Myths About Root Canal

Myths About Root Canal

There are many myths about a root canal, in this article, we will explain everything about root canal and some common myths about the root canal.

Toothache is a type of pain that even the strongest of us can’t bear. If it persists for a long time, a small decay may have progressed to something more severe.

It is best to visit your dentist to have it checked.

If your tooth is less damaged your dentist might suggest a number of procedures but if a tooth is severely damaged you will be advised a root canal. A root canal is a procedure that involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it.

Here are some common myths and facts about a root canal procedure.

  • It is painful – the only sensation that you might feel is that of a syringe prick which is used to induce local anesthesia. The entire procedure is done under the influence of anesthesia, which means that you won’t feel any pain during a root canal and of course nothing in comparison to what a damaged tooth causes every now and then.
  • Requires many visits to the doctor – The entire procedure for one tooth can be completed in 1-2 sittings.
  • Pulling the tooth out is a better option – Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions. A root canal helps you save your natural teeth by simply removing the infected pulp and sealing it.
  • A root canal is not required if there is no pain – Many teeth that need root canal therapy will not cause pain. Your dentist is the best judge. In some cases, you might see swelling near the damaged tooth. This is called a fistula, is a tunnel of tissue draining pus from an infection. There is no pain because the fistula keeps pressure from building in the tissue. The infection must be treated, and the tooth probably needs root canal treatment. Without treatment, it can infect the nearby tissues.
  • Root canals have a high failure rate – It is one of the most successful treatments in dentistry. With new technology and treatment techniques, it is done with a high level of success.

So, the next time you are being advised for a root canal it is definitely the need of the hour. The procedure is highly successful and painless if it is done by an expert dental clinic. Don’t let the myths keep you from what’s best for you.

Contact us for painless root canal treatment in Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai.


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