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Dental simulation software is used to help dentists and dental assistants with the design of their procedures. It is also used for training purposes.
It is a software that simulates the movements of teeth, gums, head and jaw in 3D. It provides a virtual environment where users can practice different procedures to make sure they are comfortable with the steps involved in a particular procedure before they get into real-life situations. The software also provides an interface that allows users to visualize the teeth and how they will look after a particular procedure has been carried out.
A dental simulator is usually used during training sessions where students can practice different procedures on virtual models of teeth before carrying them out on real patients. Dentists and dental assistants can use it as well to simulate complex procedures without having to worry about damaging.




Why Should You Start Using A Dental Simulator Today?
Dental care is one of the most important aspects of human health. One must be very careful when it comes to dental care. In order to help people keep their teeth healthy and avoid any complications, ai dentists have been developed.
The main difference between a dental simulator and a human dentist is that the latter has no way of knowing what you're thinking or feeling when they're working on your teeth, while the former can simulate every step in the process so you can feel more comfortable and relaxed.

How To Choose The Best Dental Simulator For Your Practice
There are many different types of dental simulators, but the one that you choose depends on what you need it for. If you need a dental simulator to help with patient intake, then consider a dental practice management software. If you need a software that can help with scheduling and billing, then look into digital practice management software.
The best way to find the right dental simulator is to consider your needs and what type of features it has. From there, narrow down your options until you find one that works for your practice.
Choosing the right type of dental simulator is important because these denal equipment are designed specifically for dentists in different ways. Make sure that you're choosing the best option for your needs from an extensive list of tools in this article!

What are the Best Software Solutions to Help a Dentist Run Their Business?
Dentist offices are becoming more digitalized in the present day. There are many software solutions that can assist their business needs.
The following list is a compilation of some of the top software solutions that dentists should consider:
1) Dentrix: This software solution offers a suite of tools, including scheduling, patient records, billing and much more. It also has an easy-to-use interface and is integrated with other popular dental software providers such as Dental Office Online.
2) Dentrix Connect: This software solution offers enhanced communication features and features to help streamline workflow. It also offers a mobile app for easier access on the go and integrates with other popular dental software providers such as Dental Office Online.

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Suppose Invisalign is the best option for you. In that case, we'll create a customized treatment plan based on the examination, x-rays, and a 3D model of your teeth. According to orthodontics Aventura, your treatment plan specifies how your teeth must move and how long it will take for them to align correctly.


Your dental images, 3D model, and sent the x-rays to the Invisalign laboratory, where they create your personalized aligners. Your 3D dental model will also let you visualize how Invisalign will gradually address your alignment problems.


Who are the candidates for these clear aligners?


Adults and teenagers can both wear Invisalign. In addition to correcting overbites, underbites,  and overcrowded teeth, they use these braces to close spaces between teeth. Dental specialists can decide if Invisalign near me is the best orthodontic treatment for you after examining your teeth and taking x-rays.


What exactly are Invisalign aligners?


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment procedure that straightens the teeth without using traditional metal braces. They are a series of custom-made, clear series that completely covers your teeth and gently pull them into the correct position over time. Because of their clear appearance, they are less visually apparent than other braces. Their ability ob be easily removable and less visible makes them a popular alternative to traditional metal braces.


No metal brackets distract your smile when receiving treatment with Invisalign clear braces. According to an affordable orthodontist near me, your teeth can be comfortably, attractively, and precisely aligned with Invisalign transparent braces in half the time it would take with conventional braces.


Invisalign is a successful and discrete orthodontic treatment option. Whether you are an adult who has put off treatment for years or a parent considering orthodontic treatment for your adolescent.


How long will Invisalign take to straighten teeth?


How much shifting or rotation your teeth require will decide the treatment time with Invisalign clear aligners. It will take longer if you have severely crooked or misaligned teeth. Also, the treatment time will usually take between 10 and 24 months. But suppose you are an adult who has undergone braces treatment as a child and your teeth shifted slightly over the years. In that case, you may need Invisalign aligners for as little as ten weeks.


Some patients may need to "refine" their teeth using braces for a few months to make other, more minor adjustments towards the conclusion of the treatment. It is because invisible aligners are not as exact as conventional braces. Invisalign cost Miami can be pretty high so ask your dental expert if they provide affordable treatment plans.


What to do after Invisalign treatment?


You'll need to wear a retainer at night after treatment with clear aligners to keep your teeth in their proper positions. Initially, your dentist or orthodontist might also advise wearing it during the day. An orthodontist in Aventura Florida will create retainers after Invisalign to be virtually invisible. Some retainers are detachable and employ metal wires to hold your teeth in place.




We hope the above article will give you valuable insight regarding Invisalign treatment. For further informative details regarding Invisalign clear braces, please visit


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Braces move your teeth by putting constant pressure on your teeth for an extended period, and your jaw will slowly and gradually adjust to this constant pressure. It can be challenging to understand it will shift our teeth because we often believe comfort dental braces are directly attached to our jawbone. However, a membrane that connects your teeth to your jaw lies beneath your gums and surrounds your bones. This membrane regulates how your teeth are positioned and reacts to the pressure that braces are applying to your teeth.


Getting braces doesn't hurt during the dental appointment, and it usually takes one or two hours to install. For the first week, you may experience soreness after getting braces as your mouth needs time to adjust to them. You may also feel slight discomfort when your dentist for braces near me changes your braces during the first few dental appointments.


How do braces work on adults compared to children?


You may find it surprising that there's no age limit to getting braces. But there are certain advantages of starting the treatment at an early age. Your jawline and underlying tissue are still adjusting as you complete your adult development. Your teeth may be more responsive to the shifting or movement at this point, and your jawline may be more flexible.


If your teeth respond more quickly and effectively to your braces, it might shorten the course of treatment. Some modifications cannot be made with braces after your jaw and teeth have stopped growing. When adults get braces, the process is often the same for kids. When you desire braces as an adult, there are other factors to think about than the length of therapy.


According to dentists who do braces near me, you should discuss the potential effects of braces on your pregnancy with your OB-GYN if you are pregnant or considering trying to conceive. You should consult with your primary doctor if you have other underlying health that could get affected.


Can adults get braces with missing teeth?


Yes, Adults can get braces with missing teeth. Issues include shifting or moving, abnormal biting patterns, and even bone loss due to the gaps between teeth. Later in age, headaches and other health-related issues may result from the tension in the jaw. Children lack possibilities that are offered to adults.


An implant could solve the issue. A gap may be required to accommodate the implant if you have untreated malocclusions or teeth displaced early in life. The spacing of your remaining teeth will be fixed with orthodontic treatment, regardless of the problem or history of your teeth.


Is it difficult to clean teeth with braces?


When wearing braces, it's crucial to practice extra caution when taking care of your mouth. Brushing your teeth after meals can prevent food from getting stuck between your braces and teeth. You can floss around the braces twice a day using special floss from the braces Hollywood fl dentist. You might wish to invest in a Waterpik flosser that can easily fit around your braces and help you clean hard-to-reach places.




We hope the above-provided information will help you learn some valuable and informative details regarding braces treatment. The above article highlights the beneficial factors regarding braces. For further informative information, please visit


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Dental Issues - Cause And Effect

Although it may feel like your dental issues just sneak up on us, the truth is that there is typically a cause and effect to every dental issue that arises. If you are currently experiencing a dental emergency or issue, you should contact a dentist in Henderson to have it examined. It is also important for you to understand the underlying issue that caused your dental issue as well as the ultimate effect on your oral health.

Below are some common cause and effect dental scenarios that may develop:

Tooth Decay (also referred to as Cavities)

  • Cause: Breakdown or demineralization of the enamel due to your teeth being over exposed to an acidic environment, dry mouth, and/or plaque acids.
  • Effect: Weakened teeth structure, pain, dental infection (dental abscess), tooth sensitivity, and discoloration of your smile.

Gum disease (Periodontal Disease)

  • Cause: Plaque and tartar accumulation; poor immune resistance, poor at home dental hygiene, lack of regular professional dental care.
  • Effect: Bleeding gums, bad breath (halitosis), receding gum tissues, bone loss, and eventually tooth loss.

Infected Dental Nerve

  • Cause: Deep untreated tooth decay, infected dental nerve, severe oral trauma.
  • Effect: chronic dental infection, pain, requires root canal treatment and dental crown or a possible tooth extraction.

Discolored Teeth

  • Cause: Discoloration from the pigments in foods, drinks, and poor dental hygiene maintenance.
  • Effect: Esthetic concerns, appear older than your age, decreased self esteem.

Tooth loss

  • Cause: Untreated or advanced tooth decay, advanced periodontal disease, oral trauma.
  • Effect: Changes in speech, difficulty chewing, esthetic concerns, shifting smile.

Heart disease and other systemic health problems

  • Cause: Increased inflammation and decreased immune response related to chronic dental infections.
  • Effect: Increased risk for birth complications (like premature birth and underweight babies), heart attack, stroke, and diabetes development.

Dental issues mentioned above do not just happen out of the blue. There is a definite path and causes that affect your smile. An educated patient is the best patient. Learning what the outcomes are will lead you to a healthier smile for a lifetime. Call your dentist in Henderson Nevada today.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost implant dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in Las Vegas NV.

We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.


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Dentist Near Me ?

Dentist near me and restaurant near me are searches we all do in our daily internet searches to complete our routine tasks. Choosing dentist near me can be convenient especially when in a new area or in an emergency situation. But is using the dentist near me feature the best way to choose high quality dental care? I believe the dentist near me feature should be the start of your research and not the end.

Google Dentist Near Me Las Vegas

If we are to choose a new dentist using something other than dentist near me……How do we go about it?…….What should we look for? The following is a list of items you should research before making your decision. The decision should be a bit more in depth than just using the dentist near me feature. Routine dental cleanings and examination visits are important to a healthy, bright smile. so start with the details that work best with your lifestyle and dental care needs. Some things to consider include:

Office Hours/Location –  Dentist Near Me? Choose a dentist that is convenient to home or work. Notice I said convenient and not close. I believe dental care is a personalized choice and should not be dictated by location. Other searches can include for example Dentist 89014 or Dentist 89052 or Dentist 89123. Using zip codes.

Monetary Cost – Does the dentist accept insurance? Does the dentist offer multiple payment options (credit cards, personal checks, payment plans, care credit)?  Costs will change by practice but overall are pretty similar across the board.

Personal Comfort Level – You must feel confident and comfortable with not only the dentist but also the office staff including dental hygienist. Are you able to ask questions freely? Are you able to express opinions on possible treatment? A good dentist and staff will be open to any and all questions. Would you feel comfortable asking for pain medicine, expressing your dental fear or dental anxiety, or asking questions about certain procedures?

Dental Qualifications – This information would generally be on the dentist’s office website. The office will also be able to talk to you about policies on infection control. If the dental staff seems uncomfortable answering your questions, or you are uncomfortable with their answers, consider moving on to another dental office.

Emergency Dental Care – Ask what the procedure is if you have a dental emergency after hours. Will They open the office for you? Will they even answer your calls for help? A good dentist should not refer you to a hospital emergency room. You should be able to contact your dentist at any time by calling either an answering service or cell phone.

Dental Licensing Boards – Most state dental boards will have a website or phone number to call where you can verify if your dentist is licensed in good standing. The website also should tell you whether there have been any disciplinary actions taken against him or her.

If Not Dentist Near Me ? Then How Do I Find The Right Dentist?

Here are some suggestions on finding dentists the right way:

-Ask your friends and family for a referral. They can tell you about the personality of the dentist and office staff, and answer questions. -Your current dentist

— If you are moving ask your current dentist if they know someone in that area.

-Your physician — Your physician may be able to provide some names of dentists that he or she is familiar with. Once you have a list of names do some research. Use search engines to research names and look for important information like education, reviews, and awards. Reviews play an important role because they will give you an overall idea how that dentist interacts with patients.

Now, remember not every person is happy with every other person in this world. So it is quite natural to have a few bad reviews over time. But the general theme should be overall positive.

Dentist Near Me Conclusion

Finding a dentist henderson nv should be a very personal choice and one that is not entered into lightly. This is your dental health that can have affects on your overall health if done improperly. Make the choice right and you will be very happy in the long run. Dentist near me search has its place but it should be the beginning of research and not the end!

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost implant dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in Las Vegas NV area.

We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.


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Dental implants have become highly utilized in dentistry. Oftentimes, another procedure called a bone graft, is required to aide in the stabilization of  dental implants. The success of dental implants depends on the quality and quantity of bone present. If the bone is of poor quality or low quantity the dental implants have a much lower chance of success. Adequate bone structure is required for a dental implant to integrate (become one with the surrounding bone), and be strong enough to chew on.

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that can increase the quality and/or quality of the bone to then directly effect the chance of dental implants success. Not all dental implants require bone grafts, so when do you need them?

When Are Dental Bone Grafts Needed For Dental Implants?

The existing bone has insufficient width. This could be a genetic factor where the bone width is lacking naturally or it could be from damage over time from periodontal disease.

The existing bone has insufficient height. The height of the bone is just as critical as the width as it ensures the dental implant is properly anchored to support the stress of function (biting and chewing food).

The maxillary sinus is too close to area of placement. This usually means that there is not enough bone between the tooth area and the sinus. Generally this can be fixed by lifting the sinus membrane (Sinus Lift) and placing bone graft material.

Inadequate bone as a result of previous tooth or teeth removal. Sometimes when teeth are removed or fall out, bone can be removed as well. The bone will also decrease and remodel once the tooth is removed as it no longer is needed to hold a tooth in place.

Not enough bone due to periodontal disease or trauma. Periodontal disease and trauma can lead to there not being enough bone for a successful dental implant.

Inadequate bone due to defect in development that affects growth of bone in the jaw. –Insufficient bone caused by the removal of cysts or tumors in the mouth. If the removal of a cyst or tumor is required there will also be removal of some of the bone, there may not be enough left for the dental implant to be successful. After removal of oral pathology, healing time is required so that bone quality and quantity can be reevaluated.

Bone Grafting Procedure

Where Does the Bone Come From? Bone grafting procedures involve the use of your bone, cadaver bone, cow bone, and synthetic bone. Your own bone will most likely come from your chin or ramus (the back part of your lower jaw). If your dentist is unable to get enough bone from either of these areas, they may need to get bone from your hip or shin bone (tibia) instead. The hip is considered to be a better source because the hip bone can provide a large amount of bone. The marrow from either the hip or shin (tibia) contains bone-forming cells. However bone taken from your hip requires a visit to the hospital along with general anesthesia.

Cadaver bone and cow bone is sterilized and broken down into small chips for easy placement.  Man made synthetic materials are also widely used for bone grafting. The synthetic bone acts as a scaffold for new bone to build on. Newer products containing growth factors have also been developed.  Some are used to enhance bone graft materials and others are used in place of bone grafting. One of these products, BMP-2 stimulates certain body cells to turn into bone. The BMP-2 protein occurs naturally in the body.

What Happens During Bone Grafting? A good example is a patient that needs to have a single tooth extracted and wants to have it replaced with a dental implant and dental crown. There may be a bone defect in the area or the tooth is large and needs to have some bone placed to fill in the expansive space. In this case, a dental bone graft is ideal and necessary to support the future dental implant. Before the procedure, you will need to have either a CT scan or a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan. The images of a CT or CBCT provide valuable information about bone quantity and show where important nerves and sinuses are located which need to be avoided. A CBCT actually provides a 3-D image of your bone and any defects present.

 Local anesthesia will be used to numb the area where the bone augmentation is needed (called the recipient site) as well as the area from where bone will be removed (donor site) if using your own bone. An incision in the gum tissue where the implant will be placed is made to determine how much and what type of bone is needed. The most common type of graft is called a socket graft. This is used to fill the space left behind by the lost tooth. The material used most often in a socket graft is often comprised of cow bone. This bone is harvested from known healthy cows and is processed through a freeze drying procedure that renders a sterile end product containing only the mineral content of natural bone.

The graft is applied to the empty hole immediately after a tooth extraction and is secured using sutures (stitches). Following the bone grafting procedure the patient will be given antibiotics, pain medicine, and an antibacterial mouthwash. You will need to avoid certain foods. You also will be told how to avoid putting pressure on the area or damaging it while it heals. If you wear a denture, you may not be able to wear it for a month or longer while the area heals. If you have natural teeth around the bone graft, your dentist may make a temporary removable bridge or denture to help protect the area.

Success of Bone Grafting The success rate for bone grafts in the jaws for the purpose of placing dental implants is very high. However, there is a small chance that the bone graft will fail, even if your own bone was used. Bone grafts are not rejected like organ transplants. It is not exactly known why some dental grafts fail. There is a higher risk of failure in patients with diabetes, who smoke, or have periodontal disease. A failed graft can be removed. Once the area has healed, your dentist may choose to place a second bone graft.

Dental Bone Grafts Conclusion

Without dental bone grafts many would be unable to restore their smiles with dental implants. Just like dental implants, dental bone grafts are highly successful procedures to restore a smile to its natural state. Every case is different and the need for bone grafting varies from person to person and tooth to tooth. You can discuss the need for possible bone grafting with your dentist to see if it would benefit your procedure.

If you are ready to replace lost or missing teeth with dental implants in Las Vegas, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost dental implant consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams.


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Periodontal disease is a slow, progressive disease that can destroy you oral and systemic health. Many of the hallmark symptoms of periodontal disease sneak up on us and are often ignored at least initially. It is important not to ignore these signs and symptoms as periodontal disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss. Periodontal disease comes in many different forms including aggressive, chronic, necrotizing periodontitis, and periodontitis associated with systemic diseases. 

Each of these types of periodontal disease has its own distinct characteristics and symptoms, and all require prompt treatment by a dentist to help halt subsequent bone and gum tissue loss. Risk of periodontal disease increases with age. For younger people, dental caries are a more important risk for tooth loss, while for older people, periodontal disease is the more important risk factor.

Risk Factors Of Periodontal Disease

-Age. Studies have shown that over 70% of all Americans aged 65 and older have some form of periodontal disease.

-Tobacco Use (including smoking). We are well aware of the health effects of smoking on our overall health. These diseases include various types of cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular (heart) disease. Research has also shown that tobacco use also increases a persons risk for periodontal disease.

-Family History (Genetics). Some people are more susceptible to periodontal disease than others. This is because of our genetic makeup. 

-Stress. Studies have shown that stress can make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection, this includes periodontal diseases.

Prescription Drugs (Medications). Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your oral health. Just as you notify your pharmacist and other health care providers of all medicines you are taking and any changes in your overall health, you should also inform your dentist.

-Bruxism (Teeth Grinding). Bruxism can put excess force on the supporting tissues of the teeth and could speed up the rate at which these periodontal tissues are destroyed.

-Presence Of Systemic Disease. Many systemic diseases can interfere with the inflammatory process. These include cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

-Poor Diet/ Nutrition. A diet low in important, essential nutrients can compromise the body’s immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off infection. Because periodontal disease begins as an infection, poor nutrition can worsen the condition of your gums.

Periodontal Disease Signs And Symptoms

Bleeding Upon Brushing, Flossing, Or Even Eating. This is one of the most common signs that periodontal disease is active. It is often overlooked as not a big deal. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease.

As the bacteria and toxins build up in the mouth, the body responds by activating the inflammatory process, rushing our cells to stop the attack. This will cause the gum tissues to become inflamed and red. It is important to also note that bleeding gums can also be the sign of something more sinister like leukemia and blood platelet disorders.

–Unexplained Pain Or Swelling. Periodontal infections present in this manner. When an oral infection occurs, it is essential that you get to a dentist as soon as possible for evaluation and treatment. If the infection is left unchecked it will cause damage to the gum tissues and the bone supporting your teeth. It can also be carried to other parts of the body through the blood stream affecting your overall health.

-Persistent Halitosis (Bad Breath). Bad breath can occur from many things but peristent bad breath can mean progressive periodontal disease . As the gum tissues are destroyed, the areas where the oral bacteria can flourish will increase causing a foul odor in the mouth. There are other causes of chronic halitosis that should also be ruled out by your dentist prior to treatment.

-Change In Your Smile Or Loose Teeth. As periodontal disease progresses, your teeth will loosen and move out of position. This will effect the way your teeth fit together and even alter your smile.

-Teeth Become Longer In Appearance. As periodontal disease progresses it will lead to destruction of the bone and gum tissues. This will show up as gum recession. Once the gum tissues pull back they expose more of the tooth and root, making them appear longer than before.

Pus Drainage. This goes along with the periodontal infection mentioned previously. An active periodontal infection will create pus which can ooze out from between the teeth and gums causing a bad taste and bad breath (malodor).

Periodontal Disease Prevention

Dental and Periodontal Examinations

Your dentist will complete a thorough examination with x-rays and periodontal charting. Notations about the visual condition of the gum tissue will also be recorded. In its earliest stages the gum tissue is usually red, puffy, and painless or slightly tender at this point. Plaque and tartar will more than likely be present to some degree.

A periodontal probe will be used to measure around the teeth to see if your periodontal disease has progressed and to what degree. It is important to note that once bone loss has occurred you now have a more advanced form of periodontal disease. Following the examination, your dentist will recommend a course of treatment for your periodontal disease. This will include a professional cleaning along with extra home care instructions.

The goal in treatment is to reduce the inflammation and not allow progression of the disease. An antibacterial rinse (example, Listerine) may also be recommended for at home use. Your dentist may also recommend repair of misaligned or crooked teeth to aid you in your home care efforts. Your dentist may also recommend a more frequent schedule(every 4-6 months) to control your periodontal disease. Following removal of plaque and tartar, bleeding and tenderness of the gums should begin to subside within 1-2 weeks after professional cleaning and careful dental hygiene.

Warm salt water or antibacterial rinses can also reduce gum inflammation. Taking an over the counter anti inflammatory medication can also aid in pain and inflammation reduction. Healthy gums should look pink and firm with no bleeding upon brushing, flossing, or eating. Good oral hygiene must be maintained for your whole life, or periodontal disease will come back and possibly advance past the gingivitis form into advanced periodontal disease (also called periodontitis).

Steps to prevent periodontal disease should include:

-Routine dental visits. Usually recommended every 3- 6 months for examination and professional cleaning.

-Maintain At Home Dental Care. Brushing after every meal and flossing at least once a day.

-Rinsing with an antiseptic rinse as recommended by your dentist. Choose one with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval.

Consult your physician if the bleeding is severe or chronic, gums continue to bleed even after dental treatment, or you have other unexplained symptoms along with the bleeding from your gums. These could all be the sign of a more serious condition than periodontal disease and should be checked out as soon as possible.


Preventing periodontal disease is up to the patient. Luckily, it is preventable with diligence and effort. Maintaining good dental hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly will lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic dentistry consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams.


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Myths About Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene and oral care are vital to our ability to maintain and retain our teeth as we get older. The internet is full of dental misconceptions. Below a few of these will be proven wrong.

Myth 1. Harder Brushing Means A Cleaner Smile.

False. Excessive pressure placed on teeth and gum tissues will actually eventually cause damage. This can lead to premature enamel erosion and recession of gum tissues. It is recommended that a soft bristle toothbrush is used with even gentle pressure throughout the mouth for an effective clean.

Myth 2. Chewing Gum Helps Clean Teeth.

Chewing gum following eating should never be a replacement for good old fashioned brushing and flossing. If in a pinch, chewing gum will help if you are unable to brush. It will cause increased salivary flow which can help wash some loose debris from the oral cavity. However, it will not remove the harder plaque and the sticky plaque that forms around our teeth.

Myth 3. Baby Teeth Do Not Need Brushing.

False. Baby teeth need to be cared for just like adult teeth. Premature loss of baby teeth can cause issues of space when adult teeth are ready to erupt. Primary teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth. It is important to maintain your baby teeth thru proper brushing at least 2 times a day.

Myth 4. Sugar Causes Tooth Decay.

False. The sugar in our foods is not the main cause of tooth decay. The bacteria in our mouth will feed off the sugar and release an acidic compound which will eventually wear down our teeth. Regular brushing especially after eating sugary foods is very important.

Myth 5. Enamel Loss Causes Sensitivity.

There are many reasons why you might experience tooth sensitivity. Enamel loss does not happen quickly. Tooth grinding, abrasive toothpaste, aggressive brushing and lack of regular proper dental hygiene all contribute to both tooth sensitivity and enamel loss. Should you lose your enamel however, you will likely experience tooth sensitivity as well.

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS

Contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no-cost implant dentistry consultation appointment if you are ready for a smile makeover or dental implants in the Las Vegas NV area.


We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams in Summerlin, Henderson, and Las Vegas, NV.

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The wisdom teeth removal Houston is pretty typical. In actuality, many people undergo wisdom tooth removal each year. However, many of us are unaware of wisdom teeth or how to remove them. Advises that everyone between the ages of 16 and 19 have their wisdom teeth examined by a dentist to see whether your need a wisdom teeth removal Houston tx. Observe the following if your child's wisdom teeth have already erupted:




  • Impacted teeth might develop crookedly or sideways, which can cause more severe issues.
  • When teeth are crowded, crowded teeth press against one another because they are too close together, and it can hurt and result in infection from bacteria growing in the spaces between crowded teeth.
  • If they are hurting you, it may be time to think about having your child's teeth extracted if they are painful or uncomfortable.


What should you expect from a wisdom teeth removal procedure? 

During the procedure, your best dentist in Houston or oral surgeon may use one of these three types of anesthesia. It will depend on the level of comfort and the expected complexity of wisdom teeth removal. Anesthetic options may include 




Local anesthesia

Your dentist 77027 or oral surgeon will give you a single or more local anesthetic injections close to the location of each extraction. Your dentist or surgeon will probably put something on your gums to numb them before giving you an injection. You will be awake while removing the toot. Even though there will be some pressure and movement, you shouldn't feel any pain.


Sedation anesthesia 

Through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm, your oral surgeon or uptown dental dentist administers sedative anesthesia to you. During the surgery, sedation anesthetic subdues your consciousness. You won't remember much of the process and won't experience any pain. Additionally, you'll need a local anesthetic to make your gums numb.


General anesthesia 

They may give you general anesthesia in certain circumstances. You might either have an IV line in your arm or inhale medication through your nose. You subsequently go unconscious. Your medicines, breathing, temperature, hydration intake, and blood pressure are all continuously monitored by your surgical team. You won't feel any pain and won't remember the process. Additionally, they use a local anesthetic to ease discomfort following surgery.


What risks come with wisdom teeth removal? 

Mainly wisdom teeth extraction does not cause any severe or long-term complications. However, impacted wisdom teeth removal usually requires a surgical approach, including making incisions in the gum tissue and removing bone. According to wisdom teeth removal cost Houston, Complications can rarely include: 


  • When the post-operative blood clot is lost from the site of the surgical wound, a painful dry socket or exposed bone results (socket)
  • bacterial or food-particle-trapped infection in the socket
  • damage to the bones, sinuses, nerves, or teeth close


How to make preparations? 

The dentists may perform the procedure in the dental office. However, your dentist could advise seeing an oral surgeon if you have severe tooth impaction or if the extraction calls for a complex surgical procedure. Your surgeon may recommend sedation in addition to local anesthesia to numb the area and make you more comfortable throughout the treatment.



We hope the above-provided article will help you learn about wisdom teeth removal. For further informative details regarding a wisdom tooth, please visit


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An orthodontist is an exceptional dentist that has got training focusing on orthodontics. Dentistry has several specialties that include endodontics, prosthodontics, and oral surgery. Endodontics provides root canal therapy; prosthodontics consists of restorative treatments like bridges, crowns, and oral surgery. Consult an orthodontist specialists of Florida if you think your smile is not perfect.



How Does a Specialist Orthodontist Train?


Miami orthodontist specialist should have a dental degree and experience in various oral specialties. Majorly orthodontics already hold a post-graduate qualification.


Do Orthodontists Only Straighten Teeth?


A orthodontists specialists of Florida can help you offer a beautiful, straight & healthy smile. Generally, dentists evaluate dental & oral cavity abnormalities and offer different oral treatments.


Typically, Florida orthodontic specialists will evaluate your dental & medical history through 3D images and x-rays. Then, they will recommend specific treatments according to your current oral condition. Moreover, they will ensure that the treatments help you achieve the patients' goals.


They will suggest the most suitable oral appliances to prepare your treatment records and watch your progress to restore your smile. Your orthodontist may also design oral appliances like lingual braces, retainers, and space maintainers to offer a flawless & confident smile. Additionally, Miami orthodontic specialists regularly consult with other dental professionals and staff and educate their patients on healthy eating habits and proper teeth cleaning, especially during the treatment.


Where to Find an Orthodontist?


If you are looking for the most suitable treatments that suit your goal, explore the best orthodontist in Miami fl, that treats smile defects near your location. You can even search them online to consider who is the best one for your condition. Moreover, you can read customers' ratings and reviews to know more about their credentials. Once you know the particular orthodontist can treat your disease effectively within the budget, you have the best one.



What Treatment Do Orthodontists Perform?

Orthodontists perform unique kinds of services if you have;


Overcrowding teeth: if you have overlapping teeth, you need to consult an orthodontist to get a better arrangement of them.


Biting issues:  When your teeth do not meet adequately, like your upper teeth biting further forward to your lower teeth or your bottom teeth ahead of your top teeth.


An orthodontist can correct various oral problems, such as can straighten your teeth, correcting your bite issues, fixing the arrangement of your teeth, and closing up the gaps to restore your smile.


Since our dentistry has become advanced, you can find different types of braces available today. You no more need to depend on only traditional methods. 


Therefore, book an appointment with an orthodontist specialist and know the most suitable option for your oral condition. Get affordable braces Miami that precisely match your specifications.

How Do I Know If I'm Seeing A Specialist Orthodontist?


Please enquire about the clinic's authenticity by checking whether they have an orthodontist specialist or not. An orthodontist specialist has qualifications similar to other dental specialists, including gum, root canal, and oral surgeons.



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An orthodontist is an exceptional dentist that has got training focusing on orthodontics. Dentistry has several specialties that include endodontics, prosthodontics, and oral surgery. Endodontics provides root canal therapy; prosthodontics consists of restorative treatments like bridges, crowns, and oral surgery. Consult an orthodontist specialists of Florida if you think your smile is not perfect.


How Does a Specialist Orthodontist Train?


Miami orthodontist specialist should have a dental degree and experience in various oral specialties. Majorly orthodontics already hold a post-graduate qualification.


Do Orthodontists Only Straighten Teeth?


A orthodontists specialists of Florida can help you offer a beautiful, straight & healthy smile. Generally, dentists evaluate dental & oral cavity abnormalities and offer different oral treatments.


Typically, Florida orthodontic specialists will evaluate your dental & medical history through 3D images and x-rays. Then, they will recommend specific treatments according to your current oral condition. Moreover, they will ensure that the treatments help you achieve the patients' goals.


They will suggest the most suitable oral appliances to prepare your treatment records and watch your progress to restore your smile. Your orthodontist may also design oral appliances like lingual braces, retainers, and space maintainers to offer a flawless & confident smile. Additionally, Miami orthodontic specialists regularly consult with other dental professionals and staff and educate their patients on healthy eating habits and proper teeth cleaning, especially during the treatment.


Where to Find an Orthodontist?


If you are looking for the most suitable treatments that suit your goal, explore the best orthodontist in Miami fl, that treats smile defects near your location. You can even search them online to consider who is the best one for your condition. Moreover, you can read customers' ratings and reviews to know more about their credentials. Once you know the particular orthodontist can treat your disease effectively within the budget, you have the best one.

What Treatment Do Orthodontists Perform?

Orthodontists perform unique kinds of services if you have;


Overcrowding teeth: if you have overlapping teeth, you need to consult an orthodontist to get a better arrangement of them.


Biting issues:  When your teeth do not meet adequately, like your upper teeth biting further forward to your lower teeth or your bottom teeth ahead of your top teeth.


An orthodontist can correct various oral problems, such as can straighten your teeth, correcting your bite issues, fixing the arrangement of your teeth, and closing up the gaps to restore your smile.


Since our dentistry has become advanced, you can find different types of braces available today. You no more need to depend on only traditional methods. 


Therefore, book an appointment with an orthodontist specialist and know the most suitable option for your oral condition. Get affordable braces Miami that precisely match your specifications.

How Do I Know If I'm Seeing A Specialist Orthodontist?


Please enquire about the clinic's authenticity by checking whether they have an orthodontist specialist or not. An orthodontist specialist has qualifications similar to other dental specialists, including gum, root canal, and oral surgeons.



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You must first comprehend dental bonding Houston tx to decide if it is the best dental procedure for you. Dental bonding is a quick and low-cost cosmetic dental procedure.  in this procedure, dentists apply a piece of plastic-like resin that is tooth-colored to the chipped tooth. Then they join the tooth and resin using ultraviolet (UV) light. 




People with gaps between their teeth, discoloration, or chipped or fractured teeth choose dental bonding procedures. It is because they are straightforward and quick to complete. No downtime is necessary because it is a short and easy operation. And you may resume your regular activities the same day. 


According to chipped tooth repair Houston, dental bonding doesn't require an anesthetic unless it's to treat a cavity or another type of tooth decay. The process may take time, depending on how many issues it needs to resolve. After that, except for the standard oral hygiene practice, which entails frequent brushing and flossing, the bonded tooth requires relatively little maintenance.


What are the types of dental bonding? 


Direct composite bonding

The most typical dental bonding method is this one. Your dentist downtown Houston will make a composite resin the same color as your teeth, shape it to fit them, and then use a bonding agent to apply it. The resin is UV-cured, and the bonded tooth can be further sculpted as it hardens.




Adhesive Bonding


According to midtown dentistry Houston tx, during this process, a restoration is attached to the damaged tooth using an adhesive, a curing light, an etchant, acid, or other corrosive substance. The greatest candidates for this technique include non-metal fillings, porcelain veneers, and crowns.


What are the major pros and cons of dental bonding? 


Pros of dental bonding 


The price is the major advantage of dental bonding. It offers one of the most straightforward and affordable dental procedures. It may be completed in a single appointment with a dentist in midtown Houston and does not require a special fit. As a result, you won't need to wear a temporary mold because they do not create any special item, particularly for you. 


Compared to veneers or crowns, it also requires the removal of the least amount of tooth enamel from your teeth. An essential component of oral health is the enamel, the hard outer covering of your teeth that helps prevent tooth decay. Dental bonding is usually not very painful unless it needs to fill a cavity and doesn't require any anesthetic. 


Cons of dental bonding


Dental bonding techniques use composite resin, which is stain-resistant but not as stain-resistant as veneers or crowns. The bonding material's shorter lifespan is another drawback. They frequently use dental bonding on teeth with minor cosmetic flaws.


It includes those chipped or have a small gap and on teeth that do not suffer a lot of bite pressure, like the front teeth. A dental bonding technique is more likely to be used by a dentist.  They use it for minor cosmetic adjustments or a temporary fix for cosmetic flaws. 




We hope the above-given information gives you valuable insight regarding the dental bonding procedure. The above article tells us about the various beneficial aspects of dental bonding. For further information regarding dental bonding, please visit


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Your dentist applies a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your teeth during the tooth bonding treatment to repair the damage. Because teeth bonding Houston is significantly less expensive than other cosmetic dental operations like crowns and veneers, it is a cost-effective choice. Your dentist begins the procedure of composite bonding near me by selecting a composite resin shade that resembles the shade of your natural teeth using a shade guide. 




Your dentist will first make the tooth surface rough, then applies a liquid to make it possible for the bonding agent to adhere to the tooth. After molding or shaping the tooth with the composite resin over the liquid, your dentist hardens the substance with ultraviolet light. After applying and hardening the resin, your dentist may further shape the tooth if necessary.


Are there any significant risks associated with teeth bonding? 


Dental bonding carries no significant dangers. But some factors can cause problems, such as 

  • The composite resin utilized in this operation isn't as strong as your original teeth, so keep that in mind.
  • The filling could crack or come away from your natural tooth. However, chipping or cracking doesn't frequently happen with a crown, veneer, or filling.
  • Stain resistance of resin is also lower than that of other dental materials. You can see discoloration if you smoke or consume a lot of coffee.
  • If you bite your fingernails, chew on straws, pens, or pencils, eat ice, or bite down on hard food or candy, your bonded tooth may chip.



Why should we get teeth bonding?


You can fix a tooth's flaw or imperfection using tooth bonding. Dentists at emergency dental Houston sometimes use bonding to restore a tooth that is decaying, broken, or discolored. Additionally, this technique helps fill up tiny spaces between teeth. It is also possible to increase a tooth's size through tooth bonding. 


For instance, you could desire all of your teeth to be the same length because one of them is shorter than the others. Tooth bonding near me typically takes 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on how extensive the process is, some appointments may take longer. 


Can you describe the tooth bonding process? 


24-hour emergency dentist Houston will roughen the tooth's surface, and the dentist will apply a liquid conditioner. These steps aid in the bonding substance's adherence to the tooth. They use a tooth-colored putty-like resin, molded and smoothed to get the correct shape. A powerful (often blue) light or laser hardens the material. 


Your dental clinic Houston dentist will further trim and shape the material when it has been set, then polish it to match the gloss of the rest of the tooth surface. The process of bonding teeth takes 30 to 60 minutes for each tooth.


How to care for the bonded teeth? 


Avoiding bad habits like biting fingernails, chewing on pens, ice, and other hard food items, and using your bonded teeth to pry things open, is vital since bonding material can chip. Call your dentist if you discover any jagged edges on bonded teeth or if your tooth feels strange when biting down. Bonding doesn't require any additional maintenance.




From the above-given information, we learn some beneficial and valuable facts regarding teeth bonding. The above article highlights some critical aspects of teeth bonding. For further details regarding dental bonding, please visit


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Five tips for exceptional dental hygiene


Dental hygiene is crucial, especially for those who want to maintain healthy teeth and gums. To keep your smile looking its best, follow these five exceptional tips:

Tip 1: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

Dental health is an integral part of overall health. To maintain dental health, brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is recommended. Fluoride is a mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay by making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque, bacteria and the sugars in food. Using toothpaste with the right amount of fluoride for your age group is essential. For example, kinds of toothpaste for children under six years old should have a lower concentration of fluoride to help reduce the risk of fluorosis, which is a condition that causes white spots on teeth. In addition to brushing with fluoride toothpaste, other measures such as flossing and eating a balanced diet can also help to keep teeth and gums healthy.

Tip 2: Floss at least once a day.

Just as brushing your teeth is vital for keeping your smile healthy and sparkling, so is flossing. Flossing a minimum of once a day helps to remove plaque and food particles from in between your teeth, where your toothbrush can't reach. In addition, flossing helps to Stimulate your gums, which can promote circulation and help to keep them healthy. While it may take less time to get used to flossing, it's definitely worth the effort! Not only will you enjoy having a beautiful smile, but you'll also be contributing to your overall oral health. So make sure to add flossing to your daily dental routine.

Tip 3: Eat a healthy diet low in sugar and acids.

To have exceptional dental hygiene, eating a healthy diet low in sugar and acids is essential. Foods high in sugar and acid can wear away at tooth enamel, causing cavities and other problems. To help protect your teeth, limit sugary snacks and drinks, as well as acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes. In addition, be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly. Following these simple tips can keep your smile healthy and bright for years.

Tip 4: Drink plenty of water.

Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential for overall health. Drinking plenty of water helps to wash away food particles and bacteria that can lead to dental problems. In addition, water helps to keep saliva production flowing, which is essential for breaking down food and neutralizing acids that can damage tooth enamel. Aim to drink six to eight glasses of water per day for best results. And be sure to swish with water after eating sugary or acidic foods to help prevent tooth decay. Ensure water is a part of your daily routine and can help keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.

Tip 5: See your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Dental checkups and cleanings are an essential part of maintaining good dental hygiene. During a dental checkup, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums for any signs of disease or decay. They will also check for any symptoms of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. In addition, they will look for any signs of oral cancer. A dental cleaning is a procedure in which your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and scaled. This aids to remove any plaque or tartar that has built up on your teeth. It is essential to see your dentist for regular dental checkups and cleanings to maintain good dental hygiene.


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The dental specialist uses dental fillings to replace missing tooth structures due to damage, disease, or injury. The decay or damage of a tooth causes it to become hollow. The dental filling help to close this gap and keep it from decaying further.


Fillings also help restore fractured or cracked teeth and teeth that wear down due to dental habits such as teeth grinding, nail-biting, etc. You may require fillings due to a variety of signs and symptoms. According to 24 Hour Emergency Dentist Near Me, the following are some possible symptoms:


  • Your tooth has a hole in it
  • The tooth has dark stains on it.
  • Food became caught between the teeth in particular regions.
  • Teeth that have been chipped or fractured
  • sensitive to hot and cold food and beverages
  • Cavities can be single or many.




If you experience any of the symptoms lie we mentioned above, it may be possible that you'll need a filling. After a complete dental examination, your dentist will make the final decision.


What is the cost of dental fillings?


Dental filling cost varies significantly in different circumstances and for different patients. It also depends on what kind of dental filling you are using, where you are getting them, and many other minor factors. Generally, dental fillings are a very efficient and affordable method. The size of the tooth filling, the number of tooth fillings required, and the material you select determine the cost of treatment.


Investing in a tooth filling to restore your teeth today could help you avoid more costly operations in the future. A cavity, for example, if left without treatment, can result in tooth loss, and repairing a missing tooth or teeth is much more expensive than a dental filling.



Types of tooth fillings available for you


Dental fillings are available in various types. The type of dental filling your doctor will use on you depends on your tooth decay condition. It may also depend on other essential factors, such as people being allergic to certain filling materials. The different kinds of tooth fillings are


Metal Tooth Fillings


A metal tooth filling is less expensive than composite resin and provides longer-lasting effects. An amalgam filling can last up to 15 years if you take care of it properly. Amalgam fillings have higher resilience to damage because of the metal alloy employed, making them a better alternative for more significant areas of decay.




Composite Tooth Fillings


Composite Fillings are the same shade of white as your teeth. It is the best option if a person does not want to show their tooth fillings. It is suggested and appropriate for Front Tooth Filling. It develops a strong bond with the tooth structure. You can also use it to fix a chipped tooth, but it does not last as long as metal or amalgam fillings and can wear off over time.


Porcelain/ ceramic tooth fillings


Inlays, ceramic, and Cerec restorations are all terms experts use to describe porcelain fillings. Porcelain or gold fillings have a higher success rate than composite resin fillings. They are less expensive, but they need to be replaced every 4 to 5 years since they cannot endure severe biting pressure and fracture more quickly.




We hope the above-given information helps you learn some valuable things regarding dental fillings. The article discusses the various factors, aspects, benefits, and types of dental filling. For further details regarding dental fillings, please refer to


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Dental Bonding Equals New Smile

Tooth Bonding is a common cosmetic dentistry procedure that can make minimal and maximum changes to your smile. The beauty of tooth bonding is it generally can be completed in a single appointment and may or may not need dental anesthesia and is less expensive than porcelain restorations. . 

This cosmetic dentistry procedure involves reshaping and blending teeth. Tooth bonding utilizes tooth colored materials that can be bonded to teeth to change shape, color, and length. This same material can also be used to fully cover the front surface (called a composite veneer). 

Tooth Bonding Procedure

Tooth bonding can be used to restore function to a tooth that has  or just to add a cosmetic dental change.

What is involved in the tooth bonding procedure?


Very little preparation is necessary for dental bonding, especially in the case of a chipped tooth. Anesthesia is usually not even needed unless the tooth bonding is needed to restore a deeply damaged or traumatized tooth, a fracture close to the nerve, a sensitive tooth, or a tooth damaged by a tooth decay. Your dentist 89014 will need to roughen up the surface and clean the edges to prepare the area to accept the tooth bonding.

-An acidic etching gel (phosphoric acid) is applied to the tooth being treated to ready the surface for bonding of the . The gel opens up microscopic tubules which allows for proper bonding to the natural tooth surface. -A liquid conditioning agent is applied to the tooth which wets the surface and again facilitates bonding.

-Your dentist will then choose the proper shade of dental composite to match the tooth being worked on but also the surrounding teeth. -The dental composite is then formed and shaped so that it will fit into the necessary treatment area can restore the natural contours and function of the tooth. Multiple layers of dental composite are applied. This allows for a stronger end product.

-A special UV light is held over the dental composite. This light hardens and cures the dental composite. Each layer will be cured within seconds.

-After the material has cured, your dentist will adjust the material to 

remove any excess and bring it to a high polish. This will also be the time your dentist will ensure the bite (or occlusion) is correct. Adjustments may be made to bring the teeth into proper alignment. The final shaping and polishing is one of the most important parts of the process. It is important to blend the composite resin properly to get a result that looks and feels like your natural tooth structure.

-The entire dental bonding procedure usually between 30 minutes to an hour for each tooth. If done properly, tooth bonding should not be noticeable to anyone. It should match your existing tooth structure perfectly.

-Going forward to maintain the tooth bonding, you will want to be diligent about your dental hygiene. This should include brushing and flossing regularly.

What Can Tooth Bonding Do For You?

Tooth bonding is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, but can also be used to restore teeth that have tooth decay. Tooth bonding can do the following:

-Repair cracks or chips in teeth.

Close gaps in between teeth.

-Cover stains or discolorations.

-Cover exposed roots thus eliminating or decreasing tooth sensitivity.

-Change length or shape of teeth.

Tooth Bonding Conclusion

A dentist has many tools to restore your teeth but none more important than dental bonding. It is a versatile cosmetic dentistry procedure that can restore your smile to its natural form and function.

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Importance Of Dental Hygiene

The effects of poor dental hygiene can range from tooth decay to periodontal disease, and loss of teeth. Luckily, maintaining a good dental hygiene regimen, including regular professional teeth cleaning and dental examinations can prevent most of these problems.

If you choose not to maintain good dental habits (including brushing and flossing), you are putting yourself at increased risk for tooth decay. Earliest signs of tooth decay may include pain when you bite and feelings of sensitivity or pain in your teeth.

Cleaning teeth on a regular basis also helps prevent progression of periodontal disease from gingivitis(earliest form) to advanced periodontitis. If you do develop tooth decay and/or periodontal disease as a result of your poor dental hygiene, you may be amass extensive bills for anything from simple fillings or crowns to more costly and complicated procedures such as root canal therapy or oral surgery.

Is Dental Treatment Expensive?

Dental treatment costs can vary based on how much work is needed to fix your individual issues. The cost of routine visits for professional cleanings and dental examinations is low. Consider it insurance against major issues arising.

Recommended Dental Care Routine

Keep your teeth clean and cavity-free by following a regular dental care routine of tooth brushing 2x/day and at least flossing once a day. And visit your dental professional every 6 months for a professional cleaning and thorough examination to catch any problems before they become serious. Your dentist or dental hygienist might also recommend a particular type of toothbrush, dental floss or oral rinse based on your individual needs to help you get the most out of your daily dental care regimen.

Lifestyle Choices

Diet (Nutrition)

maintaining a proper and nutritious balanced diet not only helps keep your overall body healthy, but your mouth as well. Nutrition plays an important role in the health and cleanliness of your teeth, gums and mouth.

-Moderate Soda, Coffee 

and Alcohol

-Drink Tap Water When Possible

For many bottled water is the main source of drinking water, you could be missing the benefits of fluoride in your water.

-Monitor Your Low Carbohydrate Diet

Low carbohydrate diets can cause bad breath. A balanced, dental-healthy diet can help reduce tooth decay as well as keep our breath fresh.

-Increase Your Calcium Intake

After age 20, both men and women lose more bone mass than they form so it is important to restore lost calcium with a daily supplement and by eating fruits and vegetables high in calcium, such as dark leafy greens. These foods will also help to lower the acid buildup in the saliva that can lead to breakdown of tooth enamel.

-Daily Dose of Vitamins C and D

Vitamin C and D help support the absorption of healthy mouth minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which support the bone and gum tissue, keeping it healthy. This is a fairly easy way to maintain dental hygiene and fight periodontal disease.

-Remove Tobacco

In addition to staining teeth, smoking interrupts calcium absorption in the body and can also cause potentially disease such as oral cancer. Stop smoking and enjoy the health benefits as well as a healthy, beautiful smile.


Maintaining a healthy smile does not have to be hard. It is all about routines and regular maintenance. As soon as an issue arises see your dentist for a thorough examination to avoid further issues down the road.

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The 7 Different Types of Tooth Restoration

emergency dental clinics near me may recommend tooth restoration if you’ve knocked, worn, discolored, unhealthy, or crooked teeth. There are various types of the tooth restoration process, and tooth restoration can restore natural functioning, looking, and extra damage support from decay. You can find Restorative Dentistry Near Me.


Types of tooth restoration 

Several procedures can restore the function and look of your teeth. The restoration procedure type may vary from case to case, so check with your dentist. Standard dental restoration includes: 

Dental fillings

Dentist Near 77008 uses filling procedures to fill cavities caused by dental decay. A dental filling is the most common method to restore your teeth. Firstly, the dentist will clean the tooth decay and fill the cavity. They use different materials, such as silver amalgam or composite resin.  

If the tooth is in the front row and visible when you speak or smile, dental restoration

may recommend a tooth-colored material for filling :



Composite resins (white filling): 

Dentists preferred over amalgam fillings; they look the same color as your teeth and do not expand or contrast teeth. However, they are just durable and strong as metal fillings.  

Glass ionomer: 

This type of fillings material acts more like a sealant.

Resin-modified glass ionomer: 

This filling is very similar to glass ionomer and long-lasting. 

Talk with Dental Restorative Services to determine which filling is best for your teeth.


Heights Dentist Houston usually places a cap over a weak or damaged tooth to protect and cover the tooth. Now you start sketching your head. Are these dental crowns for you?

  • Teeth having too large cavities for dental fillings
  • Weak or cracked teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • A vulnerable and weak tooth after a root canal
  • Used to anchor a bridge that may replace missing teeth.

In many cases, your dentist will take an impression of your tooth and send it to the laboratory.


Implants are pseudo or artificial teeth that hold replacement, such as crown and bridge.

  •  Endosteal: In this type, the dentist drills this artificial root into the jawbone.
  • Subperiosteal: The Dentist will place an artificial root over the jawbone. This type of implant happens when there isn’t enough healthy jawbone to hold.



Sapphire Dental Houston implants look and feel like very natural teeth. They can help you to improve your bite and speech. 

Implants may require multiple procedures before completion. Though they can take a few months to complete, they are long-lasting. Periodontists and oral surgeons are the types of dentists that do implant procedures.


Bridges are pontics used to replace missing teeth. Attached crowns and bridges restore both functions and look to your mouth. Lab technicians made Bridges of porcelain that match the natural teeth, and sometimes porcelain underneath bonded with the solid metal. 


They are removable false teeth used to replace missing or chipped teeth. Dentures look like their surrounding teeth and gums. 

You may get a complete set of dentures if you have lost all your teeth due to injury or gum disease. And in case you may have lost a few, you will get a partial denture. 


Veneers are colored teeth, natural-looking shells covering the front tooth, and it’s considered a cosmetic procedure. It may make teeth small and short, and they can also bring uniformity to cracked or chipped color teeth.

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Periodontitis, also called periodontal disease or gum disease, begins with bacterial growth in your mouth due to unhealthy mouth keeping and less cleaning. It may not end, if not properly treated, with the loss of teeth due to the destruction of the tissue surrounding your teeth. If you have any queries about Gum Disease Treatment, you can book a dentist appointment near me.


What's the Difference Between Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

Gingivitis usually happens before periodontitis(gum disease). But not all gums inflammation leads to periodontitis. Most people are suffering from gingivitis at some point in their lives, and it's a mild symptom, but you can't leave it untreated and ignored. It may turn into more significant problems. You can restore and prevent it by simply brushing and flossing your teeth regularly with a dental routine check-up from your nearest dentist.



In the early stages of gingivitis, bacteria sleep in plaque and cause gums to become inflammable and easily bleed during tooth brushing. Although the gums are diseased, the teeth don't lose in this stage.


When you forget to brush and floss your teeth or rinse your mouth, a thin film of bacteria and food particles builds up around the teeth. This reacts with your teeth and causes teeth decay. After 2-3 days, plaque converts into a hard layer, tartar; it forms along the gum line and irritates your gums, causing gingivitis. So if you are suffering from any such problem, you can visit Dental Bridges Near Me.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Plaque is the leading cause of gum diseases. However, other factors may contribute to periodontal diseases, such as: 


  • Hormonal changes: Those may happen during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and monthly menstruation, making gums more sensitive, it makes easier for gingivitis to develop.
  • Illnesses or long-term diseases may also affect the condition of your gums. This includes diseases such as HIV or cancer. They interfere with the immune system and hence result in gingivitis developing. 


  • Over medications can affect oral health because some lessen saliva flow, potentially saving your gums and teeth. There are Some drugs, such as the anticonvulsant medication Dilantin and the anti-angina medicine Procardia and Adalat.
  • Bad habits such as smoking and drinking make it harder for gum tissue to repair itself.


  • Poor oral habits such as not brushing and flossing daily make it easier for gingivitis to develop.


  • A family history of dental disease can contribute to the development of gingivitis.


What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gum disease may cause unbearable pain and sometimes painless without any sign, even in the final stages of the disease. Although the signs of periodontal diseases are subtle, this condition is not warningless. Few symptoms may point out some form of the disease. These are the symptoms of gum disease:


  • Gums bleeding during and after tooth brushing
  • Red, swollen gums(Healthy gums should be pink and firm.)
  • Persistent taste or bad breath in the mouth 
  • Receding gums and tartar
  • Formation of small pockets between teeth and gums
  • Loose or shifting of the teeth

In case if feel any such symptoms, you should visit your dentist office open near me for Gingivitis Treatment.

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Sometimes, you might look in your mouth and feel the cusp points of impacted wisdom teeth trying to come out from your gums. However, many molars will turn sideways trying to erupt from the gums because there isn't enough space.


When you visit the best dental office near me,  you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of wisdom Tooth Extraction Houston. Here is a list of bad and good things that can happen with extraction surgery:


1. Eliminating pain

If you don't have your third molar out, the immeasurable pain will worsen as the extra teeth try to create space. The wisdom teeth may cover other teeth space or go in different directions, which in turn causes excruciating pain. In this condition, You immediately need teeth extraction. 



2. Pain from Surgery

Suppose there is some pain from surgery to remove the wisdom teeth. Your dentist will use an instrument to pull out that tooth from your gums. Still, if the tooth is below the gums, a tiny incision will be made during this procedure. 

3. You Receive Anesthesia


But when you have surgery for Wisdom Teeth Removal, your dentist will give you anesthesia to have sedation during the procedure. Also, the dentist will numb your gums so you won't feel any feeling during the extraction. 


4. Your Entire Face Hurts after Surgery

You can immediately return to your home after tooth extraction surgery, but after sleeping for a few hours. You may feel unbearable pain for a few days when you wake up. But your dentist will suggest you keep an ice pack with elastic bands on your swollen jaw. 

5. The Risks of a Dry Socket


One of the significant complications from wisdom teeth extraction is having dry sockets with packed gauses. After pulling out the molar teeth, these sockets will bleed profusely. So, you may need proper care for the surgical site, and there are holes where blood clots must form to help the gums tissue to heal correctly. It would be best to change the gauze regularly so the blood clots form. 



6. You Must Follow a Special Dietary Plan


After the extraction of your teeth, you must follow a particular dietary plan. Firstly, you should drink plenty of cool liquids, but you must not use straw-like things. Drinking with a straw may dislodge the soft clots in your gums and lead to impactful pain near dry sockets. In addition, you should eat soft food such as soup and mashed potatoes. After a few weeks, you may start feeling better and can return to a regular diet. 

7. Life Returns to Normal without Your Wisdom Teeth

Your life will return to a routine within a few weeks. Moreover, you won't feel any pain from the surgical site, and you won't need to worry about the bite pressure from the wisdom teeth.

If you are still worried about wisdom tooth extraction treatment you can visit Wisdom Teeth Extraction Near Me.


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