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How to Brush and Floss Your Teeth

If you spend a few minutes each day brushing and flossing away plaque, you will be taking the most important single step towards oral health. If you spend a few minutes each day brushing and flossing away plaque, you will be taking the most important single step towards oral health.

Source:Stay Healthy Blog

Brushing and flossing are the basic tools of plaque control. Brushing after every meal is best. But, if this is not possible, clean your teeth at least after breakfast and after the evening meal.

The plaque between your teeth and below the gum line is very difficult - if not impossible - to reach with a toothbrush. The best way to remove it is with a piece of dental floss, used at least once a day. This is especially important in preventing gum disease.

Another useful aid in your mouth care kit is a bottle of disclosing fluid or a packet of disclosing tablets. These are made from harmless vegetable dyes, temporarily color the plaque red and the stained areas tell you where you are not removing plaque.

Brushing: Dentists usually suggest using a small-headed toothbrush with lots of soft nylon bristles trimmed evenly. Hard toothbrushes can damage your teeth and gums.

There are a number of ways to brush teeth. Here are basics of one method:

Hold the brush against the teeth and gums. Brush the upper teeth down ward towards the biting edge. This way, the gums get massaged, food between gum and tooth is brushed out and the teeth get polished on the way. Similarly, brush the lower teeth upward towards the biting edge.

Brush the inside of the teeth the same way. Brush the chewing surfaces with a backward-and-forward scrubbing motion.

Establish a routine to make sure that no area of the teeth and gums is left unbrushed.

Brush your tongue.

Dental floss can be tricky to use at first, but it is essential for proper care. It is the only way to clean below the gum margin and between teeth.

Each time, you need a piece of floss about 30 centimeters long. It removes food from between teeth - you notice that when you use it. But you also need to wrap the floss around the tooth near the gum line and pull it back and forth to remove the plaque, which is impossible to see there.

Flossing is a skill which can be developed with a little practice. It can be done any time - while you are reading or watching television, for example. But flossing at bedtime is best. It means a clean mouth through the night hours.

You can buy disclosing fluid or tablets from the chemist with the dental floss. Put a few drops of liquid or a tablet in your mouth and swish around for about 30 seconds. Rinse lightly with water and look at your teeth in the mirror. Where stains remain is where the plaque is.

baby dental health write for usChildren on their second birthday should be introduced to using a toothbrush themselves - because it is a good habit to develop, but few children have the skill to do it properly until they are between 7 and 10 years old. Until then, it is the parents' job to keep their children's mouths clean.

In a child's mouth, there are four spots which need regular flossing - between the back molars on the upper and lower jaws. Again, you have to do it until your child can do it alone.

Disclosing fluid and tablets are a good teeth-care teaching aid with children. Children like experimenting and these aids get them interested in their teeth as an essential part of a healthy life.

Plaque, like piranha

Like piranha fish devouring a dead animal, millions of bugs are growing in plaque on your teeth.

Plaque is a film which builds up on teeth 24 hours a day - the stuff you can scrape off your teeth with your fingernail.

When we eat certain foods, especially those containing sugar, the bacteria in plaque react with this sugar, producing an acid which attacks a tooth.

Next, there is a hole; decay reaches the soft inner part of the tooth and the destructive process speeds up: FOOD plus PLAQUE becomes ACID, which eventually becomes DECAY.

We all have plaque continuously in our mouths. Bacteria are feeding on food and debris in your mouth right now. Fortunately, plaque is easy to remove from most areas of your gums and teeth before it has a chance to cause permanent damage.

Sugar is a recognized decay-promoter. So colas and sweetened syrup drinks are good decay starters if left on the teeth. Sticky foods containing sugars - jams, jellies and cake icings - and refined carbohydrates - biscuits and sugared breakfast cereals - are the worst offenders. They stick to the teeth and allow the bugs to build up under the line where the gums meet the teeth.

It is easy to see why "snacking" is so destructive. After breakfast, the acid level rises; but if nothing is eaten, it will drop by lunch time. Eat, say, three biscuits during the morning and the acid level rises three times. The message is clear. Snacks are poison to healthy teeth.

Plaque is invisible, but a special disclosing dye available from chemists stains it, so you can see where you are missing with your toothbrush or floss. (The dye can be obtained in liquid or tablet form.)

Proper brushing and use of dental floss will keep plaque down. Another way is to cut down on sweet foods, especially between meals.

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The advantages of Pediatric Dentistry

The advantages of Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentist in Brooklyn is a specialty dentist which adapts procedures and techniques from the general specialties in order to offer primary, therapeutic and comprehensive preventing treatment of oral health to children. Pediatric dentist treats a number of diseases in adolescent, children and infants and this includes children who have special needs. They are experts in offering care and to make the patients feel comfortable. The pediatric dentist will educate patients and their parents on the importance of good oral health and preventative oral health care.

The practice involves office both exams and checkups. Parents are always looking to get the best for their children and this is especially true when it comes to their health. Even if kids are well fed, a problem can still exist in their oral health. Some people believe that once children have brushed well, they will not require seeing a dentist but this is not the case. There are many preventative benefits to taking your child to see a dentist.

When you take your child to see a dentist it will help them develop good habits. Adults who are not able to care of their teeth will usually find that it is rooted in their childhood habits. When kids have the habit of ignoring their teeth, this is a problem that can persist even in their adulthood. Many people are worried about seeing a dentist even when there is no need to worry.

When you take your child to see a dentist, you are keeping his or her mouth healthy.   Some dental problems will develop symptoms when the problem has persisted for long.  A pediatric dentist will discover the warning signs of this problem before they even start. When you take your child to see a dentist on regular basis, you are preventing expensive and painful problems that may take place in the future.


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Having a Botox lesson online

The power of the internet should never be under-estimated; after all, the world as we know it is completely unrecognizable thanks to the way that we can communicate almost instantly over the internet, learn immediately when something has happened in another country, transfer money into different currencies and to other countries across the world in an instant, and even apply for jobs and manage our own money, all by a few clicks of a button. There are not many things that you cannot do over the internet any more – even finding the love of your life! However, there are some things that could still be a bit difficult to do via a screen rather than in real life, and one of them is having a Botox lesson. So why are so many Botox courses moving online?

One of the reasons is quite simple, and it is that having to travel in order to take part in a Botox course can be very difficult and complex for people, and so it sometimes prevents them from taking part at all. Take, for example, a single parent who does not have the support around them to take care of their child if they wanted to go away for a training course. Travel can be very expensive and this is especially true if you need to travel out of state in order to get to the training course. Travel can also prevent people who are anxious about public transport or who do not have the confidence to fly on their own. By having a Botox course online, on the other hand, you can remove all the pressures of travel, and the students can take each lesson right where they are, at home.

If the Botox course is a weekly event then the costs can multiply exponentially, and this is another thing that can prevent people from signing up to a Botox course if they have to appear in the flesh – and the typical costs do not stop there. A Botox course leader often has many costs such as hiring a hall, lighting and heating, health and safety . . . the list goes on and on. But when the Botox course can happen online, none of those costs are required, and so those costs do not need to be passed on to the students. This dramatically lowers the costs of undertaking a Botox course, and that means that more people are able to learn.

Lastly, time can be a huge pressure on people, and sometimes they cannot simply take up a course that has particular times and dates which they have to attend. There are many people who want to re-train and start a new career; they have to work normal working hours, and so there is no way that they could attend a course that occurs during the day – and going to one in the evening would exhaust them, and mean that they do not do very well in their course, failing it not because they are not smart enough to understand, but because they are too exhausted to be able to concentrate! Time is such a precious commodity, and it is one that you cannot simply magic up for the want of it. Doing a Botox course online enables people to take each lesson whenever they have the time to do so, and that can be of huge benefit to people who are typically strapped for time.

Botox courses online are becoming more and more common, and you can see why; it enables people no matter what their background to learn something new.


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We can go through life as individuals looking for people that we can trust, and in this post-modern world, it is getting more and more difficult. Two or three hundred years ago, when you knew everyone that you grew up with and your parents knew their parents, and your grandparents had known their grandparents, it was a lot easier to trust people. Now that we live in a globalized world, it can be difficult to know exactly who to trust when it comes to things like fixing a leaky tap or selling you the best used car. Those simple life decisions used to be easy, but now they can be fraught with difficulty, as there is always the chance that you are going to be conned. How much more important is it, therefore, to find a Botox professional that you can trust, as they are going to be physically altering your face!

The simplest way to go about things is to look out for Botox certification. This may sound obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people will happily lie down in a chair and allow someone to inject them with Botox – they hope – without checking to see whether the person with the rubber gloves on has actually received any training for Botox whatsoever! When you go into a consultation with someone who administers Botox, make sure that you talk to them about their Botox training. Where was it, and how long ago did they receive it? Were they taught by someone eminent, such as Dr Howard Katz who own several of the patents for the process of administering Botox, or were they taught by someone that no one has ever heard of? When was the last time that they attended a conference, or topped up their training?

These questions may seem a little intrusive, and we do not normally as people ask so many deep and personal questions: but when a person could literally alter the way that you look, you have to take precautions into your own hands and ensure that you are going to be able to trust that Botox professional. After all, you would rather ask those questions and be confident that they are (or as the case may be, are not) happy with working with them, than not even think about asking the questions and leave that chair with a face that even you do not want to look at in the mirror!

Finding a Botox professional that you can trust can be difficult, and it can be time consuming. Sometimes you will feel impatient and just want to go with the next person that you talk to, because you’re so desperate to move on and stop asking the same questions! But it is definitely in your benefit to make sure that you only work with a medical provider with professional Botox certification, and the only way to be absolutely sure of that is to ask. You may get bored of it, but it is definitely better than the alternative of never asking.

Medical professionals that would like to become skilled Botox injectors, visit -

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Dental and Oral Health

Decay rates generally are falling through more awareness of the need for dental health.

The major improvement has come about in large part because of the addition of fluoride to community water supplies. Some communities actually achieved these results earlier this century because fluoride occurred naturally in the water. Because fluoridation saves money as well as teeth, the cost of dental care in a community is reduced.

Chicago, one of the first major American cities which fluoridated its water, saved more than $20 million in dental bills in the first 15 years of fluoridation. Tooth decay dropped by half among schoolchildren.

When fluoride is consumed while teeth are being formed, it strengthens the enamel, making it much stronger and of higher quality. When the teeth come through, there are very few weak spots which can be attacked by acids from plaque.

There has been controversy about whether it is safe to add fluoride to the water supply. The level at which it is added is very low one part in every million parts of water - and the weight of scientific evidence suggests that it is very safe.

Fluoride toothpastes also have helped to reduce decay rates.

The fact is, the more times that fluoride is brought in contact with the teeth, the more protection the teeth get. So toothpaste helps, as does the periodic application of topical fluoride by your dentist. Topical fluoride treatment and the taking of fluoride supplements are the key to the dental health of children living in communities with non-fluoridated water.

Selecting a good dentist

How do you find a good dentist? That may sound a silly question, but it is a valid one.

You can ask other parents if they know of a dentist who likes to work with children. But it is not always necessary to take a child to someone who specializes in child dentistry.

Some of the following points, which one should seek from a dentist, will help you to decide on the right dentist for you:

Good dentists emphasize by word, and by fluoride applications, their interest in dental care and prevention of possible decay.

Is the surgery clean and tidy? Do you like him or her at first meeting? Higher qualifications indicate the degree of competence. Does he or she examine the entire mouth for abnormalities?

The time to choose a dentist is well before you need one. That way you can make a more reasoned choice.

Before a dentist begins any complex work, make sure that he or she explains what is to be done, how long it will take and what it will cost. Ask if there are options.

Be aware of the possibility of over-servicing and over-charging.

Free treatment for those on low incomes is available at many hospitals.

Source: STUDY carried out some years ago by nutrition scientists found that the New Zealand Maoris used to be remarkably free from tooth decay because their diet consisted mainly of coarse unrefined foods which required lots of chewing. 

But as soon as they, and other peoples such as the Eskimos, switched to refined foods introduced by the white man, tooth decay became common.

Carbohydrates, such as sugars, cause dental disease. Sweet and sticky foods are bad because they are partly converted into acid by bacteria. Sugars have been implicated in other problems besides dental disease. So eating a good diet, including lots of cereal products, fruits and vegetables, is important.


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There is a major breakthrough in the realms of dentistry! A team of researchers from KU Leuven university, Belgium have developed a dental implant that can gradually release drugs from a built-in reservoir. It helps in preventing and fighting infections.

Traditional Dental Implants

There are many micro-organisms in our mouth including fungal and bacterial pathogens. In conventional dental implants, these pathogens form a biofilm which is resistant to drugs such as antibiotics. As a result, these traditional implants are quite prone to infections that are difficult to treat.

For more information on Built-In Reservoir for Dental Implants

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How to repair receding gums.

When the root of the teeth is exposed, there is a higher risk of getting tooth decay. This condition is known as the gum recession. If this condition is not treated early enough, it may eventually lead to teeth loss. There are various causes of gum recession such as;

  • Poor oral hygiene. This often poses as a bacteria breeding site thus tearing down the gums.
  • Tobacco smoking accelerates the irritation of the gum thus causing the recession.
  • If the teeth are abnormally positioned, they cause abnormal forces on the gums and the final result may be the recession.

Generally, there are two major ways of treating the gum recession, that is, the surgery procedure and the home remedies. In order to go for the method that best suits you, it is important to consider the cause of this recession. If the recession has been there for a while, the best solution would be undergoing surgery. In the surgery case, there are some procedures that your Plymouth Dentist can perform in order to fix this condition. These procedures are:

  • Thepedicle grafting.

Here, the dentist takes the gum that needs treatment it is then pulled over so as to cover the exposed area. During this procedure the dentist is supposed to leave some of the gum attached so as to give the teeth the needed support. If there is a lot of gum around the affected tooth, then this is the ideal procedure to follow.

  • Tissue regeneration.

This procedure is performed if the bone that supports the teeth is affected. It helps greatly in facilitating the growth of the gum as well as the bone. In this procedure, there is a fabric put between the gum and the tooth. This is necessary in preventing the gum from growing in areas that is not wanted.

  • Laser dentistry.

This method involves the use of a laser to sterilize as well as reduce the bacteria that maybe in the mouth. Once the bacteria present are eliminated, it provides a perfect condition for the growth of the gum. This procedure may seem to be easy to perform but only a few of the certified Plymouth dentists can perform this therapy.

If the condition has not caused a lot of harm, you can opt for natural remedies. It is easier to treat gum recession by following simple home remedies if the situation is detected at the early stages. Basically, you need to maintain proper hygiene, paying regular visits to the dentists, reduce intake of tobacco as well as other practices that may contribute to the gum erosion. Maintaining healthy oral hygiene will result to overall body health.

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Achieve your New Year Resolution for a healthy and whiter smile in 2017. Here are some amazing tricks which will help you to achieve your healthy smile.

Brushing Apps: Everyone knows brushing twice a day is more important for healthy oral life, also you can download brushing apps on your smartphone and set your favourite music for two minutes. This app also reminds you brush between teeth and other technique. Popular Apps: BrushDJ and BrushTime.

Floss: Flossing plays an important role in improving oral life. It helps to keep your gums clean and healthy. You can find some amazing collection here.

Get Insurance for Dental Services: Insuring yourself and your family for dental services offer several advantages. Learn more about insurance for dental services.

Quit Smoking: Smoking is one of the most common reasons of your bad oral health. It can damage your oral health very badly as well as overall health.

Eat Right: Eat right food and drink enough water in a day, it helps to maintain your healthy oral life. Avoid soda, sticky and hard foods.

Keep Smiling: Smiling helps to reduce your stress which is good for your healthy oral life.

Note: If you are facing dental problem, don't ignore and make an appointment with nearest dentist. Dental checkup on a regular basis is more important for us.

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Three Signs of a Bad Tooth

Having cavities in your teeth is a wholly tiresome ordeal. It is painful enough and having to make multiple trips to the dentist to have the thing fixed puts a cherry on top of the whole deal. However, as it is with any sort of ailment, the sooner a cavity or 'bad tooth' is caught, the easier it is to handle, treat and endure. So if you suspect that one or more of your teeth are going bad due to any reason but are unsure, here are three tell-tale signs to look out for:

The Color:

Ideally, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. This prevents all sorts of dental issues. So whilst brushing, take a look at the troublesome tooth if you can. Look at its color and compare it with the surrounding teeth. Your teeth might not be stark white because everyone has different colored teeth but they will be more or less uniformly colored. Look for any brown or unusual coloring, either in the form of a stain or small dots. These could be the beginnings of a cavity and need to be checked out immediately.

You Feel Pain:

Chew carefully and try to exert pressure on that tooth. If you feel a twinge or pain or any inflammation in the gums near that tooth, chances are, the roots are rotting or at least getting attacked by bacteria. If you feel such pain or irritation, contact a dentist immediately.

There's a bad odor in your mouth:

If you've been brushing regularly and haven't changed your routine, there's no reason for your mouth and gums to smell bad. If, especially whilst eating, you feel your mouth fill with a bad odor or taste for no reason, there might be a pus pocket damaging your tooth. These release pus when put pressure upon whilst eating or chewing. Sometimes, these damage your tooth silently while you might not notice a discoloration on the tooth itself or even pain in the initial stages because these silently attack and rot away your roots. If you feel such an odor or taste in your mouth, get your tooth checked immediately.

Apart from the aforementioned points, if you feel for any reasons whatsoever that your tooth is being damaged, be sure to get it checked by your dentist. Remember that what isn't visible to the eye might be revealed in an x-ray or to a dentist so never leave anything to chance.

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A Complete Dental Care Guide For Elderly People

As you get older, life becomes hard and one becomes more prone to diseases. There could be many health conditions that can arise by time such as dental problems. These issues are faced by almost everyone in the old age. There is nothing scary, however, in this phase of life, you will need to put extra efforts to maintain your charming smile. If you have recently added workout or dietary changes in your schedule, why not add dental care to your priority list? A visit to a dental clinic is never a fun, however, it is worth an effort to keep your teeth in good condition for years.

Take Care of Your Teeth As Your Retirement Approaches

The best thing you can do to keep your teeth healthy is to show care for them. If you are into the habit of skipping brushing schedules, it could lead to plaque building and could eventually, mar the health conditions of your teeth. If you pamper them well it would really pay you in your twilight years. In this age, it is easy to become a victim of root decay, gum diseases, dry mouth and darkened teeth. Here, you can show care towards your gums by consulting an experienced orthodontist.

Pay a Visit to Your Dental Clinic

After every 6 months, one should pay a visit to the dentist to evaluate teeth conditions. Moreover, you can schedule your teeth cleanup session with this professional for your ease. Periodic checkups will also help you in detecting any outstanding dental issues that could cost you thousands of dollars later in the future. Follow the expert advice if your teeth have started loosening. The oral expert will check for any signs of cancer which generally starts developing due to the bumps or lumps. Diminished taste is another alarming sign indicating oral troubles.

The Must To Follow Oral Techniques For Elderly People

1. Flossing

Flossing cleans the hidden areas of teeth, which are otherwise, not reachable by brushing. This lucrative advantage makes it one of the most sought oral cleaning techniques nowadays. It is usually done by wrapping floss around the index finger. If you are suffering from arthritis, you can consider using dental tape which would be more convenient for you to use.

2. Brushing For Cleaner Teeth

A soft bristle brush is gentle on the gums. It is good to the people of all ages, especially matured persons. Enamel tends to wear away as you age which arises the need for brushing, at least twice a day after meals. Electric brush can be much more convenient than the traditional brush for the individuals suffering from arthritis. Avoid brushing too hard due to the risk of gum receding. In case you are in doubt, ask a reliable orthodontist around you.

3. Dental Implants

You may also choose dental implants as it is a permanent solution to some of your oral problems. It becomes a necessity if you are missing your teeth and looking for an alternative to fill up the gap. Once set into the place, dental implants act like regular teeth.

If you are progressing towards old age, there is nothing to worry but to act for extra gum care, so that, you enjoy good oral health as your age advances. If you are experiencing any difficulty in your teeth, consider a trusted dental clinic which can help you maintain good teeth health round the year.

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Should I Use Mouthwash Every Day?

Should I Use Mouthwash Every Day?

Most people know they should brush their teeth at least two times a day. Its also known that flossing controls plaque and tartar buildup in between teeth where your toothbrush can not reach. But using mouthwash is more commonly known to be used right before going out on dates or to easily help with bad breath.

However, mouthwash is more than just a tool to eliminate foul breath. It can also help reduce cavities. Everyone wants to have fresh breath, simply because bad breath turns people off. If you think you might have bad breath, ask a trusted friend or family member. They will be sure to give you a honest answer.

Mouthwash is an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay, gingivitis, as well as the promotion of healthy teeth and gums. Use an antiseptic mouthwash after you brush not only will promote dental health, but helps kill those bad breath germs as well. Mouthwashes should not be used as a substitute for brushing your teeth. It should be the final step in the oral hygiene process both in the morning and in the evening.

Mouthwash is a great tool, but be careful to follow directions on the bottle. Use the proper amount, and do not swallow it. Some rinses containing alcohol ranging from 18 to 26 percent can dry the soft tissues of the mouth and may contribute to mouth sores. Switching to a non-alcohol mouthwash might alleviate these side effects. Alcohol free mouthwash is particularly beneficial for people who have a history of alcohol abuse as well.

In conclusion, set a timer or count in your head. One essential key to using mouthwash properly is to swish it in your mouth for the ideal amount of time. Read the product label carefully. Most mouthwashes recommend that you swish the product around in your mouth for 30 seconds to one minute, then spit it out. If you believe to have a case of chronic bad breath, make an appointment to see your local dentist.

From the editors at

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Did you know that a smile is more than just a reaction to a positive or funny situation.

Smiling can have several physical, social and physiological benefits, too.

Here is an infographic that I like to refer to when explaining the importance of a healthy smile.

Did you know that:

  • Smiling relieves stress, as it releases mood-changing endorphins in your body
  • Smiling can reduce conflict, as it can put people at ease and diffuse stressful situations
  • When you smile you use 5-53 different muscles in your face
  • Babies are born able to smile, they're  not just copying their surroundings
  • Smiling makes you memorable as people tend to remember a smiling face more easily

Your teeth are an important part of your smile. Go and get the smile you have always wanted by making an appointment with your local dentist in Melbourne.

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Dummies Guide to Teeth Whitening

So you want to whiten your teeth but you have no clue where to start? Here are the basics of teeth whitening including some of the most popular methods you can use to get that smile brighter and those teeth a dazzling shade of white.


What Is Teeth Whitening?

When you look at your teeth, what do you see? Are they bright and white, or are they dull, yellow, or stained? White teeth are considered beautiful, and a lot of people go to great lengths to make their teeth appear whiter. When you whiten your teeth you are breaking up stains so your teeth look less discoloured.

Why Should I Whiten My Teeth?

Whitening your teeth has many benefits! Using whitening products will remove unsightly stains and brighten your teeth. Studies into the subject prove that people who have brighter smiles are more confident as P&G explains, “According to the three-part study, which included simulated job interviews, simulated first dates and a quantitative online survey; more than half of the study participants were more likely to be hired (58%) and received larger salary offers (53%) after their teeth had been whitened.” More dates, job offers, and money? How could you turn that down?

What Teeth Whitening Products Are Available?

There are tons of whitening products on the market, each with different pros and cons. Some of the most popular methods are:

  1. Whitening toothpaste – You already use toothpaste, why not whiten while you brush? If you have a brand of toothpaste that you already love, chances are high that there is going to be a whitening version for you to try.
  2. Whitening mouthwash – Fresh breath is just one of the benefits that mouthwash can provide. Certain types will even whiten your teeth as they freshen. Look for mouth washes and rinses that say “whitening” on the label to get this added benefit.
  3. Whitening strips – Whitening strips are typically more powerful than the toothpaste or mouthwash options so they cost a bit more. If you pick up a box of strips, you’ll likely get multiple packets with two strips (one upper and one lower strip) that has gel on one side. You simply place the strip on your teeth for the directed amount of time and poof! you’ll start seeing whiter teeth.
  4. DIY whitening – If you aren’t into the chemical based options, you can typically whip up a whitening paste yourself. Some use activated charcoal bases while others use baking soda. Lots of natural wellness blogs have great recipes for whitening pastes you can make at home.
  5. Whitening gels – Gels can either be painted straight on your teeth, or put into a tray that fits snugly over your teeth to whiten them. Either way, the gel has powerful components that’ll whiten your teeth as soon as you put it on them.
  6. Professional whitening – This method requires your dentist’s help. They’ll supervise your whitening session, and lots of people see great results in just one session. This does mean it’s a pretty expensive option, since results are fast and often dramatically different.

How Do I Choose?

Well, there are a few factors you need to consider when choosing your teeth whitening method. First, how stained are your teeth? Do you need a LOT of whitening power, or just to brighten things up a bit? The strength of whitening you need will help you to figure out what type of whitening you should choose.

You should also consider what your price-point is when shopping around for teeth whitening products. They can range from a few dollars for toothpastes all the way to six hundred or more for whitening at the dentist. Knowing how much you want to spend can help you zero-in on the best product for you.

The stronger the whitening power, the more you’ll likely pay for teeth whitening. Also, keep in mind that the most expensive option is typically going to be a professional whitening treatment done by a dentist. This method is one of the fastest and most powerful options and you get the benefit of professional supervision, but as a result it’ll make things quite a bit costlier.

What Else Should I Know?

For one thing, once you decide on the method you want to use, you should really talk with your dentist about your choice. They’ll have some great perspective on your choice, and may be able to offer some advice on ways to maximize the whitening power. You should also know that some whitening methods won’t work for everyone. Results depend on the individual, so you might not see the exact same results as your friends see.

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How Are Dentures Made?

Whether it’s due to trauma, decay, or gum disease, there are multiple reasons why you could lose your teeth. But you'll still need a bit of help to smile and eat, and with dentures you can go about carrying on with your life.

How do you go from gums to grinning?Whether you are a first-time denture-wearer or just plain curious about how dentures are made, the process requires extensive artwork and eye to detail.

You'll Get to Know Your Dentist Really Well

Having a denture made can be a process that takes several separate appointments to complete. Exactly how long it takes depends mainly on how easy it is to make a denture that comfortably fits your mouth. From extractions to healing or adjustments, some people may be back and forth to their dentist’s office a few times before everything looks and feels just right.

Multiple trips to visit your dentist will help you get to know your team of providers well, and vice versa! That's a good thing, since a great working relationship with your dentist will help you design a better denture together.


Why Do Dentures Take So Much Time?

Dentures are gradually created from a series of impressions of your mouth and then from molds or casts that are created based off those impressions. These replicas are necessary to check the way your teeth are meant to close together, as well as to recreate the shape of your mouth.

You'll want dentures that fit comfortably against the surface of your gums and make it easy to close your mouth. The better the fit, the less likely you need to wear something like a denture adhesive paste or tape.

What are dentures made from?

Today's most popular denture material is acrylic resin, which is very strong but not too expensive. The teeth on some dentures (particularly front ones) may be made of porcelain, because that most closely resembles the enamel on natural teeth.


Your First Denture: What to Expect

From start to finish, your experience may look something like this:

First visit: Talk with the dentist to find out what your restorative needs are. Get answers to questions such as:

  • Should remaining teeth be extracted?
  • What kind of denture is right for you?
  • When should you get started?

You'll then need some x-rays to get a better idea of how to begin.

Second visit: Get impressions of your gums and any remaining teeth.

Third visit: Molds based off the shape of your mouth are used to create dentures which you'll try on to find the best fit.

Fourth visit: Design the size, shape, and color of the teeth in your new smile.

Fifth visit: Try out your new smile! If your denture needs further adjusting, you'll have to come back once more to pick it up.

Clearly, a quality denture takes some careful time and planning. If you're considering the possibility of anchoring your dentures in place with implants, it will be even longer before your smile is ready.

Is a new denture in your immediate future? You've got a team of experienced denture dentists in Houston at your local Summit Dental Center location. Contact us today for more information.

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Cleaning of tongue is important

We give so much importance to brushing our teeth and flossing that we forget that cleaning our tongue is also crucial for our oral health. Like brushing, we should also make cleaning our teeth a part of our daily schedule.

There are lots of bacteria present in your mouth and majority of them stay on your tongue. Bacteria and residual food particles in your mouth can cause a serious problem like halitosis which is also known as “bad breath”. It also causes white discoloration of your tongue.

Read more about why and how you should clean your tongue.

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It’s difficult to decide on what course you’ll enter when you’re in college. There are actually many practical courses to choose to have a potential career once you graduate. Dentistry is one of the challenging courses because it has long academic years to complete and you have to practice the dental training in public by hiring someone with unhealthy teeth and gums then you’ll try to experiment on them.


If you don’t have any idea where to go, you may check the dentist Northern Ireland curriculum and school. Many schools in Ireland are offering quality courses related to dentistry.


Opportunities Knocking on Your Dentistry Profession


A certified professional dentist can work in any sector namely public or private. Dentists may work at the hospitals, clinics, non-profit organizations, and they can even teach dentistry to upcoming dentistry students. There were also job vacancies for dentist specifically for Hygienist Vacancies N Ireland and Dentist Northern Ireland. What will you expect in this profession?


1.    Dental Training Requirements


When practicing your profession as a neophyte, you will be given a period of time and look for test subjects to perform your dental operations such as cleaning, dental filling, and more. This training allows you to have an actual experience of dental checkups and monitoring.


2.    Hygiene and Sanitation


You should observe sanitation properly since you’re dealing with many individuals. The use of the protective clothing, mask, and gloves will help you maintain the cleanliness whenever you perform dental procedures. Also, dentist nowadays is not only limited to dentistry and orthodontics but also, there are hygienist vacancies N Ireland now.


3.    Expensive Tools and Machines to Use


Expect it when you took up the dentistry course, you have to invest money in the tools, machines, ointments, creams, gels, and other relevant equipment for dental procedures. No wonder why the dentists charged costly because of the cost of their profession from the tools, machines, clinic, dental solutions, and more.


Dentistry is surely a tough profession because you have to build your career along the academics and apply these learning to actual exposure in dental procedures.

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Oggi, le spese mediche stanno bruciando le nostre tasche. E 'un'ironia che le prestazioni mediche di base sono così costosi nei paesi più avanzati.

Comunque, perché non c'è altra alternativa; Turismo dentale sta risolvendo questo problema. Luoghi come la Moldavia stanno spianando vari modi per i trattamenti dentali a prezzi bassi e in piùc'èuna serie di cliniche dentaliin Moldavia che offrono servizi di alta qualità.


Se tu o qualsiasi dei tuoi familiari soffre di problemi dentali, è possibile contattare e pianificare una vacanza divertente con i piani di trattamento efficaci.

Come parte della strategia di turismo dentale, la clinica prenderà cura delle tutte attività di imbarco e alloggio, tra cui: -

ü  Trasferimenti da e per l'aeroporto

ü  Organizzazione per tour dentale 

ü  Sistemazione per la durata del trattamento

ü  24 ore di comunicazione e la facilità dell'interprete

ü  Consigli di viaggio per trascorrere il tempo in un modo indimenticabile in Moldavia

ü  Assistenza personalizzata

Se parliamo dei dentisti Leader in Moldavia, è necessario verificare le testimonianze e le recensioni online per trovare il giusto dentista. È inoltre possibile trovare i dettagli dei clienti precedenti e contattarli per verificare la credibilità del dentista.

È 'importante controllare il sito on-line e verificare l'indirizzo del dentista. Se il sito ha una sezione separata per i messaggi informativi e originali relativi al trattamento dentale, ci si può fidare dei servizi.

Come funziona? (Turismo dentale in Moldavia)

È possibile contattare il dentista e descrivere i sintomi nei dettagli. Il dentista chiederà la radiografia, se necessario. Dopo aver esaminato l'X-Ray, riceverà il costo del trattamento completo e il numero delle fasi necessariedi trattamento.

Riceverete anche altri dettagli per quanto riguarda gli alloggi, trasporti e biglietti aerei ai prezzi accessibili.

Sarete accolti dal personale, del trattamento e comincerete nello stesso giorno. Dopo il che il trattamento è finito, è possibile trascorrere il tempo con la famiglia per il resto dei giorni. Se necessario, il dentista chiederà di venire per più fasi.

Dopo che il trattamento è completato, il personale farà foto indimenticabili con voi e chiederàla vostra opinione per migliorare i servizi.

È possibile consultare una clinica odontoiatrica per vari trattamenti dentali. Riceverete esperienza e trattamento analogo rispetto al trattamento dentale negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito ad un costo molto più basso.

Così, turismo dentale porta risultati positivi. Oltre a ricevere un trattamento conveniente, il paziente e la sua famiglia si sente come in una vacanza ed anche senza lo stress.

Come la vita senza stress è l'elemento principale per essere sempre in forma, è importante incoraggiare questa forma di turismo. Se siete alla ricerca dei soluzioni per Protesi convenienti in Moldavia,è  possibile visitare i loro siti e contattare il dentista.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito:Turismo Dentale In Moldavia

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2 day Damon Course in London UK on February 25th and 26th, 2017. Faculty will be Dr Nancy Almeida, specialist Orthodontist. The course fee is 990 GBP, payment can be done at our webpage below. You also get 5 years of free Post Course Mentoring from Dr Almeida.



Park Inn by Radisson London Heathrow
Bath Rd, Sipson, Heathrow UB7 0DU, United Kingdom

CPD Continuing Professional Development

16h verifiable hours

Course Fees – 990 GBP / 1300 USD


Dr Nancy Almeida, Specialist Orthodontist. Click here to learn more about the faculty.


A simplified, predictable and precise technique for a better, faster and gentler treatment.

For a more complete and global outcome. More than a treatment, Damon is a global concept and a philosophy of treatment.


Helping you to target: Teeth, Muscles, Jaws, TMJ, Posture & Oral functions!

Helping you to achieve: Aesthetics, Function & Stability!

This is the most powerful and complete technique which focuses not only in the correction of any malocclusion but also in the correction of the factors causing the malocclusion thus avoiding relapse in the future.


Systematic, exhaustive and consistent.


1 To understand crucial concepts such as: orthodontics, maxilo-facial

orthopedics, diagnosis, classification, codification, quantification,

treatment planning, treatment philosophy and treatment mechanics;

2 To comprehensively diagnose a clinical case and select the right cases

for Damon system technique;

3 To accurately select the most appropriate Damon bracket and torque for

each individual case and to comprehensively treat the patient to the

satisfaction of all stakeholders; To review and reflect on each individual

case aiming to improve treatment mechanics and outcomes.


Students will be able to select, diagnose, plan and treat an orthodontic

case using the Damon Passive self-ligation technique.

Students can take the help of remote mentoring to clarify their doubts and

for step by step instructions on each case.




1.1  Welcome

1.2  Attendees

1.3  AFO Academy of Fixed Orthodontics & Dr Ravi Kumar

1.4 Dr Nancy Almeida



2.1 Aims/Goals

2.2 Concepts

2.3 Assessment

2.4 Diagnosis

2.5 Treatment planning



3.1 Treatment philosophies

3.2 Fixed appliances & bracket design




1.1 Founder

1.2 Concepts

1.3 Aims/Goals

1.4 Indications & Contraindications

1.5 Advantages & Disadvantages


2.1 Face driven treatment planning

2.2 Physiologically adaptive mechanics

2.3 Low friction biomechanics

2.4 Phases of treatment


3.1 Brackets (materials, types, prescriptions, torque selection, placement)

3.2 Bonding (materials, techniques)

3.3 Arch wires (materials, types, sequence)

3.4 Inter and intra-maxillary elastics (types, prescriptions, applications)

3.5 Auxiliary elements (stops, coils, built-ups…)







No crowding

Posterior crossbite




Class I: dental / skeletal

Class I: with deepbite / with openbite

Class II: dental / skeletal

Class II: with deepbite / with openbite

Class III: dental / skeletal

Without extractions

With extractions


3.1 Anchorage

3.2 Complementary appliances (functional and non-functional)

3.3 Complementary procedures

3.4 Tips & Tricks

3.5 Finishing




1.1 Introduction

1.2 Concepts

1.3 Educational journey

1.4 Factors pro-relapse

1.5 Principles/Factors/Methods pro-retention

1.6 Appliances pro-retention

1.7 Methods anti-relapse (post or short-term orthodontics)











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The difference between Invisalign and Braces

Invisalign in Brooklyn NY is a treatment that uses aligners to achieve well aligned teeth. It is an alternative for metal braces and it is used for correcting crowded or crooked teeth and gaps or overbites found between the teeth. The Invisalign treatment requires the use of clear plastic - aligners - and they are custom made according to the needs of the patient. In comparison to metal braces, aligners may be removed for short periods of time such as for brushing teeth and eating. Results are influenced by compliance to keep the aligners in place, experience of the doctor, and the level of movement required for teeth.  

When it comes to choosing between braces and Invisalign, many people are not sure of what they should choose. Their concerns include which one is cost effective, which is more reliable, and which has lesser side effects. Both Invisalign and braces have been designed well for straightening teeth while improving oral health and smile. Braces use metal brackets that are glued to the teeth and tied together by tiny rubber bands or wires. It is possible to get brackets that match the enamel color, so that they can be discrete.

Invisalign is known for its invisibility. Aligner trays are made using comfortable and smooth BPA-free clear plastic that should be worn on teeth to move them gently. The specialist uses impressions, pictures, and X-Ray images to create the best 3-D teeth image and configure aligners as required.

Both Invisalign and braces help straighten teeth, but each one has its benefits and side effects. With braces, discomfort and sores are common because of brackets and wires that are used for teeth movements. Also, there may be some difficulty experienced when eating hard or sticky food.  

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