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The Connection Between Obesity and Gum Disease

Maintaining a healthy weight for your body type is important for a variety of reasons. I'll add one more now: Being overweight may increase your risk of developing periodontal disease, a cluster of dangerous gum infections that, if left untreated, can cause bone loss and other ailments.

According to an analysis of the available data published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care in 2020, gum disease, which is often brought on by inflammatory conditions, affects obese people more frequently and shows "a growing trend and a link with various comorbidities." The review comes after ten years of study connecting obesity-related periodontal disease.

Additionally, a 2017 study indicated that people with a body mass index (BMI) of 23 or higher had lower oral health than "normal weight" participants and were 4.2 times more likely to have severe gum disease. The results were published in the journal Oral Diseases. Participants who were overweight also had greater levels of white blood cells and C-reactive protein, two indicators of inflammatory blood conditions. 5.9 times as likely as participants who were of medium weight to have the periodontal disease were obese people with BMIs of 25 or above. A total of 166 participants participated in the study.

Understanding BMI Ranges

It is significant to remember that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States classify a healthy BMI range as 18.5 to 25. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 30; obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or above. Then, BMIs of 30 and higher are divided into various categories of obesity severity. The CDC includes an adult BMI calculator for people over 20 years old if you're curious about your BMI.

It's critical to remember that BMI is only a screening tool if your BMI falls into one of the ranges that is deemed harmful. Your healthcare professional can assist you in doing any extra assessments and evaluating your general level of health.

Obesity and Inflammation

Obesity contributes to the body's inflammation, which has long been linked to gum disease. This fact is widely acknowledged by medical professionals.

Numerous diseases, including cardiovascular disease, many malignancies, and periodontal disease, have inflammation as a root cause. There is a logical relationship there as obesity is a risk factor for several of these illnesses. It’s essential to address the problem as soon as possible. Since it’s not easy to treat it by itself, you need to visit a weight loss clinic

Over time, there has been more and more proof that being overweight causes inflammation. According to a review study from 2020 that was published in Frontiers of Physiology, obesity-induced adipose tissue enlargement offers a variety of intrinsic signals...capable of starting the inflammatory response.

Periodontal Disease and Inflammation

It has been demonstrated that inflammation brought on by obesity de-regulates the immune system.

An immune-mediated infection, periodontal disease is contagious. So, compared to other people, obese persons are likely to be more vulnerable to the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Why Periodontal Disease Is Dangerous

It's critical to maintain proper oral hygiene and healthy weight because periodontal disease has been related to a number of illnesses, including a higher risk of stroke and heart disease. According to a study published in Oral Diseases, the interaction between obesity and gum disease may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in overweight or obese people.

In addition to causing tooth loss, periodontal disease has been related to rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, it is always a good idea to prevent risk factors including smoking, bad nutrition, diabetes, and, yes, overeating.

The lesson to be learned from this is that the body is interconnected and that, in many respects, the mouth is a window into one's overall health.

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