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Recent data from the World Dental Federation (FDI) reveals that gum disease is among humanity's most common diseases affecting up to 90 percent of the global adult population.

Even in the absence of any noticeable gum inflammation, poor oral hygiene and failure to clean the plaque accumulated between gums and teeth can put you at a risk of gum disorders, periodontal disease, and gingivitis (gum inflammation).

This article will help you recognize how gums form an essential part of your oral health and what you can do to keep them healthy.

The Significance of Gum Health:

Gums reveal a lot about your oral health. Keeping gums clean and healthy is critical as they support the teeth and reduce the proliferation of sulfur-producing bacteria that cause bad breath. The points mentioned below will help you understand how gums affect your well-being.

1) Poor Hygiene Increases the Risk of Periodontal Disease

Your gums are designed to cover and support your teeth and the underlying bones. Poor oral care can cause food particles to accumulate between the teeth and the gums and form plaque and calculus (bacterial films that accumulate on teeth). Over a period of time, this plaque releases toxins that damage the gums, causing gingivitis, which further progresses into a periodontal disease, a low-grade infection of the gums.

Your teeth are anchored in the gums and supported by the adjoining bones. Poorly-maintained gums can weaken the foundation of the tooth, eventually causing it to be lost.

2) Gums and Heart Have a Direct Connection

Recent research reveals that if you have a moderate or advanced stage gum disease, you are at a huge risk of developing heart ailments. Oral health and heart conditions are connected because the bacteria in your mouth spread to other parts of your body through your bloodstream. When they reach the heart, they attach themselves to the inner walls and the lumen of the blood vessels, causing inflammation and a condition called endocarditis. This soreness often leads to the formation of clots, increasing the risk of other heart conditions, such as atherosclerosis or clogged arteries and hypertension.

Oral bacteria are also proven to elevate the C-reactive protein levels in your blood, significantly increasing the risk of cerebrovascular diseases and stroke.

3) Gum Disease Is a Risk Factor for Diabetes and Respiratory Infections

Diabetes has long been considered as a risk factor for gum disease; however, researchers say that the reverse may also be true. Several studies point out that periodontitis raises the blood sugar level in individuals with or without diabetes.

Scientists believe that the bacteria from the infected gums leak into the bloodstream and trigger a variety of harmful reactions in the body, one of which is elevated blood glucose levels.

Furthermore, research indicates that individuals with gum diseases are at an increased risk of respiratory infections, namely chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and bronchitis. Often, the bacteria in the oral cavity are inhaled into the respiratory tract, causing the above-mentioned respiratory tract infections.

Caring for Gums:

Neglecting the health of your gums can cause harmful and expensive dental issues down the line. Oral health is not merely about managing the health of your teeth. Even if your dentist has declared you cavity free, you are surely not immune to gum disorders. Consider using the below mentioned tips to ensure that your gums are in a good condition.

1) Think beyond the Toothbrush

Any gum disorder starts with plaque build up along the gum line due to poor oral hygiene and improper diet. Brushing alone is not enough as a single brushing session can get rid of merely 43 percent of the plaque, leaving the rest to cause tooth decay and gum diseases. Moreover, our modern eating patterns (increased intake of sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks, and junk food) can adversely affect gum health.

Apart from brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, you should floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from areas that cannot be reached by your toothbrush. Use a therapeutic mouthwash that can help reduce the speed at which the soft plaque converts into hard calculus.

Include food rich in vitamins and minerals, and limit your junk food intake. Choose nutritious food items, such as milk and milk products, raw vegetables, plain yogurt, and fruits to boost your immune system and reduce the risk of gum disorders.

2) Manage Stress Effectively

Stress is the root cause of a variety of health disorders, including gum disorders. Chronic stress downregulates the body's immune and hormonal response, and increases the salivary Cortisol (a stress hormone) level, thereby increasing the risk of periodontitis and other gum diseases.

Though stress is an inseparable part of the modern life, a few positive changes can help you address it before you face serious dental issues. Effectively manage stress by developing a hobby, exercising regularly, and practicing yoga or meditation.

3) Kick the Cigarette Butt

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for gum diseases. Smoking also affects your immune system, making you prone to gum infections.

To control your urge to smoke, get rid of smoking reminders like cigarettes, ashtrays, matchboxes, and lighters. Identify things that remind you of smoking. These can include specific situations, activities, feelings, and even people. Try and distract your mind when you come across any trigger. For instance, if you resort to smoking under stress, engage your body and mind in some productive activities like exercising or solving a puzzle instead of lighting up a cigarette.

4) Go for Regular Dental Cleaning

Meeting your local dentist or a periodontist regularly can help in the early diagnosis and management of several dental issues. Visit a local dental expert that offers a wide range of dental services that can be customized as per your needs. For instance, citizens of Marietta, GA, can look for Marietta family dental services for expert advice on general and preventive dental care.

Owing to the link between dental and overall health, several dental clinics assess your risk for gum disorders with respect to associated health conditions, such as chronic inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Consequently, it is wise to consult a professional who can help in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases.

Take Home Message

Oral health is not merely about caring for your pearly whites. Gums support your teeth and act as barriers that protect the roots and the adjoining bone tissue from infectious bacteria. Use the information shared in this article to keep your gums clean and healthy.

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When and Why Should You Visit The Dentist?

Dental health is often the most neglected aspects of our life. Teeth are probably the last thing we worry about and their worth gets manifested only when it hurts or looks really bad. The regular visits to the Harmony Dentists, Invisalign in Mission Viejo can help you prevent an array of oral issues and also from regretting later. Twice a year visits to the dentist are the key to maintaining optimal health and hygiene for your oral cavity. The reasons why the dentist should become t he doctor you see most often are varied and wide ranging but each of them are big enough to fight the popular assumption that you should go see a dentist only when something is wrong. A good set of teeth can both enhance your looks and health. Hence, you want to ensure they are at optimal condition at all times. Here are a few reasons that necessitate visiting a dentist every six months:

  • Diagnosing a tooth decay as early as possible – The reason why regular visits to the dentist is necessary is primarily preventive. The idea is that you should be able to avoid tooth and gum problems before they go on to become a disease. At first, issues may simply start as a minor problem but if ignored or left untreated for a long time, they can go on to take a serious shape and become the source of a major concern.
  • Maintaining oral hygiene – It may be a struggle to diligently remember to brush and floss two times in a day and then again to actually manage to do it. However, the bad news is that sometimes doing it twice is also not enough because the trick is that it should be done properly. Failing to achieve the correct manner in which you should do it, even twice is barely enough. The dentist can not only enlighten you with crucial tips in this regard but the regular professional cleaning session would promote the hygiene you want to maintain.
  • Diagnosing dental diseases – One of the last things you want for your teeth is to breed an underlying condition that causes pain and costs both time and money. Regular visit to your dentist even when nothing is apparently wrong with your dental health is exactly the step you should be taking in order to prevent this kind of situation. Analysis of tests done at the regular check-ups by experts will go a long way to take care of this.
  • Following the right lifestyle habits – Often unhealthy habits can be interfering with dental health in ways you cannot probably imagine. Little lifestyle changes or the right habits can make a world of difference when it comes to maintaining the health and hygiene of the oral cavity. Professional Dentists  can offer expert advice in this regard and save you a lot of trouble.
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Orthodontists around the world use specially designed devices for corrective therapy of misaligned teeth of their patients. These customized appliances come in various shapes, sizes and names. Headgear, braces and invisalign are to name a few. These devices straighten the teeth giving them proper position, improve their look, and ensure proper functioning.

Traditional braces generally use metal wires with the aim of getting the perfect positioning of misaligned teeth. But certain people are skeptical about the touch of metal to their teeth as it causes irritation to them. In addition to that, they do not want anyone they know to know that they are wearing braces. Hence Invisalign in Cypress, CA | Pure Cypress Dentist makes it a better option to them in social scenarios. The invisalign therapy is ideal for them. These are 3D printed customized devices that are to be worn by patients around the clock making sure a change out takes place every two to three weeks.

Some of these trays or devices have high endurance and can last up to six months to a year. However, these require some retention therapy so that the teeth do not make it back to their pre-treatment positions. Hence the patient wearing them are advised to get them monitored at least once in a week or two. This is generally advised for esthetic purposes more than for corrective therapy. That is why people with complex dental problems still prefer braces over invisalign. Dental braces have brackets that run along a wire. An orthodontist or a trained dental professional fixes the braces on to the teeth whereas invisalign can be worn by the patient himself or herself.

The invisalign is extremely effective for aesthetic purposes and simple dental issues whereas braces are more effective against more complex misalignment problems. Whereas invisalign takes a longer time to correct a misaligned jaw, braces work relatively faster and this has a positive impact on the patient’s self confidence. If the patient’s bite is of abnormal proportions, then braces can bring out the best smile relatively quicker. This is beneficial for the oral health of the patient as the reaction time is lesser and the abnormality responds quicker. Invisalign has undergone changes across time and have made accuracy related to the assessment of their effectiveness moderately difficult to monitor. Opinions on their effectiveness vary among experts in this field. But the generally unanimous opinion regarding invisalign is that it is not that effective for moderately front teeth crowding. If the teeth are rotated on the socket or tend to be too forward or backward, using of invisalign relapses the problem whereas the braces happen to correct them more effectively. The patient’s condition will determine which one should one use.

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If you have always dreamt of having the perfect smile, dental veneers by My La Mirada Dentist  offers you the chance to do so. The veneers are a long term treatment and they last a mighty long time if they are done by skilled hands. This process also improves the color and look of your teeth. So this is the magic that happens and it happens really quickly. In only two visits, you will have your smile and the look of your face transformed. The focus is on aesthetics when using dental veneers because its purpose is to improve the smile and make it more attractive. Especially when you have problems like chipped, malformed or extremely discolored teeth, you can avail the services of dental veneers.

In most cases, the tooth structure has to undergo some reduction to achieve the best results with the procedure. Now such alterations would obviously be irreversible and often gets people worried about the desirability of such changes. However, as the process is primarily driven by aesthetics and its purpose is to improve the looks of your teeth, it is very rare for people to want to reverse to what their teeth were before they had undergone the treatment. This accessible smile makeover is very difficult to achieve with people who have a very irregular shape of teeth or it has been damaged real bad. For people who have a fairly straight set of teeth, veneers may be a good option to correct small anomalies like chipped or crooked tooth.

The porcelain veneers also sport versatility in the range of colours they come in. You can make your selection to make your teeth appear relatively whiter. The improved appearance works to boost confidence especially in people who have dental flaws that they are not very proud of. The range of designs and variations that are available are diverse and wide to say the least. The style can be ranging from something very aggressive to being extremely feminine. Individuals often find themselves at the liberty of choosing the designs as per their personality. The expertise of the doctor will not only help you achieve impeccable results with the procedure but it will also make your veneer last longer.

It must be well known that both replacing and repairing the veneers are in no way pocket-friendly affairs. Hence, the permanence of the process can become a curse in some case although it is understandable that when you spend so much money on an aesthetic procedure the least you would expect from it is to at least last a long time. This is why it is important to be aware of what the treatment involves, the steps associated and the ways to achieve the best results. Along with the regular questions about the dos and don’ts, the pros and cons, the duration of treatment and longevity of the veneers, also ask your dentist about his experiences with past patients.


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When we are little, we do not care much about our dental habits and things related to personal hygiene. But as we grow and we learn from our elders and caretakers, we realize how important it is to take care of our health overall. In the concerns related to the early life health care, a lot of times our dental care and health is neglected or not given as much thought as we should give to it.Not many parents take their kids to the dentists or the orthodontists.As well all know that dentistry is a vast field and within this field there are different fields that doctors specialize in. When we talk about oral health , we mean that parents need to be careful of their child’s oral health and care from an early age, when they are developing and growing. A lot of times, when the kids are teething, they might face problems like overlapped teeth, misplaced teeth, or there might not be enough space for all the teeth. Even after the teething stage, when they have their new teeth, they can be not as straight as normally teeth are, they can come out crooked.This is why dentists, most particularly orthodontists, offer a variety of treatments for such problems, from an early age.

If you ask the help of an orthodontist, they will refer you to either get your child braces or they might suggest a headgear.The headgear  is a headpiece that adults as well as kids can wear. It is suggested by the doctors because of its highly effective and early results. It is the best treatment method for kids that are still growing, so that their teeth and growing jaws issue can be handled earlier. Basically, if you are having problems such as the growth of the upper jaw, shifting teeth, Etc. A number of teeth related problems are solvable by the help of this device.At the start, you will have to wear the headgear for at least 12 hours every day. You will have to do this regularly for atleast a year and a half, or until your orthodontist says so. You can look for the best orthondontic headgear and  find out more about the headgear braces, and the reason why it is still used.

What you should know if you are someone who is thinking of trying out this gear for your child, is that the use of this headgear will cause a lot of discomfort and some initial pain as well. Obviously, the use of the headgear will put pressure on your jaw and that can cause some soreness. Understandably, you will also experience stretching and pain when you are chewing. The best way to overcome this pain is to get adjusted and used to it. The longer you will wear the headgear, the more use to its discomfort you will become. Your movement needs to be careful when you are wearing the headgear, because it attaches to your chin, your head and in some cases, your neck as well.

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Having an impacted wisdom tooth can be extremely painful. The good part about wisdom tooth removal is that your mouth will heal rather quickly if you follow your dentist’s advice. You will be back to normal in just a few days if you follow your dentist’s recommendations properly.

Here are some wisdom tooth removal aftercare tips that will ensure a speedy and hassle-free recovery:

  • Maintain Pressure with a Gauze Pad

    When you leave the dentist’s office, you will want to make sure the socket stops bleeding. Fold a piece of gauze from the dentist in half and gently place it over the socket. Bite down and apply gentle pressure to the area. While the socket may bleed for a few hours after the procedure, it will gradually slow down and stop if pressure is maintained.

  • Apply Ice as Necessary

    The surgical technique used to extract your wisdom teeth is to hold the mouth open for long periods of time. Applying ice to the jaws as necessary will relieve much of the stiffness and soreness caused by the procedure.

  • Do Use a Salt Water Gargle

    Use a warm salt water gargle. Take a few ounces of water and dissolve one teaspoon of salt. Take a small amount into your mouth and gargle. You should also allow the mixture to swirl around your teeth. Be extremely gentle, so you don’t disrupt the clot or irritate the socket.

  • Don’t Use a Straw

    Don’t use a straw to drink liquids. The sucking action will pull the clot that has formed out of the socket. This can result in an extremely painful condition called dry socket. It can also extend your healing time and increase your risk of infection.

  • Don’t Rinse Your Mouth Excessively

    Rinsing your mouth too much can also weaken the clot and allow it to come out of the socket. Gently let liquids swirl through the mouth. Don’t swish or suck it through the teeth.

  • Don’t Overdo It after Wisdom Tooth Removal

    A wisdom tooth removal procedure is a surgical procedure. It’s important that you keep your head elevated and take it easy for the first few days after the procedure to have a sound sleep. Doing too much too soon can cause the wound to bleed or can increase your risk of infection.

If you take care of your wounds, they will heal rather quickly and won’t cause you too much discomfort. It would take a couple of weeks to recover from wisdom tooth removal. For a pain-free experience, take a few days to relax and allow yourself the opportunity to heal before you begin to overexert yourself.

In case you notice any unusual symptoms such as excessive bleeding or intense pain, visit your dentist. At Stellar Dental, we provide immediate help and expert advice on wisdom tooth removal aftercare. Contact our Silver Springs office at (301) 754-1900 , or our Hyattsville location at (301) 853-1567.

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No matter how healthy your oral care habits are, at some point, you’ll likely require an emergency dentist appointment. When dental emergencies occur, most of us become unsure about how to locate an emergency dentist near our location.

When to Visit an Emergency Care Dentist
There are several different reasons why you may require emergency dental care. Here is a list of conditions that may cause you to visit an emergency dentist:

  • Tooth pain due to trauma or decay
  • Tooth abscess
  • Tongue swelling
  • Dental infections
  • Broken, chipped, or fractured tooth
  • Lost or damaged dental fillings or crowns
  • Orthodontic pain due to worn out brackets or loose wires

How to Locate an Emergency Dentist Near You
By the time a dental emergency strikes, it can be too late to invest the time in searching for a dentist online or asking for referrals. At this stage, you need to handle the emergency at hand to prevent the situation from worsening. It is also crucial to find the right dentist to have a more comfortable recovery from a dental trauma or infection.

For these reasons, it’s highly recommended to select an emergency dentist before you need emergency dental care. Here are some useful tips to search for an emergency dentist in your area:

Search Online Using “Emergency Dentist Near Me”
The most sensible thing you can do is to research for a dentist on the internet. Remember to mention your current location while conducting your searches. Otherwise, you’ll mostly end up with hundreds of irrelevant results.

Check License and Qualifications
Don’t get tempted to hurry to the nearest emergency dentist on seeing that it’s open and accessible when you’re in need. Instead, spare a moment to verify their qualifications. Most practicing dentists will mention their valid credentials online.

Check Experience and Recommendations
When making a final choice, pay special care to each dentist’s experience and their patient’s online reviews. Find out about their length of practice beforehand and do not hesitate to inquire about other accreditation held by the specialists.

Inquire About Their Hours
Determine what the dentist’s hours are. It is best to locate a dentist who is also available after hours to handle dental emergencies. Otherwise, selecting a dentist who takes in patients on an emergency basis is best.

Look for One Who Acknowledges Your Dental Insurance
Inquire whether a dentist accepts most of the family dental insurance plans. Otherwise, it is best to get the information before visiting them during an emergency. You can choose to get a list of dentists who accept the plans from your insurance provider and offer emergency dental care to patients.

Find out What Services Are Provided
Make sure to learn about each dental service that is offered by the dentists providing emergency dental care to patients. It will be best if a wide range of services are provided in one location at the emergency dentist.

Ask What Ages They Treat
Make sure to find out what age group a dentist treats before the onset of a dental emergency. It will be best for you to find a dentist who provides family dental care. During future dental emergencies, your family will be aware of where to proceed with their treatment.

Schedule an Appointment ASAP
After finding a dentist of your choice, contact them to ensure that they have a vacancy for you. If you don’t get the option for immediate emergency treatment, you may want to move on to other dentists on your list.

It can be difficult to locate an emergency dentist in your area at the time of a dental emergency. However, with the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to find a suitable emergency dentist near you.

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It seems like urgent or emergency dental situations always happen outside of traditional office hours. It might be 7p.m. Monday night, 10a.m. Saturday morning, or right after you clock out at the end of a long work week. When it does, you need care right away.

Unfortunately, the dentist you’ve been using isn’t open after hours or on Saturdays. You’re worried you’re going to have to wait all weekend before you can even talk to them.

Here are your options for what to do next:

Try Calling Your Dentist After Hours

Some dentists offer after-hours communication. If your call rolls straight through to an answering service, leave a detailed message. Eventually, that message will be relayed to someone on the staff, who — if your situation is deemed urgent — will call you back and direct you as to what to do next.

If the situation is severe enough, the dentist may be willing to meet you at their office. Otherwise, it may not be until opening hours the next business day before they call you back. If you don’t get a response, you can also try contacting them through their social media page or seeing if there is an emergency number listed on their website.

Make a Trip to the Drug Store

Maybe you’ve already determined that your situation isn’t an emergency, but it is bothersome enough that you’re not going to be able to get through the weekend without doing something about it.

You can either try taking a pain reliever and wait it out, or purchase a temporary filling/cement product from your local grocery store. These temporary products are only meant to get you through a day or two, until your dentist can see you.

If you’re using over-the-counter medication to relieve swelling or pain, try alternating ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) with acetaminophen (Tylenol) and use as directed.

Go to the Emergency Room

If you’re in severe pain and there’s facial swelling or bleeding — and your dentist’s office is closed — you’ll need to go to the emergency room. Unfortunately, ER staff are not equipped to handle dental injuries or infected teeth. The best they can do is to help you stop the bleeding and prescribe a medication for temporary relief until you can get in to see a dentist. Antibiotics may also be in order to address underlying infection. Unless there’s a risk of facial infection, broken jaw, or severe pain, is the hospital bill worth it?

Visit a Dentist Open on Saturdays

Some dental offices offer extended hours, including appointments on Saturdays. Because we live in a 24/7 society and many people are employed outside of traditional 9-5 jobs, dental practices are changing the way they offer traditional and emergency care. Finding a clinic that has multiple specialists on staff or a network of practices with more than one location makes it easy to ensure that you can be seen when time matters most.

As long as the dentist office is open on Saturdays, they should still be able to see new patients. But if you’re thinking about changing dentists to begin with, having Saturday office hours is an important perk to look for.


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What are wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last 4 teeth in each side of the upper and lower jaw. They usually erupt between 17 to late 20s. Wisdom teeth often come out with pain and uneasiness as they don’t always have sufficient place in the mouth. More often than not they come out at an un-favorable angulation causing trouble to the other teeth.

The patient has pain in the jaw, sometimes radiating to the head and neck .Other symptoms are swelling in the gums, not able to chew properly or open the mouth.Then visiting the dentist and removing the teeth is the only option.

Before removal of teeth

  • At the dentist’s clinic, a complete examination is done and the severity of the pain is understood.
  • A full mouth x ray (OPG) is made to further understand the position and condition of teeth.
  • If the patient has swelling around the teeth then he/she is given antibiotics and called again after 1-2 days for the treatment.
  • The patient is expected to tell the dentist about any medical condition or consuming any medicine which will be contraindicated to the surgery. They are advised to cease the medication few days prior and then surgery is performed.
  • The patient is recommended to have a proper meal before the visit.

During the treatment

  • The surgery is performed under local anesthesia which makes the area of operation numb and also controls blood loss.
  • If the tooth is inside the bone or covered with the gums or coming out at an angle, a cut is made on the gums to expose the tooth and bone.
  • The bone over the tooth is removed with the help of a drill.
  • Once the tooth is visible, it can be extracted. The easiest way is to cut the tooth into divided segments and remove it in parts.
  • Proper dressingand suture is given to close the wound.

Does wisdom tooth removal hurt?

Due to the anesthesia used, pain isn’t felt during the surgery. Patient might feel some pressure while the tooth is being removed.

After surgery

  • There maybe some pain/discomfort after the effect of anesthesia wears off.
  • There can be swelling and patient may have difficulty in opening the mouth which subsides after few days.
  • The patient should eat soft food for a few days and avoid eating from the side of extraction.
  • The patient has to come after a week to get the sutures removed.



Dr. Krinita Motwani

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Dr. Steffany Mohan is the proprietor of Plaza Dental Group, a leading dental clinic in Des Moines, Iowa. She is skilled in Family and cosmetic dentistry, is Invisalign certified and has earned a reputation of excellence in the dentistry community. With the use of the latest technologies and sophisticated equipment, she ensures quality and comfortable dentistry.

Lori Schultz

Source: Google

"I have been going to Plaza Dental for years. Everyone there is friendly and professional. I started Six Month Smiles last year, and Dr. Mohan has been excellent. I have had a variety of great dental hygienists and assistants during my visits here, but my most recent Six Month Smile appointments have been with Tessa. She very proficient and does her best to make sure my adjustments are as comfortable as possible."

Rose Harms

Source: Google

"Great experience with Dr Mohan and the associates who treat each patient like a friend. I wish I could remember each ones names but Kayla was an excellent helper today. I do have to say, I did not have one person I could say did not do a top notch job. I would recommend Plaza Dental to anyone needing dental work done."

Ann Barron, West Des Moines, IA

Source: Google

"It's been a long time coming to get my teeth fixed with a few HUGH spaces. I had a few consultations on a 6 month smile and decided to go with Plaza Dental. The reason I decided at first to go with Plaza Dental was for one reason only and that is because they were less expensive than the other quotes received. Little did I know how much more I would gain from this choice and experience. The staff members are great. Very welcoming and they make it personable by knowing your name, treating you like you're the only patient and you matter. The dental assistants are AWESOME especially Tessa :-). Because of the great service I am receiving I have decided to take my personal dentistry there. Dr. Mohan is an awesome person and doctor. I love, love her. I am very pleased with Plaza Dental for my dental care. I so recommend Plaza Dental Group to everyone."

Jessie Port

Source: Google

"I've had nothing but great service from Plaza Dental and their staff. Dr. Mohan & Dr. Dietrich are both awesome and so friendly. I've had Invisalign and several crowns replaced - all my decision and they have always done a great job. I've gotten to know several of the hygienist and dental assistants and all are great!!"

Renee Formaro

Source: Google

"I started at Plaza dental with the six month smile program and have continued with them for my regular scheduled dental care. The entire office is professional, friendly and compassionate. The front desk girls Nikki and Yolanda always meet you with a smile, greeting most patients by name when they come in. My hygienist Suzie is thorough and knowledgeable. Desirea and Tessa are not only talented dental assistances but they are always address my needs. Dr. Mohan always takes her time and assures that she has answered all my questions. I have never had a dentist take the time with me that she does."

Joy Svec

Source: Google

"Kayla, Desiree, Yolanda, Suzie, Amy, Dr. Mohan, Chevelle, Talia and the entire staff are over the top with their efforts to assure comfort. My smile feels and looks dazzling now, thanks to them, and my only regret is that I didn’t go to them earlier. And! They have four new patients due to hearing about my absolutely positive experience!"

Suzanne Liston

Source: Google

"Most people don't like going to the dentist if that is you this is the place to come. I no longer dread going to my dental appointment. Immediately I felt relaxed with the dentist and staff. I was given a heated neck wrap and if you are still a little on edge they will give the nuwave treatment this is wonderful it instantly puts you at ease. I have seen both Dr. Mohan and Dr. Deedrick and both are fantastic and want to make sure you are comfortable and take the time to really talk to you and address any concerns you have. My hygienist is Larysa and she is fantastic very nice, personable she really cares and it shows in her work. Just a great place all around and I can't say enough good things about the Dentists and the entire staff!"

Promila Bertha

Source: Google

"Dr. Mohan, Dr. Elliott and the rest of the Plaza Dental Group team are hands down the best dentists I have ever been to. I was recommended them by a friend because I needed dental implants for 2 missing teeth I had. I felt no pain during and after the procedure, which was my biggest concern going in. Dr. Mohan and Dr. Elliott have made it a priority to ease any tension I had and have completely changed my teeth and smile. I now go for regular checkups and am getting teeth whitening done next month, which I am also very excited about. Overall amazing group of people and I can’t say enough about how happy I am with everything they’ve done."

David Braafhart

Source: Google

"One of the best dentist's I've ever been to. Staff is great to work with, and the implant work Dr. Mohan has done for me is even better than one of the top Dentist's I went to on the East Coast!!!"

Click to Watch Videos of Dr. Steffany Mohan on Youtube.

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When the enamel that covers your teeth is damaged or compromised in any way, it leads to tooth decay. As the decay progressively gets worse, cavities can occur. A cavity is a small hole or opening that leads into the center of your tooth. This can cause an infection or an abscess that damages the nerve inside the tooth, resulting in pain and discomfort. Toothaches and bleeding gums are just two signs that you may have a problem with tooth decay, cavity, or an abscess.

Signs of Tooth Decay

Cavities and decay can appear as small spots on the surface of the teeth. Small cracks or holes may also begin to appear. Other signs of tooth decay include:

  • Plaque building on the surface of your teeth can wear away the enamel, causing a rough and discolored look.

  • If an abscess or cavity has started to develop, you may experience bad breath or slight irritation of your gums.

  • Over time, your teeth may become more sensitive.
  • You may have a pronounced toothache that gradually gets worse.
  • When you brush or floss your teeth, they may begin to bleed.

Repairing Cavities

Cavities should be treated immediately to prevent the loss of your tooth. If left untreated, the damage could spread throughout your tooth. Filling a cavity while it is still very small is a much better treatment option than having to endure a root canal or tooth extraction. New filling materials are designed to be the same color as your teeth; so they are practically invisible and will last for several years. Repairing cavities as they occur will prevent infections and other health conditions from worsening.

Preventing Cavities

With proper dental care, you can prevent tooth decay from damaging your teeth.

  • Brushing and flossing every day will prevent plaque build-up and keep bacteria to a minimum.

  • It’s also important to visit your dentist once a year to have your teeth cleaned and checked for cavities and other abnormalities.

Taking proper care of your teeth will keep your smile bright and your teeth healthy for many years. If you happen to see signs of tooth decay, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible so you can get it taken care of before lasting damage occurs.

If you are looking for affordable dental care services and a trusted dentist near you, contact us at (301) 754-1900 for White Oak Office or (301)-853-1567 for Hyattsville Office.

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How to Double Your Dental Practice Profits

Are you a skilled dentist who is sometimes challenged by the role of leader and/or business owner? It’s a powerful question. If you can answer it honestly, your answer will reveal a lot about your practice, your level of job satisfaction, and your financial and emotional health.

You can be an excellent clinician. You can take continuing education courses to improve your skills and expand the range of services you offer. You can work longer hours or see patients nights and weekends. You can cut your overhead expenses to the bone. You can do all of that, and still not make enough money to take home a profit or expand your staff.

Let’s face it. To be a “successful dentist” requires more. You have to master not only the highly technical aspects of your chosen profession you also have to master:

  • Team leadership, inspiration, and motivation

  • Effective communication, negotiating, counseling, and conflict resolution

  • Personnel management and human resources

  • Business systems

  • Marketing, advertising, public relations, and sales

  • Bookkeeping, accounting, investing, and tax planning

  • Strategic planning

That means you’ve got to wear many hats. Your business-owner hat includes Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Human Resources Director, Chief Financial Officer, Facilities Manager, Information Systems Manager, Sales Manager, and all-around Superhero. All of that, AND you have to be the Chief Generator of Revenue to support your family and your staff.

Well, here’s some good news: you’re not alone, and you don’t have to do it all by yourself!

All you need is a mentor, coach, or consultant. If you could double…or even triple…your practice revenue over the next 12-24 months, investing in the right consultant would represent a huge return on your investment.

Dental Management Innovations might be the best investment you’ll ever make in your practice and its success. For over 25 years we’ve worked with dentists just like you, with practices just like yours, helping them double…even triple…their revenues.

If you’d like to see results like those in your practice, contact today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’re looking forward to working with you ! For more information plz click here

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What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is comprised of a titanium metal device, surgically placed in your mouth as an artificial root of the missing tooth. The implant merges with the jawbone to offer a stable base for permanent replacement teeth that are created to match your original teeth.

Dental implants are the most sought-after procedures in cosmetic dentistry because they provide you with a natural, everlasting smile, while supporting proper mouth function.

Types of Dental Implants

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) reports two types of implants:
An endosteal implant is the most popular type of dental implant, which is placed into the bone.
A subperiosteal implant is set on the bone of patients who don’t have sufficient bone levels or can’t have traditional dentures.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental Implants BenefitsThere are numerous benefits to modern-day implants over traditional tooth replacement options. Here is a list of some significant benefits associated with dental implants:

  1. Improved Appearance – Dental implants resemble and feel like your natural teeth because they become permanent after fusing with your jaw bone.
  2. Improved Speech – Dental implants allow you to speak freely without the fear that your teeth might fall off.
  3. Improved Oral Hygiene –Dental implants allow for better access between teeth for cleaning requirements, thus improving your oral hygiene.
  4. Improved Chewing Capability –Dental implants work exactly like your natural teeth, letting you chew on your favorite foods confidently and without pain.
  5. Improved Self-Esteem – As your smile and appearance are enhanced with dental implants, your self-esteem also gets boosted.
  6. Improved Oral Health – Dental implants don’t necessitate trimming down other teeth to support the implant. Thus, a lot of your teeth remain intact, improving lifelong oral health.
  7. Improved Durability – Implants are highly durable and will withstand for many years. With proper care, several implants last a lifetime.
  8. Improved Convenience – Dental implants take out the discomfort and embarrassment of removable dentures, and the requirement for messy adhesives to keep them in place.

Check out this video that covers benefits and concerns of dental implants:

Who Can Get Dental Implants?

Usually, anyone who is healthy enough to receive an ordinary dental extraction or mouth surgery can be considered an ideal candidate to undergo a dental implant. Patients need healthy gums and adequate bone structure to support the implant. They also must be diligent towards keeping good oral hygiene and attend routine dental checkups.

People who are addicted to smoking, suffering from irrepressible chronic disorders like diabetes or heart ailments, or have undergone radiation therapy in the head or neck region, must be examined on an individual basis.

What Does the Dental Implant Procedure Involve?

Getting implants is a multi-step process that can span over 3 to 6 months. If you are found fit during the screening for an implant, an expert in the field of dental implant and denture prosthetics will surgically insert the implant in your jaw bone. It may also include the removal of the damaged tooth that needs replacement.

Dental Implant Process | Steffany MohanThe following steps are included in the dental implant process:

  • Initially, an incision gets created in the gum. Then the implant is set into the jawbone with the help of a titanium screw, which enables the implant to substitute the root of the natural tooth.
  • The second step involves stitching the gums. The implant needs to be allowed to heal for a period of three to six months because the jawbone formation around the implant occurs during this time. Temporary crowns can be fitted to enable eating, drinking, and smiling.
  • Following the complete healing of the implant, an abutment must be set on the implant to anchor the artificial teeth or dentures. The abutment is considered as an extension of the metal post of the implant and serves as the foundation for the new tooth. Finally, an abutment impression is utilized to design the tooth restoration.
  • When the restoration process is over, a follow-up a visit to the dentist will be required to complete the process of dental implants and denture prosthetics.

How Long Will a Dental Implant Take?

The average implant treatment duration is three to six months. Once your implant is set in place, your body forms bone in the region close to the implant to permanently bind it in place. The biological process of bone formation requires a minimum of 4 months.

Sometimes there are conditions in which you can have dental implants placed in a single office visit. If you have been suffering from missing teeth for some time and have a lower denture problem, a specialized tooth implant can be set in your lower jaw to stabilize the lower denture.

This specific implant method can be done quickly with negligible surgery, and in many situations, the implants are fit to be used when you leave the dentist office. Such specialized implants are called mini implants and can be completed for use in a single visit.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Dental Implant Surgery

During the Surgery:

If your bone tissues are healthy, you shouldn’t experience any pain during the surgery. Also, very few pain-sensing nerves are present in the area of the bone where the implant is placed.

People who have experienced dental implants state that there is only a minute of discomfort involved in the procedure. Local anesthesia can be helpful during the process. Also, many patients have expressed that implants involve less pain as compared to tooth extraction.

After the Surgery:

Since dental implants are a major dental procedure, you will probably feel some discomfort after the surgery for a couple of days. However, any discomfort should be manageable.

Following the dental implant, mild tenderness is manageable with over-the-counter pain medications or warm salt-water rinses. An ice pack helps reduce swelling by placing it on the skin around the surgery location immediately after treatment.

Why Choose Experienced Dentists for Dental Implant Treatments

Since dental implants are considered a major dental surgery, it’s necessary to choose a surgeon experienced in dental implant and denture prosthetics, whom can provide gentle treatment.

The expert dentists at Plaza Dental Group in West Des Moines are committed to improving patients’ lives and making them appear years younger through the All-on-4 Denture Implants technique. We have a highly satisfied customer base who admits to having very negligible pain and discomfort with their dental implants.

For more assistance call us at 515-612-7148 today!!


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Eat wisely…. Smile nicely!

You brush, you floss and you do many things to keep your teeth clean and healthy. But how much have you thought about the specific types of food that go into your mouth.

There are foods that can help in keeping your teeth strong and healthy and there are foods that can increase the acidity and erode the enamel.


Here is a list of foods..


  • Some of the best food choices you can make for your oral health include cheeses, meats, nuts, and milk. These foods are high in calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that help to keep your tooth enamel strong.
  • Crunchy fruits and vegetables are a great snack for your teeth as they have high fiber and water content which dilutes their natural sugars. When eaten, these foods scrape against teeth and their water content helps to wash away food particles on teeth.
  • Water is the best beverage when it comes to the health of your mouth.

          You SHOULDN’T EAT…

  • Starchy foods like potato chips, white bread, white pasta, and crackers contain more sugars than whole wheat alternatives. If not removed soon after eating, these sugars will result in destructive acids that can harm teeth and gums.
  • If acidic foods and beverages like lemons, limes, oranges, tea, coffee, aerated drinks, cola and pickles are taken in excess or kept in the mouth for an extended amount of time, the acids in them can eat away the enamel. This erosion of enamel weakens the strength of the tooth and can leave them susceptible to sensitivity and decay.
  • Excessive sugar intake can also be harmful for your teeth. Bacteria feeds on the sugar stuck on your teeth and later on produce acids which lead to tooth decay.

“…Be true to your teeth and they’ll never be false to you…”


Dr Krinita Motwani

Email :

Mbl : 9820280343

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Oral hygiene is not only important to keep your teeth fresh and clean, but is essential for the health of your teeth and gums. Most toothpaste that you purchase from the supermarket contain many flavorings, chemicals, sweeteners, and preservatives. If you want to try a more natural option or if you just don’t have any toothpaste of baking soda then there are many other natural substitutes available.

There are many ways that you can brush your teeth, such as:

Dry Brushing.

Only use your toothbrush. Brush your teeth dry to remove any plaque and food build up. This isn’t effective in eliminating bad breath and ours, but dry brushing has been known to reduce the occurrence of gum diseases.

Sea salt.

Wet your toothbrush with water and dip it into some sea salt, then brush! If your toothbrush dries up because of the salt, just add more water and dip back into the sea salt than continue to brush for 2 minutes. Sea salt aids in increasing the pH balance in your mouth, making it hard for abrasive bacteria to survive in this alkaline environment.

Coconut oil.

This method is called oil pulling. You put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth on an empty stomach and swish it around for 20 minutes. This action draws out toxins in your body, to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.

Activated Charcoal.

Activated charcoal not only helps to keep your teeth feeling fresh and clean, but it also helps in whitening your teeth pulling out stains naturally. First, dip your toothbrush into some water and then dip it into the charcoal powder. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse out your mouth with water and use your toothbrush to brush away any charcoal residue left on your teeth.

Things you’ll need!

  • Water
  • Sea salt
  • Coconut oil
  • Activated Charcoal


Sea salt should not be used on crowns, braces or any metal dental work as it will cause damage. Sea salt should also not be used more than twice a week, as prolonged use can damage your enamel and weaken your teeth. Enamel damage can’t be reversed.

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If you think that losing a tooth will only impact how you chew your food, think again!


Your teeth have more functions than biting, tearing, crushing, and grinding your meals. Think about how you speak. Your tongue touches the back of your teeth, your lips shape around them, pulling air through your mouth to form the sounds that create words and language. Without teeth, those words lose their meaning and impact.


Whether you know it or not, your teeth also provide a structure to your face. They hold the shape under your cheeks, keeping them from being hollow. Further, they support the bones of your jaw from losing density as you age, which in turn keeps the neighboring teeth from moving.


All that to say that your teeth have important jobs to do!  So, what should you do when you start losing them?



Replacing Your Teeth Is a Big Step


You’ve decided to go with dentures to fill in your gaps or recomplete your arch. But what you probably didn’t know is that there are many different types of dentures to consider:


Partial Dentures: There are two kinds of the partial denture. One is a removable appliance that completes your smile when only a few teeth are missing.  The other is actually a fixed “bridge” that combines crowns attached to your remaining healthy teeth, with artificial ones suspended between them. As long as you have a few teeth remaining in your upper or lower jaw, a partial denture may work for you.


Full Dentures: These are the traditional dentures that sit over your gums and replace all of your teeth at once. They are made of two parts: the gum colored acrylic base and the teeth on top of it. On the bottom arch, the denture is fitted to the shape of the jaw and gums. As long as it is shaped correctly, it sits on top easily. Upper dentures are fitted across the upper palate and fill in the roof of your mouth. They each rely on a good fit and suction to keep them in place.


Implant Supported Dentures: The following type of dentures have elements of both traditional dentures and dental implants:


Implant Stabilized Dentures and Overdentures attach to a few implants in the jaw so that the denture stays in place all day long. This type of denture is still removable; the implants simply add support in lieu of using an adhesive.


All-On-Four Dentures or Hybrid designs are more like an extended bridge. Four implants are placed in the jaw. Once stabilized, a denture is attached on top of them. It can be removed by a dentist, but otherwise, it is permanent. Because it’s attached directly to the implants, the design takes up much less space inside of your mouth.


Dentures can increase your overall health quotient and confidence exponentially. Check with your dentist to find out which options are right for you!

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