Bhavnagar, Gujarat
September 21
Dental Specialty
General Dentist
Years in Dental Industry
4-10 years
About Me
Hi I'm Dr. Pooja Shah A dentist from India. I love to write on dental care topics. You can find my recent articles on sensitive teeth, gum disease, bad breath, tooth decay, root canal treatment, wisdom teeth pain, cosmetic dentistry, sensitive teeth, teeth cleaning, brushing teeth, tooth cavity, oral hygiene and many other topics.
Be Happy, Sukhi Raho.
Dentists of India should explore the ocean of knowledge which can be used to prepare, several Excellent dental remedies, from Ayurveda, which are extremely effective than the modern western formulations. I am using some of them effectively. For example Neem leafs boiled in water, makes an excellent mouth wash which prevents caries, it is antibectatial , anti viral, anti fungal and many other benefits, Gandoosh of Panchvalkal Churna is excellent for mobile teeth and acute periodontitis and there are many such remedies used in Ayurveda since last more than five thousand years successfully in India by Ayurveda Vaids(doctors).
I always tell my dentist friends who are my clients to start giving their patients Ayurved medicines which has no side effects and very effective in curing and preventing many dental problems.
There is colossal knowledge in Ayurveda for dental treatment at very minimal cost and very effective than modern formulation of Allopathy, which has several side effects, and all Ayurveda medicines are made from natural herbs and plants, trees and so on,and with out any side effects.
I hope that Dentist of India will start using Ayurveda formulation for the benefit of their patients.
May all be happy and at ease.