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The Causes of Tooth Decay


Tooth decay, also named caries or cavities, is the breakdown of a tooth due to the acid produced by bacteria. The bacteria produce this acid as a by-product when interacting with carbohydrates present in the food that we consume. The pain and severity of tooth decay depend on how far it is spread, from enamel to dentine, and then to the pulp.

The mouth is an important part of the body that usually expresses or reveals many chronic diseases, directly or indirectly in the form of dental, gum, and soft tissue diseases. Tooth decay, or cavities, are warning signs of having an underlying chronic disease that needs to be taken care of in addition to the dental treatment.


Following are the few of the known diseases that are usually linked to the tooth decay/cavities

1) Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the sugar levels in the blood are elevated due to a decrease in insulin levels. It affects dental health in two ways

- The bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars and produce acid. Greater levels of sugars in the blood, the higher the supply of sugars to the mouth, and the higher the degree of bacterial activity as well. The acid produced by bacteria then dissolves the tooth layers one by one causing cavities.

- One of the symptoms of diabetes is dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition in which there is less production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is of great importance when it comes to cleaning and cleansing the bacteria. It washes away the bacteria and its by-products decreasing the risk of tooth decay. If the production of saliva is less as in diabetes, the acid produced by bacteria freely destructs the tooth structure.

Not only does diabetes limit the capability of the body to fight against the oral bacteria, but it also increases the chances of destroying the gums (with help of plaque build-up and calculus) surrounding the teeth and bone. Moreover, gum disease triggers the increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn worsens the severity of diabetes. It is hence a cause and effect cycle that needs to be addressed and managed properly.

2) Sjögren’s syndrome
Sjögren’s is an autoimmune syndrome that is commonly identified with symptoms such as the dry mouth and dry eyes. This syndrome affects the mucous secreting glands of eyes and mouth and results in significantly low production of tears and saliva. The decreased levels of saliva in the mouth result in less cleaning of the mouth hence greater bacterial activity, which then eventually leads to initiation of caries, which turns into tooth decay if not taken care of.

3) Bulimia and Anorexia
Bulimia and anorexia are severe forms of eating disorders. These eating disorders are connected to psychological disorders where individuals fear being fat or overweight. Bulimic and anorexic individuals either eat less, binge or purge the food, mainly unhealthy food. Eating less food means less intake of nutrients that are essential to keep the body healthy and strong. This less intake of nutrients causes low immunity and hence less capability to fight against oral bacteria that cause cavities. Also, during the process of binging and purging, the acids from the stomach flow into the mouth affecting the teeth. The acid wears away the teeth surface making them more susceptible to tooth decay over a while.

4) Cancer
Although there is no direct relationship between cancer and tooth decay, individuals going through radiation are at greater risk of getting cavities known as radiation caries. One of the side effects of radiation is dry mouth (transient xerostomia). The radiation affects the salivary glands, due to which the mouth is unable to produce a sufficient amount of saliva necessary for cleansing effectively and lowering the mouth PH that eventually leads to radiation caries. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the dental professional and the concerned oncologist before going through the phase of radiotherapy. The dental professional will evaluate the preexisting condition of the mouth and teeth and suggest suitable actions accordingly.


In addition to all the above-mentioned diseases, dental home care plays a crucial role in the development of tooth decay. The dental plaque formed on the gingival margins continues to multiply and grow beneath the gums (gingival pockets) and onto the tooth surface. This dental plaque contains various types of bacteria and food particles that mineralized to form tartar/calculus. This plaque and tartar destructs the tooth structure and gums to form cavities and gum diseases respectively. The good news is, regular oral hygiene regimens decrease the amount of plaque and tartar build-up. Brushing twice a day and flossing following a proper technique significantly reduces plaque and tartar load. Besides, regular dental checkups should be followed to treat tooth decay at its earliest stages.

It is best to provide a thorough and inclusive medical and dental history to the dental professionals to rule out the cause of tooth decay and then treat it subsequently.

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Practice management software in dentistry propounds a much-facilitated set of software functionality in similitude with generic medical software for surgeries and check-ups. While there are few common features in regards to administration, dentists and orthodontists require their own set of clinical management framework. 

Integral factors of dental practice management will include the ability to cover administration, such as a calendar and a way to schedule, track, and manage appointments. An In-voice software section records fees and automates claims with insurance companies, as well as track payment status and automate billing reminders as required.

There will often also be a patient portal for self-service and provide a direct point of contact with customers. However, the main need is the ability to work with patient records and charts, and often include some form of graphics or modeling software to plan and record treatments. This will often need to be integrated with imaging equipment and x-ray sensors to make it simpler to keep patient records comprehensive and up to date.

As with a lot of other modern software, most of the best dental practice software runs as Software as a Service (SaaS), meaning that it runs in the cloud as an app, that is we can access it through a browser regardless of your device, and also validates it should be mobile-friendly.

The basic choice of software needs to be based on three factors:

  1. The website has to have enough information about the product, pricing, and support to allow users to make an informed decision before reaching out to the company for a demo that ensures transparent policy communication.
  2. The software must be HIPAA compliant because most importantly, the patient’s privacy is the top priority.
  3. An efficient and integrated suite of features with single subscriptions can be a great time saver.

Various types of software can help dentists manage their new practices and set them up for long-term success. Some budget-friendly options are even excellent choices for cost-conscious practices just starting out. Plus, some types of software can be useful down the line once your practice has become more established and you’re looking to take things to the next level.

Email Marketing Software

Opening a new practice, attracting new patients is more critical than ever. As your practice grows, retaining the patients that you’ve worked so hard to attract will become just as crucial. One very low-effort way to stay connected with your patients is by regularly communicating with them through newsletters.

Systems  for Online Appointment Scheduling

Right now, many patients expect to be able to book appointments immediately online, 24/7. A high percentage of appointments scheduled through online systems are booked outside of business hours. By forcing patients to call your office to make an appointment, you may be missing out on many opportunities. In addition, by having your staff spend less time on the phone, they can focus on other tasks, including providing the best patient experience possible.

Depending on your choice, you also may be able to solicit more patient reviews to build your online reputation and gain additional exposure to new patients. Therefore, the result and reward of this type of software extend beyond the immediate ability to offer your patients a convenient way to schedule appointments and check availability. 

Practice Management Software

Present, dental health care is delivered mainly by private practitioners all around the globe. More importance was given on the design of the dental treatment rooms than on the design of business management. 

The planning of the business office workspace is also a key factor and such an area should be carefully designed as the business staff can deliver its tasks with maximum efficiency. Any patient who arrives the first time in the dental clinic is the most important person for the dentist.  The infrastructures can improve practice efficiency, reduce administrative costs, and improve communication with other providers. Also, there are various software’s that are available in the market for dental  practice management.

Insurance Verification

Policy updations and consistent communication about the insurance policies and pending payments have to be taken care of and automated. It's a very crucial part of the practice and needs much care and attention.

Patient Communication Software  

Automated patient communication software is useful for reducing no-shows and cancellations, improving patient recall, and soliciting patient reviews. Typically, it works by integrating with your practice management software so it can automatically message patients who are overdue for appointments or who require appointment confirmations.

Membership Programs

There are many benefits to creating a membership program for your company. An in-house membership plan will give your practice recurring revenue every month while helping patients gain access to the dental care they deserve and become more likely to say yes to easy and affordable dental care. However, these plans involve some setup and ongoing maintenance.

The choice of the right dental plan will be the gateway to progress and it can be the most important choice throughout the business.

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Dental X-Rays Are Safe During Pregnancy!



The demands of pregnancy can lead to particular dental problems in some women. You are less likely to have dental problems during pregnancy if you already have good oral hygiene habits. With proper dental hygiene at home and professional help from your dentist, your teeth should stay healthy during pregnancy.

The Need For Dental X-rays During Pregnancy:
We know about different gum diseases that occur in pregnant women because of hormonal imbalance, they may be pregnancy gingivitis or pregnancy-related gum disease. So it's a common problem for pregnant ladies. For that or for other causes of diagnostic purposes, or any for emergency tooth pain or any trauma, sometimes we need dental radiography.

Common causes of dental health problems during pregnancy can include gum problems, vomiting, and cravings for sugary food. Does the question arise that if the exposure of dental radiography is safe for the unborn baby, is it safe for the pregnant mother herself? Read further to know the answer.



What are the typical fetal doses in dental radiographic procedures?
Spoiler Alert: You may be surprised to know that the dose we use in dental radiography is much less than the normal environmental day-to-day radiation. So the fetal dose is 0.009 µSv to 7.97 µSv. This is usually less than the estimated daily natural background dose received by the fetus. And if we use an apron with lead shielding and a thyroid shield, they can reduce the dose to the fetus even further. However, the use of shielding should be done with proper care to show that the radiograph is of adequate diagnostic quality (keeping the shielding outside of the X-ray beam) and that it does not lead to overexposure (for equipment using some form of automatic exposure control).

Why is it recommended that pregnant women wait to get dental x-rays?
The developing fetus in the first and third trimesters is very sensitive to radiation. The second trimester is slightly less sensitive. In most dental offices, especially those using digital radiography or F speed film, the radiation dose to the patient is very low. However, we still recommend that there should be very little exposure to pregnant women and the developing fetus. In certain cases, such as an emergency case where the mother may have a toothache, sometimes radiographs are necessary and in this case, it is important to ensure that you have the lead apron and thyroid collar on.

What is the risk to the fetus if a dental X-ray has been performed on a pregnant woman?
The risk to the fetus from a few µSv of radiation exposure arising from a dental radiographic procedure is extremely small. The cancer risk to the unborn child resulting from a 10 µSv fetal dose is several thousand times less than the background risk of childhood cancer. The risk of inducing a genetic abnormality is an even smaller fraction of the background risk of a genetic disorder. Hence, patient doses received in the normal practice of dental radiography would never cause harm to the fetus, and patients with concerns in this regard should be counseled accordingly.



How should one deal with the possible pregnancy of a woman before performing a dental radiological procedure?
Information on possible pregnancy should be obtained from the patient. A female of reproductive capacity should be considered pregnant unless proven otherwise. If the patient is pregnant the possibility of obtaining information from a non-radiological investigation should be considered. If the radiological examination is considered essential it should be performed and due consideration should be given to optimization. Because of the widespread fears of radiation-induced damage to the unborn child, it is reasonable to counsel the woman on the level of radiation exposure and associated risks prior to performing the procedure. It is essential to have pregnancy warning signs in the waiting rooms.

Dental Treatment vs. Dental X-ray, During Pregnancy:
Same as dental radiography, dental treatment, if it can be avoided during pregnancy should be avoided. If there is any dental problem that needs to be treated, then we can do it in the safest time, the second trimester. In the first trimester and the second half of the third trimester, elective dental treatment is to be avoided because that is the time when the growth and development of the child have to be without any disturbance.

All expectant ladies should inform the dentist beforehand that they are pregnant so that the procedure can be handled properly.


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Here at Nu Dentistry, we understand that you’re busy, and we do everything we can to make sure your time with us is as smooth as possible. From the moment you walk through our doors and check-in, we take care of all the little details for you. You’re never in our waiting room longer than 5 minutes, and we take pride in having your time in the dentist’s chair as short as possible without losing any of our attention to detail. We are dedicated to patient-first service! In other words, YOU are number one at Nu Dentistry,

and our dedicated, personalized service guarantees your complete satisfaction. We perform everything in-house, so you never have to worry about referrals for another dentist or specialist. It’s our honest belief that dentists should not only be amazing at what they do but as convenient and accommodating for their patients as possible. We’re open Saturday so you never have to put off your visits or come in during work. 

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After tooth extraction, it’s crucial that you find the best replacement to restore your natural smile.

We all know that replacing a missing tooth with the right dental prosthetic can improve your smile’s appearance. But did you know that it can give you a new lease on life? Teeth replacements can promote better oral health, restore your old diet, improve your speech, and boost your self-esteem and confidence. Depending on the restoration you choose, there may be even more benefits you can enjoy, too!

Dental Implants
Dental implants are often the tooth replacement of choice for our Bellflower patients if the option is available to them. Made of 3 base parts—an implant, a connecting abutment, and a crown—implants act as an entirely artificial tooth from crown to root.

How Long Is The Implant Process?
The implant process is a lengthy one, spread across at least 3 separate surgeries and multiple visits. From your initial consultation to your final crown, your whole dental implant procedure can take between 6 and 12 months.

Before we get started, you will need to meet with your dentist for an initial consultation. We’ll take a series of comprehensive X-rays during your exam to ensure that you’re an excellent candidate for implants and plan your specific dental implants procedure.

Bone Graft
The longer your jaw goes without a tooth, the more your jaw begins to deteriorate. If your jaw isn’t strong enough to support your implant, we will need to replace the missing bone with a bone graft. This surgery allows your jaw to reinforce and regenerate itself. After 3 to 4 months of healing, you will be ready to begin your first implant surgery.

Once your dentist gives you the go-ahead, we will surgically insert the metal post of the implant itself into your jaw. Over the next 4 to 6 months, your mouth will be left alone and monitored as it heals and the implant fuses to the bone in a process called osseointegration.

After osseointegration is finished, we’ll attach the metal abutment to your implant. The abutment will be used to connect your crown to the implant, keeping the false tooth together. In some cases, the abutment can be attached at the same time as the implant.

Lastly, the crown is connected to the abutment, completing the dental implant tooth's look and function. Any adjustments will be made to ensure the crown's bite is perfect. In the case of implant-supported prosthetics, the prosthetic piece will be attached to the abutment instead of a crown.


What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
Implants look and behave like a real tooth, and they even have the root of one, unlike dentures. By being surgically attached and inserted into the jaw, your implants promote a healthy and robust jawbone structure. With other tooth replacements, there is a gradual loss of bone over time, which often limits both the effectiveness and durability of the prosthetic as patients' jaws shift and change. That isn't the case with implants. Dental implants can last 20 to 25 years, offering a fixed, stable bite.

There are also no food restrictions or special care you have to take into account. Dental implants only further improve your speaking and eating experience, and they’re easy to maintain and clean. By brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and attending your routine dental cleanings, you can get the most out of your implants while enjoying a beautiful and healthy smile.

How Much Are Dental Implants?
Your dental implant cost depends on several factors:
Number of teeth being replaced
Type of implant (standard vs mini dental implants, All-on-4 dental implants, implant-supported prosthetics, etc.)
Location of tooth or teeth
Dental extraction cost (if the implant process is started immediately)
Bone graft surgery cost (if necessary)

There are two main types of removable dentures: partial and complete. For patients who only need to replace anything less than a full arch of teeth, your denture dentist will recommend partial dentures. Partials are flexible to your mouth's specific needs, and they can stay perfectly in place by using its gum-pink acrylic base behind your remaining natural teeth.

If you need a full-mouth smile restoration, then complete dentures are the choice for you. A complete denture doesn’t rely on existing teeth for stability but instead fits right over your gums and bone. With a perfect fit, your denture will slide on smoothly and comfortably, and it won’t need to rely on adhesive to stay secure.

For both partial and complete dentures, your Bellflower prosthodontist can prepare immediate dentures before your dental extraction. These dentures are made weeks in advance using impressions of your smile, allowing you to walk away from your extraction appointment with a brand new smile. These immediate dentures are only temporary, however, because they only last around 2 to 3 months. Your bite will change a lot in the weeks following your extraction, and you will need to have a more permanent denture made.

Can You Wear Dentures 24/7?
Although you CAN wear your dentures all hours of the day and night, we highly recommend that you give your mouth a break at night. To stay healthy and strong, your gums and bone should have some time to themselves without your false teeth' constant pressure. Taking your dentures out before you sleep prevents jaw and gum soreness, bacteria buildup leading to bad breath and infection, and a faster rate of jawbone loss.

When taking your dentures out at night, you should soak your dentures at night with a denture cleaning solution. This keeps your denture from drying out and helps remove any food or bacteria that even a good toothbrush can’t remove. Once you’re ready to put your false teeth back in the next day, give them a good rinse with running water before popping them in. With great denture maintenance, you’ll ensure that your dentures last for years to come and that your natural smile stays healthy.

Do they make permanent dentures?
Permanent dentures are implant-supported dentures, securing their dentures on metal implants and abutments to leave your bite more stable without the need for denture glue. These denture implants can improve patients’ speech and eat without worrying about any slipping or sliding. They also keep your jaw stronger and slow down the change in your bite from bone loss, allowing your dentures to last longer.

There are also fixed denture implant options, such as All-on-4 dental implants. With All-on-4s, an entire arch of teeth is supported on 4 dental implants and screwed into place. Say goodbye to removing your dentures before you go to bed to soak all night! Plus, not only can you enjoy a beautiful, full smile 24/7, but the maintenance is even simpler. These fixed dentures truly combine the best of both worlds of both dentures and implants.



What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
Implants look and behave like a real tooth, and they even have the root of one, unlike dentures. By being surgically attached and inserted into the jaw, your implants promote a healthy and robust jawbone structure. With other tooth replacements, there is a gradual loss of bone over time, which often limits both the effectiveness and durability of the prosthetic as patients' jaws shift and change. That isn't the case with implants. Dental implants can last 20 to 25 years, offering a fixed, stable bite.

There are also no food restrictions or special care you have to take into account. Dental implants only further improve your speaking and eating experience, and they’re easy to maintain and clean. By brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and attending your routine dental cleanings, you can get the most out of your implants while enjoying a beautiful and healthy smile.

How Much Are Dental Implants?
Your dental implant cost depends on several factors:
Number of teeth being replaced
Type of implant (standard vs mini dental implants, All-on-4 dental implants, implant-supported prosthetics, etc.)
Location of tooth or teeth
Dental extraction cost (if the implant process is started immediately)
Bone graft surgery cost (if necessary)

There are two main types of removable dentures: partial and complete. For patients who only need to replace anything less than a full arch of teeth, your denture dentist will recommend partial dentures. Partials are flexible to your mouth's specific needs, and they can stay perfectly in place by using its gum-pink acrylic base behind your remaining natural teeth.

If you need a full-mouth smile restoration, then complete dentures are the choice for you. A complete denture doesn’t rely on existing teeth for stability but instead fits right over your gums and bone. With a perfect fit, your denture will slide on smoothly and comfortably, and it won’t need to rely on adhesive to stay secure.

For both partial and complete dentures, your Bellflower prosthodontist can prepare immediate dentures before your dental extraction. These dentures are made weeks in advance using impressions of your smile, allowing you to walk away from your extraction appointment with a brand new smile. These immediate dentures are only temporary, however, because they only last around 2 to 3 months. Your bite will change a lot in the weeks following your extraction, and you will need to have a more permanent denture made.

Can You Wear Dentures 24/7?
Although you CAN wear your dentures all hours of the day and night, we highly recommend that you give your mouth a break at night. To stay healthy and strong, your gums and bone should have some time to themselves without your false teeth' constant pressure. Taking your dentures out before you sleep prevents jaw and gum soreness, bacteria buildup leading to bad breath and infection, and a faster rate of jawbone loss.

When taking your dentures out at night, you should soak your dentures at night with a denture cleaner solution. This keeps your denture from drying out and helps remove any food or bacteria that even a good toothbrush can’t remove. Once you’re ready to put your false teeth back in the next day, give them a good rinse with running water before popping them in. With great denture maintenance, you’ll ensure that your dentures last for years to come and that your natural smile stays healthy.

Do they make permanent dentures?
Permanent dentures are implant-supported dentures, securing their dentures on metal implants and abutments to leave your bite more stable without the need for denture glue. These denture implants can improve patients’ speech and eating without worrying about any slipping or sliding. They also keep your jaw stronger and slow down the change in your bite from bone loss, allowing your dentures to last longer.

There are also fixed denture implant options, such as All-on-4 dental implants. With All-on-4s, an entire arch of teeth is supported on 4 dental implants and screwed into place. Say goodbye to removing your dentures before you go to bed to soak all night! Plus, not only can you enjoy a beautiful, full smile 24/7, but the maintenance is even simpler. These fixed dentures truly combine the best of both worlds of both dentures and implants.


What Do Dentures Cost?
There is a wide range in the cost of dentures. The price is calculated based on these deciding factors:
Materials used
Number of teeth being replaced
Type of denture chosen
Extraction and immediate dentures cost (if applicable)

Here at Bellflower Dental Group, we know the importance of budget-friendly dental care. While dentures can be partially covered by dental insurance, we understand that it may not be enough to meet your budget’s needs. If you need assistance with ensuring you get affordable dentures and implants, our dentists are here to help. Please give our office a call at (323) 486-6579 to schedule a consultation, and we’ll be more than happy to go over our financing options with you.

What Is Better Implants or Dentures?
Ultimately, the best tooth-replacement option for you depends on your specific smile. Dentures are more flexible to your mouth’s particular demands, replacing anywhere between one or all of your teeth with ease. There are also immediate options that allow you to leave our Bellflower dental office with same-day dentures. So for patients on a budget or who don’t want to wait months before they can enjoy the benefits of a restored smile, dentures may be the right choice.


However, if you are only replacing one or two teeth, we recommend you get dental implants. Implants are durable, more stable, and don't require any maintenance or recurring denture repair. They're also an overall healthier option for your mouth. They prevent bone loss that can age your face, change your prosthetic's fit, and leave you vulnerable to infection and decay. Implants can also last more than 25 years with proper care. As dentures often need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years, implants' higher prices are incredibly cost-efficient and well worth it.


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Professional Teeth Whitening


What Is The Process For Teeth Whitening?

Yellow color or staining on teeth may cause distress among several individuals. In this day and age, we can not ignore the beaming effects of white pearly teeth.
Teeth whitening is a process of removing extrinsic and intrinsic stains from the teeth. Here we will explain the difference between bleaching and teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening can be achieved in two ways, either by chemical and non-chemical (or physical) methods. Chemical methods include bleaching the teeth with peroxide and non-chemical include removing the stains from the surface of the teeth by scaling, polishing, or using abrasive kinds of toothpaste and charcoal.


Teeth whitening can be done to remove stains or discoloration that are extrinsic (on the teeth surface) and intrinsic (inside the teeth).
The extrinsic stains mostly occur due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, a diet rich in colors, various tobacco products, or red wine.
The intrinsic stains could be caused by factors such as an internal trauma, tetracycline use, demineralization of enamel, hypo-mineralization of enamel, or fluorosis. Genetics can also play a vital role in determining the color of the teeth.

The Need for a Clinical Exam Prior to Whitening

It is of utmost importance to have a consultation from a certified dental professional before attempting whitening treatments. The individuals need to be honest with their dentist and need to give every detail regarding their medical and dental status. An individual should be open about his desire, daily oral hygiene regimens, frequency and consumption of stain containing foods and tobacco if any. All these will be of great importance because the dentist will then be able to define and develop a patient-centered whitening treatment.
The clinical examination not only gives the dentist an overview of what's going on in the mouth, but it also gives a detailed report for each tooth's health status. Each tooth and the surrounding gums need to be in good health before proceeding with this whitening procedure.

Types of Teeth Whitening

1) Over-the-Counter Treatments

These methods are available in stores, referred to as OTC, or over-the-counter.
Toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive particles of varied grit, or may contain activated charcoal that removes the superficial stains.
Whitening strips: Whitening strips contain peroxide in different percentages coating the thin strips.
Whitening trays: Ready to use whitening trays are clear trays containing peroxide gel.

2) Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

In-office whitening trays: In-office teeth whitening is the most reliable method for teeth whitening because this is performed under a controlled setting by a certified professional. After all the necessary initial assessments of your teeth and gums in the clinic, gums are protected because the high percentage of peroxide may irritate the gums. This type of whitening may require a single or more visit until the desired results are achieved. The dental professional is the only person who will give instructions upon the level of teeth whitening shade.
Custom at-home whitening trays: Customized whitening trays are also considered reliable because they are patient-centered, meaning they fit the specific patient's teeth. These trays are used along with varying percentages of the peroxide gel which can be worn an hour or so for a week per day, depending on the instructions from the dentist, to get the desired effects. The dentist will guide the individual on how to use it, when to use it and the precautions that need to be taken.

Factors that Affect the Long-lasting Effect of Whitening:

It is to be noted that whitening is not a permanent solution for teeth whitening. However, the effects can be increased by following some precautions that not only help in reducing the stains but has a direct effect on oral health as well.
-Daily oral hygiene regimens: Regular brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing at least once a day. Regular mouth rinses even with tap water is helpful.
-Diet: Stain producing foods such as cola, coffee, and wine should be minimized.
-Tobacco products: Cigarettes or other nicotine-based products should be quit completely because they not only produce stains on teeth but also have a great role in producing oral diseases such as oral cancer.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

As long as we get it done from a certified dental professional, it is safe to have teeth whitening. Regular consultation from the dentist regarding the status of teeth, best oral hygiene practices, and following dentist provided precautions, are all essential to have a good experience after having teeth whitening treatment.


Coffee, tea, and wine are tempting… but they also stain your teeth. Here at Nu Dentistry, we know the best methods to regain your bright white smile with our in-house professional teeth whitening system! More advanced than over the counter treatments, our teeth whitening systems bring you longer-lasting and brighter results in less time!
Teeth whitening is the quickest and most traditional treatment used in cosmetic dentistry, offering your smile an instant boost! Our non-invasive and effective whitening options include both an in-house teeth whitening treatment and take-home whitening trays.
Teeth whitening can remove years of stains and discoloration, but it’s not a permanent solution. Depending on your lifestyle and habits, you may likely need additional whitening treatments in the future. However, your professional smile whitening results can last years longer than those with a take-home teeth whitening kit from the store.
To make sure you get the most out of your sessions, we will also give you at-home care instructions and tips that will help you maintain and extend the lifespan of your bright smile.
Ready to add some sparkle to your smile and try our teeth whitening systems?
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Benefits of Invisalign


What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a way to straighten the teeth without having to worry about brackets. The aligners are clear and removable. Your orthodontist starts by scanning your teeth digitally. Afterward, you will see a map of where your teeth are now and where they will end up at the end of treatment.
While you wear the aligners, you can remove them to eat. With traditional braces, you must worry about food restrictions at mealtime. However, with Invisalign, you can eat without worrying about your orthodontics. Also, you take them out when you brush your teeth. Cleaning is easier without wires and brackets in the way.

How Do Aligners Work?

Although you can take the aligners out for a couple of hours a day to brush and eat, you keep them in the rest of the time. When you wear each aligner for two weeks, they will move your teeth a little at a time. At the end of those two weeks, it is time to move onto the next aligner to move you closer to the smile of your dreams.
Because there are no wires to change out, Invisalign requires fewer trips to the orthodontist. You can expect to see your orthodontist every six weeks to check on the progress. Typical Invisalign treatment takes 12 to 16 months, but some cases are as short as six months, where others are closer to two years.

Benefits of Invisalign

Virtually Invisible

We get it. You want straight teeth, but you may not want to have to wear braces for months or years to get there. That’s totally understandable. But when you choose Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about what your straighteners are going to look like. Your smile will look just like normal, so you don’t have to think about the appearance of your braces.

Eat Whatever You Want

When you get traditional braces, you’ll have to deal with a lot of food restrictions. You can’t eat anything that will become stuck in the braces, which limits your options a lot. But one of the benefits of Invisalign is the fact that you don’t have to deal with this problem. Just put them in, and eat whatever you want.

Shorter Treatment Time

No matter which teeth-straightening method you choose, you don’t want to have to deal with it forever. But when you want to straighten your teeth with metal braces, you may have to have braces for up to five years. Clearly, this isn’t ideal, especially for adult patients. However, Invisalign tends to straighten your teeth more quickly, saving you time in the long run. It’s definitely worth it if you’re looking for top-notch results quickly.



If you have overcrowded, gapped, or crooked teeth, Invisalign© may be a great choice for you! Nu Dentistry is a certified Invisalign provider and can work with you to create your beautiful smile! While many believe that braces are only for teens, Invisalign is the treatment for everyone. Available for tweens, teens, and adults, it is an excellent cosmetic dentistry option for people who want straight teeth but don't like the look of traditional braces.
Invisalign has been the top choice in alternatives to traditional orthodontic treatments for a good reason. These clear aligners are virtually invisible, removing the issue of aesthetics when it comes to teeth alignment.
Instead of using bulky metal brackets and wires, Invisalign's clear aligner trays are custom designed to meet your desired smile goals discreetly. New trays are used approximately every two weeks to move your teeth to their desired position successfully. 
To set your Invisalign Consultation Contact Us At  Invisalign in Houston.
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The extraction of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure to remove the third molars situated at the very back of the teeth. They usually appear between the age of 17 to 21 years but sometimes may appear in the late twenties as well. The wisdom teeth usually are 4 in number, positioned 1 in each half (upper right and left, lower right and left) of the mouth. It is best to note that not all individuals have exactly 4 wisdom teeth, some individuals might have less as well.
With the evolution of time, the human jaw has shrunk, providing minimal or very limited space for these sets of teeth to grow freely. So when they come through they might cause no or slight to severe discomfort that ultimately is injurious to the oral cavity and the whole body. Not everyone requires removal of the wisdom teeth but if the signs and symptoms appear and persist, it is best to consult and take advice from a dentist and oral surgeon.
Eruption and growth of the wisdom teeth may or may not be normal, however, certain signs may indicate the need for surgical removal of wisdom teeth.
1) Impacted wisdom teeth: Every so often the wisdom teeth get impacted or trapped beneath the gums and into the jaw bone because of the limited space in the oral cavity. This impaction causes radiating jaw pain, swelling and tenderness of the jaw, pus formation, difficulty in mouth opening, chewing, and bad breath. These are the manifestations that indicate an individual requires surgical extraction of impacted wisdom teeth from a certified dental professional.
2) The eruption of the wisdom teeth in the wrong direction: At times, wisdom teeth grow at an angle that is inappropriate to the adjacent teeth (second molar). It causes difficulties for the adjacent teeth by growing horizontal (backward or forward). In such cases, meticulous cleaning (brushing and flossing) of this particular area gets difficult and there is more chance of food impaction and bacterial growth around the erupted and adjacent teeth. The food impaction and bacterial growth trigger the caries process in teeth, pain, swelling, and infection of the gums that leads to cavity/decay formation and gum diseases respectively.
3) Cyst formation: In a few cases, the sac in which wisdom teeth form becomes filled with fluid to form a cyst. This fluid-filled sac initiates the pain and damages the surrounding nerves, jaw bone, gums, and teeth. Most commonly the cyst forms around impacted teeth (within the jawbone). In such circumstances, the dental professional advises for removal of the wisdom teeth at the earliest chance, to save the surrounding soft and hard tissues.

The Process Of Surgical Extraction

The dental professional will first take your medical and dental history. In addition to that, all the signs and symptoms of your dental concern or complaint will be recorded. A clinical and radio-graphical assessment will then be performed. The clinical and radiographical findings allow dental professionals to conduct a dental diagnosis. After the diagnosis of the wisdom teeth, the dentist in collaboration with the oral surgeon decides to perform the surgery under local, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia either in the clinic or in day surgery depending on the severity.
The process of surgical extraction requires a minimum of 45 minutes, some cases might take a longer time subject to the severity. The dental professional will guide you and your attendants to follow certain pre and post-operative instructions that need to be followed religiously.
Some common post-operative instructions are as follows-
- Avoid rigorous spitting or sucking the saliva or blood
- Replace and change the gauze over the treated area carefully
- Use ice packs over the cheek on the treatment site to relieve swelling
- Make sure to take rest and avoid any heavy activity for some days
- Eat cold and soft food for the first 24 hours. Avoid spicy, crunchy, and chewy food for some days or until the treatment area heals
- Drink healthy fluids from a cup or glass, avoid drinking fluids with a straw
- Avoid brushing for the first 24 hours, rather use a mouth rinse and gently spit it out, resume gentle brushing after 24 hours
- Avoid smoking and tobacco use
Slight to moderate bleeding, pain, and swelling can be noticed after the surgery and it is best to take the prescribed medications timely. However, if the pain, bleeding, and swelling persist, consult the dentist or oral surgeon immediately.
Be present for your follow up appointment. The dental professional will check for healing and remove the sutures, if the sutures are non-absorbable, and advise you for future maintenance.



When you have severe tooth pain, it can be a real dental emergency—and Nu Dentistry is here to help you through them all, including teeth extraction. While it may sound scary, our friendly, gentle dentists make sure you’re always relaxed in our office. There are 2 main types of tooth removal procedures:
Simple extraction. A simple extraction is used to remove teeth that are visible. Once the local anesthetic has properly numbed the area, your dentist will use a tool called an elevator to loosen your tooth and forceps to fully remove it from your gum.
Surgical extraction. A surgical extraction is instead performed on teeth that are not visible, like fully submerged teeth or teeth that have broken off below the gumline. Our on-site oral surgeon will make an incision and extract your tooth directly from your gums. Since this method is more intensive, the surgeon will most likely give you a mix of local anesthetic and sedation, including oral or IV sedation. This ensures both your body and mind are relaxed and comfortable throughout your treatment.
After your treatment, we’ll prepare you with aftercare instructions to ensure that your mouth stays healthy and heals quickly without any complications. Within a week or two of your procedure, new bone and the gum tissue will fill the gap your tooth left behind.
At Nu Dentistry, we understand that you can’t always plan when you have a toothache or when your molars are coming in. That’s why if you need an emergency tooth extraction, we’re on-call and ready for you. We do our best to ensure you’re in our patient suites within minutes of your arrival.
Despite our best efforts and oral hygiene habits, dental emergencies can still happen when we least expect it. Teeth can become injured in an accident or from biting on hard objects. Fillings, crowns, or other devices might break or fall out. Teeth can become severely infected and put you at risk for serious health problems. If you're suffering from a dental injury or pain, give Nu Dentistry a call! Dental emergencies can be scary and painful, but we're here to alleviate both your pain and your anxiety. We offer efficient, first-rate dental service, putting your mind at ease every step of the way.
As with many emergencies, time is of the essence. Some dental pain is severe and requires speedy medical attention to prevent further complications. We'll schedule your appointment right away, even on Saturday. We believe that you shouldn't have to wait for toothache relief. At Nu Dentistry, we make sure that our patients receive their emergency dental care within minutes of arriving, even with short or little notice.
Our fantastic team of emergency dentists do everything they can to see you as quickly as possible. We can't stress enough that dental emergencies require swift action so that larger, more serious problems don't occur. We are a world-class dental specialty center prepared to treat your dental emergencies, whatever they may entail. Call us today for immediate service!
If you need to call our on-site staff to schedule an immediate appointment, call us now at Emergency Dentist in Houston Texas
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Dental Clinic in Houston Texas

Sometimes, we usually think in general, placing a character like that capable of covering many specialties. It is not that it is a mistake, but a way of labeling the person according to the discipline that develops as a trade.

In the world of medicine, this is more than common because we see in the figure of one the work that many do, even if we know what he specializes in. With dentistry, it happens frequently since we assume that the dentist is in charge of everything related to the mouth.

But that's not entirely true. Today, a series of conditions and injuries are known in which the dentist must specialize. We insist this does not cause you to lose your label, but it does place you in positions that distance you from others that handle another set of knowledge and practices.

Do you know what an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is?

Not everyone in dentistry revolves around the most frequent conditions such as cavities or gingivitis that are usually treated by General Dentists. Some conditions and situations must be attended by Specialist Dentists, for example for orthodontic treatments, conditions of the dental nerves that are attended by Endodontists and a wide range of situations in which the Oral or Maxillofacial Surgeons intervene.

Competencies of these surgeons:

The oral and maxillofacial Oral surgeon has a huge range of medical development when he must do his job. If your work leads you to an intervention, it is worth remembering that these are not like those normally performed in other parts of the body, since some of them, especially the most common ones are outpatient. That is, they do not require hospitalization.

Who can use the name of the Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon?

Being an oral and maxillofacial surgeon means having the official title of specialist issued by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.

What does a maxillofacial surgeon do?

The maxillofacial surgeon performs from wisdom tooth extractions or placement of dental implants to cosmetic oncological and reconstructive surgery.

These are several of his specialties:

1. Dental extractions:

The majority of dental extractions are performed by a dental Clinic Houston Texas or General Dentists, for example, temporary or “milk” teeth and when the affected teeth have the entire crown, which would make the extraction “easier”.

However, when this has been lost, either by caries, by a blow or for any other reason, or when the tooth is trapped, the most convenient thing is that the extraction is performed by a Specialist in Oral or Maxillofacial Surgery.

2. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ):

The articulation of our jaw with the skull is just in front of the ears and can present different problems, ranging from noise, clicking, pain and even dislocations that will affect the bite and general health of people.

An injury caused by a stroke, bruxism or bite problems not treated in time is also part of the diseases that the surgeon should review. If you have difficulty biting or your jaw is locked, you should look for an expert dental surgeon

3. Implants:

Definitive solution after tooth extraction. For aesthetic reasons, this practice is responsible for finalizing the first developed point, in which a worn part is replaced by a new one.

This technique has a recovery time very similar to that of the first point above, which is calculated between seven and ten days.

4. Tumors:

This is a completely extreme situation, but not impossible. The surgeon will be in charge of attacking this evil if it occurs. His work area, for obvious reasons, limits him to working with those that manifest in the mouth or neck.

Beyond the teeth:

One of the greatest benefits of those who specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgery is that it covers a larger space than that of other colleagues, whose range of action is in other currents.

For example, it can treat known diseases that have no direct relationship with dentistry, such as cleft lip, for example. It can also intervene if there is a facial reconstruction operation and if someone skilled in salivary glands is needed.

Similarly, you can also treat the gums, although in situations of greater chaos. We have already indicated what is capable of caries and the consequences of periodontitis, but the accumulation of pus in the region can be resolved by draining the most affected place.

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Here at Nu Dentistry, we understand that you’re busy, and we do everything we can to make sure your time with us is as smooth as possible. From the moment you walk through our doors and check in, we take care of all the little details for you. You’re never in our waiting room longer than 5 minutes, and we take pride in having your time in the dentist’s chair as short as possible without losing any of our attention to detail. We are dedicated to patient first service! In other words, YOU are number one at Nu Dentistry,

and our dedicated, personalized service guarantees your complete satisfaction. We perform everything in-house, so you never have to worry about referrals for another dentist or specialist. It’s our honest belief that dentists should not only be amazing at what they do but as convenient and accommodating for their patients as possible. We’re open Saturday so you never have to put off your visits or come in during work. If you are looking for a dental team that really puts your dental health first, give our office a call.

Dentist Houston Texas




Coffee, tea, and wine are tempting… but they also stain your teeth. Here at Nu Dentistry, we know the best methods to regain your bright white smile with our in-house professional teeth whitening system! More advanced than over the counter treatments, our teeth whitening systems bring you longer-lasting and brighter results in less time!


Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the improvement of dental aesthetics, remodeling the appearance of your teeth, gums, or bite to exactly how you want it. We offer an incredible selection of procedures, including tooth bonding, veneers, teeth whitening, crown lengthening, and Invisalign, that can help you achieve the results you'd like. Our dedicated dentists will help you to realize your smile dreams while taking your overall smile appearance, including positioning, shape, sizing, and alignment into account.


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we can get cavities. We forget to floss for a few days, or we snack on a few too many sweets between dental visits. Here at Nu Dentistry, we understand that sometimes the tooth decay can run a little too deep, and a filling isn’t enough to fix it anymore. When this is the case, we recommend you get a crown. Dental crowns are the most traditional way to protect or fix a broken or damaged tooth that’s beyond the help of a filling. Also called a cap, a crown covers the tooth’s surface and restores it to its natural shape and size.


If you have overcrowded, gapped, or crooked teeth, Invisalign© may be a great choice for you! Nu Dentistry is a certified Invisalign provider and can work with you to create your beautiful smile! While many believe that braces are only for teens, Invisalign is the treatment for everyone. Available for tweens, teens, and adults, it is an excellent cosmetic dentistry option for people who want straight teeth but don't like the look of traditional braces.


Despite our best efforts and oral hygiene habits, dental emergencies can still happen when we least expect it. Teeth can become injured in an accident or from biting on hard objects. Fillings, crowns, or other devices might break or fall out. Teeth can become severely infected and put you at risk for serious health problems. If you're suffering from a dental injury or pain, give Nu Dentistry a call! Dental emergencies can be scary and painful, but we're here to alleviate both your pain and your anxiety. We offer efficient, first-rate dental service, putting your mind at ease every step of the way.


Have you had one or more teeth extracted and are looking for a replacement? After having a tooth extracted, it’s important to find the right replacement option for you. Leaving your missing teeth as they are, including gaps, can have serious long-term problems. Facial muscle sagging, shifting of remaining teeth, and further tooth infection and loss often occur. Dentures are a solid choice, used by millions of Americans every day because they’re flexible to your individual needs. From partial to complete dentures, they can easily replace one or more extracted teeth—even your full set of teeth, top and bottom—meaning our denture dentists can always accommodate you.


Poor hygiene habits and poor diets are the most common culprits for cavities and decay. However, there is a secret villain causing toothaches and oral problems around the world: dental phobia. Fear of the dentist has led too many patients to avoid their dental cleanings and exams — a big and costly mistake. Avoiding the dentist can lead to dental problems that otherwise would have been easily treatable. However, our dentists are here to help you conquer your fear and make visits to our office simple and painless.


There are many different options on the market when it comes to restoring a missing tooth, each with their own advantages. At Nu Dentistry, we believe that dental implants are the best option over any other alternatives, including traditional dental bridges and dentures.


When you have severe tooth pain, it can be a real dental emergency—and Nu Dentistry is here to help you through them all, including teeth extraction. While it may sound scary, our friendly, gentle dentists make sure you’re always relaxed in our office. There are 2 main types of tooth removal procedures:
Simple extraction. A simple extraction is used to remove teeth that are visible. Once local anesthetic has properly numbed the area, your dentist will use a tool called an elevator to loosen your tooth and forceps to fully remove it from your gum.
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With the dental professionals slowly getting back in action, it is highly recommended that you should be moving ahead with a revised marketing strategy. The daily workflow and conversations with your patients are no longer going to be the same. With in-person appointments falling drastically, it is necessary that dental practices stay well connected with your patients adopting new and effective ways of communication. 

To help you through the process of how you can communicate with your patients at these times of uncertainty, here are a few guidelines which we would like to share with you. From promoting your practice’s online presence to revising your marketing strategy, these five guidelines are definitely going to assist you to navigate to the new normal. 

1. Reach out to your patients 

 Even if you are not in direct contact with your patients due to the decreased volume of in-clinic visits and appointments, you can always consider reaching out to them. A simple text message or an emailer that says you are with them in these difficult times or sharing an informative blog on how to take self-care of their dental needs are definitely going to move their minds. It will reassure your patients that no matter what you are thinking about their well being too; and not taking advantage of the situation.  

It is not some marketing pitches that they are looking forward to. Reach out to them with empathy and understanding that in-business or out of business you value your patients the same. This will help you to regain your patients quickly as the normal clinical appointments start kicking off. 

Do not be quiet at these times. Tell them more about how you are getting back the hold on your practice, consulting with patients through telehealth conferences and online scheduling. Post about the new updates from your practice on your social media platforms. Engage with them and ensure that the new procedures are for the safety of the patients and that you strive to provide quality dental care even through these difficult times. This not only helps you to gain more appointments but also allows you to build stronger relationships with your patients ensuring an increased loyalty and trust towards the practice. 

2. Extend out of the practice care 

This is your opportunity to show your patients that it’s not only always about revenue and patient collections, but also about the oral health and well-being of them. Keep your efforts more about providing insights on how your patients could keep a tab on the preventive care, their oral health, and other necessary safety measures in the middle of the pandemic. Push out more messages and blogs on the importance of being top on their health and safe well being. Even though it feels like no one is listening, pivot your marketing pitches in a way as to extend the care any patient would look for in these times. Think like a patient and proactively have conversations with them on their recent worries and concerns regarding health. 

Conduct webinars or run campaigns for your patients just to tell them more about being healthy in the middle of the pandemic; just give in a few tips, a new routine to follow or may be a free dental checkup online. These are what your patients going to see and measure at a time when the in-practice visits are yet to get normalized. 

3. Update all your patient-facing platforms

You must be just getting back to normal, but your patients who are still at their homes concerned about getting infected from unnecessary clinical visits will never know what to expect from you as you reopen the practice. It is therefore important to communicate efficiently with your patients regarding the progress you are making with your practice and the recent shift in safety procedures you have brought in to ensure a safe consultation experience for them. 

Update the progress you are making on all your patient-facing platforms or convey them directly through messages and emails. Tell them that you are out there working for them providing them all the facilities they need like teledentistry, curbside check-in and online scheduling to ensure a safe and convenient patient journey. 

Through regular social media posts or emails guide them through the new process. Let them know what all services that you are providing currently through virtual offices and how they could avoid unnecessary clinic visits for a simple dental checkup. If you can undertake any emergency procedures let them know that too along with a proper layout as in how you will be dealing with the procedure to ensure the safety of your patient. With unwanted traveling being restricted at the moment, your patients will definitely appreciate the effort you are making to guide them through the virtual process and letting them have online appointments. 

4. Be consistent with your communication

 Keeping your practice up and running along with dealing your patient communication is an enormous task. The new normal is definitely going to catch you off guard with its numerous safety guidelines and procedures to be taken care of after each patient visit, which means more time would be gone looking after your practice than your patient engagement. 

Therefore creating a schedule to communicate with your patients will help you to market your practice more proactively and efficiently. It is advised that you keep your schedule up for a few days. In this rapidly changing environment, nothing is going to last as we presume them. Thus, it will be easy if you could stick on to a time assigned to a couple of days where you can compose messages to be sent and schedule them on any automated scheduling tools. In such a case you will not be wasting your time creating messages impromptu on the days that you want to engage with patients. 

5. Revamp your marketing strategy with the trend

 Take this time to revisit your website. Your practice workflow is getting revamped and so should your marketing strategy. Make the updates regarding the way your practice will be functioning from now onwards. Keep in mind the SEO listings to the changing times and change your strategy and website according to the shift in patients searches. 

Search for your dental practice taking insights from Google trends and see if your practice is being listed in the first page. If not revamp your business listing and your content strategy. Give more focus to the new keywords that have emerged at the times of pandemic. 

Referrals and reviews matter a lot to your practice. Make sure that your dental practice has updated reviews from patients who have visited you or have consulted with you through the virtual platforms during the pandemic. Get some images with your patient's consent and upload them on your business listing. Patients who browse for the practices near them will definitely relate to your practice quickly if they see original photos of patients like them consulting with your practice. This will boost their confidence to take similar actions which will further increase your appointment volume and revenue generated. 

Even in these incredibly challenging times, a well-planned marketing strategy can still influence your patients positively. No patient can deny the challenges you must be facing to bring them the best dental care. It’s just that you let them know that as a dental practitioner you are keeping your patients’ needs at the forefront. As you focus on that it is just a matter of time for your patients to realize that they are in safe hands and to make regular appointments with your practice.

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Once it comes to keeping a healthy and perfect lifestyle, most of the people overlook that oral health is a crucial part of the procedure. The mouth certainly is a crucial body part and lack of oral health care can lead to serious issues. This is key and important reason why the experts or the dentist near me insist that vising a professional and experienced emergency dentist near me is important for at least once in a year or twice in a year.

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You also stand to benefit in several different ways and also understanding such kind of the reasons might only be motivation that you require to find your specific way to the dental clinic for emergency dental care. At any point when you will go to the dentist, you might be able to improve your health in different ways.

Early Dental treatment for oral diseases

There are a few infections which affect your mouth and this can go completely out of control if it is remained to be untreated for quite long. An emergency dentist on assessment will choose the disease in their initial changes. Certainly, this is not only infections, but here dental practitioner may also look for the serious diseases such as mouth cancer while treating the wisdom tooth pain. Quick detection actually means proper and timely treatment, that will save your teeth and at times even your life.

Safety from ailments that are caused by bacteria in your mouth

According to the researchers of relationship between the oral bacteria as well as different kind of ailments like heart disease. This is quite much possible for person to simply suffer from any kind of the serious kind of the heart conditions when bacteria in your mouth simply finds their way through blood stream to your heart thereby damaging it. Visiting a dentist for veneers treatment will certainly see to remove accumulated plaque and will also assist in maintenance of teeth.

Enhanced digestive function

Here, digestive process starts in your mouth. At time when there is insufficient chewing as well as breakdown of the food in your mouth, it simply interferes with problem in remaining digestive system. It may also cause suffering through any kind of the stomach problems. The Dental implants may help to enhance the function of teeth and hence it also helps to enhance the food digestion.

Better oral health

The Dental problems like gum diseases and cavities may create much of the discomfort. The simple and easy way to fix is through having the dentist treating your problem. When you visit the dental clinic, it will definitely assist you to simply not lose the teeth to get the tooth extraction. Also, when the teeth are usually not salvageable, you may be able to simply live a life that is free from any kind of the toothache. On the other hand, all such things are not lost as it is actually possible to get proper solutions for your teeth.

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What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants replace tooth roots. They provide a strong base for permanent (fixed) or removable teeth compatible with your natural teeth. Dental implants are made of pure titanium that is compatible with the human body. It is like a screw that is inserted into the jawbone. Dental implants are the best replacement option for lost teeth today. The remarkable point about it is that if it is kept properly after being placed in the jaw, it will have very high durability. Special thanks to Dr. Mirlohi from Dental Implant North York for his consultation about dental implants. You can contact him if you need more information.


Despite advances in dental care, millions of people suffer from tooth loss, mainly due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, or injury. For years, the only treatment options available to people who had lost their teeth were bridges and dentures. However, today, dental implants in North York are available. There have been two different kinds of dental implants throughout history: 

- Endosteal

- Subperiosteal

An Endosteal dental implant is an implant that is inserted into the bone, but a Subperiosteal implant is placed on the jawbone and under the gum tissue. Subperiosteal implants are no longer used today because they have poorer long-term results and less strength than Endosteal implants.

 Who Cannot Receive Dental Implants?

- If you have had chemotherapy or radiotherapy or are currently undergoing these treatments, you should know that you are less likely to succeed in your treatment.

- If you have specific medical conditions such as osteoporosis and related diseases 

- Before the surgery, the health of the patients’ gums is very important, and in addition, the jawbones must have sufficient strength and cohesion to maintain it.

- In many cases, if the patient uses tobacco such as cigarettes, the dentist will refuse treatment because such substances, even cigarettes, reduce the possibility of successful treatment. 

- Maintaining good oral hygiene has a significant effect on extending the lifespan of the dental implant. Implants significantly improve the smile.

- It is recommended that you do not use this treatment if you are taking medicines that contain bisphosphonate derivatives.

Steps before Receiving Dental Implants

- Tooth decay must be checked and removed before the operation.

- At least one surgery is required to place the implant in the mouth. In this surgery, a dental implant is placed in the jawbone.

- In a few months after surgery, the titanium base fuses with the jawbone.

- After a while and making sure that the dental implant and the bone are properly integrated, the dentist installs the dental prosthesis on them.

Before doing anything, the dentist explains to the patient how to prepare for the dental implant. The gums need to be examined to ensure their complete health. After ensuring the complete health of the surgical area's tissues and surroundings, it is necessary to prepare a radiographic scan (called CBCT or DVT). The dentist examines the jaw bone and other important factors such as the passage of important nerves, sinuses, etc., and determines the best size and location of the dental implant. The last thing to consider before dental implant surgery is that in certain medical conditions (high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, organ transplantation, etc.), the patient should sometimes take certain medications or change the dose of current medications.

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Anxiety and pain control has been an integral part of the practice of dentistry for over 150 years. In fact, dentist William T. G. Morton was the first to use ether anesthesia for oral surgery in 1845. He is considered the father of anesthesiology in the fields of medicine and dentistry.

All dentists are trained in the use of local anesthesia and conscious sedation using nitrous oxide during dental school. Additional training is necessary to provide more profound anesthesia in the dental office. The specialty of oral & maxillofacial surgery (OMS) has the longest tradition of using advanced IV deep sedation and general anesthesia care in the office.


No other medical or dental specialty outside of anesthesiology has the same level of training and experience in the management of patients with IV sedation as OMS. The anesthesia training of OMS residents requires a minimum of 5 months of full-time hospital operating room experience including on-call coverage. OMS residents function as medical anesthesiology residents during this training period. They provide anesthesia care for patients undergoing major procedures including general, orthopedic, neurologic, plastic and gynecological surgery.

In addition to the minimum required medical anesthesia training period, OMS residents also perform hundreds of IV sedations in the OMS outpatient clinics. All residents as well as established practicing OMS’s must also be certified in CPR, Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).

In the State of Michigan, all licensed oral & maxillofacial surgeons who are members or fellows of the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons(AAOMS) are also required to undergo an Office Anesthesia Evaluation (OAE). This is a site visit and peer evaluation carried out by oral & maxillofacial surgeons who are members of the Michigan Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (MSOMS).

The OAE assures the oral surgery office is equipped with the equipment and back up systems to safely provide IV sedation and anesthesia services. It also confirms that the surgeon and their team undergo recurrent training in anesthesia emergency management. No other dental specialty or general dentistry group has a similar program that assures quality anesthesia care.

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Dental Practice Management Software

CareStack is an all-in-one cloud-based dental practice management system to manage the administrative and clinical needs of a growing enterprise via centralization, automation and analytics. It offers different products and services to improve Operational Efficiency, Patient and Staff Safety, New Patient Growth, Reimbursement and Collections. 

CareStack’s practice management software helps you manage your practice in a clean, easy-to-use interface. Its HIPAA-compliant, integrated modules include patient engagement, scheduling, telehealth conferencing, charting, automated two-way reminders, claims & billing, and business analytics. Simply put, CareStack is rewriting the rules of what an intelligent solution should look like for dentistry - for groups, DSO's and solo practices



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A wisdom tooth pain can present itself for numerous reasons. Possibly your wisdom teeth have erupted out twisted and can’t set properly in your mouth, or have caused an infection close to your teeth. Regardless of the source, painful wisdom teeth can truly affect your overall oral health and you should seek immediate treatment.

how to get rid of wisdom tooth pain

Common Signs and Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you are experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth, you might get a few signs and symptoms including: Jaw pain or rigidness around the wisdom tooth area.

  • Pain or discomfort due to a wisdom tooth that's erupting at an uncomfortable angle.
  • Possible crowding of other teeth.
  • Trouble cleaning wisdom tooth and other surrounding teeth thoroughly.
  • tooth decay or gum disease in and around a wisdom tooth.
  • A cyst formation close to the tooth roots that is likely to damage the connected bone.

Those that cannot come in properly or that only partly erupt can lead to problems and are likely to develop an infection.

How to Get Rid of Wisdom Tooth Pain at Home

The foremost step, if you believe you may be having wisdom tooth pain, is to schedule an appointment with a dentist. After taking required X-rays, the dentist will be able to evaluate the area and diagnose whether or not you are suffering from an actual wisdom tooth pain. For temporary wisdom tooth pain relief, the following home remedies can be helpful in curing wisdom tooth pain:

  1. Clove Oil Clove oil has eugenol, a natural desensitizing agent. Apply clove oil near to the affected area by taking some drops on a cotton ball. It will help you get some relief.
  2. Warm Salt Water Melt a small quantity of salt in warm water and rotate it inside your mouth for 30 seconds and repeat a couple of times every day. It can prove to be very calming and cleansing.
  3. Over-The-Counter(OTC) Pain Reliever OTC medication like ibuprofen and aspirin can surely provide temporary relief from that throbbing sensation to help you concentrate on your work. Ensure to always follow the recommended dosages.
  4. Raw Onion Place half a piece an onion inside the cheek around the affected tooth to discharge some onion juice. This helps to alleviate the pain.
  5. Teabags Teabags can be an effective means to treat wisdom tooth pain. Herbal teas have numerous features that can help to numb an aching tooth.
  6. Peppermint Peppermint can offer pain relief. You can either use fresh leaves or take a little peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place it directly on to your wisdom tooth.
  7. Ice Pack An ice pack can be helpful to reduce any facial swelling and subside inflammation and pain. It's helpful during both, before and after your dental treatment for a toothache.

You should never regard your wisdom tooth pain casually. While home remedies for pain management is an option for certain patients, in most instances tooth extraction is the ideal way to relieve wisdom tooth pain and secure your total health and wellness. As always, you will need to see your dentist to choose the best option for yourself.

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Dr. Panek practices oral and maxillofacial surgery with a particular interest in oral implantology*. He earned his DDS degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee in 1985. He completed a four-year surgical residency at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago and he has practiced in Grand Rapids since 1989. He is married and has two children.
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The dental implant is also known as a fixture or endosseous implant and it is a surgical component that interfaces with the jaw or skull of the bones to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis. Here, you will get the entire information regarding the dental implants if you are suffering from any type of teeth problems. 


First of all, you must know about all dental implants, which is the common term used in the education of dental care. The all on four is a cost-efficient treatment concept, graft less solution that provides the dental patients with the permanent full-arch prosthesis on the day of their surgery. 

The dental implant acts as the tooth replacements and is a surgical fixture that is placed into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone over the few months.  

Well, having dental implants acts as the replacement of the missing tooth or fused to the jawbone is the closest thing to mimicking a natural tooth as it stands on its own without affecting the nearby the teeth and it has great stability.  

The fusion between the dental implant and jawbone is called osseointegration and the dental implants are usually made up of the titanium that permits the dental implants to integrate with the bone without being recognized as a foreign object.  

Benefits of dental implants

The first and foremost reason is that it requires minimal time for the treatment and the maximum results. The dental implant is a situation where sometimes, more really is better, and also it is the best tool for most of the people such as they are the permanent teeth that look so natural and feel like they are the natural teeth.

There is a particular daily regime that requires the following for caring and cleaning around the dental implants. We all know that brushing twice is essential and also recommend by the dentist to keep teeth clean and healthy. It requires less money to get dental implants. 

For this, dental patients have to select the good quality, soft-bristle manual or electric toothbrush for teeth. And must brush the teeth in the gentle or circular movements up to the gum line and also you must use a Waterpik that is an excellent way to clean the all-on-four dental implant. To remove the food particles this is the best method that is recommended by the dentist munich.

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How To Stop Periodontal Disease


In a nutshell, the periodontist is a very knowledgeable and experienced professional in the curing of gum infection. Just as an oncologist is a doctor who is an expert in the practice of cancer, a periodontist Emergency dentist is a specialist who after becoming a dentist, has continued their training in order to take expertise in the field of Periodontal disease treatment.


After examining the state of your teeth, your Midtown Dental periodontist will normally have their dental hygienist clean your teeth and eliminate as much plaque as is possible as they are the Dentist Open On Saturday even to serve you well. They will also guide you in the best procedure for making your teeth as clean and healthy as possible.

With gum infection, pockets of plaque will be formed up encompassing the teeth and gums, as well as beneath the surface of the gums. One of the initial procedures that your Periodontal Dentist Near Me will want to get will be the extraction of this plaque. This is known as scaling. If periodontitis is not too extreme, including proper dental hygiene may be sufficient to keep the Periodontitis Symptoms and problems from progressing.

If you proceed to experience bleeding from the gums, you may need Periodontitis Treatment. It may need a surgical procedure done in order to remove the left plaque beneath the gums and on the roots of the teeth. Your periodontist will perform the surgery. They are capable of doing many other procedures, including bone and gum grafts and jaw correction as well as a cosmetic treatment.

The main objective of your dentist is to maintaining your gums as healthy as possible. This is in a sequence that you may dodge repeating the Periodontitis Causes to grow to the point of needing surgery. This will also give you the chance to save your own teeth for your lifetime, rather than obliging to use dentures. As you can see, the dentist’s job is quite serious. It is very much required that you obey his or her advice in order to preserve your teeth and gums healthy.

You may also be told some great tips on catching up on your dental health. In various cases, the loss is already done, so you cannot fix it. Moreover, you have a chance from making gum disease from getting worse by having the awareness of what your dentist tells you. In some serious cases, you will need surgical intervention to prevent losing your teeth, but your practitioner will do anything possible to avoid this. You can accommodate by paying attention to certain rules for dental health, such as flossing and brushing your teeth daily.

You will probably not have to meet a periodontist until your dentist aware you have gum disease or are at chance of developing it soon. Your practitioner may be capable to keep the problems from getting worse, or you may need to get surgical treatments.

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