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Five Tips for Whiter Teeth

Dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions, dating all the way back to 7000B.C.  We’ve come an incredibly long way since then, but one question still plagues many of us:

“How can I keep my teeth white without spending hundreds of dollars on specialized whitening procedures?”

We can all relate to that embarrassing feeling that you have when you know that you’re sporting a “coffee smile”.  That yellow tint that clings to your teeth long after the effects of the caffeine have worn off.  Many people try to take care of this at home, but is this really a good idea?

Everyone seems to have their own ideas about keeping their teeth white. Many of these can actually damage your smile, and worsen yellowing over time.  Baking soda is one of these damaging myths.  Not the baking soda that has been properly integrated into your toothpaste or dental products, but the raw boxed product that is primarily used for (what else?) baking.  Baking soda is actually an abrasive product that can strip away enamel, and make teeth more vulnerable to stains.

The use of acidic products to whiten teeth can also have a terrible effect on your smile.  Lemon juice and citric acids are another harmful old wives’ tale.  Regardless of how much you respect your grandmother, her methods of teeth whitening might just do more harm than good!

There are several ways to safely and naturally whiten teeth from home.  Try these before you attempt to find a cosmetic dentist in Chino Hills.

1.   Brush After Eating and Drinking

This is an incredibly common sense solution.  Brush your teeth after eating and         drinking anything that has the potential to stain your teeth.  It is especially important to do this quickly after drinking your morning coffee or tea.  The faster you remove the substance; the less time it has to stain.

2.  Oil Pulling

This is a particularly controversial method.  It involves swishing coconut or   sesame oil in your mouth for nearly twenty minutes a day.  The oil is supposed to bind to certain bacteria that cause tooth decay. This is a method that has limited proven benefits, but it doesn’t cause any harm- so why not try it?

3.  Activated Charcoal

This method involves the brushing of activated charcoal over your teeth.  You   leave it on for a prescribed amount of time, and then rinse completely.  This is another method that has been met with a great deal of skepticism.  The claim is that charcoal is a natural binding agent, and will absorb the material staining your teeth.  It is not recommended for your everyday routine; but it can’t hurt to try it at least once.

4.  Turmeric

This may sound counterproductive, but many organic experts swear by it.   Turmeric is primarily known for its’ role in creating curry.  It is also known for its’ ability to stain anything that it comes into contact with.  As long as you can contain the mess, brushing your teeth with a combination of turmeric and coconut oil is reportedly fairly effective.

5.  Whitening Toothpaste and Strips

This is a relatively safe and proven method of whitening teeth.  Many of these products are endorsed or recommended by medical professionals, and can be purchased at most major drug stores.  The whitening toothpaste can be used on a daily basis, and will have more than just whitening benefits.  The strips require a more spaced out approach, but they have been proven effective just the same.

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Very few people are happy with your pearly white teeth. Many people are eating, drinking and smoking habits. These habits has been affected your teeth. The best way to protect your teeth is tooth bonding. Tooth bonding is a dental cosmetic procedure. In this procedure dentist observes composite resin on affected teeth and give shaped in many ways.

Tooth bonding is a great alternative way for patients who fear the unnatural look of silver amalgam fillings. It is the standard restorative used to make white fillings for front teeth. White fillings are usually made of plastic and glass particles.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

• Strengthens your teeth
• Improves smile
• Change the shape of teeth
• To close spaces between teeth

Dental Bonding & White Fillings Cost

White fillings procedure is no longer regarded as cosmetic procedures by many dental insurance plans these days, so you could get coverage and be on your way to a shiny smile.

The cost of dental teeth bonding will depend on specific dental conditions. How many teeth need cosmetic repairing and which teeth need treatment will affect the cost. At Ashton Avenue Dental Practice, our experts provides best tooth bonding treatments in your budget.

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Living in Los Angeles means walking passed beautiful people everywhere you go. Image is everything in this town and everyone always wants to make sure their look makes the cut. While most people are good at making sure their hair, makeup and outfits are on point; many don’t put the same effort into their smiles. No matter what industry you’re in, if you want to shine in LA your teeth need to match. Tooth whitening is an easy and quick way to get your smile looking brighter than ever.

If youre in the market for a brighter smile, put down those drug store brand whitening strips and call up a professional. You only get one set of teeth and you want a trained dentist fixing up your pearly whites. While tooth whitening used to be an outrageously expensive, long and drawn out endeavor, now its easier than ever! There are a variety of ways that dentists whiten their patients teeth. The Smile Labs in LA is a dentistry center, with locations in West LA and West Hollywood, that exclusively offer a variety of teeth whitening services, most involving an LED light reacting to a whitening gel applied to the teeth. Depending on your chosen method you could have one or multiple appointments with a technician.

Perhaps the most comfortable and effective method for teeth whitening is one offered by Dr. Jang Wook Kim of Miracle Mile Comprehensive Dental Center. Dr. Kim’s whitening requires only one visit, he offers in office, hour long whitening treatments using the Zoom! bleaching agent. Dr Kim and the Miracle Mile Comprehensive Dental Center staff provides you with the special whitening solution Your teeth will be visibly whiter after your first treatment.  No matter the type of treatment, whitening only lasts about a year. It’s up to you to keep your smile bright by cutting back on popular tooth stainers like cigarettes and coffee! 

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How you can Lighten up YOUR TEETH

A nice set of dazzling white teeth adds too much to your personality! White, shiny teeth are a symptom of health and well being. Best Dental surgeons in Bangalore says that a lot of our bad habits such as improper or sporadic cleaning, taking in acidic or discoloring food and otherwise ignoring dentistry; often lead to yellowing and discoloration of teeth.

Prevention is better than cure. The first step to whiter teeth can often be avoiding the habits that cause their discoloration. That is certainly literally half the work done. Below is what you must do:

-              Rinse region with water thoroughly after each lunch.

-              Brush twice a day.

-              Make sure you brush thoroughly directed at each corner of your mouth and paying at least a few momemts.

-              Avoid the consumption of tobacco, tea, coffee, dark wine, berries, dark colored smoothies and other foods and beverages notorious for causing discoloration of teeth.

-              Make sure you will get any pain, bleeding, cavity enducing plaque, oral cavaties or another dentistry concerns taken care of in a timely manner.

Coming over to the 2nd bit, we shall now find out how to chlorine bleach teeth which are currently stained.

Detoxification with Sodium bicarbonate - Baking soda has a number of advantages for tooth. Getting alkaline, it provides for a natural anti-bacterial agent. Research has shown that formulations containing baking soda help to reduce the yellow stains on teeth. To experience these types of advantages, make a paste of sodium bicarbonate with water and utilize it daily to wash the teeth. Over time, you will learn the teeth getting whiter. Another option is to purchase products that already contains baking soda in its formulation.

Apple Cider Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar has multiple health benefits for body; white enamel being one. The acetic acid contained in apple cider vinegar leads to a bleaching effect on the teeth and also behaves as a disinfectant. You should mix apple cider vinegar with water and use it as a mouthwash. Be sure you swish this resolution in your mouth for at least Four or five minutes. But being an acid, apple cider vinegar treatment is not too kind on your own enamel, so that you must limit it’s use to not more than once a week.

Teeth friendly foods - Gnawing at into brittle vegetables and fruit such as carrots, apples, cucumbers, pineapples etc helps to get rid of the plaque formation on the teeth and thereby reduces the discoloration.

Oil Pulling - Oil pulling is easily the most time-consuming, yet the more effective solution to whiten your teeth. To do this, you should put a tbsp . of avocado (or other) oil in your mouth and utilize it as a mouthwash. It is however necessary to keep swishing this oil with your mouth for around 30 moments. Then throw off the oil and rinse orally with simple water. Doing this often has been confirmed to create your teeth white in color. Get hold of information - Make sure you follow good dental treatments routines in order to avoid tinting of teeth. And use these enrolled approaches to achieve white and richer teeth.

Refadoc Provides You list of Best Dental Clinics in Pune

Written and verified by a registered medical practitioner.

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When you skip your dentist’s appointment, you are not only avoiding your oral health but you are also putting your facial appearance at stake. Shocked? But this is true.

Facial aesthetics are very much coordinated with the oral structure and health of our jaw bones and teeth.

According to dermatologists, bone density is lost due to poor oral health causing the jaws and cheeks to be loosened. This causes sagging skin and wrinkles before age. This is known as perioral wrinkles.

Not only this, if your tooth is broken, damaged or removed, this also leads to premature aging. The skin gets less support due to the lost tooth and therefore, it gets loosened.

Perioral tissues receive natural support from our healthy teeth and when we lose a tooth or teeth, the skin drop inwardly.

Read more in our blog in order to know what dentists recommends.

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Why A Family Dentist Is A Good Idea?

For many people, the idea of going to the dentist isn't something that they think of in the context of family involvement. However, having a family dentist is one of the best things that a family can do for their children and even for the adults as they age. This has to do with the amount of trust that is built up between your family and the dentist, but also with the ease of access to medical records that going to a single dentist will bring to your family.

A big part of dental health is the daily habits that children develop when they are young. Taking the time to rinse, floss, brush, and generally look after the teeth isn't something that most kids want to do. Add in the stress of going to a new dentist and many kids do their best to avoid taking care of their mouths. However, when they go to a family friendly dental office and have the chance to develop a trusting bond with their medical professional, they are more likely to take his or her advice seriously, resulting in better dental health.

This will also translate into a better outcome when it comes time for braces, retainers, and the dreaded first cavity. When kids grow up trusting the same dental professional, they are more likely to end up with a perfect smile.

Another great benefit is the ability to retrieve the medical records of the entire family in just a few minutes. This can be useful when moving, submitting information for a new insurance plan, or when preparing for overseas trips with a church group, school, or anything else that would require a run down of personal health.

For children, this can help if they need medical records for their parents as they get older. This can be particularly important during extremely stressful times.

Finally, a dentist familiar with the whole family will be able to look for conditions that are genetic or lifestyle related that have shown themselves in one family member.

Overall, choosing to have a family dentist in Mesa is more than choosing a practice that offers family friendly options and waiting rooms, it's about choosing a great future for your loved ones and yourself. The bonds of trust that are created between medical professionals and the people that they serve for years are extremely important for continued health.

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Etant donné le nombre important des patients porteurs des prothèses amovibles et face aux complications  qui peuvent être observées suite au port d’une prothèse mal entretenue,nous avons mené une enquête par questionnaire, d’une part auprès des médecins dentistes pour déterminer les produits de choix prescrits pour l’entretien des prothèses amovibles et d’autre part auprès des pharmaciens pour déterminer les produits d’hygiène prothétique présents sur le marché.

Suite : Entretien des prothèses amovibles : La réalité en Tunisie

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Interview avec Pr. Ihsane Ben Yahya, directrice du CCTD de Casablanca

Professeur Ihsane BEN YAHYA
Professeur de l’Enseignement Supérieur à la Faculté de Médecine Dentaire de Casablanca
Chef de Service d’Odontologie Chirurgicale
Directrice du Centre de Consultations et de Traitements Dentaires du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca
Membre du Conseil de la Fédération Dentaire Internationale
Coordinatrice de la section Nord Afrique de l’Alliance For A Cavity Free Future
Membre de l’Académie Française de Chirurgie Dentaire

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Aménagement de l’espace biologique par extrusion orthodontique

Malgré ses difficultés relatives, l’extrusion orthodontique demeure une technique accessible pour le dentiste et bénéfique pour le patient qui préfère conserver une dent, si ce n’est conserver intact le volume d’une crête osseuse en vue de maximiser les avantages de l’implantologie.
Cependant, l’analyse rigoureuse des paramètres cliniques, radiographiques et esthétiques sont indispensables avant de procéder à cette option thérapeutique. Le praticien ne doit donc pas appréhender une approche pluridisciplinaire pour sauver des dents délabrées, mais au contraire y trouver matière à diversifier son exercice, afin de toujours prodiguer à ses patients des soins durables et de qualité.

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Lors du 1er Congrès Régional Africain de la FDI, qui s’est tenu du 26 au 29 avril au Maroc (Marrakech), nous avons eu l’opportunité de rencontrer le Dr Patrick Hescot, président de la FDI. Celui-ci a bien accepté de répondre à nos questions et nous le remercions pour sa disponibilité.

Dr. Patrick Hescot
Docteur en médecine dentaire
Président de la FDI
Y compris, notamment, la surveillance de:
- Stratégie FDI pour l'Amérique latine
- Équipe spéciale Vision 2020
- Partenariats FDI

Suite: Interview avec le Président de la FDI Dr. Patrick Hescot

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It is said that the smile is the most beautiful curve of the body and a perfect set of teeth can only enhance it. If your teeth are not aligned correctly, there’s absolutely no need to worry about it because there are ways to fix this issue. While getting traditional braces also known as lingual braces was the only option available earlier, now you can also choose to fix your teeth with Invisalign. Although there are a few conditions that cannot be fixed with Invisalign and you would be compelled to opt for traditional braces.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is primarily designed to be invisible. It consists of aligner trays that are made of comfortable, smooth, BPA-free plastic which is worn over the teeth. These trays help gently move your teeth. The aligner trays are made with the aid of pictures, X-rays, and impressions which can contribute in creating a precise 3-D image of your teeth.


Dubai has several dental clinics that provide expert Invisalign treatment


Here are a few comparisons between the Invisalign and traditional braces to help you decide which option will work best for you:


1. Removal

Once you have your braces on there is no removing it unless your teeth are straightened and aligned. But with Invisalign, that’s something you don’t need to be worried about. It can be easily removed.


2. Colour

Most people opt for Invisalign over traditional braces because it is transparent, it would be hard for anyone to figure out if you’ve got it on or not. On the other hand, it would be impossible to hide your braces from people as it usually silver in colour. If you pay extra you can get it in a different colour or the enamel colour.


3. Duration of the treatment

With lingual braces you would have to leave it on continuously for an average of 2 years, depending on your condition. Invisalign must be left on between 22 and 24 hours a day for 6 to 18 months, based on your condition.


4. Cost

Invisalign is more expensive when compared to traditional braces  and can be a deterrent for a lot of people.


5. Maintenance

For braces, you must ensure that the brackets and wires are brushed properly, using a waterpik may also be helpful. For Invisalign, it would be best to use an Invisalign cleaning system, or brushing and rinsing the trays in luke-warm water would also help.


6. Follow up visits

If you are wearing braces, your follow-up visits would be every month. But if you are wearing aligner trays, your follow-up visits would be every four to six weeks, and you would have to change your trays every two weeks.


7. Follow-up treatment

The follow-up treatment for both, lingual braces and Invisalign are the same - you would either need to wear a positioner or retainer at night.


8. Benefits of using lingual braces

Traditional braces are very effective for complex issues. The cleaning process only requires regular brushing and flossing.


9. Benefits of using Invisalign

It is invisible, you wouldn’t have to worry about food particles getting caught, removable and there are no discomforts from wires.


10. Disadvantages of using lingual braces

This may cause some pain, sores or discomfort from wires, brackets or tooth movement. This may cause difficulty while eating sticky or hard foods. It may also cause some dislocation or breakage of teeth.


11. Disadvantages of using Invisalign

This may cause discomfort due to tooth movement. It has to be removed while eating or drinking anything but water. Must brush after each meal to avoid staining.


12. Which one suits whom?

Patients who play rough contact sports regularly must avoid lingual braces. The patients who must avoid Invisalign are those with bridgework, back tooth bite issues, the need to rotate canines or premolars, the need to move teeth vertically and those with lack of discipline to keep trays in for at least 22 hours daily.

These pointers can help you choose between traditional braces and Invisalign, based on your requirements.

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Understand How Does Dental Sedation Work

f you have ever battled having a major gag reflex or anxiety when the dental professional, you are fortunate. Sedation or sleep dentistry is becoming so common that you simply will be able to look for a dental professional offering it wherever you reside. Whenever you undergo dental sedation, you are given medicine that calms you lower which enables the dental professional to operate without anxiety about being bitten or individuals getting an anxiety attack.

Sedation does not mean you are out just like a light. Some sedation or
sleep dentistry techniques are extremely mild that you simply usually stay conscious throughout the procedure, but you are very calm. Others can lead you to get to sleep, although the dental professional can wake you anytime. The only real occasions you would be completely out are should you went through deep sedation or general anesthesia, and individuals must only be for additional involved procedures or situations by which nervousness might be so excellent that mild to moderate sedation wouldn't work.

Sedation could be delivered in 3 ways -- dental, IV and inhaled. Dental sedation involves a number of pills that may try everything from just calming you lower to knocking you out of trouble. Dentists need to be trained particularly in a kind of sedation before they are able to offer it, if you choose to take pills, ensure that you visit a dental professional who's particularly been trained in dental sedation.

Intravenous, or IV, sedation is exactly what it may sound like -- you receive a shot. This type of delivery could be ideal for individuals that do not like swallowing pills, although it entails you need to obtain a shot. However the sedation level is a lot more customizable, too, and that will help if you are very responsive to the sedation medication.

Inhaled sedation -- yes, that's laughing gas -- can be quite, very mild, enough where you may just feel just a little calmer. In case your dental professional wants you to definitely undergo inhaled sedation, though, double-look into the strength. You can get a really strong dose rather, for the way much the dental professional thinks you have to stay relaxed throughout the procedure.

The quantity of preparation you need to do before a sedation or sleep dentistry procedure will be different based on the kind of sedation delivery and the effectiveness of the sedation. Mild inhaled sedation may need no preparation, while dental sedation would need you to take medications before you go to the dental professional. You'd also need to get somebody to drive you to definitely the dental professional and back with dental sedation, you'd be unable to function normally before the sedation used off. Your dental professional provides you with instructions prior to the appointment time.

Just like pre-op preparation, publish-op care varies based on what you have had done and what type of sedation you'd. Odds are you won't be in a position to clarify on your own, and also the
dental professional will need you to have somebody waiting at work to consider you home.

Be cautious to follow along with instructions if you have been under deep sedation or general anesthesia. Dealing with these -- especially general anesthesia -- may take a few days approximately, departing you very groggy. If you need to undergo deep sedation or general anesthesia, arrange for the couple of days following the procedure to stop barking days, with little responsibility with virtually no driving.

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One's teeth really certainly are a priceless advantage and many people fairly late realizes this fact in existence. These help everybody apart from preserving the jawline along with the facial construction to munch food correctly whole and speak clearly. Numerous good and straight -aligned group of teeth furthermore helps make the grin of 1 appealing and magnetic, or possibly simply more dynamic. The improving chronilogical age of one consistently requires a toll on individuals kinds of edges that are priceless, which makes them stained and discolored. This largely occurs because of excessive ingestion of drinks like coffee, tea, and dark wine. Smoking established fact to modify the natural coloration from the molars within the style which was negative. As a way to get rid of areas which are undesirable and restore the grin that's dynamic, an increasing number of individuals all around the planet are deciding the cosmetic management of teeth bleaching.


Treatment fundamental as well as options


Almost the whole assortment of whitening gels helpful for that function either has Peroxide (H2O2) or carbonite peroxide because the base. This stuff release the additional oxygen through the bleaching procedure. This added oxygen rapidly reacts with the lengthy-lasting coating of plaque and tartar breaks them lower into stuff which may be volatile and deposited around the molars. This truly is how a natural glow from the molars is restored.


It's possible to avail laser hair removal in both an exercise at the disposal of a specialist dental professional or can take action in your own home, based on the wish of 1 and advantage. However, it is advisable to choose at work teeth bleaching to understand the methods from the business in addition to processes. The methods learned and therefore are found once, it truly is a good idea to avail the treatment within the dwelling.


Myths and misconceptions Whatever the incredible recognition from the dental care that's aesthetic, there actually are myths and various misconceptions available about this. Listed here are a couple of common misguided ideas in mention of process :


One want probably the most effective whitening gel for that whitest teeth


If employed properly a gel can provide exactly the same effect because the variety that is ideal. Really, it is advisable to steer obvious from the gels that are most strong in your home. In an effort to be managed right, this kind of whitening agents requires expertise and training. Therefore, these products which are most strong are much more perfect to make use of in their practices.


Whitening tooth paste that is standard are secure and effective


The majority of the conventional whitening tooth paste accessible over-the-counter, or even all, don't really bleach one's teeth. Rather, they will have during cleaning, various abrasive parts that scrub the stains away from your tooth surface. Consequently, these cause more damage over time towards the natural pearls that are precious.


Disagreeable negative effects are introduced through the method


In a number of cases, the cosmetic dental work treatment leads to irritation and tooth sensitivity. Nonetheless, it's not compulsory for each one of these problems to appear in every single instance. Before availing the therapy that's exclusive you have to have an all-inclusive dental check-up. The checkup must take proper care of dental issues which can be typical like other people, gum inflammation among tooth decay to reduce the negative effects.


If ran carefully and care, this cosmetic treatment that's dental turns out to be not just effective in enhancing smiles but additionally safe around the part of dental wellness.

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A long time, our teeth become damaged, yellow, and gloomy. Taking care of your oral hygiene with proper dental care. Dentist will helps to limit the dull & yellow look of your teeth and give the best treatments for damaged teeth.

Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums. A good oral hygiene routine includes regularly brushing your teeth with a proper toothbrush. After brushing, you should follow-up with dental floss. The fluoride toothpaste will helps for brushing your teeth. Flossing is the best oral hygiene for overall oral health and a clean mouth.

In Kids and children’s, oral hygiene is the headache of parents. Every parents taking care of your child’s teeth. Everyday parents teaching children how to 'brushing' for good oral hygiene. Parents can start 'brushing' their children's teeth at quite an early age.

Cleaning the tongue is very important part of good oral hygiene since this removes the white/yellow bad-breath generating a layer of bacteria and dead cells from the tongue. All dentist recommended that teeth be professionally cleaned at least twice a year.

Maintain good oral dental hygiene with dental brushing and flossing at our dental clinic in Claremont, Ashton Avenue Dental Practice. Our expert’s dentist helping people to maintain healthy and effective lifestyles.

If you have questions on how to improve your oral hygiene regimen, book an appointment with one of our dentists Claremont today and maintain your dental health.

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Advancements In Tooth Crown Technology

Do you have a tooth crown or know someone who does? Your dentist might have suggested a crown in cases of tooth decay/damage/discoloration , to hold a dental bridge in place or to cover a dental implant. Dental crowns can make your smiles dazzling!

Today advanced materials, production methods, and treatments for crowns are available so that the best dentists in Gilbert, Az can offer you a variety of handsome, long-lasting, and economical treatments with better patient experience.

What Is A Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" - to cover the tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and improve its appearance. The crowns, when cemented into place, fully cover the entire visible portion of a tooth.

Materials Traditionally Used For Tooth Crowns

Some materials used for making tooth crowns are:

  • Stainless steel crowns, generally used for children's teeth.
  • Metals crowns containing metal alloys Eg:Gold . they are durable but the metallic color is a drawback.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns look like your natural teeth, but show wear and tear. Sometimes the underlying metal can show through.
  • All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns are suitable for people with metal allergies.

New Synthetic Materials:

Technological advances are leading to the expensive metals in crowns being replaced by less costly zirconium oxide, polyether ether ketone (PEEK), and lithium disilicate (LDS) glass-ceramic materials which are highly durable and appear more like your own teeth.

LDS has a durable crystalline structure. Its coloration, opalescence, and translucence makes it hard to distinguish from a natural tooth. Zirconium oxide is even stronger than LDS, performs well and is resistant to fracturing.

Digital Dental Approach:

Another emerging technology has melded the digital realm with the world of dentistry.

Using in-office dental CAD/CAM technology a digital scan is made of the patient’s tooth and the dentist designs a new crown on the computer. The images are then sent to a 3-D printer that mills the crown from solid blanks of LDS and zirconium. After the crown is built, it can be installed immediately in your mouth.

Advantages of The Digital Dental Approach:

Traditionally if you used to need a crown your mouth was made numb, and then you were made to bite down on a waxy substance to create an impression for temporary and permanent crowns. The temporary was installed, and you would have to return days later for the permanent crown.

With newer technology, you won’t need to give an impression using the dental putty, nor will you have to wear a temporary crown. The computer-designed crowns - which are more accurate and fit better - can be installed within an hour by the best dentists in Gilbert,Az.

These are some facts about the latest technology in tooth crowns.

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Te­eth whiteni­ng i­s so­me­thing that a lot of pe­ople dont co­nsider as a­ n­ecessity. Ho­we­ver, even for those who arent tha­t c­onsc­ious of o­r bothered by the­ir stained teeth, theyll be a­m­azed ­at how li­berating it fe­els once­ they get thei­r teeth whi­te­ned. This arti­cle will show you th­e best w­ay to­ get your te­eth wh­itened.

Should You Use Home Rem­ed­i­es?

If you are using any typ­e of h­ome mad­e r­emedi­es to whit­en y­o­ur tee­th, y­ou need to use extr­eme caut­ion. Some peo­pl­e ­use lemo­ns or baking s­oda, and this actually will end u­p causing more damage. It is better to buy an ov­er the co­unte­r kit tha­t will whit­en your teeth.

Usi­ng a home white­ning reme­dy ma­y n­ot be the best ide­a when trying to whit­en yo­­ur t­e­eth. If y­ou are thinking ab­out using home produ­cts, such as l­emon, ­ash, or baking soda, you may want to reconsider. Using these h­ome r­emedi­­es can dama­ge­ y­ou­r te­eth in the­ long r­un.

Will Bleach Whiten Your Teeth?

Str­ange, but true­, w­oo­d ash will h­elp white­n your tee­th. Wo­od ash contains ­a compo­und that will bleach yo­ur t­eeth c­alle­d pota­ssi­um hydro­xid­e. The­ ti­ny crystals help to scrape off plague in hard to re­ach place­s and will scru­b your teeth clean. To ­use ­it you can mix i­t wi­th toothpaste ­or put ­it dire­ctly ­on yo­ur t­oothbrush.

Use a t­ooth-whitening toothpaste, b­ut d­ont expe­ct mi­racles on badly disco­l­ored tee­th. Tooth whitening toothpaste­ do­es not bleach teeth, so it c­ant remo­ve existing sta­ins. But i­t does help remove­ much of th­e plaq­ue on your teeth, and c­an remov­e staining chemi­cals before the­y have a chance to d­iscolor th­ose­ pearly whi­tes.

Thinking About Na­tur­al Remedies?

Stra­wb­erries contain malic acid, wh­ich can whiten your tee­th. H­owever, the fli­p si­de­ i­s that it can a­lso erode the­ ename­l. Str­awberri­es also contai­n nat­ural sugars that ca­n harm the tee­th. A much s­afer alternative is to eat an apple.

If you­ dont have ­a toothbrush on hand, ­an apple can help to rem­ove surface sta­ins and br­e­ak down any rema­ining f­ood particle­s in the mouth. Apples a­lso­ cont­ain a small am­ou­nt o­f ma­l­ic aci­d, but yo­u­ would have to e­at ­an ­unrealistic am­o­unt of them for it to do ­any dama­g­e.

M­ake a toothp­aste using water, baking sod­a a­nd salt. Baki­ng soda a­nd salt are na­tu­ral abras­iv­es that can leave y­our teeth whit­e ­after bru­shing with them. Mix ­en­ough baking sod­a and salt w­ith water t­o make a pa­ste and the­n brush y­our t­ee­th. You­ sho­uld brush y­ou­r teeth g­ently to­ av­oid ­irri­tatio­n.

Now tha­t youve re­ad these tips, are yo­u r­eady to h­ear peopl­e s­ay tha­t YOUR sm­ile i­s perfect? When youve­ white­ned you­r te­eth, pe­ople will respect you as a di­fferent person than yo­u were before. Apply th­e tips yo­u read in this art­icle­ today to start on the roa­d t­o respect!

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One of the most feared health professionals is the dentist. Whether this is because of the intimacy of the work being done, or the personality of those doing the work is impossible to determine. In order to lessen the pain of the experience, find a good dentist. In fact, find a perfect dentist.

Whether you look through customer review directories, better business websites, or local business reviews, doing your research is the best way to find the dentist that is right for you and your family.

The first thing to consider in looking for a dentist is whether or not you are looking for a family run practice or a chain.

Larger businesses tend to provide more services, and those businesses tend to be a part of a chain. These practices can many times perform everything from traditional dentistry to orthodontic procedures.

If, however, you are looking for a more personal relationship and a way to support your local economy, look for a practice that is run by a family or a single dentist. There are, of course, benefits and positive to either type of practice you choose.

Memphis Dental and other chains tend to vary in quality depending on location.

One way to make sure that your teeth and overall oral health is taken care of perfectly is to check the ratings on the individual business in question. Even if you or a friend has had a good experience elsewhere with the same chain, the experience is likely to be drastically different based on the quality of the professionals employed at your local shop.

Check Angies list for a quick reference on the business in question. For the best result, however, consult your local chamber of commerce for business reviews and issues.

If you are looking for a business that has been in your area for quite some time, or for a way to meet a local business owner and doctor, consider choosing a practice that is based around the family.

Many of the dentistry offices focus on children and the overall experience of the patient. With these dentists, the services may not match that of a chain, but their quality of service on the things they do offer are more likely to be higher.

Look for a practice in your area that is clearly a last name, has been in business over ten years, and has a great record of local community Rick kang involvement.

Whenever you are looking for a dentistry office to serve you or your family, check the ratings and certifications on whatever practice you are considering using the services of.

The Better Business Bureau can be reached easily on the web and used to check whether or not a local business has good reviews, a long list of complaints, or a history of great service.

The best way to find a good dentists, however, is to meet them in person and discuss the services you are in need of. Its amazing what you can tell about a practice from the one who runs it.

Find a good dentist, keep your teeth clean, and walk away with a better smile.

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Teenagers and adults often seek help from dentists for the removal or extraction of wisdom teeth. Normally, wisdom teeth do not cause any problems, but sometimes, the wisdom teeth will take up too much space which shifts other teeth around and causes pain.

It is helpful to rely on natural remedies to get rid of the pain after the wisdom tooth removal process. Loss of sleep is common after the wisdom tooth extraction due to the post-surgical pain. If you follow these useful tips, you can sleep peacefully after the wisdom teeth removal.

Removal of Gauze 
After the extraction of a wisdom tooth, the dentist places gauze pads over the incision site to stop the bleeding. Dentists typically advise patients to remove it after half an hour of the surgery. These must be removed before you go to a sleep or else you might choke on the gauze.

Take Prescribed Medicines 
Since the post-surgical pain reaches its peak 6-10 hours after the surgery , it is important to take the prescribed medicine on time. Follow the medicine schedule without any breaks and you can sleep comfortably. Make sure that you follow the schedule consistently.

Use an Ice-Pack
You can apply an ice pack on the swollen area if you are experiencing swelling and pain. It will reduce both. You can keep the pack on for a shorter napbut using it for long rest is not recommended.

Lie in a Comfortable Position
It is important for you to lie in a posture that relieves you of the pain. You can listen to music that helps you feel relaxed. You can keep a pillow under your head if the elevation really comforts you.

Following tips mentioned above will ensure you a sound night of sleep and also help you recover from the post-surgical pain . You will feel much better sooner than you think.

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Everybody understands that the amount diet and balance diet intake is important towards wellness. Demonstrate slim lower, gain optimum health consequently feel great too. The identical is relevant for your teeth too. You are your diet plan. The meals products you're taking possess a great impact on your dental health too. To prevent common dental issues, listed below are essential tips suggested by Best Dentist in Pune

DIET Ideas To KEEP Dental Issues Away

A properly-balance diet wealthy in calcium and Vitamin D is very helpful in developing strong teeth and health gums. When there's a rise in calcium absorption, it keeps our mouth tissues healthy too. Make sure that you receive enough calcium intake from 3 or 4 daily areas of dairy for instance broccoli, calcium prepared orange juice, milk and much more.

Fluoride is what you long for

Fluoride saves our teeth from tooth decay and keeps the enamel harder, meaning ideal dental health is sustained. This really is frequently because of diminishing ale the bacteria in producing an acidity that could erode the enamel. Sufficient consuming habits may also be important maintain optimum health, apart from diet. However, make certain the consuming water is wealthy in fluoride content too.

Canned or packaged consuming water doesn't have sufficient fluoride content. Home water treatment systems also remove enough fluoride from regular faucet water. Carbon or charcoal water purification systems, however don't wash away the majority of the fluoride content.

FOODS That Are Dangerous TO Dental Health

Any food you intake excessively can break a person's teeth. Even if this report on foods isn’t downright harmful for the teeth, attention must be taken during use of because of the fact to avoid tooth decay.

Food Created From Starch: Foods for instance chips, taters and pizza can leave debris or pieces stuck in regards to the teeth. Otherwise removed within the perfect time, this might convert into sugar and harm the enamel within the teeth. In worst situation scenario, this can even lead to microbial growth and infections.

Soda & Sports Drinks:Because of the fact contain acids and chemicals that may break an individual's teeth, when ingested excessively. These drinks contain sugar content that’s enough to eliminate an individual's teeth.

Fruits & Fresh Juice:

Despite the fact that natural fruits and fresh juice are healthy, its natural sugar content isn’t vulnerable one factor simpler to some person's teeth. Consuming them excessively can promote tooth decay and erosion inside the enamel.


Water: It's apparent that water is important not just for the teeth, but additionally for our health and wellbeing too.

Eco-friendly Tea: Eco-friendly tea has Polyphenols, which develops antioxidants that opposes plaque build-up and microbial growth.

Nuts: The most effective vitamin and mineral content in nuts are beneficial in overall and dental health.

Fruits & Veggies: Fruits & veggies pack in vitamins and essential goodness that develop strong teeth and good oral health.

The above mentioned pointed out stated mentioned list doesn’t occupy what things are able to do good and bad for your teeth. Alongside transporting out a aforementioned tips, go to a specialist dental professional office in Pune  get yourself a deep insight on maintaining an excellent
oral health for extended.

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