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Did you know that a smile is more than just a reaction to a positive or funny situation.

Smiling can have several physical, social and physiological benefits, too.

Here is an infographic that I like to refer to when explaining the importance of a healthy smile.

Did you know that:

  • Smiling relieves stress, as it releases mood-changing endorphins in your body
  • Smiling can reduce conflict, as it can put people at ease and diffuse stressful situations
  • When you smile you use 5-53 different muscles in your face
  • Babies are born able to smile, they're  not just copying their surroundings
  • Smiling makes you memorable as people tend to remember a smiling face more easily

Your teeth are an important part of your smile. Go and get the smile you have always wanted by making an appointment with your local dentist in Melbourne.

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Dummies Guide to Teeth Whitening

So you want to whiten your teeth but you have no clue where to start? Here are the basics of teeth whitening including some of the most popular methods you can use to get that smile brighter and those teeth a dazzling shade of white.


What Is Teeth Whitening?

When you look at your teeth, what do you see? Are they bright and white, or are they dull, yellow, or stained? White teeth are considered beautiful, and a lot of people go to great lengths to make their teeth appear whiter. When you whiten your teeth you are breaking up stains so your teeth look less discoloured.

Why Should I Whiten My Teeth?

Whitening your teeth has many benefits! Using whitening products will remove unsightly stains and brighten your teeth. Studies into the subject prove that people who have brighter smiles are more confident as P&G explains, “According to the three-part study, which included simulated job interviews, simulated first dates and a quantitative online survey; more than half of the study participants were more likely to be hired (58%) and received larger salary offers (53%) after their teeth had been whitened.” More dates, job offers, and money? How could you turn that down?

What Teeth Whitening Products Are Available?

There are tons of whitening products on the market, each with different pros and cons. Some of the most popular methods are:

  1. Whitening toothpaste – You already use toothpaste, why not whiten while you brush? If you have a brand of toothpaste that you already love, chances are high that there is going to be a whitening version for you to try.
  2. Whitening mouthwash – Fresh breath is just one of the benefits that mouthwash can provide. Certain types will even whiten your teeth as they freshen. Look for mouth washes and rinses that say “whitening” on the label to get this added benefit.
  3. Whitening strips – Whitening strips are typically more powerful than the toothpaste or mouthwash options so they cost a bit more. If you pick up a box of strips, you’ll likely get multiple packets with two strips (one upper and one lower strip) that has gel on one side. You simply place the strip on your teeth for the directed amount of time and poof! you’ll start seeing whiter teeth.
  4. DIY whitening – If you aren’t into the chemical based options, you can typically whip up a whitening paste yourself. Some use activated charcoal bases while others use baking soda. Lots of natural wellness blogs have great recipes for whitening pastes you can make at home.
  5. Whitening gels – Gels can either be painted straight on your teeth, or put into a tray that fits snugly over your teeth to whiten them. Either way, the gel has powerful components that’ll whiten your teeth as soon as you put it on them.
  6. Professional whitening – This method requires your dentist’s help. They’ll supervise your whitening session, and lots of people see great results in just one session. This does mean it’s a pretty expensive option, since results are fast and often dramatically different.

How Do I Choose?

Well, there are a few factors you need to consider when choosing your teeth whitening method. First, how stained are your teeth? Do you need a LOT of whitening power, or just to brighten things up a bit? The strength of whitening you need will help you to figure out what type of whitening you should choose.

You should also consider what your price-point is when shopping around for teeth whitening products. They can range from a few dollars for toothpastes all the way to six hundred or more for whitening at the dentist. Knowing how much you want to spend can help you zero-in on the best product for you.

The stronger the whitening power, the more you’ll likely pay for teeth whitening. Also, keep in mind that the most expensive option is typically going to be a professional whitening treatment done by a dentist. This method is one of the fastest and most powerful options and you get the benefit of professional supervision, but as a result it’ll make things quite a bit costlier.

What Else Should I Know?

For one thing, once you decide on the method you want to use, you should really talk with your dentist about your choice. They’ll have some great perspective on your choice, and may be able to offer some advice on ways to maximize the whitening power. You should also know that some whitening methods won’t work for everyone. Results depend on the individual, so you might not see the exact same results as your friends see.

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How Are Dentures Made?

Whether it’s due to trauma, decay, or gum disease, there are multiple reasons why you could lose your teeth. But you'll still need a bit of help to smile and eat, and with dentures you can go about carrying on with your life.

How do you go from gums to grinning?Whether you are a first-time denture-wearer or just plain curious about how dentures are made, the process requires extensive artwork and eye to detail.

You'll Get to Know Your Dentist Really Well

Having a denture made can be a process that takes several separate appointments to complete. Exactly how long it takes depends mainly on how easy it is to make a denture that comfortably fits your mouth. From extractions to healing or adjustments, some people may be back and forth to their dentist’s office a few times before everything looks and feels just right.

Multiple trips to visit your dentist will help you get to know your team of providers well, and vice versa! That's a good thing, since a great working relationship with your dentist will help you design a better denture together.


Why Do Dentures Take So Much Time?

Dentures are gradually created from a series of impressions of your mouth and then from molds or casts that are created based off those impressions. These replicas are necessary to check the way your teeth are meant to close together, as well as to recreate the shape of your mouth.

You'll want dentures that fit comfortably against the surface of your gums and make it easy to close your mouth. The better the fit, the less likely you need to wear something like a denture adhesive paste or tape.

What are dentures made from?

Today's most popular denture material is acrylic resin, which is very strong but not too expensive. The teeth on some dentures (particularly front ones) may be made of porcelain, because that most closely resembles the enamel on natural teeth.


Your First Denture: What to Expect

From start to finish, your experience may look something like this:

First visit: Talk with the dentist to find out what your restorative needs are. Get answers to questions such as:

  • Should remaining teeth be extracted?
  • What kind of denture is right for you?
  • When should you get started?

You'll then need some x-rays to get a better idea of how to begin.

Second visit: Get impressions of your gums and any remaining teeth.

Third visit: Molds based off the shape of your mouth are used to create dentures which you'll try on to find the best fit.

Fourth visit: Design the size, shape, and color of the teeth in your new smile.

Fifth visit: Try out your new smile! If your denture needs further adjusting, you'll have to come back once more to pick it up.

Clearly, a quality denture takes some careful time and planning. If you're considering the possibility of anchoring your dentures in place with implants, it will be even longer before your smile is ready.

Is a new denture in your immediate future? You've got a team of experienced denture dentists in Houston at your local Summit Dental Center location. Contact us today for more information.

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Cleaning of tongue is important

We give so much importance to brushing our teeth and flossing that we forget that cleaning our tongue is also crucial for our oral health. Like brushing, we should also make cleaning our teeth a part of our daily schedule.

There are lots of bacteria present in your mouth and majority of them stay on your tongue. Bacteria and residual food particles in your mouth can cause a serious problem like halitosis which is also known as “bad breath”. It also causes white discoloration of your tongue.

Read more about why and how you should clean your tongue.

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It’s difficult to decide on what course you’ll enter when you’re in college. There are actually many practical courses to choose to have a potential career once you graduate. Dentistry is one of the challenging courses because it has long academic years to complete and you have to practice the dental training in public by hiring someone with unhealthy teeth and gums then you’ll try to experiment on them.


If you don’t have any idea where to go, you may check the dentist Northern Ireland curriculum and school. Many schools in Ireland are offering quality courses related to dentistry.


Opportunities Knocking on Your Dentistry Profession


A certified professional dentist can work in any sector namely public or private. Dentists may work at the hospitals, clinics, non-profit organizations, and they can even teach dentistry to upcoming dentistry students. There were also job vacancies for dentist specifically for Hygienist Vacancies N Ireland and Dentist Northern Ireland. What will you expect in this profession?


1.    Dental Training Requirements


When practicing your profession as a neophyte, you will be given a period of time and look for test subjects to perform your dental operations such as cleaning, dental filling, and more. This training allows you to have an actual experience of dental checkups and monitoring.


2.    Hygiene and Sanitation


You should observe sanitation properly since you’re dealing with many individuals. The use of the protective clothing, mask, and gloves will help you maintain the cleanliness whenever you perform dental procedures. Also, dentist nowadays is not only limited to dentistry and orthodontics but also, there are hygienist vacancies N Ireland now.


3.    Expensive Tools and Machines to Use


Expect it when you took up the dentistry course, you have to invest money in the tools, machines, ointments, creams, gels, and other relevant equipment for dental procedures. No wonder why the dentists charged costly because of the cost of their profession from the tools, machines, clinic, dental solutions, and more.


Dentistry is surely a tough profession because you have to build your career along the academics and apply these learning to actual exposure in dental procedures.

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Oggi, le spese mediche stanno bruciando le nostre tasche. E 'un'ironia che le prestazioni mediche di base sono così costosi nei paesi più avanzati.

Comunque, perché non c'è altra alternativa; Turismo dentale sta risolvendo questo problema. Luoghi come la Moldavia stanno spianando vari modi per i trattamenti dentali a prezzi bassi e in piùc'èuna serie di cliniche dentaliin Moldavia che offrono servizi di alta qualità.


Se tu o qualsiasi dei tuoi familiari soffre di problemi dentali, è possibile contattare e pianificare una vacanza divertente con i piani di trattamento efficaci.

Come parte della strategia di turismo dentale, la clinica prenderà cura delle tutte attività di imbarco e alloggio, tra cui: -

ü  Trasferimenti da e per l'aeroporto

ü  Organizzazione per tour dentale 

ü  Sistemazione per la durata del trattamento

ü  24 ore di comunicazione e la facilità dell'interprete

ü  Consigli di viaggio per trascorrere il tempo in un modo indimenticabile in Moldavia

ü  Assistenza personalizzata

Se parliamo dei dentisti Leader in Moldavia, è necessario verificare le testimonianze e le recensioni online per trovare il giusto dentista. È inoltre possibile trovare i dettagli dei clienti precedenti e contattarli per verificare la credibilità del dentista.

È 'importante controllare il sito on-line e verificare l'indirizzo del dentista. Se il sito ha una sezione separata per i messaggi informativi e originali relativi al trattamento dentale, ci si può fidare dei servizi.

Come funziona? (Turismo dentale in Moldavia)

È possibile contattare il dentista e descrivere i sintomi nei dettagli. Il dentista chiederà la radiografia, se necessario. Dopo aver esaminato l'X-Ray, riceverà il costo del trattamento completo e il numero delle fasi necessariedi trattamento.

Riceverete anche altri dettagli per quanto riguarda gli alloggi, trasporti e biglietti aerei ai prezzi accessibili.

Sarete accolti dal personale, del trattamento e comincerete nello stesso giorno. Dopo il che il trattamento è finito, è possibile trascorrere il tempo con la famiglia per il resto dei giorni. Se necessario, il dentista chiederà di venire per più fasi.

Dopo che il trattamento è completato, il personale farà foto indimenticabili con voi e chiederàla vostra opinione per migliorare i servizi.

È possibile consultare una clinica odontoiatrica per vari trattamenti dentali. Riceverete esperienza e trattamento analogo rispetto al trattamento dentale negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito ad un costo molto più basso.

Così, turismo dentale porta risultati positivi. Oltre a ricevere un trattamento conveniente, il paziente e la sua famiglia si sente come in una vacanza ed anche senza lo stress.

Come la vita senza stress è l'elemento principale per essere sempre in forma, è importante incoraggiare questa forma di turismo. Se siete alla ricerca dei soluzioni per Protesi convenienti in Moldavia,è  possibile visitare i loro siti e contattare il dentista.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito:Turismo Dentale In Moldavia

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2 day Damon Course in London UK on February 25th and 26th, 2017. Faculty will be Dr Nancy Almeida, specialist Orthodontist. The course fee is 990 GBP, payment can be done at our webpage below. You also get 5 years of free Post Course Mentoring from Dr Almeida.



Park Inn by Radisson London Heathrow
Bath Rd, Sipson, Heathrow UB7 0DU, United Kingdom

CPD Continuing Professional Development

16h verifiable hours

Course Fees – 990 GBP / 1300 USD


Dr Nancy Almeida, Specialist Orthodontist. Click here to learn more about the faculty.


A simplified, predictable and precise technique for a better, faster and gentler treatment.

For a more complete and global outcome. More than a treatment, Damon is a global concept and a philosophy of treatment.


Helping you to target: Teeth, Muscles, Jaws, TMJ, Posture & Oral functions!

Helping you to achieve: Aesthetics, Function & Stability!

This is the most powerful and complete technique which focuses not only in the correction of any malocclusion but also in the correction of the factors causing the malocclusion thus avoiding relapse in the future.


Systematic, exhaustive and consistent.


1 To understand crucial concepts such as: orthodontics, maxilo-facial

orthopedics, diagnosis, classification, codification, quantification,

treatment planning, treatment philosophy and treatment mechanics;

2 To comprehensively diagnose a clinical case and select the right cases

for Damon system technique;

3 To accurately select the most appropriate Damon bracket and torque for

each individual case and to comprehensively treat the patient to the

satisfaction of all stakeholders; To review and reflect on each individual

case aiming to improve treatment mechanics and outcomes.


Students will be able to select, diagnose, plan and treat an orthodontic

case using the Damon Passive self-ligation technique.

Students can take the help of remote mentoring to clarify their doubts and

for step by step instructions on each case.




1.1  Welcome

1.2  Attendees

1.3  AFO Academy of Fixed Orthodontics & Dr Ravi Kumar

1.4 Dr Nancy Almeida



2.1 Aims/Goals

2.2 Concepts

2.3 Assessment

2.4 Diagnosis

2.5 Treatment planning



3.1 Treatment philosophies

3.2 Fixed appliances & bracket design




1.1 Founder

1.2 Concepts

1.3 Aims/Goals

1.4 Indications & Contraindications

1.5 Advantages & Disadvantages


2.1 Face driven treatment planning

2.2 Physiologically adaptive mechanics

2.3 Low friction biomechanics

2.4 Phases of treatment


3.1 Brackets (materials, types, prescriptions, torque selection, placement)

3.2 Bonding (materials, techniques)

3.3 Arch wires (materials, types, sequence)

3.4 Inter and intra-maxillary elastics (types, prescriptions, applications)

3.5 Auxiliary elements (stops, coils, built-ups…)







No crowding

Posterior crossbite




Class I: dental / skeletal

Class I: with deepbite / with openbite

Class II: dental / skeletal

Class II: with deepbite / with openbite

Class III: dental / skeletal

Without extractions

With extractions


3.1 Anchorage

3.2 Complementary appliances (functional and non-functional)

3.3 Complementary procedures

3.4 Tips & Tricks

3.5 Finishing




1.1 Introduction

1.2 Concepts

1.3 Educational journey

1.4 Factors pro-relapse

1.5 Principles/Factors/Methods pro-retention

1.6 Appliances pro-retention

1.7 Methods anti-relapse (post or short-term orthodontics)











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The difference between Invisalign and Braces

Invisalign in Brooklyn NY is a treatment that uses aligners to achieve well aligned teeth. It is an alternative for metal braces and it is used for correcting crowded or crooked teeth and gaps or overbites found between the teeth. The Invisalign treatment requires the use of clear plastic - aligners - and they are custom made according to the needs of the patient. In comparison to metal braces, aligners may be removed for short periods of time such as for brushing teeth and eating. Results are influenced by compliance to keep the aligners in place, experience of the doctor, and the level of movement required for teeth.  

When it comes to choosing between braces and Invisalign, many people are not sure of what they should choose. Their concerns include which one is cost effective, which is more reliable, and which has lesser side effects. Both Invisalign and braces have been designed well for straightening teeth while improving oral health and smile. Braces use metal brackets that are glued to the teeth and tied together by tiny rubber bands or wires. It is possible to get brackets that match the enamel color, so that they can be discrete.

Invisalign is known for its invisibility. Aligner trays are made using comfortable and smooth BPA-free clear plastic that should be worn on teeth to move them gently. The specialist uses impressions, pictures, and X-Ray images to create the best 3-D teeth image and configure aligners as required.

Both Invisalign and braces help straighten teeth, but each one has its benefits and side effects. With braces, discomfort and sores are common because of brackets and wires that are used for teeth movements. Also, there may be some difficulty experienced when eating hard or sticky food.  

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When do you need dental crowns?

When do you need dental crowns?

If you want to achieve the smile you always dreamt about, then it is time to get crowns to cover your teeth and to help in restoring them to normal size and shape. A dental crown in Grand Rapids is capable of making your tooth stronger and to improve its overall appearance. A crown is used for strengthening a tooth after a large filling in the part of the tooth that remained is not strong enough to hold this filling. Also, it is used as an attachment on the bridges; for protecting weak tooth so that it can restore itself or so that it does not break further. Finally, it is used when it comes to covering teeth which has been discolored or which are not in a good shape.

When you go to a Grand Rapids dentist and there is a need to have your tooth filled to achieve the shape you want, the doctor will take an impression of the tooth that requires treatment and the one that surrounds it to send it to a lab where a permanent crown is designed according to these impressions. When the crown has been made, you need to visit the dentist again. The temporary crown that was put in place will be removed and the dentist will position and fasten the new crown on your tooth with the help of a special adhesive.

Dental crown procedure

Once the dental crown procedure is completed, it can take some time before you are used to the new tooth. As time passes, the crown feels, functions, and looks just like any other normal tooth. You can always ask your dentist about any concerns you may be having about the procedure.

There are different types of crowns that may be used. These include stainless steel, resin, porcelain and ceramic. Cosmetic crowns may be made in ceramic or porcelain. However, each option has its own benefits and disadvantages, your dentist should talk to you about each option before you make a decision. You will have to visit your dentist at least two times to have your crowns installed.

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Everyone loves to have a healthy smile, Learn more how to get a brighter and healthier smile this christmas. Tips for a healthy smile.

* Follow routine: Include good oral habits to improve dental or overall health like brushing techniques, use natural or herbal toothpaste for better results, etc.

* Improve your diet: Include calcium based food in your regular diet like cheese, if you want to improve dental health fast.

* Drink plenty water: Drink water 4-5 liter per day. It helps in removing sugar and sticky foods sitting inside your mouth.

* Don't use your teeth as a bottle opener: Don't do this because it may become a reason of your broken or chipped teeth.

* Use sugar free gums: Chewing sugar free gums also helps to increases saliva production in your mouth which protects your teeth from harmful bacteria.

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After 33 years in private practice in periodontics, dental implants, and bone regeneration, I am constantly looking for ways to tweak the treatment protocols to achieve faster treatment turnaround times while maintaining ideal functional and esthetic outcomes for our patients; all with a success rate that approaches 98%. My partner and I have many implant systems in our office to accommodate the needs and desires of our restorative colleagues. Most recently though, we have been attracted to implants with 3 specific design features that help us to realize our treatment goals.

1. Tapered implant body (roughened surface to the top) with an aggressive thread design. This allows for maximum initial stability which is especially important in our Teeth in a Day and All on 4 immediate implant placement and restoration cases.

2. "Platform switch" design for connection of the permanent abutment to the implant. This has been proven to help preserve crestal bone which, in turn, helps to maintain the overlying soft tissue levels thereby enhancing the esthetic outcome.

3. Internal conical connection of the permanent abutment to the implant. This connection has also been proven to eliminate or significantly reduce micromovement of the abutment. Abutment micromovement due to poor fit or inherent engineering design can contribute to bacterial invasion. The inflammatory infiltrate which ensues may contribute to bone loss and soft tissue alteration.

Three examples of implant fixtures which incorporate these design features are listed below:

Nobel Biocare NobelReplace CC 

Astra Tech OsseoSpeed TX

Straumann Bone Level Tapered 

We all have great outcomes in the past with traditional implant design. However, we work so hard to re-build bone and soft tissue so that our patients have beautiful results which mimic natural teeth. Doesn't it make sense to try to preserve these structures? What do you think?

Photo Credits: NobelBiocare, Dentsply, Straumann

For more information, contact:
Cary Feuerman, DMD
Periodontal Associates

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Antibiotics and pregnancy conception

Few Days Back one of my patient came to clinic with a complaint of severe pain in the left posterior region of lower arch .On examination it was found to be due to an infected impacted 3rd molar.
As usual ,antibiotics was prescribed .But patient seemed to be reluctant .She came to me and asked a question "Doc,I am planning to have a baby and we are trying for that.Does antibiotics affect conception ?"

Ans : Antibiotics have no fertility-inducing properties. 
An antibiotic, however, can interfere with the effectiveness of the daily birth control pill that a woman may be taking to prevent pregnancy. This is because the antibiotic may interfere with the way the birth control pill is absorbed. The degree to which this happens varies depending on the kind of antibiotic, the daily dose, and how long it's taken. Recent studies show that the risk of conceiving on antibiotics is actually rather small.
A woman who takes antibiotics continuously, however, should always use a barrier method of birth control

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Paedodontics : Teeth Eruption Chart & FAQs

Do you have a child in your home ? Then the following chart may give you an idea about the teeth and their eruption status .

Few terminologies i would like to introduce

1.Natal Teeth and Neonatal Teeth - According
to the definition presented by Massler and Savara
(1950),taking only the time of eruption as reference, natal
teeth are those observable in the oral cavity at birth and neonatal
teeth are those that erupt during the first 30 days of life.

2. Deciduous teeth - now more commonly known as primary teeth. They are also known as baby teeth, temporary teeth and Milk teeth

3.Permanent teeth - Permanent teeth or adult teeth are the second set of teeth formed in diphyodont mammals.

Ok Now we will come to the topic and will try to answer few FAQs asked by patients in daily routine .

1. How many milk teeth does human have ?

Ans : 20.

The primary dentition is made up of Central incisors,Lateral incisors, Canines, First molars, and Secondary molars.

2. What is the importance of milk teeth ? does it have any significance ?

Ans : Primary teeth are essential in the development of the oral cavity.
a.Important for Speech production and development
b.Eating and nutrition 
d.Straighter smiles 
e.Excellent oral health

3. How many Permanent teeth does human have ?

Ans : 32
They are six maxillary and six mandibular molars, four maxillary and four mandibular premolars, two maxillary and two mandibular canines, four maxillary and four mandibular incisors.

4.What is mixed dentition period and its importance ?

Ans : Mixed dentition stage starts when the first permanent molar appears in the mouth, usually at five or six years, and lasts until the last primary tooth is lost, usually at ten, eleven, or twelve years.


Ans :UGLY DUCKLING STAGE (Broadbent phenomenon) is a transient/self-correcting malocclusion seen in the maxillary incisor region between 8-9 yrs of age. Erupting permanent canines displace the roots of lateral incisors mesially, resulting in transmission of force on to the roots of central incisors which also get displaced mesially.

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Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS).

When i first heard about this syndrome ,My first expression was ok a cooked up one for sure .Interestingly when i searched about this syndrome ,i came upon literally thousands of weirdest diseases and syndromes that could happen to the human entity.
Funny thing ?Lot many syndromes doesnt have a known etiology as well .

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In 1944, Don Gardner wrote the famous song with lyrics that included "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Little did he know that over 72 years later, we can make this wish become a reality in one day. It is interesting to see how many of our patients are trying to restore their smiles and function before the holidays. With the current implant design features which include roughened surfaces, tapered implant bodies, and aggressive thread patterns, we have been able to place implant fixtures into extraction sockets and then attach temporary abutments and crowns with great predictability and success. Fully edentulous arches can be restored on just four implant fixtures. These procedures are incredibly gratifying for both the patients and the practitioners. Although we have been placing implants in our practice for over 30 years, the excitement continues as the technology evolves! Happy Holidays!



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Dry Socket (Alveolar Osteitis)

Dry socket, also known by the medical term alveolar osteitis, is an inflammation of the alveolar bone. It usually does not occur by itself. Most of the time, it is a complication of various dental procedures. It can be very painful and is generally uncomfortable. 

To understand the root cause of dry sockets, it is best to use an example. The procedure of dental extraction is by far the most common cause of dry sockets. When a tooth is extracted, the area where the root used to be is usually filled with a blood clot which forms on its own to protect the exposed area. The clot seals the area and bacteria and viruses cannot enter the inner structure of the mouth or jaw.

However, the clot can often get dislodged, removed or broken down. Sometimes, the clot may even fail to form altogether. The protection provided by the clot is then lost and the bone is left exposed to all the fluids, food, bacteria and air that enters the mouth. This is far from ideal, and various symptoms develop as a result.

It is common to experience a certain amount of pain after a dental extraction, but it you feel the pain has not subsided a few days after the extraction, and even the analgesics are nor helping, then something may have happened and a visit to the dentist is in order. While throbbing pain is the most common symptom, you can often see an empty socket yourself, which is sensitive and extremely painful to touch. Bad breath is also common, and usually goes in tandem with a strange taste in the mouth. There should be no fever or swelling – the tell-tale signs of bacterial infection -  as dry socket usually does not get infected.

Luckily, dry socket is not a common condition after a dental extraction. The total prevalence depends on the tooth being extracted, but it ranges from 1 to 5 per cent. Some teeth are riskier than others – as much as 30 per cent of impacted wisdom teeth result in this complication, likely because the procedure is more invasive and there is a higher risk of trauma. Lower teeth also develop dry socket more often than upper teeth. Still, even if you do develop a dry socket, there are usually no long-term consequences once the area heals properly. 

There are some risk factors that may affect your susceptibility to this complication. One of them is, of course, smoking. Nicotine reduces the blood supply to the extraction site, and thus, the clot might not form at all. Bad oral hygiene is also a factor. Bacterial infections in the mouth also increase the prevalence of dry socket. Interestingly, women on birth control pills also experience a higher rate of dry sockets, due to hormonal changes that occur. Females are advised to undergo extraction procedures when they are on their period, as the risk of dry socket is the lowest during that time. Older people are also a higher-risk group, as there is less blood flow available in this area due to the bones increasing in density.

There is evidence to suggest that rinsing with chlorhexidine prior to the procedure reduces the frequency. Some dentists routinely give out antibiotics before extractions of wisdom teeth to reduce the risk of infection. After the procedure, try not to drink through a straw and rinse your mouth gently, as this may cause the blood clot to fall off due to large forces – think of it as a scab of sorts. Avoid smoking for at least a couple days, as this markedly shortens the healing time.

If you do develop a dry socket, there are a few remedies you can try. Aside from taking painkillers if necessary, you can try rinsing your mouth with a local anesthetic. Saline solutions can also ease comfort. It is important to remove food debris from the socket in order to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection. In a vast majority of cases, pain subsides after a week or two, but in some, it may last for up to a month. Visit your dentist regularly, as they will apply a special analgesic paste on the exposed area. This will relieve your symptoms and speed up healing.

While dry socket is by far the most comfortable thing in the world, it is good to keep in mind that a tooth that has been extracted would likely lead to more long-term pain and, possibly, infection in the future. That is why the benefits of extraction almost always outweigh the potential risks of dry socket and infections.


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Effects of Poor Dental Hygiene

To be able to enjoy anything lifelong, it is imperative that we take good care of it. As much as this holds true for our cars, home appliances, and laptops, it also holds good for our teeth. It goes without saying that one needs to brush, floss, keep away from cavity causing food, and pay a visit to the orthodontist (as per their recommendation) to keep their teeth healthy. While most of us know the importance of maintaining oral hygiene, we may not know why it is so crucial to be meticulous and regular about it.

Repercussions of poor dental hygiene go far beyond cavities, teeth stains, and plaque. Well this is not to say that these are any less serious but what if we tell you that the way you look after your oral health can impact your heart? Surprising, isn’t it? We are going to talk about more such unheard and slightly shocking things about your teeth and its connection with your overall health.

Potential Cause of a Heart Attack:

Your mouth is like a portal to germs and bacteria to your body. Apart from wreaking havoc on your teeth, these nasties can reach your heart and pose a grave threat to it. Just as the bacteria can lead to the formation of plaque on your gum line, it can also cause plaque to develop on the inner walls of arteries, which can hinder the flow of blood throughout the body. This would result in increased chances of heart attack as well as can cause arterial inflammation, which does not bode well for your heart at all.

Periodontal Diseases:

Gingivitis and periodontitis are the most common type of periodontal or gum diseases that ensue from poor dental hygiene.These result from bacterial accumulation or in other words plaque. Not only do periodontal diseases lead to tender and swollen gums (which in extreme cases also bleed) but also debilitate the bone foundation supporting our teeth.


Those suffering from Diabetes would possibly know how poor dental hygiene can exacerbate their symptoms. Insulin, the hormone responsible for converting sugar into energy is the root cause of Diabetes. The problem starts with the sufferer’s inability to process insulin resulting in high blood sugar, which can cause severe long term health problems including renal and heart diseases.

Respiratory Track Infections:

The ability to breathe freely and fully is natural and healthy. However, periodontal diseases destroy this ability and cause respiratory infections which can further lead to the development of Pneumonia. Bacteria from gum infections reach bloodstream and attack the respiratory track thereby paving the way for lung infections.

Poor oral hygiene is also associated with pregnancy complications, dementia, frail bones, immunity system disorders, dental erosion,osteoporosis, etc. Maintenance of good oral health is important is not only imperative for enjoying healthy teeth but overall health. It is therefore necessary that we take good care of our mouth to keep our bodies free from a host of ailments.

If you are suffering from a periodontal disease and have been tarrying to see the orthodontist, think again. Do not deprive yourself of timely periodontal treatment.

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Easy Tips for Taking Care of Toddler Teeth

In present scenario, it's very important to take care of child tooth. Follow these steps to prevent dental diseases and keep his oral life healthy.

1. Try to go for regular dental checkup:

According to American Academy of Pediatrics dentistry, your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care is good for oral and overall health of your child.

2. Teach good brushing habits:

Everybody known, brushing is the most important thing to improve oral health. Start brushing (choose a soft baby tooth brush) two times, first in the morning and second right before bedtime. Also, you may ask your nearest dentist about brushing techniques.

3. Avoid sweet beverages and food:

Try to avoid sweet food and liquids like juice, peanut butter and jelly to prevent cavities. Limit the consumption of fruit juice, it should be less than 4 ounces a day.

4. Add Toothpaste:

Add small tiny amount of toothpaste and avoid giving too much fluoride to baby. This should be used until the age of 3 years.

5. Encourage self brushing:

Spent time with your child during brushing time and motivate your child in a fun mode to encourage self brushing habits.

Note: Before start, make an appointment with your nearest dentist.

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