pediatric dentist (6)

Recognizing the symptoms your child needs to see a pediatric dentist is one method to help them avoid dental complications. You might wonder what a pediatric dentist is and why your child needs one. Pediatric dentists provide services tailored to the unique needs of children in a warm and comfortable setting.

Continue reading to learn six symptoms your child needs to see a pediatric dentist in NYC.

1. They're Experiencing Tooth Pain

One of the most obvious symptoms that your child needs to see a pediatric dentist is if they are complaining about a toothache. While there are various reasons for tooth pain, it is difficult to determine without a professional examination.

A pediatric dentist can assist in identifying the source of the pain and prevent it from worsening. Toothaches and pains may indicate a more severe condition. Untreated, a simple toothache can lead to more serious oral problems.

If your child is experiencing severe discomfort, contact an emergency pediatric dentist. Your kid may have an illness, injury, or dental decay. It is critical to get medical help as soon as possible.

2. They're Complaining About Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitivity is another standard indicator that it is time to schedule a dentist appointment. While it is challenging to determine tooth sensitivity because you cannot see it, you may want to pay attention during mealtime.

If your child complains when you offer them specific meals, they most likely have a food sensitivity. These meals are typically hot and cold, like ice cream or soup.

A sensitive tooth could indicate that your child has a cavity. Having your child checked by a pediatric dentist is critical to immediately addressing the problem.

3. They Have Bleeding and Swollen Gums

Bleeding and swollen gums are two dental concerns that require attention. If your child's gums are bleeding, it may indicate that they are irritated. This form of inflammation increases your child's likelihood of developing periodontal disease in the future.

Plaque buildup can also cause swelling gums, resulting in gingivitis and tooth loss.

While certain dental disorders, such as pain or sensitivity, are difficult to detect, bleeding gums are a clear and apparent indication that your child requires a pediatric dentist examination.

4. They Have Stains or Spots on their Teeth

If your child's teeth are discolored, stained, or spotted, this may indicate a problem.

Tooth discoloration is a typical side effect of incorrect brushing. Without proper care and brushing, your teeth may seem yellow or discolored. A gray or black tooth is a dangerous indicator of tooth decay, and your child should seek dental care immediately.

Similarly, white spots on the teeth might be created by an excess of fluoride, but they can also be indicators of cavities and should be addressed right once. This could indicate enamel deterioration, and a visit to the dentist can help stop the process.

5. They Have Bad Breath

If your child eats pungent foods or has a dry mouth, he or she may have periodic foul breath. This might not be cause for concern. However, if you have continuous bad breath, it may indicate a more serious condition.

Certain meals can induce bad breath, although it is far more prevalent in adults. If your child brushes regularly, stays hydrated, and still has bad breath after meals, scheduling an appointment with the dentist is a good idea. This could be an early indicator of gum disease, gingivitis, or cavities.

Make an appointment right away to address the issue.

6. They Have Not Made Their First Visit

By the time your child reaches the age of one, they should have had at least one dental visit. Don't postpone your initial visit or wait until you notice a tooth problem to schedule an appointment.

You should take your child to the dentist during the first six months after their first tooth appears.

The bottom line

Pediatric dentistry specialists have extensive training and experience working with newborns and toddlers. The best pediatric dentist can teach good dental hygiene habits to your child early on and help you take preventative measures to avoid future difficulties. This will also help your youngster develop a positive attitude about dental visits.

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Nearly 50% of American children aged from 2 to 19 have one or a few cavities. If you’re a parent, there’s a high chance you’ll be taking your children to the dental office somewhere in the future wondering if they have cavities or not. This dental problem can permanently damage your child’s teeth and put them at a higher risk of gum infection if untreated. Numerous signs indicate an onset of cavities.

Keep on reading to discover the five most common signs your child may have cavities. 

1. A pit or fissure in the tooth
Poor dental hygiene can lead to white spots forming your child’s teeth. These spots can indicate a forming cavity. If left untreated, they will develop into a pit or a fissure. Sometimes, these pits or fissures can appear between the teeth or in other hidden places in your child’s mouth. However, just because they can’t be spotted or felt, it doesn’t mean there still won’t be soreness or sensitivity surrounding the affected tooth. If your child experiences such symptoms, schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist right away. Pits and fissures in teeth don’t heal on their own and require dental sealants or fluoride treatment. 

2. Stains
Stains on your child’s teeth may initially look like white spots. If left to persist, they will darken over time. Stains resulted from a forming cavity typically appear on the chewing surfaces of teeth and then work their way deeper. When decay reaches the inner part of the tooth, it will result in severe radiating pain. That’s because decay will start damaging the nerves inside your child’s jawbone. If your child has any discoloration on their teeth, take them to a pediatric dentistry center ASAP. 

3. Sensitivity to cold, hot, or sugary foods and drinks
If your child avoids consuming anything hot, cold, or sugary due to pain, that is the clear sign of a cavity. When your child’s enamel becomes thinner, it makes the underlying dentin layer susceptible to bacteria, acids, and food particles. All of these can affect the numerous nerves and cells contained in dentin, resulting in sharp and severe pain. 

4. Toothache
Continuous pain in your child’s tooth is the most obvious sign of a cavity. Sometimes, this pain can occur suddenly after consuming specific foods or beverages. In other cases, it can start as a minor nagging ache that worsens over time. Your child may not remember when this type of pain has firstly occurred (like after biting down on a hard food). However, if your child mentions this pain typically around mealtime, a cavity may be the culprit. 

5. Gum pain
If your child says they experience gum pain, they may be misinterpreting the origin of this pain. It’s typical for toddlers more than for older kids, but if your child experiences pain in their gum lines, it’s a good idea to check for cavities. Gum pain can be linked to cavities due to gum irritation that results from poor dental hygiene. If your child brushes their own teeth, check whether they doing it properly or doing it at all. Gum irritation can signal that your child isn’t brushing or flossing their teeth decently. If that’s the case, their teeth can be at increased risk of developing cavities. 

The bottom line
If your child shows any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms, make sure you act quickly to prevent them from worsening and causing permanent damage. Consider scheduling an appointment with a top pediatric dentist to provide your child with the quality dental care that they deserve.

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Importance of Child Dental Benefits Schedule

One of the best things a parent can offer a child is proper dental care. The best way to do this is to ensure that the child visits the dentist on a regular basis. Enrolling in an affordable care dental plan will enable this to happen.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a government-funded program that enables children between the age of 2 and 17 to access basic dental services at an affordable fee. Therefore, if your child has qualified and has not enrolled in this program yet, it is a high time to do so. Read on to find out more about CDBS and some of its importance.

What is CDBS?

First things first, it is vital to understand exactly what is CDBS. It is a dental plan that was introduced by the Australian Government in January 2014. The program aims at providing qualified Australian children with affordable dental plans. It covers essential dental services of up to $1000 in two consecutive years. If the dentist offering CDBS provides bulk billing services, it means that you will not have to meet any out-of-pocket costs after receiving dental services. The dentist will bill the government on your behalf.

Importance of Child Dental Benefit Schedule

CDBS will help you cover a myriad of essential dental services. Here are some of the services you will get to enjoy under this program

  • Diagnostic and Preventive

The dentist performs diagnostic services while trying to identify a dental condition. Proper diagnosis will enable the dentist to know the right treatment for a given condition. One of the services covered by CDBS under diagnostic is X-rays. On the other hand, preventive services are aimed at preventing a condition from occurring. Such services include dental cleaning as well as scaling.

  • Restorative Services

Restorative services are performed when trying to restore the functionality of a tooth. Such services include dental filling. However, while receiving dental filling covered by CDBS, the restoration material used by the dentist must be adhesive or metallic. Additionally, only one can be claimed per tooth. In the event that the dentist has applied multiple restorations on the same day, it will only be counted as one, and the additional cost will be covered by the patient.

  • Sedation

CDBS also provides the benefit of sedation. However, it only covers inhalation and intravenous sedation. When it comes to inhalation sedation, the dentist can only use nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen. On the other hand, intravenous sedation can only be claimed once in a 12 months period.

Bottom Line

Apart from the services mentioned above, other services you can enjoy from CDBS include dental examination, fissure sealing, root canals, and tooth extraction. Therefore, if your child is eligible, it is important you enroll in the program.

At Carrum Downs Dental Clinic, we accept CDBS. Additionally, we do bulk billing for our clients. Therefore, you do not have to worry about spending out-of-pocket costs on services covered under CDBS. Make an appointment with us today for quality dental care.

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Protecting teeth from cavities is an important part oral hygiene, and in many cases, good oral hygiene at home isn’t enough.

While regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are strongly encouraged by the American Dental Association, there are still places that these methods can’t clear of bacteria.

Bacteria tend to collect in two main places: around the roots of teeth, and in the crevices atop them. The crevices on top of teeth are often completely normal, and they are used to grind food into more manageable sizes. The rough valleys in molars especially are havens for bacteria.

Because of how these valleys form in order to grind food, there are a lot of places where bacteria can gather that a toothbrush cannot go.

In order to combat this, teeth may need to be sealed.

Sealing Teeth

Sealants are most commonly used on the molars, which have a very rough surface. They can, however, be used on other teeth that have an abnormal valley or a change in shape somewhere.

The sealant is a harmless composite resin. The resin is very similar to plastic, but is BPA free.

The primary purpose of the resin is to fill in the grooves of the molars and other teeth that have grooves or pits.

Fortunately, this does not adversely affect how well the tooth performs. Instead, by filling these grooves, the upper surface of the tooth becomes smoother, which makes it much easier to clean with toothbrushes and rinses.

The smooth surface makes it very difficult for bacteria to cling to the teeth and be able to grow.

Pediatric Benefits of Sealing

Dental sealants are particularly useful in pediatric dentistry as they notably slow the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth for children.

Given the sheer number of junk foods, including sodas, candy, and chocolate, among others, it can be very easy to develop a cavity in a child’s tooth. Sealants help prevent cavities by filling in the areas of teeth most likely to get a cavity.

The process of applying a sealant is completely painless and requires no sedation, but sedation dentistry is an option for children who are nervous about the visit. As a pediatric dentist in Houston, our office is highly focused on cavity prevention and proper oral development in children. We not only use smaller equipment for a more comfortable experience but work closely with parents to train children in healthy dental habits.

Filling Teeth

If bacteria are allowed to collect on a tooth, it will eventually begin damaging it. The bacteria will deteriorate the mineral layers that protect the tooth before reaching the enamel and eventually the dentin and dental pulp.

If this occurs, your local Houston dentist will need to remove the bacteria and clear out the decayed portions of the tooth.

This is usually completed using a drill, laser, or air abrasion instrument. These tools remove sections of teeth that will later be filled.

The filling itself may take one of several forms, depending on a few factors.

  • Gold
  • Silver Amalgam
  • Porcelain
  • Composite Resin

These fillings are all dependent upon the location and severity of the tooth decay, as well as the patient’s desire to pay for a certain type of filling.

Natural looking fillings are generally more expensive, as are fillings that are very durable. Still, it is important to consider the cost as well as how well the filling will perform in strengthening the teeth, as well as its appearance in the mouth.

Resin fillings, while very natural looking, can take some extra time to apply as opposed to a porcelain or metal filling.

These fillings need to be applied in layers and cured before applying each successive layer. Curing a layer just involves letting it dry and harden.

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Most people think taking their kids to a pediatric dentist will cost them more than a general dentist. Though most pediatric dentists may charge more than regular dentists, the cost difference is not significant. However, there’s a vast difference in the skills and training required to handle and calm little patients between the two. If you’re interested to know more about why you should take your child to a pediatric dentist, visit our guide

The Average Cost of visiting a Pediatric Dentist

The average cost of visiting a pediatric dentist in Aurora, Co is $50 to $100 per child without insurance. The price goes down if your insurance policy covers your dental expenses. Furthermore, you may need to give only $30-60 for your kid’s oral cleaning and fluoride application.

We understand that these figures may not be cheap for some people, especially without insurance. However, it should never make you shy away from the dental care your child needs. Most importantly, you can always visit Rodeo Dental in Aurora, Co that provides high-quality and affordable dental care for your kid.  

Payments options for pediatric dental care

While choosing a pediatric dentist, you should opt for the one who knows how to deal with children and teens. As far as payment options are concerned, good pediatric dental offices offer multiple payment options to make dental treatments more affordable. Some options include Credit cards, insurance plans, and CareCredit. At Rodeo Dental Aurora, we accept all insurances and payment plans, including MasterCard, visa, credit card, and TMHP. We also offer zero-interest payment plans through CareCredit.

Is visiting a pediatric dentist worth the cost?

Children are not just small, but they can be stubborn and uncooperative at times. And so, managing little ones in the dentist’s chair can be a difficult task. On a lighter note, not many people are really good at dealing with children. This is what makes a massive difference between a general dentist and a pediatric dentist. A general dentist is primarily specialized in treating an adult’s overall dental issues. They don’t go through any additional training to deal with children.

On the other hand, a pediatric dentist has gone through the required training and experience to deal with young patients and put them at ease. Additionally, a pediatric dentist can deal with patients with special needs, just like infants or toddlers. Kid’s friendly dentists are also more specialized in managing children’s oral issues. They also strive to establish a good relationship with children. In fact, rapport building with young patients has tremendous value in pediatric dentistry. This will not only treat your child’s oral issues effectively, but it will also make your child love visiting the dentist. Thus, helping you maintain your child’s oral health in the long run too.

What If I Don’t Have Dental Insurance?

Don’t have dental insurance? No need to worry about that. At Rodeo Dental Aurora, we offer easy credit options, numerous flexible payment terms, and zero-interest payment plans for our patients. In simple words, we accept all insurance and payment plans. Since our goal is to provide the best oral health care to everyone, we try to make our dental services within reach of everyone.  


Rodeo Dental & Orthodontics – Dentist in Aurora, CO

15022 E. Mississippi Ave.
AuroraCO 80012United States (US)

Phone: 720-826-0115

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When Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?
That is the most common dental question among parents. Many parents often wait for years before they visit a children's dentist, some of them either hold off for insurance even when in a hurry to take their child to the dentist right after birth. Depending on the timing of enrollment and dental coverage, it may beat back the initial appointment.

Although doctors and parents might differ on when dental exams and care should begin, early screening is the best. For kids, the first dental visit is a big moment and experience as it can set the stage for proper oral health care throughout their lives.

However, the AAPD (Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) and ADA (American Dental Association) have predicted that a child's first visit to a children's dentist should be within six months of the erupting of the first tooth, but no later than age two.

Generally, a child's first visit is more or less like an introduction to the children's dentist office to learn about the significance of taking care of their teeth. The dentist checks inside the child's mouth to check whether the developing teeth are coming out correctly and there are no issues, but the first is generally to build trust and awareness.


Recommendation for Making a Child's First Dentist Appointment
It is better to schedule the child's first visit between the age of 6 months and their first birthday celebration. This is when the first primary tooth has erupted. Tooth decay is possible in infants, making it necessary to protect the child's dental health from the beginning.

It is crucial to teach proper oral hygiene habits from the start so that kids can get used to visiting a dentist. If kids have positive experiences in a dentist's office, they tend to enjoy brushing and take good care of their teeth. When they get acclimated to it, they will keep up with routine visits and be less prone to cavities, if the first appointment is completed between six months and a year old.

How to Prepare a Child for First Dentist Appointment
Here are the things to consider in helping a child prepare for the first dentist visit:
Encourage excitement about the new experience. An infant often cannot communicate verbally, but understands body language and tone of voice. If parents are mirth filled about the first visit, so will be the child. Parents must be ready for unhappy reactions from their child by towing along comforting belongings to put the child at ease.

Consult the pediatric dentist before the appointment to have a clue of what will happen during the initial visit. All children's dentists have ways of doing things; it makes the parent feel relaxed and prepared ahead of the first visit.

What Happens During a Child's First Dentist Visit?
Each professional dentist has a unique way of handling infants; the first visit is typically the same across the board. Much cleaning is not needed when only a few teeth have erupted. A thorough exam is performed by a children's dentist on the first visit to determine whether the child is developing at a reasonable pace healthily.

The parent has a crucial role to play during the first visit. They have to be with the child throughout the appointment because they look up to their parents for comfort. And infants squirm around and fuss sometimes. This is common at that age. The dentist and the parent should work together to make the child feel at ease, comfortable, and secure.

The first visit typically includes:
Exam to check the teeth, gums, bite, jaw, and look for any oral health problem
Cleaning and polishing of the child's first tooth or teeth
Digital X-rays may be taken if there's any visible decay
Patient education and advice about dental care tips at homes


What Happens After a Child's Dental Appointment?
It is highly recommended to visit the children's dentist every six months after the child's first visit unless there are reasons to come more often. The dentist begins to work on the child's teeth once the child is ready for a second appointment. The second visit includes counting of the child's teeth and brushing and polishing.

An infant's first dentist visit is mostly brief, 15 to 30 minutes long. The little ones can be intimidated or overwhelmed by dentists, and it is best to make appointments brief and short. This is to build trust and make the child grow an understanding that each visit has a start and an end.

When is a Child Due for Full Dental Exams?
At the age of 3 years, a child is due for full dental exams. This is where fluoride treatments begin and they learn more about the importance of thorough flossing and brushing of the teeth. Here, the parent should participate, so the child brushes appropriately at home. The dentist will educate the parents on how to help floss a child's teeth and teach the technique to ensure a child brushes thoroughly.

The dentist also recommends the appropriate toothbrush, and that children brush their teeth two minutes twice a day. They may also recommend fun games and songs a child can use to help them reach the two-minute goal. The child is old enough and due at 5 to receive X-rays.


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