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What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are the most widely acknowledged supportive processes in medical science performed by dental specialists. Since dental crown has been around for quite a while, not many individuals know about what a crown does and how they are employed to protect a broken tooth. For this reason, in this article, we have covered almost every ounce of information related to dental crowns which will be a great help in your further treatment. You should make sure of reading this article till the very end as it is most productive and knowledgeable. 




What exactly are dental crowns? 

Dental crowns are tooth covers that are uniquely crafted by your dental specialist for covering the top shell of broken or damaged teeth. Tooth crowns are employed as protection for broken or damaged teeth and they also offer the reformation state of your teeth when dental fillings don't work as expected. 


What are the signs that indicate you may need a dental crown?

We have mentioned below a few signs that show you want a tooth crown for your dental conditions including:


  • If you are experiencing broken or cracked teeth then you might require a dental crown.
  • If you want to upgrade the appearance of your teeth then you ought to get dental crowns.
  • If you are experiencing tooth decay then you might need a dental crown. 
  • If your dental fillings are mishaps then you should visit an emergency dentist near me by searching on the web for it.
  • If your dental specialist recommended root canal treatment for your tooth disease this is when the crown placement is significant.



What are types of Dental Crowns?

There are several types of crowns disclosed by an emergency dentist in this article, here are various types of crowns that you can choose from for your treatment such as:


  • Porcelain crown
  • Ceramic crown
  • Zirconia crown
  • Metal crown
  • Composite resin crown
  • A combination of materials crown

How long do dental crowns last?

We have found from Dental Emergency Near Me that dental crowns can last for over 15 years with appropriate carefulness and insurance. Very few individuals know that you can also get dental bridges for damaged teeth but it is suggested by many dentists to get crowns as a preference. Dental crowns can persist for more than 25 to 30 years if you'll handle them with extra delicate concern.


What should a crown for a tooth cost?

The cost of dental crowns these days is anywhere in the range of $1100 and $1500. Therefore, the cost of dental crowns can vary depending on the number of dental crowns you get. Do make sure to ask your dentist about the cost of dental crowns in the initial consultation for avoiding budget difficulties later. 



We hope you liked this article and it was someplace of guidance for you in understanding dental crowns and how they protect your teeth. If you are somebody searching for a dentist for the replacement of a broken crown. Then at that point, do try to visit our website as we have dental specialists that offer affordable treatment


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What Exactly Are Dental Veneers?

Dental Veneers are the dental appliances used by the Houston cosmetic dentist to improve the teeth’s appearance. Dental veneers are tooth-colored thin shells made from porcelain or resin composite materials that are attached to the front surface of your teeth and are bonded permanently to your teeth. Dental veneers Houston can be used to treat various dental and cosmetic issues including broken, chipped, discolored, cracked, and smaller than average teeth. 




According to the dentist open on Saturday near me, people usually get six to eight veneers to get a perfectly symmetrical and even smile, while some people only get one veneer in case of a chipped or broken tooth. The front top eight teeth are most commonly used to apply veneers. Dental veneers require intensive preparation work but the “no-prep” veneers which are also available can be applied through a different process. 


Can you describe porcelain veneers?


Porcelain veneers near me are custom-made shells That are made from tooth-colored material designed to cover the surface of the front tooth or teeth. Porcelain veneers are better at preventing or resisting stains than resin veneers. Dental veneers near me also mimic the light reflecting qualities of the natural tooth better than other veneers. Usually, temporary veneers will be used until the permanent ones come back from the lab. Meanwhile the dentist or dental specialist may use CAM/CAD technology so that computers can design the veneer. The actual veneer can be made in the dentist’s office itself. 





What kind of dental issues does a veneer fix?


The best dental office near me uses veneers to treat various dental problems such as -


  • Discolored teeth due to root canal treatment, excessive fluoride, stains caused by tetracycline or other drugs.
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Worn-down teeth or tooth
  • Teeth that are uneven in shape, misaligned or irregularly shaped.
  • Teeth with gaps or uneven space between them. 
  • Pointed, sharp, or unusually shaped teeth


What precautions should we take to make veneers long-lasting?


Veneers can be used to treat numerous cosmetic and dental concerns. It can turn your discolored, cracked, chipped, and uneven tooth into an evenly shaped natural-looking tooth. If taken care of properly, veneers can last up to more than 10 years in some cases it can last around 20 years, and no-prep veneers can last around 5 to 7 years. To make sure that your veneers get the longest lifespan, follow these precaution measures given below-


  • Never use your teeth to open some packaging
  • Don’t bite your nails, ice, or any hard object like pens or hard candy.
  • Try not to use your front teeth for chewing
  • Get a splint or retainer if you have a habit of teeth grinding during sleep.
  • Don’t forget to wear a mouthguard if you play sports.




From the above information, we learn some valuable and useful things about dental veneers. Porcelain veneers, what issues do dental veneers fix, dental veneers near me, precautions to make veneers last long, and more. For further information please check out


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How To Treat Periodontitis Disease?

We have found from studies that almost 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and more than that are suffering from Periodontitis Symptoms. Not many people are aware of periodontitis disease which makes them avoid their initial signs of this gum disease. In this article, we have mentioned several facts about periodontitis that a person should know about. If you are suffering from periodontitis then do make sure of reading this entire article till the very end. 





What do you mean by periodontitis disease?

Periodontitis near me is a gum disease in which your gum starts to inflame while causing some severe symptoms including redness, bleeding, or swollen gums. A person should not avoid periodontitis and get Periodontal Disease Treatment for avoiding complications such as tooth loss and tooth decay. 


What are the factors that increase the chance of periodontitis disease?

We have mentioned some factors that may increase the risk of having periodontitis disease which a person should know to avoid gum disease. Here are some causes mentioned with the help of  Emergency Dentist Houston:


  • Poor oral hygiene and habits
  • Smoking or consumption of tobacco
  • Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or menopause
  • Obesity
  • Deficiency in nutrition such as vitamin C deficiency
  • Heredity 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Diabetes and arthritis 

What are the symptoms of periodontitis disease?

Here are some symptoms of periodontitis or gum disease that may require immediate Gum Disease Treatment:


  • Inflammation in gums 
  • Swollen gums 
  • Redness in gums 
  • Receding gums,
  • Missing teeth or gaps in teeth 
  • Tooth abscess 
  • Bleeding gums while brushing teeth or flossing
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth



How is periodontitis treated?

We have mentioned some effective Periodontitis Treatment below that can restore the ability of tooth after treatment:

  • Scaling and Root Planing:

This treatment involves deep dental cleaning which offers removal of plaque and tartar from your gums with the help of a hand scaler and ultrasonic instruments by your dentist. 

  • Gum Grafting:

In this treatment, your dentist removes healthy gums tissue from one area of your mouth and places it where it's needed with the help of lab-processed donor tissues. This is the most common treatment among patients when it comes to periodontitis disease. 

  • Periodontal Laser Treatment:

In this treatment, the dentist removes infected gum tissue with the help of a laser which won't cause pain, discomfort, and major gum shrinkage. 

  • Dental Implants:

Dental implants are one of the most preferred treatments for curing gum disease by replacing the roots of the tooth with a plate of titanium by inserting it into the jawbone through the gum line. 

  • Crown Surgery: 

In this treatment, your dentist will remove and offer an artificial cron to your gum and bone tissue with the help of cosmetic tooth surgery. 



We hope you liked this article and it was a help for you in knowing about the periodontitis treatment. If you are looking for Gingivitis Treatment then make sure to visit the Emergency Dentist Near Me by visiting our website which may help you in fighting gum disease. 


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If you are someone here because you are about to get dental veneers or you’re considering veneers as a cosmetic restoration of your teeth. Then you should know they're numerous people out there suffering from stained and discolored teeth, but don't visit a Local Dentist Open On Saturday because they are not fully aware of veneers treatment. In this article, we have noted almost every detail of information about  Veneers Houston which will be a great help for your further treatment. Do make sure to read this article so as not to miss out on anything.  




What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin layer tooth shells that are customized according to each patient's dental need for providing their stained, discolored, chipped, and cracked teeth natural tooth appearance. 


What are the types of veneers?

Dental veneers are generally made of two materials: composite resin and porcelain. Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and developed in the shape of natural teeth for enhancing the look of the smile. Whereas composite resin veneers are created by resin material which is also used in improving the appearance.


How much is a full set of veneers?

The cost of porcelain veneers on teeth can cost you anywhere from around $1,400 to $1,995. Whereas the cost of composite veneers can cost between $450 to $1200 for each tooth. The price may vary depending on how many veneers you are getting and the fees of the dentist. 




What are the symptoms that show you need dental veneers?

We have mentioned some symptoms that show a person requires dental veneers with the help of an emergency dentist so do make sure to read these symptoms carefully:


  • Suffering from chipped teeth 
  • Suffering from cracked or broken teeth 
  • Suffering from extremely stained or discolored teeth 
  • Suffering from gaps or gaps between your teeth


If you are one of the people having the symptoms then you should visit a dentist for treatment. 

How long do teeth veneers last?

When it comes to the durability of veneers we have studied that porcelain veneers can last for 10 to 20 years with proper care and maintenance whereas composite resin veneers can last for 5 to 6 years with care. 


Whom to visit to get veneers?

You should visit an Emergency Dental Clinic and ask them about this treatment. But from studies, we have found that for getting veneers a person should visit a veneers specialist who is also known as a prosthodontist. A veneer specialist offers dental procedures involving the treatment of veneers, crowns, dental implants, Temporary Dental Filling, bridges, and dentures. If you’re looking for a treatment to replace or restorative your missing, stained, or discolored teeth. Then you must visit a Saturday dentist near me


The Takeaways! 

We hope you liked this article and now you find this detailed information about veneers informative and helpful. If you are looking for density for getting veneers open on weekends due to hectic working days then you should search on the web for a dentist open on weekends near me. You can also visit our website if you are interested in knowing about veneers.


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Although both the Invisalign and Essix retainer look almost the same and share many similarities, they are designed to do completely different tasks.


  • These clear aligners are used to move or shift the teeth to give you perfectly aligned and straight teeth in small stages. After the teeth are straightened or properly aligned, the retainers are required to prevent the teeth from going back to the original misaligned position.invisible braces cost is slightly higher than traditional braces but it is a good option for those who want their braces to be unnoticeable.


  • Essix retainers. Clear Essix retainers are custom-made just to prevent teeth from moving or shifting. They do dont help in shifting or straightening your teeth, they are just used to prevent them from shifting further. They are most commonly used after the Invisalign alignment process is done to hold the teeth in their new correct position.


What should we do when Invisalign is cutting the tongue?


Invisalign patients often experience tongue cuts from the plastic trays they wear during the treatment. Sometimes the sides of your tongue can become irritated or experience some cuts when they rub against the trays while you speak. This often happens when you get a new set of aligners. Most of the time the cuts and bruises are minor and they disappear within a week.


However, if it does not disappear and continues to irritate your tongue then you can try these methods like putting orthodontic wax over Invisalign trays, smoothing out the sharp edges, wearing a tongue guard for some time, or visiting the nearby orthodontic clinic for suggestions and treatment. The orthodontist will tell you what's wrong with your aligner trays and replaces them if considered necessary.


What is the difference between clear ceramic braces and Invisalign?


The type of teeth straightening is a great determinant when choosing between clear ceramic braces and Invisalign. While some teeth are severely crooked or misaligned while others have slight challenges. The doctors and orthodontists will guide you on what’s best for you. For complex orthodontic needs, clear ceramic braces or traditional metal braces are best whereas Invisalign works best when you have moderate or mild alignment problems. Invisalign can also help and complement well with the previous orthodontic treatment when one experiences a relapse. Adult braces cost slightly higher than braces for children.


Does dental insurance cover the cost of Invisalign and other braces?


Not all dental insurance companies cover the cost of braces. Dental braces are something that is opted for by an individual as per their preference and wish. This is not compulsory. Some private insurance companies may cover the braces cost but to a limited extent. Generally, the dental insurance for braces may cover the cost of treatment for some amount for people who are below the age of 19, but for adults, it's very rare to find insurance that covers their dental cost




In the end, we can conclude that the above information tells us about the Invisalign and braces. Differences between Invisalign and clear retainer, things to do when Invisalign is cutting your tongue, the difference between clear ceramic braces and Invisalign, and more. For further information please check out


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The orthodontic braces are usually made up of metal bands around your back teeth with a wire attached that runs through each tooth on brackets. To pull the teeth into a healthier alignment. In some cases, dentists use additional devices to achieve good results. Bite block or ramp turbos is one of the attachments that can help with your treatment process. Bite blocks are the tiny devices that orthodontists attach to your front or back teeth to prevent your lower and upper teeth from coming in contact with each other when you bite down.


The dentist suggests bite blocks for braces due to the way the teeth come into contact with each other can slow down the teeth' alignment or straightening process and can damage them. Bite turbos can help in the cases where people have an overbite, crossbite, deep bite, or crowding. Bite blocks also prevent you from biting down on your brackets and popping them off or even worse, breaking your tooth.


What are the best colors in braces to choose from?


Choosing the best suiting braces color can be a little confusing and overwhelming. Especially when you have so many choices and color options to choose from. Every braces color carries some specific benefit with them. Some braces colors can make your teeth appear yellow, some can make your teeth appear white, and some are less visible than others. The selection of braces colors completely depends on personal preference and liking. Some braces colors are more popular than others such as-


  • Dark color braces such as black, dark purple, or dark blue can make your teeth appear white. If you are wondering what color braces make your teeth look white ten this is the answer.


  • Getting braces colors like pink, orange, gold, green, and dark blue compliments the dark skin well.


  • Subbed reds and pinks, dark blue, light pink, and light blue compliments the lighter skin tones.


  • Yellow and other light colors can make your teeth appear dull and yellow.


  • Dark purple braces and dark blue braces are more popular among boys.


What are the best alternatives to braces? 


Though braces are the typical and common option when it comes to straightening the teeth, there are some cases where metal braces are not ideal. Aside from the discomfort and inconvenience associated with the metal braces, many people don't like the way they look with the full braces on, fortunately, modern technology can allow us to try and explore other braces alternative if you don’t want to use traditional braces.


  • Invisalign or clear correct aligners. Clear corrections are one of the most popular alternatives to metal braces. They are custom-made to correct teeth misalignment. Due to their clear and transparent appearance, they are less noticeable than other braces.


  • Ceramic veneers. These kinds of veneers are best for people who have discolored, chipped, and misshaped teeth. They are made from very thin but durable ceramic material.  




In the end, we can conclude that the above information tells us about braces, what bite blocks and turbos do for braces, the best colors of braces, an alternative for braces, and more. For more information regarding braces please check out


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Dentures are great for fixing your smile and helping you eat and speak more comfortably without having to feel conscious about how you look in front of others. However, dentures can get damaged either by biting on food that is too hard or when you accidentally drop them. When this happens, it is important that you take them to a professional denture repair service provider to get them fixed immediately. Keep reading for some tips on how you can find the right denture repair service provider.

Why you should leave your denture repairs to the professionals

Even with at-home denture repair kits readily available, you should not attempt to fix your broken dentures by yourself. This is because denture repair requires a certain level of skill and precision, using high-quality denture materials, so it is better to leave it to the experts. Also, trying to fix your dentures at home may put you at risk for toxic substances (the glue you use may contain harmful chemicals or cause an allergic reaction) or cause further damage to the dentures. Letting an expert handle your denture repair will ensure that the repair is done right, and it can also save you a lot of time.

Tips for finding the right denture repair service provider

Talk to your dentist

A simple Google search of ‘denture repair service providers near me’ will provide you with a list of several denture repair services around your city. However, finding the one that has the right credibility and experience to give you the best may be a bit more challenging. A good way to narrow down this list is to talk to your dentist to give you a recommendation of a lab they know and trust. Another advantage of getting your dentist involved is that since your dentist already knows your dental history, they can get in touch with and guide the laboratory technician of the dental repair service on what needs to be done to repair your dentures perfectly.

Make inquiries

Once you have a particular denture repair provider in mind, you can call ahead to make inquiries about vital information like the type of repairs they offer and if they can help with your particular condition, how soon you can get your repairs done, their fees and the type of payment options available.

Do they offer same-day denture repair?

Dentures are meant to be worn every day, so when they get damaged, a denture repair service provider that can have them fixed and back to you within 24 hours would be preferable. There are several same-day denture repair service providers on the market, so be sure to factor in this criterion when looking to get your dentures repaired.


Friends and family can also offer great recommendations for good and reliable denture repair service providers. Also, do not underestimate the value of reading reviews (regardless of whether they are positive or negative) since they can give you an idea of the reputation and customer service experience of the denture repair clinic.


Once you notice that your dentures have become damaged, loose, or increasingly uncomfortable, it is important that you get them checked out immediately. Ensure that you consult with your dentist and only go for a denture repair service provider that comes highly recommended and can also meet all of your needs.

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A teeth retainer is an orthodontic appliance that is worn after the braces and other orthodontic appliances come off. Retainers are custom-made pieces of plastic or metal, for each person. They are made to match the shape of your mouth and the alignment of your teeth. The best orthodontist near me says that every retainer is different from each other as they are customized according to the shape of a person's mouth and teeth.


There are two general kinds of trainers: removable and permanent. It is best to wear trainers after the braces treatment. If you don't use the retainers after the braces, your teeth will revert to the way they were before the orthodontic treatment or the braces treatment.  An orthodontic relapse can occur if you ignore the retainers, which might be quite an extensive treatment to fix.


Why are important reasons to wear retainers after braces?


Here we present some of the major reasons how retainers help in dental treatment.


  • They maintain the space between new teeth and Wisdom teeth. Braces are generally worn by teenagers whose bodies are still developing. So that they would useclear retainers around the same time when the wisdom teeth erupt


  • They stabilize your bite. Once the braces are removed, the soft nerve or tissue and bone take time to adapt to the changes made in tooth positioning. They slowly and gradually stabilize in their new arrangement.


  • They align the jawbones with the gums. When the teeth are being aligned in a new position, the bones and gums surrounding the teeth will take longer to follow suit. The retainers help with the acceleration of alignment and stabilizing of your bite.  


What is the use of a permanent retainer in orthodontic treatment?


A permanent retainer is made of thin, custom-made fitted wire or a strong fiber that is bonded to the tongue-side of your lower or upper teeth. Permanent retainers help in preventing your teeth from moving or shifting back into the previous position and you don't have to put the retainers back in your mouth. And you don't have to remember to put your teeth back in your mouth.


Retainers should be placed by an orthodontist within six months of finishing your orthodontic treatment. There are generally two techniques to fix the permanent retainers. The first one is to fix them to the canines of your mouth, only across the front of the mouth. And the second one is to fix them across all of your teeth. In case of damage to the retainer or if the permanent retainer broke, contact your nearest orthodontist as soon as possible.



How to take care of the permanent retainers?


Here are some tips on how to clean retainers and take care of them-


  • Brushing gently all around your retainers from different angles
  • Using a floss threader to reach tight spaces
  • Trying a water flosser if the thread flosser doesn't work
  • Avoiding hard food that may stuck in your retainer
  • Having more frequent dental cleaning to monitor bacteria and plaque.  




We can hereby conclude that the above information provides us with beneficial and important information regarding dental retainers, important reasons to wear retainers, how to take care of your permanent retainers, and more. For further information regarding retainers contact


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Have you booked an appointment with an orthodontist for getting braces? Visiting an orthodontist or initial consolation is the first step towards a beautiful smile. But there are some things which you should keep in mind before getting braces. Before getting braces it is essential to ask an orthodontist or pediatric orthodontist near me, some important questions. In this article, we’ll go through some more questions which you should ask in your initial consolation to your orthodontic. Read through this entire article to not to miss out on anything important.

What are the benefits of braces?

You should ask your dentist about the benefits of braces such as some mentioned below:

  • Prevent gum disease
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Prevent cavities
  • Boost improvement in Self-Esteem
  • Help to correct bad bites
  • Help in correcting speech

How much do braces cost?

The cost of braces is usually determined by a variety of elements. You should always make sure to ask the dentist about how much do braces cost for kids and adults before treatment. The cost will be calculated by the age, the volume of effort required in treatment, and the duration of your treatment plan. During your consultation with your orthodontist, these estimations will be disclosed.

What types of braces are there?

In an initial consultation with an orthodontist, it is important to ask about various treatment options available for teeth straightening or types of braces. We have mentioned some basic types of braces below such as:

  • Metal braces.
  • Ceramic braces.
  • Self-ligating braces.
  • Lingual braces.
  • Clear aligners like Invisalign.


How long does it take to get braces?

Before getting braces it is essential to ask your orthodontist about how long does it take to put on braces. Orthodontic treatment usually takes about 24 months to complete. Many patients seek treatment for less than a year, while others may meet criteria for up to three years until their teeth achieve the desired alignment. It is essential to know that every patient's jaw and teeth are unique, hence orthodontics treatment duration is not the same for everyone.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of each treatment option?

Ask your orthodontist to go over the benefits and drawbacks of each treatment to help you decide which is best for your goals and lifestyle.

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, patients will usually have several options. Thus every approach will have its own set of benefits.

How frequent will my follow-up visits be?

You will need to revisit our clinic for frequent modifications and care checkups during undergoing orthodontic treatment. The regularity of your follow-ups would be decided by your particular circumstances. Individuals with traditional or ceramic braces only require visiting an orthodontist's office once a month.  Patients who are receiving Invisalign treatment visit us every six weeks on average.

What is the post precaution required at home?

Patients should always ask their orthodontist about post precautions of affordable braces near me. We have mentioned some duties that a patient must need to follow in the aftercare of braces such as:


  • Always make sure to brush regularly
  • Cleaning braces are important
  • Flossing once a day important
  • Rinsing the mouth after each meal is important
  • Orthodontist visits are important


We hope you liked this article, and it was somewhere a help for you in knowing about the essential questions you should ask your orthodontist before getting braces treatment involving an introduction of orthodontic headgear.


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How To Find A Good Cosmetic Dentist?

If you are considering a smile makeover after thinking about it for a long time then it is essential to choose wise and cosmetic dentists. Choosing the right cosmetic dentist for procedures like Invisalign near me and dentures near me is challenging. 


Before choosing a dentist it is important to know that the dentist is qualified for your “good dentist list”. What is a good dentist list? In this article, we have written down many aspects that a person should do while searching for a cosmetic dentist near me which is referred to as a good dentist checklist. After reading his article you’ll be able to identify if the dentist you are choosing is qualified in your checklist or not. To achieve the goal of finding the best cosmetic dentist you should read through this entire article! 




  1. Ask for Referrals:

When you are looking for a dentist it is important to first ask for a referral of cosmetic dentistry near me to your neighbors, friends, and family. It will be a great choice if the dentist you are choosing is known by your friends and family. Feedback from cosmetic dentists will be by your friends and family which will make it easier for you to understand whether you should visit the dentist or not. 



  1. Research on the internet:

If you are still not able to find the best cosmetic dentist near me open on Saturday after asking for referrals. Then you can simply search on the internet for a dentist, open me, with that you’ll have a list of Numerous dentists that are available and ready for offering treatment. The most essential part of choosing a dentist through the internet is to look for the official registered website or registered business. If the dentist you are choosing is not registered on the internet and doesn't have good reviews on his website then you should avoid visiting the dentist for good. 


  1. Experience and certificates:

While choosing a good dentist the good dentist checklist involves this step where you should first check the experience of the dentist you have finalised with the help of the above-mentioned points. You should always choose a dentist who has decades of experience in treating and diagnosing the specialized dental skill you are choosing him for. It is also essential to look at the dentist you are choosing who has authorized certificates from quality dental schools which will make him a genius dentist. 




  1. Office environment:

It is the last step of finalizing the dentist you are choosing for treatment but not the least. You should always choose a dentist that has skilled and well-manned trained staff that offers friendly service to patients while they are hospitalized. Checking the office environment before choosing the dentist for treatment is a great choice because it will make you understand if the struggle is worth it or not.



We hope you like the article and it was a great experience for you in learning about what are the different things you should consider while choosing cosmetic dentistry. If you are looking for Invisalign, veneers cost, or wisdom tooth removal then make sure to visit our website where you can find the best dentist that is ready to help at an affordable cost. 


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Are you someone suffering from a serious toothache? Many people across the globe suffer from toothache and tooth decay. But some of them visit Dentist Office Open On Saturday

Or some just sit home and avoid the treatment for a long time. A root canal procedure is recommended by many dentists if you are one of the people suffering from tooth decay and toothache. In this article we have mentioned almost everything that a person should know why a root canal is good for infected teeth and when do you need one. Read through this entire article to not miss out on anything. 




What is a root canal treatment?

A Root Canal Treatment involves the removal of infected pulp inside your damaged teeth by your dentist for avoiding further damage to several nerves, tissues, and blood vessels inside the tooth. 


What are the indications that show you need a root canal treatment?

We have mentioned several indications that show that you require visiting a Root Canal Specialist to get a root canal treatment. Here are some signs:


  1. Unbearable toothache 
  2. Hardship in chewing and biting 
  3. Tooth sensitivity 
  4. Bruises on teeth 
  5. Swollen gums 
  6. Redness or tenderness in your gums 
  7. Cysts on gums 




These were some signs that require an immediate visit to Root Canal Dentist for getting root canal treatment. Make sure not to avoid these signs of dental problems because avoiding these signs can cause you severe health complications. 


What is the procedure of root canal treatment?

Root Canal Therapy involves steps where the dentist will first inject you with general or local anesthesia for numbing the surrounded tissues. Then your dentist will drill in your mouth for cleaning infected pulp and bacteria inside your teeth. After cleaning, your dentist will fill your hollow teeth with dental filling to provide sealing to your teeth. After this step, your dentist will place a dental crown on your infected teeth to provide restoring ability to chew and bite. 


What is the cost of root canal treatment?

We have asked the dentist open Saturday and found that the cost of root canal treatment can cost you anywhere between $1200 to $2500 without the crown placement. Whereas the root canal procedure with crown placement can cost you around $1500 to $ 3000 depending on the severity and location of your teeth. 


How much root canal recovery time?

The recovery time of root canal treatment depends on patient health. In some cases, many people recover from this treatment in a few days whereas in some cases many people take 2 to 3 weeks because of little pain and other complications. If you are someone who thinks you're not recovering from root canal treatment after 2 to 3 weeks then you should visit a dentist nearby.



We hope you liked this article and you find it somewhere to help in understanding root canal treatment. If you are someone searching for Houston Dental Emergency nearby then you can visit our website and contact our best root canal specialist that offers affordable root canal procedures.


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Dental implants, also known as artificial teeth are the most common and popular replacement of natural teeth after tooth loss and tooth extraction due to dental conditions.

Affordable dental implants can be found in many dentists nearby your area which you can find by searching on the internet for them. 


Dental implants are metal posts in the shape of natural tooth bone that are implanted into the jawbone for developing support to the artificial teeth. If you are one of the people about to get a dental implant or full mouth dental implants it is important to ask what are the most frequently asked questions about dental implants by patients before treatment.  




In this article, we have written down almost every detailed information covering dental implants that you may find useful after reading this article till the end. 


What are the signs that indicate you need implants for your tooth?

Here are some conditions that show you if you have these then it is the right time for visiting a dentist for getting implants including:


  • Have missing teeth.
  • Have loose dentures 
  • Have an infected tooth that needs extraction 
  • Have loose dental bridges 
  • Have weird dentures adhesives 
  • Have a broken or cracked tooth 
  • Having difficulty in chewing food 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

We have mentioned some effective and popular benefits of dental implants mentioned by affordable dental care dentists. Here are some benefits including these so do make sure of reading carefully:


  • Dental implants function like natural teeth enabling speaking and chewing of food normally. 
  • Dental implants offer the appearance of natural-looking teeth that boost confidence 
  • Implants help in reducing the stress of tooth loss 
  • Dental implants help in the prevention of bone loss and prevent aging 
  • Dental implants prevent poor oral hygiene
  • With proper care and effort, dental implants can last for more than 15 years which is longer than dental bridges and dentures.




How long do dental implants last?

We have found from studies that dental implants can last for more than 10 to 15 years with proper gentle care by doing regular brushing and flossing. Make sure to visit a dentist if you are looking for getting implants by searching on the internet for dental places near me. 


What are the signs of dental implant failure?

There are some cases where a person may sense dental implant failure. We have mentioned some signs that will make you realize that you have to fail implantation so read the below information carefully:


  • After implants, if you are suffering from severe pain and discomfort.
  • If you are suffering from receding gums near dental implants
  • Facing difficulty in eating food 
  • Loose implants 
  • Swollen Gums.
  • Implant mobility 
  • Allergic Reactions.
  • Teeth grinding guard


We hope you liked this article and it was somewhere understanding for you in knowing what are the most requested questions asked by the patient of dental implants. If you are someone looking for a night guard for teeth due to a dental implant then you should first visit our website and get in touch with our expert dentist by getting an appointment with the dentist who will help you in treating dental implant failure.


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Numerous people across the globe are looking for something that can remove the stain and discoloration from their teeth at home. Because they're not aware of dental veneers, it is important to know about dental veneers as if you're someone suffering from discoloration of teeth and embarrassed of hiding it in events and occasions. In this article, we have mentioned some information related to dental veneers near me which will help a person to know about veneers deeply and help in choosing the right veneers for their teeth. 




What exactly are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are wafer-thin customized artificial tooth shells that are designed in the texture, shape, and color of the natural teeth to cover the stain and discoloration on a tooth of a person. Dental veneers offer an excellent appearance to teeth shells that bond to the front of the teeth. 


Who is the right candidate for dental veneers?

If you are an individual suffering from these dental difficulties mentioned below then you should know you are a candidate for dental veneers. 

  • Stained teeth
  • Chipped Teeth
  • Teeth that are worn down
  • Closing gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth


If you consider yourself in this condition then make sure of visiting Best Dentist Near Me for getting dental veneers soon. 




What are the benefits of dental veneers?

We have mentioned some benefits of dental veneers that an individual should know before getting veneers for self-confidence and release all the doubts related to it. 


  • Dental veneers help in covering persons chipped, cracked, and discolored teeth
  • Dental veneers can offer you a realistic look.
  • Dental veneers demand tiny enamel removal
  • Dental veneers help in the prevention of tooth discoloration
  • Dental veneers help in enhancing your smile 
  • Dental veneers are cost effective(low on cost)  

How many types of veneers are there?

There are 5 types of dental veneers available including these:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Composite Veneers
  • Lumineers teeth
  • Palatal Veneers
  • Temporary Veneers


These were some different types of dental veneers available in cosmetic dentistry which you can choose from with the help of your dentist according to the suitable preference of your teeth. If you want to know more about these veneers you can simply visit our website or you can also visit Cosmetic Dentistry for further information.  


How much do veneers cost?

Veneers cost generally vary depending on the number of veneers a person is getting and what type of veneers a person is choosing. The cost of porcelain veneers is a little more expensive than composite veneers. Porcelain veneers can cost you around ($1,400 to $1,995 each) whereas the cost of composite veneers is anywhere around ($450 to $1200 each). The cost of veneers can also depend on the dentist fee and excessive charges so do make sure to find an affordable dentist for veneers. 



We hope you liked this article and it was somewhere a help for you in finding what dental veneers will be the best suit for your teeth. If you are someone looking for Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me then do not hesitate and visit our website for getting in touch with the best cosmetic dentist in town. 


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If you are suffering from missing teeth then your dentist must have suggested you get a tooth implant. Not many people know that dental implants can offer the same benefits dentures and bridges offer. Numerous people still are not aware of the fact that for missing teeth restoration dental implants are also an option that can enhance your appearance. In this article, we have penned down almost everything regarding dental implants that a person should know. Do make sure to read this article till the end so as not to miss out on anything. 




What do implants do?

A dental implant is a surgical procedure in which your dentist will replace the missing and damaged tooth position with artificial teeth that are made of the metal post to offer function and the ability to work like a natural tooth.

Who is a candidate for dental implants?

Some people get confused about who should get these dental implants. We have mentioned some signs that will make you understand if you require implants or not so do make sure of reading these carefully:


  • If you have missing teeth or tooth 
  • If your jawbone has fully grown 
  • If you are suffering from poor oral healthiness
  • If you are facing rejection by dentures 
  • If you are suffering from a condition that affects the healing of bone 
  • If you suffering from improper speech 
  • If you are addicted to tobacco

How many types of implants are there?

There is two major types of implants are there such as:


  • Endosteal Dental Implants
  • Subperiosteal Dental Implants




How much do implants cost?

We have found from studies that dental implant costs can be anywhere between $3,100 to $5,800.the placement of the implant, post abutment, placement of a crown, and other necessary procedures. 


How long do dental implants last?

We have asked the best orthodontist near me about the longevity of dental implants and found that with proper care, regular brushing, and flossing an dental implant can last for 10 years to 15 years. But it is important to visit the dentist every 6 months for a regular checkup. 


What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

We have mentioned some effective benefits of dental implants that you may find helpful in further treatment such as:

  • Getting dental implants can offer an enhanced appearance. 
  • Wearing dental implants can correct a patient's improper speech.
  • Dental implants help in improving comfort.
  • With dental implants eating and chewing is easier
  • Dental implants offer high-quality oral hygiene 
  • Dental implants can last more than dentures and bridges 
  • Dental implants are convenient for every patient as they are not expensive and found anywhere by simply searching on the internet for a dentist near me open Saturday. 


We hope you liked this article and it was somewhere a little help for you in understanding dental implants. If you are someone interested in knowing much more about dental implants and other dental procedures like dental bridges and crowns then do make sure to visit our website as we have the best experts to offer you treatment. 


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Many people across the globe suffer from wisdom tooth problems, which leads them to dentist visits. It is recommended by Best Dentist In Houston that wisdom tooth extraction is important if it's causing severe pain because it can develop some serious health complications. Almost 9 out of 10 people across the world suffer from a dental irregularity of wisdom tooth pain. In this article, we have mentioned almost every detailed information regarding wisdom teeth removal which will help you understand why every dentist suggests extracting the wisdom tooth. You should read this entire article till the very end to not miss out on anything. 




What is wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a procedure in which a Houston Dentist pulled out wisdom teeth from the jaw. Wisdom teeth are the third molar and last erupted teeth in the mouth. There are 4 wisdom teeth in a person's mouth, 2 erupt at the back top of the mouth whereas the other 2 erupt at the back bottom of your mouth. Generally, Wisdom Teeth Extraction takes place when a wisdom tooth erupts in a place where there isn't enough space in the jaw of new teeth. Teeth crowding is one of the major reasons for wisdom teeth removal. 


When do you need wisdom teeth removal?

We have written down some signs that require a visit to Wisdom Teeth Removal Near Me dentist. It is important to read these signs carefully for identifying the problem in the early stage: 


  1. Redness in gums
  2. Inflamed gums 
  3. Swollen gums 
  4. Severe pain 
  5. Tooth abscess 
  6. Difficulty in opening mouth and swallowing 
  7. Suffering from fever
  8. Constant bad breath.




What do you mean by impacted wisdom teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth are a phase of wisdom teeth in which a wisdom tooth becomes infected due to avoiding the wisdom teeth signs such as pain and difficulty in chewing and biting. If a person avoids wisdom tooth symptoms for several days, weeks, and months it can cause a wisdom tooth infection that requires an immediate visit to an emergency dentist for an extraction. 


What happens when you avoid the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth?

It is recommended by an emergency dentist that people shouldn't avoid the extraction of impacted wisdom tooth avoiding it can lead to several health complications including:


  1. Toothache
  2. Debris around the wisdom tooth
  3. Gum disease (periodontal disease)
  4. Tooth decay 
  5. Adjacent tooth damage 
  6. Development of cyst 

What are the benefits of wisdom tooth extraction?

We have mentioned health benefits that can be developed when you consider an impacted wisdom tooth extraction such as:

  • Lack of teeth crowding 
  • Prevention of damaging the adjacent tooth
  • Low risk of dental irregularities and inflammation
  • It can also prevent tumors and jaw damage 


We hope you liked this article and it was a help for you to know why a wisdom tooth extraction is important for health. If you're someone suffering from wisdom teeth then you should visit a dentist as soon as possible without making any delay. You can visit our website and book an appointment with our best dentist in Houston for consolation. 


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Wisdom teeth are the third molars back in the mouth or located at the end back of your mouth. There are times when the process of wisdom teeth removal near me is necessary. Due to the insufficient room to grow due to the narrow jaw or mouth. Wisdom teeth that are erupting can grow in various angles in the jaw, sometimes they can even grow if they dont get enough room to erupt properly. Problems that lead to wisdom tooth extraction near me are-




  • Remain partially or slightly hidden within the gums
  • Emerge or erupt partially through the gums
  • Crowded teeth 
  • Chipped or crooked teeth
  • If the tooth grows at a weird angle.
  • Repeated infections in the soft tissue
  • Cavities or tooth decay
  • Knocked-out tooth or teeth 


What are the main problems with impacted wisdom teeth?


Good Dentist Near Me states that if the tooth is impacted, which means they didn’t get enough space in your mouth to erupt or develop completely and normally as it should be. Then there’s a possibility that your nearest dentist will recommend wisdom teeth removal. If not removed or treated immediately then it could cause problems such as-


  • Trapping food particles and debris behind the wisdom teeth. 
  • Serious infections and gum diseases.
  • Unbearable pain and irritation
  • Tooth decay or cavities in the partially erupted wisdom teeth.
  • Development of cyst around the wisdom tooth
  • Damage or harm to the surrounding bone or nearby teeth.
  • Causing complications for other orthodontic treatments. 




Is there any severe risk in the wisdom tooth removal procedure?


A dental specialist who does wisdom dental extraction near me says, that generally, there are no serious long-time complications and risks involved in wisdom tooth extraction. However, tooth extraction near me for the impacted wisdom tooth removal sometimes requires surgical procedures that involve making an incision in the impacted gum tissue and removing bone. The complications in the wisdom tooth removal although rare can include-


  • Bacterial infection in the socket or trapped food
  • Exposure of bone or painful dry sockets 
  • Damage to nearby or surrounding teeth


What we should expect from a wisdom tooth removal procedure?


Oral surgeons or dentists in dental places near me may use one of the three types of anesthesia depending on the severity and the complications of the wisdom tooth extraction your level of comfort. The three types of anesthesias are- 


  • Local anesthesia
  • Sedation anesthesia 
  • General anesthesia


During the tooth extraction, your oral surgeon or dentist may remove the bone that blocks access to the root of the tooth. The dentist may make an incision in the soft dum tissue to expose the bone and the tooth. He may also decides the tooth into two sections which makes it easier to remove the tooth. He then removes the impacted tooth. Cleans the extraction site of any debris from the bone or tooth. Stitch the wound properly so it can heal quickly though it is not necessary. Over the extraction area, he places a gauze to control bleeding and to help the blood clot form. 




From the above-given matter, we got some useful and important information regarding the wisdom tooth removal process, problems leading to wisdom tooth extraction, what to expect from the wisdom tooth removal process, and much more. For further information please check out


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Many of us are very health conscious these days and think twice about the food we eat. But we probably don’t think as much of what food does to our teeth. For this you will visit your dentist with the fear that he/she will restrict you from having your favourite food. But you probably also didn’t know that many of your favourite foods are very good for your teeth and oral health.

Green tea- Green tea contains catechins that kill bacteria.











Celery- Celery is crunchy and mainly consists of water. Chewing on celery stimulates salivary flow cleansing gums and teeth.


Cheese- Cheese is rich in phosphorous and calcium which help maintain the pH balance in the mouth.



Water- Swishing water in the mouth helps to wash away food debris and stimulate saliva to keep your mouth hydrated.


Shiitake mushrooms -  Shiitake mushrooms contains lentanin which is a naturally occurring sugar and prevent formation of plaque.


Foods rich in vitamin C- Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen which helps in repairs of gums and surrounding tissues.


Vitamin K – Vitamin K acts as a shield as it helps block the substances that break down the bone. It also helps your body to produce osteocalcin, a protein that supports bone strength.


Vitamin A- Vitamin A keeps mucous membrane healthy. It prevents dry mouth and also helps your mouth heal quickly. Foods that contain Vit A are pumpkins, carrots, and sweet potato, etc


Calcium –Calcium is well known for being useful to teeth. Calcium hardens enamel and strengthen your jawbone



Come over to Dr Krinita Motwani’s Dental Clinic in Khar to get your routine check-up done.

Dr. Krinita Motwani’s Dental Clinic

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343.


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There are several reasons why an orthodontist may recommend a power chain for the braces. The primary use of power chains braces is to increase the amount of pressure exerted on your teeth. Power chains are relatively easy for your dentist or orthodontist to apply. The continuous row of O-rings stretched to fit perfectly around your braces brackets on each of your teeth.


Application of individual O-rings to each bracket can potentially be more time-consuming than power chains. Power chains are used for different shifting and movements such as redistributing spaces, closing spaces, and de-rotating teeth. All these movements are important and necessary to move your teeth to a good final position. Just like braces, power chains also come in various color choices.


What are the good braces and power chain colors?


If you want to know what are good colors for braces or power chains then all colors are good and hold some specific benefits within them. Choosing the best suitable color for braces and also for power chains if you have power chains.  One of the benefits of braces and power chains is that there are various color options available to choose from. Colors like black power chain braces and black braces are more popular among people as they can make your teeth appear whiter.


If you are not satisfied with your braces' colors or the color of the power bands then no need to worry,  you can get a change of braces and power chain color at every orthodontic visit every six months. The dentist will show you the braces colors palette from which you can select the color you want.


What are the most popular colors for braces?


The colors become cute or good or bad according to the preference of the wearer. Ultimately, the best braces colors are the ones you feel comfortable with. Best braces colors are the ones that fit your criteria of “best”, and also fulfill your dental requirement or need. While some people choose to go with colors that mean something to them, others may prefer colors that suit their appearance or skin tone. Dark colors like blue braces or back braces can make your teeth appear whiter.


Some people who have darker skin tones may prefer dark blue, green, golden, or violet colors to complement their dark skin tone. Some people prefer cute braces colors like pink and light blue which are not only cute and bright but also compliment the fair skin tones.


What is a braces color wheel?


An orthodontic color wheel is used by dentists to show you all the different colors that you can choose from for your particular set of braces. At each orthodontic visit, your dentist will show you the color wheel to eliminate or remove the color options you dislike. Looking at the color wheel will help you figure out which color matches well with each other. You can choose to combine different colors as per your wish to suit your style.




The above-given matter tells us some useful and beneficial information regarding braces and power chain colors, benefits of power chain braces, good power chain, and braces colors, and more. For more information regarding  power chain colors and braces colors, check out


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It is completely fine to wear a mouth guard for braces. Mouthguards are the devices used to protect your teeth from clenching or grinding with the braces teeth when you are sleeping or from injuries when you play sports. They can also help to relieve obstructive sleep apnea. The mouth guards will be custom-made to fit the molds of your brackets and braces for maximum protection and comfort. A mouthguard for braces is a basic instrument or tool made of flexible material that fits snugly over the teeth to protect the teeth and mouth against injury or damage.


According to the emergency orthodontist, a good mouthguard acts as a 'crash helmet' for your teeth and jaws. It also keeps the jaws from fully closing, lowering the risk of jaw joint injuries and concussions. An orthodontic mouthguard should fit comfortably and be reformable, allowing it to be reshaped to fit your teeth when your braces move or shift them into a new position.


What are the food items we should avoid with braces?


Your braces have bands, brackets, and archwires that can all be damaged by certain food items like hard or sticky food is a big priority. Along with avoiding certain kinds of food items maintaining proper hygiene is also very important to ensure that cavities do not form around the braces. Plaque and tartar can easily develop if the braces and teeth are not properly cleaned of food particles which could lead to stained or damaged teeth. The certain kind of FOODS TO AVOID WITH BRACES  are-


  • Sticky or crunchy food
  • Pizza crust
  • Chewy food like bubblegum
  • Hard candies and popcorn
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Corn and gummies


Do dental insurance cover braces treatment and other orthodontic services?


According to the best orthodontist Miami, Dental coverage is typically not included in major medical insurance plans. Most of the time, it's a supplemental plan that you'll have to purchase individually. It's important to comprehend what your dental insurance covers for braces and orthodontics, as well as the differences in coverage for children and adults. When getting health insurance, insurance companies must provide an option to purchase dental insurance that fits the criteria of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) if you have children under the age of 18 or younger. But whether you get orthodontic insurance or not is completely your choice.  Dental insurance does not usually cover the cost of braces treatment. Teeth alignment to improve a person’s personal appearance may not be covered in this service.




In the end, we can say that the above-given matter provides us with some beneficial information regarding braces. We got to know about mouthguards for braces, food items that we should avoid with braces, dental insurance for braces, other orthodontic services, and more. For more information regarding braces please check out


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Many individuals are not able to understand the treatment requirement of a root canal near me. We are assuming you are one of the people here who have been suggested by their dentist for root canal treatment then at this point of time this article will be the best assistance for your treatment. In this article, we have mentioned everything related to root canal treatment that an individual should know before getting treatment. 




What is a root canal treatment?

We have asked a root canal dentist and found a root canal treatment is a technique where your dental specialist will fix your damaged tooth or infected tooth by eliminating the infected pulp inside the tooth. The pulp is produced using a few nerves, tissues, and veins that assume a significant part in tooth development.


What are the signs that show you want a root canal treatment?

Root Canal Dentist Near Me has disclosed there is a variety of signs that shows a person requires root canal treatment. We have mentioned some signs below such as:

  • Serious toothache
  • Trouble in biting 
  • Having tooth sensitivity 
  • Staining of teeth
  • Enlarged gums
  • Redness or delicacy in your gums
  • Growths on gums


These were periodic signs that require a prompt visit to your dentist for seeking root canal treatment. 




What is the process of root canal treatment?

When you visit a dental specialist for root canal treatment your dentist initially gives you general sedation which can be anesthesia relying upon your level of the root canal. After injecting anesthesia sedation in your body your dentist will perform the process in your mouth by removing the infected pulp and cleaning all the excessive bacteria and plaque from your teeth. After that, your dental specialist will give you a dental filling that can make your suffered teeth stable and seal for the pavement of the dental crown.


What is the cost of root canal treatment?

The cost of root canal treatment varies from $1200 to $2500 without a crown and with a dental crown, the cost of root canal treatment goes from $1500 to $ 3000 relying upon the area of your teeth and the expense of the dental specialist.


Is root canal treatment challenging?

We have found from many patients of root canal treatment that root canal procedure doesn't cause any pain due to the sedation (anesthesia) injected into your body by your dental specialist before the treatment. You shouldn't feel any discomfort and pain during the process, hereafter, you can face a few inconveniences and minor pain after a couple of weeks of root canal treatment.



It is recommended by experts to visit a root canal specialist near me for treatment. They have decades of experience and qualification in treating root canal infections. 

We hope you liked this article and it was someplace supportive for you to learn about root canal treatment. To find out about root canals and other dental procedures you can nearly visit our website. 


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