wisdom teeth extraction (2)

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Wisdom teeth, sometimes known as third molars, are frequently medically removed. Learn whether it is suitable to remove wisdom teeth and what to expect during the procedure.

Wisdom tooth growth can cause various issues ranging from overcrowding and pain to shattered back molars and migraines. Most dentists and oral surgeons recommend that wisdom teeth be extracted before you develop these issues. If you do not remove wisdom teeth before encountering problems, it is recommended that you do so at the first sign of trouble.

Everyone's wisdom teeth develop at a different pace. As a result, providing an accurate schedule for when they should be deleted is practically impossible. Most people go through wisdom teeth extraction between 17 and 25. But this is only sometimes the case. Some people will need wisdom teeth out at 14 or 15, while others may be able to wait until they are 25 or 30.

How to Tell If It's Time to Remove Wisdom Teeth

Your dentist will most likely take x-rays of your whole mouth every year. These X-rays are used to detect cavities and other dental problems but also to track the growth of your wisdom teeth.

Your dentist will initially be able to tell if you have wisdom teeth based on the X-rays. Not everyone develops wisdom teeth. The presence of wisdom teeth will be revealed via X-rays.

When it is determined that you have wisdom teeth, your dentist will monitor their development. The X-rays will show your dentist how your wisdom teeth are growing, whether they are impacted by the gum, and whether they are fully matured. All of these considerations will influence whether or not you should schedule oral surgery.

Is There a Better Time to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Oral surgeons frequently prefer to remove wisdom teeth before the roots of the teeth have fully grown. The procedure becomes more complicated when the roots form, and healing time increases. Eliminating the teeth before the roots grow reduces the chance of complications and allows you to heal faster.

The age at which wisdom teeth roots fully grow varies from person to person. However, it is most common between the ages of 14 and 18.

Is It Ever Too Late to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Even while it is often suggested that you have your wisdom teeth removed as an adolescent, this is not a legal obligation. Wisdom teeth can be extracted at any age.

If you have your wisdom teeth removed at an older age, you may experience difficulties. When your wisdom teeth are extracted, the older you are, the more likely you are to have infections, dry sockets, and slower healing.

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?

An oral surgeon will usually remove wisdom teeth as an outpatient procedure. To relax you, a general anesthetic is delivered. Because you are put in such a calm state that you are virtually sleeping, the general anesthetic makes it easier to execute this lengthy treatment. You will have no recollection of the procedure once it is completed.

If the teeth are impacted, the oral surgeon will create a small incision along the gum line to provide access to the wisdom teeth during the treatment. There is no need to create an incision because they are already above the gum line. The wisdom teeth will then be divided into four little portions. To make removal easier, the tooth is sliced into parts. If the tooth is severely affected or the roots have fully developed, some jawbone may need to be removed.

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While wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure, it is considered oral surgery that requires time after to rest and recover, so choosing a convenient time of the year is important. Summer is an excellent time to have your wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, extraction care completed.

The following are several reasons why summer may be the best time to undergo your wisdom teeth extraction:

Easier Scheduling

Most wisdom teeth extractions are necessary for our teen or young adult population (16-25 years old.) Their break from studies is an ideal time to tackle this surgery and get it behind them. While the majority of 3rd molar extractions are on this younger population, we treat patients of all ages for their third molar extractions.

Unfortunately, many patients (of any age) delay removing their wisdom teeth. The goal is to get wisdom teeth extracted before they cause problems to existing teeth, are a source of pain, infection, or before the root tips finish forming and grow closer to the alveolar canal (a nerve canal). Scheduling a wisdom teeth extraction procedure during the summer generally is easy and most convenient, especially in this younger age group as it allows the extra couple days off from school (or work) to heal comfortably.

Pain Management

Some discomfort is expected after the extraction(s). You may require over-the-counter or prescription pain medications to control your comfort level. These medications could make you sleepy. However, during the summer, you may rest comfortably with or without medications, since your schedule may allow this better flexibility before getting back to your work or school schedule.

More Time to Recover

Healing from oral surgery requires some time. Generally, you are recommended to take a few days off from school or work to rest and recover after your wisdom teeth extraction.

Post-Surgery Care

One of the requirements to follow post-surgery is a diet that includes soft foods that are more easily prepared at home. Since you will be at home, it will be easier to follow this diet and pave the way for a speedier recovery.

Perfect Time for Teens

Most patients who undergo wisdom teeth extraction are teenagers or young adults. The recovery phase of the surgery may cause bruising, swelling, and pain. With no or limited school and other extracurricular obligations, summer can be the ideal time for teenagers to get these teeth removed and recover.

Choose Smile Arizona Dentistry for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Don’t ignore your dental needs. Please ask any questions about your care if you are uncertain about the recommendations that have been given to you. If conditions like wisdom tooth pain and infection are not treated on time, they can become severe and can impact your overall oral health. We are able to comfortably remove your wisdom teeth with or without sedation here in our office. Typically, when a patient has four wisdom teeth to be removed, it is best handled with sedation. The patient will be very comfortable and also have no memory of the experience.

We have implemented all the appropriate safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our offices. See below for how we provide these measures.

  • Providing personal protective equipment to our staff, dentists, and dental assistants.
  • Washing hands for at least 20 seconds before and after each dental appointment or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Taking patients’ temperature readings before the treatment and screening them for any signs of infection if required.
  • Rescheduling the appointments of patients who have a cough, respiratory problem, flu-like symptoms, or recently traveled outside of the country.
  • Regularly cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting the frequently touched surfaces and objects.
  • Autoclaving handpieces and all dental instruments.
  • Evacuating for dental procedures and treatments that produce aerosol.
  • Asking our staff to stay at home when they are sick.
  • Increasing the intervals between appointments to avoid the unnecessary crowd at our office.

Contact us today at 480-994-5225 to schedule your appointment for a consultation and for wisdom teeth extraction this summer!

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