"There is a great article in Compendium earlier this year (can't remember which issue) by the OMFS/Ortho faculty at Loma Linda University. They showed a lower 4-4 advancement with and subapical mandibular segmental osteotomy with a rapid advancement…"
"Was this an immediate implant? If so, perhaps there was a periapical lesion that was not adequately curretted prior to the osteotomy.
Surgical access is needed now, just as an apical surgery on a natural tooth. Complete currettage of the lesion,…"
"Looks like this is the start of something great! An international version of DentalTown or ACE. It will be great to have the input of practitioners from around the globe, further raising the bar of excellence in clinical practice."
"I've been using emax as my main line all ceramic restoration for over a year now. No reason to change....can cement when needed. Not as strong a core as zirconium, but better looking and strong enough. All single unit crowns, though, no bridges yet…"
Would anyone out there be interested in having pre-dosed packages/bottles of your most commonly prescribed medications in your office, ready to label for the patient as they leave the surgery?There is a service available that allows you to keep a…
Hi Doc, we came up with a neat idea to drive patient traffic to the dental office with an Online Booking System. We need some real beta testers, who better to test it other than the dentists users themselves. Let me know what you think of the idea. It is just beta set up so nothing is concrete until we get feedbacks from actual users. Please make suggestions from the practical of the booking procedures. What are the features that you like to have in place so that a patient from your area actually get booked into your dental office. Through the surveys, we are going to tailor make the features to suit your requirements. For this weekend, if you have some time, please check it out at www.designsmile.com/new. Thanking you in advance. Beta testing starts Monday.
Hi Doug,
Welcome to WebDental! Please consider joining some groups and invite your dental friends and colleagues to become members. We look forward to your participation! By the way, great fish! What is it? Salmon perhaps?
Looks like this is the start of something great! An international version of DentalTown or ACE. It will be great to have the input of practitioners from around the globe, further raising the bar of excellence in clinical practice.
Welcome to WebDental! Please consider joining some groups and invite your dental friends and colleagues to become members. We look forward to your participation! By the way, great fish! What is it? Salmon perhaps?