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Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry specializing in the treatment of patients with inappropriate positioning of teeth when the mouth is closed (malocclusion), resulting in an improper bite. The healthcare experts specializing in orthodontics are recognized as orthodontists.

This treatment is used to correct the appearance, function and position of abnormally arranged teeth. Teeth can be straightened and moved into a better position with this procedure.

Two terms used to describe the different levels of orthodontic care are:

  1. Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment

  2. Limited Orthodontic Treatment


Comprehensive orthodontic treatment or full treatment usually involves placing upper and lower braces on all the teeth. Procedure involves the growth modification for skeletal correction. It is done in cases that require banding more than 6 teeth per arch.


  • Full Fixed Appliances (Braces)

  • Surgical Cases

  • Serial Extractions

  • Headgear

  • Frankl Appliance

  • Bionator

In most instances, these procedures are for full occlusal correction. To arrive at a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, there is requirement of comprehensive orthodontic records (photographs, study models, panoramic and cephalometric films).


It is the partial orthodontic treatment in which only a localized or 'limited' issue is addressed. The procedure involves the alignment of no more than four teeth per arch. This includes the use of removable appliances to no more than 6 teeth per arch.


  • Tipping a molar distally to regain space

  • Correction of anterior cross-bite with a Hawley retainer or a fixed 2-by-4 appliance

  • Use of removable appliance to correct a dental posterior cross-bite

  • Use of cross arch elastic to correct a molar in cross-bite

These procedures are called ‘limited’ because they correct a limited portion of the total dentition.


Orthodontic treatment can achieve several goals according to patient’s needs and desired outcomes. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is carried out to accomplish the goal of ideal alignment of all the teeth and jaws in good form. The treatment is usually commenced in adolescents when the body is growing and can respond well to orthodontic therapy. Typical duration of this treatment is 1 to 2 years, depending on the complexity of the bite.

On the other hand, limited orthodontic treatment is for adults with minor orthodontic needs, who just want to improve their smiles in a shorter period of time. It commonly takes 6 months to improve the smile. Limited treatment can be accomplished in a smaller amount time than comprehensive treatment. This may also require some additional cosmetic dental procedures to bring more efficient results.

Dr. Shahin Safarian’s is well equipped to provide you with all the options for your goals including the risks, advantages and alternatives to the treatment. The Clinic offers both comprehensive and limited treatment with a variety of tools including metal brackets, Invisalign or clear brackets. Get more details about Orthodontics in San Diego at Irresistible Smiles.

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Many people avoid going to the dentist because they fear what they will find out and, worse yet, how much it will hurt if something needs to be done. Because of their fear, they often wait too long to take care of their dental problems. This leads to more extensive procedures. Dentists now have tools that can help their patients face their fears. The modern dental technologies have made dental treatments much more comfy.

For more information click here: Dental Technologies: Relax! Fear No More That Dentist’s Chair


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Oral Health Tips for the festive season

The Christmas and New Year period can be a tricky time to fit in visits to the dentist or doctor, but if you have a persistent problem that has been hanging around for two weeks or more, such as a cough, ulcer, pain, or change in appearance of any part of your mouth or throat do get it checked out quickly. Book an appointment now if you are worried about any of the above and for that unexpected emergency there will always be a professional available in your area, just make sure you are registered with a dentist and doctor locally and you will be able to continue your festive fun.

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People having large cavities are generally recommended to get dental crowns by dentists to restore their tooth. Crown covers the whole tooth and prevents further damage to the tooth structure. Some people consider this treatment to improve the aesthetic appeal of their mouth, while others choose it to restore their tooth.

The crowns are made from different kinds of materials. It can be made from stainless steel, all metal (gold or another alloy), all ceramic, all resin, porcelain-fused-to-metal, etc. The cost of the overall treatment varies according to the type of material used. For instance, if someone wants to get silver or gold crowns, then the treatment will cost higher because these metals are quite expensive.

A dental crown is placed after the reduction of tooth to adhere the crown properly to the tooth structure. So, opting for an alternative treatment can help avoid the occurrence of such damage. Some of the dental crown alternatives are;

1. Doing nothing:

It means leaving the tooth as it is. The tooth may have had a huge filling held in by a small amount of tooth for a number of years. If you are deciding to remove the filling then remember that you could actually create more problems than possibly will you solve, particularly when there is nothing technically wrong with it. The tooth may then breaks-off to gum level and requires a root canal post, a core and crown.

2.  Tooth inlay/onlay:

Metal or mixed-metal crowns when comes in contact with saliva generate battery-like effects or may get erode over time. Here onlay/inlay is the best choice to go with, as this would save the maximum amount of natural tooth.

 3. Tooth Filling:

If the damage is less, then filling can prove to be a good option, however, if the tooth structure has a large cavity, then it get difficult to replace a crown with a filling. The dentist can simply analyze whether a filling will work to restore the tooth or not. It should also be kept in mind that tooth filling is only a temporary replacement of crown and not the permanent possibility.

4. Temporary Restoration:

The temporary treatment to the tooth can be provided in order to delay the immediate crown placement. This option can be chosen by people having financial constraints, as it is less expensive than permanent restorations. Such patients should follow precautionary measures in order to avoid further damages.

5. Porcelain Veneers:

Extreme stains or small abrasions on teeth can be concealed with the help of porcelain veneers. They are directly bonded onto the tooth to provide natural color.

6. Dental Bonding:

Dental bonding can treat small fractures on tooth surface.

7. Tooth Whitening:

Cosmetic tooth whitening is the simplest alternative to dental crown to tackle extreme tooth discoloration. Though not a permanent cure for tooth discoloration, but still an attractive option go with, as it is simple and quite inexpensive.

The above mentioned alternatives cannot completely withdraw the need of a dental crown as none of them are comparable to crown placement. It can only help in delaying the treatment for some time. If you are looking for the permanent solution then go with dental Crowns. Visit our site for more information about Dental Crowns in San Diego

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Dentists are the special doctors which care for our dental problems. Any dentist is the teeth specialist doctor. Teeth are very important part of the body. These are also very strong but due to the regular use and lack of care, teeth also can have the problems. The dentist provides the best treatment for all types of problems in our teeth. Our teeth can have many problems due to the unhealthy foods and due to lack of care. Some of the main dental problems are as follows:

  • Sensitivity: sensitivity is the problem when any very hot or cold food or drink makes you wince. The sensitivity can be there from many reasons like any fracture, cavities, gum diseases, exposed teeth root etc.
  • Gum diseases: the first stage of the gum disease is called as gingivitis. This may not have any sign. That is why the regular check up is very important. It is very important to clean your teeth daily with brush.
  • Cavities problem: these are the one of most common problems in the teeth. In general language, cavity is the decay of ant tooth. It can be serious with time. So it is very important to get the help of dentist on time.

These are the main problems in teeth. Any Dentist in Cobourg can treat all the problems if you live there. These problems can occur due to many reasons. The main reasons of the dental problems is the unhealthy food and careless about the teeth cleaning. The people can have the dental problems due to following reasons: The main cause of the dental problem is not proper cleaning of the teeth. People should clean their teeth twice a day with

  • The main cause of the dental problem is not proper cleaning of the teeth. People should clean their teeth twice a day with brush and after every meal with the clean water.
  • The unhealthy lifestyle is also a important cause of the dental problems. The sweets, chocolates and oily food are also very harmful for the teeth.
  • Very hot and cold food is also a cause of the dental problems. The very hot and cold food makes our teeth weaker. So we should avoid it.
  • We should go to the dentist for the regular checkups even if we do not have any problems. There can be any unknown problem in our teeth. So we should go for complete checkup at least twice a year.

So these are the main problems which can be dangerous for the teeth. People should be aware of the teeth diseases and they should have knowledge about the dental problems and treatments. The smoking and drinking is also very harmful our teeth. The regular checkups of complete mouth can be very helpful to avoid the dental problems and to keep your smiles attractive.

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How to Stop Tooth Pain Easily

When you have a toothache and need fast and effective relief until you can get to the dentist, there are a few home remedies you can try. Although no home remedy will fix the problem, it may be able to control the pain until you can get in to your dentist to have things checked out.

There may be many reasons of toothache or tooth pain like sensitivity, TMJ disorders, wisdom teeth pain, etc. Try these natural home remedies to get effective and immediate tooth pain relief. Read more ...

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Destination for Dental Implants in Delhi

Healthy smile, healthy you-the essence of your oral health cannot be sidelined, for researches suggest that the health of your mouth mirrors the reflection of your body as a whole. Thus, oral health is overall health! Why so?? Well get to know!!

A smile defines your soul, but what if a cricked or missing teeth suppresses your smile & makes you self-conscious. Losing teeth might be a common problem, but it surely doesn’t necessarily mean that you can let your mouth be. Because it could not only affect your bite, but put undue stress on your jaw, & could even cause gum diseases.

For those with a missing teeth or requiring teeth replacement, dental science provides with 3 key options—dentures, bridges and implants. Though dentures and bridges used to be the go-to replacements for tooth loss, modern technology has made dental implants an increasingly popular choice.

And speaking of dental care, an array of dentist Delhi have facilitated us with their State-of-the-Art Dental Centers & world class facilities to choose from-delivering you with quality dental care & treatment.

And speaking of Dental Implants, it is only evitable to take a deeper look into what they are?

Technically, it implies to the replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth, giving you normal support.

Before you choose this mode of dental fix, it is advisable to understand the reason of its gaining prominence:

  • Next best thing to healthy, natural teeth.

 Being strong and stable-these implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. Other options can lead to bone deterioration, and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking plus other activities of everyday life.

  • Built to last-Dental implants being a long-term solution:

Traditional, tooth-supported dental bridges only last an average of 5 to 7 years, or a maximum extension of 10 years, but only when provided with proper care. Dental implants on the other hand can last a lifetime if properly placed and cared for over time.

  • Enjoy life without worrying about your teeth:

Live life king size! No need to feel uncomfortable in public or embarrassed because your smile looks different, or that removable dentures or tooth-supported replacement teeth will loosen or fall out when you talk, eat or laugh. Teeth restored with dental implants are teeth that let’s you & not your teeth, lead your life!

  • Protect Healthy Bone.

Leaving empty spaces in your mouth after losing one or more teeth can lead to additional health issues, like loss and deterioration of some of your jawbone. This is for the cause that, when it is not being used to support a natural tooth, the jawbone deteriorates, losing its strength and firmness. However, these implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and stimulates natural bone, actually helping to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss.

  • Retain your natural face shape, and smile.

 A face without teeth can sag, appear sunken and sad. Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile.

Missing teeth should no longer be a problem. Patients with implants find that after the procedure, they are free to live as they normally would without the problems that are presented by other tooth replacement procedures.




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Rising Oral Health Problems in the USA

Did you know that in the US, the number of people visiting the ER because of delayed dental care is increasing day by day? According to an article on USA Today, the number of people visiting the ER on account of dental problems had doubled from 1.1 million in 2000 to 2.2 million in 2012. That means one person per 15 seconds has a dental emergency in the country. "This is something I deal with daily, and there is not a week that goes by that we don't have someone hospitalized. People still die from their teeth in the U.S," says George Kushner, Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Program at the University of Louisville.

One of the major reasons for this situation is the lack of insurance coverage for dental care. While dental services for children are covered under health plans under the Affordable Care Plan, adults have nowhere to go. The general Medicaid plans that most Americans depend on for health care don't usually cover dental care, which leads people to abstain from regular dental visits, which in turn l eads to the poor dental health rate in the USA. Statistics show that over one-third of adults and around 64% of senior citizens lacked any form of dental coverage in 2012. With a shortage of around 7,000 dentists in the US in 2012, around 10% of the people with Medicaid plans were also struggling to find a dentist. In the existing numbers, more than 80% of the dentists don't entertain people with Medicaid plans because of the lower reimbursement. All this is leading to declining oral health conditions in the USA.

Major Oral Health Problems

According to an article on Healthline Media, around a quarter of American citizens over the age of 65 have lost their teeth. Another one-third is suffering from tooth decay, irrespective of the fact that bad dental health can be linked to heart diseases and other ailments like diabetes. The number of people dying from oral cancer every year is around 8,000, of which most are elderly.

According to studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 27% of the adult population in the age group of 20-44 have untreated cavities. Other major oral health concerns include:

  • Gum Disease: Gingivitis is the first and only reversible stage of this disease. If left untreated, it might lead to more serious conditions, like periodontitis.
  • Dry Mouth: Certain health conditions and medications can lead to dry mouth. It is not a big problem in itself but when your mouth lacks the cleansing effect of saliva, it aggravates tooth decay and other oral health problems.
  • Oropharyngeal Cancer: It can affect any area of your mouth, including the lips, gums, jaw and throat. Caught early, this disease is treatable by a good dentist. 
  • Missing Teeth: Tooth decay, worn out tooth enamel, gum disease, anything can be a reason for tooth loss.

Oral Care

Like regular health checks ups for the body, regular dental visits are a must to maintain proper oral health. Irrespective of whether you brush your teeth twice a day, visiting a dentist regularly ensures that oral health issues are kept at bay and any problem that you might encounter is taken care of before it develops further complications, giving you more reasons to keep that smile on all day, say experts at Revitalizing Smiles. It is understandable that preventive care like regular checkups is expensive but considering the fact that the treatment cost after something goes wrong is much worse, it is safe to say that prevention is better than cure, when it comes to dental care. The ADA is also encouraging the idea of increased health coverage for adult dental care. Till it comes into effect, all a person has to remember is that it is your own health and your own smile that you will be putting at risk when you ignore oral care.

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You’ve heard that flossing daily is part of a good dental hygiene routine, but is it really that important? Yes it is! By the time you finish this post, we hope you will understand why flossing is important and how to make the best possible use of your flossing routine.

Why Is Flossing Important?
Brushing helps remove the acids and bacteria from the front, back and chewing surfaces of your teeth. The space between teeth, however, makes up approximately forty percent of their surface. This surface can’t be reached by brushing, which leaves bacteria to continue eating away at the enamel on your teeth, eventually causing cavities. Flossing helps prevent gum disease as well.

See Also: Gingivitis: The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

How Often Should You Floss?
If you floss properly, not missing any teeth, once a day should be sufficient. While the best time to floss is right before bed and after you are done eating for the day is ideal, any time that works for your schedule is fine if you do a thorough job. The point is to get in one good flossing a day.

Should You Floss Before or After Brushing?
According to a poll, 53% people brush before flossing, while 47% brush after flossing. It does not matter whether you floss before or after brushing. The most important thing is to floss and give some time to your dental care.

How Do You Floss Correctly?
Cut of a piece of your chosen floss to about eighteen inches. You then need to wrap each end around a finger on each hand until you have a piece of floss that can reach your back teeth comfortably. It helps to have a regular order of flossing so you don’t miss any teeth. Starting at the back of either the top or bottom, place the floss behind the tooth and then bring one end around each side. Starting at the top; use up and down motions to gently scrape your tooth. Continue this process one tooth at a time until you have finished.

Is There a Best Practice for Choosing Floss?
Any floss is better than none at all, but there are some things to consider. If your teeth are close together, you want to look for thinner floss that can fit easily between them. If the spacing is wider, flat floss will work fine. You can try either nylon or Teflon floss as both are effective. You may want to try several styles to determine which works best for you.

What Should You Keep in Mind While Flossing?
Make sure you are using the correct technique to effectively get rid of plaque from between your teeth. If you floss too hard, you can damage the tissue in your teeth. If you are flossing too gently, you might not be able to get the food out of your mouth.

It should not be painful to floss. You can feel some discomfort when you start flossing for the first time. Your gums may bleed a little when you start to remove plaque between your teeth. Carry on flossing, the pain and bleeding would stop within a week or two. But if your pain and bleeding persists, consult your dentist.

You can try wooden plaque removers or a plastic floss holder to clean between your teeth with one hand. If you have bridges and braces, you should carefully reach underneath the wires and restorations and between your teeth. You can use a floss threader or a Super Floss.

If flossing becomes difficult for you, you can take advice from your dentist about different ways of cleaning or removing plaque between your teeth.

Contact Fabey Dental Studios at (610)-810-2704 to learn more about the effective flossing techniques.

Original Post: Fabey Dental Studios Blog

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Treating Sleep Apnea without the Mask

Sleeping with a CPAP machine can prove difficult.  Up to 50 percent of sleep apnea patients do not comply with or tolerate CPAP. Oral appliance therapy can help unmask sleep apnea. Patients like oral appliances because they are comfortable and easy to wear. They are also a more discreet treatment for those who want to change positions during sleep or snuggle their bed partner.

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Why are dental crowns needed?

Crowns can be made out of; composite resin, all-porcelain/all-ceramic, zirconia, or porcelain on the outside bonded to metal or zirconia on the inside, stainless steel, gold alloy, etc.

Need of dental crowns

A crown could be used for a variety of reasons; following are the most common situations:

1.    Root canal: Root canal treatment pre-disposes the residual tooth to cracking. So, after having root canal done, tooth is required to be restored with a crown straightaway, to prevent it from fracturing. A crown provides the final touch after a root canal. It seals the tooth and strengthens it for the long term.

2.    Large filling: A tooth is required to be covered with a crown when it has a cavity or fracture that is half the width of the tooth or more. This is done because the remaining tooth around the filling is so fragile that it gets susceptible to fractures.

At times, when the tooth shows signs of cracks or stress around the filling it is required to be replaced with a crown.

3.    Cracked tooth syndrome: In this condition, a patient has fractures inside a tooth, which causes pain when the food is chewed. Chewing produces stress on these fracture lines that makes it feel like if it is splitting apart. Crown in such conditions helps in holding the tooth together and distribute the stress evenly throughout the tooth, thus eliminating the pain in most of the cases. In such situations, it is best to go with temporary crown on for a while to make sure that the tooth doesn't require a root canal.

4.    Too much wear-away of teeth: Some people have the habit of grinding their teeth, thus the teeth gets shorter over time. Other cases that can wear away the teeth are: acid erosion caused by gastrointestinal acid reflux (GERD), an acidic diet or bulimia. The only way to restore the teeth in such cases is by covering the teeth with crowns.

5.    Unacceptable appearance of teeth: Teeth that have undesirable appearance due to shape, color or spaces between them, can be made natural looking and appealing with crowns.

6.    Broken cusp: These breakdowns affect the pointed chewing surfaces of the teeth.  Crown or onlay will be required to repair the damage and restore the tooth's shape.

7.    Others: Dental implants require crowns to restore spaces left from missing teeth. In cases where the teeth are loose; crowns are placed on multiple teeth and splinted together to provide more strength and stability.

Dental crown lasts on average from 10 to 20 years. They are still exposed to cavities and fracture, so it is important to take extra care while brushing and flossing around the crowned teeth.

The crown are used for a variety of reasons, may it be your desire to improve the appearance of your tooth or to prolong its life, it is one of the best dental treatments that can be relied upon. Dr. Shahin Safarian can answer all your queries regarding Dental crowns in San Diego.

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Recent years has shown an influx in obsessions of our appearance, this may be due to the rise of social media where we are now saturated with images of our friends, enemies and celebrities 24/7.  We can now compare ourselves not just to others in the street but from the privacy of our own homes too.

This selfie-obsessed culture combined with the fact that only 35% of adults have well aligned lead has led to a rise of 177% in clear braces with invisible aligners allowing for the teeth to be straightened without notice. Invisalign can straighten teeth by correcting a number of bite problems:

  • Crowding
  • Spacing
  • Over bite
  • Under bite
  • Deep Bite

Cosmetic Dentistry Boosts Confidence

Cosmetic dentistry is the art of improving a patient’s teeth or bite. With an improved smile, comes confidence. In an independent study by the AACD it was noted that:

  • 74% of adults felt that an attractive smile helps their chances of career success.
  • 96% of people in the survey believe an attractive smile is important when looking to attract a romantic partner.
  •  99.7% of the people interviewed stated that a smile is a vital asset for social skills.

Thankfully, we don’t have to suffer with misaligned teeth and though celebrity culture may be making us more conscious of our appearance, it’s also opening the public up to dental solutions that can be undertaken to restore our smiles.

Celebrities who have had adult braces

  • Zac Efron
  • Tom Cruise
  • Gisele Bundchen

Traditional “train tracks” were a two year commitment, with associations of high school and those awful teenage years we would probably love to forget, but for those who missed out on straightening their misaligned teeth in their youth may feel embarrassed to regress back to traditional orthodontics. Luckily, technology is allowing for teeth to be straightened in new and improved ways, with less disruption than was once a given.

Considering teeth straightening is a big decision, and fixed braces seem daunting. This is due to the committing to having a mouth full of metal that are fixed 24/7. Traditional braces can leave the teeth stained and come with the associated pain and mouth irritation. Invisalign is the solution to these common problems;



Source: Invisalign Scotland

Invisalign allows for removable, clear mouth guards that can straighten your teeth in just 6-9 months. These are a great alternative to train tracks which many professionals might feel would hinder their careers.

  • Removable to suit your lifestyle – aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours per day.
  • Easier cleaning than traditional fixed braces
  • Clear alternative to braces which may embarrass some adults
  • No metal wires or fixed brackets which could become damaged
  • Convenient and short term compared to traditional fixed methods

How does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign trays are a unique plastic material made only for the use of Invisalign. They are similar in look to teeth whitening trays and are a bespoke creation made for your mouth only. Over the course of the Invisalign treatment you will be presented with a series of aligners, each with an incremental change, that develops into a straight set of teeth mapped out by your dentist.

The aligners cause the teeth to gradually move from their current position, and so on until you finish the series of aligners. Throughout the process, only certain teeth move at one time, it’s this controlled movement that makes the brace so successful.

Invisalign for Nervous Patients

Those who suffer from dental anxiety may prefer Invisalign treatment as the associated pain and anxiety that come with traditional metal braces is less pronounced. There may be some temporary discomfort when the new aligner is worn but this if often described as “pressure” and is evidence of the brace working.

The British Orthodontic Society has revealed that adults make up half of all the UK’s orthodontic patients and due to Invisalign’s clear and removable properties it’s no wonder this solution is growing in popularity.







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What Does an Endodontist Do?

Endodontists are dentists who have an additional 2-3 years of formal education after dental school in the treatment and management of disorders relating to the roots and nerves of teeth. Endodontics is one of the several fields recognized as a dental specialty. One of the most common endodontic procedures people are familiar with is a root canal.

According to the American Association of Endodontists, an “[endodontist’s] additional training focuses on diagnosing tooth pain and performing root canal treatment and other procedures relating to the interior of the tooth.”

Why See an Endodontist Instead of a Family Dentist?

If you have a tooth that is more difficult to treat because of its anatomy or location, your general/family dentist may not be up for the challenge. General dentists usually refer complex cases and root canal re-treatments as they require an extensive amount of time or additional equipment to complete. In many cases it is convenient and more comfortable for to just have a specialist complete your root canal.

Being that an endodontist is a highly trained specialist, he or she will have the necessary education, experience and equipment (such as microscopes) to make the procedure more efficient than it would be somewhere else.

What to Expect from a Root Canal Treatment by a Specialist

Unfortunately, root canals have a bad reputation. Many people feel that it’s one of the “worst” procedures they can have done in a dentist office…but it doesn’t have to be. Having an endodontist perform your root canal means the process will go as quickly and smoothly as possible. After all, they’re the experts!

First, the area will be numbed so you don’t feel any discomfort or pain. The endodontist will then create an access point to remove the diseased nerve tissue inside the tooth. Next, the nerve chamber is thoroughly cleaned and medicated before being sealed off to prevent reinfection.

You may have an endodontically infected tooth if you are experiencing symptoms of:

  •  Severe tooth pain
  •  Swelling or an abscess along the gumlines
  •  Tooth discoloration
  •  Pain when chewing
  •  Past trauma to the tooth
  •  Large areas of decay

What About the Price Tag?

Depending on who your dentist is, he or she may have an endodontist that they work with to refer you to for your procedure. This may mean going to another office, or your dentist bringing a specialist into their own private practice for their patients.

The location of your treatment can have a significant impact on the cost of your procedure. Some family dental practices have their own endodontic specialist on staff, and patients don’t have to be referred elsewhere for their root canals. Not only does this make it more convenient, but it significantly decreases the cost of the root canal treatment; especially if you’re relying on your insurance coverage or financing options to cover the procedure.

Perhaps most importantly, if you need a root canal, don’t delay the procedure. Schedule an appointment with an endodontist as soon as possible to avoid complications and ongoing pain.

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Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

According to the American College of Prosthodontists there are 178 million Americans missing at least one tooth. 35 million of those adults are missing all of their teeth. Having all of your teeth missing used to mean that you had to wear dentures, but not anymore. Now more people than ever are using dental implants for missing teeth because of how reliable, safe and effective the procedure is.

What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

Implants use artificial tooth roots that are anchored into the jaw just like natural teeth. They are made out of titanium, which is often used for procedures like joint replacements because of how well the body accepts the material. In fact, your jaw will usually begin to form new bone around an implant once it is placed - fixing it permanently into your mouth.

When you take care of your implants, they can last for the rest of your life. Most have a success rate greater than 97%, making the procedure the most reliable type of restoration used in modern dentistry!

Not only do implants improve your bone quality, they’re beneficial to your smile because they are:

  • Easy to care for. Just brush and floss them like real teeth
  • The most “natural” type of tooth replacement available
  • Beneficial to your facial profile, preventing sunken lips and cheeks
  • Non-invasive to neighboring teeth

How Many Teeth Can You Replace?

You can use dental implants for missing teeth regardless of how many need to be replaced. Single implants can support porcelain crowns, or you can use two implants to support a multi-tooth dental bridge. If you need to replace all of your teeth at one time, implant-supported dentures offer increased comfort and reliability compared to their larger, removable counterparts.

Choosing an Implant Dentist

Most dentists restore dental implants (that is, provide the crown or bridge that goes on top of them), but not all dentists actually place them. If you want all your treatment to be completed in one place, you will need to find a dental practice that provides both the surgical implant placement as well as the restorative phases.

The best implant dentist will use advanced techniques and technology to place your implant in a way so that it heals faster and can be restored as soon as possible. Depending on the healing time involved, it may take up to six months between the actual placement of the implant and when the permanent restoration can be installed.

When to Call Your Dentist

If you’re considering getting dental implants for missing teeth, your first step should be to schedule a consultation with your dentist to see if you’re a candidate for the procedure. Plan enough time for a brief exam, x-rays, and possibly a series of dental impressions so your dentist can fully determine whether or not implants are right for your unique needs. Your insurance may even cover a portion of your treatment.

Call your dentist today to find out if implants are the best tooth replacement option for your smile!

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What You Can Do to Stop Teeth Grinding

Bruxism refers to grinding, gnashing, gritting, or clenching teeth. As many as one in three people suffer from bruxism. In most instances, people grind their teeth without realizing it, often in their sleep. It's important to understand the condition and its effects so you can lessen the symptoms and seek appropriate treatment. 

For as many as 70% of people who suffer from bruxism, the condition stems from stress or anxiety. People who have a hyperactive personality are also prone to bruxism. Hyperactivity and teeth grinding are closely linked because teeth grinding may be a way to release nervous energy. When you grind your teeth at night, the condition may be linked to sleep apnea, mouth breathing at night, dental occlusions, or psychological issues.

Bruxism has a number of negative effects on oral health including aching jaws, receding gums, recurring headaches, the onset of jaw joint disorders, wearing away of teeth and enamel, losing or fracturing of teeth, and general tooth pain. The average human's tooth enamel erodes about 0.3 millimeters every 10 years. Bruxism suffers may wear away 0.2 millimeters in just two years.

Read more here: What You Can Do to Stop Teeth Grinding

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We all dream of having a whiter, nicer and more attractive smile. It’s one of the Hollywood staples and comparing to the celebrities that shine those perfect pearly whites for just about every photograph is inevitable.

One option that could help you boost your self-esteem and feel happier with your teeth is smile designing. Experienced dentists in Mt Claremont, Claremont dentists can make your dreams come true and correct some of the imperfections that you feel particularly conscious about.

What is Smile Designing?

Smile designing or a smile makeover is a treatment available at Mount Claremont Dental Clinic, Claremont dental clinic and Nedlands dental centre, suburbs in Perth, Australia. An experienced professional will take a close look at the hard and the soft tissues of the mouth. Based on this personalised analysis, a dentist will recommend a couple of adjustments that will lead to serious aesthetical improvement.

Once the facial analysis has been completed by your dental professional, procedures will be recommended and the most common ones include teeth whitening, Porcelain Veneers, gum work and teeth straightening.

In essence, you’ll be getting a comprehensive solution that takes in consideration the specifics of your face and bases the improvements on the outcome that you’d like to get. If necessary, your dentist may suggest a few additional procedures like laser dentistry and gum disease treatment. The two of you will work as a team to make sure that the results you get improve the appearance of your smile and they boost your oral health.

The Advantages of Smile Designing

The approach towards dealing with a problem is individualised. Your dentist will be paying attention to your particular issue rather than giving you a generic solution. Because of this personalisation, you can expect stellar results.

Depending on the procedures that have been included in your smile design plan, the results can be almost instantaneous. You can have your teeth whitened during the very same session. If you choose a more complex approach to smile designing, you’ll need to visit the clinic a few times. Still, you’re going to get results within a very short period of time.

Finally, during the initial analysis appointment, you’ll be informed about the procedures, the eventual risks, the cost of each treatment and the results that you can expect. Having all of this information will simplify the task of making a decision and being 100 per cent confident in the course of action you’ve chosen.

Who can benefit from the Treatment?

A smile design treatment is suitable for just about everyone.

Are you dealing with teeth staining or discoloration that’s preventing you from smiling? Do you have crooked, chipped or overlapping teeth? Maybe you’re experiencing problems stemming from the condition of your gums? Maybe your teeth have major gaps between them?

If you’re dealing with any of the mentioned problems, you’re an ideal candidate for a smile makeover. Don’t worry about the scope of the treatment – very often a few basic changes will be sufficient to give you results. Dentists in Mount Claremont, Claremont dentists; all have one goal –Giving you a beautiful smile you have dreamed of.

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