful to your oral health. Smoking will help the development of periodontalndisease by weakening your immune system. Smoking can also lead to oral cancer.


Avoid Sugary Food And Drink

Avoid sugary foods and drinks. Sugar is the food that allows the harmful bacteria to wreak havoc on your dental health.

Maintain Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental examinations and professional cleanings are vital to the health of your smile. Your dentist can detect any issues before they become an extensive problem and can also monitor how you are maintaining your smile at home

Are You Looking For The Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist?

Dr.  Marielaina Perrone DDS is a highly educated and experienced cosmetic dentist specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Her attention to detail and continued training are second to none.

In her Las Vegas practice, Dr. Perrone is a well-known and trusted general and cosmetic dentist practicing cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years. She frequently performs her advanced art of cosmetic dental procedures on patients that have been with her from the start.

Every patient is valued equally, as well as the professional standard of care Dr. Perrone and her cosmetic dentistry team provide is waiting for you at the Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentists Office. Contact us for a consultation or browse our website for those critical before and after photos, patient testimonials, and more about the possibilities that await your own stunning, dream smile.

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PDO Smooth Threads For Anti Aging

PDO smooth threads are a type of anti aging treatment. The action of these PDO threads stimulates the production of collagen to help the skin naturally smooth and tighten gradually and naturally following treatment.

What are PDO Smooth Threads?

There are different types of PDO threads with Smooth threads becoming more popular due to their ease of application and natural esthetic results. PDO threads come in two basic groups, lifting (barbed) threads that are used to prevent sagging of skin. This is considered a form of facelift due to it's lifting properties. The other type are smooth threads that help to strengthen and tighten the skin diminishing fine wrinkles, folds, and scars.


What is PDO?

PDO stands for polydioxanone. PDO has been proven to be safe and effective to use in medicine. It has previously been used for cardiovascular surgery as well as for sutures for over 10 years. PDO is dissolvable so there is no need to remove it after application.

When used for esthetic purposes, the threads are inserted in strategic locations on the face and neck. These injections cause micro-injuries that heal over time through natural processes. The healing process acts by stimulating the production of elastin, collagen, and fibrin to complete wound healing and this creates smooths out the skin and diminishes wrinkles. Another positive includes increased blood flow to the area. The blood flow brings nutrients to revitalize the skin leading to skin rejuvenation.

What are the benefits of PDO Smooth Threads?

Your skin will become revitalized thru the actions of the PDO threads. It strengthens your skin giving you a more youthful, vibrant look. PDO Smooth Threads work great in around the eyes, hollows of the cheeks, the upper lip around the mouth, neck, or under the chin.

The threads can be used in a variety of areas. The application is quick and virtually pain-free. Little to no downtime is necessary following the procedure. An added bonus is the procedure is much more affordable than a full facelift.

PDO smooth Vs. Botox?

The two procedures are often compared to each other. However, they act in very different ways. Botox limits the movement of the facial muscles to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Some patients really like how Botox smooths their face and how it can be used to slow the formation of new lines and wrinkles.

Smooth threads work in a different way to boost the skin, naturally. They have the ability to smooth and tighten the skin by building collagen to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.

Using a combined treatment of Botox and smooth threads has become a popular esthetic treatment. The procedures can be done in comvination and can be repeated together about every 3-4 months.

What can I expect from a PDO Smooth Threads treatment?

An initial cosmetic consultation will determine what goals and desires you have for your cosmetic treatment. It will be discussed at this time what areas concern you and how to get the optimal aesthetic results. 

Once aesthetic treatment begins, the areas of injection will be cleansed thoroughly. The absorbable threads will be applied with very fine needle. This is a very quick procedure that feels like a little pinch. There is a small risk that bruising may occur.

Results will begin to appear over the course of the next month or so. This will be dependent on the bodies healing ability. Most patiemts see results within 3 or 4 weeks and the optimal results will appear at around 3-4 months.

Smooth PDO threads are a great alternative to many other more invasive esthetic procedures. 

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Restore And Enhance Your Smile

The practice of restoring broken, damaged, and decayed teeth allows people worldwide to maintain healthy smiles.

A decayed, broken down smile will also have a negative impact on personal self confidence.

Marielaina Perrone DDS has multiple ways to repair, restore, and enhance any smile. Below you will learn about 3 of them that can transform any smile from ordinary to extraordinary.

Porcelain Veneers

Sometimes referred to as a Hollywood smile or even instant orthodontics. Porcelain veneers can make minor alignment corrections but can also give you an entirely new perfect smile.

Dental Veneers Procedure

An impression of your smile is first made that helps Dr. Perrone create customized porcelain veneers to your exact specifications.

The final veneers are chemically bonded to your teeth giving you a smile that you have always dreamed of.


Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Natural esthetic results
  • Versatile and easily adapted to patients needs and desires
  • Can last up to 10-15 years with proper care
  • Durable and stain-resistant

Who is A Candidate?

First and foremost, a patient must be free of tooth decay and periodontal disease. A good foundational is necessary for a long term cosmetic result. A patient whose teeth are discolored, misshapen, slightly misaligned, and/or have gaps are perfect candidates.

Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a much more common phenomenon than we would like. Luckily, dental implants can restore your smile in a way that brings esthetics, function, and comfort.

Dental Implants Procedure

There are three general steps to placing and restoring a dental implant:

Step 1: The Dental implant is placed directly into the jawbone. In about 6 months time it fuses into the jawbone to serve as the new tooth’s root.

Step 2: An abutment and dental crown are custom fabricated for the new tooth.

Step 3: The dental crown and abutment are fixed to the implant to restore and enhance your smile.

Dental Implants Benefits

  • Replaces damaged or broken teeth
  • Improves functionality 
  • Improves overall smile esthetics
  • With proper care should last a lifetime

Dental Implant Candidates

Dental implants are an ideal treatment for patients who are missing teeth due to trauma or have damaged teeth that need to replacement.


Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a dental restorative procedure that targets the surface of the teeth to create a bright, beautiful smile.

Dental bonding is a quick process with minimal downtime. It is very appealing for those who do not want to invest financially or time in their smile.

How Dental Bonding Is Done

Dr. Perrone carefully chooses a color shade that will match with your natural smile.

The dental resin is applied, sculpted, molded, and hardened with a special dental light.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

  • Quick, cheaper procedure
  • Provides immediate, visible improvement
  • Lasts up to 10 years with proper care
  • Customized for each patient

Dental Bonding Candidates

For patients who are simply looking for cosmetic improvement or whose teeth are only slightly damaged, dental bonding is a better alternative than more invasive methods like dental implants.

Are You Looking For The Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist?

Dr.  Marielaina Perrone DDS is a highly educated and experienced cosmetic dentist specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Her attention to detail and continued training are second to none.

In her Las Vegas practice, Dr. Perrone is a well-known and trusted general and cosmetic dentist practicing cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years. She frequently performs her advanced art of cosmetic dental procedures on patients that have been with her from the start.

Every patient is valued equally, as well as the professional standard of care Dr. Perrone and her cosmetic dentistry team provide is waiting for you at the Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentists Office. Contact us for a consultation or browse our website for those critical before and after photos, patient testimonials, and more about the possibilities that await your own stunning, dream smile.

Each smile design is highly personalized, taking into account facial shape, bone structure, oral health, and patient desires. The initial consultation will help us achieve natural results for your new smile. Then, we discuss the cost of a smile makeover before the cosmetic process is to begin.

We ensure that all your concerns and questions are answered in a comfortable, relaxed environment and help you further educate yourself about your dental health.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all!

Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile. Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.


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How Long Do Dental Implants Last

Dental implants are a long-term, durable, and cosmetic solution to the loss of a single tooth or multiple teeth. 

Since dental implants are integrated to the bone in your mouth they will not slip and slide like traditional denture options. 

With proper dental hygiene maintenance, dental implants will last for decades of use.

In modern cosmetic dentistry, dental implants have become a staple procedure. Patients and dentists love the ability to replace natural teeth so safely and effectively. 

It is estimated that over three million people already have dental implants. With another 50,000 added per year. That is quite the popular option!

Below are tips to make dental implants last a lifetime!


How to Care for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent addition to your smile. This also means they need to be cared for just like your natural teeth.

It is recommended that you brush and floss regularly to keep plaque and bacteria build up at bay. Brushing your implants with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste at least twice a day helps reduces the likelihood of dental infection. A dental infection can lead to implant loss and other health concerns.

Flossing Tips

Be sure to carefully clean around your implant by flossing underneath the implant crown. While the dental implant itself cannot get tooth decay, a periodontal infection can develop in the gum tissues and bone surrounding the dental implant. It is also recommended to use an ADA approved mouthrinse to control bacteria levels.

Developing a good oral hygiene regimen at home will help keep your implants clean and ensure their longevity. 

Maintain regular dental visits to keep your dental implant healthy as well as the rest of your smile.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate of over 98%, and most patients are amazed at how natural and strong they feel as part of their smile.

Nobody ever wants to consider losing a tooth, but at least there are options that are both functional and esthetic. 

Interested in Dental Implants Henderson NV?

If you have missing teeth and would like to learn more about dental implants, contact cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS.


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Smooth PDO Threads Las Vegas

There are many procedures available to to achieve a more youthful appearance. These range from Botox Cosmetic to Juvederm to even a complete surgical facelift. But there's a newer procedure available that can be another option: Smooth PDO Threads.

Smooth PDO threads can quickly and effectively change the neck and jawline as well as diminish and remove wrinkles from the skin to rejuvenate your look.

What are Smooth PDO Threads Las Vegas?

Smooth PDO threads stimulate collagen already present and collagen growth by lifting the face to accentuate the cheeks, tighten the jawline.


Along with stimulating new collagen growth, there are several PDO threads treatment benefits:

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Brightened skin tone
  • Improvement in skin wrinkles for up to 12 months
  • No surgery and virtually no downtime

Benefits Of Smooth PDO Threads

  1. Improved elasticity and texture. As we get older, exposure to the sun and the process of aging naturally takes a toll on our skin’s elasticity and texture. PDO threads can rejuvenate your skin.
  2. Reduces or diminish wrinkles. Like Botox cosmetic, Smooth PDO threads are a great way to reduce the wrinkles on your face. They can help with both fine lines as well as deep folds.
  3. Brightens skin tone. PDO threads improve the condition of your skin, giving you a more radiant and defined esthetic appearance.
  4. Natural-looking cosmetic results. A single smooth PDO treatment can make it possible to reverse unwanted signs of aging and enhance your overall appearance. 


Are You Looking For The Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist?

Dr. Marielaina Perrone DDS is a highly educated and experienced cosmetic dentist specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Her attention to detail and continued training are second to none.

In her Las Vegas practice, Dr. Perrone is a well-known and trusted general and cosmetic dentist practicing cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years. She frequently performs her advanced art of cosmetic dental procedures on patients that have been with her from the start.


Every patient is valued equally, as well as the professional standard of care Dr. Perrone and her cosmetic dentistry team provide is waiting for you at the Top Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentists Office. Contact us for a consultation or browse our website for those critical before and after photos, patient testimonials, and more about the possibilities that await your own stunning, dream smile.

Each smile design is highly personalized, taking into account facial shape, bone structure, oral health, and patient desires. The initial consultation will help us achieve natural results for your new smile. Then, we discuss the cost of a smile makeover before the cosmetic process is to begin.

We ensure that all your concerns and questions are answered in a comfortable, relaxed environment and help you further educate yourself about your dental health.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all!

Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile. Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.

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Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene

Research has shown that your overall systemic health is impacted by your oral health. Maintaining a proper, consistent oral hygiene regimen is even more important.

What Is Considered Good Dental Hygiene?

You should have schedule regular dental exams and professional cleanings at least twice a year. Regular dental exams are vital because Marielaina Perrone DDS can detect minor issues before they become something bigger. Some issues, like oral cancer, may have no symptoms initially and only a professional will be able to spot it's presence in it's earliest stages.

A good dental hygiene regimen should include:

  • Brush at least 2x each day with a soft bristle brush
  • Floss at least 1x per day
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste
  • Maintain regular dental exams and teeth cleanings
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash daily


Basic dental care tips include:

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything except water after you have completed your night time routine
  • Brush your teeth first thing in the morning prior eating or drink anything.
  • It is important to floss prior to bedtime to remove food particles that may be lodged between your teeth and along the gum line. 

    Your Las Vegas Dentist Is Here For Your Smile

    Our ultimate goal is to help give our patients their best smile yet. Dr. Marielaina Perrone DDS and her dentistry team are proud to offer comprehensive dentistry care, including routine dental cleanings as well as the cosmetic and restorative procedures mentioned above.

    If you are ready for a cosmetic dentistry smile makeover, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to deliver your state-of-the-art smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Henderson, Summerlin, and Las Vegas, NV.

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Dental Implants For A Healthy Smile

Dental implants have become the go-to treatment to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a complete smile. Restoration of your smile will improve self confidence and overall health. 

There are 3 requirements that a patient must have before undergoing dental implant surgery and they include:

A dental implant is made up of 3 separate elements:

  1. The implant body is made of titanium. Titanium is lightweight, durable, and strong. It can accommodate one tooth or several. The implant body becomes the base for your artificial crown.
  2. The abutment: This is a connector that anchors your tooth to the post and is installed after the post has fused to your jawbone.
  3. The crown: This is the visible part of the dental implant. This is the final step in the implant process.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are permanently placed in the bone. They are modeled after your natural teeth, so they will look, feel, and function just like them

Dental implants enable clear, articulate speech and allow you to eat all of your favorite foods.


Dental Implants Mimic Natural Teeth?

Your new teeth will have the same size, shape, and color of your natural teeth, so no one will will ever know you have undergone any treatment. They will give you peace of mind to enjoy your favorite foods and speak without fear of slipping or falling out.

What Happens When I Have Implant Surgery?

Typical steps include:

  • Extracting the damaged teeth and performing any other necessary dental procedures.
  • Preparing of the implant site for your surgical procedure.
  • If a bone graft is needed, it can be completed at this time.
  • Installing the body of the dental implant in the bone.
  • Allow time for healing and growth/fusion with bone.
  • Installing the custom dental abutment and making impressions of your teeth and gums.
  • Placement of your final dental crowns.

The time needed for your implant process will depends on each individual and the number of implants placed.

Will a Bone Graft be needed?

Every patient is different. At your evaluation, the possible need for a bone graft will be discussed.

What Are My Post-Surgery Instructions?

Many patients experience some minor bleeding, bruising, swelling, and discomfort after placement of dental implants. This is all quite normal. Your symptoms should subside in a few days. Pain medication can be taken as needed.

Dental Implants Henderson NV

If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact implant dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.

2022 - Cosmetic Dentist Henderson NV

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What Is Snap On Smile?

Your smile is one of the very first things people notice when they meet you. When you are happy with your smile, your self confidence increases and people notice. 

The desire for a confident smile leads many to consider cosmetic dentistry. These include teeth whitening, dental veneers, and dental implants. An alternative to those costly procedures could be snap on smile. Below we will explain exactly what snap on smile can do for your smile.

What is Snap On Smile In Las Vegas?

A Snap-on Smile is a custom fabricated cosmetic dental appliance. It is a complete smile that a person wears over their natural smile to mask broken or discolored teeth.

A snap on smile does not require any drilling of your natural teeth. In fact, the entire process is very straightforward! Your cosmetic dentist takes will take an impression of your mouth and use that impression to fabricate your new smile. 


The Pros Of Snap On Smile

The Snap-on Smile is very popular for three main reasons:


-Financially affordable

-Fast results

With Snap on Smile you do not require any drilling, tooth extractions, or anesthetic.

The cost of a Snap-on Smile is also very attractive. Snap-on Smile is a much cheaper alternative to traditional cosmetic dentistry. A full arch of teeth will cost you anywhere from $1,500-$3,500 total.

One of the major benefits of the Snap on Smile is the instant esthetic results. The entire snap on smile process only takes two visits to the dentist. There is zero recovery time. This is perfect for patients who want or need to improve their smile instantly!

The Cons

Snap on Smile is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is highly customized and not for everyone.

Snap on Smiles is designed to be one full smile with no gaps. This is an individual preference.

Snap on Smiles only last about 3 years with continuous use.

Cosmetic Dentist Henderson NV


Marielaina Perrone DDS believes everyone deserves to have a healthy, beautiful, and functional smile.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all! Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile.

Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost implant dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in Las Vegas NV.

We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.


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A "perfect" smile does not exist. A perfect smile is different to each and every one of us. Las Vegas cosmetic dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS has restored and enhanced thousands of smiles over the course of her career. She has elped them to achieve a healthy smile that is functional as well as eshtetic. She uses a variety of different cosmetic dentistry procedures, materials, and tal techniques to help whiten, and straighten smiles to an individual's goals..

Cosmetic Dentistry For Your Ideal Smile

Determining the procedure or procedures which are right for you depends on your dental health and your individual desires. Prior to any cosmetic dentistry, your dental health must be in good shape. This means a smile free of tooth decay and gum disease. Dr Perrone will work with you to ensure your smile is in optimal health before enhancing your smile.

Once your dental health is in good shape, you may discuss one of the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Teeth whitening: This is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure worldwide to brighten your smile. Dr. Perrone uses a professional strength whitening gel which can brighten your teeth by 10 or more shades in a single visit.
  • Porcelain veneers: Porcelain veneers are ideal for patients with chips, cracks, gaps between teeth, slight misalignments, and sever discoloration. Teeth whitening alone would not be suitable for this smile.
  • Invisalign: While porcelain veneers can correct small misalignments, some smile require more correction. Invisalign is a great way to bring your smile into alignment in a cosmetic and convenient way.
  • Dental implants: Implants are ideal for the replacement of a single or multiple teeth. 

Cosmetic treatments can be completely individualized to fit your smile goals. Dr Perrone wants the smile you always dreamed of to be a reality.


Cosmetic Dentistry Cost

Dental insurance typically does not cover cosmetic procedures. While they may be an obstacle, Dr Perrone offers dental financing through CareCredit as well as payment plans to make treatment work for your budget.


Schedule Your No Cost Cosmetic Consultation Today

Cosmetic Dentistry Las Vegas NV

Marielaina Perrone DDS believes everyone deserves to have a healthy, beautiful, and functional smile.

Finally, creating the smile you have always dreamed of will be an exciting journey, as well as a journey that can be a bit nerve-wracking. It’s a big step to take, after all! Marielaina Perrone DDS wants you to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile.

Dr. Perrone takes a gentle, individualized approach to all dental care coupled with advanced technology to provide you with a convenient and pleasant visit every time we see you walk through the door.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost cosmetic dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in Las Vegas NV.

We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.


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