Dr. Orest Frangopol's Posts (16)

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Dental implants are an ideal way to restore proper function to the mouth while preventing bone loss and tissue degeneration. Traditional implants involved placing one metal rod into the jawbone for each tooth that has been lost. The All-on-4 dental implant method is much newer and only requires four dental implants per plate to provide stability and a firm fit.

The All-on-4 dental implants procedure replaces all your missing teeth with a full fixed dental bridge that is supported by only four dental implants. As fewer implants are needed, the overall treatment time gets reduced. The All-on-4 dental implants solution guarantees greater bone stability which reduces the need for bone grafting that is required to increase bone volume.

Here are some benefits of All-on-4 dental implants over traditional implants:

  • More Affordable
  • Doesn’t Require Bone Grafting
  • Much Faster
  • Increased Stability

Click here to learn more benefits of All on 4 dental implants over traditional implants

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You may often find it tempting to skip the visit to your dentist. It’s not easy to spare some time aside, from your busy routine to schedule an appointment. No one enjoys undergoing the process of getting sharp instruments and tools placed into their mouths. However, there are many bitter consequences that can arise if you omit regular visits to the dentist.

  • You can lose your teeth if you dismiss the warning signs and avoid regular checkups.
  • Caries and other dental troubles can cause excessive pain if they go untreated.
  • Periodontal or gum disease is an extensive problem that can severely impact your overall health. This generally happens from long-term neglect of your oral health.
  • You are more likely to experience painful and costly treatments if you wait too long to make a dentist appointment for problems like severe toothaches.
  • Risk of Other Diseases: The evidence linking periodontal disease and tooth decay with other health issues like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, are on the rise.
  • Stained Teeth: The factors responsible for getting your teeth stained include smoking, consuming certain foods and drinks.
  • Bad breath or halitosis, can also result from dental problems.

Going to the dentist may not be included in your favorite activities list, but it’s a vital aspect of maintaining your health. For more information visit our blog: 7 Consequences of Avoiding Your Dentist for a Year

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Do you have a missing tooth that is affecting your self-confidence and making you feel embarrassed in front of others? OC Dental Implants, led by Dr. Orest Frangopol, offers same day dental implants that will help you regain confidence by replacing lost teeth with natural teeth.

Dr. Frangopol will first understand your dental needs and then thoroughly check your mouth, teeth, bones, and gum to ensure you are the right candidate for same day dental implant procedure. He uses the latest dental implant technology to do same day dental implants surgical procedure.

Benefits of Same Day Dental Implants

Apart from this, there are many other benefits of same day dental implants:

  • Your new teeth will look and feel like your natural teeth
  • You get permanent, fully functional teeth
  • No bone grafting is required in most cases
  • One single visit for complete teeth replacement
  • Restore your smile through one simple procedure

Want to learn more about same day dental implants? Read our blog: http://blog.ocdentalimplants4u.com/best-single-day-dental-implants-provider-california/

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Here are some dental implants after-care tips by Dr. Frangopol for a speedy recovery of your dental implant surgery:

The First Two Days: The phase of first 48-hours phase are crucial after dental implant surgery, as precautions during these hours will put your implants on a speedy recovery track. Here’s what you should do:

  • Do not drive back home by yourself if anesthesia hasn’t completely worn off.
  • Drink plenty of cold liquids such as iced teas, carbonated beverages, fruit juice, lemonade, water for the next 4-6 hours.
  • Take complete bed rest on the first day of the surgery as bending, lifting, or strenuous activity will cause increased bleeding.

Diet: The dietary tips are simple – start with soft, mushy, and easy-to-chew food items. Keep it nutrient rich and do not skip meals, as it will help you feel better, gain strength, and heal quicker.

Swelling: Swelling is natural after the surgery. But you can use these tips to keep it minimum:

  • Apply ice packs to your cheek adjacent to the surgical area at regular intervals
  • Sleep with two pillows as keeping your head elevated will help minimize swelling
  • Take medicine as prescribed by your physician

That’s all! If you have questions on this or want to learn more about the dental implant surgery and its after-care, click here: http://blog.ocdentalimplants4u.com/dental-implant-after-care-tips-for-speedy-recovery-dr-orest-frangopol-dds/

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The study conducted by Allegra Boccabella and Dr. John Malouf of Sleep GP, a sleep clinic in Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia, shows men and women both suffer from sleep disorders, but in different ways. Women appear to have more symptoms of severe depression and other difficulties than men. Click here for further details on the research about how men and women are affected by sleep disorders:


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All About Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction, also called full mouth restoration/rehabilitation, is the systematic approach to restoring all(or nearly all) of your teeth in both the upper and lower jaws simultaneously. This is not just a single treatment but a set of procedures designed to replace multiple missing teeth, set improperly seated jaw joints and faulty teeth, prevent severe erosion of the enamel, correct congenital disorders that cause missing teeth, missing enamel or poorly formed teeth and more. Each of these reconstructive procedures may be performed independently, but when multiple oral health problems exist, full mouth reconstruction may be advised. Typically, it involves general or restorative dental treatments like crowns, bridges, and veneers.

Full mouth reconstruction provides several advantages over other teeth replacement options:

  • Look and feel like natural teeth
  • Designed to be long-lasting
  • More comfortable and stable than conventional dentures
  • Allow you to retain a more natural biting and chewing capacity
  • Your bone is preserved as they replace some of your tooth roots

OC Dental Implants based in Orange County, CA is a premier dental practice offering quality dental implant services to help you achieve a beautiful smile for a lifetime. We provide quality and affordable full mouth reconstruction services near you. Contact our dental office at (949) 701-3031 to learn more about full mouth reconstruction, or to schedule an appointment.

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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when the tongue or other soft tissues in and near the mouth obstruct the airway during sleep. It is a serious health issue and has many different possible causes. It can be really dangerous if left undiagnosed and untreated. There are three different types of sleep apnea- obstructive, central and mixed. But obstructive sleep apnea is the most widespread.

Symptoms include snoring loudly and feeling tired even after a full night's sleep. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.

Here are the most common symptoms of sleep apnea:

  •  Loud or frequent snoring
  •  Silent pauses in breathing
  •  Choking or gasping sounds
  •  Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
  •  Unrefreshing sleep
  •  Insomnia
  •  Morning headaches
  •  Nocturia (waking during the night to go to the bathroom)
  •  Difficulty concentrating
  •  Memory loss
  •  Irritability

Sleep apnea patients are at least a little overweight but sleep apnea can occur in slim people too. Sleep apnea can often be caused by excess fatty tissues that become built up in the neck and throat. It may lead to restrictions on airflow as the upper respiratory system's pathway is narrowed or pinched off during sleep. As you know some people can be genetically predisposed to having a narrower throat or may have an enlarged tongue that falls back into their airway. If your family has a history of OSA you are more likely to have it yourself.

Depending on the cause and the level of apnea, there are different methods of treatment to get cure of this problem. The most effective treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) that helps to continuously blow air down your throat and keeps your airways open while you are sleeping. It is also recommended to get a sleep device that opens your airway while you sleep and relieves the effects of sleep apnea.

OC Dental Implants is a leading dental implant clinic in San Clemente, CA, offering superior and affordable dental implant services for the last 20 years. Contact our dental office at (949) 701-3031 to learn more about the replacement for missing teeth or to schedule a consultation with us.


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There are many factors that lead to oral cancer and you can try different steps to prevent and treat this deadly disease. But it's often discovered too late. The main aim behind Oral Cancer Awareness Month to make people aware about different aspects of this disease. This would help in reducing the risk of developing oral cancer and improving your oral health and general well-being.

Here is a visual illustration of must-know facts and figures related to oral cancer that will give you an overview of its different aspects.

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Recently, a 26-year-old young man in California died due to tooth infection. A small tooth infection if ignored can turn fatal. Even toothache and painful swelling of your gums must be taken seriously. Otherwise, it might turn into an abscess. There is a sharp rise in the number of people getting treated for tooth abscesses. Reasons for a tooth abscess can be a chip, tooth decay, gum disease and a breach in tooth’s protective enamel.

It is more likely that the dentist will prescribe a penicillin or an antibiotic but the extreme conditions of dental abscesses can be treated with root canal, tooth extraction, and incision and draining. Read our complete article for more information on “Tooth Infection Can Even Lead to Death“.

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There is a major breakthrough in the realms of dentistry! A team of researchers from KU Leuven university, Belgium have developed a dental implant that can gradually release drugs from a built-in reservoir. It helps in preventing and fighting infections.

Traditional Dental Implants

There are many micro-organisms in our mouth including fungal and bacterial pathogens. In conventional dental implants, these pathogens form a biofilm which is resistant to drugs such as antibiotics. As a result, these traditional implants are quite prone to infections that are difficult to treat.

For more information on Built-In Reservoir for Dental Implants

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Cleaning of tongue is important

We give so much importance to brushing our teeth and flossing that we forget that cleaning our tongue is also crucial for our oral health. Like brushing, we should also make cleaning our teeth a part of our daily schedule.

There are lots of bacteria present in your mouth and majority of them stay on your tongue. Bacteria and residual food particles in your mouth can cause a serious problem like halitosis which is also known as “bad breath”. It also causes white discoloration of your tongue.

Read more about why and how you should clean your tongue.

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5 Foods That Promote a Healthy Smile

The old saying that “you are what you eat” may not be literally true, but there are certainly some foods that are better for your health than others. The same is true about these certain foods and your teeth. While sugary and sticky foods are bad for your teeth, others can actually help you maintain a bright, healthy smile. Here are five foods that are great for your teeth and smile.

1. Tea

Tea contains substances called polyphenols that can help slow the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It’s also relatively low in acid, so it can help stabilize acidity. Fewer bacteria mean less plaque and healthier teeth and gums.

2. Garlic
Although it has a bad reputation for giving you smelly breath, garlic has some strong antibacterial properties which can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Onions do as well, to a lesser extent.

3. Dairy products

Milk and cheese are loaded with vitamins and packed with calcium. These foods also lower the levels of acid in the mouth that are being produced by bacteria. Drinking milk can help flush away the acid and limit damage to the enamel of the teeth.

4. Cloves

Who would have thought that a sweet spice could help your smile? Cloves have long been used to treat dental problems. Their antimicrobial properties kill bacteria, and the oil of cloves can be applied to ease toothaches.

5. Strawberries

You might not think that sweet, juicy strawberries would be good for your teeth, but these small berries are actually great teeth whiteners. The acid in strawberry juice can remove sugars and bacteria before they have a chance to become a problem. One word of warning–the acid in strawberries can damage the enamel of your teeth if you eat them too often, so rinse your mouth with water after eating.

Source: blog.ocdentalimplants4u.com

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A jaw condition known as Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMJ) can be very painful and affect muscles that control jaw movement. An estimated 10 million or more Americans suffer from this problem. One of the remedies of this potentially long-term dysfunction is the use of implant dentures.

Nature and Causes of TMJ
The lower jaw, known as the mandible, is connected to the temporal bone on the side of your head. Its motion can be felt when placing your fingers on the front of your ears while opening your mouth. A complex disc acts as a shock absorber for the jaw muscles when chewing food. A displaced disc or dislocated jaw are some of the factors that can trigger a TMJ disorder, which can lead to secondary health issues such as rheumatic diseases.

Not much is known as to how these conditions affect each other, but it’s clear that TMJ disorders are commonly driven by trauma to the jaw. Since the problem is more common with women, scientists suspect that female hormones and TMJ disorders may be related.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
For many people TMJ symptoms simply come and go without much complication. But when jaw pain persists, it’s important to see a dental professional to consider your options. Symptoms tend to develop without much warning. Jaw noises can be a symptom, but usually pain in the face, jaw or neck is also involved to indicate a serious problem. Presently there are no standard methods for diagnosing TMJ disorders.

While more studies are necessary, conventional treatments include relaxing the jaw and eating softer foods. Dentists may prescribe pain medication or a mouth guard. In extreme cases implant dentures can be used, but it’s important for patients to have a full understanding of this surgical procedure and its effects.

Source: http://blog.ocdentalimplants4u.com/

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Cookies, pies, candy and a host of other sweets seem to be everywhere during the holiday season. If you add in hectic schedules, grabbing something to eat on the run becomes the norm, which can cause your teeth to suffer before the season ends. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Dental Tips

If you use a few of the following tips, you can still enjoy your bright smile once the holidays end:

  1. Avoid Hard and Chewy Candies
    Candy canes, hard peppermints and chewy caramels all tend to cling to teeth long after the bulk of the candy is gone. It’s important to avoid these treats, even though it may be tough.

  2. Drink Water
    Sodas are full of tooth-decaying sugar. Tea, coffee and wine — especially red wines — can also stain your teeth. You should opt for water whenever possible.

  3. Eat Your Fill of Turkey and Veggies
    Turkey contains phosphorus and protein, and veggies contain a multitude of vitamins that are all good for tooth health.

  4. Watch Stocking Contents
    Instead of filling a stocking with candy and treats, try filling it with toys, fruits and a special toothbrush!

  5. Hum a Carol
    Try humming your favorite Christmas carol as you brush, and don’t stop brushing until it ends!

  6. Pair Cheese and Alcohol
    Cheese neutralizes the acid in most alcoholic beverages, making the acid less tooth-damaging.

  7. Stock up on Fruit
    This will help curb your sweet tooth and provide additional nutrients.

  8. Eat on a Schedule
    Instead of nibbling all day, try eating at regular times and giving your teeth a rest between meals.

  9. Use Scissors
    Avoid using your teeth to open packages.

  10. Create Non-Food Centered Activities 
    Caroling, making a snowman, or playing board games are all family activities that help avoid food and save your smile.

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