dental health (48)

The Causes of Tooth Decay


Tooth decay, also named caries or cavities, is the breakdown of a tooth due to the acid produced by bacteria. The bacteria produce this acid as a by-product when interacting with carbohydrates present in the food that we consume. The pain and severity of tooth decay depend on how far it is spread, from enamel to dentine, and then to the pulp.

The mouth is an important part of the body that usually expresses or reveals many chronic diseases, directly or indirectly in the form of dental, gum, and soft tissue diseases. Tooth decay, or cavities, are warning signs of having an underlying chronic disease that needs to be taken care of in addition to the dental treatment.


Following are the few of the known diseases that are usually linked to the tooth decay/cavities

1) Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the sugar levels in the blood are elevated due to a decrease in insulin levels. It affects dental health in two ways

- The bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars and produce acid. Greater levels of sugars in the blood, the higher the supply of sugars to the mouth, and the higher the degree of bacterial activity as well. The acid produced by bacteria then dissolves the tooth layers one by one causing cavities.

- One of the symptoms of diabetes is dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition in which there is less production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is of great importance when it comes to cleaning and cleansing the bacteria. It washes away the bacteria and its by-products decreasing the risk of tooth decay. If the production of saliva is less as in diabetes, the acid produced by bacteria freely destructs the tooth structure.

Not only does diabetes limit the capability of the body to fight against the oral bacteria, but it also increases the chances of destroying the gums (with help of plaque build-up and calculus) surrounding the teeth and bone. Moreover, gum disease triggers the increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn worsens the severity of diabetes. It is hence a cause and effect cycle that needs to be addressed and managed properly.

2) Sjögren’s syndrome
Sjögren’s is an autoimmune syndrome that is commonly identified with symptoms such as the dry mouth and dry eyes. This syndrome affects the mucous secreting glands of eyes and mouth and results in significantly low production of tears and saliva. The decreased levels of saliva in the mouth result in less cleaning of the mouth hence greater bacterial activity, which then eventually leads to initiation of caries, which turns into tooth decay if not taken care of.

3) Bulimia and Anorexia
Bulimia and anorexia are severe forms of eating disorders. These eating disorders are connected to psychological disorders where individuals fear being fat or overweight. Bulimic and anorexic individuals either eat less, binge or purge the food, mainly unhealthy food. Eating less food means less intake of nutrients that are essential to keep the body healthy and strong. This less intake of nutrients causes low immunity and hence less capability to fight against oral bacteria that cause cavities. Also, during the process of binging and purging, the acids from the stomach flow into the mouth affecting the teeth. The acid wears away the teeth surface making them more susceptible to tooth decay over a while.

4) Cancer
Although there is no direct relationship between cancer and tooth decay, individuals going through radiation are at greater risk of getting cavities known as radiation caries. One of the side effects of radiation is dry mouth (transient xerostomia). The radiation affects the salivary glands, due to which the mouth is unable to produce a sufficient amount of saliva necessary for cleansing effectively and lowering the mouth PH that eventually leads to radiation caries. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the dental professional and the concerned oncologist before going through the phase of radiotherapy. The dental professional will evaluate the preexisting condition of the mouth and teeth and suggest suitable actions accordingly.


In addition to all the above-mentioned diseases, dental home care plays a crucial role in the development of tooth decay. The dental plaque formed on the gingival margins continues to multiply and grow beneath the gums (gingival pockets) and onto the tooth surface. This dental plaque contains various types of bacteria and food particles that mineralized to form tartar/calculus. This plaque and tartar destructs the tooth structure and gums to form cavities and gum diseases respectively. The good news is, regular oral hygiene regimens decrease the amount of plaque and tartar build-up. Brushing twice a day and flossing following a proper technique significantly reduces plaque and tartar load. Besides, regular dental checkups should be followed to treat tooth decay at its earliest stages.

It is best to provide a thorough and inclusive medical and dental history to the dental professionals to rule out the cause of tooth decay and then treat it subsequently.

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Dental X-Rays Are Safe During Pregnancy!



The demands of pregnancy can lead to particular dental problems in some women. You are less likely to have dental problems during pregnancy if you already have good oral hygiene habits. With proper dental hygiene at home and professional help from your dentist, your teeth should stay healthy during pregnancy.

The Need For Dental X-rays During Pregnancy:
We know about different gum diseases that occur in pregnant women because of hormonal imbalance, they may be pregnancy gingivitis or pregnancy-related gum disease. So it's a common problem for pregnant ladies. For that or for other causes of diagnostic purposes, or any for emergency tooth pain or any trauma, sometimes we need dental radiography.

Common causes of dental health problems during pregnancy can include gum problems, vomiting, and cravings for sugary food. Does the question arise that if the exposure of dental radiography is safe for the unborn baby, is it safe for the pregnant mother herself? Read further to know the answer.



What are the typical fetal doses in dental radiographic procedures?
Spoiler Alert: You may be surprised to know that the dose we use in dental radiography is much less than the normal environmental day-to-day radiation. So the fetal dose is 0.009 µSv to 7.97 µSv. This is usually less than the estimated daily natural background dose received by the fetus. And if we use an apron with lead shielding and a thyroid shield, they can reduce the dose to the fetus even further. However, the use of shielding should be done with proper care to show that the radiograph is of adequate diagnostic quality (keeping the shielding outside of the X-ray beam) and that it does not lead to overexposure (for equipment using some form of automatic exposure control).

Why is it recommended that pregnant women wait to get dental x-rays?
The developing fetus in the first and third trimesters is very sensitive to radiation. The second trimester is slightly less sensitive. In most dental offices, especially those using digital radiography or F speed film, the radiation dose to the patient is very low. However, we still recommend that there should be very little exposure to pregnant women and the developing fetus. In certain cases, such as an emergency case where the mother may have a toothache, sometimes radiographs are necessary and in this case, it is important to ensure that you have the lead apron and thyroid collar on.

What is the risk to the fetus if a dental X-ray has been performed on a pregnant woman?
The risk to the fetus from a few µSv of radiation exposure arising from a dental radiographic procedure is extremely small. The cancer risk to the unborn child resulting from a 10 µSv fetal dose is several thousand times less than the background risk of childhood cancer. The risk of inducing a genetic abnormality is an even smaller fraction of the background risk of a genetic disorder. Hence, patient doses received in the normal practice of dental radiography would never cause harm to the fetus, and patients with concerns in this regard should be counseled accordingly.



How should one deal with the possible pregnancy of a woman before performing a dental radiological procedure?
Information on possible pregnancy should be obtained from the patient. A female of reproductive capacity should be considered pregnant unless proven otherwise. If the patient is pregnant the possibility of obtaining information from a non-radiological investigation should be considered. If the radiological examination is considered essential it should be performed and due consideration should be given to optimization. Because of the widespread fears of radiation-induced damage to the unborn child, it is reasonable to counsel the woman on the level of radiation exposure and associated risks prior to performing the procedure. It is essential to have pregnancy warning signs in the waiting rooms.

Dental Treatment vs. Dental X-ray, During Pregnancy:
Same as dental radiography, dental treatment, if it can be avoided during pregnancy should be avoided. If there is any dental problem that needs to be treated, then we can do it in the safest time, the second trimester. In the first trimester and the second half of the third trimester, elective dental treatment is to be avoided because that is the time when the growth and development of the child have to be without any disturbance.

All expectant ladies should inform the dentist beforehand that they are pregnant so that the procedure can be handled properly.


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Here at Nu Dentistry, we understand that you’re busy, and we do everything we can to make sure your time with us is as smooth as possible. From the moment you walk through our doors and check-in, we take care of all the little details for you. You’re never in our waiting room longer than 5 minutes, and we take pride in having your time in the dentist’s chair as short as possible without losing any of our attention to detail. We are dedicated to patient-first service! In other words, YOU are number one at Nu Dentistry,

and our dedicated, personalized service guarantees your complete satisfaction. We perform everything in-house, so you never have to worry about referrals for another dentist or specialist. It’s our honest belief that dentists should not only be amazing at what they do but as convenient and accommodating for their patients as possible. We’re open Saturday so you never have to put off your visits or come in during work. 

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Professional Teeth Whitening


What Is The Process For Teeth Whitening?

Yellow color or staining on teeth may cause distress among several individuals. In this day and age, we can not ignore the beaming effects of white pearly teeth.
Teeth whitening is a process of removing extrinsic and intrinsic stains from the teeth. Here we will explain the difference between bleaching and teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening can be achieved in two ways, either by chemical and non-chemical (or physical) methods. Chemical methods include bleaching the teeth with peroxide and non-chemical include removing the stains from the surface of the teeth by scaling, polishing, or using abrasive kinds of toothpaste and charcoal.


Teeth whitening can be done to remove stains or discoloration that are extrinsic (on the teeth surface) and intrinsic (inside the teeth).
The extrinsic stains mostly occur due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, a diet rich in colors, various tobacco products, or red wine.
The intrinsic stains could be caused by factors such as an internal trauma, tetracycline use, demineralization of enamel, hypo-mineralization of enamel, or fluorosis. Genetics can also play a vital role in determining the color of the teeth.

The Need for a Clinical Exam Prior to Whitening

It is of utmost importance to have a consultation from a certified dental professional before attempting whitening treatments. The individuals need to be honest with their dentist and need to give every detail regarding their medical and dental status. An individual should be open about his desire, daily oral hygiene regimens, frequency and consumption of stain containing foods and tobacco if any. All these will be of great importance because the dentist will then be able to define and develop a patient-centered whitening treatment.
The clinical examination not only gives the dentist an overview of what's going on in the mouth, but it also gives a detailed report for each tooth's health status. Each tooth and the surrounding gums need to be in good health before proceeding with this whitening procedure.

Types of Teeth Whitening

1) Over-the-Counter Treatments

These methods are available in stores, referred to as OTC, or over-the-counter.
Toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive particles of varied grit, or may contain activated charcoal that removes the superficial stains.
Whitening strips: Whitening strips contain peroxide in different percentages coating the thin strips.
Whitening trays: Ready to use whitening trays are clear trays containing peroxide gel.

2) Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

In-office whitening trays: In-office teeth whitening is the most reliable method for teeth whitening because this is performed under a controlled setting by a certified professional. After all the necessary initial assessments of your teeth and gums in the clinic, gums are protected because the high percentage of peroxide may irritate the gums. This type of whitening may require a single or more visit until the desired results are achieved. The dental professional is the only person who will give instructions upon the level of teeth whitening shade.
Custom at-home whitening trays: Customized whitening trays are also considered reliable because they are patient-centered, meaning they fit the specific patient's teeth. These trays are used along with varying percentages of the peroxide gel which can be worn an hour or so for a week per day, depending on the instructions from the dentist, to get the desired effects. The dentist will guide the individual on how to use it, when to use it and the precautions that need to be taken.

Factors that Affect the Long-lasting Effect of Whitening:

It is to be noted that whitening is not a permanent solution for teeth whitening. However, the effects can be increased by following some precautions that not only help in reducing the stains but has a direct effect on oral health as well.
-Daily oral hygiene regimens: Regular brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing at least once a day. Regular mouth rinses even with tap water is helpful.
-Diet: Stain producing foods such as cola, coffee, and wine should be minimized.
-Tobacco products: Cigarettes or other nicotine-based products should be quit completely because they not only produce stains on teeth but also have a great role in producing oral diseases such as oral cancer.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

As long as we get it done from a certified dental professional, it is safe to have teeth whitening. Regular consultation from the dentist regarding the status of teeth, best oral hygiene practices, and following dentist provided precautions, are all essential to have a good experience after having teeth whitening treatment.


Coffee, tea, and wine are tempting… but they also stain your teeth. Here at Nu Dentistry, we know the best methods to regain your bright white smile with our in-house professional teeth whitening system! More advanced than over the counter treatments, our teeth whitening systems bring you longer-lasting and brighter results in less time!
Teeth whitening is the quickest and most traditional treatment used in cosmetic dentistry, offering your smile an instant boost! Our non-invasive and effective whitening options include both an in-house teeth whitening treatment and take-home whitening trays.
Teeth whitening can remove years of stains and discoloration, but it’s not a permanent solution. Depending on your lifestyle and habits, you may likely need additional whitening treatments in the future. However, your professional smile whitening results can last years longer than those with a take-home teeth whitening kit from the store.
To make sure you get the most out of your sessions, we will also give you at-home care instructions and tips that will help you maintain and extend the lifespan of your bright smile.
Ready to add some sparkle to your smile and try our teeth whitening systems?
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Benefits of Invisalign


What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a way to straighten the teeth without having to worry about brackets. The aligners are clear and removable. Your orthodontist starts by scanning your teeth digitally. Afterward, you will see a map of where your teeth are now and where they will end up at the end of treatment.
While you wear the aligners, you can remove them to eat. With traditional braces, you must worry about food restrictions at mealtime. However, with Invisalign, you can eat without worrying about your orthodontics. Also, you take them out when you brush your teeth. Cleaning is easier without wires and brackets in the way.

How Do Aligners Work?

Although you can take the aligners out for a couple of hours a day to brush and eat, you keep them in the rest of the time. When you wear each aligner for two weeks, they will move your teeth a little at a time. At the end of those two weeks, it is time to move onto the next aligner to move you closer to the smile of your dreams.
Because there are no wires to change out, Invisalign requires fewer trips to the orthodontist. You can expect to see your orthodontist every six weeks to check on the progress. Typical Invisalign treatment takes 12 to 16 months, but some cases are as short as six months, where others are closer to two years.

Benefits of Invisalign

Virtually Invisible

We get it. You want straight teeth, but you may not want to have to wear braces for months or years to get there. That’s totally understandable. But when you choose Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about what your straighteners are going to look like. Your smile will look just like normal, so you don’t have to think about the appearance of your braces.

Eat Whatever You Want

When you get traditional braces, you’ll have to deal with a lot of food restrictions. You can’t eat anything that will become stuck in the braces, which limits your options a lot. But one of the benefits of Invisalign is the fact that you don’t have to deal with this problem. Just put them in, and eat whatever you want.

Shorter Treatment Time

No matter which teeth-straightening method you choose, you don’t want to have to deal with it forever. But when you want to straighten your teeth with metal braces, you may have to have braces for up to five years. Clearly, this isn’t ideal, especially for adult patients. However, Invisalign tends to straighten your teeth more quickly, saving you time in the long run. It’s definitely worth it if you’re looking for top-notch results quickly.



If you have overcrowded, gapped, or crooked teeth, Invisalign© may be a great choice for you! Nu Dentistry is a certified Invisalign provider and can work with you to create your beautiful smile! While many believe that braces are only for teens, Invisalign is the treatment for everyone. Available for tweens, teens, and adults, it is an excellent cosmetic dentistry option for people who want straight teeth but don't like the look of traditional braces.
Invisalign has been the top choice in alternatives to traditional orthodontic treatments for a good reason. These clear aligners are virtually invisible, removing the issue of aesthetics when it comes to teeth alignment.
Instead of using bulky metal brackets and wires, Invisalign's clear aligner trays are custom designed to meet your desired smile goals discreetly. New trays are used approximately every two weeks to move your teeth to their desired position successfully. 
To set your Invisalign Consultation Contact Us At  Invisalign in Houston.
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Out of all ailments that influence oral wellbeing, tooth boil is one of the most painful conditions and can cause incredible distress. The pain generally will in general be throbbing and continuous, making it hard to try and eat or drink.

Diagnosis of tooth abscess

A tooth canker is a bacterial infection that prompts a discharge pocket arrangement in the gums. It happens when microscopic organisms infect the tooth hole and cause the gum tissues to corrupt.

Three most normal sorts of tooth ulcer:

  • Periapical abscess - This type of sore happens in the tooth's root, in the alveolar bone.
  • Gingival abscess - This infection influences the gum tissue lining the teeth, causing the gums to expand and pain.
  • Periodontal abscess - The sore is framed in the gum pockets, where microscopic organisms can develop and conceivably spread to the surrounding tissue.

Symptoms of Tooth Abscess

A tooth sore is very painful, and you may feel a sharp pain in your gums or close to the influenced tooth. Following are a couple of different manifestations you may understand:

  • Swollen gums
  • Fever
  • Awful breath
  • Trouble in eating or drinking
  • Eagerness
  • Foul preference for the mouth
  • Increased tooth affectability
  • Pain over the ear, neck, or jaw

Reasons for Tooth Abscess

As per our West Des Moines Dentist, the absence of good oral cleanliness makes your mouth inclined to a ton of microorganisms. It is the main source of most oral sicknesses, including dental plaque, which can prompt a tooth sore.

Tooth rot - Poor oral wellbeing and unfortunate food decisions can cause dental plaque, further leading to tooth rot. Whenever left untreated, tooth rot can cause tooth boil.

Gum infection - Infection in the gum, gum tissue, or in the pockets between the teeth and the gum can likewise prompt a tooth canker.

Infection after dental treatment - Infections after dental strategies like root trenches, inserts, and extractions can cause tooth abscess.

Treatment of Tooth Abscess

Your dentist will initially assess the pain and seriousness of the boil and afterward accordingly propose treatment. The condition, if not serious, could be treated with anti-toxins. In any case, if anti-infection agents come up short, the following strategy would be a root trench to spare the tooth. In the event that the root waterway additionally ends up being ineffective in removing the infection, and if the infection returns, or if the state of the tooth is outstandingly terrible, your dentist should get your tooth extricated.

Prevention of Tooth Abscess

Maintaining great oral wellbeing is the way to stay away from tooth canker. Following are a couple of accommodating tips to keep this condition from occurring:

  • Settle on solid dietary decisions
  • Maintain a strategic distance from sweet and boring nourishments
  • Floss and brush your teeth normally - in a perfect world, two times per day
  • Visit your dentist in any event once at regular intervals
  • Utilize a fluoride toothpaste

Follow great oral cleanliness and be standard with your dental appointments for legitimate dental consideration. In the event that you are looking for the best dentist in West Des Moines, connect with our master dentists at the Plaza Dental Group.

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Bone Grafts And Dental Implants

We don’t often give much regard to the importance of the bone our teeth sit in until there is a problem. The bone not only serves as the foundation for our teeth but it also plays a big part in our visual aesthetic appearance. Bone can be lost by tooth removal or periodontal disease. If a tooth is missing or removed, the bone may collapse into the empty socket and cause a sunken appearance to our cheeks or jawbone. A bone graft can restore these problems caused by dental disease or those that result from an accident. One of the main reasons for bone grafts in modern dentistry is to form a good foundation for dental implants.

What is a Bone Graft?

bone graft is the replacement or augmentation of the bone around the teeth. Bone grafting is a term used to describe a variety of procedures used to add or build bone so that dental implants can be placed.
Dental Bone Grafting
bone graft typically involves adding bone or bone like materials to the jaw. The bone graft can be your own bone (also called Autologous  bone), synthetic bone, be processed bone obtained from a cadaver (also called Allograft), or can even come from bovine/cow sources (these types are also called Xenografts). After grafting, you generally have to wait several months for the grafted material to fuse or become one with the existing bone structure.  Processed bone grafted materials either cause surrounding bone to grow into the graft or cause cells around the graft to change into bone. Autologous bone transplants bone cells or a block of bone that fuses to the jaw.

Implant Dentistry

It is often used to augment bone to allow for a more successful implant placement. A few reasons for bone grafting in implant dentistry include:
1) Augmenting bone in the sinus area to allow for implant placement.
2) Augmenting bone to enhance the fit and comfort of removable prostheses (dentures)
3) To enhance aesthetics of a missing tooth site in the smile or aesthetic zone. This zone is generally defined as the visible area seen upon full smile, including the teeth, gingiva, and lips.
For a dental implants to be a success, the patient must have sufficient bone in the jaw to place the implant into.
Assumptions were once made that if a patient did not have sufficient quality or quantity of bone in their jaw they would not be suitable candidates for dental implants. Today, thanks to the exponential advances in dental techniques, materials, and technology, patients with insufficient bone in their jaws can have the bone rebuilt using bone grafting.

Bone Grafting Procedure

The actual bone grafting procedure is quite straightforward. A dentist will assess the quantity and quality of your bone during the treatment planning stages. It will be at this time that he/she will determine if there is a need for bone grafting. Then your dentist will review the different types of bone grafts with you and decide which will be the most suitable for your individual case.

Once this has been decided the bone graft procedure can be performed. The actual procedure requires the dentist to place bone under the gum tissue at the site where the bone graft is needed. The dentist will then be able to place the bone to be grafted onto the site and then cover it with a membrane for protection. Membranes are often used to help stabilize the bone graft as well as keep the gum tissue from invading the healing bone graft. The gum tissue will grow at a much faster rate than bone, therefore, membranes are used to prevent gum tissue from growing in and displacing the bone graft before it fully matures.This membrane is also used to protect the boneDental Bone Graftingfrom any germs found in the oral cavity and ensure that the area is perfectly clean to allow the healing process to take place. Finally, the area is closed and the tissue is stitched into place. Bone graft healing time is usually right around 4-6 months. But this can vary from patient to patient. Patients are given a prescription for antibiotics to take following their bone graft. Antibiotic mouthwashes can also be prescribed to preserve the health of the gum covering the bone graft.

On follow up visits the dentist will check on the success of the bone graft by taking x-rays to determine the height and width of the new bone. Once this has been verified as satisfactory, and the site of the bone graft is completely healed, the next stage of the dental implant process can begin.

Dental bone grafts for the purpose of dental implants has a very high success rate. But there is always a possibility that the bone graft will not work as planned, even if your own bone was used. Bone grafts are not rejected by the body like organ transplants. There is still some mystery as to why some bone grafts fail. We do know that certain people (for example, smokers, diabetics, patients with poor dental hygiene) have higher risks of graft failure.

A failed graft will need to be removed. Once healed properly, you and your dentist may choose to place a second graft.

A bone graft gives the implant dentist and patient one more tool to achieve a successful outcome to just about any implant treatment.

Dental Bone Graft

© 2012 – 2019, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Dental Implants Las Vegas

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Dental Implants Vs Dental Bridge

Dental implants vs bridge is a question many patients are faced with when attempting to replace a lost tooth or multiple teeth. The traditional dental bridge was the main dental procedure used by dentists for a very long time to replace missing teeth. As dental implants have become popular due to long term success rates the traditional dental bridge has become in many people’s mind the lessor alternative. Dental implants vs bridge is an interesting scenario as they both achieve the same thing but in different ways. The dental implants vs bridge debate is one that many of us will face in our lives. Below are some facts about both to help with your decision.

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Procedure

Steps For A Dental Bridge

During the first visit to your dentist for the fabrication of a dental bridge, the teeth surrounding the missing tooth are prepared to accept a dental crown. The preparation involves removing the outer layer of teeth to allow for a dental crown to be placed over top them. Next, dental impressions of the teeth are taken, which give the dental lab technician a precise dental model from which the dental bridge, pontic (fake tooth between the dental crowns), and dental crowns will be fabricated. Your dentist will create a temporary dental bridge for you to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the dental bridge is being made. This generally takes about 2 weeks.

At the second visit, your temporary bridge will be removed, the temporary cement will be cleaned off the teeth, and the new porcelain or metal bridge will be checked and adjusted, as necessary, to achieve an ideal fit. Depending on how extensive the dental bridge is multiple visits may be needed to check the fit of the metal framework and ensure the bite is correct. This is dependent on each individual’s case as metal can distort as well as teeth moving ever so slightly during time in between visits. If the fit is acceptable to the dentist, the dental bridge will then be cemented permanently in place. In the discussion of dental implants vs bridge, a traditional bridge is placed in only one way (cemented) while a dental implant can be placed in 2 different ways (screw retained or cemented).

Steps For A Dental Implant

-Initial Consultation. At this initial appointment, your dentist will complete a thorough dental examination, including all necessary x rays, and then take dental impressions of your teeth. After your dentist gathers all the necessary preliminary information, your dentist will talk with you about the recommended treatment plan. You may also discuss at this time whether or not there is a need for a bone graft. At this visit, you can ask about the dental implants vs bridge discussion. Your dentist will happily review the positives and negatives with you.

-Bone Grafting And Teeth Removal. If the tooth needs to be extracted, your dentist will evaluate the bone density and quality and decide if a bone graft is necessary. The bone graft will add 4-6 months generally to the time line. This extra time gives your bone time to heal properly and add the new bone structure.

-Dental Implant Placement. Once healing has taken place you will be ready for the dental implant placement. The procedure generally takes about 1-2 hours and completed under anesthesia. Once the dental implant is placed, you will need approximately 6 months for healing to take place and the dental implant to integrate into the bone (this process is called osseointegration).

-Healing Cap And Temporary Dental Crown. With the dental implant fully integrated in the bone, your dentist will attach what is called a healing collar to the top of the dental implant. This healing collar will allow the gum tissue to form around the implant in a natural looking way. The healing collar is simply a round piece of metal that keeps the gum tissue away from top of implant. The healing cap stays on for about 7-14 days. In some cases a temporary dental crown is fabricated as well at this visit.

-Abutment Placement. The healing cap will be removed and a dental implant abutment will be replace it. This abutment will be where the new dental crown will attach (either thru a screw or cement). Once the abutment is in place, your dentist will take a dental impression and send it off to the dental laboratory for fabrication of your new dental crown.

-Permanent Dental Crown Placement. The dental implant and dental crown should be a permanent fixture without the possibility of tooth decay forming over time like a traditional dental crown or dental bridge.

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Maintenance

This is where a dental implant will shine in the debate of dental implants vs bridge. A single dental implant will be cleaned just like your natural teeth. This means you can floss around the tooth just like a natural tooth. A dental bridge since it is one longer piece encompassing multiple teeth you will not be able to use regular floss. You will need to use what is called a floss threader. This will allow you to get under each part of the dental bridge and effectively clean around the areas of the dental bridge. This can be an issue for some patients with dexterity issues.

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Cost

The dental implant will require more time (at least 6-7 months in best case) to allow for each step to be completed and healed properly. The dental implant tends to cost more overall especially if bone grafting is involved. In my opinion, dental implants vs bridge cost will be up to the patient. Time in some cases is just as important as the financial factor.

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Pros And Cons

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Las Vegas Marielaina Perrone DDSDental Implant Positives

-Surrounding Teeth Unaffected. With a dental implant, there is no need to shave down possibly healthy tooth structure in adjacent teeth as there would be in a traditional dental bridge.

-Success Rate And Durability. Dental implants should with proper care last a lifetime and have a better than 98% success rate.

-Bone Loss Prevention. With a dental implant in place, your bone structure will remain as is and not resorb or break down. This is what happens when a tooth is missing in an area of the mouth

Dental Implant Negatives

-Surgery Required. A big negative in the dental implants vs bridge debate. This is especially true of those with dental phobia.

-Healing Time Needed. As mentioned above a minimum of 6-7 months are needed in the best case scenario to complete a dental implant procedure from start to finish.

-Financial Expense. There is generally a slightly higher fee for a single dental implant vs bridge and could go even higher if other procedures are needed like a bone graft.

Dental Bridge Positives

-Permanent. The dental bridge will be cemented in place and will never be removed to clean unless your dentist finds an issue.

-Simpler and Quicker Dental Procedure. Generally takes only 2 dental visits and can usually be completed in about 2 weeks time. This can be a huge positive for many in the dental implants vs bridge discussion.

Dental Bridge Negatives

-Dental Hygiene More Difficult. With a dental bridge, you must brush and floss under and around the false tooth. Using floss threader as mentioned above may be difficult for some. Dental hygiene maintenance is a must if there is any chance of long term success for a dental bridge.

-Lifespan Shorter. A dental bridge generally lasts about 7-10 years. Some dental bridges can last longer and some can fail sooner. This is due to the wear and tear on adjacent teeth (these teeth remain susceptible to periodontal disease and tooth decay. Either tooth decay or periodontal disease can weaken support for the dental bridge.

-Surrounding Teeth Affected. A dental bridge requires support from the surrounding teeth that are used to hold the artificial tooth in place. If these teeth are not strong enough to have dental crowns, a dental bridge might not even be possible.

Dental Implants Vs Bridge Conclusion

Choosing dental implants vs bridge can be a difficult decision. Your dentist will help guide you through the process and help you make an educated dental implants vs bridge decision that is best for your smile. It is important to maintain regular dental visits no matter which side you choose in the dental implants vs bridge decision.

© 2019, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Exceptional Dentist Las Vegas

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Dental Implants Las Vegas have changed the way dentists treat patients over the last 20 years. They have been nothing less than a miracle in the replacement of teeth whether it be a single tooth, multiple teeth, or as an anchor for a denture. As the technology matures, new advancements and techniques can be offered to patients. One of those newer dental advancements is called the All On 4 Dental Implants Las Vegas system. This dental technique allows for the placement of four dental implants (hence the name all on 4 dental implants), and the restoration to be placed on the same day. Patients leave the office with a full set of teeth. For this reason all on 4 dental implants are also called “new teeth in a day“. Who Wants All On 4 Dental Implants? The patients who choose all on four, do so for many reasons including, poor fitting existing dentures, terrible trauma causing tooth loss, decay or periodontal disease causing progressive tooth loss. The most common patients to choose all on
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