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Dental Hygiene Tips For Travel

Summer is just around the corner which means school is out and traveling for many families. It is easy to overlook dental hygiene when on the road and forget to pack the essentials to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Below you will find some essentials to pack to ensure you keep up your dental hygiene while having fun on the road.

Dental Hygiene Essentials To Pack

-New Toothbrush. Start fresh and bring a new toothbrush on your trip. Then simply throw it out at the end of the vacation.

-Toothbrush Holder. This is a simple and cheap way to maintain a sanitary environment for your toothbrush.

-Travel Sized Mouthwash and Toothpaste. Not only will these follow the newer TSA regulations for air travel, they will make it easier to pack as well.

-Sugar Free Gum (preferably one with Xylitol). Being on the road it is not always easy to brush after meals or snacks. Keeping gum with you will allow you to freshen your breath and keep your mouth as clean as possible.

-Pain Medication. This can include Motrin or Aleve. Nice to have in case of a dental emergency while on vacation.

-Wax. Another good item to have in case of a dental emergency. If you accidentally chip a tooth, the wax can be used to cover the jagged edge of the tooth.

-Floss. Do not forget to floss at least once per day.

-Package of Colgate Wisps. This handy dental hygiene tool acts as toothbrush as well as a toothpick. These can help remove foreign objects lodged between your teeth.

-Plastic sandwich or freezer bag. Ever open your suitcase to find a tube of toothpaste or mouthwas exploded all over your clothes? It’s not a pleasant surprise. This can be prevented by putting your dental hygiene products in a sealed plastic bag.

-Electric Toothbrush/Charger. If you use an electric toothbrush make sure to pack the entire kit including the charger so you do not run out of juice while traveling.

-Waterpik Flosser Travel Size. The waterpik is an excellent adjunct to any dental hygiene program. If this is a product you use at home, then you would not want to leave without it.

Dental Hygiene Tips While Traveling

-Do not forget to brush after every meal. If you are unable to brush immediately, rinse with water after every meal.

-Limit snacking.

-Carry sugar free gum with xylitol to chew if you are unable to brush.

-Always brush and floss before bed.

Dental Hygiene Conclusion

Maintaining dental hygiene on the road can be quite challenging. Carrying your routine on the road is essential to stave off any dental issues down the road.

© 2015, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

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Where to find the best dentist in Delhi

Your smile expresses your feelings to everyone around you, and it is mainly your oral health that lets you exult.  And if sometimes you acquire any dental problem, then it is very difficult to smile in the same way you used to do.  Thereafter, you approach a dentist in hurry without enquiring any information about them and probably it increments your problem instead.  Therefore, it is the outcome from experiences of so many people that it is better to scramble a little to find best dentist in Delhi before fixing an appointment with them. 

Now you may ponder how could you seek the best dentist in Delhi when you nothing about it. The answer is simple- research, whether you ask people around you, search online, inquire the patients, look for pamphlets or you go to the clinic directly. It is all about search one way or another and gathering maximum information before making any conclusion. So, information is your weapon, it is a preventive measure to avoid those dentists who don't meet your requirements and expectations. 

Search in your niche and enquire the locals

The first thing to do is to look for the dentists in your niche, and enquire locals in the neighborhood about them. If it seems worth going there, then you should go there to further enquire more about the clinic, dentist and hygiene, and if not then you must try walking extra miles to get the extraordinary care. Other thing you can do is to ask the patients about the dentists as they have gone through the process, so they are going to tell you better about rather than anybody else. Word of mouth is still powerful in today's world because it is not from the clinics personnel, but from those people who have no connections with clinics' profits.

There are various printed media through which you can find the Dental Clinic in Delhi such as:

  • Banners
  •  newspaper ads
  •  pamphlets,
  • magazines' ads

Internet is the best place to gather information

You can also plunge into the internet to extract the necessary information about dentists nearby you. It is a big medium to look for anything, and it can be ruled at all to get any information. It may be misleading sometimes as it is mostly about advertisements, but with the right approach and patience you can take out such information you would not be even aware of.  There are several forums sites, apps, or social networking sites where real people posts their review about everything whether it is the clinic, their staff members, dentists, hygiene , cost of treatment and so on. Therefore, it is a good place to look for any kind of information you need.

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Often people realize the value of regular dental checkups only after suffering from pain and discomfort. However it should not be the case as finding the best dental checkup clinic should be a priority for one and all.

A good dental clinic can help in ways more than one plus it enables the person to maintain excellent oral health. A person’s smile is his treasured accessory which cannot be put at risk at any cost. There are reasons more than one that can define the importance of visiting the best dental checkup clinic at regular intervals. The first reason is that is the person is suffering from a dental ailment then it can be diagnosed at an early stage if he visits his dentist regularly.

The result of early diagnosis would be better cure for the ailment and lesser risk of course. Dental issues such as tooth decay, if detected early can be cured quite conveniently by the dentist. Another very crucial reason to pay a regular visit to the best dental checkup clinic is that the dentist can provide some really useful tips for maintaining good oral health and a beautiful smile. Some of the dental clinics also arrange for oral lessons for the convenience of the patients.

There are definitely many dental clinics available in a particular neighborhood but not all can be qualified as the best dental checkup clinic. It is solely up to the seeker that which clinic he selects for his dental requirements. One can make the decision based on many different factors such as location and the services offered by the dental clinic. It has to be noted that the panel of dentists working at the clinic must be top qualified and experienced. Other than that the clinic must not quote a very big price for the dental checkups and must be affordable to the pocket.

 The ambience and staff at the clinic must be friendly as that is important too. The process of dental checkup must be carried out regularly in every six months. This advice is extended by all the dentists and must be followed by everyone in order to maintain amazing oral health. A good dentist makes sure that every visit of the patient counts and is not wasted in any manner. A thorough dental checkup by an experienced dentist can be beneficial in the short run as well as long run.

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Periodontal disease is a slow, progressive disease that can wreak havoc on our oral and systemic health. Many of the symptoms of periodontal disease sneak up on us and are often ignored. It is important not to ignore these signs and symptoms as periodontal disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss. Periodontal disease comes in many different forms including aggressive, chronic, necrotizing periodontitis, and periodontitis associated with systemic diseases.  Each of these types of periodontal disease has its own distinct characteristics and symptoms, and all require prompt treatment by a dentist to help halt subsequent bone and gum tissue loss. Risk of PD increases with age. For younger people, dental caries are a more important risk for tooth loss, while for older people, PD is the more important risk factor.

Risk Factors Of Periodontal Disease

-Age. Studies have shown that over 70% of all Americans aged 65 and older have some form of periodontal disease.

-Tobacco Use (including smoking). We are well aware of the health effects of smoking on our overall health. These diseases include various types of cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular (heart) disease. Research has also shown that tobacco use also increases a persons risk for periodontal disease.

-Family History (Genetics). Some people are more susceptible to periodontal disease than others. This is because of our genetic makeup.

-Stress. Studies have shown that stress can make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection, this includes periodontal diseases.

-Prescription Drugs (Medications). Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your oral health. Just as you notify your pharmacist and other health care providers of all medicines you are taking and any changes in your overall health, you should also inform your dentist.

-Bruxism (Teeth Grinding). Bruxism can put excess force on the supporting tissues of the teeth and could speed up the rate at which these periodontal tissues are destroyed.

-Presence Of Systemic Disease. Many systemic diseases can interfere with the inflammatory process. These include cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

-Poor Diet/ Nutrition. A diet low in important, essential nutrients can compromise the body’s immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off infection. Because periodontal disease begins as an infection, poor nutrition can worsen the condition of your gums.

Periodontal Disease Signs And Symptoms

-Bleeding Upon Brushing, Flossing, Or Even Eating. This is one of the most common signs that periodontal disease is active. It is often overlooked as not a big deal. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease. As the bacteria and toxins build up in the mouth, the body responds by activating the inflammatory process, rushing our cells to stop the attack. This will cause the gum tissues to become inflamed and red. It is important to also note that bleeding gums can also be the sign of something more sinister like leukemia and blood platelet disorders.

-Unexplained Pain Or Swelling. Periodontal infections present in this manner. When an oral infection occurs, it is essential that you get to a dentist as soon as possible for evaluation and treatment. If the infection is left unchecked it will cause damage to the gum tissues and the bone supporting your teeth. It can also be carried to other parts of the body through the blood stream affecting your overall health.

-Persistent Halitosis (Bad Breath). Bad breath can occur from many things but peristent bad breath can mean progressive periodontal disease . As the gum tissues are destroyed, the areas where the oral bacteria can flourish will increase causing a foul odor in the mouth. There are other causes of chronic halitosis that should also be ruled out by your dentist prior to treatment.

-Change In Your Smile Or Loose Teeth. As periodontal disease progresses, your teeth will loosen and move out of position. This will effect the way your teeth fit together and even alter your smile.

-Teeth Become Longer In Appearance. As periodontal disease progresses it will lead to destruction of the bone and gum tissues. This will show up as gum recession. Once the gum tissues pull back they expose more of the tooth and root, making them appear longer than before.

-Pus Drainage. This goes along with the periodontal infection mentioned previously. An active periodontal infection will create pus which can ooze out from between the teeth and gums causing a bad taste and bad breath (malodor).

Periodontal Disease Prevention

Dental and Periodontal Examinations

Your dentist will complete a thorough examination with x-rays and periodontal charting. Notations about the visual condition of the gum tissue will also be recorded. In its earliest stages the gum tissue is usually red, puffy, and painless or slightly tender at this point. Plaque and tartar will more than likely be present to some degree. A periodontal probe will be used to measure around the teeth to see if your periodontal disease has progressed and to what degree. It is important to note that once bone loss has occurred you now have a more advanced form of periodontal disease.

Following the examination, your dentist will recommend a course of treatment for your periodontal disease. This will include a professional cleaning along with extra home care instructions. The goal in treatment is to reduce the inflammation and not allow progression of the disease. An antibacterial rinse (example, Listerine) may also be recommended for at home use. Yourdentist may also recommend repair of misaligned or crooked teeth to aid you in your home care efforts. Your dentist may also recommend a more frequent schedule(every 4-6 months) to control your periodontal disease.

Following removal of plaque and tartar, bleeding and tenderness of the gums should begin to subside within 1-2 weeks after professional cleaning and careful dental hygiene. Warm salt water or antibacterial rinses can also reduce gum inflammation. Taking an over the counter anti inflammatory medication can also aid in pain and inflammation reduction.

Healthy gums should look pink and firm with no bleeding upon brushing, flossing, or eating. Good oral hygiene must be maintained for your whole life, or periodontal disease will come back and possibly advance past the gingivitis form into advanced periodontal disease (also called periodontitis).

Steps to prevent periodontal disease should include:

-Routine dental visits. Usually recommended every 3- 6 months for examination and professional cleaning.

-Maintain At Home Dental Care. Brushing after every meal and flossing at least once a day.

-Rinsing with an antiseptic rinse as recommended by your dentist. Choose one with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval.

Consult your physician if the bleeding is severe or chronic, gums continue to bleed even after dental treatment, or you have other unexplained symptoms along with the bleeding from your gums. These could all be the sign of a more serious condition than periodontal disease and should be checked out as soon as possible.


Preventing periodontal disease is up to the patient. Luckily, it is preventable with diligence and effort. Maintaining good dental hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly will lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

© 2015, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

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Most people have their teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist. These para professionals undergo two to four years of training (most earn a two-year associate’s degree) in order to clean your teeth, x-ray them, and check them out for bigger problems (this is when your dentist might come in to inspect your teeth further). Dental hygienists also assist dentists when your cavities need filling, and during other oral/dental medicine procedures.

Your hygienist therefore knows your mouth much better than you do.


In other words, it’s wise to make your cleaning experience as pleasing as possible – for your dental hygienist!


Read below for some tips on how to do so.


  • If you wear lipstick, remove it before sitting in the dental chair. Lipstick can get on your teeth, on the hygienist’s tools, even on expensive x-ray equipment. It can get in the way of a thorough cleaning. You can put it back on as soon as your cleaning is complete.
  • Brush your teeth before coming in. Floss, too, if possible. Also, if you can, rinse your mouth out with a mouthwash before sitting down. Ask the hygienist for some, if necessary. She may say you don’t need to – she’s seen a lot worse in other patients’ mouths – but, still: it’s the courteous thing to do.
  • You hate to wait for appointments and so do other patients. If you’re late, it creates a domino effect that will affect every patient behind you. Be on time to your appointment. If you know you’re going to be more than 10 or 15 minutes late, be polite and call the office to let them know.
  • Your hygienist may ask you questions as he readies you for your cleaning. You two also may chat during the procedure. But try to keep the talking to a minimum once work has begun – it makes the hygienist’s job much easier and you’ll be done more quickly. Don’t feel that you’re being rude if you’re being quiet. Your hygienist understands.
  • Many people say that their gums never bleed until they come in for a cleaning.  The hygienist did not make your gums bleed. Bleeding gums are an early sign of gingivitis or gum disease. If your gums bleed during the cleaning (but not at home when you brush), it’s still a sign that you’re not taking good care of your teeth and gums. To ensure your gums don’t bleed during a professional teeth cleaning, brush twice a day and floss at least once. And do so consistently.
  • Keeping your mouth open – and wide open – can get uncomfortable after a short while. It’s perfectly OK to close your mouth and indicate you need to take a break. If you’ve had to hold your mouth open for a long-ish time and you have cotton or a dental instrument in it that your hygienist has indicated needs to stay in there for a while, come up with a signal before he places cotton or instruments in your mouth so that the hygienist can give you an idea of how much longer or remove them, if absolutely necessary.


Dental hygienists want your visit with them to be as pleasant as possible. These health professionals want you to speak up if you’re ever uncomfortable or nervous. In fact, if you’re very stressed about dental visits, speak to your hygienist or dentist before sitting in the chair: they probably have some sedation therapies at their disposal to help calm you.


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Dental phobia and dental anxiety is a serious issue affecting over 35 million Americans alone. Many people have such an overwhelming fear of dental care that they deal with constant pain and discomfort. Research has shown a definite body/mouth connection. Not maintaining good dental care can have dramatic negative effects on your overall health and well being. In recent years sedation dentistry has become quite popular, but sleeping through dental treatment does not allow you to develop the tools to overcome dental phobia and dental anxiety in a healthy manageable way. Common dental phobias include fear of dental pain, loss of control, and fear of needles or injections.

Top Methods To Cope With Dental Anxiety

Fortunately, both dental anxiety and dental phobia can be overcome with some work from both you and your dentist. You should never let fear stop you from seeking regular dental care. With proper steps taken by patient and dentist, and some patience, those fears will minimize so that you can not only seek treatment, but actually feel comfortable in the dental office. Some of the top methods for coping with dental anxiety and dental phobia include:

-Communication – For many, the dental phobia began as a child. A dentist might have scolded or talked down to their younger patients, making them feel like they did not have a voice in their treatment or even when it was uncomfortable for them. Even adults have reported these similar feelings, where they feel they might be ridiculed for being afraid. Open lines of communication can give back a full sense of control over your dental treatment. This control helps to decrease the feeling of helplessness. Being a part of the decision making on treatment, knowing what to expect, and knowing if you feel uncomfortable your dentist will stop, can make any dental patient feel better. Communication and control can be the differentiating factor between those suffering from dental phobia and dental anxiety, and those who have found a way to work past it. A good tip is, if you are anxious about something just come right out and talk to the dentist about it.

-“Talk” with your hands. Most dentists will give their patients hand signals to communicate. This is very important for those suffering from dental phobia. This gives the patients an increased control knowing the dentist can till listen to them while dental care is ongoing.

-Distractions – Developing the ability to take control of your mind and allow yourself to be distracted from the dental treatment. The top ways to achieve distraction are:

1) meditation - a relaxation of mind and body musculature.

2) audio distraction - listening to music, or the voice of your dentist while they talk you through the process with casual conversation. Even the sound of a soothing voice can lower anxiety levels. A good tip is to listen to an audio book while undergoing treatment. This will engage your ears and your mind to distract you from the task at hand.

3) visual distraction–  watching television or a movie, even staring at a relaxing picture during dental treatment. For many, wearing headphones can help to block out much of the dental noises that increase their anxiety, listening to a personal story about  the dentist, visualizing a relaxing setting, and muscle relaxation can make the experience much more tolerable and possibly even enjoyable!

-Be Prepared - Ask your dentist in advance what you can expect during your visit and how procedures, such as injections, are handled. Some may enjoy hearing a play by play and others will not. Talk it over with your dentist when going through your initial dental examination.

-Muscle Relaxation Techniques - The key here is to place focus on your body parts, relaxing them one at a time. You can start with your toes or hands and work your way across your body, squeezing then relaxing each area of your body progressively. This removes your focus on the dental care and places it on your body achieving the goal of relaxing and calming yourself. Try squeezing a stress ball in 1 or both hands.

-Take A Mini Vacation In Your Mind! - To help ease your nerves and control pain during dental treatment, imagine yourself in a relaxing, enjoyable setting. For example, visualize calming colors or scenes such as the ocean, think about the sound of the waves as you relax on your favorite beach or, if you enjoy hiking, imagine yourself walking along a trail next to a river. The more detail you add to the image, the less focused you will be on the dental procedure. This technique takes practice initially, but once you gain confidence in yourself and your dentist it will get easier to do. If you find that your mind drifts away from your image, gently turn your attention back to the scene you created. Try practicing meditation with visualization at home before your appointment when you feel stressed about upcoming dental treatment.

-Breathing Exercises - This is a great technique for your drive over to the dental office, or while waiting for your appointment. Deep breathing can be a great technique to relax your mind and body prior to dental work. By taking in slow, deep breaths, the oxygen flow will have a calming effect on your entire body. Remember, slow and deep, NOT short and fast, as this can cause you to hyperventilate.

-Take Frequent Breaks. Patients may need to take breaks during dental procedures, when anxiety builds up or they start to feel claustrophobic. If you feel like you need a break, let your dentist know and he/she will gladly stop to give you the time and space necessary.

-Acupuncture/Acupressure - Acupuncture/acupressure have many benefits for patients who are dentally anxious. For this to be fully effective, the acupuncture  should be completed as close to the dental appointment as possible, while some acupressure can be done during the dental appointment. This will not work for all patients but it has been a successful technique for many in attempting to overcome dental phobia and dental anxiety.


The key to overcoming and coping with your dental fear is to remember that you are not alone. If you choose the right dentist and dental team, they will be with you every step of the way, guiding you to help you overcome your fears. In the beginning it may seem insurmountable but one step and one appointment at a time, and the visits become easier and easier. You might actually begin to wonder why you didn’t do this earlier. Do not let dental phobia prevent you from being healthy in all aspects of your life. Take control of your health today!

© 2015, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

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Oral Hygiene Advice to Live By

When it comes to practicing good oral hygiene, it’s all about making certain activities a habit. Make them a habit and you and children can expect good oral health throughout your and their lives.


Read below for our favorite oral hygiene advice – for life!


  • Once your children reach the age of 6, their adult molars should have erupted. This is a great time to talk to their dentist about placing sealants on their teeth. These coatings can make it harder for bacteria/plaque to form on their teeth, greatly reducing the potential for cavities (according to the Centers for Diseases Control).
  • Happy oral health habits should start young. As soon as your baby’s first baby tooth erupts, you should clean it gently with a soft cloth. Once the child is 2, you can start training her on how to brush her teeth. You can floss for her until she’s about 4 or 5, but you can start letting her do it on her own at about age 5 (you’ll supervise of course, until you can see that she can floss correctly herself).
  • Don’t drink sodas, even the sugar-free kind, as the carbonic acid in them can erode your tooth enamel.

An ice cold soda can be very refreshing on a hot summer’s day. It’s carbonic acid also can erode your tooth enamel….

  • Get your kids brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. Make sure all adults in the home do the same so that your children will think this is normal. What children see is what they do, so if everyone brushes/flosses regularly, your children will, too.
  • If you can’t brush right away after eating, at least chew some sugar-free gum. Doing so will increase saliva, which neutralizes the acid in your teeth (which can erode your enamel over time) and washes away the bacteria that will form on your teeth.
  • If you can’t brush, but you have some anti-bacterial mouthwash handy, rinse your mouth with it after eating.
  • Don’t smoke. It stains your teeth and could lead to oral cancer. Start talking to your children when they’re very young about the serious health risks associated with smoking.
  • Limit sugar-laden and starchy foods: they are full of simple carbohydrates (sugars) that can produce enamel-eroding acids. They also create bacteria on your teeth that can become plaque, possibly leading to the formation of cavities.
  • If your child grinds his teeth, get him to a dentist. Tooth grinding (bruxism) can erode the surfaces of your child’s teeth, making them more susceptible to tooth decay. To prevent your child’s tooth grinding, your dentist may recommend a mouth guard that your child will wear at night.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning. Doing so removes the built-up plaque that wasn’t removed by your daily brushing/flossing. The dentist also can check your mouth for signs of periodontal disease and even oral cancer.


Follow these tips – and get your children to follow them – and all of you can enjoy a healthy smile for years and decades to come.


image courtesy of Iamnee/

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Health is the most important thing in your life, and especially oral health as it lets you express how good you are feeling to the world through your smile? But every now and then, you may get any kind of dental problem like toothache, tooth decaying or misaligned teeth and it may snatch your wonderful smile. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the best dental doctor in Delhi so as eliminate the issue as early as possible at its root cause before it turns out into a permanent problem.   

Now the question arises how you are going to choose the perfect clinic for your treatment which offers multispecialty treatment under the supervision of best dental doctor in Delhi. The first thing you can do is to look for the certificates, accolades, experience and apparently the wonders achieved by the respective doctor.  It will give you an overview about his/her qualifications, expertise (which will further help in deciding whether that specialist is right for your problem or not), but it is not enough. You should explore/ enquire a little more to get real information from real people around you.

Some of the important factors that will help you in choosing the best dentists in Delhi/NCR are convenient location, assistance and hygiene, time taken for appointment, office environment, insurance etc.   It is better to look for any trusted dental clinic in Delhi nearby which is effective in treating your problems. In case if there is no clinic with reputed doctor in the proximity, then it is worth to walk the extra mile for satisfactory cure. You should also ask the people around you and the patients who have been through all those processes to get exact overview about the doctor.

You should prefer to approach the Dental Clinic in Delhi which provides multispecialty treatment such as immediate implants, metal free crown, invisible braces, root canal single sitting, instant teeth whitening etc. These advanced treatments are breakthrough in dental field which has made possible to treat severe problems immediately and more effectively than the conventional methods. It is not just the service; but it is also about the hygiene and environment under which it is performed. Try to gather information about the doctor: are they able to perform these surgeries under the shadow of advanced technology. 

All of these things should be under the budget; otherwise it is of no use to you. Some clinics also offer annual dental plan so that the next time you come alone or with your family- you can save something on your treatment. After taking all these points into consideration, you should fix an appointment with the doctor in case you feel uprising of any oral issue so as to cure it promptly.  


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If you notice that the inside of your cheeks appear to “peel” from time to time, it could be because you’re having a mild allergic reaction to your toothpaste.

But it also could mean something more serious:, gingivitis/periodontitis, canker sores or the more serious mouth ulcers, or even Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

If you notice peeling or sores in your mouth that don’t go away within a few days, get to a dentist ASAP!

Read below for more information on some of the different causes of mouth peeling.

  • First, the toothpaste reaction: some people have a mild allergic reaction to whitening toothpastes. If you suspect this to be the cause of the peeling, simply stop using the toothpaste.
  • Gums peeling is a sign of a more serious condition: you could have a very bad case of gingivitis or even periodontal disease. If you notice that your gums are peeling away from your teeth, you probably have one of these conditions. Both gingivitis and periodontal disease make your gum tissues become inflamed. If left untreated, your gum could start to recede from your teeth and some of your gum tissue may even peel away. If your gum is both receding and peeling away at the same time, get to your dentist ASAP!
  • You may have canker sores or mouth ulcers. These tend to look like small white pumps on your gums, As the sores/ulcers heal, some of the gum tissue around them may peel. It’s very important that you see a dentist regularly so that he can check for these sores, as mouth ulcers could be an indication of oral/mouth cancer!
  • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a very serious condition. Peeling inside your mouth is a symptom that occurs long after other symptoms have presented themselves. The condition usually is a reaction to an infection or a medication. The syndrome usually starts with flu-like symptoms (high fever, aches and pains) and then is followed by a purple or red rash that blisters and spreads along your skin and the mucous membranes of your mouth (and even your genitals, nose, and eyes).  The top layer of the affected areas of your skin can die and shed (hence, the peeling). Recovery can take months. If, in addition to flu-like symptoms, you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The good news about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome? It’s rare!

If you’re at all concerned about the inside of your cheeks peeling, gums peeling from your teeth or any other symptoms appearing in your mouth, contact Plano dentist Dr. Darren Dickson at 972-596-5995.

Image courtesy of patrisyu/

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A Dental Clinic in Delhi NCR priorities customer satisfaction over anything else, and that is the reason they have built an astonishing reputation among the public. Most of the clinics provide multispecialty treatment to people of all ages within the budget.

People often fall into the trap of harmful foods which gradually deteriorates their teeth, and if the care is not taken promptly, it renders into awful diseases. It is not just the case with adults, but also with the kids who regularly consume chocolates. In order to prevent all these and cure oral issues from its roots, a reliable dental clinic in Delhi NCR could be your saviour and hopefully it may be present nearby you.

A reputed Dental Clinic in Delhi NCR is going to be very advanced with such hygienic environment that appeals to everyone even to those who refrain from it, and considered as one of the best in India. Here, dental clinics have highly qualified dentists, benevolent staff members and medical assistance, and 24 hours helpline always willing to assist you in every problem. The dental specialists in eminent clinics are more concerned with the results, satisfaction of the patients not with the profits what most of the clinics prefer over anything else. Any reliable clinic doesn’t make their services as a business medium; rather they prefer to make it their duties and obligations towards the society.

Now comes the crucial part i.e. the services offered by them to cure your dental problems of all types. Most of the clinics offer general services like crowns and bridges, dental implants, children dentistry, teeth whitening and so on. But some clinics offer advanced treatments like metal free crown, invisible braces, root canal single sitting, immediate implants, and instant teeth whitening. These treatments are more effective with immediate results and cost friendly than the conventional ones. They don’t just give the patients’ satisfactory results, but it also enhances the trust of the people towards dental clinic in Delhi NCR.

Some of the other factors what increments its credibility are the exclusive services like annual dental plan, all time helpline support, and the facility to fix an appointment with the preferred specialists. And the biggest thing is the presence of multispecialty dental chain across Delhi, and apparently in your vicinity. So, if you have any oral problem, you should immediately approach a reliable dental clinic in Delhi NCR to cure it at its early stages and prevent it from happening again the future.

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Everywhere you look in dental journals, you see articles on implants, cosmetic dentistry and esthetic dentistry. But no one seems to be interested in looking after the patients in long-term care homes. We have restored, crowned, and root canal filled their teeth, which are now being left unattended and susceptible to decay.

It has been shown demographically that the population is aging. The need for a greater emphasis on geriatric care can be seen in the following three case reports.

The first patient (Figs.1 and 2) was bedridden at home in the late stages of Parkinson's disease. I was asked to examine the patient because she had one tooth left in her mouth, which was sharp and causing some problems. On examination, I determined that she also had a number of root tips. The caregiver and the doctor saw the fractured right central incisor, but could not see the root tips of the left lateral, cuspid, first bicuspid, and first molar that were buried in the gingiva.

The patient was a mouth breather, which caused the oral tissues to be inflamed. In this case, we smoothed the sharp piece of the right central and provided palliative care. The patient was treated with 0.12 per cent chlorhexidine swabs in the area of her right central incisor, KY jelly for her lips, and lots of fluids. She was also prescribed an antibiotic. We will keep this patient under observation.

The second patient (Figs.3 and 4) was also homebound, and was in palliative care with cancer of the prostate that had metastasized. We were asked to examine the patient because "he has pain in his lip and in his tooth."

This patient had most of his teeth. However, because of his pain and the drugs he was taking (a hydromorphone drip Dilaulid), he was in the habit of biting his lower lip with the upper second bicuspid.

This had caused a laceration. We extracted the upper bicuspid and the laceration healed. No further treatment was administered at this time, as his condition was critical. We are maintaining him on a fluoride rinse at night and a 0.12 per cent chlorhexidine rinse twice a day.

The third patient (Figs. 5 and 6) was examined at our clinic. The patient was in her 80s. She had undergone a full mouth reconstruction many years ago, but the devastation of her bridgework was considerable. A whole abutment crown was empty where a tooth was supposed to be. This crown was anchoring a seven-unit bridge, which had a precision attachment holding a partial denture. The remaining abutments had root caries and needed repair.

We removed the decayed material in the crown and filled the crown with a flowable self-curing composite. The root tip remained in the bone. We showed the patient how to clean under the crown, but left it in place because she was too ill to undergo further surgery. The patient had a serious blood dyscrasia, which required her to receive periodic transfusions of blood to maintain her hemoglobin. We will keep her under observation.

The health of these patients' mouths was not exceptional. When people get sick, they neglect their teeth. This is only natural. However, It should be equally natural for family members, caregivers, nurses, and doctors to look in the mouths of geriatric patients to assess their unhealthy situation and seek appropriate treatment.

As dentists, we have a responsibility to educate other healthcare professionals and the general public about the oral health of geriatric patients" as well as how to assess and take care of the persistent infections that occur in the mouths of these individuals. We also have a responsibility to educate the allied medical professions about dental neglect, and its impact on the general health of their geriatric patients.

There is a tremendous need for organized dentistry and government to address the problems that exist in treating the Alzheimer patient, the elderly patient who has some form of dementia, the stroke patient who experiences some disabilities, and the cancer patient in palliative care.

We have healthy 70-year-old patients who have had all or most of their teeth restored or enhanced with fixed bridges, veneers, crowns, cosmetic restorative procedures, endodontic procedures, periodontal procedures (gingival grafts etc.), prosthetic appliances, and even orthodontics.

These patients have spent time and money to maintain and improve their oral health. But if they have a stroke, or other disabling disease, their access to quality dental care will likely be severely curtailed. They will probably be placed in a nursing home, where no one has the time or motivation to help them care for their teeth, or even to assess their oral health at admission. They eat each day, but no one is available to encourage them to follow good oral hygiene, or to take a brush to their teeth and gingiva.

We dentists, who have been well paid to restore and maintain the teeth of these patients in the past, forget or lose track of them once they are no longer able to visit our offices. Yet unless we meet our responsibility to educate the care-givers, family, and other health care professionals about the daily preventive dental care of these patients, their teeth will eventually rot in their mouths. By the time we get to see them, we will have a dilemma on our hands. It is difficult to provide restorative or corrective treatment, because these patients are very old, are often taking many medications for different ailments, and may have allergies.

Even patients who practice good oral hygiene to control calculus and plaque need to have their teeth professionally cleaned and scaled regularly. Unless you have seen it for yourself, it is hard to imagine what happens to the oral health of patients who either cannot care for their own teeth, or have no one to do it for them. Their mouths are full of plaque, calculus, inflammation, candidiasis, denture sore spots, hypertrophied tissue, loose dentures, xerostomia and even cancer.

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Here’s a worthy goal to shoot for: no matter how many cavities you’ve had in the past, vow to yourself that you’ll never have another.


As in never. Ever. Never have another cavity.


Read below for three things you can do to meet this goal.


1. Understand that there’s a reason why dentists insist that you brush twice a day, floss once a day and visit them twice a year for professional teeth cleaning: these habits work!

Your dentist keeps telling you brush your teeth because doing so really does prevent cavities!

Here’s why: cavities are caused by two things: carbohydrates and bacteria. Eat carbohydrates in the form of sugar and starch and the bacteria that live on your teeth feed on the carbohydrates you eat.


The bacteria then has to – well – get rid the waste products of its food and that waste excreted by the bacteria  produces plaque as well as acid. If not removed, these two eventually will eat through your tooth enamel and form a cavity.


So that’s why your dentist wants you to brush your teeth (removes plaque from the front and back of teeth) and floss (removes plaque from in between your teeth) and come in for a check up twice a year (so that you can get the still-extant and tougher plaque removed from your teeth professionally).


Bacteria on your teeth can double in as few as five hours; hence your dentist’s admonishment to brush twice a day. (Hint: three times is a lot better!)


2. Cut way down on sweets and starches. Seriously. Cut way back. And don’t eat sugary foods between meals. If you must have a sweet treat, make sure you have it with your meal, not as a snack. (And then go brush your teeth when done eating.)


3. Talk to your dentist about having a sealant placed on your teeth. These are coatings that are placed on your teeth to fill the ever-present grooves at the top of your teeth, helping to prevent cavities. Many of the grooves on your teeth are too deep and narrow for your toothbrush bristles to clean thoroughly, but sealants make the tooth smoother and easier to clean. In addition, since the grooves are smoothed out, there’s less surface area on your tooth for bacteria to hide in – they won’t be able to hide from your toothbrush!


Will following the three steps above guarantee that you won’t ever again have a cavity? Of course not! But they will lower your odds considerably. Truly.


image courtesy of cooldesign/

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Maintaining the good oral health is very important for your complete health. It is something that can’t be underestimated or overlooked under any circumstance; otherwise it may turn into chronic problems. And finding the best dental clinic in Delhi which provides multispecialty treatment that suits your budget could be a hard task for you. Don’t fret; if you will consider these certain factors, then it would not be a tedious job anymore.
The best advice would be to search in your niche i.e. look for all those dentists present around your locality and enquire the locals about clinics and choose according to your purpose. If you don’t find any clinic that solves your purpose, then you should approach distant dental clinics for better treatment.
Another step you can take is to visit any clinic and ask the patients about its reputation, staff members, and services.  You should observe the clinics’ environment for real information about their services. Word of mouth is very powerful even in today’s advanced world as they tell you exactly everything so that you can judge which clinic is reliable to meet your needs and expectations.
The services offered play a main role in deciding which clinic should you approach? You should look for that dental clinic in Delhi which provides diverse treatments i.e. dental implants, root canal treatment, braces, teeth whitening, crowns and bridges and so on.  There are certain clinics which provide advanced treatments like metal free crown, Invisible braces, Root canal single sitting, immediate implants and Instant teeth whitening.  These services are more effective than the conventional methods, provide immediate relief and within the budget of people.
For instance, root canal single sitting, a new advancement in dentistry which has made possible dental root treatment painless, less time consuming and cost friendly, and in many cases in one sitting. Immediate implants and instant teeth whitening are time saving methods with the same result. Invisible braces can straighten your teeth without making noticeable. All these advanced services have completely changed the dentistry field; therefore you should look for those clinics which offer such treatments under the supervision of highly qualified dentists.
You should also keep in mind the facilities and amenities offered by the clinic while choosing the clinic such as cleanliness and sanitation, and annual dental plans also offered by the clinic.
Now comes the most important aspect, even if a clinic provides all these services and facilities, but it won’t be useful to people until it is cost friendly. It should be affordable by the majority of the people looking for better treatment option.  You must discern all these factors while choosing the best dental clinic in Delhi that meets your needs, and don’t exclude researching online to find clinic in your niche.

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5 Advantages of Dental Implants Treatment

Although teeth are meant to last a lifetime, nearly everyone loses a tooth or teeth due to injury, disease, decay or any other reason, necessitating replacement of the same. Earlier the options for tooth replacement were limited to dentures and bridges, but now with the advancement of dentistry, Dental Implants Treatment has emerged as the best option.

Besides being medically and scientifically advanced, there are many other advantages ofDental Implants Treatment over conventional procedures, which are summarized below:
Long Term Solution
The traditional dentures and bridges usually last for 5 to 8 years, and have to be replaced at some point of time. But with proper care and regular maintenance, dental implants can last for a life time. In the unforeseen case of any problems, some minor adjustments may be needed.

More Natural
Dental Implants are the next best solution to natural, healthy teeth, as they look, feel and work like natural teeth. Other options can result in bone deterioration, and may come in the way of normal activities like eating, speaking or smiling. Being permanent fixtures, dental implants help in maintaining the natural shape of your face as well as your smile.

Teeth Stability
Unlike bridge and dentures in which the adjacent teeth are often grinded, an implant is inserted in the jaw bone without impacting or disturbing the adjacent healthy teeth. This helps in making the other teeth more stable, thus preventing them from shifting towards the prolonged empty space.

Better Chewing Power
Normal chewing and eating can be maintained with dental implants, unlike removable dentures which can move or slip  while eating, therefore making eating a difficult and undesirable task. Moreover other routine activities like brushing and flossing can be practiced normally.

Preservation of Bone Health
Dental implants help in preserving and stimulating natural bone, because restoration of chewing power stimulates the bone, resulting in maintenance of its strength and firmness.
Besides the above, Dental Implants Treatment, also allows you to keep your teeth in your mouth, rather than in a cup, as is the case with dentures, besides worrying about the risk of your denture slipping while eating, smiling or taking. Moreover, with dental implants you can speak normally with proper pronunciation, unlike removable dentures in which you have to often struggle to speak naturally.

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Your dental practice needs new patients. They’re essential to keep your practice thriving and your client base growing. The only problem is, it can be tricky to attract new patients, because many people already have a dentist they enjoy going to, and the rest don’t regularly see a dentist.


You can actually attract new patients to your practice from both categories. Here are three innovative ways you can keep your practice growing.


1. Offer Incentives for Referrals


Using a referral system is a great internal marketing method. Referrals are typically a high percentage of dentists’ new patient numbers. In fact, 70-80% of new patient referrals for most practices come from their existing patients.


So why not reward your loyal patients for telling their friends, family and coworkers about your practice? Set up a referral bonus system that incentivizes existing patients when people they refer visit your office. It’s a simple yet effective motivation.


But don’t start a competition among your patients where you only reward one patient who brings in the most referrals. That can work against you because patients won’t try when they think they’d only get a couple of referrals anyway. Instead, offer smaller incentives for each successful referral, like a free dental product, free teeth cleaning, or discount on a special dental service.


If a patient brings in a certain number of referrals, and you can do something a little bigger and better, get creative and reward them with something exciting, like a gift card or a free iPad. Then watch the good buzz about your practice spread like wildfire!


Referrals are not only a way for you to attract new patients; they’re a way to build better relationships with your existing patients. And good relationships with patients is one of your most cost-effective ways of marketing.


2. Beef up Your Online Presence


In today’s world, every business needs a website. Many, if not all, of your existing and potential patients are online. They get their news, communicate with friends and family, shop, bank and do just about everything else you can think of on the Internet. Having a good website and good social and content-marketing strategies need to be top priorities!


Your website needs to be a place where existing patients can find convenient information and prospective patients will be informed and attracted to your practice. On your website, be sure to have:

  • patient testimonials
  • calls to action
  • contact and new patient forms
  • your office’s phone, fax, email, and address
  • a convenient and secure method of paying a bill
  • a link to your blog


You may be surprised by that last item, but blogging is one of the best ways to attract new visitors to your site. When you create and post interesting, quality content on a blog, it can inform and entertain as well as answer patients’/potential patients’ questions. Use various types of content to provide your patients with dental industry news and information, and keep things interesting.


The next step after creating and posting content to your blog is promotion. Create social media accounts for your practice on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, and use them to promote your business website and blog. When content promotion is done right, it helps your practice rank higher in the search engines. This in turn will generate leads and get more exposure with your target audience, which allows you to get more new patients and more revenue.


Remember to not just post links to your site through these social accounts, but use them to interact with your audience. Ask readers to comment on your postings with their thoughts or questions, and then be sure to respond to their comments.


Another way to cultivate an awesome online presence is by offering online-only deals. People love deals and constantly look for them online, especially your young adult patients and their families. Offer a special deal to people who find your practice online and come in for a treatment. You can also reward existing patients who like your Facebook page, follow you on Twitter, subscribe to your emails, etc. Or host an online contest via social media with deals and special offers to generate buzz.


3. Get (and Use) Patient Reviews


You want reviews―as many as you can get. You may think reviews aren’t a huge deal since your existing patients know you’re a great dentist, and you expect them to tell people how wonderful your practice is. Of course, word-of-mouth marketing is good and many patients do it on their own, but when you want to attract new patients online―which every dental practice should―you need reviews. Online reviews play a huge role in whether you get new business.


When potential patients find your site or hear about your practice and want to find out more, they look for online reviews. They want to know what kind of experiences your patients have had. People trust what customers say more than a business. The more positive reviews your patients give you, the better your chances at attracting new patients.


Don’t be afraid to ask your pleased patients for their reviews. Make it easy for patients to leave a review by making available an iPad or computer with a preferred comments website before they even leave the office. Even patients who aren’t computer-savvy will hand write comments (that you can later enter online) if you have forms and a box conveniently located. Then watch those online reviews―and patients―multiply!


Of course, you’ll probably receive a few negative comments because you just can’t please everyone. You can, however, turn negative reviews around to be beneficial to your practice. By responding to and handling negative reviews in an ethical and effective way, you earn respect from potential clients and appreciation from those reviewers. People who leave reviews, especially the negative ones, just want to know they’ve been heard and that their opinion matters, so let them know your practice cares by responding.


Correctly responding to and using your patient reviews to your advantage is a surefire way to get you more patients that are looking for a dental practice online.


Your dental practice needs new patients, and when you follow these three innovative ideas of offering incentives for referrals, beefing up your online presence and using patient reviews to your advantage, you’re guaranteed to attract a continual flow of new patients for years to come.

About The Author

Allen Crow is the marketing manager for Easy Dental, an affordable and simple dental practice management software.

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Oral Conscious Sedation Going Away?

Oral Conscious Sedation Going Away?
It would appear so!
According to the recent ADA News the ADA Council on Dental Education and Licensure (CDEL) is seeking comments on proposed changes to two sets of their guidelines, "ADA Guidelines for the Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia by Dentists" and "Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students". 
The proposed changes can be read by clicking here.

For information on training that meets the requirements in new guidelines visit.

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Dental Braces are orthodontist devices used to align and straighten teeth to help them position as per a person’s bite, as well as to boost dental health. Braces are often used to correct crooked, protruding or irregular teeth, and various other flaws of teeth and jaw. Dental braces are of two types – structural or cosmetic – wherein Structural Braces are used for improvement of the structure, while Cosmetic Braces Treatment is carried to provide cosmetic improvement of facial appearance, more specifically the smile.
Although everyone wants a great smile as it helps you feel more confident and acceptable, bad shape of teeth often results in negative attitude of a person. Cosmetic Braces Treatment is a viable procedure to get rid of such negativities by correcting the shape of your teeth, closing the gap between teeth, and removing any other deformity, making patients of any age look better throughout their lives.
Besides looking good, confident and acceptable, straight teeth give you a good bite as your upper and lower teeth fit together, becoming ideal to bite, chew and speak. Irregular shape of teeth also creates medical problems due to uneven bites resulting in strain on the jaw muscles, as well as in maintaining proper care and hygiene.
There are various types of braces for adults and children, including Invisible braces, Fast acting braces, Cosmetic braces, and Conventional metal braces. A brace consists of a small plate with springs and wires attached which apply a gentle pressure to the teeth, thereby causing them to move into a correct alignment.
Cosmetic braces are available in many types and ranges like clear braces, invisalign braces etc, and are often known as fast acting braces as they speed up the period of time in which the teeth are moved into the desired and correct position. Many cosmetic braces are made from tooth colored or transparent plastics, without any wires or brackets, thus being nearly invisible. But even if these attachments are needed due to technical reasons, these are also made from tooth colored or transparent plastics. These braces are light and comfortable to wear, and are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Some people avoid wearing braces due to a host of myths like braces are meant for kids, or braces take too long, or wearing braces will  be painful etc. In fact, conventional metal braces were worn mostly by youngsters, but cosmetic braces can be worn by adults, as these let you have the perfect smile you have always wanted without putting your life on hold. These new options allow you to look great throughout treatment as they are hardly visible. Moreover the correction of teeth does not take too long, and in most of the cases people get results in as little as six months.
Cosmetic Braces Treatment is not at all painful, as it is non-invasive, but initially it can cause some discomfort. It takes some time to get used to the braces, as with any other appliance, and with time the braces start feeling normal. The little discomfort is worth the confidence that comes after having a smile which you always longed for.

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Veneer Misconceptions

Many people think of porcelain veneers as a very quick way to get a gorgeous smile.


That part is true.


But there are many misconceptions about veneers: you could be thinking that veneers will solve all your oral health problems, while they really can and should only be used for certain situations and circumstances.


Read below for more information.

Veneers can – and do! – create beautiful smiles. But they’re not without their issues.

One major misconception people have is that they can get veneers for all their teeth. It’s possible to place a veneer on every tooth, but it’s not wise or really economically feasible for most people because of the expense (veneers usually aren’t covered by insurance).


One veneer (a Lumineer, or “traditional” veneer) can cost anywhere between $800 to $2,000. Multiply that by 28 or 32 teeth (the number of teeth most adults tend to have) and you can see how expensive getting veneers on all teeth could be. Factors that raise the cost per tooth include the tooth’s location in the mouth as well as its condition.


If you’re looking for a dazzling smile, with beautifully white and straight teeth, many dentists recommend getting about six veneers on your top front teeth and then bleaching the remaining teeth. This usually creates a gorgeous smile.


Another misconception is that a veneer can replace a missing tooth. A veneer can’t do this because a veneer is placed on the front of a tooth, so a veneer won’t help you if a tooth is missing (you’d need a denture or implant to replace a missing tooth).


Not every tooth is a good candidate for a veneer. The tooth must be in good health and can’t be too weak from decay, large fillings and – while many veneers are used to beautify a chipped or broken tooth – the tooth can’t have too large a fracture.  (You may need to get a crown if a tooth is considerably weak from decay.)


In addition, you should know that once your dentist starts the procedure (he will shave away a portion of the front of your tooth so that a veneer can be placed over it), the process can’t be reversed.


What’s, more, your tooth may become more sensitive to cold and hot foods and liquids because some of your tooth’s protective enamel will be removed in the shaving process.


image courtesy of imagerymajestic/

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Why is Dental Crown Treatment needed ?

Dental Crown Treatment is the best option to restore a damaged tooth and extend its life. Read on to know all the reasons for taking this treatment.

A dental crown is a restoration which caps a tooth or a dental implant for maintaining dental health. Dental Crown Treatment is an essential part of dental implants, and is also useful in many other circumstances for improving the strength and/or appearance of the teeth.  The crowns are typically bonded to the tooth by a dental cement, and fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. Dental Crown Treatment is needed in the following situations :

Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) for removal of tooth’s dead pulp, leaves the tooth hollowed out and predisposes the remaining tooth to cracking. Hence, a tooth that has had RCT almost invariably needs to be restored with a crown immediately to prevent it from fracturing.

Dental Implants
Once the dental implant is set in the jaw bone, a crown is needed to restore spaces left from missing teeth. Dental crowns, either be screwed into implants or cemented on to them, function as well as look like natural teeth.

Large Filling
A cavity or a fracture of more than half the width of a tooth, needs to be covered with a dental crown, because the remaining tooth becomes weak, and is prone to damaging further. Sometimes a crown is also needed to replace an earlier filling showing signs of stress and cracks.

Damaged Tooth
A crown is badly needed in case of fracture of a tooth or damaged cusps, causing pain while chewing. Since the cusps are the part of the tooth that take the most stress during chewing, they need to be completely covered otherwise the tooth will keep fracturing.

Excessive Wear of Teeth
The teeth often wear off due to regular intake of acidic diet, or a habit of grinding teeth, or if the enamel is worn off. In all these cases, the only way of restoring the teeth is to cover them by dental crowns.

Undesirable Appearance
Teeth having bad appearance due to color, shape, or spaces in between, can be made to look beautiful and natural by capping them with crowns, thus enhancing the look of the front teeth
Along with the above reasons, Dental Crown Treatment may help to hold a bridge or denture firmly in place, thus making it a necessity for restoration of damaged teeth as well as for improving their appearance.

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Dental Implants: The Complete Guide

The world of dentistry sure has evolved over the years and these changes are mostly for the good of the patients. Dental implants have taken the dentistry world by storm as they happen to be very effective and help people in regaining their lost self-confidence. There are many things to note about a dental implant as no important detail can be missed out. First of all it has to be noted that implants can be done on single tooth and the whole jaw too. Other than that the whole process of implants can be a bit of the expensive side but it is definitely worth it. 

Dental implants are permanent dental treatments and the implanted tooth or teeth looks and feels like real teeth. The process of implants help the patients in ways more than one as they help them live a good life that involves many attractive smiles on the way. What exactly is an implant anyway? A dental implant primarily is metallic root that is inserted in order to support the replaced tooth. A dental implant is generally made of titanium which is a metal that can conveniently go with the human body. When one makes up his or her mind for getting an implant then it becomes very important to gather all the required facts and also the myths related to the process. 

Some people consider dental implants only for some exclusive set of people but that is certainly not the case. It is the dentist who will decide and advice the patient that he is fit for the process or not. There are many dental clinics which offer implants services to the people. One must not make a hasty decision while choosing the dental clinic for getting the implants done. The dental clinic must have qualified and experienced dentists on its panel and only experienced hands can carry out this process in the right manner. 

Other than that the dental clinic must be transparent about the process and must attend to all the queries the patient or his family has. Some clinics offer some discounts for the implants treatment so one must confirm every single detail beforehand. There are several kinds of implants one must know about and many advantages can be associated with the entire implants process. These benefits appeal to the people as an implant offers a good and normal life to the people who have missing or broken teeth. Implants are quite durable in nature and can be regarded as a smart investment.

Other than that an implant can also help in stopping the loss of jaw in the future. Dentures are definitely becoming the thing of the past as the implants help people smile in a much more confident manner. After getting the implants done the patient can lead a normal life and there will be no restrictions on which food to chew and which one to avoid. Implants certainly are a good decision and that is why their popularity is growing with every passing day.


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