Wouldn’t it be nice if you could set a New Year’s resolution for 2015 that is simple, is quick and is easy to keep?


You can: all you need to do is resolve to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day.


That’s it. That is by far the BEST and easiest of any New Year’s resolution.


Here’s why: brushing and flossing (and visiting your dentist for teeth cleanings at least twice a year can go a long way to keeping you healthy and happy throughout all your life.


Here are just some of the benefits you’ll receive by following this simple practice of regularly brushing and flossing your teeth.


  • You’ll have a much better chance of keeping all of your teeth (no implants or dentures for you!) for the rest of your life.
  • Your teeth have a much less chance of becoming discolored (unsightly).
  • Toothaches will be kept at a minimum (no cavities or periodontal disease to cause the pain).
  • Your chances of having a heart attack or even stroke are minimalized because plaque (which is removed via brushing/flossing/regular professional cleanings) can’t become gingivitis, which can’t become periodontal disease which can’t then move dangerous bacteria into your blood stream, bacteria that can cause serious diseases, including heart disease and stroke.


Resolve to brush and floss your teeth each day and in 2015 and you’ve just made one of the easiest resolutions – and best – resolutions to keep this year.


So be kind to your future self – make your future self so proud of the you of today – by resolving to brush and floss each and every day!


In fact, why not take your oral healthcare resolution to the next level and see if you can’t also resolve to:


  • Eat fewer sugar- and starch-laden foods such as cookies, candies, cakes, and sugared sodas and other drinks.
  • Brush your tongue when you brush your teeth.
  • Drink at least eight glasses (eight ounces each) of liquids each day that aren’t sugar-laden. This can include coffee, juice, water, etc.
  • Visit your dentist at the first sign of discomfort. Don’t put this off, hoping it will go away on its own. It usually doesn’t and the sooner you can take care of a problem, the better.


Brush and floss each day and – we’re serious – you’ve pretty much covered any “take better care of my health this year” resolution you could make for 2015.


Photo courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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