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Jay is a 15 year old passionate basket ball player. But one day, while playing, he slipped and broke his front teeth in the accident. His chipped tooth used to bleed and became quite sensitive. The half broken teeth made Jay feel quite conscious while smiling and interacting with friends. The result of which he started losing self confidence...

Image Credits: WebMD

"According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), soccer players are more likely than football players to sustain a dental-related injury."

Dentists come accross many such cases like Jay, since injuries to the teeth and mouth are common. Sometimes adults lose or break their teeth in accidents or sport injuries whereas young children may get an injury while learning to walk or while playing michief.

As per WebMD - “Approximately 80% of dental injuries affect one or more of the front teeth and may cause damage to soft tissues – the tongue, lips, and inner cheeks.”

Even biting on a piece of a hard food can cause teeth to crack. Mouth injuries resulting in broken, knocked out or dislodged tooth, needs medical attention. Such problems if left untreated can give rise to dental emergency and can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is important to visit the dentist.

Here are few tips to prevent such trauma and some methods to restore injured or broken teeth.

Tips to Prevent Sports-Related Tooth and Mouth Injuries

Even if a tooth is broken, often times it can be saved if you get to a dentist quickly. Minor chips and cracks can be repaired by using tooth-coloured materials that are nearly as strong as the original tooth.

But dentists always recommend protecting yourself while enjoying sports or other high-risk activities.Here are few ways-

  • Wear Mouth Guards to protect your teeth and mouth.
  • When playing baseball catcher or hockey, wearing face cages protects against trauma to the face.
  • Helmets will not only protect your teeth and mouth but also another important area – your head, to help protect against brain-concussion.

Can Knocked-Out Teeth Be Repaired?

Broken teeth can be repaired however, there is a good chance of saving your teeth if attented immediately by a dentist. If a tooth has been shaken out, gently rinse any debris from the root and attempt to place it back into the socket. If that’s not possible, hold it in the mouth on the way to the dentist. If everything fails, keep the tooth in milk until you get to the dentist's office. Do not worry if your tooth cannot be saved. You can still restore your smile due to advancements in dentistry. Dentist use dental implants or artificial tooth which is anchored directly onto your jawbone. The porcelain crown is attached to it which helps you in biting, chewing, and for other aesthetic reasons.

Seasonal Activities that Could Lead to Dental Injuries

Here are several seasonal activities that could lead to dental injuries and ways to keep your smile safe:

  • Swimming
    Chemically treated water in the pool can form organic deposits developing yellowish-brown or dark brown stains known as "swimmers' calculus," on the teeth. So, frequent swimmers are advised to go for professional dental cleaning to get sparkling tooth back.

  • Scuba Diving
    Due to the air pressure change involved in scuba diving and as the divers bit too hard on their scuba air regulators, Scuba divers can develop "diver's mouth syndrome”. This is usually caused due to change in air pressure, particularly if a diver has a big cavity, gum disease, a temporary filling, periodontal abscess or incomplete root canal therapy.

One of the best way to avoid these problems is to visit your dentist before and ensure your dental health before diving.

You can ask your dentist's advice about fitting the mouthpiece of an air regulator.

  • Contact sports (Soccer, Softball, Basketball, etc.)
    Such sports carry more risks of facial and dental injury. When participating in such sports, make it mandatory to wear a mouth guard to prevent damage to braces or other orthodontic work, as well as prevent mouth cuts, jaw injuries and tooth damage.

There are several types of mouth guards.

  • Stock mouth guard
  • Mouth-formed protectors
  • Custom-made mouth protectors

Ask your dentist about which of the above will be a perfect solution for you.

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Dental Implants: A Savior for Senior Citizens

There is no denying the reality that taking care of teeth is not restricted to any age. Just like toddlers and growing teens, elderly women and men also need to take care of their teeth. With age, dental health deterioration takes place and it is natural as part of the aging. While it cannot be stopped, it does not mean tooth loss is inevitable in the elderly either. The age old concept of tooth extraction for solving dental problems prompts many senior citizens to opt for partial or full dentures.

While dentures are deemed convenient by a majority of elderly people, ill-fitting dentures can be a problem. It makes everyday tasks like eating, speaking and even smiling cumbersome in some instances. Fortunately, there is a better solution. Dental implants, invented by a Swedish orthopedic surgeon and scientist, Dr. P.I. Bran mark, have shown a new light of hope for the elderly suffering from various teeth-related issues.

  • Nuances Of Dental Implants
  • When To Opt For Dental Implants
  • Types Of Dental Implants
  • Cost Of Dental Implants
  • Safety Factor Of Dental Implants

As a matter of fact, dental implants are basically titanium rods placed inside the jawbone. These small implants serve the purpose of human teeth roots. After the implant is performed, they get connected to jawbones within a few months. Then either dental crowns or permanent bridgework can be put on implants.

Dental implants can be particularly useful for securing loosened dentures. Elderly people often find their old dentures do not fit the gums well after prolonged usage. This is where implants come into the picture. Magnet-based attachments make implants all the more patient friendly. They need minimum maintenance and bind denture and implant well.

When to opt for dental implants

There are some situations when you can opt for dental implants:

  • If you find dentures to be uncomfortable and convenient, opt for implants
  • Dental implants may be used to replace the entire row of teeth on either jaw
  • In some instances, doctors may advise using implants for a single tooth replacement. Dentistry has advanced to a stage where artificially installed crowns become hard for others to detect

Types of dental implants

Broadly speaking, you can opt for any of the two kinds of dental implants.

  • Root-form implants: This is the most commonplace variant of dental implant. This is implanted on the bone directly. Available in varying heights and widths, Root-form implants resemble a screw.
  • Ramus-frame dental implants: This is what the dentist suggests when the person has a very thin lower jawbone. Fix an appointment with your dentist as your dental health and jawbone condition plays a major role behind the selection of implants.

Cost of dental implants

The cost of dental implants is higher than convention dental procedures. The treatment cost also depends on factors like your dental condition and the dentist you select. Veteran dentists usually offer clients a consultation session prior to the treatment and inform them about any associated cost or follow-up procedure. The price of a single tooth implant will definitely be lower than the cost required for implanting an entire row of teeth. If necessary, you can seek the opinion of more than one dentist on this.

Safety factor

In the last decade, popularity and use of dental implants has increased by leaps and bounds, as per the data available from entities like the American Dental Association. Same can be said about its success rate. The implant process is often computer monitored for accuracy and ruling out risk of errors.

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Teeth whitening is a procedure where the shade of the teeth is restored to its natural or even beyond natural shade depending on individual preferences. Highly sophisticated a process, it is done by experienced Dental professionals specializing in the area of Cosmetic dentistry. If you ever plan to whiten your teeth, it is very important to find a suitable professional for the purpose. Here are the top 5 reasons why you need to do so:

1.Beware of fraud:

Some professionals claim that they will give you the best set of teeth that you have had in years. Do not be fooled by such professionals who claim to give you extraordinary white teeth at shocking discounts or even highly overrated products. Many online fake sites have been found which contain false personalities declaring that they are best in teeth whitening procedures while also some may claim to sell products which may be fake.

2.You are different but unique:

The dental professional must be able to keep in mind the individual preferences and choices that you make. Also, he/she should be able to make the required changes in the teeth whitening procedures that has to be done based on your teeth. The professional must take into account what are the qualities of the patient’s teeth for example. Will the patient be able to tolerate the bleaching procedure or will I have to adopt an alternative method?

3.Make sure that your dental professional has a license to practice:

It is mandatory that all dental professionals procure a practicing certificate from a recognized board to practice. Consult only a professional with proper qualifications. Many quacks are present in this kind of field which makes it difficult for the patients to differentiate between the real and fake. Hence, one of the best ways is to check for their license.


The experience of the dental professional has a lot influence on the services that he/she provides. An experienced professional will guide you to the techniques that you prefer along with telling you the advantages as well as the disadvantages. Always opt for an experienced professional to get better results.

5.Risk factors:

Teeth whitening can often have many risk factors like increased sensitivity or damage to the gums. Your professional must be able to provide you the best services along with keeping the risk factors at bay as much as possible. Visit UK’s most trusted directory of Teeth Whitening professionals to find the best tooth whitening professional near you.

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Do you drink a lot of coffee or tea? Someone who knows this and meets you for the first time probably wouldn’t be surprised to see that your teeth are yellow. The same goes for red wine: if you drink it regularly, it could dull the brightness of your teeth.

Liquor drinker? You could see a bad case of periodontal disease, possibly even mouth or throat cancer.

Take a look below for more information on how your drinking habits can affect your teeth.

·    You worry when you spill red wine or coffee/tea on a white blouse. That stain it’s making on the blouse also means it can stain your teeth. In fact, the deeper the color of the beverage (hello, red wine!) the more it can stain your teeth because deeply colored drinks get that way because of chromogens, highly pigmented molecules that can – and often do – latch on to your tooth enamel, staining the tooth.

·         But wait, there’s more: the acidity found in beverages (even if not colored brightly) can stimulate tooth staining because they erode your tooth’s enamel, which softens your teeth briefly, making it easier for those chromogens to cleave to your teeth.

·         Coffee and tea also have a compound known as tannins within them and tannins also can help chromogens’ ability to stick to your tooth enamel.

·         Wine contains both tannins and acid. And you’re not safe if you drink “only” white wine, as these beverages also promote teeth staining.

·         If you think switching to tea will mean your teeth will stain less than if you were to continue to drink coffee, think again: black tea is quite rich in tannin. Aim to drink less black tea and more green, herbal and white tea; you’re less likely to see your teeth stain than if you drink primarily black tea.

·         We don’t have to tell you that colas and sodas have a lot of enamel-eroding acid within them, paving the way for staining. But don’t think you’re safe if you drink the sports drinks instead: they also can be highly acidic/enamel softening.

·         Heavy drinkers should know that alcohol irritates the mouth’s soft tissue and lessens the amount of naturally excreted saliva. Because the skin inside your mouth is very delicate, alcohol can easily corrode your gums, skin and cheeks. Heavy drinkers also have a greater chance of developing cancer in the throat or mouth because alcohol can change the way tissue cells divide.


To help your teeth stay bright, as you drink these beverages, if possible:

·         Use a straw.

·         Swallow promptly – don’t let the drink sit in your mouth.

·         Rinse your mouth as soon as you can with water.

·         Brush and floss your teeth as soon as you can.

Image courtesy of digitalart/

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Why regular Dental Visits are Important?

Whenever one hears the word dentist, the first three things that always come in mind is pain, shot and drill. These are the elements of fear. Very few people keep up with the recommended visits and as a matter of fact people wait until the circumstances force them to visit their dentists. What many people do not understand is the fact that the longer you stay without visiting a dentist, the huge the amount that you pay for the one-time visit.

One of the major reasons that you need to regularly visit your dentist, is the fact that it will reduce the risk of getting infected with teeth-related illness such as tooth decay, gum bleeding, cavities or better still oral cancer. It is very vital to deal with these problems as not only will you save on your health, but you will also save greatly on the amount spent during the visits. This is the case because the earlier the disease detection, the easier it is to treat.

For instance, if gum disease is left untreated, it may in the long run result to extensive and expensive treatment. Regular dental visits will help in removing tartar which is usually a hardened plaque. It is not enough to brush and floss regularly as it does not prevent tartar from building up. Visiting one of the best dentist  in Gainesville, USA for a regular cleaning and you will end up saving the money that you would end up filling the damage after it has occurred.

The bacteria that come as a result of periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream which might then attach to the heart’s blood vessels thus causing blood clots which may be quite dangerous. The plaque buildup, caused by periodontal diseases, can cause the swelling of the heart’s blood vessels.

The minimum time that is recommended to visit a dentist is once a year and you should ensure that your time frame does not exceed that. The most ideal time for dental visits is six months. It would be an added advantage if you have dental insurance as it covers twice a year visits thus you can always go for regular cleaning and check-up. Scheduling dental visits is a habit that needs to be prioritized thus reducing health risks which may result to greater pain and more money usage.

Having covered the above benefits of scheduling dental visits, you can visit Easy Dental Care, for proper guidance on health care and such related matter.

Our Postal Address:

Easy Dental Care
7522 Old Linton Hall Rd,
Gainesville, VA 20155
(703) 753-8600

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5 Pieces of Veneer Advice to Live By

Porcelain veneers can make dull, chipped or crooked teeth look like new. Place veneers on several of your teeth and your smile could look like that of a movie star’s.


Now that you have gorgeous teeth, it’s time to care for your veneers properly so that they’ll continue to provide you with a white and bright smile for years to come. In fact, you’ll need to continue to care for your teeth and gums just as you would if you didn’t have veneers.


To help you take care of your veneers properly, we’ve put together a short list of things you’ll need to do care for them. Take a look below for five tips to help keep your veneers looking great and your teeth and gums healthy.


b   Watch the “hard stuff.”


A porcelain veneer just covers the front of your tooth; it doesn’t replace it. Your real tooth is still there, sitting in your mouth, ready to bite and chew the foods you love. However, because the veneer doesn’t have “tensile” strength (it could still break under tension), it’s best not to eat chicken or rib bones, hard candies, pistachio nuts, etc. and you should never open things with your teeth.


2.      Use a non-abrasive toothpaste.


You’ll be able to eat and drink as before, but you also will need to brush and floss your teeth/veneers regularly in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy.


In addition, you can use toothpaste with baking soda, but you should stay clear of “extra whitening” toothpastes, as they can be very abrasive. Your dentist probably will give you a polishing paste to use on all of your teeth that have been covered by veneers.


3.      Stay clear of mouthwashes.


Mouthwashes tend to be high in alcohol, which can soften and weaken porcelain’s bond. Instead of using a store-bought brand of mouthwash, mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. You also could use a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol.


4.      If you grind your teeth at night, be sure to tell your dentist.


If you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), your dentist will give you a nightguard to wear over your teeth when you go to bed so that your tooth grinding won’t wear down the surface of the veneer as well as the enamel on your regular teeth.


5.      Whenever you visit a dentist, let the staff know you have veneers.


Veneers aren’t noticeable, often even to dental professionals.  So if you’re going for a routine cleaning from a dentist who didn’t place the veneers on your teeth, let the hygienist know. Yes, the veneers will be detectable on x-rays, but mouth x-rays are taken only every so often and certainly not always for “just” a cleaning.


Tell the hygienist about the veneers so that he or she can use a neutral serum fluoride to help protect the porcelain’s or resin’s bonding.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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Top 3 Things Your Dentist Wants You to Know

Dental care is important for the overall well being, and prevention of dental problems such as tooth ache or decay. Dental care should be a part of your daily routine. There are many basic things like regular brushing and flossing that will ensure a healthy smile.  Also, one must visit a dentist every 6 months for a routine dental checkup. Many people avoid going to the dentist fearing pain. However, technology advancement has made dental treatments relatively painless. Therefore, there’s no reason why one shouldn’t follow up with their dentists. There are a few important facts dental experts want you to know which will help you avoid dental problems as follows:- 

  • Bleeding is never good - People have a misconception that it’s okay if you bleed a little while brushing or flossing. But the truth is your tooth should never ever bleed for any reason. If there is any bleeding, it’s a sign that something is not right, and you must get a checkup done with a dentist at a dental clinic. Whether it’s daily routine that is not being done well, or you have gum disease, bleeding gums need to be addressed, examined, and treated as soon as possible. 
  • Bad breath could mean bad news - There are multiple reasons for bad breath. However, if your breath is chronically bad, there are chances that something is not right. The reasons for chronically bad breath are gum diseases, dry mouth and poor hygiene. Stop-gap measures like breath fresheners, mouthwash, mints or chewing gum cannot help fix it for a long term. Everyone should adopt the good habit of brushing twice daily for at least two minutes and flossing once daily. This is one way of fighting bad breath. However, there comes a time when doing these things is of no or little help into fighting bad breath. In such a situation, you need to visit your dentist as soon as possible. 
  • Healthy Mouths = Healthy Bodies - Oral health is directly related to overall health. Dental problems like gum disease not only causes tooth loss or problems related to teeth, but also poses threat to heart and many other vital organs. It may lead to heart disease, strokes, dementia and many more diseases. Routine visits to a dentist will keep your smile intact. It is also helpful in identifying problems before they get really serious. 

If you face any of the above issues or want to have good oral hygiene, you can visit OraCare Dental Centre. We are located in 3 prime locations across Pune. For the best, technologically advanced and painless dental treatments, please book an appointment and visit OraCare Dental Centre at the earliest. 

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Cost to Fix a Broken Tooth

12 Nov, 2015

Cost to Fix a Broken Tooth

Whether you've chipped a tooth due to impact or have cracked one right down the middle biting into an olive pit, fixing a broken tooth can either be a simple cosmetic procedure or an expensive structural repair. The difference in both price and complexity is largely determined by how close the damage is to the nerve, or pulp, of the tooth. Of course, an individual dentist's fees must be taken into account as well.

Cosmetic Repair with No Nerve Involvement

If the chip or crack in the tooth does not venture near the pulpy center, using white bonding material to replace and repair the tooth is a relatively simple matter. The remainder of the tooth is shaped with a drill and then specially-tinted dental composite is attached. It is then shaped, hardened with a infrared light, and polished. Depending on how extensive the work is, the average dentist only charges between $100 and $250 dollars to complete this repair.

Functional Repair With No Nerve Involvement

If you've cracked a molar but not damaged the roots, your dentist can use a similar technique to prepare your tooth to receive a porcelain or metal crown. This will allow you to chew normally and protect the nerves. The price of crowns typically ranges from about $830 to $1150. There are many options for crowns, including metal, resin, or porcelain. Metal tends to be cheapest while porcelain is on the higher end of the price range. The price will also depend on your area and the complexity of the restoration.

Any Repair with Pulp Damage

You will probably know right away if you have damaged the pulp because it will be extremely painful and will need immediate attention. In these cases, the dentist will have to first perform a root canal followed by a crown. The bill can total between $1500 to $2000. If you do not have insurance, you may be able to set up a payment plan or take out a line of credit.

Unattractive Option: Extraction

If you do not have the means to have a broken tooth repaired, having it pulled is the least-desirable and cheapest option. This usually costs around $150 to $200.

How much you will pay to fix a broken tooth is largely dependent upon whether or not the nerve is involved and where the damage is located inside your mouth. However, investing in a cheap dental plan can help cut those costs in half. If you have a broken tooth, seek out help to protect you from a financial disaster!

If you don't have cheap dental insurance, consider investigating discount dental plans, alternatives to insurance that can allow those in financial need to visit the dentist without breaking the bank.

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Dental care is the maintenance of healthy teeth with sparky smile. Simplepay give you more of what you want, the type of dental care you deserve! A complete dental exam with  oral hygiene, great dental care, and the satisfaction and confidence of a great smile. Simplepay introducing an info-graphic which helps you increase your clients to 3X by making the key investments:

If you want to attract new clients then just try out these tips or simple contact SimplePay anytime. 

Mailing Address:

340 S Lemon Ave

Suite # 9426 Walnut

CA 91789

We will be more than Happy to assist you.

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Do you grind your teeth at night? You may not be aware that you do, but if you wake up with a sore jaw or achy teeth, chances are it’s because you’re grinding them.


Some people know definitely, no doubt about it, that they grind their teeth: either their spouse complains about the noise – or wakes up because of it – or the grinder wakes up with the sore jaw, as mentioned above.


So if this is you – or your partner – take a look below for the causes of teeth grinding as well as some tips you can try to stop or alleviate it.


“Teeth grinding” is a condition known as bruxism and it actually has you clenching your jaws rhythmically. While it’s possible to grind your teeth while awake, most of those who do, do so when asleep.

People tend to grind their teeth due to anxiety, stress, after drinking a lot of alcohol, or smoking heavily. Some teeth grinders may be depressed or have a sleep disorder.


Bruxism tends to present itself more in those with sleep apnea, regular smokers, or heavy coffee (caffeine) or alcohol drinkers, while most people (about 70 percent) of tooth grinders do so because of stress and/or anxiety.


Bruxism’s symptoms include:

 ·     Headaches when awake

·         Enlarged facial muscles

·         Pain or discomfort in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

·         Stiff neck or shoulders

·         Sleep disorders

·         Ear pain


Your teeth also may show increased wear and even movement. Some people who grind their teeth are at risk of breaking or losing teeth.


About 10 percent of adults suffer from bruxism, and it presents itself more commonly in women than in men. If you notice jaw pain once awake, it usually dissipates during the day.


Before treating your bruxism, it’s important to try to figure out what’s causing it because your dentist will create a comprehensive treatment plan specifically for you.


If you and your healthcare provider believe the bruxism is caused by stress, he may recommend that you work to reduce your stress by exercising, meeting with a stress reduction counselor and/or performing relaxation exercises such as meditation. Your physician or dentist also may prescribe muscle relaxants or even Botox (if you don’t respond to other treatments). You also should cut back on alcohol and caffeine, as well as medications that contain amphetamines.


Your dentist also could recommend – and teach you – how to hold your jaw and mouth properly so that you can learn how to change the grinding behavior.


Other treatments involve protecting your teeth from wear and breakage by wearing a mouth guard or splint while you sleep. These keep your upper and lower teeth separated so that if you do clench your jaw, your teeth won’t grind. These splints/guards usually are made of soft material or even a hard acrylic shaped to fit over your lower and upper teeth.


If your teeth aren’t aligned properly and if your dentist feels it to be the right course of action, he may decide to either place crowns on your teeth or reshape their chewing surfaces.


Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/

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To get a perfect smile, the use of correct orthodontic appliance is essential. What if something is invisible that fits on your teeth well and it doesn’t make you feel odd as well. Invisalign are invisible aligners that care made of thermoplastic material and these are uniquely developed for every patient as per their teeth sequence. This offers the patient more comfort and it seems like teeth whitening trays. 

Primary benefits and why its better?

Though there are many options to straighten your teeth, invisalign is the best way to straighten your teeth. It offers high level of comfort, convenience and confidence to the patient. The best part about using this particular aligner is that, it will not interfere with the quality of your lifestyle and give you extreme comfort. It will also have a positive impact about how you look and feel about yourself.

As these aligners are invisible no one will even notice them. It is a seamless fit and can be are removable as well. For getting good results of the treatment, one must wear these aligners for 20 to 22 hours, but you may remove them while sleeping, eating and drinking. You can also remove them when you brush or floss, so the oral hygiene can be maintained. Unlike traditional aligners which are fixed using metal wires invisalign aligners will not cause irritation.  Moreover, you can see the virtual results of the treatment plan before beginning with the treatment that how your straightened teeth will look. Thus, you will able to understand how it works for you.

Taking the treatment:

Firstly you should fix an appointment with the invisalign provider and the doctor will discuss your case in detail. They will address the case from simple to complex and determine whether these aligners are a right choice for you.

If the treatment is good for you, the doctor may ask you to visit the clinic every 4 to 6 weeks to check whether your treatment is progressing or not. Depending on the treatment, the need of attachments or ridges will be specified by the doctor. This are fixed to achieve the desired teeth movement.

In the beginning of the treatment you may face some type of discomfort because the aligners will be moving your teeth to the final destination. It won’t be painful, but a little discomfort for few days you may have to encounter.

Other precautions:

Do not smoke when the aligners are on as these may be discolored. Drink alcohol in moderation and do not chew gum. For brushing, flossing and eating always take out the aligners. Do not sleep with the aligners on and these will never fall from your mouth. These will be fixed firmly allowing you to smile freely each time you wear it.

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Have you always wanted pearly white teeth for that perfect sparkling smile?

You can get them if you follow a consistent oral hygiene routine. Doing so will help you get strong teeth and gums, and go a long way in developing your overall health.

Maintaining good dental hygiene will require effort and time. However, it will be worthwhile. Failure to take care of your oral health can increase your chances of developing periodontal (gum) diseases and, in some cases, even heart diseases. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every two American adults aged 30 and over has periodontal disease.

Remember, your teeth can make or break your appearance.

Here are a few dental care tips for keeping your teeth in tip-top shape.

1. Brush and Floss Your Teeth Correctly

You should follow the below-mentioned basic oral hygiene practices to prevent plaque buildup on your teeth:

Spend at least three minutes brushing your teeth twice a day.

Flossing plays a crucial role in daily oral hygiene regimen. Floss at least once a day to clean between your teeth.

Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week as that helps remove stains and whiten them.

Make sure to always keep your toothbrush clean. Rinse your toothbrush with water after brushing. Store it in an upright position, and allow it to air-dry until using it again. Don't cover toothbrushes or store them in closed containers because that can encourage the growth of bacteria on them.

Invest in a new toothbrush or a replacement head for your electric or battery-operated toothbrush 3-4 times a year. Make it sooner if the bristles become frayed.

Consider using dental products that have the ADA seal (American Dental Association) on them as these products are safe to use as directed.

You need to take out a couple of minutes each day to brush and floss your teeth properly. That’s not a lot to ask in return for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Consider following the brushing and flossing techniques recommended by the American Dental Association. Keeping your teeth surfaces clean will help stave off cavities.

2. Consume Fluoride in Appropriate Quantity

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, making it less likely to decay. Several states in the U.S. began adding fluoride to water supplies around the 1940s to aid dental care. Almost every 3 in 4 Americans with access to public water systems get fluoridated water at present. However, an excess of fluoride can cause white spots on teeth.

Make sure to have your drinking water tested to check the levels of fluoride in it.

3. Use Antibacterial Mouthwash

Apart from brushing and flossing your teeth, rinse your teeth with antibacterial mouthwash to prevent tooth decay and gum problems. When it comes to using a mouthwash, consult your dentist. He/she may suggest you a regimen, depending on your oral health needs. Remember, rinsing helps remove debris from the mouth, but it is not a substitute for brushing or flossing.

Consider an oral irrigator to remove food particles from your teeth that haven’t been dislodged by flossing or brushing. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect your teeth by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes the acids in your mouth.

4. Avoid Eating Foods That Stain Teeth

Sugary foods, especially carbonated drinks, tend to produce acids that can erode tooth enamel and result in dingy teeth. Limit the consumption of sodas, alcohol, and coffee as they contain high levels of phosphorous, which can lead to dental hygiene problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Sticky candies are big culprits as they linger on teeth surfaces for a long time. Avoid tobacco at all costs. Not only does it stain teeth, but it also significantly increases the risk of gum diseases and oral cancer.

Remember a healthy diet is essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet of whole foods including grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables will provide the essential nutrients. Consume calcium-rich foods such as milk, fortified orange juice, yogurt, broccoli, cheese, and other dairy products. Calcium is not only good for your teeth but also for your bones.

5. Go for Regular Dental Check-Ups

Ideally, you should get a dental checkup done every 6 months. However, it should be more often if you have a gum disease.

During a routine exam, your dentist will remove plaque build-up that you can’t brush or floss away. A regular dental exam can help detect signs of oral cancer, bruxism (tooth grinding) and gum disease.

Remember, early detection and treatment of problems with your gums, teeth and mouth can help ensure a lifetime of good oral health.

Searching on the Web can help you greatly in finding the right dentist in your area. For instance, if you live in the city of Quincy in Massachusetts, you can search online for Quincy Dentist. This will provide you with a list of relevant results.


Being diligent about dental care and getting regular dental checkups will help prevent plaque buildup in your mouth, thereby saving you from infections and severe dental problems. Following the above-mentioned tips will be a brilliant step toward maintaining excellent, long-term oral health. The aforementioned tips will help you get those pearly whites that you have always dreamed of and smile confidently. It’s time to say cheese and flash those amazing white teeth!

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If you’re looking to brighten/whiten your teeth a bit but feel asking your dentist to whiten your teeth could be too expensive, you may have considered using the teeth whitening products sold in your local drugstore, grocery store or big-box retailer.


But you’ve heard they don’t work.


Or do they?


Americans tend to spend about $1.4 billion each year in over-the-counter (OTC), non-prescription teeth whitening products, so asking if they actually work is a legitimate question.

The short answer is “Yes, OTC tooth whitening products do work.” The longer answer is “OTC tooth whitening products do work, but not as well as professional products used by your dentist.”


The main reason for this disparity is the fact that OTC whiteners have just 10 percent peroxide while the whitening products that your dentist uses can contain between 20 and 40 percent peroxide.


Peroxide is a bleaching agent that removes surface as well as deep stains that have formed on your teeth. In fact, peroxide actually can change the natural color of your tooth.  It therefore makes sense that the higher percentage of peroxide, the greater the whitening effect.


Even the “just” 10 percent peroxide OTC products can cause tooth sensitivity or pain, so it’s important to be careful and not overuse the store-bought tooth whitening products.


In addition, the color of the stains on your teeth can indicate bleaching’s effectiveness. The American Dental Association reports that teeth with a yellowish hue or yellow stains are more likely to react well – that is, whiten – to bleaching products than will gray-hued teeth.


Another way to whiten your teeth, one which doesn’t use a peroxide product, is to use an agent that works via abrasion to remove stains from your teeth.  Often found in whitening toothpastes, these agents remove only surface stains.


Here’s the bottom line:


OTC tooth whitening products generally do work, by either the way of bleach (peroxide) or an abrasive substance, but because they don’t contain as much bleach/peroxide or abrasive agents, they don’t whiten/brighten your teeth as much as the products used by your dentist.


Image courtesy of nenetus/

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How to Chose the Best Cosmetic Dentist

Today cosmetic dentistry has become one of the most popular and sought out professional services. Everyone wants to look attractive and good and all are mainly focusing on the face value. Every once face looks beautiful and bright when they smile and if the teeth are not in a good shape or not in well condition then smile could not lighten up the face. So, you may feel embraced while smiling, and restrict yourself to smile less. If you want to consider total dental care, then it is very important to contact the cosmetic dentist.

Dental treatment is not only about braces, cavities, and cleanings. While that could be all the dental care, and these days the dental work also includes the beauty procedures.

Choosing a cosmetic dentist may be difficult. Cosmetic dentistry is not like usual dentistry, which requires a finely honed aesthetic sense and an artistic touch. The underlying dental problem cannot be solved only with the help of a quality dentist, but she or he will do it in a way that provides a smile from that you can be proud of.

There are many things you need to consider while choosing the dentist.

• Accreditation or Certification: You can ask your dentist what associations or academies she or he has been received certification or accredited from.

• Experience: Search for the dentist who has experience in different types of cosmetic procedures. An experienced dentist is better prepared to handle with the emergencies and they can help you in shaping your smile with the optimal results.

• Availability: You need to choose the dentist that you would actually be adept to see based on your schedule and location. Many dentists would keep immensely different timings. Some are available in the weekends and evenings, while others are in weekdays. So, according to your convenient you need to select the dentist.

• Professionalism: You need to observe the general appearance of the dentist, staff, and office. Is that everything clean, orderly, and neat? Remember that every dental clinic must abide with the guidelines of OSHA for disinfection and sterilization.

• Results: Go through the results of previous patients. Ask for the photos of before and after treatment. You need to make sure that the cosmetic dentist is able to produce the actual results or not.

• Dedication towards the advancements: Cosmetic dentistry is a uniformly evolving region, and new advancements in procedures, technology, and techniques continually emerge. So search for the advancements of the dentist.

• Go to the Dentist: For the purpose of an initial consultation go to the dentist. With most dentists, consultation will be provided without any fee. You can ask questions regarding procedures, expectations, and cost on this initial visit.

Nancy Shevell is an expert article writer who writes for dental problems and cosmetic enhancements for those problems. A thorough research is conducted prior writing any article to provide best possible outcome for the user. Find out more about the common dental procedures by visiting us at

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The first blog of this series was about Stages of Dental Practice and in this post we will discuss some commonly faced problems at respective stages of practice and their solutions.

Stage 1 Introduction:

Some young doctors are worried because of low pattient footfall in initial days of practice. Actually they can take this as an opportunity & utilize the empty hours of practice to grow their network. The idea of network building is not to get direct patients but to tell the world that "You Exist!" Because Network is the Net Worth! Every practice will take its own course to establish, however some tiny steps can act as catalyst to curb this phase.

1. Interact with as many people as possible around your practice and create rapport by talking about their interests.

2. Keep your conversation generalized, however if you get a chance, push about your profession in a softer way.

3. Look to grow your online network by simply creating (free) business pages for your practice on Google and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc.

4. Post content in regular intervals once the pages are ready.

Stage 2 Growth:

You can enjoy growth stage till the time you are competitive, ignoring this fact can sometimes damage the practice. Bellow are few things that you can implement in your practice for being competent.

1. Attend CDE programs/Courses regularly.

2. Invest in new equipment.

3. Start using practice management software for appointments.

4. Learn about financial management.

5. Doctors practicing in metros should also think in a direction to get Website for practice.

Stage 3 Maturity:

The most valuable thing in maturity stage is "Time". You will have to literally spend money for buying your own time. If you act smart then probably you won't have to  much efforts to save a lot of your time. Bellow are few things that you can incorporate in your practice.

1. Staff training right from doctors to front office staff.

2. Work delegation to respective person.

3. Investing in new equipments that can save you on your time.

Also this is the most appropriate stage to think about hiring an agency which can help you to boost your dental practice.

Stage 4 Saturation:

The most common complaint in this stage is "stagnated income". In order to overcome this situation you should first try to identify the problems. Some basic reasons that results in stagnated income can be, Decreased patient footfall, Low treatment charges, Absence of high end treatments or Combination of above problems. Solutions can be very simple to this problem..

1. Identify the problem factors.

2. Once you identify the problems; try to understand why the problems are occurring.

3. Evaluate all the possibilities to overcome them.

4. Make a strategy to get resolution and have deadlines for every task.

5. Spend more time in your practice as it can definitely improve your chances to find the solutions.

Stage 5 Decline:

You can't practice dentistry with stethoscope and green cloth. It is really difficult to run a successful practice without good clinical skills. Aging results in health issues such as backache, hampered vision or trembling hands etc. which sometimes makes the operator skills questionable. When one can't work because of such unavoidable factors, it's time involve fresh blood in practice. Nobody has a magic stick that can get a potential doctor like you for your practice in an overnight.

You will have to take efforts to groom young doctors by sharing your knowledge and experience which will keep the practice going, whereas you can take the charge of patient consultation and clinic management.

These are some of the important points which can bring a phenomenal change in you practice, however there are further deep aspects to every stage, which I'll share with you in my upcoming posts.

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Why Is Sugar So Bad For Your Teeth?

What was the last thing you ate? Most of us are too busy focusing on other things in our lives to stop and think about the effects drinks and foods we consume have on our teeth. Although the enamel that protects your teeth is the hardest substance in your body, it can still be corroded away by food and drinks. Considering the adult teeth you have are the only set you will ever get, it is a priority to do whatever it takes to make sure they last for your entire life.

The truth is, it is not the sugar itself that corrodes the enamel on your teeth, it is the bacteria that feeds on that sugar that produces an acid does the corroding. The acid, which is effectively the waste product from those bacteria burns small holes in the tooth enamel, which leads to tooth decay. A healthy mouth takes about half an hour to neutralise that acid. However, during that half hour, the bacteria are causing damage. Since the bacteria like to feed frequently, if you are snacking on sweets or sipping sugary drinks, there is not enough opportunity for the saliva in your mouth to neutralise the acid in between. It's equivalent to allowing your teeth to slowly dissolve in acid.

Because of the time-scale needed for neutralising the acid, it is better to eat more over a short period of time than it is to spread the eating over a longer period.

While the acid from bacteria causes damage to your teeth, so does the acid in acidic drinks. Carbonated drinks - even fizzy water - all contain acid that can cause your teeth to become transparent and sensitive. Drinking these drinks through a straw or with food can help to minimise the damage.


How To Prevent Tooth Decay From Sugar

Becoming more aware of when you are consuming sugar will help you to start reducing the number of times you have it. You can lower your risk of tooth decay by staying away from foods and drinks that are high in carbohydrates, especially between meals. You can help to neutralise the acid when you eat or drink something with sugar by:


* Rinsing your mouth out with clean water


* Finishing on a savoury snack instead of sweet


Using a fluoride mouthwash after eating


* Chewing sugar-free gum


Wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth so that you are not brushing in the acid.

These tips will help you limit the amount of damage that sugar will do to your teeth. There are needless to say a whole array of different problems it can call as you can see from this infographic by Shade Station.


So, take care of your teeth and avoid sugar to ensure you have no long term issues. 

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A smile is one of the wonderful creations of the god, and in fact it is truly a great gift to the human beings. People feel so delighted on seeing the smile of their beloved ones. It is a smile which brighten ups an individual life in a fabulous way. Moreover, a smile plays a very important role in a person’s life. A perfect smile helps the individuals in carrying their personality in a very confident way. Few dental problems which affects a person’s smile include crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, missing teeth, bad breathe, cavities, chipped teeth, impacted teeth and gum problems. These dental problems degrade the confident levels in a person’s life in a great way. The decreased confident levels in the people might lead to a sudden downfall in their career.

It is always the confident looks which play a crucial role in the people life. Moreover, it is the confident looks which help the people in achieving their goal. Many orthodontists in UK are providing the best services to the people suffering with several dental problems. Orthodontists offer a great range of services which helps a person in attaining confident looks with an attractive smile. Most of the orthodontists in UK offer services like teeth whitening, bonding, braces, dentures, Dental fillings, Dental Implants, Bridges, Dental repair, gum surgery, sealants, veneers, root canals, and etc. These dental problems will truly help a person in maintaining a healthy smile. The smile makeover surgery services could be also helpful for the people for those who want to maintain a perfect smile.

Not only the people in UK but also the people from different parts of the world visit UK to correct their dental problems. The number of orthodontists in UK has risen up in great way with the increased demand for the dental treatments. Thus the people started surfing internet to find the best orthodontists UK. Few orthodontists remain unpopular though their treatments work in a fabulous way and the main reason behind this is not being exposed to the public.

There is a necessity of good dental web design for the orthodontists in UK to expose their services to the people living across the world in order to withstand the high competition. Everybody is well aware of the saying “first impression is the best impression” and it is a good website design will helps the orthodontists in making that first impression at their clients. The orthodontists could go through various dentistry website designs in online and select one best service provider from them in order to attract the attention of the patients who are looking for some good dental services.


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If you have, or are thinking about getting dental implants, here are a few things you should know, both the good and the bad, the pros and the cons, the ins and the outs.

Some people think dental implants go “on top” of your teeth.

They do not: they actually replace your teeth, from your roots to your pearly whites. Getting implants actually is a surgical procedure which starts with your dentist removing your entire tooth, from the root – or what’s left of it, if the root has been damaged in some way – on up.


He then buries the metal implant (it replaces your tooth root) flush with your jaw bone, but underneath your gums, to protect it during healing and before the second stage of the procedure, in which your dentist performs another surgery exposing the implant by removing some of the overlying gum.

It may be possible for your dentist to place an abutment, which is a connector that’s built into the implant that’s then placed on top of the implant. It connects the implant to the replacement tooth that your dentist will place on top of the implant or the abutment (if you have an abutment).


Once the implant and/or the abutment have healed over several weeks, and the implant has successfully osseointegrated (bone has grown securely around it), your dentist then attaches the prosthetic tooth on top of it.


The result is a prosthetic tooth and “tooth root” that are sturdy, look just like real teeth, and which allow you to eat pretty much anything you want.


Some individuals believe that dental implants are just as good as dentures or bridges. This is incorrect: dental implants are better! They look more like real teeth than dentures/bridges do. In addition, because they aren’t anchored to their neighboring teeth, implants sustain the integrity of the healthy teeth nearby. In other words, you’ll experience no more decay of teeth that are otherwise sound.


What’s more, dental implants will preserve the bones in your jaw and prevent the shrinkage that occurs with bone loss! This is a great benefit of getting a dental implant because even just the loss of one tooth will cause shrinkage in your jaw bone.


While about 90 percent of dental implant procedures are successful, some are not. If this is the case, your dentist more than likely will have to remove the implant because it can’t be forced to osseointegrate. It is possible to try again with a second implant, but you will need to let the area heal for several months before doing so. You also may have to undergo a bone augmentation procedure.


How can you best ensure a dental implant will be successful?

You should be in general good health.

If you smoke, your dentist may ask you to quit before the procedure because the nicotine in tobacco smoke reduces the amount of blood flowing to the soft tissues in your mouth and slows the healing process.

·        You need to have enough bone and gums in your jaw, although your dentist can rebuild both gum and jaw bone.

Dental implants are safe and an effective way to improve the appearance of your smile as well as a means to keep neighboring teeth healthy and keep the bones in your jaw from shrinking if you’ve lost one or more teeth.

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Throbbing tooth pain is likely to set in for people who neglect recommended practices to maintain teeth hygiene. The toothache can be consistent or fitful in nature. The distracting pain can be excruciating and become more pronounced when you try to catch a sleep.

Common indications

Throbbing toothache may become articulated once the blood pressure to the sore region increases. This is more acute when you recline or adopt the sleeping posture. As the tooth pain increases in severity, you will experience a bout of fever, localized gum swelling around the affected area, headache, and noisome discharge from the affected tooth.

You should get in touch with a dentist if the pain continues beyond a day and the symptoms are aggravated. Most people complain about surfacing of intense pain while trying to open the mouth. Pain equivalent to that experienced in mumps also become apparent in the ear region. If immediate medical attention is not sought, the infection may spread to the skull and bloodstream.

What triggers the pain?

Throbbing pain may result from tooth abscess, damaged filling, periodontal diseases, tooth decay or fracture, and teeth motion of repetitive nature like chewing, grinding etc. The tooth may become highly sensitive if the enamel or dentin gradually declines. Enamel represents the tough outer covering of the tooth crown whereas the tissue underneath the enamel is the dentin.

Pulpitis may also induce agonizing dental pain. In this condition, the dental pulp sitting inside the pulp cavity in the middle portion of the teeth suffers inflammation. Pulp refers to the tender connective tissue permeated with nerves and blood vessels. Pain intensifies when the nerves are affected by the decay in the tooth.

Throbbing main may become evident due to other dental complications such as wisdom teeth development, cracked tooth syndrome, gum infections, temporomandibular and bruxism.

Treating the pain

Pain induced by tooth cavity can be addressed through filling or extraction of damaged teeth. The pain and inflamed condition that has infected the neighboring teeth can be cured by cold laser treatment called phototherapy.

Root canal is another option that may be exercised by the dentist in case infection of the tooth nerve is detected. The infection in such cases is triggered by bacterial attack that has reached the tooth’s interiors.

Periodontal infections, earache or fever can be cured by consuming dentists recommended antibiotics. Painkillers, clove oil, paste concocted of lemon juice and asafetida, garlic and onion paste, herbal tea, or wheatgrass mouthwash are also effective in providing relief from Throbbing tooth pain.

Anti-inflammatory medications, like aspirin or ibuprofen, are effective in providing immediate relief as they relieve the pressure on nerve endings. You can also opt for benzocaine rich oral pain relieving gels. It is an effective local anesthetic that momentarily blocks nerve signals from the infected tooth.

Heat has the potential of acerbating the toothache and as such relief can be sought by holding an ice pack against the affected region’s outside cheek. You can soak a cotton ball in garlic / clove oil and apply it to the pain area. This offers more relief compared to chewing raw garlic or clove. A moistened tea bag can be placed against the affected region to get significant pain relief. However, you should exercise caution as prolonged contact with tea can result in teeth stains.

Throbbing tooth pain can be extremely agonizing. You should consult a doctor immediately once the symptoms surfaces.

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In India, we are taught dentistry but no one taught us business cycle of Dental Practice. This business illiteracy has put many dentists in dilemma; leaving them unsure about their future. I believe this is one of the primary reasons why many dentists are unhappy with their practices.

Let’s get into the details of "Lifecycle" of your practice... 

An average life of your practice is 25-30 years. It undergoes five different stages which are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Saturation and Decline & all these stages have their own set of pros & cons. The beauty of your practice lifecycle is; unlike human lifecycle these stages can be reversed, delayed or avoided to a certain extent.

Understanding practice lifecycle gives you the orientation of Do's & Don'ts of the respective stage. It acts as a guide in strategic planning & building a successful practice. Let's try to identify which stage your practice is in.. 

Stage: 1 Introduction (Practice age: 0-3 Years)

Introduction stage is the beginning of your dental practice which lasts up to 3 years. The avg. age of the doctors in this class is between 24 to 30 years and most are bachelors. This is your first opportunity to earn (after stipend) after studying for 5-8 long years. You try your best to establish the practice; no matter however hard it takes, you are always ready! You entertain each and every patient even when you understand he/she won't go for the treatment. Sometimes if the spot selection is not proper, you end up with stiff competition.

Stage: 2 Growth (Practice age: 2-12 Years)

Growth stage lasts for 5 to 10 years and avg. age group is 26 to 40 years. It is the best stage of your practice as patient flow is good and you leap towards financial stability. You will observe the rise in your income by 15%-25% every year. Most doctors get married in the beginning of this stage and plan baby in mid-stage which sometimes adds to your financial burden and so you are ready to work as per patient’s convenience. 

Stage: 3 Maturity (Practice age: 10-20 Years)

Maturity is the stage where you enjoy the premium. This stage lasts for 5-10 years & avg. age group is 35 to 50 years. You are financially stable by this stage and you will appreciate 10%-20% rise every year but it doesn't increase like it was there in the growth stage. You will also observe change in the approach towards practice; of course you work to earn but money isn't your priority. Your priority becomes "Time" for your family which stops you from entertaining every patient; you get relatively rigid about the treatment charges and are least bothered about the competitors.


Stage: 4 Saturation (Practice age: 20-25 Years)

This stage can last for 5-10 years & it is commonly experienced after the age of 50+ years. In this stage you appreciate stagnation in your income whereas increase in your expenses. The financial requirements are increased as your kids will need money for education, marriage or business. You will also experience the increase in competition; as the young dentists to whom you considered "Bachchaa" has now entered into their growth or maturity stage... 

Stage: 5 Decline (Practice age: 25+ Years)

This is the last stage of your practice which is experienced after 60 years of age. Dentistry is a skill driven branch unlike other medical fields where green cloth, stethoscope and a prescription pad is enough for practice.

It is the stage where either you have to close down the practice or hand it over to younger generation. But there are always exceptions; I personally know some dentists who are into their 60's and still enjoying the maturity stage.

Strategic Planning!!

The above blog is based on my interactions with doctors, market research & understanding of business. You need not agree with all the points but I am sure that somewhere it co-relates to your practice. Now you know which stage your practice is in; you can always extend, delay or avoid particular stage. 

One of my good friends, a well known speaker & author of New Age Dentalpreneur  (soon to be launched) Dr.Sujit Pardeshi says "Pranav, attitude is everything! Age is just a number in our mind.. almost always!" 

Believe me,"It is possible to be always in the growth stage.."

Check out what strategies you should follow in my next blog, Life of Your Dental Practice: [Part 2] Strategic Planning!

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