healthy teeth (1)

Eating nutritional foods from all dietary groups is beneficial to both dental and overall health. To keep your teeth shining bright, eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein sources, calcium-rich foods like dairy products, or leafy green veggies like spinach, whole grains,  etc.

Continue reading to discover the four foods to avoid if you want healthy teeth.

1. Crackers
There are several reasons why cheese is beneficial to dental health. , It's low in sugar and high in calcium which makes your teeth as strong as possible. Moreover, because our bones are mainly built of proteins, cheese contains casein (protein), which helps to improve tooth enamel by strengthening the protein matrix. Finally, chewing some tasty cheddar boosts saliva production, which helps to clean any bacteria from your teeth. 

 Additionally, drinking milk will benefit your teeth.  Drinking plenty of yogurts will benefit you since it's high in calcium and other key nutrients that help build your bones and prevent tooth decay. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which improve dental health and reduce bad breath due to its natural deodorizing properties.

2. Crunchy vegetables
Crunchy veggies are excellent for your teeth and should be consumed as regularly as needed. These hard foods help brush away food particles and bacteria while also increasing saliva production, which aids in cleaning each tooth. Some of the most vital minerals and vitamins for a healthy mouth can be found in these fresh crunchy vegetables. 

Celery is the closest thing to natural dental floss, and it is effective for tooth cleaning. In addition to being a vegetable full of nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, and keratins, carrots are also rich in elements that help combat cavities. They improve your dental health by removing bacteria and food particles stuck between your teeth. When mixed with saliva, these vegetables scrape harmful plaque from your teeth while also eliminating tannin-rich foods' coloring components naturally. If you are concerned about a specific dental problem, visit your dental clinic to determine the treatment.

3. Apples and pears
Is there anything better than an apple? Apples are difficult to avoid because of their delicious, crisp texture, and they also have some important dental benefits. Chewing fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables increases saliva production and helps to neutralize the harmful acids. Apples are no exception, so you can chew one every hour or so (as long as they're not too juicy or sweet). 

Try pears for a nutritious snack. They're both refreshing and filling, thanks to their high water content, which neutralizes natural fruit sugars, making them a great snack or dessert alternative. They can quickly stop sugar cravings without putting you in danger of cavities, as sugary or starchy snacks may. Pears have the power to neutralize acids that cause tooth decay in your mouth.

4. What about nuts?
Nuts might help you keep your teeth in good condition. Cashews, almonds, and brazil nuts are among the best nuts for preventing bacteria that cause tooth decay since they contain calcium, which is healthy for both teeth and gums. They also contain useful nutrients such as vitamins D, E, B6, iron, and zinc. Peanuts, for example, are high in calcium, which protects enamel from acid erosion caused by sugar consumption or excessive brushing without proper water intake, helping keep your gums healthy. 

Almonds, which also contain a lot of calcium, are good for your teeth. Cashews increase saliva production, while walnuts deliver fiber as well as a variety of other nutrients for the mouth. Nuts are a good snack at any time of day because they are high in protein and also help to strengthen teeth. Nuts can help remove bacteria from your mouth and keep it fresh.

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