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Six month braces will help you get a great smile without letting others know about your braces. As the name suggests, these clear braces will straighten your front teeth in just six months.

Here are some of the advantages of choosing six month braces:

  1. Faster Treatment: Treatment is usually completed in six months but for some patients, it can take less than six months

  2. Discreet Braces: Six month braces have tooth-colored brackets and wires that make them blend seamlessly with the teeth and remain discreet.

  3. Convenient Treatment: You may experience some discomfort in the first few days. However, shorter treatment period helps in increasing safety, comfort, and hygiene.

  4. Great Results: Six month braces offer great aesthetic results in a short period of time by making small adjustments to your front teeth.

  5. Affordable: Due to the shorter treatment period, six month braces cost less compared to other traditional orthodontic treatments.

  6. Treat Many Oral Problems: Apart from straightening your teeth and improving your smile, six month braces can treat a number of oral problems

If you are not happy with your smile and want to improve it without wearing braces for a long period of time, getting six month braces is the best option for you.

Stellar Dental provides high-quality and affordable six month braces to the residents of Maryland. Call us at (301) 754-1900 to make an appointment and talk to Dr. Gotora to learn more about improving your smile through six month braces.

Original Post published on 6 Major Advantages of Choosing Six Month Braces

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If you have been thinking about visiting your neighbourhood dentist for the first time you might want to have a copy of the following essential questions to ask during your initial visit. This set of questions will help you to decide whether you should book for a second visit or not.......your first dental visit is the appropriate time for you to know the dentist better. Apart from how the dentist handled your questions, it is also best for you to notice the way the staff treated you , the cleanliness of the clinic and its overall atmosphere etc.

1. How often should I get a dental check-up ? Dental health varies from person to person but it is recommended for adult patients to visit a dentist once or twice a year, even if their mouth is in excellent condition. This enables you to get your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis and ensure that any potential problems are identified early.

2. What are the best ways to practice good oral hygiene at home ? It’s vital that all adults engage in daily brushing and flossing but to take your oral hygiene to the next level, follow a handful of particular steps to good oral hygiene that include :- - Using fluoride tooth paste - Limiting snacks that are high in sugar - Eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables - Avoiding tobacco in any form

3. Why should I have dental x-rays taken? X-rays are a permanent record of the condition of your teeth and allow for a comparison in case of any cavities, bone of gum issues.

4. How can I improve the whiteness of my teeth ? A beautiful smile showing clean, white teeth gives a tremendous boost to your confidence. Most people experience some discoloration of teeth over the years, either from surface stains or internal stains. Stains which are caused by coffee, wine, tobacco, and pigmented foods can be treated by professional in-office whitening. For intrinsic discoloration consider composite bonding or Dental porcelain veneers for the affected teeth.

5. Why should I consider dental implants ? Dental implants are the ideal way to replace your missing or weakened teeth. Implants are permanent and serve as a good alternative to dentures/ bridges for anyone with an otherwise healthy mouth and jaw.

Dr. Krinita Motwani Khar west, Mumbai. Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343 Email :

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Are you suffering from dental cavities? Dental cavities can be a big pain if left undiagnosed and untreated. To stay alert and make sure it does not affects your oral health, you ought to know everything about it.

Dental Cavities Meaning

Dental cavities are also known as teeth decay. It is a serious dental issue that damages the affected tooth. A deep cavity can even damage tooth-surface and roots.

Dental Cavities – How they Form

A dental cavity is mainly formed in individuals with bad eating habits.

The bacteria in our mouth aids to break down food particles into simple sugar. Bacteria break food by combining proteins in saliva to food particles. During the process, high levels of acid are released in the mouth. This acid gets a deposit on teeth and forms plaque.

Sugary food items, processed foods, and easily digestible items are appealing to bacteria. So, people consuming such food items on a regular basis tend to experience higher deposits of plaque on their teeth.

Moreover, there is acid released by bacteria after every meal. This acid damages the tooth enamel and makes it soft. With the regular acid attack, the tooth enamel is damaged highly. Hence, whenever you consume anything, you are supplying food to the bacteria. If the food is high in sugar content or unhealthy, then this would increase the amount of acid produced by the bacteria.

In order to repair the damaged tooth, it is essential to remove the plaque completely. Plaque can be removed with mechanical equipment like flossing and brushing. The acid attack is at least during morning hours. It is because our saliva prevents this acid from damaging our teeth. But when we are sleeping, there is no saliva released in the mouth. Hence, bacteria have enough time to damage our teeth.

What Happens to an Untreated Cavity?

If a cavity is left untreated, then it can worsen the problem.

An untreated tooth cavity is prone to more damage. It can result in pain, severe infection, and loss of the tooth. If you get your cavity treated at an early stage, it would be less invasive and less painful method.

You can avoid getting a root canal or other painful treatment processes by taking proper care of your cavity. The best way to do this is to get a dental checkup every 6 months.

Do check for symptoms of teeth cavities, such as tooth sensitivity, regular pain in tooth while eating food. If the cavity is deep, then it would create pits or holes in teeth. When you notice the occurrence of such symptoms, you must visit a dentist immediately. This would prevent your cavity from becoming bigger and infecting other teeth.

Dental Cavities Treatment Process

It is easy to treat cavities at an early stage. Having a dental checkup on a regular basis is the best way to identify cavity at an early level.

When a doctor identifies a cavity, then the foremost step is to clean and cure the damaged area. After this, the doctor follows the filling process. During the filling process, the decayed tooth is completely cleaned and then sealed with a robust and artificial material. This material is made of gold, silver, composite, or an amalgam of all such components.

With a filling, it is ensured that the problem would not come back.

However, if the cavity is deep, it can be cured with other advanced techniques of crowns and root canal. But such methods are painful and involve lots of time.

Dental Cavities – Ways to prevent them

You can prevent the occurrence of dental cavities by following these preventive measures.

  • First, try to maintain good oral health.
  • Rinse mouth well every time after meals.
  • Brush your teeth early morning and in the night to combat the acidic effect of bacteria.
  • Floss tooth on a regular basis.
  • Avoid intake of candies, chewing gums, and chocolates.

Avoid eating processed food, items with high sugar contents, and processed food.

These preventive measures prevent the occurrence of cavities to a great extent. But if still, you’ve met this problem, you must seek immediate assistance from your dentist. If the cavity becomes too deep, then it would damage your tooth completely. In such a case, your tooth has to be removed.

So, wait no more! Just follow these tips and prevent an oral cavity.  If you are in Hyderabad then visit our clinic and we will help you get rid of the cavity.


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Your gums and other soft tissues in your mouth can be adversely affected by a wide variety of factors. Some you can control, while others occur naturally whether you are aware of them or not. Once your gums start to recede, your teeth begin to lose the support they need to stay firmly in place. If the situation is not corrected, it can increase your risk of periodontal diseaseand tooth loss.

If you are experiencing receding gums and are curious about the treatment options that are available to you, contact your dentist and ask about the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique.

What Causes Gums to Recede?

Your gums recede for many different reasons. Tobacco use, gum disease/infections, clenching your teeth, and the natural process of aging can all play a role in the overall health of your gums. As your gums continue to recede, more and more of your teeth are exposed. The small pockets and openings that begin to form create the perfect environment for bacteria and germs to collect and grow. Over time the gum disease can become so severe that you may eventually lose your teeth.

Chao Pinhole Technique

The Chao Pinhole Technique is minimally invasive and restores your gums much faster than the older procedures. There are no large incisions and the technique does not require sutures or stitches. The recovery time is relatively short and there is also a reduced risk of infection.

Is the Procedure for Me?

The Chao Pinhole Technique is not recommended for individuals who are in the advanced stages of gum disease. The new technique eliminates the need for gum grafting procedures. It is an ideal procedure for individuals who want to desperately avoid the extensive damage associated with more invasive procedures.

With proper dental care and regular visits to your dentist, you can keep your teeth and gums in the best possible condition. If gum recession does occur, the use of Chao Pinhole Technique will help you get your gums back to normal in a short period of time.


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Fractured Tooth Repair…

 Why have a broken smile??? Repair your teeth today!!!


A cracked, broken or chipped front tooth is the most common dental accident that can occur to anyone, anytime….


Reasons for cracked tooth…

  • Trauma from a bad fall.
  • Contact Sports.
  • Biting ice cubes or hard foods from front teeth.
  • Misuse of tooth, by using it to open bottle caps.
  • Clenching and grinding of teeth from a specific spot can cause chipping too.

But there is nothing to worry about…..  Advancements in Cosmetic dentistry have made it super easy to fix this problem …..

One of the best techniques for repairing chipped or broken tooth is Dental Bonding.



All about dental bonding –


Dental bonding repairs chipped/cracked teeth beautifully by matching up exactly to the natural tooth color and lasts for a long time too !


What will your dentist do???

  • Fractured teeth will be examined by your dentist.
  • Local Anesthesia may or may not be needed for this procedure.
  • Your Dentist will then roughen your tooth and apply a conditioning liquid on it.
  • Then tooth colored material is applied in very thin layers and shaped, molded and smoothened… until the desired shape is achieved.
  • Then a high powered light is used to harden the application.

Followed by polishing to get a smooth and lustrous shiny finish


Advantages of dental bonding…

  • No natural tooth reduction is needed.
  • Excellent aesthetic results, matches the natural tooth perfectly.
  • Long lasting result achieved in a single sitting.
  • Easy to maintain, brushing and flossing like natural teeth.



Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email :

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So you’re about to undergo a wisdom tooth extraction. Congratulations! No more having to deal with the discomfort that comes with crooked, impacted, or decayed wisdom teeth! However, this isn’t like a regular dentist appointment, where you get treated and can immediately go back to doing whatever it is you do on a regular basis. Here’s a list of the dos and don’ts of post-wisdom-tooth-extraction.


A lot of these tasks are things you’d likely do almost instinctively after a wisdom tooth extraction, so your daily routine won’t be affected too muchand you probably have most of the items needed at home already. In order to quicken the healing process after your procedure, you should:

  • Keep yourself hydrated: Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water or fluids. Staying hydrated is always a good idea, but it’s even more important when your body is recovering from a surgical procedure.
  • Eat soft foods: Soup. Yay. Pasta. Yay. Ice cream. OH MY GOODNESS, ICE CREAM?! Yep! A big ol’ perk of getting wisdom tooth extractions is that they’re the perfect excuse to live off ice cream for the next three days.
  • Exercise your mouth by gently opening and closing it: This will prevent the jaws from stiffening up.
  • Bring out the ice pack: Placing the ice pack outside the mouth on your cheek will minimize the swelling, prevent skin discoloration, and sooth your wound.
  • Brush your teeth after the first day: Your wound is fresh on the day you undergo the procedure, so it’s best to avoid irritating it by brushing it with a toothbrush. The wound should be healed a little bit once day two rolls around, so you can start brushing your teeth then.
  • Take the prescribed drugs: If your doctor says “take this medicine because it’ll reduce the pain and swelling after the procedure,” you should definitely take it. The doctor is there to help you, after all.


Now, this is the list that will make you want to yell “booooo!” and throw a tomato. But before you fire up your torch, remember that this is only something that lasts a few days. Also, remember the ice cream (see above)!

  • No straws: Using a straw after your wisdom tooth extraction could loosen blood clots, making the healing process slower and more painful.
  • No hard or sticky foods: Put the pitchfork down! Do you want Doritos or gummy bears scratching or lodging into your fresh mouth wounds?! Stay calm and remember the ice cream!
  • No smoking: Smoking with those fresh wounds in your mouth will slow the healing process. This may seem like the perfect opportunity to stay home longer to heal, but you won’t be able to work, which means no money for ice cream!

So there you go. Remember that the healing process only lasts a few days if you follow these dos and don’ts. And remember, if you have any complications or questions, be sure to contact your dentist.

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Comfort Lining Coupon Code Value

We know for a fact that not all denture wearers feel comfortable nor have the means to physically visit a local store/pharmacy for their dental/denture care and needs, so we’re stepping up to take their place and bring the everyday denture products that you love straight to your door in the comfort of your home.  We are now in the process of carrying all of the popular denture brands on our website/s. You may now freely purchase your Thermoplastic denture adhesive along with all other denture items.

Some of these newly added products  include Denture-Baths, Denture-Toothbrushes, Denture Tablet-Cleaners, Sonic Denture Cleaners, Biotene dry Mouth-Wash, Benzodent gum Numbing Ointment/cream, New Denture Wearer Kits and many other helpful products for dentures and make sure to take advantage of our FREE shipping within the U.S. and our sister store

If there is a personal item of your choice that we do not currently carry, please email us with your suggestions, at or
For all other questions, please feel free to contact us via phone (855)8-DENTUR (833-6887) or Text (607)223-4594


Please take this $10 off coupon code below for your next order on Comfort and use it freely at your convenience as the coupon code will never expire.

Comfort Lining and One Stop Denture Shop

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Periodontal disease and age-related macular degeneration have recently been linked together through testing, which revealed elevated level of inflammatory markers present in both conditions. C-reactive protein is one of these markers which level tends to be elevated when both periodontal disease and age-related macular degeneration are present. The correlation between the two involves the systemic inflammatory/infectious response and how it affects all areas of the body.

Systemic Inflammation/Infection Connection

The chronic and systemic inflammation creates the same type of cellular abnormalities in both gum tissues and retinal tissues of the eye. The systemic nature of the infection causes inflammation and other responses throughout the entire body. As periodontal disease worsens, it can hasten the progression of age-related macular degeneration. The body’s immune system can fight the infection, but the inflammation remains and is more difficult to control.

Intervention Through Periodontal Dentistry

With studies identifying this unique link between both periodontal disease and age-related macular degeneration, periodontal dentistry focuses on reducing both the inflammation and infection that can spread throughout the body. Periodontal dentistry and those who practice in the field, continue to make advancements to keep the condition under control so that it doesn’t feed into the systemic inflammatory/infectious response. There are several treatments that can be used to keep the tissues of mouth’s tissues healthy. In addition to these treatment options, maintaining good oral hygiene is a must. This includes regular visits to the dentist and daily brushing and flossing.

Going Forward

Studies have shown that there is a direct link between periodontal disease and age-related macular degeneration due to the systemic inflammatory/infectious response that affects the entire body. Researchers believe that it may be possible to slow down the progression of age-related macular degeneration by treating and effectively controlling the systemic inflammatory/infectious response that is often associated with periodontal disease.

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During the cold months, our Yokine dentist sometimes gets booked out due to seeing patients with tooth pain and tooth-related issues. There are also several tips on how you can help be prepared and protect your teeth during the cold season. Below are some oral care tips during the cold season.

1. Stay Hydrated

During the cold season, flu and colds use a lot of body fluids. Therefore, staying hydrated is very important. By drinking enough water, you maintain saliva flow. This keeps the tooth decay in check. Even though you might be tempted to drink other drinks such as sodas and sports drinks, plain water is one of the best things you can do.

2. Check your Sugar Intake

Many people feel comfortable and good drinking sugary drinks during the cold months. But it important to note that this can hurt your teeth. Also, most cold and cough syrups contain a lot of sugar. Hence, always use sugar-free drugs or drink warm water.

3. Continue with your Regular Oral Hygiene

Brushing your teeth during the cold season might be a problem especially if you are sick. But it is important to continue with your normal oral hygiene to avoid oral health issues.

4. Visit your Dentist

There are several infections that can cause tooth pain and dry mouth during a cold season. By visiting your dentist, he or she will be able to advise you on the best way to take care of your oral health. You can start by changing your toothbrush.

5. Use a Mouth Wash

Flu and colds normally leave a very bad mouth feeling. This is due to countless bacteria caused by the cold weather. The best way to get rid of bad breath is gargling with the mouth rinse.

6. Breathing through the Nose

During the cold season, most people avoid breathing through the nose. But it is important to note that breathing through the nose prevents cold air hitting the teeth.

7. Do Not Over Brush

Breathing your teeth too much during the cold season can damage the tooth surface and wear away the enamel.

With the above tips, you can be able to prevent dental problems during the cold season. But if you feel your dental problem is serious, bok a consult with our Yokine dentist and get your teeth checked.

Book an appointment here or call:

Yokine – (08) 6001 6150

Maddington – (08) 6117 2591

Joondalup – (08) 6001 6150

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, we encourage you to discuss these matters with a dental professional.

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All About Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction, also called full mouth restoration/rehabilitation, is the systematic approach to restoring all(or nearly all) of your teeth in both the upper and lower jaws simultaneously. This is not just a single treatment but a set of procedures designed to replace multiple missing teeth, set improperly seated jaw joints and faulty teeth, prevent severe erosion of the enamel, correct congenital disorders that cause missing teeth, missing enamel or poorly formed teeth and more. Each of these reconstructive procedures may be performed independently, but when multiple oral health problems exist, full mouth reconstruction may be advised. Typically, it involves general or restorative dental treatments like crowns, bridges, and veneers.

Full mouth reconstruction provides several advantages over other teeth replacement options:

  • Look and feel like natural teeth
  • Designed to be long-lasting
  • More comfortable and stable than conventional dentures
  • Allow you to retain a more natural biting and chewing capacity
  • Your bone is preserved as they replace some of your tooth roots

OC Dental Implants based in Orange County, CA is a premier dental practice offering quality dental implant services to help you achieve a beautiful smile for a lifetime. We provide quality and affordable full mouth reconstruction services near you. Contact our dental office at (949) 701-3031 to learn more about full mouth reconstruction, or to schedule an appointment.

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6 Signs You Need To Visit Your Dentist

Of course, all of us are afraid of dentists but that isn't reason enough to skip on your appointments. Regular dental checkup is important for oral health   even if you spend a good half hour doing your oral hygiene routine every day. You can visit the professional dentist Maple Ridge to ensure that your mouth is completely healthy and free of all kind of bad bacteria otherwise they can cause serious health issues. Here are some signs that means you need to visit your dentists immediately.

1.You are experiencing Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is serious and if you experience any kind of jaw pain, then you should consult with your dentist at once. Jaw pain can make chewing and talking really difficult and if you keep ignoring it for a long time, not only it will become more painful but can also cause serious chronic health issues. Jaw pain could also be a sign of temporomandibular joint disorder, abbreviated as TMJ that needs immediate care and professional help.

2.You have Gum problems

Most oral diseases start with gums. If your gums are swollen, red and bleed often, you absolutely need to visit your dentist. If you don't take care of these symptoms early on, it can cause Gingivitis, a common gum disease which is really painful. It can also lead to gum receding that removes the gums from the teeth and exposes the nerves which leads to increased sensitivity. In worst cases, the teeth can fall off. Moreover, if you have a family history with gum diseases, then there are more chances of you developing it as well.

3.You've had Dental Work Done previously

If you had any kind of dental work done in the past such as filling, dentures, teeth implants and braces, you should have regular checkups to ensure that they stay in perfect condition. It can become difficult to brush your teeth and clean your mouth properly when you have braces or fillings in your teeth so you can contact your dentist in order to get maintaining advise for them as well.

4.You want a Perfect Smile

People are often self-conscious about visiting a dentist because they want whiter teeth. If you are trying to hide your smile because of a missing tooth or stained teeth, then it is better to visit the dentist and fix your issue. You don't have to be self-conscious and over think as it is perfectly normal and the majority of people have their teeth whiten by professionals.

5.You have Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a common oral problem and a lot of people, especially older people, suffer from it. However, the reasons for dry mouth can differ from person to person. It is mostly a symptom rather than a diseases and that's why you should consult with your dentist before the problem escalates into something bigger.

6.You are other Heath Disorders

Health disorders such as diabetes, eating disorders, and cardiovascular diseases have adverse affects on teeth and oral health. It is important to have your mouth examine by a dentist so that you can reduce these affects and make an oral hygiene routine that is compatible with your medical disease.

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A great solution for your Dental Emergencies!

Are you experiencing severe pain on your teeth or mouth? Then, you should immediately get emergency Urban Dental Houston care services. If the symptoms are neglected, things may go wrong and you extend the risks of permanent dental problems. Timely care and attention should be given to your teeth problems as they can cause complications, which could be costly.

Common dental emergencies

  • Severe tooth pain is the most common dental emergency. If you notice swollen gum over the tooth, then it could be an infection.
  • Tooth pain occurs due to dental caries – a bacterial disease that leads to demineralization of the tooth. 
  • If the pain doesn’t go away with painkillers, you should visit Emergency Root Canal Near Me expert right away.
  • If you have jaw pain or pain while chewing, then it could be dental emergencies.
  • You can alleviate the pain until you visit the dental expert by applying some ice cubes outside of the cheeks.
  • Chipped and broken teeth are emergency problems that need immediate treatments by Midtown Dentist. Broken teeth would have bleeding, so apply gauze to the affected part.
  • If you can’t stop bleeding, place a clean handkerchief between the teeth and put pressure on the part where it is bleeding.
  • Swelling on the mouth or jaw can be prevented by applying a cold compress outside the cheeks.

In case of knocked out tooth, you should keep it with you rather than throwing it away and rinse under water without taking out tissues. You can’t put it back on your own, so see a dental expert immediately to reattach the tooth. You can try it yourself if it does not hurt. Put the tooth in the socket before you see the dental expert for Uptown Dentist Houston.


When you want to get your dentures repaired, you need to look for the Tooth Extraction Near Me.


Dentistry experts and journals say that if the tooth is put back in its socket within one hour, the chances are high to save it. Other important dental emergencies that need urgent intervention of the dental expert includes dislodged teeth, broken braces wires, lost crowns, and so on. Many of these conditions are not much painful, but you should see the doctor immediately to avoid complications.

Choosing a dental expert

Visiting dental experts for denturebrisbane is not something that we look forward to. However, we will want to see the doctor who can provide you appropriate care and treatment for your dental needs. Choosing a qualified and experienced expert for denturesbrisbane north side

Dental care expert is a difficult task with a plethora of choices and options.


It is also suggested that you should ask your friends, relatives as well as your neighbors for references and also for recommendations. You can also look at online sources such as directories, web forums and review sites where you can find genuine feedbacks and testimonials about certain dental experts and clinics for reference.



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As one of the most reputed family Dentist In Mumbai, there are a number of frequently asked questions on Benefits Of Missing Teeth Gap Filling With Dental Bridges. So here we share some thoughts,

Toothache Specialists

A dental bridge used for teeth gap filling may last upto 10 years and longer. It depends on how the person maintains his / her teeth, overall dental hygiene and periodic dental checkups that are recommended. 

Top Advantages of Dental Bridges

  • Restores confidence
  • Brightens the smiling face
  • Helps person start chewing properly
  • Helps restore the teeth settings for longevity
  • Improves the speaking ability of the person
  • Restores the correct biting force of the teeth
  • Maintains position of nearby teeth

And one of the very important benefits of dental bridges for teeth gap filling is it prevents gum diseases and disorders related to temporomandibular joint (TMJ).


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Love ice-creams…but your teeth just won’t let you have it…

Prefer hot beverages…but oh no…your teeth just can’t take it…

So let’s check out what’s the real deal with your teeth??

Does drinking an ice cold beverage or a hot drink causes dental discomfort???

Or do you find yourself wincing over brushing or flossing??

Well then you may have what’s commonly known as dental sensitivity.


Understanding tooth sensitivity…

It is something that affects a lot of people. It is triggered by having something hot, cold, sweet sour, or acidic. A normal tooth has an outer protective Layer called enamel and an underlying sensitive layer called dentin. Overtime the enamel covering can get thinner, due to various reasons, thus providing less protection to the dentin and resulting in sensitivity.


What causes sensitivity???

  • Wear of enamel with age and exposure of dentin.
  • Acidic/aerated beverages that causes enamel erosion.
  • Tooth grinding which causes fastened wear of teeth.
  • Brushing with hard bristled tooth brush, abrasive toothpaste or with an inappropriate technique.
  • Gum recession due to various gum diseases which exposes extra tooth surface.

What can you do about it???

  • Visit a dental professional as soon as possible to find out the exact cause of sensitivity in your case and get a solution.
  • Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush and improve your brushing habits.
  • Avoid acidic food and drinks.
  • In case of teeth grinding habit wear a mouth guard as and when told by dentist.


      “Take good care and be sensitivity free.”

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email :

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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when the tongue or other soft tissues in and near the mouth obstruct the airway during sleep. It is a serious health issue and has many different possible causes. It can be really dangerous if left undiagnosed and untreated. There are three different types of sleep apnea- obstructive, central and mixed. But obstructive sleep apnea is the most widespread.

Symptoms include snoring loudly and feeling tired even after a full night's sleep. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.

Here are the most common symptoms of sleep apnea:

  •  Loud or frequent snoring
  •  Silent pauses in breathing
  •  Choking or gasping sounds
  •  Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
  •  Unrefreshing sleep
  •  Insomnia
  •  Morning headaches
  •  Nocturia (waking during the night to go to the bathroom)
  •  Difficulty concentrating
  •  Memory loss
  •  Irritability

Sleep apnea patients are at least a little overweight but sleep apnea can occur in slim people too. Sleep apnea can often be caused by excess fatty tissues that become built up in the neck and throat. It may lead to restrictions on airflow as the upper respiratory system's pathway is narrowed or pinched off during sleep. As you know some people can be genetically predisposed to having a narrower throat or may have an enlarged tongue that falls back into their airway. If your family has a history of OSA you are more likely to have it yourself.

Depending on the cause and the level of apnea, there are different methods of treatment to get cure of this problem. The most effective treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) that helps to continuously blow air down your throat and keeps your airways open while you are sleeping. It is also recommended to get a sleep device that opens your airway while you sleep and relieves the effects of sleep apnea.

OC Dental Implants is a leading dental implant clinic in San Clemente, CA, offering superior and affordable dental implant services for the last 20 years. Contact our dental office at (949) 701-3031 to learn more about the replacement for missing teeth or to schedule a consultation with us.


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Finding A Pediatric Dentist

Finding the right pediatric dentist for your child may seem like an easy selection, but the proper dental home will set attitudes and expectations about oral health care throughout his or her lifetime. One bad experience can sully a child’s perspective about going to the dentist and those feelings are hard to change. A positive, comfortable experience, on the other hand, can set the tone for the rest of his or her life. We all know people who fear going to the dentist, but we know they weren’t born with that fear; where did it develop? Most likely, it was either during an uncomfortable dental experience or the vibes put out by their parents; kids pick up on apprehensive feelings, so if you as the parent display a disdain for dental care, your children just may follow your example. We reached out to a pediatric dentist in Oklahoma City ( for some insight and this is what we have to share with you.


How do we break this chain of apprehension about the dentist? Start with an excellent dental home for your child, one where he or she feels comfortable and safe. This may take some interviewing and be checking out different pediatric dentists’ offices, but in the long run, the time investment will be worth it.


The first question to ask a pediatric dentist is about his or her qualifications and experience. Pediatric dentistry is a specialized field, one that requires additional education. A qualified pediatric dentist has an extra two to three years of specialized training after dental school.  In addition to educational expertise, a pediatric dentist needs to know how to treat small children, toddlers, children and teens, including their dental growth and development. The doctor should also be familiar with common pediatric dental issues, like baby bottle tooth decay, improper teeth alignment, and other complications attributed to children.  A skilled doctor should also be able to offer various solutions to many oral health issues, based on the child’s individual case, temperament and needs. In addition, a good dentist should take the time to educate the child on brushing, flossing, and ongoing oral health care. The dentist should also discuss the benefits of a healthy diet and the effect of certain foods on a child’s teeth while keeping the child entertained and engaged. Another important aspect of a good pediatrician is someone who can work with the smaller instruments used to clean and maintain a child’s teeth. While any dentist might be able to perform a cleaning and check-up, a pediatric dentist utilizes the smaller tools on a regular basis, and that may make the appointment easier for all parties involved!


While a great deal of a pediatric dentist’s job involves knowledge of teeth, gums, and overall oral health care, just as important is the personality and disposition of the doctor. When you meet with a potential pediatric dentist, there are certain attributes the doctor should possess. Finding a doctor who makes your child feel at ease is probably the biggest hurdle you’ll face. Your child shouldn’t feel apprehensive or scared; generally, a good doctor will spend ample time introducing your child to the staff, the dental equipment, and making sure your child is comfortable. A good pediatric dentist is immensely patient; oftentimes small children are not cooperative in the dentist’s chair. Helping a scared child feel better takes a gentle nature; a must for any pediatric dentist. A bit of empathy goes a long way with a frightened child and a doctor who takes extra time will gain the child’s trust. The ability to soothe is important but so is the ability to give the child direction when necessary. The knack to command respect while also remaining pleasant is a delicate balance; one a skilled doctor should possess. A pediatric dentist has to be a “kid person”, plain and simple.


The doctor’s office staff should be equally compassionate and understanding with their younger patients. If the doctor is kind and caring but the front office staff is abrasive, the child will quickly be turned off. The same is true with older pediatric patients; if the doctor and staff are condescending or too focused on the little kids, teens will not want to see the dentist. The doctor needs to be able to treat each child, from infant to toddler to teen, as an individual.

The office itself should be an inviting space. Some offices sport a theme—dinosaurs, sea creatures, the circus—something that grabs the child’s attention when they arrive. Many doctors feature a toy box to entertain the little ones or offer a prize for a successful office visit. Older kids often enjoy video games and a selection of TV shows or movies while in the waiting room; making the office appealing to all ages is the key.


You will also want to know your doctor’s policy on emergency treatments since most emergencies take place after regular business hours. If your child experiences a dental emergency, like a broken tooth, you will want to know how to reach the doctor and if he or she is available after hours. If your child has special needs, you will also want to ensure that your doctor has experience working with children who have mental or physical limitations. The pediatric dentist may provide some sort of sedation dentistry option for any child who may need some extra relaxation.


You know your child best. Finding a secure, pleasant dental home for your son or daughter is an important task, and you will know when your child bonds with a dentist. Make sure to ask probing questions on your child’s behalf, and work with the dental professional to teach your child proper brushing and flossing techniques. As your child grows, he or she will come to understand that cleaning and check-up exams are nothing to be afraid of, and that having clean, sparkling teeth takes regular maintenance. Having open communication with the dentist you select will help both of you to best serve your child’s needs. The collective goal should be to teach your child about oral health care at an early age and how to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life!

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“Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething.” – Mark Twain, US author. How we all wish this could be our advantage too, isn’t it? Oral health has always been an important public health issue. They have a significant impact on the individuals, communities, health systems, and societies at large.

Oral health is not limited to the teeth, it comprises the entire mouth. The mouth includes the gums, hard and soft palate, the linings of the mouth and throat, tongue, lips, salivary glands, chewing muscles and the upper and lower jaws.

What is oral health?

The WHO defines oral health as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of tooth decay, oral and throat cancers, gum disease, chronic pain, oral tissue lesions, birth defects…and other diseases and disorders that affect the oral, dental and craniofacial tissues.”

Some Impacts of Systemic Disease on Overall Wellbeing:

  1. Dental infections are related to a higher increased risk of pneumonia.
  2. The mouth could be a reservoir of bacteria associated with stomach ulcers.
  3. Gum disease can complicate diabetes.
  4. Gum ailments have been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
  5. Oral bacteria are associated with infective endocarditis (inflammation of the hearts inner lining).
  6. Loss of teeth within the elderly population can lead to impaired ability to chew thus inviting malnourishment to the body.

Oral health and general health are linked and jointly influenced by psycho social factors like stress, behaviors such as smoking and diet.  In order to control this severe situation, it is always better to get checked for your dental problems as they start to peek out.

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Zirconia is the ideal material to use when creating crowns. Zirconia crowns can be shaped and formed to look exactly like a natural tooth. Continue reading to learn more about zirconia crowns.

What Is A Zirconia Crown?
As part of the titanium family, zirconia is a metal that can be found worldwide. Because of its ability to be molded and shaped, it is an ideal material to use when creating crowns or caps for your teeth.

Are Zirconia Crowns Good?
Dental crowns that are made out of zirconia are extremely resilient. The material is easily shaped and tint can be added that allows it to blend in with your natural teeth. Their translucent appearance allows them to blend in with the surrounding teeth.

What Is the Best Material for a Crown?
Zirconia is one of the best materials for a dental crown because it can withstand long periods of wear and tear. A zirconia crown can be applied to your tooth and adjusted by the dentist without sending it away to be reshaped.

How Long Will a Zirconia Crown Last?
Because of its toughness and durability, a zirconia crown can last for many years with proper care. They can last as much as five times longer than crowns made of porcelain. Zirconia is much more durable and versatile than porcelain which allows it to remain in place for a longer period of time without being damaged or broken.

What Is the Cost of a Zirconia Crown?
Zirconia crowns are extremely expensive, sometimes costing as much as $1000 per unit. There are many discount dental plans that can shave off a large portion of the cost if you are a subscriber.

A zirconia dental crown is one of the best choices if you have the money to invest in the procedure. Their extended longevity and adaptability make them well worth the money. Even though zirconia is much more expensive than other dental materials, more dentists are using it due to its adaptability and overall strength. Zirconia can be molded and adjusted while you are sitting in the chair. There is no need to send it out to a lab for alterations. Everything can be performed by the dentist during your appointment.


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Feeling a certain amount of stress is a natural occurrence in life. Stress can influence you to take actions, improve your energy level and obtain results. However, you frequently become overwhelmed by stress and such feelings could kick-off a series of mental and physical problems for you in the long run. Stress can occur from any aspect of your life. For instance, a dental appointment scheduled to improve your dental health can cause you dental anxiety. That’s why it is essentially important to keep such leading stress-inducers in check.

April is observed as the National Stress Awareness Month in the U.S.! You can celebrate it by analyzing the root cause of stress in your life, understand about effective coping mechanisms and work on ways to minimize the stress you undergo on a regular basis. Also, remember to spread awareness about the impact that stress can cause on our health and the ways to effectively address such issues.

Did You Know These Facts About Stress Awareness Month?

  • National Stress Awareness Month is observed every April in the U.S., since 1992. It’s an event, sponsored by the Health Resource Network (HRN), Inc., established and managed by Dr. Mort Orman, M.D.
  • It’s a nationwide collective effort to spread the awareness about the risks of stress, successful coping methods, and damaging misconceptions about stress prevalent in our society.
  • Healthcare professionals and affiliated experts all over the country unite to enhance public awareness regarding the causes and treatments of the modern-day stress epidemic.
  • A study has revealed that in the U.S., about 90% of primary care physician visits are stress-related and close to one million individuals neglect work due to issues related to stress.
  • The Journal of the American Dental Association (ADA) reports that about 75% of U.S. population deal with dental anxiety.

Causes of Stress

Everyone reacts differently to stressful conditions. The stress causing factors are known as stressors, which are usually assumed to be negative. However, anything that is excessively demanding for you can be the reason for your stress, including positive instances as well, such as getting married or visiting a dentist, etc. Stress can be caused by both external and internal, or self-generated factors.

Common external factors of stress

  • Medical dental health issues and having to go in for an appointment
  • Major life changes
  • Work or school
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Financial problems
  • Being too busy
  • Children and family

Common internal factors of stress

  • Pessimism
  • Inability to adapt to uncertainty
  • Rigid beliefs, lack of flexibility
  • Negative self-talk
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • All-or-nothing attitude

Effects of Stress on Your Health

If you are prone to get stressed out more often, you may be suffering from chronic stress. It disrupts almost all the systems in your body.

Health problems caused or aggravated by stress include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Dental Disease
  • Chronic pain
  • Sleep disorders
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin disease
  • Heart disease
  • Weight problems
  • Reproductive issues
  • Thinking and memory problems

Solutions for Controlling Stress

Improving your ability to cope with stress is something you can start today to find relief from stress and improve your quality of life. Here are a few interesting tips to confine your stress level in everyday life:

  • Increase your regular activity level through rhythmic exercises like walking, running, etc.
  • Make it a priority to develop stronger and more meaningful bonds with the ones you love.
  • One quick stress relieving technique is engrossing one or more of your senses with the sensory stimulus that works for you.
  • Consume a balanced, healthy diet which can help you to manage your life’s ups and downs better.
  • Work on improving your sleep to reduce stress and become productive and emotionally balanced.
  • Cope with your dental anxiety by consulting with a dental expert and learn the technology and processes in place that ensure your comfort at your next dental appointment.
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Equipment That You Must Have As A Dentist

Being dentists is not an easy job. You don’t just have to study and get a degree. You need to have your own clinic too. To do that, you have to buy different items which can assist you in different procedures. If you are planning to establish your own clinic, you should have the following thing in it:

Adjustable seat:

For being a dentist, the first thing that you will need is an adjustable chair. The reason behind this is because you can’t properly examine your patient without an adjustable seat. They are more expensive than other types, but there are discounts which you can avail sometimes.

Gas system:

Some hospitals have a gas system installed in the walls. The main purpose of these systems is to get enough oxygen and other medical gases to the patients. It makes the medical gas delivery and oxygen supply easy for doctors too. Have you ever witnessed the pipes running through the walls of hospitals with which masks and oxygen tank is attached. This will help the patient to get oxygen properly in every bed. This oxyzen gas  deliveryprocess has saved so many lives too.

Similarly, when the patient is taken to the operation theater for a surgery most doctors use different gases like nitrogen oxide as an anesthesia. This can help them in many ways. This can easily be available with the help of a medical gas supplier.


A nebulizer is also an important thing that you should have in your clinic. The reason behind this is because with the help of a nebulizer, you can help a dying patient. There are many people around the world who die because of breathing issues. If you have a nebulizer in your clinic, there is a fair chance for you to save lives. Mostly, nebulizers have steroids in it which can easily open the constricted airways of the body. This can aid in breathing and one can save someone’s life.

Air driven hand pieces:

Many of don’t know, but there is a hand piece in the dentist’s office which is used to clean the cavities in the mouth. Mostly, a small drill is also attached to the apparatus to make it efficient. This helps to remove the cavities and make your teeth clean for filling. These are mostly available by industrial gas supplier. This will save you from the hustle of manually removing the plaque from the patient’s mouth, which will be time consuming.

Mouth mirror:

Another thing that a dentist must have is a mouth mirror. These help to check for the dental problems and cavities easily. The Florida dental association also approves these instruments. Mouth mirror is also used to check the inner parts of the front teeth, which are not visible otherwise. There are other scalpels and tools which are used to mix the dental filling too. Luckily, these instruments are not that expensive and you can buy them from any medical and surgical store.

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