Tooth Jewelry Adds Flash To Your Smile

People have worn gold, silver, and jewels in their ears, nostrils, eye brows, and belly buttons for years. It should come as no surprise that the next place to flash some jewelry is in your smile. Tooth jewelry has been very popular in Europe for years and is just starting to become popular in the United States.
Tooth jewelry is bonded to the enamel of a tooth. The tiny spot where the jewel is placed is etched to make the surface microscopically rough. Some bonding liquid and a drop of dental composite are then bonded with the jewel onto the surface of the tooth. The process is quick, simple, and painless.

Tooth jewels come in many shapes and stones. There are gold and white gold jewels with designs such as, stars, hearts, motor cycles, crosses, golf balls, butterfly’s, etc.. Jewels come in many colors including, amethyst, blue, pink, white, and red.

Dental jewelry is subtle, but certainly will get you some attention, or at the very least, help you start a conversation when you smile. For dental hygienists, the latest trend in tooth jewelry might lead to increased visits from patients. That's because without professional application and appropriate dental hygiene, these hot new itty bitty bits of sparkly bling could lead the way to increased dental damage.

The reason? Bacteria and plaque can build up around tooth jewels, irritating the gums, which as any dental hygienist can tell you is the first step towards dental decay.

From Grills to Tooth Jewels

While it may come as a surprise to some, tooth jewels have been designed to be less problematic than those other trendy dental accessories, dental or mouth grills. Since most mouth grills cover the whole tooth and often come into contact with the gum line, they have already been identified as a serious dental hygiene concern by the American Dental Association. That's because even though the owners must practice scrupulous dental hygiene and regularly clean the grills, most people don't.

Are Tooth Jewels Safer Than Dental Grills

The new dental jewels are not yet listed on the ADA Web site as potential dental hygiene risk; however, smaller tooth jewels, which are applied to the teeth with a specialized adhesive, are still quite new. And, while there are tooth jewel kits that people can use to install them at home, it is best to consider having your dentist install them (after seeing a dental hygienist for a thorough cleaning of course) to ensure they are properly fitted and are securely adhered, reducing the risk for potential tooth damage and decay.

The Best Bling: Regular Care From A Dental Hygienist

While mouth grills and tooth jewels may look like fun accessories, those looking to have true mouth bling might consider more regular trips to the dental hygienist for cleanings as they can cause damage to teeth. After all, a bright, clean, healthy smile - the kind of smile that comes from top notch dental hygiene - is tough to beat.

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  • Dental jewellery jaipur provides different design of jewelery for teeth such as stars, hearts, motor cycles, crosses, golf balls, and butterfly’s, etc. Today jewels come in many colors such as blue, pink, red, white and amethyst. I have white gold on my front of teeth. Really it is a quick and painless technique.


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