Is Teeth Whitening with Oil Safe?

Teeth whitening has always been a popular procedure for young men and women looking to improve the look and health of their teeth. But a recent surge in people getting their teeth whitened at home and DIY kits has raised some concerns as to whether or not laser teeth whitening is safe, and whether there is still a need to go to a clinic to get your teeth whitened.

Although there have been some reports that DIY teeth whitening kits are effective, particularly amongst celebrities, many dental professionals have been quick to suggest that perhaps these kits aren't effective as they seem for getting white teeth.

But what do these kits actually involve, and why are celebrities endorsing them? The latest teeth whitening kit to hit the market is coconut oil, something that is becoming increasingly popular thanks to a huge amount of social media attention, plus the fact that it it natural.

So how does coconut oil supposedly help to clean your teeth? The technique is called 'oil pulling', and it has been gaining a lot of attention from celebrities. The idea is that the oil helps to draw excess bacteria from your mouth, helping to make them healthier and ultimately whiter. 

So does oil pulling actually work? Well, there have been mixed reviews. Teeth whitening Belfast in Ireland has claimed that the technique has no effect on the whiteness of your teeth, and the majority of dental clinics around the world seem to agree that the evidence is highly dubious. 

But the huge amount of celebrities endorsing the technique seems to suggest that there may be a benefit to using it. However, it is highly unlikely that simply swishing oil around your mouth would be a good replacement for traditional teeth cleaning methods, and it certainly doesn't have anywhere near the same effects as laser teeth whitening does. 

So should you try oil pulling to whiten your teeth? Well, there's no harm in trying. But don't expect there to be any drastic improvements in the colouring of your teeth, as this is not a replacement for proper laser whitening treatment. 

Plus, oil doesn't exactly taste great!

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  • If the goal is whitening the teeth, I’ve found coconut oil to be most effective .It is also slightly more effective at removing certain bacteria from the mouth. I would like to say that Oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that is simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil (typically coconut, olive or sesame) in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Oil pulling is best done in the morning, before eating or drinking anything.

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