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Disposable Handpieces ?!

Preview of “A laboratory evaluation of two brands of disposabl... [Br Dent J. 1997] - PubMed result”.pdf

Have you heard of disposable handpieces?

I am interested in knowing if anyone is using them in the office?

This of course brings up the cost effectiveness and the practical use of disposable handpieces. It also touches on the longevity of standard handpieces. It takes about 8 years for the handpieces in our office to need repair of some kind (which we all know is almost equal to the purchase of a new one). If the disposable handpieces are still just as powerful and provide the necessary tork, why wouldn't you use them? Moreover, why have I not heard of them more?

Does anyone have any input?
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Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and University Hospitals Case Medical Center report initial results from a small sample that inflammation from gum disease and prostate problems just might be linked. They discuss their new evidence in the Journal of Periodontology. The researchers compared two markers: the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) used to measure inflammation levels in prostate disease, and clinical attachment loss (CAL) of the gums and teeth, which can be an indicator for periodontitis.

A PSA elevation of 4.0 ng/ml in the blood can be a sign of inflammation or malignancy. Patients with healthy prostate glands have lower than 4.0 ng/ml levels. A CAL number greater than 2.7 mm indicates periodontitis.

Like prostatitis, periodontitis also produces high inflammation levels.

"Subjects with both high CAL levels and moderate to severe prostatitis have higher levels of PSA or inflammation," stated Nabil Bissada, chair of the department of periodontics in the dental school. Bissada added that this might explain why PSA levels can be high in prostatitis, but sometimes cannot be explained by what is happening in the prostate glands. "It is something outside the prostate gland that is causing an inflammatory reaction," he said.

Because periodontitis has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers felt a link might exist to prostate disease.

Looking at the results, the researchers from the dental school and the department of urology and the Institute of Pathology at the hospital found those with the most severe form of the prostatitis also showed signs for periodontitis.

This research serves as another reminder of the link between oral disease and overall medical health. Comments are appreciated?

Source: Science Daily

Journal Reference:

  1. Joshi et al. Association Between Periodontal Disease and Prostate Specific Antigen Levels in Chronic Prostatitis Patients. Journal of Periodontology, 2010; 100409084221025 DOI: 10.1902/jop.2010.090646

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Can Dentistry Make You Look Younger ?!

Can Dental Procedures Make You Look Younger.pdf

Most of our patients want their face to be esthetically pleasing. This is almost always an issue while doing procedures on a patients teeth. In fact, many times a patient, no matter how severe the pain may be, is driven by the bottom line of esthetics. Of course, if you deliver that and satisfy the patient, they will come see you again!

This article approaches a way of treating patients with dental procedures that actually changes the entire facial structure! Think of an elderly patient who has lost most of their teeth. The face becomes sunken in and cheek tissue are appear to be lost. In the same way, reconstruction can change a face and in fact make a patient look younger. THAT is a factor in which will always bring a patient back into your office in this day in age.

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A comprehensive new dental career development and networking website,, launched this week to support a wide range of professionals in dental practice management. “We have built a robust website to meet the needs of virtually everyone in the dental field, at all career stages,” explains Cathy Warschaw, director of the Dental Management Club. “Our goal is to provide a one-stop-shop, so to speak, where dentists and their teams can find continuing education in dental management; personal one-on-one help through coaching calls; job postings; and assistance with insurance claims; as well as lower fees when it comes

to dental services and products.”

Warschaw developed and launched the Dental Management Club after seeing the need for a site that not only offered online training, but also a much broader set of services, benefits, and professional networking opportunities. She has been the driving force behind the Warschaw Learning Institute, an industry leader in
online training for dental professionals and
military spouses, which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.

The Dental Management Club offers a full set of online tools, training, seminars, career coaching and mentoring services, employment resources, forums, and product discounts tailored to meet the needs of dentists, hygienists, students, receptionists, human resource managers, insurance administrators, dental
assistants, and office managers. In addition to its online offerings, the Dental Management Club will hold seminars across the country in small-to-medium sized metropolitan areas; places often underserved in terms of continuing dental education.

“These seminars will offer valuable, proven tips and advice on the types of issues that can be most challenging for dental teams, such as patient retention and collections,” says Warschaw. “And each will be tailored to the local area, addressing their special concerns and drawing upon the untapped local talent pool of job seekers.”

For more information, or to join the Dental Management Club, go to

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Oral Cancer Month and my personal message

The Oral Cancer Foundation - 2009.pdf

In the name of Oral Cancer Month, let us all please pay more attention to our exams.

This is where dentistry becomes "gray" perhaps. We focus on the patient and oral cavity, particularly the teeth. At times, especially in Pediatrics, we may tend to overlook lesions and/or other signs of early stages of oral cancer. We can be at the forefront of early detection if we all take notice! Once again, our profession is profound and the mouth/body connection is amazing!

Under the parent company I am in business with, Wellness' 50 products, I will mention two products to promote oral health to shed some light on this month's awareness!

Winrgy: the alternative to all the Gatorades and Red Bulls in the world
choline and vitamin based
sugar free energy
Ortho loves it!

CoQ10: promotes perio health
improves recovery time
ubinquinol form
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Beta Testing for

Wow!, after months of preparation, we finally launch (yesterday) for Beta Testing. All Dentist beta testers, please register and check the features inside DesignSmile. We have some basic and familiar features already in place. (More neat stuffs yet to come).
Please update your information and we welcome any input that you might have. Test out the Online Appointment Booking System with your staff members for we are going to drive a lot of patient traffic into your Dental Offices. So, put your thinking caps on and help us design the features that you like to see and use in the Real Time Online Appointment Booking System (with Mobile Application Capabilities too).
Please send in any queries and problems that you might encounter along the way when navigating the site. It is Beta Testing time! Have Fun, guys!

PS. send email to

EJ Koh

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Academy of Oral Implantology (India)
is going to hold its 4th InternationalCongress from the 21st to 23rd May-2010 at HotelLalit, New Delhi, India.

Besides the continuing education benefits in Dental Implantology and thetrade-fair it also provides with an opportunity to meet up with eachother and create new friends. It also carries 15 CDE points as per the Dental Council of Indiaguidelines.

This conference has been supported by many major Indian dental schoolsand organizations and promises to be the largest meeting of its kind in India with an expected attendance of more than 500 delegates.

I have been requested by the organizing committee of AOI, to help spreadthe word around so if anyone is interested in attending, please let meknow and I shall forward details of the congress and payment etc.

More details are also available at

With best wishes,

Dr Arun Grover
Delhi, India

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Launching for Beta Testing tomorrow.

Hi Doc,
We came up with a very neat idea to drive patient traffic to the dental office with an Real Time Q&A and Online Appointment Booking System. We need some real beta testers and who can test it better than the dentists users themselves? Let me know what you think of the idea. It is just a beta set up for now, so nothing is concrete yet until we get feedbacks from actual users. Please make suggestions from the practical side of the booking procedures. What are the features that you like to have in place so that the patients from your area can actually get booked into your dental office. Through the surveys, we are going to tailor make the features to suit your requirements. For this weekend, if you have some time, please check it out at . Beta testing starts on Monday (tomorrow!). Thanks in advance!
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Patient presents with a symptomatic lateral lesion on tooth #8. Root canal therapy was completed 2-years prior. Symptoms: Palpation sensitivity mid-root. Periodontal probing was within normal limits. Differential Dx: Fracture or lateral canal.
Since probing was WNL, surgical endodontic tx is an option.
During surgery, a large lateral canal was visible in the surgical window. The lateral canal was ultrasonically prepped and sealed with MTA cement. 6-month recall shows bone regeneration.
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Launching of this coming Friday!

Hi Doc,
We are launching a Dental Platform this coming Friday. It is called and we like you help us to beta test it. We would actually drive patients to the dental office with a real time Online Booking engine. It is pretty neat, you will enjoy it. Thanks in advance.

Koh from the Designsmile Team
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Self-Etching Agents

Preview of “Bond strength of different adhesives to normal and caries-affected dentins”.pdf

I added this topic as it seems to come up in my clinical procedures often. One doc I work for has been a DDS for over 30 years now and still the one-step (etching + bonding) approach is stressed to him each time our sales rep. comes in !

The point being that we have tried many ! But still, ecthing and bonding still holds true in our clinical experience as a two-step application. I am wondering if you experience the same in your office?
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Lanmark Group Research will be moderating a series of research interviews on behalf of a leading dental equipment manufacturer at the upcoming CDA Scientific Session in Anaheim, CA.We are looking for 10 practicing dentists to provide professional feedback that will be used in the design of an ergonomic dental chair.The research interviews will last only 30 minutes, and will be conducted on Friday, May 14th, at the Anaheim Marriott at 700 West Convention Way, which is just a short walk from the Anaheim Convention Center.There will be five ½-hour sessions in the morning, and five ½-hour sessions in the afternoon.There will be a $100 honorarium for each of the 10 participants selected. If you are interested, please contact Erin Foster via e-mail at be prepared to provide Erin with your name, address, office and cell phone numbers, e-mail, area of specialty, years in practice, and whether you prefer a morning or afternoon research interview session.Thank you for your interest.
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Researchers at Rice University, the University of Texas Health Science Centers at Houston and San Antonio and the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center have found that gently applying a brush to a lesion on the tongue or cheek can help detect oral cancer with success rates comparable to more invasive techniques, according to preliminary studies. The test that uses Rice's diagnostic nano-bio-chip was found to be 97 percent "sensitive" and 93 percent specific in detecting which patients had malignant or premalignant lesions, results that compared well with traditional tests.

The study appeared online in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

"One of the key discoveries in this paper is to show that the miniaturized, noninvasive approach produces about the same result as the pathologists do," said John McDevitt, the Brown-Wiess Professor of Chemistry and Bioengineering at Rice. His lab developed the novel nano-bio-chip technology at the university's BioScience Research Collaborative. The future is with nano-bio-chips -- small, semiconductor-based devices that combine the ability to capture, stain and analyze biomarkers for a variety of health woes that also include cardiac disease, HIV and trauma injuries. Researchers hope the eventual deployment of nano-bio-chips will dramatically cut the cost of medical diagnostics and contribute significantly to the task of bringing quality health care to the world.

This is an interesting development and technology that could have a major impact on the way we evaluate and screen for oral pathology. Check it out. Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Source: Science Daily
Photo credit: University of Texas

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Zirconia – The Truth

Open Discussion Forum / Q&A

Thursday 13 May, 2010

at the CAD/CAM & Computerized Dentistry Int’l Conference 13-14 May 2010, Dubai UAE

Researchers, Clinicians, Manufacturers will answer all your questions.

Post your questions here or visit:

The aim of this Open forum is to evaluate the effect of different surface treatment methods and in particular the effect of
the quality of “fake” CAD/CAM zirconia blocks on the market, the flexure strength
of zirconia frameworks, proper preparation and proper bonding.

Delegates will interact with the panel participant (all on stage) and post their questions and comments. They will have the answers from
the researchers’, clinical and industry point of view.


1. Truth of the product? 10 min – research presentation.

2. Truth of the preparation? 10 min – clinical presentation.

3. Truth of the result? 10 min – manufacturer presentation.

Q/A interactive session following the above topics with equally active

PANEL PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Nadim Aboujaoude, Lebanon; Dr. Andreas Kurbad, Germany; Dr. Peter
, Germany; Dr. Atef Shaker,
Egypt; Ralph
Riquier, Germany; Dr. Ilan Preiss, UK

MODERATOR: Dr. Munir Silwadi

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As a Dental professional you need to be certain of the specific exclusions on your Professional Liability policy.Botox and Dermal Fillers are a "hot topic" amoungst Dentists and Insurance companies over the past few years. Some insurance companies have adapted to allow a minimal amount of procedures however, even more companies have opted to exclude any type procedures outside of the tyical scope of dentistry.All policies are not the same, be sure you know what your coverage offers!
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How Dental Care Will Be Changed by Healthcare Reform - Dental Health Magazine.pdf

This is of course particularly of importance now. It seems to be good news! What's your view???

The new healthcare reform bill will "appreciate" dental education toward the public and one of the main focus' being on children. This is such a proactive measure. Children need good hygiene habits early on and can carry it through generations thereafter. Educating the public is also key and should be rewarded. Reaching out to the public should always be a high priority.

Of course the flip side is that their are insurance capping issues that has some worried. Like many other congressional bills, there is still much to work out. Either way the bill would "change dentistry forever".

I am happy to say that the time I do spend in the dental office since cutting back, is spent speaking to school classes and even pre-schoolers! I enjoy it and it feels good to be hands on and stepping into the educational side of dentistry. In turn, if the children have a good experience outside of the dental office , they will be more inclined to go home and tell their parents...thus perhaps reminding the adult that dental care is crucial.
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Medical Billing In Dentistry

When treating patients with medical issues we can begin the process of medical billing. This increases your referrals with MD's, the referrals that keep on giving. Patients who understand the difference on treatment and the need for collaboration with their MD"S will also be great referrals. Understanding that you are different working with their medical insurance will increase the accepted treatment in your office.. Practices that are including testing for diabetics,working with sleep labs, OBGYN doctors will increase production and collection for the upcoming months.

I am so impressed with the focus on medical inclusion with Web Dental.

Christine Taxin
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Obesity and Periodontal Disease

Obesity and Periodontal Disease.pdf

This is of interest in todays society. More people are overweight and unhealthy than ever, hence my wellness business as a branch of dentistry I suppose ! This article states a study providing this point. You know that there are many risks with being overweight, but some may not know that gum disease is one of them.

This article points to the inflammatory chemicals secreted by fatty tissue. This leads to increased production of cytokines, promoting periodontal disease. Very interesting how the body WARNS you in many ways that being overweight is not good for our health! I would be interested to know if you all have noticed this in your patients? Or have you made the link ?

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Perio and Pre-term birth

Periodontal Disease and Preterm Birth.pdf

This article (complete article link to Medical News) is really amazing to me, particularly as a woman. In fact, I hear many women tell me that their dental maintenance declined during pregnancy, and even afterwards. In this respect, the importance of oral care is profound. This article provides an eye-opening, perhaps surprising, fact of that point exactly.
I know personally I am more aware of oral care and keeping dental recall appointments during the time I will be pregnant. I value this information and the study mentioned in the article. If more women knew of this periodontal link to pre-term birth, they would take note. Again, it is amazing that we are in such a revolutionary field !
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