One of the most effective methods to improve functionality and appearance of your teeth is dental braces. While wearing braces can be painful, it doesn’t have to be unbearable.  Wearing braces can cause a bit of uneasiness and mild discomfort. But relax, the pain is reasonable; and in most of the cases, it is temporary.  There are many ways to reduce braces pain and get relief fast. Here are a few ways to manage pain and discomfort caused by braces.

Tips to Reduce Braces Pain and get relief fast

  1. Use salt water to swish

After braces treatment, occasionally, you may develop mouth sores surrounding your gums and cheeks because of tightened metal wires. To get relief from sores and its pain, the best way is to swish with warm salt water. It not only reduces brain but also fights with infection.

  1. Apply ice cubes or ice packs

Ice and cold packs can effectively help you get relief from pain, swelling, and inflammation from soars. When your newly fixed braces cause soreness in your mouth, the best thing you should do is to apply an ice pack. Ice reduces irritation and swelling which ultimately help reduce pain.

  1. Have more cold foods and drinks

Popsicles and ice-creams not only taste delicious, but they can also help reduce braces pain and discomfort. Cold items numb your mouth and thereby reduce soreness. If rubbing ice isn’t comfortable, you can even sip iced water. Also, never skip brushing your teeth after eating sweet dishes to prevent decay.

  1. Alter your daily diet

Tightened braces can make your teeth, gums, and jaw sensitive. When you have your braces tightened, eating food becomes painful. Hence, dentists recommend avoiding hard and crunchy food like chips, raw vegetables, nuts, etc. Alternatively, you can switch to the soft food that doesn’t require much of chewing like mashed vegetables, liquid diet, soups, yogurt, and others. Once your teeth and gums get adjusted to braces, your pain subsides and you can resume normal eating habits.

  1. Take few doses of painkillers

In few cases, even after applying the above-mentioned home remedies, pain remains unbearable. Here, the way out to reduce braces pain and get relief is medication, i.e., pain killer medicines.  If the pain is severe, you might need to take prescribed doses of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These medicines help reduce braces pain and ease swelling. Another alternative is oral anesthetics. A gel called Orajel can be directly applied to the teeth and gums either with a finger or with a cotton swab. Orajel desensitizes the specific area where it is applied and provides you some comfort.

Closing thought

At last, once your teeth will get adjusted to the braces, pain, and discomfort will gradually disappear.  Mild pain will be for few days only, and then you will get a beautiful, confident, and perfectly aligned smile. For further information, consult to your orthodontist and get a healthier, more beautiful smile.


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