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Most dentists spend 3/4 of their day staring at teeth. We obsess over the precise position and angles of your teeth. We eat, sleep, and breathe teeth.


We went to school for years to learn all about teeth. We’re always reading about new techniques and discoveries and research… about teeth.


And, of course, you want a dentist who takes your teeth seriously and knows what he or she is doing!


Sometimes we dentists make the mistake of thinking that YOU want to know EVERYTHING about teeth…just like we do!

Which means we love to EDUCATE. And give you lots of facts.
And technical details.

And options upon options upon options.

We forget to cut through all the confusing details and give you a CLEAR RECOMMENDATION.

good Ancaster dentist will give you all the options.

But a GREAT dentist will go one step further and strongly recommend ONE option.

And the reasons they give for recommending that option should be based on what’s important to YOU, and your priorities. And they can only know those priorities if they talked to you about them before making the recommendation.

Lots of options, without a clear recommendation based on your priorities only lead to confusion.

And many patients end up choosing something that does not fit their “smile goals.”

They pick the cheapest…or the one covered by insurance…

And then they’re back at the dentist a year later wondering why it didn’t work out!

Smart patients know that the BEST way to make the BEST decisions for their health is to find a dentist in ancaster they can TRUST. A dentist who will explain all the options, but make a clear recommendation based on YOU.

Think of it like your favourite server at your favourite restaurant. Instead of handing you a menu and saying, “Pick something,” they recommend something that they KNOW you will enjoy. And if they REALLY know you…you will!

If a server only recommended the most expensive item…or the least expensive… or the daily special…every time you went… would you trust them? No. You know they are recommending the same dish to every table they serve tonight. Their recommendations are not based on what YOU like.


A great dentist knows that you are free to make whatever choice you think is best for your health. But we also understand how confusing and overwhelming it can be.

A great dentist spends LESS time describing the technical details of each and every option… and MORE time asking questions to understand YOU

  • What do YOU want for your teeth?
  • What are YOU worried most about?
  • What are YOUR priorities?


Once your dentist understands where you are now… and where you want to go… then they can make a CLEAR RECOMMENDATION about how we can best go from HERE to THERE.

In my career, I have recommended completely different plans of action for the SAME exact situation for different patients. Because I knew that the patients all had different priorities and desires.

So beware of any dentist who:


  • Leaves you with a list of options and then makes it YOUR responsibility to choose
  • Makes “boilerplate” recommendations
  • Makes recommendations that might be great for your TOOTH…. But not as great for YOU.


Instead, do this: Find a Family dentist you trust.

How do you know you can trust him or her?

  • Do they take the time to get to know you – your worries, your values, and your priorities? Or do they just talk about teeth all the time?
  • Do they take time to make clear recommendations? Or do they leave you “dazed and confused” about which you option you should choose?


Your mouth is important. Smiling, eating, talking…most of the joys of life revolve around your mouth! Don’t trust it to someone who isn’t interested in what YOU want.

Are you open to seeing if we are a good fit to work together? If so, click here (link to contact)  to get started.

The dirty little secret I’d like to share with you today is that your insurance is not doing stuff for YOU. I get a lot of clients who tell me “Oh, my insurance doesn’t cover that because it’s cosmetic”, or “My insurance doesn’t cover this because of this”.

Your insurance doesn’t cover stuff because it’s not profitable for them. It doesn’t mean that you don’t need it. So, when your dentist recommends a crown and the crown is not covered, it doesn’t mean that it’s not needed or the insurance doesn’t feel that it’s needed, It’s that is not covered in your plan because the insurance doesn’t want to invest the money in it and it’s not profitable for them.

You need to kind of step away from that insurance mindset because the insurance is not looking out for your best interest! If you get a recommendation from your cosmetic & implant dentist and it doesn’t match up with what’s covered by your insurance plan – Do not fall into that trap! Like I said, the insurance is not there for you, they do not care about you, they’re focused on the profitability of the plan. That is a dirty little secret that I’m glad I got out there! 

I always take your budget (and your priorities, and goals, and worries) into consideration. And I can help you coordinate with your insurance company to make sure you get the coverage you are entitled to. Plus, I can help you time your treatments to make them as affordable as possible.

But don’t assume that a dentist’s recommendation is the right one for you just because your insurance covers it.

Decide what’s most important to you first. Then select at the treatment that best fits what you want. After you’ve decided that, THEN you can decide whether you can afford it or not, with or without the help of your dental insurance. (And if you CAN’T afford the “perfect” treatment plan… that’s ok. There are dozens of other options, and I can help you find the one that IS perfect… for YOU)

Ready to learn more? Click here to get started.


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Dental Implant Dentures can be a wonderful and outstanding process. People that go through with this specific operation are offering themselves the chance to improve and restore their look. Even though this operation can make some encouraging effects, there are some possible things that patients need to remember earlier than going for this kind of work. One of the crucial things to keep in mind is to hire a specialist who has a confirmed track record. So, they can be sure in recognizing that they would do an excellent job. In case a trained professional is not hired, though, the process of dental implants can become a tragedy.

Some things that can happen is severe nerve harm. As the replacement teeth from an emergency dentist near me are entrenched into the gums, there can be a possibility that they can be deeply inserted. Once anyone is not skilled properly, it is simple for them to make this error. Though it cannot seem like a great deal, nerve harm can present serious problems. For one, it can harm perpetual emotionlessness in the mouth. Thus, a person that feels this type of problem would possibly lose feeling in this particular area.
With impassiveness, nerve harm can even cause a great amount of pain. The pain cannot be felt throughout the real operation. Though, the patient can experience the brunt of the pain after some days. It cannot be as poor in case the pain goes away. Alternatively, if the feeling turns into persistent, it can present a major problem.
Dental Implant Procedure can even be used very loosely. It can cause teeth replacement through Dental Implant Dentist Near Me to become unstable and loose. Thus, the patient will be in risk of really losing what was planned to be permanent. What thing can make issues worse is if the teeth come out when they are in the common public. It will be even more awkward if the Cosmetic Dental Implants are in a more noticeable mouth area.
Not just will both of these cases available very inconvenient condition, but they will be very expensive. That is just because the patient will come up having to pay the expert for the initial process, with any other professional of Dental Implants Houston Tx to repair the damage they have. Thus, in spirit they can come up paying more. When you are going to choose a dental implant dentist in your area, first you need to know What Are Dental Implants. If you will aware about this then you can get treatment exactly as per your needs.
Thus, soliciting the assistance of a trained professional is crucial in any condition. It goes for Dental Implant Specialist, or locksmiths. Whatever the condition, people have to remember that trying to stint when looking for best services is not normally the best option. Even though, it is good to try to be cost-effective, it must not succeed the significance of keeping health as well as well-being.
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Raising Tooth Decay Awareness


You won't notice much sensitivity and pain until tooth decay moves throughout the enamel and into the dentin layer, the Academy of General Dentistry notes.

Dentin is composed of tiny nerve endings that become irritated and cause increased sensitivity when exposed to cold, hot, sweet, sticky, and sour foods. You might also feel pain when biting down, and quickly discover that meals are frequently getting trapped between your teeth. Decay spreads quickly through our dentin because it's quite a bit softer than enamel. Decay throughout the tooth root also spreads rapidly, since the cement coating on the root isn't near as heavy and thick as enamel. 


Be cautioned that as tooth decay continues, your pain can be more frequent and extreme. It's important to keep in mind that infection develops when decay and bacteria reach the pulp of your tooth, which contains the vast majority of nerves and blood vessels. The pain of an abscessed tooth is persistent, severe and will probably keep you up at night. Other symptoms include fever, swelling of the face, and a bad taste in your mouth. You might see pus draining from a red swelling along your gum line and near the root tip. Consequences might be serious if the infection spreads into your jaw or through your entire body.

Tooth decay treatment


If your Nu Dentistry detects a little field of erosion along with your enamel before it reaches the dentin, they might suggest an approach that will help repair the area. This process could include using potent mouthwash, kinds of toothpaste, or filling materials that contain fluoride, calcium, and phosphates. Ask your dentist about using specific products for the treatment of early cavities, as well as cavity prevention. When tooth decay reaches the dentin, there's no turning back. A small cavity might be repaired with either an amalgam filling or a tooth-colored resin material. In case the tooth has lost too much of its original structure, however, your dentist might need to do a crown.7449326255?profile=RESIZE_584x

Crowns strengthen and restore form and function to your tooth, but they can end up costing quite a bit more than a simple filling. An abscessed tooth is a worst-case scenario, and the treatment options are limited. You may either choose a root canal treatment or extraction, although our Nu Dentistry will usually only pursue tooth extractions when there is no other way to save the tooth. Should you need a root canal, your dentist or endodontist in Nu Dentistry will remove the infected pulp before cleaning and sealing the pulp chamber. After receiving root canal treatment, the tooth can sometimes become more brittle and break easily. If you have lost a great deal of external structure due to tooth decay, your dentist can also recommend a crown for your tooth.

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Can Gum Promote Oral Health?


Clinical research has shown that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals can greatly assist with preventing tooth decay in Nu Dentistry. Chewing gum increases the flow of saliva, which helps wash away food and other debris attached to the surface areas of our teeth. Increased saliva flow even carries with it more calcium and phosphate to help strengthen tooth enamel. Look for gum with the ADA seal in order to be sure it is sugarless. All gums with the ADA Seal are sweetened by non-cavity causing additives like aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol or mannitol.



Not All Gum Is Created Equal

Of course, gum that contains sugar also increases saliva flow, however, the sugar it contains is utilized by plaque bacteria to create corrosion inducing acids. Further research must be done to ascertain the effects of sugary gum on pre-existing tooth decay. Do not let sugarless gum replace brushing, it isn't a substitute. The ADA still advocates brushing with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning plaque from between your teeth once per day with floss or other interdental cleaners. The ADA seal is your assurance that the sugar-free gum has met the ADA criteria for safety and efficacy. You can always trust the claims made on packaging and labeling for ADA approved goods are true because companies need to confirm all the info with the ADA first. Products with the ADA seal state what they do and do what they say.




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Solutions for a Chipped Tooth



You have finished your cold drink and start crushing frozen cubes when suddenly CRACK! This little piece you just broke is not a cube of ice; it is a tooth!

A chipped tooth is common in adults and children. It is straightforward to chip a tooth, although the enamel is the hardest and most mineralized tissue in the body. Dental issues, such as teeth grinding or tooth decay, can cause tooth chipping.

If you have a recently chipped tooth, it is essential to understand the possible problems with a chipped tooth.

What happens if you don't repair a chipped tooth?

A small chip on the tooth doesn't seem to be much of a problem, especially if it's a molar tooth that no one can see. More minor chips are generally not a problem unless they are sharp so they can cut your mouth. However, if your chip is large enough, it can lead to more severe issues, such as pain, swollen glands, sensitivity to heat or cold, bad breath, and even infected roots.

The sharp edges can cut your cheeks, gums, and tongue.
Deep chips can affect the root of the tooth and cause infections or pain in the teeth.
Deep chips will cause tooth decay resulting in bad breath.
Chips of all sizes can grow larger, and there may be more problems because root canals or extraction may be required.

When should you repair a chipped tooth?

You should always see the dentist if you have a chipped tooth. Small chips generally do not require significant repairs. Usually, the chipped area can be removed or filled with a dermal bond to give it a healthy appearance. However, larger cracks may require extensive dental care and treatment.
If the chips are enormous, they can damage the pulp of the tooth. The pulp is the inner part of teeth, which consists of nerves, living tissue, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Damage to the pulp can be excruciating and, if left untreated, can become infected. In this case, you may need crucial dental work.


How does a dentist repair a damaged tooth?

For small chips, the dentist may have to trace the rough edges or fill them with a dental filling suitable for your tooth. When there is no damage to the root or pulp, a crown may be necessary to protect the tooth from future infections. For example, when root or pulp is damaged, a root canal is essential before placing a crown on the tooth.

How to prevent a chipped tooth?

The first step is to maintain good oral hygiene to avoid a chipped tooth. Make sure you have no tooth decay or cavities to keep the tooth enamel healthy.

The dentist can also help you find a mouth guard during training. Athletes are prone to injury, especially on the face. Protective devices can help protect your teeth from damage.

If you have nervous habits like chewing on your pen cap or biting your nails, you may want to switch to something less prone to accidents, such as squeezing a stress ball.

Finally, it would help if you tried to avoid chewing hard candy. If you can't resist a sweet tooth, avoid the temptation to break and bite the candy.

Sometimes it may not be easy to prevent chipping a tooth. But with good oral hygiene, some changes in your nervous habits and even in your diet can help keep your teeth active and chip-free.


Possibly, your broken or chipped tooth does not cause pain, but you should see a dentist 24 to 48 hours after the injury to preserve your natural tooth and get the best possible result.

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Veneers or Crowns: Which is Right for Me



Veneers and crowns are both dental restoration techniques which will improve the appearance and function of the teeth. The primary difference is the fact that a veneer addresses only the front side of the tooth, and a crown covers the whole tooth.

Dental restoration procedures can be costly, so it is crucial that you know which one might be ideal for you. While the methods are different, both have exceptional success rates. Here is a glimpse of the differences between crowns and veneers, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how they are used.7443116282?profile=RESIZE_710x

What is the big difference between a crown and a veneer?
A veneer is an extremely thin layer of composite materials or porcelain, approximately one millimeter (mm) for thickness, that is bonded to the front side of your current tooth.

The actual inner thickness of the crown is about 2 mm, covering the entire tooth. A crown is placed in order to recover the form and function as well as in order to strengthen the tooth affected by cavities, only after root canal therapy, or even to go over the abutment of an implant.

Whether a crown or a veneer is right for you, you are going to depend on the state of the teeth and what you are attempting to correct.

Common reasons for restoration are:
· Discolored teeth
· Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
· Decayed or weakened teeth
· Crooked tooth

What's a veneer?
A veneer addresses only the front surface area of the tooth. About half a millimeter of this enamel on the front side of the teeth is ground down to roughen the surface area for bonding the veneer. You might need a local anesthetic for this, due to the fact that the grinding could be bothersome.

What's a crown?
A crown covers the whole tooth. With a crown, much more of the teeth has to be filed or may be ground down to get ready for the crown placement. If you have tooth decay, the dentist is going to remove the decayed element of the teeth prior to making the crown.

How can you know which one is appropriate for you?
When your tooth is intact as well as the restoration is actually for aesthetic purposes, a veneer could be the most effective choice. Veneers may also be used for small shape corrections.

What's better: a crown or even veneer?
A crown encases the whole tooth. It may be made of metallic, porcelain, or maybe a mix of both. It's typically around two-fold the thickness of a veneer, which makes it resistant and durable more to cracking compared to a veneer. Veneers are regarded as a far more traditional treatment than crowns. Veneers are also a bit easier to replace since they don't cover your whole tooth

Do crowns & veneers look exactly the same?
Crowns and veneers aren't the same, though they work in ways that are similar. They both present an artificial covering for an actual tooth, which was damaged. Veneers handle the front side of the teeth and could wrap around based on the method used as well as the patient's requirements, while crowns protect the whole tooth.



Are crowns much costlier compared to veneers?
While veneers are less expensive than crowns, keep in your mind that they're a lot more apt to chip, break, or perhaps wear out compared to a crown.

Pros and cons of Veneers and Crowns

Veneer Pros
· They might be a lot more visually pleasing compared to crowns in the long run since they do not demonstrate a gum margin after several years, as crowns sometimes do.
· Some veneers do not need a great deal of trimming, so a lot more of your healthy organic tooth stays.
· Teeth with veneers have little movement.

Veneer Cons
· Veneers leave additional aspects of the tooth subjected to brand new decay.
· Composite veneers cost much less but might only last 5-7 years. Other components run longer but might have to be swapped out.
· Veneers are not reversible.

Crown Pros
· All the teeth are covered, so the tooth is much more protected from decay.
· Porcelain crowns look as well as feel the same as your natural tooth.
· Dental insurance might cover a percentage of the price of a crown.

Crown Cons
· More of one's healthy tooth is actually extracted to make space for the crown.
· Your crowned tooth could be much more vulnerable to heat and cold at first and you might feel gum pain.
· Porcelain is delicate and could be harmed over time.
· Porcelain fused to a metallic alloy (PFM) crown may reveal a slim dim line between your organic tooth as well as the crown.


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Teeth Grinding : Are You Harming Your Teeth?



Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can be defined as the grinding of teeth for non-functional purposes. Bruxism is the habitual grinding of teeth when an individual is not chewing or swallowing.

· Daytime: Teeth grinding during daytime is called diurnal bruxism or bruxomania. It can be conscious or subconscious and may be associated with other habits like tongue-thrusting, nail-biting, etc.
· Nighttime bruxism: Nighttime teeth grinding is also called nocturnal bruxism. It is the subconscious grinding of teeth characterized by rhythmic patterns of facial muscles.

As bruxism or teeth grinding often occurs during sleep, individuals are mostly unaware of their habit.

Possible causes
· It can be caused due to underlying psychological or emotional stress. A tendency to grind the teeth has been often associated with the feeling of anger, aggression, over-enthusiasm, or anxiety.
· Teeth grinding or bruxism can be a manifestation of lesions in the central nervous system.
· Occlusal discrepancies or teeth interferences.
· Genetic.
· Systemic factors: magnesium deficiency, chronic abdominal distress, intestinal parasites, etc.
· Periodontal pain or pain in gums and tooth-supporting structures may also trigger teeth grinding or bruxism in some individuals.
· Other factors: an over-enthusiastic student and compulsive overachievers may also develop the habit of bruxism or teeth grinding.


Effects of bruxism on your teeth
The effects of bruxism or teeth grinding on your teeth depend on the frequency, intensity, and to some extent, the age of the patient. The forces of bruxism are transmitted to the muscular apparatus which is involved in chewing food.

· Trauma to your teeth: this includes tooth mobility, toothache mainly in the morning.
· Trauma to your tooth structure: extreme sensitivity due to loss of enamel, atypical wear facets, vital tissue or pulp may get exposed, and multiple teeth fractures can be caused.
· Muscular: pain and tenderness of jaw muscles, muscular fatigue on waking up in the morning, inflamed facial muscles can also be observed in individuals who experience teeth grinding.
· Joint pain: Joint pain around the ears, clicking on opening or closing the mouth, restricted jaw movements are often seen in individuals with bruxism.
· Referred pain or headache can also be observed in such individuals.

History and clinical examination in most cases is sufficient to diagnose bruxism or teeth grinding. Teeth prematurity can be diagnosed with biting or chewing strips. Electro myographic examination is a process to record over-activity or hyperactivity of muscles involved in teeth grinding.


· Many cases of teeth grinding are associated with emotional and psychological disturbances. Thus, appropriate psychological counseling by a psychiatrist can be initiated.
· Hypnosis, relaxing exercises, and massage can help in relieving muscle tension.
· Teeth prematurity should be adjusted and eliminated.
· Nightguards or other teeth splints that cover the chewing surface of teeth help in eliminating occlusal interference, prevent teeth wear and break the habit of bruxism.
· Physiotherapy has shown some promising results in treating teeth grinding.
· Drugs: local anesthetic injection, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants are often used in combination with other treatments to correct bruxism.
· Acupuncture therapy
· Orthodontic correction of teeth can be advocated to correct misaligned teeth.
· Electrical method: electro galvanic stimulation for muscle relaxation.

If you suspect you are having the above signs and symptoms consult your dentist today and get your teeth checked. Your dentist will examine your teeth and mouth to look for signs and symptoms of bruxism. However, early morning pain around your ears, jaws, and constant dull headache on the side of the head may be the first indicating symptom of teeth grinding. Many times, individuals get informed about this habit by their loved ones who notice teeth grinding at night. Teeth grinding is not only seen in adults it is also seen in children. Bruxism in children is often noticed when their deciduous teeth emerge, and the period when their deciduous teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. No treatment is generally required for preschool children as this habit gets corrected by itself however in severe cases mouth guards or splints can be considered.

If your habit of bruxism or teeth grinding is related to some other underlying cause like a sleep disorder, central nervous system abnormalities, etc your dentist may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation.

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Dental health problems majorly involve tooth decay and dental cavities. Tooth decay refers to the deterioration of tooth structure and may affect the dental layer of teeth and enamel, the outer covering of teeth. Dental cavities are the holes or tiny openings developed in the interior hard shell of the teeth due to permanently damaged areas of teeth. The terms tooth decay and tooth cavity are replaceable. There are a lot of reasons responsible for these problems including bacteria residing in the mouth, frequent use of sugary drinks and sweet snacks, poor oral hygiene practices and not cleaning your mouth so well.

Good oral and dental health practices can prevent tooth decay and cavities. Following these practices, you can easily prevent cavities and reduce the risk of tooth decay. You need to consult your dentist to ask which practice is best for you.



Brushing- It is recommended that you should brush your teeth twice daily, even better after each meal. Try to use fluoride-containing toothpaste. The interdental cleaner can be used to clean your teeth. Also, try to brush your tongue and roof of your mouth before you rinse.

Flossing- There are areas in between the teeth where the brush can't reach where food particles can be trapped. Flossing is the technique used to remove those food particles and plaque. A thin thread of nylon is used for flossing which reaches below the gum line and cleans the teeth. It is necessary to floss your teeth once daily.

Rinsing- It is recommended you should rinse your mouth regularly if your teeth are at a high risk of cavity formation. It is better to rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash.

Sealants- A sealant is a protective covering that is applied on the surface of the chewing teeth to guard the enamel against plaque and acid and covers the grooves that collect food. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that sealants should be placed in school-aged children for several years but should be checked repeatedly.

Avoid frequent sipping and snacking- If you frequently drink fluids other than water, bacteria in your mouth tend to produce acids that damage enamel and destroy teeth. If you snack the whole day continuously, your teeth are at very high risk of attack.

Drink tap water- Nowadays, most public water supplies provide fluoride water, which is very helpful to reduce the risk of tooth decay. If you drink normal water without added fluoride you missed out on the benefits of fluoride.

Antibacterial treatments- If your teeth are prone to decay due to some kind of medical condition, it is recommended to consume antibacterial oral rinses or some other medication to reduce harmful oral bacteria.

Fluoride treatments- If you are not taking enough fluoride in your diet or drinking water it is recommended to consume extra fluoride or use fluoridated toothpaste. If your teeth have an extremely high possibility of decay it is preferable to apply custom trays on your teeth for application of recommended fluoride.

Diet- Dental health is affected by the food we consume daily. As a result, our oral health affects our food intake. It is necessary to clean your gums, mouth, and teeth regularly if you want to remain healthy. So it is important to select food that is beneficial for oral health. A lot of foods cause tooth decay like sugary foods or drinks, candies, desserts, pastries, pure fruit juices, honey, and dried fruits. As you increase consumption of sugar and sugary foods the chance of tooth decay also increases.


Some foods are helpful in preventing tooth decay like cheese and dairy products. The proteins present in milk and dairy products bind to the outer surfaces of the tooth and prevent the sticking of tooth decaying bacteria to the enamel. A very good amount of calcium is present in dairy products which is necessary for dental health. There are many foods whose consumption prevents early tooth decay like fresh whole fruits, whole vegetables, cereals, meats, pasta and bread. Good eating practices lead to a healthy smile. Eating a variety of foods provides all types of nutrients which maintain oral and dental health. Do not eat sugary foods and beverages, but if you must, then only occasionally consume them.

Always try to clean your teeth after each meal. Do not eat snacks before going to bed because at that time saliva flow is low due to less production of saliva. Try to care for your teeth and meet your dentist regularly.


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The Causes of Tooth Decay


Tooth decay, also named caries or cavities, is the breakdown of a tooth due to the acid produced by bacteria. The bacteria produce this acid as a by-product when interacting with carbohydrates present in the food that we consume. The pain and severity of tooth decay depend on how far it is spread, from enamel to dentine, and then to the pulp.

The mouth is an important part of the body that usually expresses or reveals many chronic diseases, directly or indirectly in the form of dental, gum, and soft tissue diseases. Tooth decay, or cavities, are warning signs of having an underlying chronic disease that needs to be taken care of in addition to the dental treatment.


Following are the few of the known diseases that are usually linked to the tooth decay/cavities

1) Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the sugar levels in the blood are elevated due to a decrease in insulin levels. It affects dental health in two ways

- The bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars and produce acid. Greater levels of sugars in the blood, the higher the supply of sugars to the mouth, and the higher the degree of bacterial activity as well. The acid produced by bacteria then dissolves the tooth layers one by one causing cavities.

- One of the symptoms of diabetes is dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition in which there is less production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is of great importance when it comes to cleaning and cleansing the bacteria. It washes away the bacteria and its by-products decreasing the risk of tooth decay. If the production of saliva is less as in diabetes, the acid produced by bacteria freely destructs the tooth structure.

Not only does diabetes limit the capability of the body to fight against the oral bacteria, but it also increases the chances of destroying the gums (with help of plaque build-up and calculus) surrounding the teeth and bone. Moreover, gum disease triggers the increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn worsens the severity of diabetes. It is hence a cause and effect cycle that needs to be addressed and managed properly.

2) Sjögren’s syndrome
Sjögren’s is an autoimmune syndrome that is commonly identified with symptoms such as the dry mouth and dry eyes. This syndrome affects the mucous secreting glands of eyes and mouth and results in significantly low production of tears and saliva. The decreased levels of saliva in the mouth result in less cleaning of the mouth hence greater bacterial activity, which then eventually leads to initiation of caries, which turns into tooth decay if not taken care of.

3) Bulimia and Anorexia
Bulimia and anorexia are severe forms of eating disorders. These eating disorders are connected to psychological disorders where individuals fear being fat or overweight. Bulimic and anorexic individuals either eat less, binge or purge the food, mainly unhealthy food. Eating less food means less intake of nutrients that are essential to keep the body healthy and strong. This less intake of nutrients causes low immunity and hence less capability to fight against oral bacteria that cause cavities. Also, during the process of binging and purging, the acids from the stomach flow into the mouth affecting the teeth. The acid wears away the teeth surface making them more susceptible to tooth decay over a while.

4) Cancer
Although there is no direct relationship between cancer and tooth decay, individuals going through radiation are at greater risk of getting cavities known as radiation caries. One of the side effects of radiation is dry mouth (transient xerostomia). The radiation affects the salivary glands, due to which the mouth is unable to produce a sufficient amount of saliva necessary for cleansing effectively and lowering the mouth PH that eventually leads to radiation caries. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the dental professional and the concerned oncologist before going through the phase of radiotherapy. The dental professional will evaluate the preexisting condition of the mouth and teeth and suggest suitable actions accordingly.


In addition to all the above-mentioned diseases, dental home care plays a crucial role in the development of tooth decay. The dental plaque formed on the gingival margins continues to multiply and grow beneath the gums (gingival pockets) and onto the tooth surface. This dental plaque contains various types of bacteria and food particles that mineralized to form tartar/calculus. This plaque and tartar destructs the tooth structure and gums to form cavities and gum diseases respectively. The good news is, regular oral hygiene regimens decrease the amount of plaque and tartar build-up. Brushing twice a day and flossing following a proper technique significantly reduces plaque and tartar load. Besides, regular dental checkups should be followed to treat tooth decay at its earliest stages.

It is best to provide a thorough and inclusive medical and dental history to the dental professionals to rule out the cause of tooth decay and then treat it subsequently.

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Dental X-Rays Are Safe During Pregnancy!



The demands of pregnancy can lead to particular dental problems in some women. You are less likely to have dental problems during pregnancy if you already have good oral hygiene habits. With proper dental hygiene at home and professional help from your dentist, your teeth should stay healthy during pregnancy.

The Need For Dental X-rays During Pregnancy:
We know about different gum diseases that occur in pregnant women because of hormonal imbalance, they may be pregnancy gingivitis or pregnancy-related gum disease. So it's a common problem for pregnant ladies. For that or for other causes of diagnostic purposes, or any for emergency tooth pain or any trauma, sometimes we need dental radiography.

Common causes of dental health problems during pregnancy can include gum problems, vomiting, and cravings for sugary food. Does the question arise that if the exposure of dental radiography is safe for the unborn baby, is it safe for the pregnant mother herself? Read further to know the answer.



What are the typical fetal doses in dental radiographic procedures?
Spoiler Alert: You may be surprised to know that the dose we use in dental radiography is much less than the normal environmental day-to-day radiation. So the fetal dose is 0.009 µSv to 7.97 µSv. This is usually less than the estimated daily natural background dose received by the fetus. And if we use an apron with lead shielding and a thyroid shield, they can reduce the dose to the fetus even further. However, the use of shielding should be done with proper care to show that the radiograph is of adequate diagnostic quality (keeping the shielding outside of the X-ray beam) and that it does not lead to overexposure (for equipment using some form of automatic exposure control).

Why is it recommended that pregnant women wait to get dental x-rays?
The developing fetus in the first and third trimesters is very sensitive to radiation. The second trimester is slightly less sensitive. In most dental offices, especially those using digital radiography or F speed film, the radiation dose to the patient is very low. However, we still recommend that there should be very little exposure to pregnant women and the developing fetus. In certain cases, such as an emergency case where the mother may have a toothache, sometimes radiographs are necessary and in this case, it is important to ensure that you have the lead apron and thyroid collar on.

What is the risk to the fetus if a dental X-ray has been performed on a pregnant woman?
The risk to the fetus from a few µSv of radiation exposure arising from a dental radiographic procedure is extremely small. The cancer risk to the unborn child resulting from a 10 µSv fetal dose is several thousand times less than the background risk of childhood cancer. The risk of inducing a genetic abnormality is an even smaller fraction of the background risk of a genetic disorder. Hence, patient doses received in the normal practice of dental radiography would never cause harm to the fetus, and patients with concerns in this regard should be counseled accordingly.



How should one deal with the possible pregnancy of a woman before performing a dental radiological procedure?
Information on possible pregnancy should be obtained from the patient. A female of reproductive capacity should be considered pregnant unless proven otherwise. If the patient is pregnant the possibility of obtaining information from a non-radiological investigation should be considered. If the radiological examination is considered essential it should be performed and due consideration should be given to optimization. Because of the widespread fears of radiation-induced damage to the unborn child, it is reasonable to counsel the woman on the level of radiation exposure and associated risks prior to performing the procedure. It is essential to have pregnancy warning signs in the waiting rooms.

Dental Treatment vs. Dental X-ray, During Pregnancy:
Same as dental radiography, dental treatment, if it can be avoided during pregnancy should be avoided. If there is any dental problem that needs to be treated, then we can do it in the safest time, the second trimester. In the first trimester and the second half of the third trimester, elective dental treatment is to be avoided because that is the time when the growth and development of the child have to be without any disturbance.

All expectant ladies should inform the dentist beforehand that they are pregnant so that the procedure can be handled properly.


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