overbite (2)

Hey there, fellow smile enthusiasts! 🌟 Ready to dive into the fascinating world of orthodontics?

Buckle up as we take you on a journey through the various dental conditions that can be magically transformed through the wonders of orthodontic treatment.

From overbites to crowded teeth, we're here to shed light on how these mischievous dental issues can be tamed, leaving you with a grin that's truly a work of art.

1. Overbites - The Friendly "Bunny Teeth" Dilemma

Ever been told you have a cute bunny-like overbite? While it might earn you adorable nicknames, an overbite can sometimes be more than just a quirky feature.

Orthodontics steps in like a superhero, gently shifting those upper teeth into a harmonious alignment with the lower ones. Voilà, no more bunny hopping – just a beautifully balanced bite!

2. Underbites - The "Jaw-dropping" Story

We're all for embracing uniqueness, but when your lower teeth seem to be in a race to the front row, it's time for orthodontics to restore order. Say hello to an aligned jaw and teeth that meet like old friends, letting you chew and chat with ease. Goodbye, underbite – you won't be missed!

3. Crowded Teeth - The "Teeth Tango" Unraveled

Ever seen teeth do the tango? Crowded teeth love to jumble up, creating a party scene in your mouth.

Orthodontics swoops in with its dance moves, gradually creating space and orchestrating a symphony of alignment. The result? A perfectly choreographed smile that's all set to shine.

4. Gaps - Where "Less Is More"

While some adore the charm of teeth gaps, others might feel like they're missing out. Orthodontic is the best teeth gap treatment option to bridge the gap (literally!), coaxing those teeth into positions that are just right.

Whether it's a slight separation or a more significant space, you can count on orthodontics to make things cozy.

5. Crossbites - When Teeth "X" Marks the Spot

Crossbites can be quite the troublemakers, causing teeth to bite on the wrong side of the tracks. Orthodontics comes to the rescue, guiding your chompers back to their rightful places. Soon enough, you'll be biting and chewing without any crisscross confusion.


So there you have it, folks – a glimpse into the incredible world of orthodontics and the dental conditions it fearlessly takes on. Remember, each smile tells a unique story, and orthodontics is here to help those tales unfold beautifully.

If you're ready to embark on your own smile journey, don't hesitate to reach out to the magical hands of orthodontic experts. Your dream smile is just an appointment away!

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Overbite correction with braces

Overbites happen when the top teeth are pushed forward past the bottom jaw and teeth. In severe cases, overbites may require surgery to correct. It is important to treat an overbite because it does have a negative impact on your overall oral health. An untreated overbite can lead to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) that will cause pain in the jaw. 

What causes an overbite?

There are a number of things that can contribute to overbite:

1. Genetics: There have been many studies on genetics and its influence on the upper and lower jaw. If direct family members have a history of an overbite, then it is likely that it can be passed down to newer generations. 

2. Bad Habits: Thumbsucking and prolonged bottle use in children can cause the overbite to develop as they grow. It is best for the habit to be eliminated as early as possible to prevent the further development of an overbite. 

3. Trauma: Early trauma to the growing jaw can cause it to stop growing. 

4. Tooth Count Discrepancy: Extra teeth in the upper jaw can push your other teeth forward because of the lack of space. The extra teeth would need to be extracted in order to make room for the other teeth. A missing tooth on the lower jaw can also cause an overbite and would need to be replaced. 

5. Gum Disease: More common in late adulthood because gum disease causes bone support to recede. 

When is the best time to correct an overbite?

The best time to correct an overbite is when children are still in their developmental stages. For girls the best age is around 10-12 years old and 11-13 for boys. At this age in kids, an orthodontist can more accurately assess the dental issues and can correct the developing jaws and teeth with the right treatment plan. 

How Can An Overbite Be Fixed

It is possible to correct an overbite with just the use of braces. Braces will work best in early development as mentioned before. A severe overbite is also known as a deep bite may require surgery to correct. Braces will be used for a time before and after surgery to help with the overall correction. Only a few dental specialists have the ability to correct a severe overbite with no surgery. There are many factors that will determine the need for surgery. It is always best to consult with your orthodontist as each case is going to be different. 

Article Source: https://www.ismilespecialists.com/overbite-correction

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