It is important to remember first impressions last and one of the first things people notice upon meeting is a smile. You should feel good about your smile, and smile often. When we think of a perfect smile we have to remember that we all have our own idea of what that may be. It may be whiter teeth, straighter teeth, or even just healthier teeth. Each individual can look in the mirror and find what they want changed about their smile.

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help?

A well trained experienced cosmetic dentist can help remove or diminish those flaws using various procedures ranging from porcelain veneers to teeth whitening. Your cosmetic dentist can change the shape of your teeth, alter your gum tissue (for those with a gummy smile), or even fix chips on your teeth. Luckily, for the consumer not all of these cosmetic dentistryprocedures are very expensive. While a complete smile makeover would be cost prohibitive for many, there are still many changes your cosmetic dentist can provide that will not break the bank. And while many may desire a complete smile makeover, it is not recommended for everyone. Cosmetic dentistry is very much an art, focusing on each individuals existing smile and needs.

Cost Effective Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

-Teeth Whitening. This has become a billion dollar cosmetic dentistry business with products ranging from in office whitening to at home whitening with customized dental trays, whitening strips,  paint on gels and even whitening toothpastes. The differences between the types has to do with speed and depth of whitening. Teeth whitening can have a dramatic effect on almost anyone’s smile for a relatively low cost and minimal time involved.

-Gum Contouring. For those with a gummy smile, this can be a real confidence booster. This cosmetic dentistry procedure is generally done in one visit and can give incredible results for many with an overly gummy smile. Gum contouring simply removes the excess gum tissue and reshapes the gums to ensure you obtain the desired look. for some, this may require reduction of bone also, in this case it is recommended that you see a periodontal surgeon .

-Dental Bonding. This cosmetic dentistry procedure involves using tooth colored materials that can be bonded to teeth to change shape, color, and length. This same material can also be used a full face veneer (called a composite veneer). Dental bonding can generally be completed in one visit.

-Snap On Smile. This is a way to improve your smile without any permanent dental work. All that is required is having your dentist take impressions of your teeth, choosing a color, and the dentist sending them to a lab to have your snap on smile fabricated. Once the snap on smile is made, you simply clean your teeth, apply a fluoride gel inside, and slip it on over your teeth. You can talk, eat and smile with it all day long.

-Porcelain Veneers. While the initial cost is higher than the other options, this may be cost effective if extensive changes need to be made. Porcelain veneers can change shape, color, length, and even correct minor misalignments of teeth. This will last a long time, will not stain, and is a very strong, natural looking material.

-Tooth Recontouring. Changing the shape or alignment of teeth in a minor way can have a dramatic effect on a persons smile. Tooth recontouring involves removing small amounts of tooth structure from edges of teeth to correct a tooth that might be misshapen or slightly misaligned.

-Minor Tooth Movement. Sometimes the only thing making you uncomfortable to smile may be a small misalignment of one or a few teeth. A simple orthodontic appliance may be able to move your teeth into a more favorable position in a few months.

Cosmetic Dentistry Conclusion

While cosmetic dentistry may not be for everyone, it is good to know the options available to you. Having a perfect smile is not a goal of everyone, but if you are looking to improve your smile, seek out the help of an experienced, well trained cosmetic dentist for a full evaluation. This cosmetic dentistry evaluation can give you valuable information to make an informed decision about possible treatment options available to you. Smile with confidence, it not only makes you feel good, it makes others smile too.

© 2014, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Cosmetic Dentistry

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  • Today, dentistry is more than just pulling a tooth. Cosmetic dentistry is a new area of dentistry, which is different from general dentistry in many ways. Some of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures include dental implants, tooth-colored restorations, fillings, tooth whitening, veneers, crowns/bridges, braces, dental bonding, gum de-pigmentation, gap closures, lip and cheek injections, orthodontics, and more.

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