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Dental bridges got their name since they cross over any gap between teeth when one or a few are missing. Dental bridges have developed an awesome arrangement, similar to all dentistry today. The innovation of bridgework offers a few approaches to bolster an extension and give teeth where they are absent. Here are three strategies an experienced dental specialist will use to restore your smile.

1. Crown bridge attachment

If the teeth on every side of the space to be bridged are healthy, they can be crowned and the bridge supports attached to them. Parts of the teeth should be removed and crowns set, generally the connection of the extension will wear away the characteristic lacquer in time. 

Setting this up sort of bridge by an accomplished dental practitioner takes no less than two visits. In the principal visit, the adjoining teeth are readied and brief crowns are appended. Impressions are made and changeless crowns are created. Upon the following visit to one of the dentists in Ames IO, WA will follow the perpetual crowns and append the new bridge. This sort of extension will last from five to seven years. The most compelling motivation for extension disappointment is that pits show up on the supporting teeth. Poor oral cleanliness is a noteworthy reason for the disappointment. The teeth under the extension must be brushed and flossed consistently.

2. Flexible denture bridges

Flexible bridges are an energizing new advancement for the individuals who are worried about expense. A flexible extension will cost not as much as a large portion of the cost of the past, customary bridge. The gadget comprises of an Flexible, plastic material giving the missing teeth, which is formed to individual sense of taste specifications. This fascinating bridgework/fractional slides into the mouth and looks precisely like the encompassing normal teeth. It is effectively expelled and cleaned. The gadget can last up to 15 years as it is not effortlessly broken. Flexible dentures are a critical expansion to remedial dentistry.

3. Dental Implants

Many individuals today are thinking about implants to bridge dental gaps and create the feel and strength of natural teeth. Embedded teeth require a dental practitioner prepared in this forte and a group of collaborators to propel the venture. It is imperative to be healthy for the procedure.

A layout of the range to be bridged is created first. A surgical procedure is done by an experienced dentistry in Somerset to put the titanium insert screws underneath the gum and against the bone. Following two to six months, the implants will be solidly joined through common bone development. By then changeless projections are joined to the implants, which can bolster one or numerous teeth. If you are thinking about extension work for missing teeth, please contact our dental specialist today. 

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Tips to Choose the Best Dentist in Las Vegas

Residents of Las Vegas can find the best dentist that suits their needs by doing a little research. Every person and family is different when it comes to choosing the right dentist or doctor. It is important to find one that “fits”. Not only do they have to be professional and knowledgeable, they must also be personable. A few tips for finding the right dentist in Las Vegas includes the following

  • Ask Friends and Family
  • Ask About the Qualifications of the Dentist
  • Check the Website for Information

For more information click here: Tips to Choose the Best Dentist in Las Vegas

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During the winter months, tooth pain can become unbearable. Freezing temperatures and cold air can affect the teeth causing them to become increasingly sensitive. Don’t Over Brush – Brushing teeth too often can wear away the enamel and actually damage the surface of the tooth. It is a good idea to use sensitivity toothpastes for brushing your teeth during the winter.

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Dental health during childhood offers a great set of challenges. According to recent studies, teenagers are at the highest risk of dental disease. During these formative years, a number of changes strike them. They become more independent in eating and drinking choices and this can harm their oral health significantly.

Some of the cosmetic treatments that can work great for them are:

  • Bleaching: It brightens the color of the teeth that are stained or discolored. Bleaching changes the teeth color without removing any tooth structure.

One method is to go with in-office bleaching, in which concentrated bleaching agent is applied to the teeth and then activated with light or heat.

Another choice is to have a bleaching kit; which one can get from the dental office and use at home. It requires two dental visits. In first visit, dentist takes the model of child’s teeth and in second visit, child picks-up the custom-made bleaching tray with the bleaching gel. Child wears this tray filled with bleaching gel for several nights to get sparkling teeth.


Bleaching is a worthy choice and has very few side effects. This approach is best for those children whose front permanent teeth are fully erupted.


  • Microabrasion: It is good for those who desire to change the color of certain areas on the teeth. With abrasion and mild acid, dentists targets microscopic bits of discolored tooth enamel. It removes little tooth structure and requires one single visit to get it done.


  • Bonding and veneers: These treatments restore the shape of chipped, pitted or broken teeth. Bonding involves cementing of tooth-colored plastic or veneers to the teeth. The treatments require very little loss of tooth structure and helps in restoring the natural appearance of the teeth. In this, the bonding material is applied to the tooth; the material is then properly shaped and hardened with light or chemical process.


Veneers are thin tooth colored shells made of plastic or porcelain. These are custom-made in dental laboratory.


Dr. Shahin Safarian is one of the best Chula Vista dentists and suggests avoiding having hard foods, nail biting etc. after having bonding and veneers.


  • Porcelain crowns: It’s a restorative and cosmetic treatment for discolored, broken, damaged or chipped teeth. Parents can consider this treatment for their children as it is stronger than other choices and also lasts for many years.

Porcelain crowns should be considered for fully erupted permanent teeth at its adult position. 

In this, the tooth is shaped by removing a part of the outside structure and fitting of custom made crowns over the tooth.


  • Orthodontic treatment: The crooked and crowded teeth can be corrected with this treatment. For this, braces and other orthodontic appliances are used. They guide the teeth into proper position and correct bite problems. It can even prevent the need for tooth extractions.


Orthodontic treatment takes years to correct the smile but it improves the look of child’s smile and help in easy cleaning of the teeth.

Monitoring your child’s oral health and helping in making his smile better can provide him the best dental care. It’s never too late to get your child on track towards a lifetime of good oral health.

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10 Most Common Dental Treatments

Dental treatments that are commonly performed in dental clinics are given under:


It is a restorative procedure that uses a special tooth-colored resin (plastic) to repair decayed, cracked, chipped and discolored teeth. It also helps in closing tooth gaps. In this, resin is applied to the tooth which is then bonded and hardened with a special light. It can be done in a dental office without requiring laboratory work.


Dental braces correct the misalignment of teeth and bite related problems. Braces exert a steady pressure on teeth which leads to teeth straightening or alignment.

Bridges and implants

These are the procedures to replace a missing tooth or many teeth.

There are many types of dental bridges but the most common one is fixed bridge. It is done to replace one or more of the missing teeth.

Implants are frames or metal posts that are surgically positioned into jawbones under gums to act as an anchor for replacement teeth.

Fillings and repair

Repairing and filling helps in restoring the teeth with cavities. Several dental fillings materials like silver amalgam (mercury mixed with zinc, silver, tin and copper) and resins are used in the procedure.


These are strong and thin pieces of resin or ceramic that is bonded to teeth to repair decayed, chipped and stained teeth. It also helps in closing gaps between the teeth.

Teeth whitening

Teeth darken naturally with age. Food consuming habits like excess of tea and coffee also stain the teeth. Teeth whitening is a process that involves whitening of teeth using peroxide based material to check and whiten the teeth.


Crowning and capping

Dental crowns (caps) protect damaged and cracked teeth. These crowns are made from porcelain, metals or from of materials. To improve appearance and add strength, they are placed over the visible tooth part above gum line.


A thin plastic coating is applied to the chewing surface of teeth to acts as a barrier against tooth decaying bacteria. Sealants immediately bonds to the teeth and forms a shield over enamel. It is usually applied to molars and premolars only.

Root canals

Root canal procedure is performed to treat diseased and abscessed teeth. In this the damaged teeth is opened and cleaned to remove the infected tissue in the center.


Severely damaged tooth needs to be extracted for permanent relief. It consists of removing teeth from its socket in the bone. Most common tooth extraction cases are associated with wisdom tooth because these generally do not get enough space for development in jaw and remain impacted.

These are the general procedures that are commonly practiced in dental clinics. These treatments are only performed by dentists after examining patient’s oral health.

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Spread of infections in dental offices can be prevented by following infection prevention practices. These standard practices are so designed so as to protect patients and dental personnel from potentially harmful infections. Contamination by air-route and contact (Transmission-Based) are considered at secondary level because a patient do not seek for a treatment in dental office when acutely ill.

Training and education is the principle element of standard precaution practice as they are helpful in complying with the recommended practices and making appropriate decisions.

Some standard precautions include following:

  1. Maintaining hand hygiene
  2. Using personal protective equipment
  3. Prevention of cough etiquette infection
  4. Sharps safety
  5. Intending safe injection practices
  6. Sterilizing instruments and devices
  7. Cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces
  8. Maintaining water quality

Maintaining hand hygiene: It is the primary concern of every dentist to maintain good hand hygiene. It is the most important measure to prevent infection among patients and dental personnel.

  • For routine dental examinations and nonsurgical procedures: Water and plain soap can be used for hand washing. Other options may also be preferred like using hand antisepsis soap, using alcohol-based hand rub.
  • For surgical procedures: Performing surgical hand scrub before wearing sterile surgeon’s gloves is must.

Using personal protective equipment: These are referred to as equipment that are wearable and are specially designed to protect patients and dental personnel from potential infections. They are appropriate to use as they effectively covers skin and personal clothing that is likely to be soiled with saliva, blood and organic contaminants. Some of personal protective equipment includes:

  • Gloves (when situation includes probable contact with mucous membranes, body fluids and non-intact skin)
  • Protective clothing (laboratory coat, jacket, disposable and reusable gown protects personal clothing in procedures involving contact with body fluids and blood)
  • Protective eye wear, face masks and face shields (to protect from splashes of body fluids and blood)

Personal protective equipment should be removed before leaving work areas.

Prevention of cough etiquette infection: These measures are designed to prevent transmission of respiratory pathogens by airborne routes. Signs of such illnesses includes cough, running nose, increased respiratory secretions and cough.

Respiratory hygiene should be maintained in such cases like: covering their mouth when coughing, use of disposable tissues for running nose, maintaining hand after coming in contact with respiratory secretions.

Sharps safety: Scalpels, blades, needles and other sharp instruments contaminated with patient’s saliva and blood are potentially infectious. One-handed scoop technique or a mechanical device should be used to hold the needle cap while recapping needles.

Disposable scalpel blades, syringes and needles should be placed in an appropriate puncture resistant container. This container should be placed near the area where they are used.

Intending safe injection practices: Intending safe injection practice means performing injections in the best possible safe manner to protect the patients from infections. Injection should be prepared in a clean area with aseptic technique and should not be used for more than one patient.

Single-use medication vials and ampules should not be reused for other patient.

Sterilizing instruments and devices: Reusable dental tools and equipment should be properly sterilized and disinfected before using it for patients. It should be done according to manufacturer instructions. If there is no manufacturer instruction for sterilization them the instrument may not be reused.

Effectiveness of sterilization can be checked by using chemical, mechanical and biological indicators.

Cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces: Dental office should be well cleaned to prevent the pathogenic effects of microorganisms. Cleaning helps in removing microorganisms from the surface and disinfection eliminated pathogenic microorganisms (except some microbial forms like bacterial spores). Emphasis should be placed on some areas which are frequently touched like: switches, computer equipment, light handles, bracket trays etc.

Use of surface barriers protects contact surface from getting infected. Disinfected or detergents used should be EPA-registered.

Maintaining water quality: In a dental office, water should be properly treated to prevent health risks to patients and dental personnel. Inconsistent flow rate, long narrow bore tubing can develop biofilm and promote bacterial growth. Sterile water or sterile saline water should be used as a coolant while performing surgical procedures.

These basic infection prevention practices make a dental office completely free from potential infections. Our Chula Vista dental office is practicing safe quality control guidelines to provide best treatment to patients.

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Is Root Canal Safe for Your Body

The misinformation that you only need a root canal if you are experiencing tooth pain. Though sometimes teeth that have died no longer cause pain and need to have a root canal in order to avoid becoming infected. We have several tests, including temperature testing and percussion testing, that allow us to know when a tooth has died and needs to receive a root canal.

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The Stages of Tooth Extraction

Oral conditions and dental problems can be hard to spot. You may be facing these problems even without noticing the symptoms in your mouth. If a dental condition worsens beyond repair, then you may be advised to get your tooth extracted.

Most people believe that tooth decay is the only reason for extraction. While decay is a major cause of tooth damage leading to extraction, there are other circumstances where it can become necessary. These conditions include chronic periodontal disease, severely broken teeth, injuries, and problems with wisdom teeth.

After a tooth is removed, there are still problems to contend with. In the long term, tooth extraction can lead to weaker jaw bones. As a result, the adjacent teeth may lose their strength. Also, gaps formed by extractions can disturb the overall alignment of your teeth. For these reasons, it’s important to discuss plans for after the extraction with your dentist.

Here are a few points that can familiarize you with the tooth extraction procedure:

1. Extensive Medical History

Before opting for tooth extraction, it is important to share all details regarding your medical condition with your dentist. Along with your medical records, you need to inform him/her about all prescribed and over-the-counter drugs that you take. It is best to add the names of vitamin tablets and health supplements to the list as well, just to be on the safe side. Interactions between drugs, or your body’s own atypical reaction to specific drugs, can interfere with the treatment. Knowing these details will help your dentist plan the extraction.

2. Pre-Treatment Exam

After you are prescribed a tooth extraction, an X-ray of the area will be taken to understand the alignment of your teeth. This will help the surgeon to plan the best way to remove the tooth. In case of wisdom teeth, a panoramic X-ray helps to understand the connectivity of the wisdom teeth with the rest of your mouth. Your dentist will plan the extraction in such a way that it doesn’t harm other important structures in your mouth.

3. Selecting the Type of Extraction Procedure

Depending on the exact position and condition of the tooth to be extracted, you may need a simple or a surgical extraction. Most simple tooth extractions can be performed under local anesthesia by general dentists. The dentist may loosen the tooth using an elevator, and will then remove the tooth with forceps by gently rocking it back and forth to loosen the connective tissues.

For surgical extractions, your dentist may use general anesthesia along with local anesthesia on the impacted region. The surgeon will make a small incision into your gum to loosen the tooth and remove it without damaging the nerves and bone around it. It is best to choose an experienced oral surgeon for surgical extractions. Some of the leading oral surgeons in the country are a part of this Boston dental practice. They can help you understand the risks involved in undergoing this procedure.

4. Wrapping Up the Procedure

Your dental care does not end at tooth extraction. Once the tooth is removed, your dentist will ask you to bite into gauze piece for about half an hour. This is because the cut in the gum bleeds profusely, and does not form a scab easily. The pressure created by the gauze will allow the blood to clot faster.

You may experience bleeding for the next 24 hours. Remember not to poke the clot with finger or any other object, as this will delay the healing process. Avoid rising your mouth or using a straw to consume fluids, as this may dislodge the clot.

5. Care after Tooth Extraction

After the extraction procedure is completed, your dentist will provide a diet chart to follow for the next couple of days. He/she may also guide you with teeth cleaning techniques that you will need to practice.

It is important to keep your mouth clean at all times to avoid infection. You should be able to continue brushing your teeth normally after the impacted area has healed entirely. If you had stitches during the extraction procedure, then you may need a follow-up appointment with your dentist to have them removed.

Oral health cannot be ignored. If dental problems remain untreated, they may lead to chronic diseases in the body. Tooth extraction is generally a last resort, but if you need one, don’t put it off. With proper care during and after the procedure, a tooth extraction can be a step in the process of returning your mouth to full health.

(Image Source)

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Dental Health and Root Canals

Root canal treatment also called ‘endodontic'  is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (called the ‘pulp') is infected through decay or injury. You may not suffer any ache in the early stages of the infection. In some cases your tooth could darken in colour, which may mean that the nerve of the tooth has died (or is dying). This would need root canal treatment.

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Dentistry is all about you and your teeth. You need to take care of your teeth in a premium way that will keep your teeth healthy; therefore the dentist Dubai treatment is convenient and best. In case you have any type of dental problem, you would first need dental consultation where the doctor will examine your teeth and then offer the most suitable treatment. The dental services will help to restore and maintain your oral hygiene.

One should maintain good oral habits from a young age and learn about oral health by visiting the dentist on a regular basis. Sometimes, even after taking good dental care, one cannot get rid of different dental problems and they can plan to take treatment from the best dentist Dubai who make use of the latest technology in the market and assure patent oriented treatments with outstanding quality.

Types of dental treatment:

In Dubai you can get good quality dental treatment for all types of teeth problems, in case the teeth is missing or you want your teeth to be straightened, then  dental veneers are an ideal solutions. These veneers are of different types that a patient can choose as per their convenience. The doctors make use of some type of appliances to fix or straighten the teeth. For crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, reverse bite, open bite, etc. the dentist Dubai doctors offer the best treatment.

The dentists deal with different dental problems in Dubai and help you get rid of various problems. They will give you treatment like, teeth whitening, crowns and bridges, inhalation sedation, etc. Those who want to straighten the crooked teeth can make use of invisalign instead of traditional braces as these aligners are clear and transparent and are removable as well. Now, you do not need to feel embarrassed when you wearing these aligners. There are series of clear and removable aligners which one can use and this treatment is ideal for adults and children as well.

Some accidental cases or severe cases may require teeth braces for resolving teeth problems and in Dubai, one can choose from premium range of braces to align the teeth properly. Thus, it depends on the teeth condition and dentist’s advice which will suit you better.

Why Dubai is best for dental treatment?

Orthodontics is a vast branch of dentistry and all the orthodontic problems are addressed by the best and experienced dentist Dubai who have great skills and good amount of knowledge to deal with different dental issues of the patients successfully. They use advanced mechanisms and offer cost effective treatment to the patients. So, add a sparkle to your smile by booking an appointment today with the best dental surgeon in Dubai.


Cocoona Dental Care Dubai
Villa 898, AL RAAJI Street,
Al Wasl Road, Dubai. UAE
Phone: +971 04 3884589
PO Box : 73279

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You try to stay healthy and avoid having to visit a dentist any more than necessary, then along comes Candy Month. It seems a shame not to do something to help celebrate. You can still enjoy a bit of candy and not put a great deal of risk on your healthy teeth by following a few simple routines.

Brush/Floss Daily

Continue brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time. Don’t forget to thoroughly floss at least once daily. If you can’t brush right away after indulging in candy, rinse your mouth with water or chew gum with xylitol to help break down some of the sugar. You may also try munching on an apple or celery to help get the saliva flowing in your mouth. This will help the mouth clean itself somewhat until you can brush.

Choose Carefully

Some candy is more dangerous to your teeth than others. Sour or acidic candies eat away at the enamel of teeth, weakening them. Candy that is hard stays in the mouth longer, exposing teeth to sugar over a longer period. Chewing candy can leave particles stuck between teeth or on chewing surfaces. Try to avoid any candy that is sour, hard or chewy.

Maintenance Checkup

By seeing your dentist for regular cleanings, you can make sure your teeth are in their best possible condition. When you start out with healthy teeth, a piece of candy here and there won’t do as much damage as it would with poor dental hygiene.

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Are you wondering if your grind you teeth at night? Studies have shown that up to 25% of all people do some teeth grinding at night. Teeth grinding normally only happens at night and most people have no idea that they grind their teeth until there dentist tells them, or if they start to experience pain in the morning

  1. Grinding sounds at night why sleeping.
  2. Jaw pain in the morning which can cause headaches
  3. Flat or worn down teeth. Even cracked teeth.
  4. Sores on the inside of the mouth
  5. Sensitive teeth –Enamel will be worn causing sensitivity with the teeth.

If you feel like you are experiencing bruxism (teeth grinding\clenching) visit your dentist and they can evaluate you further. The first step in preventing teeth grinding damage is to get a professional fitting teeth grinding guard. A night grinding guard is designed to take the force of grinding\clenching instead of having the teeth. The guard protects the teeth and will normally solve most people’s issues. Here is an example of a teeth grinding guard that we provide on our website.

Night Guard
Hard Flexible Bruxism Teeth Grinding Guard
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Grind Teeth and Need a Retainer?

Do you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), but also need a retainer to keep your teeth straight? This is a question that we are commonly asked.  There is a few solutions to this problem, and you need to pick which one would work best for you.

  1. Hard Night Guard and a Retainer: The primary function of a night guard is to protect the teeth from grinding\clenching. With a hard night guard its secondary function is to prevent the teeth from shifting. A night guard will not work as well as retainers do to prevent the teeth from shifting. We recommend getting both a hard night guard and retainers. You can wear the night guard most nights, but want to wear the retainers a couple nights a week to confirm the teeth are not shifting, or the retainers can be worn during the day.
  2. Essix Plus Retainers: The new essix plus material is much more wear resistant than the standard essix material. Essix plus retainers will be able to take moderate teeth grinding but not heavy teeth grinding. If your a heavy teeth grinder you will either have to get the night guard retainer option or replace your essix plus retainers more often.
Teeth Grinding Retainer

Depending on your level of grinding helps decide the correct option for you. If you have questions please contact us at or at 262-290-2396

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Are your clear retainers cracking or breaking?

Prevent Retainers breaking

One of the downsides of Essix retainers are they are fragile and can easily break if not properly cared for. The most common reason retainers break is improper removal. The second most common time retainers are broken is when they are being cleaned.

5 Ways to prevent Dental Retainers from breaking.

  1. Get Essix Plus Retainers- They are two times stronger than standard essix retainers and the same thickness.
  2. Remove Correctly- You want to use one finger on each side when removing the retainers to prevent flexing and twisting the retainers.
  3. Support During Cleaning- When brushing the retainers you don’t want to hold on to one side and brush the other side. You want to support the retainers in your hand or on a towel when brushing the retainers.
  4. Clean Correctly- You do not want to use alcohol based mouthwash with retainers. The alcohol in retainers will dry out and damage the retainers. We recommend using freshguard when cleaning your retainers. We have a video on youtube showing how this is done.
  5. Storage- You want to store your retainers in a case when not in use. You also what to keep away from pets. Dogs are known to eat retainers.
Upper + Lower Dental Retainers
Upper + Lower Dental Retainers

If you properly take care of your retainers they can last for many years. If you retainers have broken please visit for a replacement.

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