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Are You Experiencing Sensitive Teeth?

Tooth sensitivity is typically experienced when hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and drinks come into contact with our teeth. The pain can be sudden and quite sharp.

Tooth sensitivity has many causes, including:

Gum recession: When gum tissue recedes it exposes the roots of our teeth. Our roots do not have an enamel protective covering. This will cause tooth sensitivity.

Overly Aggressive brushing: Brushing your teeth too aggressively can cause receding gums and premature enamel wear.

Untreated Tooth Damage: A chipped or broken tooth is susceptible to developing tooth sensitivity as the enamel shell is weakened and thinned out.

Tooth decay at the gum line: Sensitivity may result when tooth decay is present along the gum line exposing the inner dentin layers.

Acidic foods: Acidic food or drinks can wear down tooth enamel causing tooth sensitivity.

Teeth grinding: Clenching or grinding your teeth can cause enamel to wear away, exposing the sensitive dentin underneath. If you are teeth finder, a professional night guard can help.protect your smile over the long term.

Teeth whitening products: A common side effect especially for those who overuse these products is tooth sensitivity.

Are There Sensitive Teeth Treatments?

  • Use a sensitivity relief toothpaste. Sensitivity relief toothpastes can decrease sensitivity with regular use.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush
  • Use mouthwashes containing fluoride. Fluoride can help to decrease sensitivity.
  • Use a professional mouth guard
  • Watch what you eat and drink. Try to avoid or decrease consumption of acidic foods.
  • Regular brushing and flossing.

Visit your dentist regularly. Routine dental appointments on a 6 months schedule are usually recommended for optimal dental health.

Las Vegas Dentist Marielaina Perrone DDS

Dr Perrone has the experience and skills to handle sensitive teeth. If you are experiencing sensitive teeth contact us today.

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7 Most Common Reasons for Toothache

Sometimes a shooting pain in your tooth or gum line can wake you up in the middle of the night. Knowing that the painful sensations, particularly a toothache, is never a good sign, you contact your dentist right away and set up an appointment. Concentrating, you try to recognize the cause of such bad pain. You’re brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly. You’re visiting your dentist for regular checkups. So what is the reason for so much pain in your tooth?

Even with proper oral routine, there can be many causes of toothache. The reasons for toothache can vary from trauma to a bacterial infection. Here are the 10 most common causes of pain in your teeth.

1. Sensitivity

You can experience tooth  sensitivity for many reasons. Cavities or traumas can lead to sensitive teeth. Cracks, breaks, enamel erosion, or receding gums can all make your teeth vulnerable by revealing the tooth root or pulp to dangerous bacteria. Consumption of hot, cold, or high in sugar foods that damage the unprotected root can lead to severe tooth pain.

2. Cavities 

Among the most frequent reasons for tooth pain are cavities. Sugars and other unhealthy elements contained in foods you consume, can contact with your mouth microflora and produce acid. This acid accumulates in your mouth and damages your enamel, the natural protective layer of the teeth. As the acid bites through your enamel, it can be the reason for holes or cavities formation in your teeth. After that, eating foods that contain too much sugar, biting down, or even inhaling cold air can result in sharp pain in your teeth.

3. Tooth injury

You can crack, break, or chip away a small portion of your tooth while playing sports or even eating something hard. Damaged teeth can be quite painful when you bite on hard foods or eat something rather cold or hot. An injury can expose the tooth root, which will surely lead to toothache and sensitive teeth. If you’ve experienced a tooth injury- contact a specialist for emergency toothache relief. You don’t have to put up with the pain and let it ruin your day. 

4. Grinding your teeth

Clenching and gnashing your teeth while you sleep may be the symptom of a disease called Bruxism. The development of this condition can lead to unconsciously grinding your teeth during the day period, which only increases the risk of enamel erosion and damaged teeth.

5. Sinusitis

Experiencing a sinus infection, Sinusitis, can make you feel terrible and can be the cause of toothache too. The pressure from the inflammation in your nasal cavities can lead to painful sensations in your mouth and upper jaw.

6. Gum Infections

If your gum line becomes affected by a dangerous bacteria, you may experience pain not only in it but also in your teeth. Gum infections can be a result of Periodontist, a developed form of the usual gingivitis. In Periodontist, the tissues in your mouth below your gums can tear down and develop pockets. The pockets will soon become homes for lots of dangerous microorganisms and cause decay in neighboring teeth and gums. 

7. Heart Attack

Yes, pain in your tooth can be evidence of a heart attack risk. Though it is not a frequent symptom, jaw pain that travels into your tooth can be a sign of a potential heart attack.

The bottom line

Does having an ice-cold drink lead to painful discomfort? Or is it extremely painful to just brush or floss? You may be experiencing tooth sensitivity. But there’s no reason to suffer the pain. There are ways to cure tooth sensitivity and enhance your dental health. Contact a professional to treat all your dental problems.

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