Harvey Chin's Posts (27)

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Chipped Tooth: Know the Treatment Options

Where dental problems are concerned, a chipped tooth may seem like a minor event, especially if there is no pain. It is something, however, that needs to be fixed. Once the enamel coating is cracked, the nerves beneath can become exposed to all types of bacteria. Your tooth can easily become infected or a cavity can develop. What is painless now may cause a great deal of pain not too far down the road.

There are a few different paths a dentist can take to repair a chipped tooth. The method or combination of methods that is chosen will depend upon how badly the tooth is chipped, where the chip occurs and patient preference.

  • Bonding – This method requires the dentist to use a type of tooth-colored putty. He will paint the putty onto your tooth and mold it, so it fills in the chip.

  • Veneers – This is a tiny covering for the front of your tooth. Think of it as a mask. The veneer is shaped and then attached to the front of your natural tooth with special dental glue.

  • Crowns – This procedure is used if the chip is larger or if it is in a place that is difficult to repair in a simpler manner. An impression of your tooth is made to form a mold. A porcelain-type liquid is molded to the shape and size that fits your mouth. This tooth is placed over the existing one to help protect it from further damage.

  • Root Canal – The natural root is removed and replaced with a metal peg that is attached to the underlying bone. This forms a solid base to keep the tooth from deteriorating.

  • Implant – An artificial tooth is attached to an artificial root that anchors it to the jawbone.

At Vegas Dental Experts, we provide a range of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures to help you achieve a beautiful smile.

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TMJ disorders can be extremely painful if left untreated. Hormonal imbalances, traumatic injuries to the face and neck, and continually clenching the teeth are all predominant causes of TMJ. If a person has been diagnosed with TMJ disorder, the first thing they should is evaluate their own habits. Chewing gum or eating foods that are extremely chewy can cause symptoms flare.

Treatment for TMJ disorders may vary from person to person. A few of the best treatment options include:

  • Night Guards – An occlusal splint or night guard is used to keep the jaws aligned and prevent them from being tightly clenched together. Night guards are custom made using molds of the teeth. A rigid orthotic is created for the patient to wear while they are sleeping or during other physical activity. Most occlusal splints are similar to the mouth guards that are worn by athletes who participate in full contact sports.
  • Massage – Massage therapy is used to relax the muscles of the jaw, neck and cranial area. Massage increases the flow of oxygenated blood to the area and also relieves the tension and stress within the muscles. Massage also improves flexibility and allows the jaw to move more freely without causing additional discomfort.
  • Physical Therapy – Physical therapy involves the use of exercises that both condition and strengthen the muscles of the face and jaw. Physical therapy is used to increase range of motion and maintain flexibility. Improving flexibility also helps to improve the function of the jaw and alleviates pain. Prescribing physical therapy for the treatment of TMJ disorders is quite common.
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Technique – This special technique used by osteopaths can actually improve range of motion and flexibility after approximately six months of treatment. Osteopaths use the technique to remove stress placed on the jaw from clenching or traumatic injuries.
  • Acupuncture – Acupuncture is a technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve the flow of “qi” in the body and remove blockages. Acupuncture alleviates pain and discomfort without harmful side effects.

At Vegas Dental Experts, we provide a range of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures to help you achieve a beautiful smile.

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Reasons for Bad Breath & How to Cure

Having bad breath can be embarrassing. It can be a reason for you to avoid social situations. If you brush your teeth regularly, you may be confused as to what is causing your problem. Here are some possible causes:

*Tooth decay – Decaying of teeth or unhealthy gums can cause the bacteria that results in bad breath.

*Medications – Medicine that dries your mouth can cause bad breath. These medicines can include those for diabetes, sinus and allergies or liver conditions.

*Stomach problems – Acid reflux can result in stomach contents being brought upward, causing the smell to be released into your mouth.

*Tobacco and alcohol – Both of these substances leave behind odor-causing elements.

*Food – Certain types of food such as onion and garlic can also be a reason for your breath to be less than pleasant.

What to Do
Besides eliminating things like odor-causing food, tobacco and alcohol, make sure you are consistent with your dental hygiene. Brush and floss twice a day and don’t forget to include your tongue (as not brushing your tongue could be the reason).

If you think it might be medication, discuss some counter-active measures with your doctor. He may be able to give you a medicine that doesn’t dry your mouth so much, or prescribe something to renew the moisture that the medication takes away.

Keep up on dental exams so any problems with teeth or gums can be caught early. Checking on your oral hygiene is good and is one of your best defenses against the dreaded halitosis. Taking care of bad breath is all a matter of finding the cause and then working to counteract it.

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Oral Care for Babies Before Birth

You know that taking care of your teeth and gums is important, but did you know that the state of your dental health can adversely affect your unborn baby? A study that was conducted in 1996 found an alarming connection between pregnant women with gum disease and both early births and low birth weight. It was found that these women were more apt to have babies under 37 weeks and less than 5.5 pounds. In addition, the children of these women were more likely to experience child dental health problems before they reached the age of five.

Child dental health

Why This Happens
Bacteria is present in all of our mouths, but newborn babies don’t have either good or bad bacteria. Bacteria that causes gum disease and tooth decay is harmful and that may be what causes the early births and low birth weight. It is also why dental health in these children is poor.

A baby acquires bacteria in its mouth during its first few months,; and most often, it is from the mother. If the mother’s teeth or gums are in bad shape, the harmful bacteria is transferred to the baby and his new teeth are at risk.

What To Do

Make sure your teeth and gums are in good condition while you are pregnant. Pregnancy itself often causes problems like extra acid from morning sickness, gum disease from hormonal changes and dry mouth.

All these can adversely affect teeth, so it is essential to maintain regularly scheduled dental visits during your pregnancy.

Once your baby arrives, he should first visit a dentist at around six months .Before then, get him used to having his gums touched so transitioning to brushing his teeth will be easier, and eventually he will be able to brush his own. Your good dental health will give your baby a healthy head start.

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Best ideas to improve your brushing habits. A morning and evening brushing habit helps to improve your dental health. Add these ideas into your daily routine to get an ideal dental, life or oral life.

  • Follow the two times brushing rule.
  • Angle your brush at a 45 degree angle.
  • Replace your brush 4 times a year.
  • Store your brush upright.
  • Use softer bristles.
  • Skip whitening toothpastes.
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Why Good Oral Hygiene Is Important for You

Dental health is associated with more than just the condition of your teeth and gums. Problems like gum disease can cause complications with your heart and other major organs. In addition, poor dental health can be a symptom of disorders such as diabetes.

The Connections
The same bacteria that cause gum disease also cause the plaque that clogs major blood vessels. This often prompts dentists to advise patients to seek medical tests to check on possible heart problems. Poor dental hygiene can additionally lead to stomach problems.

In addition, health issues such as diabetes, HIV, and some autoimmune disorders can cause problems in your mouth. In a way, your mouth is like a window into your whole body’s health.

While a bad tooth may just simply be a bad tooth, it is important to have your oral health examined by a professional, as your mouth can give an indication of the necessity to seek general medical help.

Good Dental Hygiene

There are some regular things you can do to keep your mouth in the best possible health.

  • Brush twice daily for at least two minutes each time.
  • Floss well each day.
  • Maintain a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid smoking.

Your Dentist is Your Friend
Scheduling regular dental checkups is not only beneficial for your teeth, but for your entire body, as well. Your dentist may be the first one to notice that something is wrong and be able to refer you for a medical checkup which could catch a medical problem early on. The proactive steps you take now will allow you to get treatment to avoid serious health problems in the future.

It is imperative to keep your mouth healthy. The best way to ensure proper oral health is regularly scheduled dental visits.

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