Scottsdale, AZ
Dental Specialty
Years in Dental Industry
11-20 years
About Me
I am a Respiratroy Physiologist who has developed an Integrative Dental Care program to assist dentists and orthodontists in obtaining an optimal outcome. We train staff members to implement this program within your practice and address the underlying issues - such as poor posture, breathing mechanics, open mouth breathing and other issues which often cause the problem and can get in the way of a stable outcome. In short - we focus on the person attached to the teeth as well as the teeth attached to the person.
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Thanks Roger for your request! It really feels nice to add you in my circle. I understand the importance of your practice and contribution dental care . Respiratory physiology are highly skilled practitioners whose contribution are immense in complex diagnostic tests to assess all aspects of lung function, at rest, on exercise or during sleep.
There is no eastern belief If you are referring to Bharat(India) that there is a fixed number of breaths in the human body at birth - and when the last breath is used the person dies.
The science of human breadth is universal and it is deeply related to the mind(thoughts), it has been proved that the negative thoughts increases acidity (pH) and toxins in the blood stream and when the negative thoughts are neutralized, that is the habit of multiplication of negative thoughts is stopped and changed to neutral thoughts, the body is left to the natural state and starts functioning at its optimum with perfect pH as the western science has discovered the acid -base chemistry which Bharat(India) discovered thousands of years back. This is not new to Ayruveda in Bharat(India).
May all be liberated from all the difficulties of life by practicing purity of mind and be healthy(mentally and physically)
Thank you
In India since ancient times "Rishi Munis"(research scientists of Ayurvedas) discovered the most simple science of breadth, rediscovered 2600 by Siddarth Gutama and became Buddha, taught hundred of thousands this practical science of observing the natural incoming and out going breadth with attention called as Samadhi and thus becoming master of the mind and next step is to remove the impurities of the mind(thoughts) and purifying the mind and thus body. This science of psychotherapy now called as Vipassana(, still today brings the same result who practices it, as thousands of years back.
Be Happy