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Teeth Cleaning in Stamford, CT

Regular dental visits are an essential part of maintaining good oral health and overall wellness. Keeping your teeth white and clean requires a regular cleaning routine both at home and via a professional dental care provider. We here at Stamford Dental Arts are specialists at dental cleanings in Stamford work with all of our patients to make dental cleanings and exams as convenient, affordable, and painless as possible.

What Is Teeth Cleaning and How It Should Be Performed?
While daily brushing and flossing are vital to maintaining a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay, there’s just no way that you can completely remove all the build-up on your teeth by yourself. Visit your dental care team at Stamford at least twice a year to ensure all the plaque and tartar that build up over the course of time and with normal eating are removed professionally.
Stains also are more easily removed when they haven’t penetrated the top layer of enamel on your teeth. Teeth cleaning is painless, and it offers your dentist a chance to check your teeth and gums for any potential issues so they can be treated before they get worse.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums helps you look your best while preventing potential dental problems. Dental hygiene starts at home with brushing twice a day and flossing daily. This care is reinforced by professional preventative care from your family dentist at Stamford Dental Arts.

Teeth cleaning should be done twice a year by the experts at your nearby dental practice. Good oral hygiene combined with regular dental exams ensures that you maintain a healthy smile and avoid serious issues that lead to more extensive dental treatments.

The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleaning
Even if you’re careful to brush and floss daily, you still need to have your teeth professionally cleaned every six months. Thorough removal of all the substances that may be on your teeth by a trained dental professional is your best defense against tooth decay and gum disease.

Using special scraping tools and advanced cleaning systems, our dental specialists in Stamford carefully and effectively gives your teeth the thorough cleaning and attention they require to remain healthy. The culprits that must be removed professionally and that cause the most damage are:
- Plaque. This is a sticky substance that forms on your teeth and contains a combination of food particles and bacteria.
- Tartar. Also called calculus, this is a hard deposit that develops when plaque isn’t completely removed from teeth.

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Utilizing teledentistry to beat COVID-19

The past few weeks have been difficult for all of us. The dental industry has also been affected extensively by this, with most of the practices forced to close its doors and the staff asked to stay at home. We are seeing instances where businesses are resorting to extreme measures such as laying off staff or even permanently shutting down practices due to lack of business. Given the circumstances, the best way dental practices can keep functioning and provide services is through the proper utilization of technology and careful management of business finances. This is where teledentistry comes in.

What is teledentistry?

Telemedicine and in extension, Teledentistry, have been around for quite a while. It is primarily used for situations where patients do not have access to dental services easily, like rural areas (which amounts to almost 20% of Americans). Teledentistry refers to the utilization of technologies like live video conferencing and online portals to run “Tele-appointments”, where dentists are consulted by patients over a live video channel.

During this virtual appointment, the dentist and the accompanying treatment coordinator provides the patient with necessary dental advice and sets up an emergency in-person appointment if necessary.

In some cases, patients and dentists may not be able to meet each other online in real-time. In such situations patients can record their queries, the dentists can view them later and get back with solutions.




What are the benefits of using Teledentistry?

Teledentistry can make patients feel safer as they can get the dentist’s services sitting in the safety of their homes. As they do not meet the dentists or travel to the practice they will have nothing to worry about catching an unwanted infection. Even if a patient needs an emergency in-person appointment, all the follow up can still happen online.

Dentists can also save the money they spend on maintaining a large office if they can use teleconsultations. Not to mention the travel cost savings both to the dentist and the patient.

How can your dental practice offer Tele-Appointments?

Currently, HIPAA regulations have been modified to allow dentists and patients to use non-public facing technologies like Apple FaceTime, Facebook Messenger video chat, Google Hangouts video or Skype for tele-appointments. According to the current rules, they can continue to use these technologies till the lockdown is over. But dentists should avoid using public-facing technologies like Facebook Live, Twitch and TikTok. Further, the allowed platforms are not completely safe, so the dentists must inform the patients about privacy risks and use encryption wherever possible.

Tele-appointments and Claim Reimbursements

Patients do not have anything to worry about how to pay for teledentistry appointments. This is because most insurance carriers have announced they will cover the costs if patients seek teledentistry services during the lockdown phase. All that dentists and patients need to do is ensure the special codes, D9995 (synchronous) and D9996 (asynchronous), are specified while submitting the claims.

Offering Teledentistry options to your patients

Any dentist can offer tele-appointments but if a dental practice has an automated practice management system then it can offer teledentistry way more safely. Patients may be worried about data safety while using common online portals for tele-appointments and may even avoid using it altogether. But if you have a secure, HIPAA compliant, interactive teledentistry product to offer them, they are more likely to choose you.

Taking your dental practice one step further

Several cutting-edge dental practice management software (PMS) like CareStack offers just that. With CareStack, dentists and patients can meet on extremely safe, cloud-based encrypted platforms and there will be no data leak worries. Also, CareStack has an inbuilt audio and video interface that will allow dentists to securely meet their patients synchronously (real-time) or asynchronously (recorded and forwarded), do an online triage, exchange clinical documents like x-rays or test reports and prescribe medicines online.

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Myths About Root Canal

There are many myths about a root canal, in this article, we will explain everything about root canal and some common myths about the root canal.

Toothache is a type of pain that even the strongest of us can’t bear. If it persists for a long time, a small decay may have progressed to something more severe.

It is best to visit your dentist to have it checked.

If your tooth is less damaged your dentist might suggest a number of procedures but if a tooth is severely damaged you will be advised a root canal. A root canal is a procedure that involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it.

Here are some common myths and facts about a root canal procedure.

  • It is painful – the only sensation that you might feel is that of a syringe prick which is used to induce local anesthesia. The entire procedure is done under the influence of anesthesia, which means that you won’t feel any pain during a root canal and of course nothing in comparison to what a damaged tooth causes every now and then.
  • Requires many visits to the doctor – The entire procedure for one tooth can be completed in 1-2 sittings.
  • Pulling the tooth out is a better option – Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions. A root canal helps you save your natural teeth by simply removing the infected pulp and sealing it.
  • A root canal is not required if there is no pain – Many teeth that need root canal therapy will not cause pain. Your dentist is the best judge. In some cases, you might see swelling near the damaged tooth. This is called a fistula, is a tunnel of tissue draining pus from an infection. There is no pain because the fistula keeps pressure from building in the tissue. The infection must be treated, and the tooth probably needs root canal treatment. Without treatment, it can infect the nearby tissues.
  • Root canals have a high failure rate – It is one of the most successful treatments in dentistry. With new technology and treatment techniques, it is done with a high level of success.

So, the next time you are being advised for a root canal it is definitely the need of the hour. The procedure is highly successful and painless if it is done by an expert dental clinic. Don’t let the myths keep you from what’s best for you.

Contact us for painless root canal treatment in Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai.


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When you endure intense pain and ache on your teeth, you may query if you require root canal treatment. This method is generally understood as endodontic therapy. The treatment is advised by the Root Canal Dentist Near Me when the tissue is tainted and irritated. That is commonly begun by tooth decay, or if the tooth is damaged, broken or wounded. During the procedure, the Root Canal Doctor Near Me will investigate a way of extracting the contaminated pulp. Therefore, the dentist will make a hole in the tooth. The hole will help the dentist to extract the pulp and disinfect the canal area. After discarding the pulp and cleansing, the hole will be concealed with cement. Sealing the hole limits further suffering. A visit to Root Canal Specialist Near Me is essential in ascertaining whether you require the method. Patients are recommended to support the information of the dentists for good Root Canal After Care procedure. That is because they understand the treatment can totally fix your problem.


How to identify root infection?


According to dentists, tooth pain is the most typical indication of root infection. The ache can be mild or sharp. That matters on the severity of contamination. The discomfort can get worse during the day or when chewing solid food involving the tooth. Some subjects with root infection encounter tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food substances. The gums can reflect signs of root canal infection also. The gums will become hypersensitive and swollen around the infected tooth. If you encounter any of these indications, put an ice pack on the jaw and contact the dentist of the Emergency Root Canal Near Me. This will support in lessening the pain. The dentists have the facilities and tools to establish if the indications are caused by root infection.




The therapy process starts with a special examination of the tooth. An X-Ray will detect the issue. The X-Ray illustrations will show the breakdown. After analysing the teeth, the dental specialist will explain to you the best procedure to be practised. If the infection is complicated or widespread, the dentist will assign you to an endodontist. The endodontist is a professional that handles nerve injury. The professional will ascertain whether the root canal treatment will be required or if you can go for a limited invasive treatment option. That will be based on their verdicts.


Suggestions for fast recovery after treatment


After the therapy, the tooth is expected to last for a long time. Nevertheless, that is only achievable with regular tooth care. The success chances of the procedure are very good and effective. Down below are steps of caring for the tooth after the procedure.


Maintain oral hygiene - Floss your teeth daily and clean them twice in a day. This avoids future dental problems.


Cyclic dental checkup - This will allow you access to expert advice on the teeth and detection of the problem on an early stage.


Dodge hard foods - Chewing hard and cold food substances can cause damaging of teeth. Thus, avoid it. Stay in touch with your emergency dentist near you for the safer side if anything goes wrong.


To discover more about Root Canal Treatment, please visit today

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7 Bad Foods for Your Teeth

  1. Sour Candies4867041068?profile=RESIZE_710x

    It’s not surprising that candy is bad for your mouth. But sour candy contains more and different kinds of acids that are tougher on your teeth. Plus, because they’re chewy, they stick to your teeth for a longer time, so they’re more likely to cause decay. If you’re craving sweets, grab a square of chocolate instead, which you can chew quickly and wash away easily.

  2. Bread4867057857?profile=RESIZE_710xThink twice as you walk down the supermarket bread aisle. When you chew bread, your saliva breaks down the starches into sugar. Now transformed into a gummy paste-like substance, the bread sticks to the crevices between teeth. And that can cause cavities. When you’re craving some carbs, aim for less-refined varieties like whole wheat. These contain less added sugars and aren’t as easily broken down.
  1. Alcohol4867155855?profile=RESIZE_710x

    We all know that drinking alcohol isn’t exactly healthy. But did you realize that when you drink, you dry out your mouth? A dry mouth lacks saliva, which we need to keep our teeth healthy. Saliva prevents food from sticking to your teeth and washes away food particles. It even helps repair early signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections. To help keep your mouth hydrated, drink plenty of water and use fluoride rinses and oral hydration solutions.

  1. Carbonated Drinks4867163682?profile=RESIZE_710x

    We all know that little, if any, good comes from soda or pop, even if it’s got the word “diet” on the can. A recent studyTrusted Source even found that drinking large quantities of carbonated soda could be as damaging to your teeth as using methamphetamine and crack cocaine. Carbonated sodas enable plaque to produce more acid to attack tooth enamel. So if you sip soda all day, you’re essentially coating your teeth in acid. Plus it dries out your mouth, meaning you have less saliva. And last but not least, dark-colored sodas can discolor or stain your teeth. A note: don’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking a soda; this could actually hasten decay.

  2. Ice4867335878?profile=RESIZE_710x

    All it contains is water, so it’s fine to chew ice, right? Not so, according to the American Dental Association. Chewing on a hard substance can damage enamel and make you susceptible to dental emergencies such as chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, or loosened crowns. You can use your ice to chill beverages, but don’t chew on it. To resist the urge, opt for chilled water or drinks without ice.

  3. Citrus4867352452?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are tasty as both fruits and juices, and are packed with vitamin C. But their acid content can erode enamel, making teeth more vulnerable to decay. Even squeezing a lemon or lime into water adds acid to a drink. Plus, acid from citrus can be bothersome to mouth sores. If you want to get a dose of their antioxidants and vitamins, eat and drink them in moderation at mealtime and rinse with water afterward.

  4. Potato Chips4867385101?profile=RESIZE_710x

    The crunch of a potato chip is eternally satisfying to many of us. Unfortunately, they’re loaded with starch, which becomes sugar that can get trapped in and between the teeth and feed the bacteria in the plaque. Since we rarely have just one, the acid production from the chips lingers and lasts awhile. After you’ve gorged on a bag, floss to remove the trapped particles.

    Dr. Krinita Motwani



    Call: 9820280343

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Dental bone grafts have put smiles on the faces of people who never thought they would be able to smile again. Here’s how.  Missing teeth can cause atrophy or resorption of the jaw bone over a period of time. This often leaves very little jaw bone for the attachment and placement of dental implants.  Missing teeth can also cause long term shifting of remaining teeth, and cause changes to facial structure. 


In the past, many of these patients have been ineligible to get dental implants. However, with the new bone grafting technique, these patients have a shot at a new smile. The bone graft for a dental implant can be extracted from a tissue bank or, in case of major bone grafting, from larger bones like the tibia or hip bone.  This is then surgically placed in the mouth cavity for dental implants to be placed on. This restores the functionality of the jaw bone and improves aesthetic appearance, and also helps prevent problems like indigestion. Bone grafting is a surgical procedure and may require a hospital stay. 

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U.S oral care survey reveals that a whopping 56% of denture wearers avoid eating certain foods, and also feel limitations in their work, social, and romantic lives.This is mostly due to removable dentures that are poorly fitted and wobbly. 


Permanent dentures provide the ultimate solution to this problem. Compared to conventional implants, permanent dentures implantation is a minimally invasive procedure involving shorter surgery and healing time. Permanent dentures also account for lesser post-op complications. With the latest ‘All in 4 treatment concept’ where an entire set of new dentures can be placed by just implanting four dental implants on your jaw bone, getting permanent dentures has also been made possible for patients who previously could not get them due to having very little jaw bone.

Center for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants in Grand Rapids and Rockford, Michigan are pioneers in the ‘All in 4 treatment concept’ and have become the authority on implanting permanent dentures in the Western Michigan area. Call 616-361-7327 or visit to find out  more.

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Myths About Braces

Braces for Teeth

Braces have become very famous in today’s time. The method enables you to straighten or align crooked teeth to get the perfect smile. Despite the popularity, the use of braces raises many uncertainties and fears in the minds of people who plan to undergo this process. These doubts usually stem from the misunderstandings or myths that one holds in their minds. There are different types of braces like metal braces, Invisible braces, etc. Let’s have a look at what applying braces actually do to you.


1) The metal used in braces will rust?

The metal used in making braces is made with an alloy which is biocompatible with your mouth and it doesn’t rust.

2)  Braces are for teens?

The most obvious idea that we hold in our brains is that braces are for your early teens as it is easier to align your teeth when you get a completely new set after all milk teeth fall off.


The truth is that you can get braces at any age. The recommended age surely remains between 9-20 years of age, but, adults at 60 can get braces too.

3) There is an absolute date on which my braces will be off?

Unfortunately, one cannot predict the exact time it will take to straighten your teeth. The time period of braces depends upon the condition of the teeth and the needs of the patient. Your dentist will tell you how many days or months it will take.

4) Wearing braces will hurt?

This is one common myth among the people that wearing braces will hurt them or it will be painful but the fact is it will not hurt you in any form. For some period of time, it will be uncomfortable for you but after wearing it continuously you will be used to it.

5) The metal detector will detect braces?

If you are worried that wearing the braces will raise the alarm in the metal detector don't worry because in modern times metal braces are small and made from lightweight metal.

6) Braces will straighten your teeth permanently?

There is no doubt that after wearing the braces your teeth will be straight but after removing the braces you have to wear retainers for perfect teeth. You must follow the instructions given by your orthodontist.

7) You can't eat normally with braces?

Wearing braces will not affect your normal diet but if you have to avoid certain things, you have to avoid sticky or hard foods like pizza, candies, and chewing gums while wearing braces. Restricting these food items from your diet not only saves you from hassle but also helps you maintain a healthy diet.

8) You can’t play your musical instruments?

This is also a common myth among the people who play any instruments. After wearing braces, you can still play any instrument you want you just have to take care a bit while playing instruments. Keep playing your instrument meanwhile, you will get a perfect smile with your braces.

9) Braces will look ugly?

Many people believe that wearing braces will affect their look and at the same time their smile. Gone are days when you have only one option of metal braces now there are many other options for braces like tooth-colored braces, Invisible braces, and Invisalign. Now smile with confidence.

10) The wire on braces needs to be changed regularly?

The metal wires are the wires which hold the braces with teeth. During the treatment, you have to make a visit to your orthodontist for regular checkups and progress of the braces. If your orthodontist thinks that the wires are needed to be changed or should tighten the wire for the perfect teeth your orthodontist will do that.

Smile Store is the best braces dentist in Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai. So, come to a Smile Store for a free consult today!  


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Dental implants are one of the well known cosmetic dentistry choices to supplant your missing teeth. The implant is carefully put into the jawbone by your dental specialist or an oral specialist. Dental implants are screw-like parts produced using titanium that copy the capacity of a tooth root and keep a dental crown in its place.

The Three Phases of the Dental Implant Procedure

  1. A dental implant procedure is normally finished in three-phases. The principal stage is tied in with placing the implant. Subsequent to applying nearby sedation, an incision will be made on your gums and the implant will be precisely screwed into the jawbone. The gums are then shut over the implant using a couple of joins. The gum will be left to recuperate for three to a half year with the goal that the implant safely integrates into the jawbone.
  2. The subsequent stage involves placing the post or projection on the implant. This period of the dental implant procedure is done simply after the gums have recuperated totally. Another little incision is made in the gums and a projection is connected to the implant. The projection protrudes through the gum tissues. The capacity of a projection is to make sure about the dental crown securely set up.
  3. The third and final period of the dental implant procedure is the crown connection. In this stage, a tweaked crown will be appended to the implant post by your dental specialist.


Doing the dental implant in these three stages permits sufficient opportunity to check the shape and attack of the finished crown in your mouth. Accordingly, a three-stage dental implant is normally suggested by dentists when you have a solid jawbone to help dental implants.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

The time expected to finish a dental implant procedure relies upon different variables, for example, your oral wellbeing, regardless of whether tooth extraction is to be performed before the implant procedure, the number of teeth involved, and their situation in your mouth. By and large, a dental implant can take around six to nine months to finish.

Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

Likewise, with any surgery, dental implants additionally have a certain degree of uneasiness. Be that as it may, sedation dentistry will assist you with easing your distress. You are given nearby sedation at the hour of the implant procedure. Your dental specialist may likewise endorse drugs to assuage any pain or distress that may happen after the procedure.

On the off chance that you are looking for an expert dentist in Des Moines who can play out your dental implant expertly, call us to plan an appointment.

Related blog: Dental Implants: Key Things You Should Know

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As the Coronavirus makes its way across the globe, many businesses and dental practices alike have cut expenses starting with the removal of marketing or are contemplating stopping their SEO campaign during COVID-19. Those who have cut marketing from their strategy are now wondering what they can do to stay top of mind for reopening and how they can fast track the generation of revenue loss during the quarantine.

We have some great news if you’re in the boat above!

Digital marketing provides an enormous opportunity for dentists to market their dental practice online to acquire more prospective patients.

The best part of digital marketing... you can control it with minimal to no costs.

Do not rely on old dental marketing methods like yellow pages, newspaper ads, radio ads, or word of mouth.

You can’t control any of those marketing methods.

Today, we will discuss the most effective digital marketing strategy that is Dental Search Engine Optimization to enhance your local presence and build your patient base. SEO is a unique strategy as it aims to increase your dental website and content rankings on Google.

Benefits of SEO (once your website is highly ranked):

  • increases ROI
  • increases patient acquisition
    • automated patient growth
    • creates consistent led generation
  • increases practice exposure
    • creates 24/7 marketing
    • free marketing 365 days/year
  • decreases marketing expenses if not removes all
  • decreases patient acquisition cost

Most customers use the internet to find answers. SEO-optimized websites rank higher in organic search results. So, you need to optimize your dental website for search engine ranking. How can you control your ranking? You need to do these things for dental SEO: 

  • Your website needs value-based and unique content with HD images. These images should be relevant to the visitor's need, for example, informative content, dental blog posts, landing pages with pertinent dental keywords. It is necessary to include answers to popular dental questions, infographics, and press releases to appeal to those visiting your site. Do not write all contents about yourself, concentrate more on how your services benefit your prospective patients. Also, Include an FAQ section and informative videos and testimonials.


  • A dental website should not take more than three seconds to load. Also, it should be SSL secure and mobile-friendly.


  • The design of your website needs to be modern, clean, and the content should be driven to encourage the visitor to engage with your practice. Successful engagements are direct calls, inquiries for information, or a scheduled appointment.


  • It is also vital to get backlinks from other authoritative websites to establish your site’s authority. Join your local chamber of commerce as they usually allow a business website within their business profile page, if you’re a member of the ADA check to see if they allow members to enter their website into the profile page, make sure every one of your social media pages includes your website and do outreach to other dental websites for content creation.


  • Blog about the most common questions asked at your dental practice.


  • The FAQ section should be concise and direct. FAQ sections can also provide you an opportunity to rank for Google’s featured answer snippet, which appears first in search.


  • Also, make sure to provide useful information on different topics such as wellness tips, information on particular dental treatments, and business updates/news.


You can also use several other methods and channels to help with SEO. Various channels allow dentists to connect with potential clients such as through social media, blog sharing sites, and even email marketing. 

I hope this article provided some practical tips for your practice’s SEO during the quarantine as SEO will help your practice be seen by everyone who uses the internet to search for a dentist.


Adam Yang, MBA, is the founder and digital marketing expert of Beyond Marketing Solutions, LLC, a digital marketing agency that specializes in teaching and helping dentists to scale back their marketing budgets while increasing their patient volume and revenue through digital avenues. With his marketing experience in corporate dentistry, private dentistry, and dental laboratories, Yang has taken his passion for both digital and dental marketing to the next level by founding the first-ever e-commerce digital marketing agency to streamline and simplify the marketing and purchasing process for dentists. For more information on this topic and additional resources, email Adam at

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Four Effective Steps Of Deep Cleaning

Maybe it's ticking to be that time for a routine dental deep cleaning procedure and your inner child is curious to know what is meant by a Deep Cleaning Teeth Procedure. Maybe you haven't seen the dentist in ages and know that you need to see them at regular intervals. You should remind yourself that there isn’t anything to be concerned about.


Whether it's trying to satisfy your refresh your inner child's memory or calm your pre-appointment jitters, here is a breakdown of what typical teeth cleaning procedure looks like:


Step 1: A Detailed Examination of the Mouth


It is possible that your teeth cleaning will be performed by a dental hygienist, not a dentist. The first role of the teeth cleaning engagement will require a careful examination of your teeth and gums. It is through this step where the expert may jab and prod your teeth and gums, rub the teeth and ask for the x-rays. They look for cavities, abscessed teeth, crooked or misalignment and gum illness. For initiating the process meet Dental Deep Cleaning Near Me.


If they discover something disturbing, they may request the dentist to have he or she take an examination.


Step 2: Extracting Plaque and Tartar


After the fundamental examination, the dental hygienist will check around with a small mirror and the vile scaler to reduce the plaque and tartar that has mounted up onward the gum line. It is this action that may create the random nicks and bleeding of the gums and the disturbing scrapping sound if anything goes wrong contact Emergency dentist near me immediately.


Step 3: Toothpaste Cleansing


After the hygienist has eliminated all the tartar from your teeth, the teeth cleaning will start. Often, a high tech toothbrush will be practised and gritty toothpaste. Seldom you'll have the opportunity to choose the flavour of toothpaste. While the brushing, it is normal to catch a scraping sound. The sound is originating from the toothbrush nothing to worry about


The sequence of the high-power of the toothbrush and the essence of the toothpaste, this expert, deep cleaning will be equipped to clean your teeth properly from the one you do at home. While your dentist may be tough on your teeth, it is not advised to brush your teeth as strong at home on a regular basis and you'll risk irritating off the tooth enamel.


Step 4: Flossing Is Important


When your teeth are all brushed and washed, the dental hygienist will brush between your teeth by flossing. Even subjects who floss every day at home can profit from expert flossing. The dental hygienist understands the right way to floss and he or she will be capable to floss far in between the teeth. Some people get worried during this action because their gums start to bleed. This is natural. The dental hygienist probable flosses more strongly and deeper than you do at home, so your gums may be susceptible to that type of flossing.


Discover more and book your appointment to today.

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Did you know that pregnancy can affect your oral health? About half of pregnant women experience bleeding, swollen, tender gums. Chances are more that during your pregnancy, you will experience a myriad of symptoms you have never had before. Bleeding gums is one such condition also known as ‘pregnancy gingivitis’.


 Causes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause inflammation of the gums….. This inflammation makes you susceptible to infections from bacteria found in plaque….. Infections leave your gum tender and swollen, which is why they often bleed when you brush.




While mild gingivitis likely won’t harm your baby, if left untreated, pregnancy gingivitis can progress to periodontitis which can increase the risk of premature birth, low birth weight or preeclampsia.



Proper oral health during pregnancy is the best way to prevent gingivitis. Use soft bristled toothbrush and brush gently twice a day. Brushing roughly can exacerbate inflammation. Make sure you floss once a day. Also it is better to know the TOP 10 DENTIST IN MUMBAI for visit.

By receiving regular dental care and practicing quality oral hygiene at home you can significantly lower your risk of developing gingivitis or other oral health problem during pregnancy.


Don’t let your oral health suffer. “Dentistry is not expensive, neglect is!”


Our team at Dr.Krinita Motwani’s Multi-Speciality Dental Clinic can also provide tips on how to better protect your oral health during exciting time.

Dr. Krinita Motwani



Mbl: 9820280343


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Tips for Getting Best Root Canal Treatment

When you endure intense pain and ache on your teeth, you may query if you require root canal treatment. This method is generally understood as endodontic therapy. The treatment is advised by the Root Canal Dentist Near Me when the tissue is tainted and irritated. That is commonly begun by tooth decay, or if the tooth is damaged, broken or wounded. During the procedure, the Root Canal Doctor Near Me will investigate a way of extracting the contaminated pulp. Therefore, the dentist will make a hole in the tooth. The hole will help the dentist to extract the pulp and disinfect the canal area. After discarding the pulp and cleansing, the hole will be concealed with cement. Sealing the hole limits further suffering. A visit to Root Canal Specialist Near Me is essential in ascertaining whether you require the method. Patients are recommended to support the information of the dentists for good Root Canal After Care procedure. That is because they understand the treatment can totally fix your problem.



How to identify root infection?

According to dentists, tooth pain is the most typical indication of root infection. The ache can be mild or sharp. That matters on the severity of contamination. The discomfort can get worse during the day or when chewing solid food involving the tooth. Some subjects with root infection encounter tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food substances. The gums can reflect signs of root canal infection also. The gums will become hypersensitive and swollen around the infected tooth. If you encounter any of these indications, put an ice pack on the jaw and contact the dentist of the Emergency Root Canal Near Me. This will support in lessening the pain. The dentists have the facilities and tools to establish if the indications are caused by root infection.


Pre Diagnosis 


The therapy process starts with a special examination of the tooth. An X-Ray will detect the issue. The X-Ray illustrations will show the breakdown. After analysing the teeth, the dental specialist will explain to you the best procedure to be practised. If the infection is complicated or widespread, the dentist will assign you to an endodontist. The endodontist is a professional that handles nerve injury. The professional will ascertain whether the root canal treatment will be required or if you can go for a limited invasive treatment option. That will be based on their verdicts.


Suggestions for fast recovery after treatment


After the therapy, the tooth is expected to last for a long time. Nevertheless, that is only achievable with regular tooth care. The success chances of the procedure are very good and effective. Down below are steps of caring for the tooth after the procedure.


  • Maintain oral hygiene - Floss your teeth daily and clean them twice in a day. This avoids future dental problems.


  • Cyclic dental checkup - This will allow you access to expert advice on the teeth and detection of the problem on an early stage.


  • Dodge hard foods - Chewing hard and cold food substances can cause damaging of teeth. Thus, avoid it. Stay in touch with your emergency dentist near you for the safer side if anything goes wrong.


To discover more about Root Canal Treatment, please visit today

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Emergency Dentist In Richmond Hill

When an emergency strikes, you should not sit around, wondering when and if you should see an emergency dentist in Richmond Hill. Give the warm and friendly staff at Arenson Dental a call. They can help you determine the next step for your specific injury and will ensure you get the care, answers, and comfort you need during this frightening and painful experience.

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When you brush your teeth, do your gums ache or bleed? Are your gums swelled and tender? You may have a bacterial ailment known as gingivitis gum disease.

[caption id="attachment_16" align="alignnone" width="600"]Smiling woman at dentist Smiling young woman receiving dental checkup[/caption]

But don’t panic; you are not isolated. More than 82 million Americans have some sort of gum infection, and many other varieties of gum disorder fall under the category of Gingivitis And Periodontitis diseases.




Gingivitis causes when bacteria grow up within your teeth, creating these unpleasant Gingivitis symptoms:


o Inflammation of the gums

o Redness, sore and tenderness

o Bleeding of the gums

o Infection

o Awful bad breath


Left unattended, gingivitis will get bad to ultimately creating bone loss and tooth loss and a more critical disease identified as periodontitis. As well, teeth will become wobbly and fall out, pointing to the requirement for costly dental implants.


Luckily, gingivitis can be restricted. The condition can also be managed to invert the damage and dodge the tooth loss so prevalent with untreated gingivitis.


Prevent Gingivitis Through this


The various popular way to stop gingivitis is best home oral attention. Brushing and flossing are great preventative steps as follows:


o Regular brushing- at least twice a day

o Regular flossing- at least once a day

o Routine dental visits- once in every six months


Additionally, having a wholesome diet and withdrawing sugary foods and beverages that can rest on your teeth and offer to bacteria accumulation and cavities can also help. Consider using a medicated mouth wash every day and rinse well.


When it is so simple to keep a beautiful, healthy smile at home and with routine dental visits, why would anyone withdraw this and be bound to deal with the disastrous results of periodontal infection?


Gingivitis Treatment


Have you already caught gingivitis? Communicate your dentist or to Emergency dentist near me promptly to list an expert cleaning named 'scaling' to restrain bacteria buildup and invert the damage.


When picking a dentist, think a dentist with appropriate education in cosmetic dentistry, a mixture of art and science that designs Hollywood smiles that are too remarkably healthy.


Cosmetic dentists can repair small chips or offer a comprehensive Smile Makeover, including these procedures:


o Resizing too long or too short teeth

o Polishing the stained and discoloured surface of the teeth

o Lessening gummy smiles

o Restoring old metal fillings

o Restoring missing teeth


Why can't your usual dentist assist you? Examine around it like this: would you demand a plumber to repair your computer? Usual dentists, while highly committed to your oral wellness, have not taken the specific practice of a cosmetic dentist. Usual dentists can improve operative issues, but cosmetic dentists are engaged in both function and excellence. Cosmetic dentists also allow sedation dentistry, so that even if you have been nervous by the doctor in the past, you can get the dental practice you oblige and the dazzling smile you desire.


Getting to understand your cosmetic doctor will go a great way towards enhancing your overall oral health, stopping tooth decay, restoring missing teeth, returning gum disease, and enhancing your grin to improve your self-confidence. Make an appointment today with and rise and shine up tomorrow to an extra beautiful you.

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Teeth are remarkably strong, but they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. If you have a chipped tooth, you might not feel any tooth pain unless the chip is large enough to expose the nerves in the inner layer of the tooth.


Falls or car accidents.

Biting down on hard substances, like ice or hard.

Playing contact sports without a mouth guard.

Grinding teeth when you sleep.

Having cavities that weakens the tooth.


….When fortune turns against you,, even jelly breaks your teeth…….!!



Irritation of the gum around the chipped tooth

Feeling a jagged surface when you run your tongue over your teeth 

Irritation of your tongue from ‘catching’ it on the tooth’s uneven and rough edge

­Pain from pressure on the tooth when biting, which can be intense if the chip is near to or exposes the nerves of the tooth




Small Chip:

If the chip in your tooth is very small, your dentist might simply smooth and polish the chipped tooth and no additional treatment will be needed.                                 


Medium Chip:

If your chipped tooth involves minor damage to the tooth enamel, your dentist will repair the damage with a filling. If the repair is to a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will use a procedure called bonding, which uses a tooth color composite to restore its normal appearance and function and to protect the inner layers of the teeth from irritation and infection.


Large Chip:

If your chipped tooth is large enough to expose the tooth nerve, you will likely need a root canal to remove the damaged nerve, plus crown or cap to replace the chipped tooth.

At Dr. Krinita Motwani’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic, our team assists you with best possible treatment.

Dr. Krinita Motwani


Contact: +91 9820280343


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