Bleaching helps oral health in the elderly?

Tray Bleaching To Improve The Oral Health Of The Elderly, Special-Needs Patients.pdf
In this attached article we look at bleaching teeth in a different light.

Still, bleaching poses questions in long term use and side effects over time. Though these questions lume, more information rises. But oral health for the elderly and special-needs patients? Like any other news, more testing is called for, but the news is promising to say the least.

The article points out that dentists have long used carbamide peroxide for whitening teeth, and adds that it also removes plaque, kills bacteria, and elevates the mouths pH levels...which results in fewer cavities.

This would pose as a great advantage for those patients otherwise compromised in keeping their teeth clean. For that reason alone, it make be worth while to take a closer look at this advantage for some. Caregivers make want to take note and hospital personel as well.

Still yet is to be known about the long term side effects. Do they outweigh these findings?
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