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Unique times ahead within CRE space. Conventional finance isn't an ideal solution at present, and the the use of VC and PE infusions will be more frequently utilized. 


Neil Howe, a forbes contributor examines the question is a recent article on the matter:

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How to prevent gum and dental diseases

Preventive dentistry is a very effective method to keep a healthy mouth. The most important problems that generate the tooth loss are decay and gum disease. That’s why it is necessary to prevent these problems.

Dental prophylaxis consists in cleaning procedures performed to clean the teeth and it is essential in preventing the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis.

These kind of problems occur when bacteria from plaque colonize on the gingival tissue, above or below the gum line. This can come with serious inflammation and irritation and the effect is a chronic inflammatory response in the body. The body starts to destroy gum and bone tissue and the teeth become unstable and, in the end, they fall out. The pockets between the gum and teeth become deeper and the bacteria spread in the entire body via the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body causing different diseases.

Regular examinations

When you visit a good dentist, such as Steven J. Vorholt DDS, during an examination, the dentist check your teeth and gums and discuss with you about any treatment you need in order to prevent decay or gum disease. If these problems are already installed, the dentist will propose you some methods to treat them.

How to prevent dental disorders

The best way is to prevent a disease, so take a look at the actions you should take in order to prevent dental diseases:

-          Brush the teeth properly;

-          Clean the teeth using interdental brushes or floss;

-          Use a mouthwash, because it contains antibacterial ingredients;

-          Remove bacterial plaque that forms constantly on teeth;

-          Cut down or avoid eating or drinking food that contains sugar because the bacteria in the plaque turn the sugar into acid that causes decay or gum inflammation;

-          Find out which oral care products are the best for preventing gum disease and decay;

-          Find out tricks about the diet you should adopt. Eat cheese, fruit, nuts and vegetables because they can help prevent gum disease;

-          Do not smoke and drink alcohol in order to prevent tooth staining and its complications;

-          Check the fillings;

-          Treat the teeth in order to strengthen them and to prevent the break;

-          Use fluoride for preventing decay teeth;

-          Apply sealants on the biting surfaces in order to make them smoother and easier to clean;

-          Dental erosion consists in the loss of the enamel caused by acid attack and it leads to pain and sensitivity. Food and drinks that contain acid such as citrus fruits, fizzy drinks, fruit juices and teas can cause dental erosion. Try to reduce their consumption;

-          Use a straw while drinking fizzy drinks. This helps the drink to go to the back of your mouth and reduces the acid attack on the teeth;

-          Do not brush the teeth for at least one hour after eating or drinking because the enamel on your teeth becomes softer for a short period and loses a part of its mineral content;

-          Brush the teeth at night and one other time during the day with fluoride toothpaste;

-          Chew sugar free gum. It makes the mouth produce more saliva and stops your mouth drying out and reduce plaque and prevent dental decay or erosion;

-          Use electric toothbrushes with oscillating and rotating actions as they are better at removing plaque.

Benefits of the prophylaxis

Periodically, you should go to dentist for a professional dental cleaning. Prophylaxis keeps the oral cavity in good health and stops the progression of gum disease.

Tartar removal

Tartar or calculus and plaque buildup both above and below the gum line and can affect seriously periodontal problems. The first steps to prevent the tartar is to use a very good brush and floss homecare techniques. But, if the tartar has already become visible it is almost impossible to remove debris, bacteria and deposits from gum pockets. It is necessary to go to the dentist for a specialized examination and for tartar removal.


Yellow and stained teeth are very unaesthetic. Such a problem destroys the self-confidence. That’s why proper cleaning of the teeth has a great impact on somebody’s mood and smile.

Fresher breath

Periodontal disease is often associated with persistent bad breath or halitosis. A bad breath is usually caused by a combination of rotting food particles below the gum line or gangrene resulted from gum infection and periodontal problems. The removal of plaque, calculus and bacteria improves breath and diminish the irritation.

Health issues

There are some health problems that the dentist can identify during the examination such as oral cancer, periodontitis or different signs of diabetes or kidney problems.

Prophylaxis treatment

Prophylaxis can be performed in the course of a regular dental visit or under general anesthetic if the problem is more serious.

Stages of prophylaxis:

-          Supragingival cleaning

The dentist clean the area above the gum line with scaling tools to rid them of plaque and calculus.

-          Subgingival cleaning

It is the most important step because the calculus is removed from the gum pockets and beneath the gum line.

-          Root planing

This is the smoothing of the tooth root in order to eliminate any remaining bacteria.  These bacteria are extremely dangerous to patients with periodontitis, so eliminating them is crucial.

-          Medication

After performing the scaling and root planing, the dentist usually place an antibiotic or antimicrobial cream in the gum pockets.  These creams help ease discomfort and accelerate the healing process.

-          X-ray and examination

Routine X-rays can be extremely helpful in monitoring periodontal disease.  X-rays show the extent of bone and gum recession, and also aid the dentist in identifying areas which may need future treatment.

It is recommended that the patients go to the dentist twice per year in order to prevent complications or diseases. Periodontitis patients should visit the dentist every 3-4 months for dental cleaning.

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Tooth decay can happen to anyone but it is quite common for children and young adults. If left untreated dental cavities can become infected and eventually tooth decay can lead to loss of teeth. Tooth decay begins with the normal bacteria feeding on food particles left in your mouth and the byproduct of this activity is acid. When this acid combines with food debris, acid and saliva forms plaque, and if it is not removed promptly, that’s the start of tooth decay. The more you consume food without brushing and/or flossing, it forms to a harder layer called tartar. The final result is gum diseases.

In addition to gum diseases, plaque and tartar leads to teeth cavities. At the start, cavities are not painful at all but if they are left untreated for a while, they become larger and they eventually compromise the sensitive nerves within the tooth. Addition infection of the tooth results to its destruction or even loss.

Carbohydrates are known to be one of the main causes of tooth cavities. Sugary and sticky foods also contribute to development of cavities since the plaque will be formed quite fast and frequently. With age, the rate of gum diseases increases and they appear more frequently than tooth decay. Damage of the gum exposes the teeth roots to excess plaque thus more vulnerable to cavities. Also, older fillings deteriorate and the bacteria are able to accumulate thus higher chances of getting tooth decay.

When you visit reputable dentists, such as Josey Lane Dentistry, they are able to detect cavities at their early stages; sometimes they can note them before they are even visible by naked eyes. One of the ways that you can know if you have cavities, is the sensitivity while consuming sweet, hot or even cold foods and drinks. Should you feel such symptom, it is time to visit a dentist.

Once the cavity is located, there are several options for treating cavities such as; you can get a filling, crown or even undergoing the procedure of root canal. The option recommended by the dentist depends with how serious your tooth decay is. The most common treatment option is filling. This is removing of decayed tissue from your tooth and then filling the tooth with composite resin, gold, alloy or porcelain material.

If your cavity is serious, it would be necessary to reinforce the damage of the tooth by use of a crown. Once the damaged tissue is removed, it is replaced by a crown which is placed over the remaining the dental tissue.

A root canal procedure would be appropriate if the cavity has spread to the root of the tooth. The nerve tissue and blood vessels are removed and the canal is then disinfected and allowed to heal. Once it is healed, a permanent filling is placed and a crown maybe necessary as well.

Curing is always expensive than preventing and all this can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene. That is by brushing and flossing regularly, visiting a dentist and so on. As soon as you detect a dental problem, you should visit your dentist as it will be easier to treat.

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The mouth is viewed as a gateway to the rest of the body. Thus if it is presently dealt with, the bacteria from your teeth can have unfavorable impacts to the rest of your health.This is why you should brush and floss your mouth twice every day. Dental specialists suggest that you ought to stay away from sugary foods and tobacco items in order to keep up your oral cleanliness. Devouring these foods in large quantities can prompt tooth rot and also holes.

Poor dental cleanliness can likewise adversely have an effect on your social life. Awful breath-halitosis is brought about by little nourishment particles wedged between your teeth. These particles gather and transmit chemicals, like for example hydrogen sulfide, which is likewise found in the spoiled eggs.

If not legitimately dealt with, the microorganisms beginning from your mouth can bring about numerous other wellbeing issues, for example,

  • Heart Illness: Individuals experiencing periodontal infections have higher odds of contracting heart sicknesses. They are narrowing of the supply routes because of the microscopic organisms that get in the circulation system. The microorganisms from your mouth contain a protein that advances blood coagulating, and it can stop up your veins, which prompts a high danger of heart illnesses.


  • Poor oral cleanliness contributes to loss of memory: Poor dental well-being prompts loss of teeth, and it can significantly add to loss of memory. The gum contaminations discharge incendiary substances, which profoundly build the cerebrum aggravation and can bring about the demise of a brain cell.


  • Causes breathing issues: Subsequent to the micro-organisms flying around the circulation system to the lungs, these microorganisms can trigger the respiratory framework particularly for patients who experience the ill effects of respiratory issue. There is a connection between the gum illnesses and an expansion in danger of getting pneumonia and bronchitis. It is prudent to work intimately with your dental practitioner while keeping in mind the end goal to avoid hurtful maladies, like pneumonia.


  • Diabetes patients get more entanglements: Poor oral cleanliness can extraordinarily affect individuals living with diabetes because they are more defenseless against different diseases. Gum illnesses make it hard for diabetes patients to control sugar; therefore, putting the patient to a higher danger of getting more diabetic confusions.


  • Danger of getting untimely conception: Untimely infants are brought on by numerous elements including breathing issues and other contaminations. But, contaminations are the fundamental driver of untimely births, with the most part originating from the mouth. Dental specialists prescribe utilization of non-liquor antimicrobial mouth wash for pregnant women to diminish the rate of untimely births. 


General cleanliness is imperative along these lines it is vital to deal with your mouth. If you visit any of the best dentist Arlington's offices, you will be educated on the significance of dental cleanliness with respect to consistently going to your dental specialist. Remember your end goal is to have great oral health that can build your strenth through the rest of your body.

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Densah bur Versahtility allows one to take on many different implant situations without compromising the alveolus and the implant stability. Less removal of bone via the osteotomy procedure and preservation of the alveolar anatomy by osseodensification creates an optimum implant site. One can also lift the sinus floor by autognenous elevation by utilizing the Densah burs to create a site for optimum length of implants placed.   Log on to the site to view the information and videos on the use of the bur system-

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Who doesn't want a great smile? Feeling confident about our teeth and smile is essential. We could all use some help to get that perfect smile. Forty years ago, there was one option for teeth straightening but now technological advances give us new options. Clear orthodontics aligners, like Invisalign, an alternative to Braces.

Braces are still an option but are not the only game in town. Braces use brackets connected to one another by wires. These wires move teeth slowly overtime by pulling teeth into a new direction. The brackets come in metal and clear plastic. Orthodontic aligners, like Invisalign, rethink teeth straightening. They are form fitting custom-made retainers that slowly change the tooth’s position over time. They move the teeth in a similar way to how braces work however Invisalign is conveniently removable and transparent making them a virtually invisible. They do what braces do without the restrictions. Invisalign® is custom-made for your teeth so you do not need wires and brackets. Little by little, your teeth shift into the place they are supposed to be, creating that winning smile.

Aside from invisibility and convenience there are many other reasons to choose Invisalign.  Here are the top 10 most important reasons to use Invisalign.


Invisalign is as effectively a treatment as traditional braces. Under bites, overbite, overcrowding and gaps between teeth are all things that can be addressed when using Invisalign. You will be fitted for several versions of retainers that make slight adjustments to move your teeth over the treatment time. They are made from a clear plastic or acrylic material and fit tightly over the teeth.


Using braces can increase our insurity. No one wants a metal mouth and they don't want to be called ‘Brace Face.’ Invisalign as a solution can often remove the source of anxiety letting people be themselves and feel confident.



When wearing braces, there are many things you should not and cannot eat. There is no popcorn, no apples, no raw carrots and, especially no candy. Invisalign removes these restrictions because of their removability.



Invisalign takes between 10 and 24 months depending on the teeth need to be moved or rotated. Usually treatments at the dentist office are shorter. You also visit the dentist less.  After the first visit you drop into your dentist’s office once every 6 weeks and get a new pair of aligners.



Your dental insurance plan—orthodontic treatment with Invisalign can often be covered by many dental insurance policies. Many dentists or orthodontists offer monthly payments to make payments convenient and affordable.



Although one of the least important factors. This is a major reason people choose Invisalign over traditional braces. The practically invisible units make them almost nonexistent and being able to remove them completely is an obvious bonus.



Wearing them while at or participating in sporting activities can give your teeth more protection. Using Invisalign as a protection for the teeth when doing Things Mountain biking playing group sports gives you an added layer of security. You can use your retainer as a mouth guard protecting your teeth from grinding while you sleep. Along with this you can also use your retainers to whiten your teeth.



The aligners being removable make brushing and flossing easy. This helps maintain proper oral hygiene. When teeth are cooked or cluttered they are harder to clean giving bacteria a playground in your mouth. Once your teeth have moved the instruments the hygienist uses are more effective. You may spend less time in the dentist chair getting your teeth cleaned.



If you have ever had a sore face from grinding understand what I mean. Facial muscles get sore when you grind in your sleep and the only solution is a mouth guard. Wearing Invisalign while working it is magic can also help you stop grinding as there is a protective layer between your teeth.


Orthodontics was invented to help improve health. It is not just about a pretty smile. A good bite can stop the jaw clicking, pain in joints around the mouth, and will improve chewing.

If you have questions about Invisalign®, we’d love to answer all your questions. Please reach out to us to see if Invisalign is right for you. Our team will walk you through the procedure and even invite you in for a free consultation.  

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Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that eat away at the outer layer of the tooth. If your teeth are not taken care of in a proper way, the enamel wears out, which can happen even at a younger age. Habits that we take, and get used to, contribute to much of the health of our teeth. We visited one of the most reputable dentist’s Fort Worth offices and he shared some of the habits we ought to practice on our children in order to prevent them from suffering from tooth decay.

1. Ensure your child brushes and flosses daily: The first step towards avoiding any type of mouth problems and maintaining oral hygiene is keep your mouth clean. You should clean your child’s gums everyday with a soft pad to remove any plaque before his or her first teeth come in. Once the child’s teeth start growing, clean them using a soft toothbrush. Flossing should start as soon as your child’s teeth start touching each other.


2. Your teeth and gums should also be well taken care of: Saliva contains bacteria that contributes to tooth decay, so if you don’t take good care of your teeth, you are more likely to transfer these bacterium to your child. You should avoid sharing spoons and other utensils with your child because this will stop any transfer of bacteria. Also, clean your baby’s pacifier before putting it in his or her mouth.


3. Give your baby health foods: Once the baby has started eating, ensure that you are giving him or her healthy and nutritious foods  that would reduce any risk of tooth decay. For instance, give your kids meals containing whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Cheese, milk and yoghurt are also very good for teeth. These foods help clear out any harmful sugars that can exist in the mouth and also prevent the formation of plaque. It is also important to brush or rinse out your child’s mouth after eating foods high in sugar.

4. Encourage your baby to take less tasty or plain water: When your child is almost 12 months, you should give him or her beverages from bottles ad cups. If there are problems with weaning your child, it is advisable to dilute the high sugar liquids to make them less tasty. You should also encourage the baby to drink plain water especially at night.

Practicing these tips will fully protect your child from getting tooth decay. Drinking water with fluoride is safe for both children and adults, but should your baby need extra fluoride, your dentist can recommend available supplements. These supplements should only be used as advised because too much can become toxic and would stain the child’s teeth.

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A New Look In Dental Implants

Your teeth are part of the image you present to the world.  People strive to keep their teeth in top shape and as white as can be.This can be a daunting task with pretty much everything that goes into your mouth leaving behind traces that can color your teeth.After a while, coffee, wine, chocolates, smoking etc. can leave your pearly whites not so white anymore.Aside from brightening your smile, your teeth also perform a much more important function for your body.They break up food into small pieces as you chew, rendering your intake much easier to digest.Remember your mother telling you to “Chew 60 times before you swallow”? Well, she knew what she was talking about.The problem is that with our busy lives, sometimes tooth care gets neglected.Tooth brushing is rushed, flossing is forgotten and routine dental check ups or cleanings are few and far between.The result is that your lovely teeth become discolored and decay over time.

A dental professional or dental hygienist is often able to counteract your bad habits through teeth cleaning, teeth whitening and other dental restorations.However, sometimes teeth have decayed to the point where even the most skilled dentist will be unable to bring back your white smile.In this case there are other treatment options available to you.Through advances in the art of cosmetic dentistry, procedures such as teeth whitening, dentures or dental implants have become commonplace and produce very high success rates.

The catch is that some procedures can be costly and time consuming.The most intrusive but also the most beneficial of the procedures is dental implants.Dental implants come into play when regular teeth are too damaged by neglect, disease or accidental trauma to be repaired.

Once the decision has been made to begin a dental implant program make sure you are fully aware of what the procedure entails and what your tasks are; before, during treatment and after.  Also, make sure you have an open channel of communication with your dental professional to ensure you are both on the same page.Normally a straightforward procedure, dental implants require your existing teeth or tooth to be removed and an assessment to be made of the part of your jaw into which the teeth attach.If the bone structure in your jaw remains in good shape, an attachment platform for the implant will be placed onto your jawbone.

This will serve as the anchor point for your tooth implants.If however your jawbone is also damaged or unable to support the implant, then an additional procedure called bone grafting.Once the implant anchors have been installed, implant teeth are manufactured and shaped so that they fit into your mouth properly but also maintain a natural appearance.Most of the time your replacement teeth will mimic existing ones in shape, size and sometimes color.

There are numerous advantages to dental implants, which make them a better fix than dentures.The fit is perfect with implants and the teeth are rock solid.No worrying about what you eat or dealing with the hassle of a cleaning regiment as is the case with dentures.Your smile will look and feel absolutely natural and in some cases will surpass the beauty of your real teeth. If you’re deciding on dental implants, talk to a cosmetic dentist such as the dental implant professionals at Barrhaven dental in Nepean, to see if the option is right for you.You wont regret it and the world around will see a new you with a beautiful smile.


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Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Patients who suffer from spinal cord disorders suffer chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) which result to a state of continuous exhaustion that cannot be curbed by whatever the amount of bed rest. This type of disorder was dismissed for a long time by the medic practitioners as it did not show any test after being diagnosed. As the old adage says, who feels it knows it, the people who suffered this condition could tell that this was a serious disorder. As much as this syndrome may not be diagnosed, there are some notable symptoms that include;

  • Feeling exhausted both mentally and physically.
  • You suffer from headache and pain on your joints and muscles.
  • There is difficulty in concentration as well as thinking.
  • To some patients, there may be a lot of sweating during the night, they are quite sensitive to light and their muscles are really weak.

A number of patients have wasted their time and money trying different medical systems. However, CFS can only be approved by a medic if these symptoms have been there for at least 6 months. Instead of waiting and suffering for six months, you can receive great care from some of the most reputed chiropractor Greenville NC, USA as they are specialists of the spinal cord disorders as well as the general nervous system and they fully understand any kind of neurological dysfunction as it begins from the spinal cord. 

Basically, chiropractic does not involve any kind of medication. It is the alignment of the spine with gentle adjustments. Chiropractors correct any underlying cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome thus reopening the energy pathways within the nervous system.

Overcoming the chiropractic fatigue system:

When one suffers from this syndrome, they feel that their quality of life has been undermined and they have a fear of feeling helpless. This is so if this syndrome goes for more than two years. One of the advices that you may receive from a chiropractor is the change of your lifestyle and improvement in your nutrition, that is, if it is applicable. According to your situation, you will be customized to a program of light exercise. These exercises are important as they help in increasing your levels of energy. In order to take charge of your health and as well as gaining a sense of control, you need to do the following:

  • Watch your nutrition
  • Practice techniques of reducing and managing stress.
  • Get adequate sleep, and
  • Go for regular check-ups from your chiropractor.

The above steps may seem to be minor but they go a long way in ensuring that your spine and nervous system are in the best health possible.

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Super Foods for Great Oral Health

(Image Source)

For whatever reasons, we don't attach as much importance to oral health as we should. This leads to much complication and problems later in life. This is actually surprising as taking care of your mouth, teeth and gums is quite simple, yet we falter somewhere. A monthly visit to the dentist and consumption of some super foods should keep your teeth kicking and happy. To make dental care even simpler for you, here are a list of foods that you must include in your diet to keep your teeth strong, gums healthy and mouth feeling and looking good.


There are some foods that are made more infamous than they deserve. Cheese is definitely one of those. Though they have been made out to be these huge calorie gainers, they are actually a brilliant source of calcium, phosphorous and protein for the human body. These elements also make them a great food for oral health.

When we consume a lot of sugary and sticky food (read lollipops, candies, cookies, cakes, pies, lemons,) the minerals of our teeth eroded away. The protective enamel on the teeth gets damaged, and the teeth become prone to many health hazards. It is impertinent that the minerals are returned to the teeth. Cheese is one of those foods that help to redeposit the tooth enamel and protect your teeth. Besides cheese and other milk products also kill the bacteria in the mouth and thus prevents cavities and gum diseases.


This magical component makes it to every possible health list. Drinking lots of water is a great way to prevent bacteria formation in the mouth and keep it hydrated. Water stimulates saliva formation that acts like a mouthwash and does not let particles deposit in the gaps of the teeth. The water thus washes away food residue, acids and sometimes even bacteria, and keeps your mouth clean and protected. .


We have all heard how an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well it turns out that's the case with dentists too. Apples ward off a host of dental disorders and often serve as mini toothbrushes to your teeth. Fiber-rich apples are slightly acidic in nature and act as mild astringents on your teeth. When had without peeling off the skin, apples actually cleanse and brighten your teeth.

Eating crunchy foods like apples, carrots and celery are also helpful as they help scrub away the stubborn stains over time, gives exercise to your teeth and gums, keeps you fuller, makes you snack less and thus gives the much needed rest and rejuvenation time to your mouth and teeth.

However, it must be remembered that nothing of too much is good, and this applies to apples too. Though beneficial, it can't be denied that apples have sugar and acid content in them. So eat them wisely and drink lots of water after consuming an apple.


Drinking sweetened beverages like coffee, juices and carbonated drinks throughout the day is disastrous for your oral health. Constant exposure to sugar leads to acid and plaque formation and accumulation, which ultimately causes tooth decay.

In such circumstances, unsweetened tea can serve as a boon for your teeth. Black tea contains polyphenols which curb the growth of bacteria that cause cavities. It also helps in bad breath.

Green tea contains catechins that kill bacteria that causes plaque and thus limits cavities and gum diseases.

The expensive and rare yellow tea is also good for dental health, as it is an excellent source of antioxidants and fluoride. Yellow tea prevents tooth decay and strengthens the bones.

Oolong tea is also beneficial for oral health as it produces bacteria that prevents tooth decay and oral cancers.

Shiitake Mushrooms

What makes Shiitake mushrooms so good for dental health is the presence of a natural sugar called lentinan. This prevents mouth bacteria from forming plaque. The shiitake mushrooms kill the cavity causing bacteria, while leaving the good bacteria unaffected. These mushrooms also help to prevent gingivitis. Gingivitis is a gum inflammation typically characterized by redness, swelling, bleeding and build-up of bacterial biofilm. Shiitake mushrooms fight against biofilm and keep your mouth healthy.


These delicious, tear inducing vegetables are packed with benefits for the teeth. Recent research at a Korean University indicates that onions can eradicate four strains of bacteria that causes cavities and periodontal disease. They contain powerful antimicrobial sulfur compounds that are great for oral health. Onions are most beneficial when eaten fresh and raw.


Nuts contain micro-nutrients like phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium. All of these contribute towards stronger teeth and tooth remineralization.

Cashew nuts are especially beneficial for the teeth as cashew nut shell oil contains microbe-fighting properties that attack and kill bacteria that causes tooth decay. These nuts also help to keep your teeth clean and so a great way to maintain dental hygiene when a toothbrush is not around.

Sesame Seeds

Like different varieties of nuts, sesame seeds too are high in calcium which makes them great for teeth. These seeds protect the bone around the teeth and gums and wards off plaque and strengthens the tooth enamel.

To Conclude,

We know now what foods can give us gleaming and healthy pearlies. In fact healthy teeth can reap a lot of benefits. From impressing on your first date with a gorgeous laugh to clinching the interview with a confident smile, your teeth can do it all. Besides, your dental health is generally an indicator of your overall bodily health as well. Research has concluded that bad oral health usually has strong connections with high blood sugar, heart diseases, clogged arteries and difficult pregnancy.

With a little care teeth and gums can stay in a good condition. From the right foods as listed above to the right toothbrush and toothpaste, (electric or disposable) find out all you need to know about oral care. Opt for monthly dentist check-ups and find a dentist you will be comfortable with. And don't forget the holy routine of brushing and flossing daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

About Author

Jordan Colton is Marketing Manager at Arizona Periodontal Group LLC, located in Phoenix. He looks after the PR and marketing functions across all media channels and markets. He has vast experience in developing new and effective marketing strategies and managing marketing campaigns across multiple channels.

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By Homer Dental Centre

At our downtown dental clinic we often see people with cavities after the holidays. We thought we would share some tips to help you take care of your teeth during the sweet season. It is that wonderful time of year where we often let ourselves enjoy the lovely taste of sweets and hard candies. Sharing  chocolates, cookies and hard candies  at work is common. Receiving candy as gifts is synonymous of this time of year.  How do we enjoy our sweets, save our precious smile, and  continue to be cavity free over the holidays.  These tips will ensure you keep your teeth in top notch condition over holidays. We love see our patients at our downtown vancouver dental clinic however we also want to make sure you enjoy the holidays without needing a dental visit.

Only have a bit of Candy. With Shortbread, gingerbread, candy canes, chocolate, and so much more we often fill our bellies with things we normally wouldn't touch. No one wants to skip the holiday treats. It is important to be aware of what and how much candy you are eating. Hard candies and toffees can have the worst impact.

Brush your teeth often. After eating candy it is always a good idea to get that sugary substance off your teeth. If you do brush right after you have a crunchy or sugary candy your teeth will thank you  and your smile won’t be damaged once the holidays are done.  This simple act will reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Keep a Routine: The holidays often change routines as we jet here and there to see loved ones. It is important to keep brushing twice a day. And if eating candy brush more often.

Be Prepared: put that toothbrush and a mini toothpaste in your purse or bag for those  just in case moments. If you do find yourself without a toothbrush while enjoying the festive season get some sugarless gum. Chewing helps stir up saliva which can help get rid of food debris.

Flossing: We all know we should floss but this is the time of year where it is most essential.  This little act twice a day or more could save you a dentist visit in the coming months.

We at Homer Dental Centre, your downtown Vancouver dentist hope you have a wonderful holiday season. We wish you and your pearly whites the best.

Keep Brushing

Yours Truly

Homer Dental Centre

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Canadian Dental insurance

The adoption of the Canadian Health Act in 1984 meant Canadians across the country were given access to basic health services. There were some notable exemptions against the vast array of services offered most especially dental. Canadians either pay out of pocket for dental services or contribute to a health plan. These plans are acquired through a group plan from employers or personally.


According to the latest Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), 62% of Canadian have private dental insurance. This means that a third of Canadians do NOT have dental insurance. For families in the lower income brackets in British Columbia, who qualify for MSP premium assistance, they have access to the Healthy Kids program which covers $1400 of basic dental services every two years.


Shifting towards private health insurance options, Pacific Blue Cross has a stand-alone dental insurance that lower cost monthly but only covers 60% of cost for the first year. Though this coverage increases to 80% by the third year. The rate starts at $29 for a single person to $96 for a family. Comparing insurance quotes is not the focus of this article.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach since everyone is in a unique situation. Each family needs to evaluate how their budget can fit the plan as well as emergencies. Comparing the monthly cost to the coverage stated in the plan will help families decide. Some plans may be more expensive monthly but have no wait time before they are enacted which may be helpful depending on the circumstances. Thankfully insurances websites make it easy to have multiple quotes open so families can quickly compare and find the best plan for them.

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Do you still have Mercury fillings in your teeth? Heavy metals–like mercury are toxic to our bodies. High levels of mercury can contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle pain, twitches, insomnia and anxiety to name a few. In the past 100 years Mercury levels have dramatically increased in the environment. Industrialization was a major contributing factor.

Mercury is lipophilic, which means that it concentrates in fatty tissues. As the brain is mostly fatty tissue Mercury seems to concentrate there. Inorganic mercury from dental fillings (amalgams) can affect and does affect the body once this mercury is in your body; it is primarily distributed in the kidneys and brain. Although mercury can be dispelled from the body, it has an affinity for sulfur-containing molecules and can bind to them causing a build up in the fatty tissue.


Mercury from silver dental fillings (amalgam) is constantly absorbed into your body from chewing, brushing, grinding, and even slows corrosion. There is a large question about these silver fillings causing toxic levels of mercury in our bodies. Mercury has a long half life and sticks around for up to 18 years after the fillings have been removed from the body. The American Dental Association states that the use of amalgam fillings is safe.However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes old mercury fillings (removed from the body) are toxic waste and therefore has to be disposed of in such a way as not to contaminate landfills. So mercury fillings in our mouths are still considered a normal practice, but they cannot be thrown in the garbage due to safety concerns. That doesn't seem to make sense.

Research forces us to question the safety of certain types of fillings. Silver filling can be removed safely and effectively if done by a trained dentist. Have you asked your doctor about your mercury fillings and if so, what was their response?


(i) Lindh U. Removal of dental amalgam and other metal alloys supported by antioxidant therapy alleviates symptoms and improves quality of life in patients with amalgam-associated all health. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2002; 23(5/6):459-482.

(iv) Prochazkova, J., et al. The beneficial effect of amalgam replacement on health in patients with autoimmunity. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 2004; 25(3): 211-218.

(v) Stejskal, J. and Stejskal, V. The role of metals in autoimmunity and the link to neuroendocrinology.Neuroendocrinology Letters.1999; 20: 351-364.

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As summer ends and school starts up again, it is time to catch up on your to-do list. Visiting the dentist for your bi-annual cleaning and checkup is a great way to check on your overall health as well as maintaining your smile and oral health. Technology is at the center of how your dentist makes your visit comfortable and quick.

Long gone are the days of pulling teeth to fix your toothache. Dentistry continues to evolve every year so that adults barely recognize the dentist's office from their youth. Improvements in preventative care, sedation, pain relief, cosmetics and restorations revolutionize nearly every procedure so that more reliable and safer than ever imagined. Even visiting 123 Dentist clinics has improved from check-in to transferring your files.

Your Teeth before Retirement

The easiest way to have good oral health in the future is to take care of them now. Flossing once a blue moon and skipping brushing once a day are habits that you need to change now. Taking care of them presently means they will be within your twilight years. Watch out more damaging, your enamel, keeping gum disease in check, and keeping receding gums in check.

Dry Mouth: Lack of saliva can be a factor of any medical conditions such as diabetes and cancer treatments. It is also normal to lose saliva as you age which can cause other dental issues

Darkened teeth: A lifetime of staining food and drink will show their effects over time and change the dentin.

Diminished taste: Medications, diseases, and other effects of aging can change your taste.

Root Decay: While not a new problem, it becomes more difficult to manage as you aged. This is especially if you did not take care of your teeth when you were younger.

Gum Disease: Plaque build-up means decay and receding gums. This can lead to loose teeth with means.

Tooth Loss: Take care of them or lose them. It is that simple.

Oral Health for Seniors: Your Teeth beyond Retirement

Getting older is something we all experience and people are living longer than ever. This means you need to keep your teeth maintenance more rigorous to keep your oral health up through your longer and fuller life. For the most part, dental health is slowly increasing vigilance rather than an abrupt change at any particular age. Just like diet and exercise, oral health is important to have healthy and rich life.

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How Well do you know your teeth?

As adults we know the value of taking care of our teeth. As children we have to be taught not only about our teeth but why taking care of them is so important. If we were to ask people how many teeth they have many may  not be able to answer without counting. This let us to believe that we should share what we know about the tooth.


As adults the average amount of teeth we have is 32. Children have less and begin to lose them at about age six. Losing our baby teeth is a rite of passage and the first sign of growing up. Parents coo over this by saving teeth and pretending to be the tooth fairy.  We continue to lose our baby teeth into our teens. Our permanent adult teeth replace all those baby teeth we lost plus some. As adults we have 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars, these include our 4 wisdom teeth.

Our teeth our the first step in the digestive process. We use all parts of our mouth to chew, cut up and begin to digest our food. Our teeth help us break apart the food and our saliva begins the process of digesting that food. Our teeth are located in our upper and lower jaw bones and are supported by gingival tissues (better known as gums). A tooth is similar to a plant; some parts you can see and some parts you can't. The part of the tooth that can be seen is called the 'crown.' It would be similar to the flower and stem of the plant. It is the viable portion of the tooth. The neck is the section between the tooth and root, it is small and located where your gums are. The root area is the remaining part of the tooth, and is the buried part of the tooth, much like a plant’s root systems. A tooth’s root system extends past the  gums and  into the jaw bone. We call these root systems or roots  the 'dental root.'


Along with these parts of the tooth the tooth is also made up of various layers. We will go from outside in. The outer part of the crown (the part of the tooth you can see) is covered by enamel. That Enamel is a very hard substance rather like a crystal. This enamel helps protect our teeth from daily wear and tear. Just below the enamel is a layer that is softer called ‘Dentin.’ Dentin is much like bone and makes up most of our tooth. It is what gives our teeth their colour. At the core of the tooth you will find what we call ‘Pulp.’ Inside the the pulp chamber (where the pulp is located) blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth and become part of the pulp. These nerves feed the tooth nutrients which keep it alive. The last part of the tooth to mention is called ‘Apical Foramen.’ The Apical Foramen is a small opening at the top of each root which allows the nerves and blood vessels into the tooth.


We at Homer Dental believe that taking care of your teeth is a process. And the first step in that process is understanding your teeth.  


Homer Dental Center - Professional Vancouver dentists

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Teeth Whitening

We at Homer Dental will always try to show you your different options when it comes to choosing what to do with your teeth. Most things change over time, your teeth are no different. Today we are going to share some information about teeth whitening. Many different factors contribute to the discoloration of our teeth. As we age our teeth change colour. This can be due to what we eat and drink or just our DNA make. Even if we brush, floss, and go for our regular checkups our teeth naturally become less bright over time.

Even environmental factors such as air quality can contribute to teeth losing their natural radiance. Professional teeth whitening is an effective way to lighten, brighten, and eliminate stains. We all want that naturally white smile. Nowadays teeth whitening is a common practice. And like anything there are choices. You can either whiten your teeth at home or you can go and see your dentist to get the procedure done. If you choose to go to the drugstore you will find ample shelf space dedicated to tooth whitening products. There are many over-the-counter name brand products to choose from. However if you are unsure or squeamish about the whole at home whitening thing the best thing to do is go and speak to your dentist. Getting your teeth professionally whitened might be the best option for you. Dentist-supervised treatments are safer and offer more dependable results.

One thing to be aware of when whitening your teeth is that the results will vary depending on the treatment you choose. Most people are satisfied with the outcome of their whitening treatment as the teeth become shades lighter making your smile brighter. Most people are very pleased with their bright new smile following the professional procedure.

The terms "whitening" and "bleaching" are often used interchangeably. However the FDA uses the term "bleaching" to define only products that contain bleach better known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/carbamide peroxide (CH6N2O3). Bleaching can lighten teeth shades beyond their natural shade state.

Teeth whitening is a common practice and a low-risk procedure today. As this is a non-invasive procedure the side effects seen are mild and rare.

Not only can whitening teeth contribute to one's overall dental health it can also help achieve that pearly white smile that often boosts one's self confidence.

The Cost of whitening one's teeth will depend upon which type of treatment is chosen, your dentist, the duration of your treatment, and more. The Average cost of an over the counter treatment at home treatment is about $50.00. You can get cheaper but like anything the cheaper something less effective it can become hazardous. One should be aware of the levels of peroxide in each brand as that can have a damaging effect.

The take home treatments from the dentist are usually around $200 dollars. Some dentists even throw this in if you go to them for your initial procedure. In office dentist whitening is usually between 200 and 400 a visit. It is however the most effective and safest route to go. You are being monitored, cared for, and in the hands of trained professionals.

Each of these methods vary with risks, price, and outcome. There are different dentists, different brands, different cost, different teeth. All these things contribute to the outcome and experience of teeth whitening The best thing we can say about teeth whitening is that when done properly patients feel more confident, happy and ready to smile. They truly have a pearly white smile.

Homer Dental Center - Dental clinic in downtown Vancouver Dentist

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9 Tips for Finding A Vancouver Dentist

How to Find the Right Vancouver Dentist

Choosing a dentist is an important task.You want a dentist you can talk to, learn from and feel good about visiting.  It is a partnership in healthcare and you want to use the same dentist for years to come. How do you go about finding the right dentist?

The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) offers several suggestions:

Recommendations – Ask Friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, other group members, your physician or your pharmacist and see who they use as their Vancouver Dentist

Referral – See if your current dentist can suggest someone in your new area.

Professional listings – Contact your provincial or territorial regulatory authority or dental association. Many association websites have a dentist locator or dentist directory. Good oral health care requires a good relationship between you, your dentist, and the dental team. You may want to call or visit more than one dental practice before making your final decision.

To help we’ve come up with a list of the top 10 things to consider when looking for a new Vancouver Dentist :

1. Does the dental office submit claims to all insurances?

Ask if they submit claims to all insurance providers of if you have to do that yourself and pay first. Most dental offices do submit claims and they may even send in an estimate claim before you get any work done. It is worth asking as you don't want to be caught off guard at the end of your dental visit

2. What  payment options are available? and if you are not insured what do they offer  non-insured patients?

Dental insurance is a big deal and you want to know what your plan is.  If you don’t have insurance asking your new dental office about a big consideration financing options is important. Some practices what payment upfront and others offer payment plans. It is always good to know what you are getting into before you decide on a dentist.

3. Where is the office located and What are the office hours?

The Location of the Dentist office. Is the location convenient? How long does it take to get an appointment? What are the office hours? are they open on weekends? A big part of getting to the dentist is convenience. To maintain a healthy set of chompers  you must be able to make your biannual appointments.  Convenience is key  when choosing a dentist.

4. Does the Dental office offer specials or do anything to show

appreciation for current patients?

Introductory offers  and referral programs are common in dental practices.    Some practices even have promotions to show their appreciation for existing patients. This might be something to consider when looking for a dentist.

5. How does the Dentist help make patients comfortable.

Not many people asks this question but it is important to know.  What do the dentist do to make sure you are comfortable. If you have anxiety some dentists will offer you anti anxiety medication. Knowing what your dentist does and what the  dentist’s approach to helping patients is a key component to feeling safe and comfortable when getting treated.

6. Continued Training & Education

Does the dentist continually educate themselves on current information. Are they part of any groups or ongoing educational programs? Dentists that are up to date on current practices and dental advancements will make your overall all dental experience better

7. In an emergency what can you expect?

It is always good to know what to do in case of an emergency. Many dentists will have an informational message as their outgoing message to help patients know what do when an emergency happens.  Ask your new dentist  if they have emergency hours or  what they should do in case of an emergency. It is always good to be prepared.

8. Do they discuss treatment plans and  give cost estimates?

Your treatment plan is going to be personalized. Having a discussing about  your treatment is important. Ask questions about if procedures are covered under your insurance plan.  Ask what you should expence and how do do your aftercare. A dental office should detail everything that will happen so you know what to expect, how many visits you might need, how much it will cost.

9. What is the office like?

You will be visiting the dentist office at least twice a year.  Make sure you are comfortable. Things to consider are cleanliness and friendliness. Is this a place where you can see yourself visiting

Choosing a new dentist is an important decision. It is a partnership and mos likely a long term relationship. Hopefully these tips above will help you find the perfect practice. If you are looking for a new dentist, give us a call  (604) 408-2408 to set up an appointment to make a visit and meet the doctors. Our office is in the heart of Yaletown steps away from the skytrain

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Causes of a Root Canal

Root canals are one of the most common procedures performed in dentist offices, however they are one of the most preventable dental conditions with regular checkups. Still there are many reasons that a person might need this procedure. The following are some of the most common causes of a root canal. If you have experienced, or are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may need to contact a dental professional.

We inherit our teeth from our parents. Some people have soft teeth that decay easier than hard teeth, and require more maintenance than the average person. If soft teeth are ignored, then decay can happen rapidly and lead to the need for a root canal.

Decay is the main instigator of root canals. If the decay finds its way into the pulp chamber, it may cause sensitivity while drinking hot or cold beverages. If the decay has progressed too far, it can cause an infection or abscesses. If abscesses become too large, the only way to fix it will be to extract the tooth or to have this procedure.

Tooth Fracture 
Tooth fractures may also lead to this procedure. Fractures can happen because of excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth. Or from chewing ice or hard foods. Sometimes teeth can develop hairline type fractures that let bacteria into the tooth's pulp chamber which leads to infections. A root canal can be performed and a post is stationed at the canal of the tooth to maintain its integrity.

This procedure may be necessary if a tooth is hit with great force. Car accidents, injuries that occur during sporting events, slips or falls can all cause trauma to the tooth. When significant trauma occurs, the nerve can be severed and may eventually die. This may happen immediately or over time.

Extensive Dental Work 
Sometimes having extensive or repetitive dental work completed can lead to the need for this procedure. When deep fillings are done and the old fillings are replaced with new composite fillings, this can be traumatic to some nerves in the teeth and cause inflammation.

Deep Cavity 
Deep cavities allow infected bacteria to thrive within the pulp chambers of the tooth. If this happens the tooth can become inflamed or can die. It is possible that a tooth can have a cavity and not be in pain, but can still be infected. If individuals do not have regular dental checkups, then small cavities can become deep over time and require extensive dental work.

A toothache is perhaps the most obvious symptom of a root canal. If the tooth is still alive, it will be sensitive to cold or hot foods and beverages. The tooth will hurt at random, even without the presence of a stimulus like food or drink. The pain can get so severe that it may cause perpetual headaches and earaches. If the tooth is dead and contains an abscess, it can lead to severe swelling of the jaw, cheek, or throat. If these symptoms occur, an emergency root canal will be necessary.

Genetics, decay, tooth fractures, trauma, too much dental work, deep cavities, and pain are circumstances that can lead to the need for a root canal. Contact a dental office for routine check-ups to prevent the need for a root canal.

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Restore Your Smile

You only get one set of adult teeth in your lifetime. Do you feel like you are "stuck" with the set that you have? There are many adults to feel that they could benefit from whiter, straighter teeth or even just MORE teeth. When it comes to finding a new job, meeting new people, or just going about your day, whether or not you have a smile to show off can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. More than half of adults would say that if they just had another set of teeth, that their lives would be drastically changed.

A lack of self-confidence can be discouraging. Starting with the restoration of your smile can really be a self-esteem and confidence booster! Teeth that are decaying, broken or left untreated can account for chronic tooth pain, and difficulty speaking and eating. Missing teeth that haven't been replaced with implants cause bone loss and an aging appearance. Restoring your smile with a simple whitening, crowns, fillings, or filling in gaps can take 10 years off your age!

Most dental offices thrive at the opportunity to help those suffering tooth problems to restore their confidence and get their life back. Often a smile makeover is in store and will bring the desired results from someone seeking out a confidence boost. A smile makeover is a detailed process with many factors that must be taken into consideration. The goal is to make the new smile look natural and beautifully blended in with the patient's mouth and face shape. Some of the aspects dental professionals consider are:

  • Tooth shape - the shape and length of teeth play a big part in making a smile seem more masculine or feminine or older or younger. The dentist may look at old photographs to try to match the natural appearance of the patient's youth as much as possible.
  • Tooth color - of course we all want white teeth, but it is possible to go too white. The dentist may choose a slightly less brilliant white for an older patient to make the smile look more natural. A good rule of thumb is to choose a color that is not whiter than the whites of your eyes.
  • Tooth proportions - the dentist will examine the teeth to correctly proportion each one against the other teeth so the two central front teeth are dominant and the smile line appears natural.

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While it is possible to keep them healthy for life, odds are your teeth will require treatment at some point. In fact, most us of experience our first oral health issues while we are still in grade school. We are speaking, of course, about tooth decay. Often caused by excessive sugar intake, tooth decay can lead to a hole in a tooth called a cavity. And as we all know, cavities must be filled to prevent further damage to teeth.

In the past, amalgam fillings made of metals such as silver or gold were used to stop the spread of a cavity and to improve the damaged tooth's structural integrity. Generally speaking, they performed quite well because amalgams were durable and easy to work with. They did not, however, maintain their alluring luster for long.

What Happens?

No matter which metals are used, most amalgams corrode over time and turn a dark gray, even black color. They also begin to wear out after about a decade, which increases the risk of future decay to an already compromised tooth. It is for this reason that many people with old metal filings choose to replace them with a new, non-metallic option.

What Are Resin Fillings?

Most of us know resin as a kind of plastic that is used to make everything from furniture to jewelry. But putting it in our mouths? Actually, resin is much safer than most dental amalgams, since it does not contain mercury -- a metal that is linked to a laundry list of health risks. Resin is also durable and strong and will not change shades over time. Made of tooth-colored plastic, composite fillings are virtually undetectable by the untrained eye, and they've become the preferred choice in most cosmetic dentist offices.

Who Needs Them?

Anyone who has a cavity that must be filled is a candidate for composite resin fillings. But because they are more expensive than traditional metal amalgams, they are more popular with adults than with kids. After all, a child may lose his deciduous teeth before they have a chance to change colors and become unsightly.

How Expensive Are They?

The good news is that many dental insurance plans cover the cost of composite filings. That said, they generally only pay 50% to 80% of the total bill. The remainder must be paid by the patient. And since resin composites are pricier than metal amalgams, you will pay more out of your own pocket to the cosmetic dentist.

Are They Worth It?

If you ask the average cosmetic dentist, odds are she will say that composite resin is clearly superior to metal amalgam. Not only is it more attractive and more versatile, it should also last longer with proper care.

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