Harvey Chin's Posts (27)

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Feeling pain every time when you eat or drink anything cold or hot. Sensitive teeth is more common in people aged 20 - 40, Learn here effective tips to prevent further dental problems like tooth decay, gum infection and bone loss.

Tips for taking care of your sensitive teeth:

1. Choose the right brush (soft-bristled) and toothpaste.
2. Avoid acidic food and drinks to prevent dental diseases.
3. Eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables such as plain yogurt, cheese and milk.
4. Use fluoride rinse and floss your teeth everyday, it helps to prevent tooth decay.
5. Salt water is one of the best home remedy that help to decrease sensitivity.
6. Go for regular dentist visit, if you are facing critical dental problem.

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Achieve your New Year Resolution for a healthy and whiter smile in 2017. Here are some amazing tricks which will help you to achieve your healthy smile.

Brushing Apps: Everyone knows brushing twice a day is more important for healthy oral life, also you can download brushing apps on your smartphone and set your favourite music for two minutes. This app also reminds you brush between teeth and other technique. Popular Apps: BrushDJ and BrushTime.

Floss: Flossing plays an important role in improving oral life. It helps to keep your gums clean and healthy. You can find some amazing collection here.

Get Insurance for Dental Services: Insuring yourself and your family for dental services offer several advantages. Learn more about insurance for dental services.

Quit Smoking: Smoking is one of the most common reasons of your bad oral health. It can damage your oral health very badly as well as overall health.

Eat Right: Eat right food and drink enough water in a day, it helps to maintain your healthy oral life. Avoid soda, sticky and hard foods.

Keep Smiling: Smiling helps to reduce your stress which is good for your healthy oral life.

Note: If you are facing dental problem, don't ignore and make an appointment with nearest dentist. Dental checkup on a regular basis is more important for us.

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Everyone loves to have a healthy smile, Learn more how to get a brighter and healthier smile this christmas. Tips for a healthy smile.

* Follow routine: Include good oral habits to improve dental or overall health like brushing techniques, use natural or herbal toothpaste for better results, etc.

* Improve your diet: Include calcium based food in your regular diet like cheese, if you want to improve dental health fast.

* Drink plenty water: Drink water 4-5 liter per day. It helps in removing sugar and sticky foods sitting inside your mouth.

* Don't use your teeth as a bottle opener: Don't do this because it may become a reason of your broken or chipped teeth.

* Use sugar free gums: Chewing sugar free gums also helps to increases saliva production in your mouth which protects your teeth from harmful bacteria.

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Easy Tips for Taking Care of Toddler Teeth

In present scenario, it's very important to take care of child tooth. Follow these steps to prevent dental diseases and keep his oral life healthy.

1. Try to go for regular dental checkup:

According to American Academy of Pediatrics dentistry, your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care is good for oral and overall health of your child.

2. Teach good brushing habits:

Everybody known, brushing is the most important thing to improve oral health. Start brushing (choose a soft baby tooth brush) two times, first in the morning and second right before bedtime. Also, you may ask your nearest dentist about brushing techniques.

3. Avoid sweet beverages and food:

Try to avoid sweet food and liquids like juice, peanut butter and jelly to prevent cavities. Limit the consumption of fruit juice, it should be less than 4 ounces a day.

4. Add Toothpaste:

Add small tiny amount of toothpaste and avoid giving too much fluoride to baby. This should be used until the age of 3 years.

5. Encourage self brushing:

Spent time with your child during brushing time and motivate your child in a fun mode to encourage self brushing habits.

Note: Before start, make an appointment with your nearest dentist.

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Good oral hygiene plays the most important role in improving your overall health. It also helps in making your smile more attractive. Basically, it is the practice of keeping the mouth (Teeth, Gum, Tongue) clean to prevent dental problems like cavities, gum diseases and bad breath. These types of dental problems may create a critical situation for you if you ignore it. So, maintain your oral health to prevent dental related problems.

Some tips to improve oral hygiene:

  • Improve brushing habits.
  • Avoid Tobacco.
  • Avoid sweet beverages and sodas.
  • Add calcium and other vitamins in your diet.
  • Visit dentist on regular basis to prevent the future dental problems.

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While not as critical as health insurance, it is important to look after your teeth. To ensure the health of your teeth, look for these seven things when researching dental insurance plans.

1. Cost

Take the time to compare different annual maximum coverage every year, as well as procedure caps. You should be visiting your dentist twice a year, so determine how much will be paid each year for at least two annual visits.

2. Out of Pocket

You will have to pay out of pocket costs. Depending on how many people are being covered by the policy, you may want to go with a carrier who has low out-of-pocket deductibles.

3. Area

Most insurance coverage requires you to visit specific dentists in your area. Find out about the dentists covered within the plan and what their cost per visit is. You may be able to use your current dentist if you discuss it before signing up for the insurance.

4. Waiting Duration

All insurance carriers have waiting periods before you can make your first visit. Make sure you know the waiting period before committing to an insurance carrier.

5. Major Procedures

Hopefully, you will only need regular check-ups, but make sure that major procedures are also covered by the plan. You will need to find out from the carrier what is major and what is considered normal procedures.

6. Cosmetic Procedures

It is unlikely that many cosmetic procedures are covered by the policy. If you want your teeth bleached or whitened, look for plans which offer to cover part of the cost.

7. Review Rankings

Take the time to read the reviews about different dentists. If a policy only covers dentists who have numerous negative reviews, you should keep looking for better ones with more positive reviews.

An extra penny spent for the credibility and quality will be worth it. Be informed and make wise decisions for happy teeth.

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Would you rather suffer an excruciating toothache than visit a dental clinic? If your answer is yes, you are not the only one. But there is some good news:  Sedation Dentistry is here! With sedation dentistry, people who have dental phobia can get the treatment they need without experiencing panic attacks and distress.

Sedation Dentistry by Harvey Chin DDS

Sedation has changed everything about going to the dentist

Fear and discomfort can be a thing of the past. Pain doesn’t have to worry you anymore. Sedation can even help Dr. Chin get all your treatment finished in fewer appointments. With comfortable appointments and fewer visits, there’s no reason to put off going to the dentist any longer!

Dr. Chin has trained extensively in many techniques and methods of sedation dentistry, and safety is his first priority. Because of his advanced training, he is able to offer sedation options many other offices can’t. All the following types of sedation are available at Dr. Chin’s office:

Nitrous Oxide (commonly known as laughing gas)

Nitrous oxide sedation is a common and effective technique for keeping patients comfortable and relaxed. This light sedation is used by many dental practices because it works fast and wears off quickly. Dr. Chin has been trained to safely and effectively administer nitrous oxide and uses it both alone and in conjunction with other sedative techniques.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is any sedation that uses pills. It is extremely popular with patients because it is safe and effective, yet doesn’t require medication through an IV. Oral sedation is actually a form of conscious sedation, which means that patients don’t actually sleep through the appointment. However our patients love it, because when the appointment is over they say it feels like they’ve slept through the whole thing. Many patients tell us that the whole visit feels like a dream – a good dream.

IV Sedation and General Anesthesia

Some patients want or need a deeper sedation. Some tell us that they just want to sleep through everything and wake up when it’s over. All this is possible at Dr. Chin’s office. Imagine the comfort and convenience of having years worth of dental care done, in one office, in one appointment, all while you are resting comfortably under a warm blanket. It may sound incredible but this is the experience we are offering our patients every day.

Sedation dentistry gives you everything you need – it is safe, effective, comfortable, and convenient. Sedation is the perfect solution for any patient who:

  • Is afraid to go to the dentist
  • Needs a lot of work, and doesn’t have time for multiple appointments
  • Can’t get comfortable or sit still at the dentist
  • Can’t seem to get numb no matter what they are given
  • Hates the sights, sounds and smells of a dental office
  • Has been avoiding the dentist for years
  • Doesn’t like the look of their smile, or even avoids smiling

Find out if Sedation is Right For You

Millions of Americans find it hard to go to the dentist. If this sounds like you, you’re certainly not alone. Dr. Chin has seen hundreds of patients, patients just like you, who used to avoid the dentist. Dr. Chin used sedation dentistry to help them, and now they have bright healthy smiles again.

Take the first step and call our office. Make an appointment to meet us and find out if sedation dentistry is exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Dr. Chin and his team would be glad to answer any questions you have about sedation dentistry.

Learn more here ... How Sedation Dentistry Helps to Overcome Your Dental Fear

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Can you get rid of #gum disease?

If you have been told you have periodontal (gum) disease, you’re not alone. Many adults in the U.S. currently have some form of the disease. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that results in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases, teeth are lost. Learn more http://bit.ly/14wMvO8

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TMJ disorder can be extremely painful if left untreated. Hormonal imbalances, traumatic injuries to the face and neck, and continually clenching the teeth are all predominant causes of TMJ. If a person has been diagnosed with TMJ disorder, the first thing they should is evaluate their own habits. Chewing gum or eating foods that are extremely chewy can cause symptoms flare.

Treatment for TMJ disorders may vary from person to person. A few of the best treatment options include:

  • Night Guards
  • Massage
  • Physical Therapy
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Technique
  • Acupuncture

For more information click here: http://goo.gl/EAsW2P

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Superb! Every dentist is an artist …

Your smile is one of the first things people notice, but many people are too self-conscious of their imperfect teeth to show a sincere smile. If you want to improve your smile, you have several options. Some of the procedures not only give you the confidence to smile, they improve the overall health of your teeth too. Read more here http://bit.ly/2avv86s

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Many people avoid going to the dentist because they fear what they will find out and, worse yet, how much it will hurt if something needs to be done. Because of their fear, they often wait too long to take care of their dental problems. This leads to more extensive procedures. Dentists now have tools that can help their patients face their fears. The modern dental technologies have made dental treatments much more comfy.

For more information click here: Dental Technologies: Relax! Fear No More That Dentist’s Chair


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How to Stop Tooth Pain Easily

When you have a toothache and need fast and effective relief until you can get to the dentist, there are a few home remedies you can try. Although no home remedy will fix the problem, it may be able to control the pain until you can get in to your dentist to have things checked out.

There may be many reasons of toothache or tooth pain like sensitivity, TMJ disorders, wisdom teeth pain, etc. Try these natural home remedies to get effective and immediate tooth pain relief. Read more ...

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What You Can Do to Stop Teeth Grinding

Bruxism refers to grinding, gnashing, gritting, or clenching teeth. As many as one in three people suffer from bruxism. In most instances, people grind their teeth without realizing it, often in their sleep. It's important to understand the condition and its effects so you can lessen the symptoms and seek appropriate treatment. 

For as many as 70% of people who suffer from bruxism, the condition stems from stress or anxiety. People who have a hyperactive personality are also prone to bruxism. Hyperactivity and teeth grinding are closely linked because teeth grinding may be a way to release nervous energy. When you grind your teeth at night, the condition may be linked to sleep apnea, mouth breathing at night, dental occlusions, or psychological issues.

Bruxism has a number of negative effects on oral health including aching jaws, receding gums, recurring headaches, the onset of jaw joint disorders, wearing away of teeth and enamel, losing or fracturing of teeth, and general tooth pain. The average human's tooth enamel erodes about 0.3 millimeters every 10 years. Bruxism suffers may wear away 0.2 millimeters in just two years.

Read more here: What You Can Do to Stop Teeth Grinding

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Tips to Choose the Best Dentist in Las Vegas

Residents of Las Vegas can find the best dentist that suits their needs by doing a little research. Every person and family is different when it comes to choosing the right dentist or doctor. It is important to find one that “fits”. Not only do they have to be professional and knowledgeable, they must also be personable. A few tips for finding the right dentist in Las Vegas includes the following

  • Ask Friends and Family
  • Ask About the Qualifications of the Dentist
  • Check the Website for Information

For more information click here: Tips to Choose the Best Dentist in Las Vegas

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